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The concept of a hazardous area. This is a dangerous zone. Seismic map of Russia

Some part of hazardous and harmful factors - this mainly refers to production, and to some extent to other habitats - usually has externally defined, spatial areas of manifestation, which are called hazardous zones. They are characterized by an increased risk of an accident.
However, even if a person is in the danger zone, he or she correctly organizes his activities, observes safety conditions, and monitors serviceability. technical systems, health damage or accident does not occur. Thus, health problems or accidents are often the result of a violation of the rules of personal behavior of an organizational or technical order at the moment a person is in the danger zone.
The conditions under which the possibility of an accident is created is called a hazardous situation. It is important to be able to prevent the transition of a dangerous situation to an accident.
In the process of activity and life, a person may find himself in such a dangerous situation when physical and psychological stress reaches such limits at which the individual loses the ability to rational actions and actions adequate to the current situation. Such situations are called extreme.
An emergency situation is a violation of the normal living conditions of people in a certain area, caused by an accident, catastrophe, natural or ecological disaster, as well as a massive infectious disease that can lead to human or material losses.

  • However, even if the person is in dangerous zone, but correctly organizes its activities, complies with safety conditions
    Such situations are called extreme. Emergency situation- violation of the normal living conditions of people on ...

  • Classification dangerous dangerous.
    Dangerous zones, dangerous, extraordinary and extreme situations.

  • Dangerous zones, dangerous, extraordinary and extreme situations.
    Classification dangerous and harmful factors. According to the degree and nature of the effect on the body, all factors are conventionally divided into harmful and dangerous.

  • Dangerous zones, dangerous, extraordinary and extreme situations... Some part dangerous and harmful factors - this mainly applies to production, and to. Loading. Download Get on phone.

  • Classification dangerous dangerous.
    Dangerous zones, dangerous, extraordinary and extreme situations.

  • Classification dangerous and harmful factors. According to the degree and nature of the effect on the body, all factors are conditionally divided into harmful and dangerous.
    Dangerous zones, dangerous, extraordinary and extreme situations.

  • City like zone increased dangers.
    Emergency Situation refers to circumstances arising from natural disasters. Terrorism and its manifestations. Extreme situations social nature.

  • According to the degree and nature of the effect on the body, all factors are conditionally divided into harmful and dangerous... To harmful. Extreme situations.

  • City like zone increased dangers... In a city, especially a large city, the reason
    Try to play with the children possible situations, during the game, comment on the actions of the children, clearly explain how to behave in extreme situations.

  • Extreme situations social nature.
    Chemical accidents dangerous objects. According to the degree of impact on the body, CWS are subdivided into four classes dangers: 1) extremely dangerous; 2) highly hazardous; 3)
    Radiation accidents dangerous objects.

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Today, rabies quarantine has been declared in four districts of the region - these are Kameshkovsky, Gorokhovetsky, Gus-Khrustalny districts and the city of Vladimir. Rospotrebnadzor specialists state that the situation is alarming. The number of infected animals is increasing. To date, there are already 46 such registered ones. Konstantin Roik in more detail.

In Vladimir, there were 3 cases of rabies in cats. But the disappointing leadership in this indicator belongs to Kovrov and the Kovrovsky district - 20 sick individuals. To top it off, a 52-year-old man died after being bitten by a cat in the village of Smolino. Experts say that the carriers of rabies are foxes. The reason for the increase in the incidence is, among other things, the cessation of shooting the red fox. There should be one individual per 10 square kilometers, and not 3, as in our region, according to the state hunting inspectorate. About 80% of the foxes examined are infected with a dangerous virus. And the vaccine for wild animals is not enough.

Nikolay MITROFANOV, Director of the Veterinary Department of the Vladimir Region Administration:

“Unfortunately, funding for especially dangerous diseases, including rabies, comes from the federal budget. And this vaccine is given to us from the federal budget. Well, here is our wish - we are writing applications so that vaccines can be allocated a little more. 100 thousand doses have been allocated this year. But work must be done with the gamekeepers, with the hunters, and this vaccine must be laid out. "

Larisa GORYACHEVA, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy and Health of the Council of People's Deputies of the city of Vladimir:

“We have adopted a resolution of the city council on the rules for keeping pets in the city of Vladimir. But nothing more. We can simply establish the rules, but we have no right to engage in catching and overexposing stray animals. We will ask the Assembly by law to delegate the authority to us, the city council, to be able to do this. "

The Pokrovsky Biologicals Plant produces the vaccine, which at one time bought it from the American Center for the Fight against Dangerous Diseases. To normalize the situation with rabies, the plant's management is ready to sell the strain at cost.

Dmitry KUZNETSOV, Executive Director of Pokrovsky Biopreparation Plant OJSC:

“Now this vaccine can be given to infants, anyone. it generally does not manifest itself clinically as rabies, and antibodies against it are produced. So this is a very good strain. "

Let me remind you that today quarantine has been announced in 4 districts of the region. It will last for 2 months. If repeated cases of rabies are not identified, it will be canceled. Experts advise to vaccinate at home as soon as possible.

Konstantin Roik, Alexander Gorshkov, Variant TV channel.

Working in the merchant marine is associated with certain risks: in addition to natural disasters and unscrupulous employers, sailors have to deal with pirates and work in the zone of armed conflicts. To compensate crews for hazardous voyages, IBF's largest maritime employers' forum has established Zones increased danger and military action ( IBF List of warlike and high risk designations), during the passage of which seafarers have the opportunity to use the extended social support if the vessel has an IBF collective agreement.

To date, the forum has identified four dangerous zones:

  • 1. War zone, including 12 nautical miles from the northern coast of Somalia and the ports of Yemen;
  • 2. Zone of high risk - Gulf of Aden plus 400 nautical miles from the northern coast of Somalia;
  • 3. Extended Risk Zone - Western Indian Ocean;
  • 4. Zone of high risk - Gulf of Guinea: territorial waters (12 nautical miles), ports and inland waterways of Nigeria and Benin.

They were all installed in February 2016. Because these zones are being updated as a result of the IBF negotiations - and they are still not completed - we should not expect changes in the near future. In turn, seafarers need to know that the systems of "bonuses" under the IBF agreement in each of these areas, although not very much, differ from each other. So, making a flight in the war zone near Somalia, sailors can count on a bonus equal to the base rate, while the minimum payment is equal to the five-day base rate (plus further for each day of further stay), double compensation for death and disability. In addition, seafarers have the right to refuse to go on a dangerous voyage, with repatriation at the expense of the company and payment of compensation in the amount of a two-month base rate.

In a high-risk area IBF at the Gulf of Aden, crew members receive a bonus equal to the base rate paid for the actual time of stay / passage (including International transit corridorIRTC), double compensation for death and disability and the right to refuse to board the flight, with repatriation at the expense of the company (except for transit strictly within the IRTC). But in the extended risk zone, sailors will be able to count on a bonus and double compensation only for the day when the ship was attacked. And finally, for work in the Gulf of Guinea zone, crew members can count on double compensation, the right to refuse to fly and a bonus equal to the base rate paid for real time stay in a dangerous region. If a sailor has agreed to work in the listed areas, he needs to familiarize himself with the basic security measures and rules for countering pirates.

So, in order to protect the crew and the vessel from unwanted incidents, the following requirements must be met:

  1. 1. Once a ship enters a hazardous area and throughout its stay there, seafarers must comply with the level of operational and personal safety on board established by existing guidelines (such as BMP4).
  2. 2. In the ports and inland waters of the countries listed above, measures should be taken to reduce the vessel's vulnerability to unauthorized boarding of intruders. They will be determined based on the characteristics of the ship: the size and height of the freeboard, etc.
  3. 3. When approaching the port, it is worth contacting the maritime administration and clarify the level of security, the recommended entry and exit times, and the presence of a government coast guard patrol.
  4. 4. In ports located in hazardous regions, the crew is advised to go ashore only in case of emergency.
  5. 5. In turn, the shipowner should change the crew before entering or after leaving the hazardous area.
  6. 6. Under normal circumstances, the company is obliged to notify the seafarer that the voyage passes through the danger zone at least 30 days before entering it. Upon receipt of the notification, the crew member may request the exercise of their right to repatriation at the company's expense.
  7. 7. In the event of an attack on a ship, the employer should maintain constant contact with the families of seafarers, inform them about the condition of the crew and the measures taken to provide assistance.

The territory of Russia, in comparison with other states located in seismically active regions, is generally characterized by moderate seismicity. But even in our country there are places where it "shakes" strongly, and therefore it is extremely dangerous to live.

Kurils and Sakhalin

The Kuril Islands and Sakhalin are part of the volcanic Fire Belt of the Pacific Ocean. In fact, the Kuriles are the tops of volcanoes rising above the surface of the ocean, and volcanoes played an important role in the formation of Sakhalin. Every day seismic stations record tremors in this area.
On the night of May 28, 1995, Sakhalin experienced the largest earthquake in Russia in the last hundred years. Neftegorsk was completely destroyed. Despite the fact that the intensity of the tremors barely exceeded 7 on a 12-point scale, large-block earthquake-resistant houses collapsed. 2040 people died, more than 700 were injured. The real tragedy was that high school students had their graduation that day. The building where the school ball was held collapsed, burying the graduates under it.
As always with earthquakes, rescuers recorded miraculous rescues. For example, one man fell into the basement of a house, where he was able to eat the remaining pickles for many days, and survived.


The peninsula is also part of the volcanic belt of the Pacific Ocean. Kamchatka has 29 active volcanoes and dozens of "asleep" ones. Small tremors associated with tectonic processes and volcanic activity are recorded every day. Fortunately, most earthquakes occur at sea and in sparsely populated areas.
An earthquake of magnitude 8.5, which occurred on November 4, 1952 in Avacha Bay, was included in the 15 most powerful earthquakes of the 20th century and was named "Greater Kamchatka". It caused a tsunami that washed away Severo-Kurilsk and reached Japan, Alaska, Hawaii and even Chile.
After that, a network of seismic stations was created in the Far East.

North Caucasus and the Black Sea coast

For the danger of this region, residents need to "thank" the Arabian plate, which collides with the Eurasian plate. Seismologists call the area difficult: Crimea-Caucasus-Kopetdag zone Iran-Caucasus-Anatolian seismically active region. There are often earthquakes of magnitude 9 and higher. On the Russian side, the territories of Dagestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia and North Ossetia are considered dangerous.
The largest events are called the nine-point earthquake in Chechnya in 1976 and the Chkhalta earthquake in 1963. Everyone who was born in the USSR remembers the Armenian Spitak, in which 25 thousand people died.
Restless in the Stavropol Territory. The tremors are felt in the cities of Anapa, Novorossiysk and Sochi. The great Crimean earthquake of 1927 is described in the famous novel "The Twelve Chairs".

Lake Baikal is located in the middle of a huge rift zone - a fault in the earth's crust. Up to 5-6 thousand aftershocks are recorded here per year. The rift line extending into Mongolia also has its own "valley of dormant volcanoes" on the Oka plateau in Buryatia.
The most famous earthquake on Lake Baikal - Tsaganskoe, occurred on January 12, 1863. Then, on the southeastern shore of Lake Baikal, an entire valley went under the water, and Proval Bay was formed.
The last strong earthquake occurred on August 27, 2008. The epicenter was located in the southern water area of ​​Lake Baikal, the strength was 10 points. In Irkutsk, 6-7 points were felt. People panicked, ran out into the street, their cell phone network went down. In Baikalsk, where it was felt up to 9 points, the work of a pulp and paper mill was interrupted.
Fortunately, most of the strong earthquakes in this region do not lead to casualties, since the area is sparsely populated, and high-rise buildings are designed for tremors.

Altai and Tyva

In both Altai and Tuva, complex processes lead to earthquakes. On the one hand, the region is influenced by the huge plate of Hindustan, due to the movement of which to the north the Himalayas were formed, on the other - the Baikal fault. Seismic activity in the region is growing.
In Altai, a 10-point earthquake that happened on September 27, 2003 made a lot of noise. It reached Novosibirsk, Kuzbass and Krasnoyarsk. Six districts of the republic were affected, the village of Beltir was destroyed, 110 families were left homeless. The buildings in the villages of Kosh-Agach and Aktash were destroyed.
In Tuva local population frightened by the earthquake that occurred on the evening of December 27, 2011. In the villages of the republic, houses were crumbling and crumbling. Chandeliers swayed in the houses of residents of Abakan and Novokuznetsk. The fear was added by the fact that the street was bitterly cold. Seismic activity lasted almost the entire winter. So, in February 2012, seismologists counted more than 700 shocks.

In Yakutia, a huge area, there are two earthquake-prone belts. The northern one runs from the Lena delta to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk along the Chersky ridge, the southern one, Baikal-Stanovoi, stretches from Lake Baikal to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Every day there are two or three shocks here. The strongest earthquake is called the nine-point Oymyakon earthquake of 1971. The tremors were felt over an area of ​​one million square kilometers and reached Magadan. And in April 1989, between the valleys of the Lena and Amur rivers, an earthquake of 8 magnitude occurred on an area of ​​one and a half million square kilometers! The Yakuts themselves assure that the republic accounts for almost a third of all seismic activity in Russia.

For 300 years, 42 earthquakes with a magnitude of 3 to 6.5 have been recorded in the Urals.
Recent studies indicate that tremors up to 7 points are possible here. True, this happens once every 110-120 years. Now how time goes increased seismic activity.
The last strong earthquake occurred on March 30, 2010 near Kachkanar. At the epicenter, the strength of the tremors was 5 points. Windows shook in houses, car alarms went off.

Of course, to those who live in the central regions, what is happening on the outskirts of Russia will seem distant, but it turns out that there are events that affect the entire country. So, on May 24, 2013, at the bottom of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, at a depth of 620 kilometers, there was a shock with a force of 8 points. The earthquake became unique: it swept across the country and became the fourth in Western Russia over the past 76 years.
This earthquake gave a lot of thrills to the inhabitants of the capital's skyscrapers. Some offices have evacuated workers.

Earthquakes are a terrible natural phenomenon that can bring numerous disasters. They are associated not only with destruction, because of which there can be human casualties. The catastrophic tsunami waves caused by them can lead to even more disastrous consequences.

For which parts of the world do earthquakes pose the greatest danger? To answer this question, you need to look at where the active seismic regions are. These are zones of the earth's crust that are more mobile than the regions surrounding them. They are located at the boundaries of lithospheric plates, where large blocks collide or move apart.It is the movements of thick layers of rocks that cause earthquakes.

Dangerous Areas of the World

Several belts are distinguished on the globe, which are characterized by a high frequency of underground impacts. These are seismically hazardous areas.

The first of them is usually called the Pacific Ring, since it occupies almost the entire coast of the ocean. Here, not only earthquakes, but also volcanic eruptions are frequent, therefore the name "volcanic" or "fiery" ring is often used. The activity of the earth's crust here is determined by modern mountain-building processes.

The second large seismic belt stretches along the high young ones from the Alps and other mountains of Southern Europe and to the Sunda Islands through Asia Minor, the Caucasus, the mountains of Central and Central Asia and the Himalayas. Here, the collision of lithospheric plates also occurs, which causes frequent earthquakes.

The third belt stretches across the entire Atlantic Ocean. This is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which is the result of the expansion of the earth's crust. Iceland also belongs to this belt, known primarily for its volcanoes. But earthquakes here are by no means a rare phenomenon.

Seismically active regions of Russia

Earthquakes also occur on the territory of our country. Seismically active regions of Russia are the Caucasus, Altai, the mountains of Eastern Siberia and the Far East, the Commander and Kuril Islands, about. Sakhalin. Tremors of great strength can occur here.

We can recall the Sakhalin earthquake of 1995, when two-thirds of the population of the village of Neftegorsk died under the rubble of destroyed buildings. After the rescue work, it was decided not to restore the village, but to relocate the residents to other settlements.

In 2012-2014, there were several earthquakes in the North Caucasus. Fortunately, their hearths were at great depths. There were no casualties and no serious damage.

Seismic map of Russia

The map shows that the most seismically dangerous areas lie in the south and east of the country. At the same time, the eastern parts are relatively poorly populated. But in the south, earthquakes pose much more danger to people, since the population density is higher here.

Irkutsk, Khabarovsk and some others big cities find themselves in the danger zone. These are active seismic regions.

Anthropogenic earthquakes

Seismically active occupy about 20% of the country's territory. But this does not mean that the rest is completely immune to earthquakes. Tremors with a force of 3-4 points are noted even far from the boundaries of the lithospheric plates, in the center of the platform areas.

At the same time, with the development of the economy, the possibility of anthropogenic earthquakes increases. They are most often caused by the collapse of the roof of underground voids. Because of this, the earth's crust seems to shake, almost like a real earthquake. And there are more and more voids and cavities underground, because a person for his needs extracts oil from the depths and natural gas, pumps out water, builds mines for the extraction of solid minerals ... And underground nuclear explosions are generally comparable to natural earthquakes in their strength.

The collapse of rock layers can in itself pose a danger to people. Indeed, in many areas, voids are formed directly under settlements... The latest events in Solikamsk only confirmed this. But even a weak earthquake can lead to dire consequences, because as a result of it, structures that are in disrepair, dilapidated housing in which people continue to live can collapse ... Also, the violation of the integrity of the layers of rocks threatens the mines themselves, where collapses can occur.

What to do?

People cannot yet prevent such a formidable phenomenon as an earthquake. And they have not even learned to predict exactly when and where it will happen. So, you need to know how you can protect yourself and your loved ones during tremors.

People living in such hazardous areas need to always have an earthquake plan. Since the elements can catch family members in different places, there should be an agreement on the meeting place after the aftershocks stop. The dwelling should be secured as much as possible from the fall of heavy objects; furniture is best attached to the walls and floor. All residents should know where to turn off gas, electricity, water urgently in order to avoid fires, explosions and electric shocks. Stairs and walkways should not be cluttered with things. Documents and a certain set of products and essentials should always be at hand.

Starting in kindergartens and schools, communities need to be taught how to behave in a natural disaster, which will increase the chances of rescue.

Seismically active regions of Russia show special requirements both industrial and civil construction. Earthquake-resistant buildings are more difficult and more expensive to build, but the costs of building them are nothing compared to the lives saved. After all, not only those who are in such a building will be safe, but also those who are nearby. There will be no destruction and blockages - there will be no victims.

A dangerous zone is a space in which a production factor that is dangerous to human life and health constantly acts or periodically arises. Dangerous zones occur around gears (gear, belt, chain, cardan, friction), abrasive wheel, disc plate, tractor with stacker, hoisting machines, cutting machines, moving machine-tractor units, mobile agricultural machines, etc. Particularly dangerous areas include areas where clothing or hair can be trapped, open moving and rotating parts, workpieces, etc. The size hazardous areas depends on the speed of parts (workpieces), as well as moving parts and working bodies of machines and mechanisms.
The most important event in the fight against industrial injuries is the use of modern means of preventing accidents. There are active and passive methods of defense.
Active methods of protection are aimed at eliminating the formation of a hazardous production factor or reducing its danger.

Passive protection is a set of measures to prevent the impact of a hazardous production factor on a person. This can be achieved either by removing a person from the danger area, or by eliminating the conditions under which a person could be in the danger area. Passive protection is provided by the organization of the production process, the design of equipment and devices. If, at the same time, the safety of the worker is still not fully ensured, then the use of individual protective devices (helmets, goggles, respirators, etc.) is provided that meet the following requirements: the readiness of protective equipment must be before starting work; upon refusal individual elements protective device its protective properties should not cease; protective equipment must be available for Maintenance and control over the reliability of their work; safe work on agricultural machinery is provided with protective, safety and interlocking devices, alarms, systems remote control, the use of funds individual protection and periodic monitoring of the serviceability of protective equipment.
Fencing devices are widely used in agricultural machinery and equipment due to the simplicity of the device and reliability, a variety of design forms and purposes. They are subdivided into permanent and temporary.
Permanent guards are an integral part of the machine (for example, transmission housings, clutches and brakes). They can be mobile or motionless. The main advantage of fixed permanent barriers is the impossibility of entering the danger zone; the disadvantage is the possible limitation of the zone's visibility.
Temporary fences are mainly used in the production of non-stationary work.

At each object, from the work performed on the territory of the construction site, there must be a fence of the border of the danger zone to protect the working personnel and people not involved in the performance of work from the action of hazardous factors. Depending on the presence or absence of lifting structures (cranes, hoists, pipe layers, etc.), working machines and mechanisms (excavator, dump truck, pile driver, vibratory pile driver, concrete pump, asphalt paver, roller, bulldozer, etc.), the height of the building under construction and / or the depth of the excavated soils, the following boundaries of the danger zone are distinguished:

  • from the height of the fall of materials, equipment, tools and other objects and their departure;
  • from moving parts of machines and mechanisms;
  • from the cargo moved by the crane, manipulator crane, pipelayer or other substation and its departure;
  • from conducted tests (hydraulic, pneumatic testing of pipelines);
  • to elevation differences (trenches, pits, floors of buildings).

The border of the danger zone from falling objects from buildings and structures

In the vicinity of a building under construction, the border of the hazardous zone is designated as a stationary fence (when performing construction, installation and dismantling works on the territory of urban development) or a temporary fence (at an operating enterprise, when short-term work is carried out, when an object is erected on an empty site). mandatory during construction near buildings and structures under construction, it is necessary in the PPR to reflect the border of the dangerous zone from falling objects, materials, structures from them. In accordance with the requirements of SNiP 12-03-2001, it is determined by the distance of departure of an object (load, structure, etc.) from the wall of a building or structure - X (shown in the figure below) plus the maximum overall size of the object - Lload.

The border of the danger zone from the work of lifts and towers

The same principle applies to lifts, towers, in which loads, tools are moved to a height. In this case, the distance to the border of the danger zone is taken from the edge of the cradle, the platform of the lift, but it is taken to be at least 5 m, since the distance from the operating mechanisms is taken to be at least 5 m.

First, in the PPR for the operation of the hoists, the working radius of the cradle rotation necessary for the production of work is determined, and then the calculated distance Ro.z is deposited from it. For towers and construction hoists, which are stationary, such a distance is taken from their edge and described around. All calculated boundaries of the OZ are transferred to the work site after the installation of the substation. To eliminate errors, the hazardous area fence must be installed at a short distance from Ro.z.

The height of a possible fall of an object (load) is taken from the platform for installing the lift, tower to the top of the cradle rail or platform, and when installing any equipment - to its bottom.

The border of the danger zone during the operation of a crane, pipelayer, etc.

When performing work with the use of lifting structures (cranes, pipe layers, manipulator cranes, etc.), there is a danger of falling loads during their movement. From the axis of the transported load (hook) during the performance of work, the boundary of the danger zone is established, determined by the following formula:

Ro.z. = Lload + Bload / 2 + X, where:

  • Lload and Bload - horizontal projection of the minimum size of the cargo when moving its vehicle;
  • Lload and Bload - the maximum size of the cargo when moving its vehicle;
  • X is the minimum departure distance of the transported cargo, determined in accordance with the table:

Note. For intermediate values, the distance X is determined by interpolation using the formula:

X = X1 + (X2-X1) * (H-H1) / (H2-H1), where:
- X1 - the previous value of the departure of the cargo;
- X2 is the next value of the departure of the cargo;
- Н - required height for calculation;
- Н1 - the previous value of the height of the transported cargo;
- Н2 - the next value of the height of the transported load.
For example, when moving a load at a height of H = 14 m, the departure distance will be equal to:
X = 4+ (7-4) * (14-10) / (20-10) = 5.2 m.

The border of the danger zone near moving machines and mechanisms

At the construction site, from the involved equipment, machines and mechanisms, the border of the hazardous zone is allocated equal to 5 m from the moving working bodies of the equipment of machines and mechanisms (clause D.4 SNiP 12-03-2001). Other increasing requirements can be spelled out in the operating manual or passport. This boundary can be located both inside and stand out outside the boundary of the departure of an object, cargo from a building, during the operation of cranes, hoists, etc.

How to limit the border of the danger zone?

On the construction site under cramped conditions, it is possible to limit the border of the danger zone from emerging hazardous factors by limiting the operation of machines and mechanisms, installing additional fences, etc.

  • When placing boom and tower cranes, crane-manipulators must forcibly limit the angle of rotation of the crane boom by installing the boom rotation limiters.
  • When working at a height from scaffolding, on the upper levels of buildings and structures, install protective nets, additional fences, which prevent the departure of cargo, tools and other objects beyond its limits.

a) there are practically no such criteria

b) such criteria exist separately for each area of ​​human activity

c) are the restrictions imposed on the concentration of substances and flows of matter, energy, information in the human environment

d) are characterized by restrictive documents and regulations

e) there is no right answer

5. What is meant by the term "hazard"?

a) this is the name for the property of living and inanimate matter to cause damage to matter itself, people, the natural environment, material values

b) this is the name of events that can become a reality in life

c) this is the name of events that may occur in the future

d) indicate various critical situations

e) there is no right answer

6. What are harmful factors?

a) factors that can be dangerous for certain groups of animals

b) factors that can be dangerous for certain groups of plants and microorganisms

c) factors that, under certain conditions, become the cause of diseases or a decrease in human performance

d) factors that, under certain conditions, become a means of increasing human performance.

e) all answers are correct

7. What they lead to dangerous factors?

a) lead to the thrill of a person

b) lead to the "release" of adrenaline

c) lead to unpredictable positive or negative consequences in a person's life

d) lead to traumatic injuries or sudden and drastic violations of human health.

e) there is no right answer

8. What are called hazardous areas?

a) a certain, usually fenced, area for extreme sports

b) a certain part of hazardous and harmful factors, which usually have externally defined, spatial areas of application

c) a certain part of hazardous and harmful factors that usually do not have externally defined, as well as spatial areas of application.

d) all answers are correct

e) there is no correct answer.

9. Add the phrase: “ Dangerous situation- this is…."

a) a territory full of adventure

b) object special purpose

c) the conditions under which the possibility of an accident is created

d) factors of unpredictable consequences.

e) there is no right answer

10. Describe the concept " extreme situation»?

a) scientists are still arguing about it

b) a situation in which physical and mental loads do not reach their maximum capabilities, in which the individual does not lose the ability to take rational actions and actions that are adequate to the current situation

c) a situation where physical and mental stress reaches such limits that the individual loses the ability to rational actions and actions adequate to the current situation

d) situations when the psychophysical properties of an individual are in agreement with the natural environment.

e) there is no right answer

11. How can you characterize the potential hazard?

a) is defined as a real danger to the life and property of a person acquired in an honest way

b) is defined as the possibility of exposure to a person unfavorable or incompatible with life factors

c) is defined as the possibility of influencing a person with the comfortable conditions of the everyday and social environment

d) is defined as the possibility of human exposure to the comfortable conditions of the natural environment.

e) there is no right answer

12. What is the acceptable risk?

a) refers to the risk in which protective measures allow maintaining the achieved level of safety

b) I mean the risk, without which many compatriots cannot live

c) I mean the risk and the ability of a person to neglect it

d) I mean the risk and the ability of a person to build their life in accordance with their concepts.

e) there is no right answer

13. What is the focus of the study of life safety at the basic level of secondary general education?

a) the development of knowledge about safe human behavior in dangerous emergencies, as well as the development of personality traits necessary for safe behavior in emergency situations

b) fostering a value attitude towards human life and health

c) upbringing and education within the framework of the concept of sustainable development of the leading superpowers

d) mastering the ability to assess situations that are dangerous to life and health; act in an emergency, use personal and collective protective equipment; give the first medical assistance victims.

e) there is no right answer

14. What is an integral indicator of a person's safe life?

a) interest in life in all its manifestations

b) the number of books read on the basics of human life safety

c) the number of days, months, years spent in a hospital bed

d) the duration of a person's life.

e) there is no right answer

15. What is meant by the term "technosphere"?

a) natural human habitat

b) artificial human habitat

c) imaginary human habitat

d) future human habitat

e) there is no right answer

16. Identify the main sources of environmental pollution?

a) energy devices that burn solid, liquid and gaseous fuels

b) enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, as well as chemical, pulp and paper and oil refining industries

c) unidentified flying objects (UFOs)

d) agriculture and transport.

e) there is no right answer

17. What promising ways of solving the problem of solid household waste are known?

a) such paths are just being developed

b) construction of new landfills

c) construction of incinerators

d) processing of solid household waste.

e) there is no right answer

18. Describe the concept of "psychological discomfort"

a) the correspondence of the human body and environment

b) the correspondence of the human body and the living environment

c) the discrepancy between the human body and the living environment

d) the discrepancy between the human body and the natural environment.

e) there is no right answer

19. What constitutes a disaster?

a) unpredictable event

b) an event with predictable consequences

c) an event with tragicomic consequences

d) events with tragic consequences, major accident with loss of life

e) there is no right answer

20. Describe technogenic emergencies:

a) Forest fires

b) accidents on chemically hazardous facilities

c) accidents at radiation hazardous facilities

d) accidents in utility networks

e) there is no right answer

21. What are the main tasks of the State system of prevention and elimination emergencies?

a) collection, processing, exchange and issuance of information in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergencies

b) profanation of the results obtained so that neither side can take advantage of the results scientific research

c) implementation of targeted and scientific and technical programs aimed at preventing emergencies and increasing the sustainability of the functioning of organizations, as well as social facilities in emergencies

d) preparing the population for action in emergencies; forecasting and assessing the socio-economic consequences of emergencies

e) there is no right answer

22. What are the dangers called social?

a) all dangers are called social

b) some dangers are called social

c) dangers that are not widespread in the natural environment and do not threaten the health of wild animals

d) dangers that are widespread in society and threaten the life and health of people.

e) there is no right answer

23. What classes are all chemically hazardous substances subdivided into?

a) 1st class - extremely dangerous

b) 2nd class - highly dangerous

c) 3rd class - moderately dangerous; 4th class - low hazard

d) 5th grade - harmless

e) there is no right answer

24. Describe the expression "primary cloud of contaminated air"

a) poisonous cloud that appeared at the moment of destruction of the container in the first 3 minutes

b) a poisonous cloud that arose at the moment of destruction of the container in the first 15 minutes

c) a poisonous cloud that arose after the destruction of a container with chemically hazardous substances in the first 3 hours

d) a poisonous cloud that arose after the destruction of a container with chemically hazardous substances in the first 5 hours

e) there is no right answer

25. What groups are traumatic and harmful factors divided into?

a) space, aerodynamic

b) physical, psychophysiological

c) ecological-ethnographic, neuroepic

d) biological, chemical

e) there is no right answer

26.For what purpose is it used functional diagnostics in the production process?

a) just in case of fire

b) to increase the limiting energy consumption of machines and installations

c) to improve the safety of machines and installations

d) to improve the environmental friendliness of machines and installations

e) there is no right answer

27. How is it established in practice required level safety of technical means and technological processes?

a) installed "by eye" of the chief technologist

b) installed along the waterline

c) installed by the system state standards labor safety

d) is established using the appropriate indicators.

e) there is no right answer

28. What should be taken into account by the normative indicators of safety in all spheres of work?

a) should take into account all

b) must take into account the comfortable conditions

c) must take into account an integrated approach

d) must take into account sanitary standards

e) there is no right answer

29. What is industrial safety?

a) theoretical knowledge that is taught by working specialists in the field of "Knowledge is power"

b) practical knowledge, which is taught by working specialists of the society "Power - in knowledge"

c) a system of organizational measures and technical means to prevent exposure to hazardous and harmful production factors

d) a system of auxiliary measures to prevent the impact of favorable environmental factors

e) there is no right answer

30. What technical principles are used to exclude negative impact on working hazardous and harmful production factors?

a) principles of weakness and strength

b) the principle of "waste-free trade"

c) the principle of protection by distance

d) the principle of shielding

e) there is no right answer

Control questions for final control

1. Unified state system prevention and elimination of emergencies.

2. Types and characteristics of fires. Take off the preventive measures and the fight.

3. The urgency of the problems of Belarusian Railways.

4. Biological hazards.

5. Village danger of mountains and rivers of Kazakhstan. Village protection.

6. The international cooperation in the field of emergency situations and civil defense.

7. A set of protective measures to reduce possible losses and material damage from earthquakes.

8. Syndrome of prolonged squeezing, emergency care for it.

9. Detection and measurement of ionizing radiation.

10. Geophysical hazards. Seismic service in Kazakhstan.

11. Biological action of ionizing radiation.

12. Poisoning SDYAV, first aid.

13. Nuclear pollution terrain in case of accidents at nuclear power plants and nuclear explosions.

14. The body's natural defense systems.

15. Sources of human exposure

16. Meteorological hazards.

17. The role and tasks of Civil Defense in emergency situations.

18. Definition, causes of emergencies of natural and man-made nature, their classification.

19. The impact of negative factors on a person.

20. The concept of emergencies and their classification.

21. Theoretical basis and practical functions of the Belarusian Railways.

22. Use of protective equipment in emergency situations.

23. Exposure of the territories and population of the Republic of Kazakhstan natural disasters, accidents and disasters.

24. Wind activity in Kazakhstan. Measures to reduce damage.

25. Modern world and its impact on the environment.

26. Stability of functioning of objects of the economy.

27. Potential hazard... Acceptable risk concept.

28. Activity, exposure dose, measurement units.

29. Group of especially dangerous infections. The concept of quarantine and observation.

30. Industrial safety equipment.

31. Personal protective equipment

32. Ecobioprotective technique.

33. Primary and secondary factors of natural disasters.

34. Anthropogenic hazards of the habitat.

35. Legal and organizational basis for the provision of Belarusian Railways.

36. Protection of the population in emergency situations.

37. Ways to temporarily stop bleeding.

38. Forces civil defense, their composition, purpose and application procedure.

39. Accidents with the release of chemicals.

40. Organization of warning the population about emergency situations.

41. International organizations on the problems of protection against radiation.

42. Emergency care for fractures.

43. Devices for radiation reconnaissance and dosimetric control

44. Organization of rescue operations in the affected areas.

45. General rules bandaging.

Similar information.

hazardous area - a space in which it is possible for a worker to be exposed to hazardous and (or) harmful production factors;

Source: TOI R-32-TsIS-838-01. Typical instruction on labor protection during installation and technical exploitation fiber-optic transmission lines at the federal railway transport"(approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on June 16, 2001)

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