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As the president formulates a corrupt system. Yuri Boldyrev - On the corrupt officials in the "Higher Echelons", inciting corrupt power to civility

https: //www.Syt/2015-12-30/korrumpirovannaya_elita_gotovit_v_rossii_voynu_vseh_protiv_vseh

"In a civilized country, this is the basis for impeachment"

Yuri Boldyrev - about the corrupt officials in "Higher Echelons", inciting civilian

In the last days of 2015, we, with the help of our experts, continue to summarize the outgoing year and predict the events of the coming. And if the business consultant prejudice the possibility of the global economic crisis, the analyst in the field of fuel and energy resources promised long-term oil prices, "dollar on hundred rubles and inflation at the level of 13%", a political scientist-international - long-lasting conflict in relations with Ukraine and Turkey (and this It carries an additional burden on our economy), the following our interlocutor, a well-known politician, economist, publicist Yuri Boldyrev, sees in the coming danger of the civil war - as a way to hold the power of our elite "elite".

"Our president confuses the issues of criminal law and morality"

- Yuri Yuryevich, with what sentiments or sensations do you meet new, 2016 year?

The other day I had a chance to visit one pre-New Year corporate party, politicians, officials, military and other respected people were gathered there. Keywords that sounded there were "worried", "alarming". And then it was about education, medicine, culture, army, and so on. And also quite recently, a video of another corporate appeared on the network. There, the person known in Russia, the head of one state corporation, speaks to its employees: "Guys, everything is fine, we have a lot of money, there will be increased premiums." Surely your readers understand what kind of video I say. And this happens in the same country and at the same time. Some of something bothers, and others have everything perfectly, the money in bulk, nothing bothers them. This is an extremely dramatic situation, and it, one way or another, should find its permission.

You were the main state inspector of the Russian Federation, Deputy Head of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. Who does not ask you about the main corruption scandal of the outgoing year. I am talking about the film Foundation for the Fight of Corruption Pro Business Children's Children's Children. How do you feel about the shape of the Navalny and this film? Many Patriots-State Persons believe that this is an ideological sabotage aimed at undermining the regime.

First, Navalny once consisted in the "Apple" party, and this is already alarming, since this party is not aimed at protecting national interests. Further, in Navalny, I was always confused that he was unwound a radio station, which Gazprom finances. Therefore, I try, having all these obvious doubts, not to speak about his figure. But during the election campaign in 2012, I said that if the authorities have such opponents as Navalny, they must also lead the institutions such as the Accounts Chamber. Not Navalny himself, but those like him. Surely in the same fund against corruption there are honest, seekers and incorruptible people. Here they should become auditors of power. This is not about them. And about how power should be arranged.

Now about the film itself. It doesn't matter at whose money he is removed. Suppose this is the money of the State Department or Browder. Yes, it is completely no matter. You are president, you hold a personnel policy. So do not substitute that there is no State Department and could not catch you for you and your subordinates. Well, if the State Department hooked, then he is not to blame, and you. When the head of state declares that it is necessary to find out whether the seagull has provided a gull with his sons, then our president confuses the issues of criminal law and morality. From the point of view of morality, the son for his father cannot respond. And the father for his son always responds, and if you have inappropriately brought up your son, then a big question, can you take a high state position requiring confidence. I emphasize: I want to see at the head of the state of a moral man, and citizens are more demanding. Because the issue with the Prosecutor General is a question of morality.

And why facts of corruption in higher authorities russian governmentI have identified at the posts of the Chief State Inspector of the Russian Federation, Deputy Head of the Accounts Chamber did not form a basis for criminal cases? What and who prevented this?

Therefore, it was not easy that then the rate was not done on workers, but on the scammers who came to rob the country. For the same time, the 1993 coup was revived. His heirs, usurpers still under different slogans continue to manage the country. Therefore, it would be strange if that we were opened at the next time, there would be not only some public response, but also a reflection in criminal cases. It's impossible. I will give an example. In the same commission, where representatives of the State Duma, the Council of the Federation, the Accounts Chamber were discussed, we discussed what to do in one or another sphere to block the possibility of publicize public funds, and this decision was found. After that, one of the participants says: "Well, guys, you give! If we do that, they will turn a coup again! " We must simply understand the nature of the present power.

How did the fate of the corrupt officials you revealed? Have they suffered at least some punishment - from the law or from somewhere over? What are they doing now?

Honestly, I do not track these fate. But I can say what to say on this issue. First of all, traitors were to lose their state posts, and I call those who in the past robbed the country, organized fraudulent auctions for privatization, fraud with the money of the IMF and so on. If they are still on key state posts, then there is no reason to believe that at the top there is a turn to protect national interests. And in this sense, I have a more pessimistic vision of the future country than my colleagues.

"In the highest echelons, the system of state administration is giving up national interests"

If we talk about today's day, what areas of the activities of officials and sectors of the economy are the most corrupt? That is: where is the most pronounced corruption spike power and business?

Perhaps the answer will seem to you unexpected. This is state administration at the highest level. For example, Russia joined the WTO. From my point of view, this is a fraud, because limits the sovereignty of our country. At the same time, as you know, it was not allowed to hold a referendum on this issue. So, after they did, everyone began to look, but where are the beneficiaries? Maybe in metallurgy or mechanical engineering? And during the day with fire they cannot find them. And I say: you are not looking there. It is necessary to search where people are largely passing national interests. They are in the highest echelons of the public administration system.

I give another example. As I said, I recently was on one pre-New Year event. It was in the walls of the State Duma. There were legendary people who make our military and aviation technique. And they told that the president was presented by the new supervigator. Tens of billions of rubles were invested in its development. But he is actually new is not, it's just a modified old one. And most likely, he has no prospects in practice. But there is another project of a fundamentally new engine, the development of which was required only 160 million rubles. But they did not give them. Specialists say that this is definitely corruption at the highest state level. Everything is done to prevent our development.

But for corruption at the local level in the outgoing year is attracted to criminal responsibility 281 local deputy and head of local self-government. At least at this level you can do something?

Real local self-government is possible only in two cases. The first: if the course is set to the crucible and even repressive suppression of criminality in the field. Second: if federal power Unable to suppress the crime, then it is necessary to arm people. If we do not have neither the first, nor the second, then we will get a solid village Kushchev's everywhere.

Recently, the authorities represented by her brightest representative, the State Music, the coordinator of the so-called "national liberation movement" , I confessed that she is occupying and collaborationist. How to interpret it?

By the way, I want to draw your attention at such a moment. Recently, the president at his press conference stated that we were fine, the crisis passed. But, apparently, the vaccination did not work, the people do not really believe. And then, according to some "shrimp show", as I call, some manual "experts" allowed to say that a really complex situation, and it becomes worse and worse. But they gave only a piece of truth. And then, at the right moment, these very "experts" suddenly will suddenly be summed up to thinking: you need to rally around the "national leader" in order to prevent the final fall into the crisis. We must simply understand who this says what part of the truth and, finally, for what.

The same deputy Fedorov called protesters truckers almost agents of the State Department. Say, behind the protest there are Western forces, the fifth column and so on. What do you think about protest truckers, which suddenly and powerfully manifested itself in the socio-political agenda of Russia and, it seems, is not going to leave?

Let's figure it out. If a new tax is introduced, then it is necessary to look at how adequate it is aimed at stimulating the normal behavior of those who produce something, and to replenish the treasury. But there are other taxes that are designed literally to strangle someone.

Our president actually admitted to the essence of the new tax for truckers. He said that the carriers pay for the river infrastructure, for the railway - too, and for the infrastructure of car traffic - no. Because of this, there was a breakdown towards the latter. Is there logic in this? Yes! This is a catastrophe for a country that river and railway tracks do not work well in terms of freight. But why is the same railway? Yes, because the president gave her to his friend. And what did he have done to her over the past one and a half years? For example, that the limited circle of officials is convenient for 2-3 hours to go to Sapsan from Moscow to St. Petersburg, the entire cargo transport was allowed through the north along Vologda-Cherepovets and so on. Think about what absurd! And then suddenly they decided: oh, something too many trucks became, the railway is not used in full force.

Now look: two ways to solve the problem. Either you need to clean up railway, invest investment in the construction of new railway tracks, improve the logistics of the movement and thereby warn truck owners so that they do not invested in their business. Either another way: but let's shift the market under your friends and their kids, leave some major transport companies, and all the others "zarem". But as? And we introduce the unbearable tax. This is a completely different policy, it is a criminal policy. And the truckers simply realized that they would like to "slaughter", many of them bought cars on credit, and then they realized that they simply would not pay off their trucks.

For example, Canada has huge territories are not populated with anyone, and no one will be sad about it. Therefore, I believe this idea is absurd and meaningless. It is necessary to have priorities in the development strategy, at the expense of which the cultural and educational potential of the population will grow, increase the life expectancy and so on. And which regions are prioritized how much time to give the Far East, how much to give the non-black earth, these are secondary questions. If there is no development strategy, the vision, who we must be in the labor separation system by 2030-2050, then independently consider the question of the settlement of the Far East does not make any sense.

You are a supporter of Eurasian integration. But this implies full openness with the countries of Central Asia and the free movement of cheap labor from there. How is it combined with your thesis about the baseness of the idea to make here foreign workers and exploit their doubly-triple, since the indigenous does not want to work like that?

One of the fundamental abstracts of national-patriotic forces is the need to combat the planned replacement of the population. It is not necessary that any integration should lead to the erosion of national culture. Let's look at the European Union. Did it lead to the creation of the fact that the Germans are planned by the Germans? It seems to be no. At the same time, I am not sure that the Migration Policy, for example, Angels Merkel is carried out in the interests of the Germans. You can help some refugees, save them, it's great. But when they are incontrolled refugee streams, which can lead to ethnic tension and ultimately the erosion of the indigenous ethnos, then a disaster can happen in a remote run. Let's look at the experience of the Soviet Union. Yes, at the heart of his ideology lay internationalism. But there was a system of registration, and it constrained the mass mixing. Yes, mutual enrichment of cultures occurred, but it did not reach Chaos.

What needs to be done within the framework of Eurasian integration? In order for the Tajiks and Uzbeks massively, to perform a low-qualified work for a small salary, it is necessary to build production in Tajikistan itself. Such who would be beneficial and Russia and the countries of Central Asia. And then these people will stay in their homeland. And, accordingly, the threat of ethnic substitution of the population will disappear. But any idea, including Eurasianism, can be distorted and instead of a single economic space to build a new Babylonian tower.

More about Eurasian space. The key foreign policy event of the year is Russia's accession to the Syrian war. What are we fighting there?

First. Allies need to be protected, they cannot be betrayed. Anyone who betrays allies and does not defend them in a timely manner, he is deprived of the confidence required to establish any allied relationship in the future. It is enough that, joining the WTO, we thus betrayed Kazakhstan, and Belarus. True, Kazakhstan later, three years after us, after all, joined the WTO. But now the Eurasian Economic Commission (permanently operating superior regulating authority of the Eurasian Economic Union of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgystan - Ed.) Thinks, and what measures to take to protect Russia and Belarus from the fact that Kazakhstan has entered on conditions, More revealing our common market than it was. I emphasize the first to betray Russia. At first she stated that we would join together, and then entered unilaterally. Russia should not demonstrate itself as ready for betrayal. We must protect allies.

The second, as for Syria specifically. We must figure out: we protect Syria as our ally? Or we declared the war of ISIL (a terrorist organization prohibited in Russia - Ed.)? If the last one, then this is no longer otherwise as in the interests and in the please of the United States. This is absolutely unacceptable for me. We should not enter into the so-called coalition to combat ISIL, because this organization is a shipment of the United States, in order to draw all of us to this chaos.

How would we not get bogged down in it. Maybe cancel the military call and create a contract army? Maybe in a professional army a person's life will be valued more? This year, due to the collapse of the barracks in Omsk, 24 conscript soldiers were killed ...

We put us all the time before choosing: either we will not protect our homeland at all, or we will protect our homeland in feudal-slave conditions when no one is seriously responsible for the death of the soldier. But I do not agree with the abolition of military call. The state with the largest territory in the world can not afford it. Our planet is waiting for incomprehensible cataclysms. Look: on the courtyard December, and in Moscow in the winter it only has only reached. There are incomprehensible things with the land climate. In such conditions natural resources become the most important thing that will need to be protected. To this, we must be prepared. And the collapse of the building is the issues of negligence and corruption, with whom, of course, must be struggling.

"I do not see the tough position of representatives of the church and believing politicians"

You say so much about the moral side of power, let me ask the question of the role of the ROC in our society. Throughout the 2015, it was shocked by conflicts and scandals, and at the end of the year of their post, one of the "talking goals" of this organization Vsevolod Chaplin was lost. Do you think that today's church is able to influence the moral climate of power and society, to be a keeper of those the most "spiritual cracks", which the president said?

I myself is a non-religious and unchurched man. But among my readers, there are probably people not just religious, but also with great respect to the church. Therefore, I would not like to express my third-party opinion so as not to affect their feelings. But I can say that any institution, regardless of its initial purpose, can both develop and degrade, respectively, it can play both a positive and negative role in society. I would be very happy if the Church, as a Public Institute, played an active socially-oriented role. That is, if our leaders are incendants, every Christmas stand in front of the cameras in the church with candles, so maybe they will work for the benefit of the whole society? For example, introduce a progressive tax scale or a system of substantial taxation of large inheritance, as it is, for example, in France. It could just be a positive role of this institute.

Further, I would be glad if the clergymen and our believing managers elevated their vote to the fight against such world evil as usual. This is not a call to the failure of the banking system at all. But this is, above all, a rigid moral setting of the question, and then the search for instrumental solutions. It can be elements of Islamic banking, that is, a banking system with a division of responsibility for results in the future, it can be some other new tools. Unfortunately, I also do not see a tough position according to key issues among representatives of the Church and Believers.

And finally, the fundamental defect of our state is the feudal spherivation of the RIDE to Nizam. I understand that in the family is not without a freak. But after all, the church should be responsible for the fact that its representatives on luxury cars in a drunk arrange an accident with a fatal outcome. But it seems that the church, on the contrary, they cover them. I emphasize once again, I am a third-party person, I only express an opinion how to make the role of the church positive.

And why the Russian people are undemanding to corrupt officials? Why is it only indignant, but does not insist on tightening anti-corruption law, the rigor and efficiency of law enforcement officers?

First. I do not have a final answer. Second. But are all the peoples of the world in this sense? It turns out no. And third: Does all the people of the world survive? No, there were Assyrians, and now they are not. We should not have illusions. Even if everything is incapable around, it does not mean that we should also be the same. The only thing I can say is: if we are together, we will strive for this, then we become capable and to tighten anti-corruption legislation, and achieve the effectiveness of law enforcement officers.

Imagine that in Russia somehow changed power. What worldview should be the new leader of Russia?

The situation is multivariant, I admit a lot of development paths. But no path of development is impossible in the continuation of the destruction of education, science and health. I will give an example. Our president declared that we would become a global resident. My point of view is a way unpromising. To become such a resident, you need to have your tribal and seed fund, and for this you need at least, to revive your science. Suppose we agreed to buy a tribal and seed fund abroad, but it means that the main share of profit We will give abroad. The fact is that the world food market is designed so that if its suppliers are not the main regulators, they always remain in the minus, because world food prices are maintained on the verge of profitability. In key industrialized countries agriculture Supported by completely different methods - at the expense of industrial and technological products. Orientation to become a global resident means only one thing - we will brag how much grain we were taken out, and our peasant will be poor and hungry. And most importantly, there will be no money for industrial and technological development anyway. That is, from my point of view, this is a way to overweight several times, but this is not a path of development. The path of development is scientific and technological development. And agriculture must be developed primarily for full self-sufficiency. All other nuances are multivariate.

"They are there at the top inexorably summarize us to the Civil War"

- We are discussing the possibility of changing power. Are you ready to participate in the elections to the State Duma in 2016?

Today, the arrival in the State Duma is a greater degree of personal fate and the issue of personal successfulness of a person, rather than the possibility of influence the situation in the country. If suddenly I will see that participation in the elections of the State Duma will give an opportunity to influence something in the country, then I will accept it. But so far there is no speech about it.

Speaking of possible participation in the elections, it should be borne in mind that the current oligarchic "elite" does everything to concrete all approaches to power to prevent national and socially-oriented forces in government agencies. Now, after the coup in 1993, in fact, the war continues, although the overwhelming of power and not on our side. But, as they say, still alive - fight. I myself am not a military leader and can not tell you, in what stage are military actions. And those who behave this struggle will publicly won't say that they do to take power, otherwise the enemy learns about these plans and take steps to prevent them.

Do not be afraid that in case of coming to power nationally oriented leaders, a new 1937th will arise?

What do we wait for the coming from the year? It is clear that the decline in world prices for oil and Western sanctions is not a good Russian economy. In your opinion, are socially political shocks possible in Russia in the next couple of years? Is it possible to return the country in chaos of the 1990s?

Secondly, about return in the 90s. I will give two examples. A young guy, 24 years old, comes to the clinic, he has pain in his stomach, nausea and other symptoms. What would happen 2-3 years ago? Direction on ultrasound, gastrooscopy and so on. But he was discharged some pills and sent home. Another example. The girl, 20 years old with a little, she has sharp abdominal pain, cause ambulance. Doctors arrived, looked, Dali No-Shpu and left. Pains do not pass, call again, switch from one phone to another, waiting for a long time. Finally, dosen, the ambulance comes again. Picks, takes to the hospital, it turns out that the girl has a gap of some organ, make an operation. And it happens in Moscow! What happens in the province? Five years ago it was impossible to imagine that.

What happens, you ask? It is not easy to destroy health. Of the people, the doctors make cannibals, they are forced to behave. Because insurance companies are fined them because they write extra destination, they stimulate them to write out as little as possible hospital. Not just limited to your access to health care, and sowing cruelty in the hearts. After all, you will see the enemy not somewhere there above, but in these people in ambulance, in doctors. They are there at the top inexorably summarize us to the Civil War, making out of us haters each other. That's where we are moving today. That's what you need to prepare.


Yuri Boldyrev, politician, statesman, economist, publicist, became known for the country in 1989 as the People's Deputy of the USSR from Leningrad. Then, he won the election of the first secretary of the Leningrad Public Committee of the CPSU, Anatoly Gerasimov, with a huge advantage. In 1990, Yuri Yuryevich participated in the last, XXVIII Congress CPSU, which offered to voluntarily convey the party property to the people. In the same year came out of the rows of the party. In the period from 1990 to 1992, Boldyrev was a member of the Supreme Advisory Council at the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR Boris Yeltsin, then at the first President of Russia.

In 1993, in the elections of the State Duma, Yuri Boldyrev, together with Gregory Yavlinsky and Vladimir Lukin, headed the electoral block "Apple" (the name of the future party was drawn up by the first letters of the names of its creators). However, in the Duma, the deputy place was guaranteed by the results of elections, did not go, and 1995 left the "Apple" due to disagreement with the Policy of the party (later, in the elections of the State Duma in 2007, collaborated with "Fair Russia"). In 1996, he ran to the post of governor of St. Petersburg, was considered one of the most strong rivals Anatoly Sobchak. It was against Boldyrev who was sent to the elections "Cents of Settlement". Sobchak then lost to Vladimir Yakovlev, Boldyrev ranked third, without supporting any of the favorites. He took part in the elections of the St. Petersburg governor and in 2000, also taking third place.

If we talk about activities in the executive branch, in 1992, Yuri Boldyrev was appointed chief state inspector of the Russian Federation - the head of the Main Control Department under the President of the Russian Federation (later the same structure was headed by Alexey Kudrin, followed by Vladimir Putin). Boldrev insisted on the depoliticization of the activities of the control department, sought the resignation of heads of regions, loyal to Yeltsin and, by entering the conflict with the head of the Presidential Administration Sergey Filatov, was relieved of office. In 1993, he was elected residents of St. Petersburg by a member of the Federation Council. From 1995 to 2001, Yuri Boldyrev - Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. Openedly stated a large-scale discretation by officials budget funds. According to the results of work in the Accounts Chamber, several books wrote (including "about honey and honey spoons", "Abduction of Eurasia"), devoted to the specific facts of corruption in the highest bodies of the Russian authorities.

Currently, Yuri Boldyrev is a member of the Expert Council of the International Analytical Journal "Geopolitics", a member of the Expert Council at the Fair Russia faction in the State Duma. Thank you for the help of the network group of like-minded people Yuri Boldyreva

The more women are involved in the political authorities of the country, the less corruption is developed in it, the American economists from Le Moine College and Polytechnic University of Virginia have found out. The results of the study were published in the journal Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization .

"This study emphasizes the importance of expanding the rights and capabilities of women, the importance of their presence in leadership positions and in the government, is noted by Professor Economics of Sundapt Sange. -

This is especially important in the light of the fact that women are still insufficiently represented in the authorities of most countries, including the United States. "

So, among women's members less than a quarter, in the US House of Representatives (the Chamber of Congress, in which each state is presented in proportion to the population number) - only 19%. President of the United States woman did not become never.

The situation with the equality of floors in politics and in Russia is not the best way - although there are 72% among civil servants, their number in senior positions is only 25%. And in the legislative bodies, the share of women is barely reaching 15%.

In Sweden, Belgium, Finland, Iceland, Norway, meanwhile women in Parliament, 40-44%.

The connection between the number of women in power and corruption attracted the attention of researchers only recently, the authors of the work are noted. In 2001, several studies have appeared, which showed that there is a negative connection between the percentage of women in power and corruption: the more corruption is less pronounced. Subsequently, however, doubts arose - it may not matter in women, but in other, unaccounted factors. It was not even the fact that lower corruption contributes to the influx of women in power, and not vice versa.

Therefore, Professor Saransg and Doctor of Economic Sciences Chandran Ja analyzed data on corruption and the percentage of women and men in 155 regions of 17 European countries. They used the method of instrumental variables - the method of analysis in which a number of indirect factors affecting the result takes place. They also took into account the diversity of roles that women can play in power - from the adoption of laws before office work.

Data on corruption was provided - an organization engaged in the organization of financial and technical assistance to developing countries. Information on the number of women in the authorities provided an international organization of labor.

As it turned out,

the presence of women in politics related to the country affects the decrease in corruption of the country.

The number of women in office work has not been associated with corruption.

According to the analysis of earlier works, researchers celebrate, the whole thing can be in the management strategies that women and men choose. So, in particular, women are more focused on politics contributing to the welfare of women, children and families.

For example, in India, women in local governments allocate a large share of the budget for public goods and solving infrastructure issues, as well as more carefully monitoring that those or other subsidies fall into the hands of corrupt officials.

In addition, the presence of women in legislative bodies often correlates with an increase in health expenditures and education.

At the same time, education, in turn, also helps to reduce corruption - the higher the quality of education in a state or another, the less corrupt politicians in it.

Some researchers suggest that the relationship between politicians and corruption may disappear as women's social status gained equal to male. They associate this opportunity with the fact that, having access to power, women get access and to the ability to abuse their powers. However, the results of the study show the opposite: the higher the status of a woman in a particular country, the stronger the connection between the politicians and the level of corruption is expressed.

"Our results refute the assumption that the observed gender differences in politics are due to gender differences in social status.

In fact, our conclusions talk about the opposite: Corruption is lower, if women have equal status in society, perhaps, because they are more capable of influencing the formation of politics, "the researchers write.

The researchers emphasize that they do not mean that women "by nature" are less corrupt - then only their number in the authorities, but not social status or a specific position, were influenced by the level of corruption in the country.

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The problems of combating corruption are attracted to lately Attention is close attention, being the most acute and extremely relevant issues discussed by our society. This is quite natural.

In the last period, against the background of the emerging social and political and socio-economic situation, the facts of corruption in various spheres of vital activity are constantly stated. Therefore, corruption in organs state power and management modern Russia It is the most acute problem, without a cardinal solution of which the effective development of Russian society is impossible. In addition, the state where the power is highly corrupt, neither a democratic, nor legal or social orientation can be considered.

The relevance of the topic under consideration is indisputable. Corruption in government bodies presents a social threat that it is directly or indirectly affects public values, morality and government foundations, undermining faith in justice and the feasibility of decisions made. The scale of the prevalence of corruption in state bodies, conclusions are made on the likelihood of political, economic, social risks, as well as the degree of development civil society.

The danger of corruption is primarily in fact that there are practical activities for the decisions of officials that have not always can have a positive character for society and the state. At the same time, the development of corruption is a complex and inert system of government, which are sometimes an effective catalyst when considering and making decisions on relevant issues, as well as in some cases, corruption methods are used to penetrate the authorities of representatives of criminal structures.

In this study, we will speak mainly about the "state" corruption, in which one of the parties always serves as a person on public serviceor performing some powerful powers as a result of delegating power from voters or any other way. Understanding that terminologically, this is not exactly accurate, we will use for such persons as synonyms of the phrase "public servant", "official" or "official".

The purpose of this work is to analyze the manifestation of corruption in the office of public administration and the measures to prevent it.

Accordingly, the tasks are as follows:

Explore the essence of corruption;

Analyze the causes and forms of corruption in the office of civil service;

The highlights of the prevention of corruption in government bodies will reveal.

The work is a kind of studying the problems of corruption and analysis of existing concepts and opinions, and not the answer to the most overcomed issues and finding real ways to overcome it, since at the moment this problem is increasing and requires a clearer state policy in this direction.

1. Corruption in government bodies

1.1 Social Essence of Corruption

Corruption is one of the main problems corrosive the state mechanism, and with it all society.

Corruption is manifested in various public areas: in the system of state and municipal bodies, in political parties and trade unions, etc. Today, corruption comes out for international levels.

A special danger and a special submission of state authority, the crime is only when carried out by implementing the functions of power. Only one who acts as an organ of government can also drop the dignity of power and undermine its authority. Only endowed authority of power gets a easier opportunity, using them, to make such offenses that cannot be carried out by private individuals, such as, for example, Lucchychimita, non-Russian, etc., wrote at the beginning of the XX century. Domestic state scientist N.M. Corkunov. Analyzing this statement should be noted that it is precisely about the phenomenon of corruption in the state apparatus, despite the fact that the term itself in the modern understanding of it was not used at that time. And despite the fact that there are many definitions of this concept - there is no complete clarity and legal accuracy.

It must be said that the definition of "corruption" appeared in us only in 1993 in the draft of the first law on combating corruption. And the beginning in the early 90s. XX century The active legal study of such a dangerous phenomenon in the system of civil service has already clearly did not comply with the scale of its dissemination in the field of public administration of our country.

Over the past decade, with the characteristics of the emerging socio-economic and socio-political situation in the Russian Federation with enviable constancy, the negative fact of the dissemination of corruption in the system of state-service relations is stated. In this connection, the concept of corruption is firmly included in the life of Russian society, despite the fact that it is absent in the legislation. But despite this over the past time (1992-2002) a number of large scientific researchA number of monographs and sufficiently informative textbooks have been published on the problem of prevention and suppression of corruption, dozens of articles of leading domestic criminologists and specialists in the field of administrative law and public administration, a number of scientific and practical conferences were held, candidate dissertations were defended. Many politicians and public figures, both in our country, and abroad received fame and wide popularity among the population on corruption, creating an image of "uncompromising fighters" with various forms of its manifestation in the system of civil service.

In the scientific literature, there are quite a lot of concepts of corruption.

We give several characteristic definitions. "... Corruption is a phenomenon in the field of social management, which is expressed in the abuse of subjects of managing its authority through their use in personal (in a broad sense - individual and group, material and other) purposes" (G.K. Mishin). "Corruption is the use of a subject of management of its authority, contrary to the interests of the service from personal interest," (V.S. Commissioners). "Corruption - as a social phenomenon is the decomposition of the management office, based on the use of officials of its official position for mercenary purposes" (G.N. Borzenkov). "Corruption - ... Social phenomenon, which consists in mercenary use by the official of the state authorities and the management of its official position for personal enrichment" (PA Kabanov).

As you can see, the social medium of corruption is state power, and civil servants, officials and other persons authorized to perform state functionswho use their state-powerful powers to satisfy narrow mercenary interests. Thus, corruption can be characterized as a complex social phenomenon that decomposes the state mechanism making it ineffective, by using civil servants, officials, other persons authorized to fulfill state functions, government powers to meet personal, group and other interests in mercenary purposes.

In the most general and short definition, corruption can be understood by the abuse of state power to gain benefit for personal purposes.

Historical and legal studies show that corruption has always existed, as soon as the managerial apparatus originated. In relation to Russia, the origins of corruption are rooted during the period of so-called stagnation; During the years of existence, a numerous and cumbersome management apparatus was formed in the USSR of the Command-Administrative System. The totalitarian nature of the management, the existence of a huge number of restrictions and prohibitions, the multistage of the apparatus gave rise to in various regions of the country the uncontrolcity and irresponsibility of power, false understanding and perversion of legality, as well as confusion, adaptability, careerism and an unrestrained desire for enrichment.

The corruption of civil servants is constantly referred to not only in the media, but also at the highest state level.

In the public consciousness, the opinion has been spreading recently about the universal corruption of the state apparatus, the impossibility without bribing to achieve their rights. The idea of \u200b\u200bRussia as one of the most corrupt countries exists in global public opinion. The most dangerous forms of manifestation of this phenomenon are - state terrorism (authority of power) and state corruption (power selling). They became not only the problems of Russia, but also on a global scale.

However, it should be recognized that from universal discussion of the problem of corruption in the system of state-official relations between the Russian Federation, society, in essence, did not make radical steps to minimize corruption to a level that does not represent real danger national Security states. The indigenous fracture in this area, alas, is not observed and, apparently, in the near future there will be no change in the fight against corruption.

The reason lies in the fact that corruption is covered by almost all areas of government. Therefore, real shifts in the fight against this evil are insignificant.

Corruption crime already has a number of criminological features related to the subjects of such crimes, spheres and methods of their commit.

According to some expert estimates, organized criminal communities spend from 30 to 50% of criminally acquired funds on corrupt functionaries of the state apparatus, officials in government bodies assist in each tenth organized criminal group, which in Russia about 8 thousand.

It should be noted that corruption is inherent in a high level of latency. It, as a rule, does not entail complaints, since the guilty parties receive mutual benefits from the unlawful transaction.

At the same time, even the extortion of the bribe is not always appealed, because people do not believe in the process of struggle with corruption.

For many civil servants - from the ordinary "traffic cop" to the Mother Minister - it is a source of very solid income, and the income is not only pleasant, as they say - not dusty, but even sheedyed in our cynical time some romance haloe.

For an ordinary citizen, a bribe, given to the official, is the only means to send power to the right path and make it serve to serve society, more precisely - a specific representative who buys the official services of the official. Giving a bribe, a citizen elevates himself and over to whom she gives a bribe, and on those who did not guessed to give a bribe. Often, the bribe becomes the only and very effective means of protection against non-stupidity, arbitrariness and nervousness of the state car.

For a businessman, corruption is a way to export market relations in those areas where they have no place, and at the same time - the means to suppress competition where it needs to be society, but really does not need this businessman. A businessman's bribe is the acquisition of someone else's will, assigning other people's legal and domineering prerogatives.

For corruption policy, not only a convenient environment, which gives him constant earnings as a mediator between the field of decision-making and the sphere, in which these decisions germinate with abundant green piglets. And of course - this is not only the topic for exercises in eloquence. Corruption for him is the most important tool of political struggle, this is a sledgehammer that can crush any opponent. Finally, it is a springboard, which can throw him on the top of the powerful pyramid.

All this suggests that corruption is needed to everyone. Therefore, unfortunately, it is invincible.

1.2 Causes and forms of distribution of corruption in government bodies

Corruption, its scale, the specificity of the implementation of corruption actions and the dynamics of the dissemination of this harmary phenomenon becomes a consequence of the general political, economic and social condition of the country. The period of modernization and reforming of society and the state is favorable to expand corruption capabilities. Therefore, for the emergence and development of corruption in Russia, there are general reasons characteristic of other states:

1. The transition from the totalitarian to the democratic regime includes a departure from the closedness and not controlling the authorities to the openness of their activities occurs slowly, and the ongoing process of decentralization of the economy also contribute to the prosperity of corruption.

2. Economic decline and political instability. Constantly aware of the political and economic risk associated with inflation, the absence of clear regulatory mechanisms, forms a certain type of economic behavior, designed for the crustane perspective. Political instability causes a sense of uncertainty and among officials of the most different levels.

To ensure the development of even private production, its own security should be included in the system of socio-economic relations. Therefore, in the conditions of private property, their forms are formed by the organization's organizational structures: the market, hired work, monopolies, competition, party, trade unions.

Comparing the states of countries to privatization and after it, scientists came to the conclusion that "individual private property separates direct manufacturers, destroys the material basis of common interests and cohesion of people, their readiness for joint management, to combat natural disasters, epidemics, military aggression. There is a small private property undermines society, states. "

Without having confidence self-preservation for a long term, they are amenable to the temptation of corruption. In the context of the economic crisis, the state often tries to strengthen the tax press. This leads to the expansion of the zone of the shadow economy, and consequently the scope of corruption.

3. Imperfection of legislation, that is, the absence of an optimal system of anti-corruption laws and subtitle acts. The lack of law does not allow properly qualify actions related to corrupt, build a system to combat it.

4. This problem is most relevant when considering those acts that regulate control, permits, registration, jurisdictional powers of state authorities (civil servants) in relations with citizens, non-state legal entities, as well as the procedure and deadlines for the implementation of these powers.

Control powers are understood as the powers carried out in order to verify the legality of the activity (including the procedure for activity) of the law (inspection, revision, control, supervision).

Permissive powers are issuing relevant documents confirming the right to occupy a certain activity (certificates, licenses, certificates, accreditation) or use of certain objects (weapons).

Registration authority is carried out in order to identify the facts of establishing, changes or termination of the legal status of subjects (taxpayers, licensees), as well as civil law transactions and objects of law (real estate, vehicles).

Under jurisdictional powers are the authority of state bodies officials, carried out in order to apply administrative legal liability measures (imposition of fines).

Under the rule-making authority means the authority to adopt regulatory and legal acts of a subtitle, establishing rules of behavior for an unlimited circle of persons.

The state authorities can be recognized as a state authority, a state official.

In the process of transformations, the update of the foundations of the economy and economic practice is significantly ahead of the legislative support. An example is the beginning of the privatization (party-nomenclature stage), which was held without clear legislative regulation. Economic liberalization was combined with the old principles of resource monitoring and the lack of legislation for the regulation of new areas of activity.

5. The ineffectiveness of the activities of the institutions of power. After the destruction of the nomenclature system, a new system of selection and promotion of government officials has not appeared. The idea was proclaimed to work as a "team", which predetermined the right to appoints on the principle of "fraternity", "personal dedication" and others. With such a question professional training, personal and business qualities become secondary. Often on state posts Representatives of criminal structures are delegated.

6. Weakness of civil society, separating it from power. The democratic state should solve its problems together with civil society institutions.

7. Insufficiency of political democracy. Elected legislation, protecting the deputy, does not ensure the real dependence of elected persons from voters.

8. Subordination of officials departmental regulatory acts. Traditionally, officials are primarily performers of departmental regulations (orders, instructions, orders, etc.), which determine the procedure, number, tax collection time and other payments with the population by various departments, issuing permits for the activities of certain activities, monitoring From public services (fireman, Ati, SanEpidem. Supervision, police, etc.).

9. Psychological problems of the dominant class. They consist in the fact that the legitimacy of the regime that dominates in Russia rests on extremely dubious and unstable ideological arguments. According to the official ideology, today the country is experiencing a period of transition to a system of economic liberalism and its corresponding to the political democracy of the Western type.

In addition, the following possibilities can be attributed to the listed reasons for corruption: the preservation of the wide range of public services covered by permitting principles; Monopoly of the Office for the provision of services; the presence of authorities that can make a decision and provide services; Inadequacy of fines, contributing to evasion from paying with bribes.

At the same time, the reasons for the spread of corruption in Russia are quite obvious:

- Low salary of the Russian official.

- moral degradation of society. This is due to the fact that the money was the only value of mass consciousness.

- Low moral and ethical level of the official, the orifier of which is aimed at meeting their own interests and irresponsibility of officials.

- The disinterest of the authorities in the fight against corruption, since with corrupt officials it is easier to work (no complaints, their own dignity, moral principles, etc.).

- Undelustion of democratic institutions, the lack of effective forms of social control, low legal and political culture, arbitrary by power, especially law enforcement agencies.

- Monopolism and oligarchy in the economy.

- Low quality legislative acts oriented on legal, but on administrative methods for regulating all spheres of social life.

- Expanded office of public authority and especially local government, which is more uncontrolled from public authority, the media.

Thus, corruption generates a significant number of prohibitions, permitting procedures.

Analyzing all of the above, you can draw the following conclusions:

- an increase in the number of prohibitions, quotas, norms, visas, bureaucratic rules, permits increase corruption capabilities;

- bureaucrats of all levels of government are interested in weak operation of law enforcement units, which are designed to deal with economic crimes;

- Corrupt officials interested in the weakening of state power;

- In the conditions of a market economy, the essence of corruption can be viewed as the sale of civil servants who are at their disposal of the share of power. Thus, the government becomes a commodity, the liquidity of which depends on market factors, resulting in a corrupt society in corrupt society.

The most susceptible corruption are the following areas of activity:

- licensing and registration of entrepreneurial (banking) activities;

- issuance of permits for posting and carrying out banking operations with budget funds of federal, regional and local levels;

- receiving loans in non-state banks and government target loans;

- holding competitions for public orders, participation in programs, scientific research;

- receiving export quotas;

- customs clearance of imported goods;

- construction, as well as repairs due to budget funds;

- appointment for posts;

- initiation and termination of criminal cases, direction for an additional investigation;

- control of road safety;

- Passport tables, permissive systems;

- admission to universities, prestigious general education schools;

- Formation of electoral lists and others.

As social pathology, corruption, unfortunately, is striking even such powerful state bodies and institutes as the court, the prosecutor's office, the investigative apparatus, certain employees of which are bribed and decomposed by the shadow economy and criminal business, leaders criminal communities. They receive essentially constant and very weighty wages from these criminal structures, as a result of which they do not lead and cannot conduct an effective struggle against organized crime and corruption, do not fulfill the tasks and functions assigned to them in this regard, deprive the Society to carry out control over the organized Crime and corruption.

Turning to the forms of manifestation of corruption in the public service system, it should be noted that they include various types of violations of constitutional, administrative, criminal and other rules of law by persons carrying out the functions of public administration in all areas of activity.

In this regard, to prevent and prevent corruption in the public service system, it is necessary to make appropriate not only legislative, but also organizational measures.

It should also be remembered that the public danger of corruption is manifested in the socio-economic, legal, political spheres.

The political aspect is, first of all, in the loss of the state administration and reliability, the ability to conduct state policy, expressed in laws and other regulations, as well as in the actual dependence of citizens not from laws, but from the arbitrariness of corrupt officials.

In the economic sphere, the danger of corruption is expressed in distortion by the corrupted state office of the state economic policy, which leads to the formation of a criminal market economy; In the loss of the integration of Russia into the global economy; in colossal economic damage expressed in billions rubles; from lacking taxes, etc.

Legal - In the failure of the necessary laws, for example, "On the fight against corruption", "On legalization (laundering) of cash or other property acquired by illegally" and a number of others. At the same time, the legal aspect of the risk of corruption is to accept the legislator of regulatory documents, profitable and convenient criminal structures, with the provision of broad opportunities for their arbitrary interpretation; in blanks legal regulation social relations; In deliberately distortion of the content of law enforcements in order to extort the bribes.

Only, taking into account this, it is necessary to build anti-corruption policies, remembering that corruption is not only separate personality - this is the problem of the state as a whole.

2. Developing policies to combat corruption in government bodies

2.1 Preventing corruption

As already noted, corruption is a negative social phenomenon that has political, economic, criminal, socio-cultural roots. It is in this that the difficulty of combating it is. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly realize that work to minimize the manifestations of corruption, and ultimately, at its eradication, should be integrated and cannot be limited to criminal law measures.

The fight against corruption should not be directed only to the identification and punishment of persons who commit corruption. First of all, it is necessary to develop and implement a system to prevent corruption to prevent corruption in the structure of state power and local self-government bodies.

Prevention of corruption crime implies the implementation of a complex of events:

- development of a strategy to combat corruption, ensuring a clear legal regulation of the activities of the authorities, publicity of this activity, social control over it;

- improving the structure of management apparatuses and procedures for solving issues that affect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations; protection of the state and legitimate interests of employees;

- providing a state of a worthy standard of living to employees and their families;

- implementation of financial control measures, etc.

The criminal situation in Russia, especially in the field of economy, predetermines the criminal disease of officials, which in turn has a significant determining effect on the increase in crime in the country. The desire for a civilized society is impossible without the legal struggle against the corruption of public officials of a different level.

The understanding of the nature of corruption also contributes to the proper selection of approaches to the development of policies in the fight against it.

Considering the problem of combating corruption in Russian society and in the public service system, it should not be noted that the conditions for the functioning of the social and state body contribute to the existence and development of corruption processes. At the same time, there are opinions that the expansion of corruption in Russia occurs as a result of a non-compliance between the new conditions, in which the state body and the old mechanisms of this functioning operate. Therefore, the main efforts of the anti-corruption program should be aimed at establishing the work of the state mechanism in the established conditions. In fact, the control mechanism has also changed, but they have not yet been developed until the end of the rule of management of this mechanism, based on the conditions that develop as a result of the incessant reforms. The changes in society have changed the values, life attitudes, behavior stereotypes.

To successfully implement the fight against corruption, state policy should be aimed at ensuring the interests of society and personality, and the assessment of the activities of officials should be based on the principles providing these interests. In addition, in its activities, the state should be based on the network of civil society institutions, strict legality, equality of the rights and freedoms of citizens in the economic and political spheres.

The fight against corruption through frontal attacks and dawnings does not have perspectives, since it affects the interests of the majority of members of society and sometimes encounter on their opposition. The difficulties of preventing and preventing corruption in the system of civil service are associated with a fairly controversial attitude towards it in society. Condeming corruption in principle, public consciousness considers many of its manifestations in everyday life as natural human relations. In everyday practice, as already noted, corruption is not how much an offense, how much "norm of behavior".

In this regard, as V.A. noted Zaks, "Before looking for new approaches to solving a problem, it is necessary to understand the essence of the phenomenon with which to deal with"; Or, as the ancient said, "understand - it means to win."

The main thesis in the prevention and suppression of corruption in the system of civil service is inextricably linked to the reform of state apparatus primarily / carrying out structural transformations in the executive system. I was stated by the published program "The main directions of the anti-corruption policy of Russia". In this document, in particular, it was noted that the adoption of the law on federal executive bodies in order to establish substantiated criteria to determine the structure and number of employees of the executive bodies. In addition, the purpose of this law could be to determine the objectified legal mechanisms that would allow to establish a clearer and consistent state monitoring of the changes in the system of federal executive bodies, as well as determine their competence in certain areas of government.

It should be supported by the point of view of Professor A.F. Nosdrachev that: "Each federal executive body should have its own clear and definite legal status: the ministry is one thing, the Committee is another, the Agency is the third, etc. and this species status should depend only on one factor - on the nature and scope of functions and powers. " Professor Ya.I. Kuzminov as part of the reform of the executive authority proposes "to consolidate and simplify the state apparatus, to consolidate agencies, remove the spheres of double and triple competence. For example, only two departments should remain in the field of regulating the economy: finance and economics, as well as an independent antimonopoly service. Objectives of the state industrial Politicians should be carried out by state concerns and agencies coordinating the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation. " As Russian President noted in his message Federal Assembly Of the Russian Federation in 2002, "the state apparatus must be effective, compact and operating."

Administrative reform in the executive system should be sent to carry out such structural transformations.

As shown by the expired decade, as amended by the structure of the executive authorities, the status and functions of the federal executive bodies, narrow-chopped, and not state interests were often stood. In this connection, some psychological uncertainty have been created in a number of managers of those or other departments, in their own future. These and some other causes of organizational and legal character It was a nutrient medium to grow corruption in the system of public service of our country. Corruption state power

Effective measures to prevent and suppress corruption in the public service system at the same time should be measures to change the nature of state institutions, which are currently functioning as "reservoirs" corruption. Otherwise, any efforts of material, organizational, legal, moral properties will not have a positive result.

2.2 Anti-Corruption State Policy

The anti-corruption policy of the state should be aimed at creating a system of countering the manifestations of corruption, including the mechanisms of prevention. The formation of a system of anti-corruption measures should include the following points:

1. In theoretical plan, it is necessary to investigate the question of a single understanding of the subject of the corruption offense ( disciplinary offense, civil law delicate, administrative corruption offense and corruption crime). The decision of these scientific and legislation requires the unification of the efforts of specialists in the field of constitutional, administrative, labor and criminal law.

2. Creating a system of legislation to counter corruption.

3. Development and adoption of the anti-corruption concept, which would include institutions, mechanisms, principles, forms, anti-corruption methods.

4. Simplification of management mechanisms is one of the main tasks of anti-corruption policy. The complexity of the structure of the state mechanism, the presence of proceedable bureaucratic procedures, weak external and internal control The activities of the staff of state power are fertile soil in the prevalence of corruption. The creation of a single, managed executive system is the main goal of administrative reform in Russia today.

5. Legislative regulation (legalization) of lobbying activities in Russia. This will minimize corruption manifestations in the law-speaking, law enforcement and law-interpretational activities of state bodies.

Permanent rotation within public institutions should not contribute to those who have noted in corruption officials to promote the service, and in contrast they should lose their positions where corruption manifestations are possible.

I would like to note that the problem of problems in the fight against corruption is not limited to aspects. This is only part of the priority measures necessary for the implementation in this area. No less relevant issues related to the implementation of anti-corruption legal norms of financial and tax discipline, both in the state mechanism and in society, the formation of an atmosphere of intolerance towards manifestations of corruption in public consciousness, etc.

Making a program to combat corruption, one should proceed from the following features:

- the privatization of the Russian economy did not lead to the separation of political and economic systems and the creation of the Company's material resource as an equal partner of the state, which led to the development of corruption in state structures and organized crime, bringing elite circles revenues;

- while maintaining the authorities of the former nationwide ownership in the hands of the political system decentralization, opportunities were created for the formation of corruption and organized crime at the regional level;

- corruption performs a function indicating malfunctions in the control system management methods;

- The fight against corruption should be carried out constantly and cannot represent a one-time campaign;

- Corruption cannot be limited only by legal methods, it is necessary to use organizational, social measures of impact;

- anti-corruption program achieves success with the interest and participation of the country's political leadership;

Yes, and legislation in the country has not changed significantly and therefore did not take into account the emergence of new forms of manifestation of corruption and organized crime.

Thus, the deepening of all these negative trends indicates the formation, and in some cases the presence of threats to political and economic security, expressed in real consolidation in the authorities of the criminal forces.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the improvement of anti-corruption legislation and implementation on this basis effective law enforcement activities is possible only under the condition of the awareness of those social mechanisms that cause corruption.


The essence of corruption as a socio-legal phenomenon is ambiguous. It is expressed, on the one hand, in the use of a person who carry out those or other government functions, its official status in order to obtain illegal advantages (sales), and on the other hand, in providing such advantages to those advantages to stakeholders (bribery).

The content of corruption is determined by the combination of heterogeneous acts (actions or inaction), expressed in the illegal receipt of property, services or benefits by the person authorized to implement state functions; In providing him with such property, services or benefits, as well as in mediation or incitement to mentioned actions from the concerned.

As it was possible to find out, the fight against corruption - the problem is complex and, of course, the complex, its decision implies not only the use of a wide spectrum legal means (criminal law, administrative and legal, disciplinary, civil laws), but also the use of a complete set of socio-management, organizational and management, political and cultural measures.

From the analysis it follows that anti-corruption policy should include measures aimed at solving the following tasks:

- determination of the scientifically substantiated concept of "corruption" and the adoption of the legislative act "On Corruption";

- organization of combating corruption at all levels of power;

- the narrowing of the field of conditions and circumstances conducive to the implementation of corruption;

- an increase in the likelihood of identifying corruption actions and punishment for the damage caused as a result;

- rendering influence on the motives of corruption manifestations;

- Creating an atmosphere of public rejection of corruption in all its appearances.

Since to achieve positive results in the fight against corruption, considerable effort and certain time will be required, the primary task will be the formation of the relevant public opinion, the readiness and determination of the authorities to move from declarations to the practical implementation of anti-corruption activities.

To this end, it is necessary to carry out the following measures:

1. For perfect corruption actions, not only civil servants located at a low hierarchy of official position should be involved, but also highly delivered officials who compromised themselves with corrupt actions.

2. In order to actively influence the economic aspect of corruption activities, the openness of economically significant solutions to government officials should be introduced.

3. Revise the issue of participation of civil servants in joint-stock companies with a share of state capital. According to the current legislation, the civil servants is prohibited from another paid, including entrepreneurial activities, to participate in the management of joint-stock companies.

In Russia, hundreds of officials (from ministers, specialists, etc.) are included in the board of directors of joint-stock companies, companies, they receive appropriate payment. As a result, there is a splicing of public service with entrepreneurship, provoking corruption.

4. To monitor the transition of public servants to the positions of managers of commercial enterprises after their dismissal from the public service.

5. Secure as corruption in criminal legislation Actual forms of lobbize, favoritism, protectionism, contributions to political goals, including elections, investing commercial structures by budget funds, translation state property in joint Stock Company, Education of children abroad at the expense of sponsors and other, sophisticated corruption technologies.

6. Legislative solution to the issue of providing state officials of all branches of the authorities about the property situation of their families. In our country, where the practice of corrupt officials is common, to register the property acquired by not legitimate by their close relatives, such a form is rejected under the pretext of protecting privacy.

7. In addition to the adoption of the law "On the fight against corruption", such laws as "on combating organized crime" should be adopted, "about countering the legalization of income received by illegally", which were taken by the State Duma of the Russian Federation and approved the Federation Council, but were rejected by the President of the Russian Federation for Minor grounds.

As it turns out, corruption is beneficial to everyone, so it is invincible. Nevertheless, we proceed from the fact that there are no absolutely produced societies. Society should understand that its benefit is that politicians make decisions on the basis of public, not mercenary, interests, to receive goods and services, winning in free competition, and not at the expense of bribing. It only remains to hope that there are politicians and journalists who are able to explain this to society. Citizens of the country should know that the annual losses from corruption, which carries the country make up many tens of billions of hryvnia. Whether our taxpayers agree on this additional tax contributing to them not to the army, not on education and medicine, but for the enrichment of a relatively small group of people, to make the economy weak, power is ineffective, and the country is despised?

But is it worth counting on common sense and instinct of self-preservation of many of those who are forced to subjugate themselves to the rules of the corruption game? Do they understand that corruption, when they do not fight with it, grows and fasten up everything. The final here is one - the collapse of the political system. When the wreckage of rotting democracy falls, those who are annoying the intestinal crowd of ordinary people become the first victims. It is not difficult to guess that these victims are buyers of officials and self-impunity sellers of corruption services that have believed their wealth.

There are no answers to all these questions and, unfortunately, no one thinks about the consequences of corruption, how harm it can apply to all areas of activity and the entire state apparatus as a whole, therefore there are no significant shifts in the fight against corruption and its consequences.

The eternity of corruption, its presence in any society and with any socio-economic formation indicates its functionality, that is, that it satisfies certain requirements of the social system, plays a specific role in maintaining it as a whole. In this sense, the opinion of Professor G.A. is quite fair Satarov that: "Corruption cannot be eradicated to the end, since it is an indicator of society health."


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    Corruption in state authorities. The historical aspect of anti-corruption activities. Socio-economic consequences generated by corruption. International experience in combating corruption. Anti-corruption policy of the Russian Federation: Legal base.

    abstract, added 04/26/2014

    The concept, species and scope of the dissemination of corruption in state, regional authorities and local governments. Loss of moral immunity. Reform municipal Service as a way of regulating management anomalies.

    thesis, added 24.11.2012

    Problem problems of countering corruption in Russia. The concept of conflict of interest in the public service: the procedure for prevention and settlement. Directions of state bodies to improve the effectiveness of anti-corruption.

    course work, added 07/07/2014

    Statistical picture of crimes against state power and their condition in recent years. Conditions, reasons and problems of prevention of crimes and countering corruption in the state apparatus and local governments.

    examination, added 06/21/2015

    general characteristics Directions for implementing concepts of use information technologies in federal state bodies. Administrative and legal mode of service secrets, laws on the information support of state bodies.

    abstract, added 04/06/2015

    Corruption as a social phenomenon: concept, types and functions, classification, combination mechanisms. Foreign experience overcoming corruption in state system civil service. Features of the anti-corruption policy of the Russian Federation.

06.08.2011, 15:04

In an interview with the "Free Press", a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, a member of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Valery Rakshin, spoke about who and how to manage Russia and want these rulers to really eradicate corruption in the country.

Valery Fedorovich, in our country there are financial intelligence, special services and certainly they know - who, when, where and under what name, it lists money abroad, buying yachts and mansions. If it is illegal, then why not take measures to them? And if legal, then why in Russia such laws?

- President is the leader anti-Corruption Commission Russia, under it - all the security forces. He appoints the leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, army, judges and this block led by the president should be considered comprehensively. So, this block does not work comprehensively. In some cases, of course, give data on some kind of corrupt officials, but it cannot be called the system, it is like that. The anti-corruption system does not work. Therefore, such numbers. What steal up to 50% of budgetary funds, for example, in the field of construction. Increase prices for building materials, bribe officials, kickbacks to those who give permission. Remember, was the program from the "Unified Rossia" "Foki throughout the country"? So, 50% of the allocated budget funds reversed. This in his report was spoken by deputy progressor, which means that the authorities know about it. Today, silovikov in Russia is enough to stop corruption to truly, but to fight her, you need a political will, and it is not. Suit small leaks to release steam. The entire system of power, since 1991, is configured to the state management scheme for kickbacks, bribes ... Deployment of the report indicated how much the minister's portfolio costs.

How many?

20 million euros, this figure is voiced, there are schemes.

Does this money reach the top of the top? President, premiere?

The whole structure of power is permeated by corruption. For the bag of seeds - plant, and for large frauds - let go of the will.

Is it possible to defeat corruption with the current president?

I answer clearly and clearly: non-WHO can be. The entire personnel selection grew out of the 91st year, when the subsoil was privatized, sold out gas, defense enterprises, huge pieces for a penny. The entire structure of power is from one nest.

Simple people as they also participate in corruption. It is necessary, for example, to arrange a child in a kindergarten or school, but there are no places. Carry the money director.

This is on the household level, and this is not very corruption. Corruption is where budget. The biggest bribes and kickbacks are there. If one partner gave his personal money to another private owner, is not corruption. But the budget is the money of everyone and when the official receives a rollback from this money, this is corruption. And when they drive oil and gas across the border at a low price, then they are successfully sold, and the difference is put in his pocket - this is also corruption.

Is the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the current convocation to ratify 20 Article Convention against Corruption?

Not. This just shows whether the state of Russia is tuned to the real struggle with corruption. What is the essence of this article? Man, well, let's say, Premier Putin, gets so many income per year, plus something else on the shares and all this makes it in the declaration. But his spending for the year. If they do not coincide, i.e. I earned less than spent, explain - why where does the money come from? 20 The article would have obliged all officials, ministers, the leaders of United Russia show - how much did it earned and what I spent, and if the incompleteness of income with expenses - immediately fall under suspicion of corruption. If you can not prove that the surplus is honest, then from the suspect immediately cross the criminals. And about this article, everyone boosted - the ruling elite, the president, the United States. 100% (I watched) the authorities of the elite fall under this article. Take my colleague Volodin, who did not work in commercial structuresSo he is a billionaire! For him, the Journal of Forbes wrote. And there would be 20 the article was ratified, he would immediately hit this article. Most of the United Russia fall under it. I bought a mansion, went to the canars with the girls, bought the earth, in England I got a microdistrict ... And what a salary of you are won. So prove - what. And it all happens since 1991, when people's property took care of a penny, which was illegally even in Yeltsinsky lawlessness. You know, as they say, "the more condition, the greater the crime behind him." Those who today millionaires and billionaires are criminals. In order not to disclose this, they are not interested in ratifying the 20th article. For them, it is fraught with consequences. Everyone will immediately see - how much they earn and how much they spend.

In China, corrupt officials are shot. How do you like this method of struggle?

Solidarity. Communion of the Communist Party, I, by the way, the author of the amendments initiated the draft law on the confiscation of property from the one who came to the nearest relatives, wives, children. Today, thanks to the party of power, such a law is valid: if Papu-thiefs will be convicted of corruption, then the Villa Water Plants cannot be confiscated from his adult child. And we made a bill so possible. So it was blocked, no wonder of our great and smart leaders, governors, wife's mayors - very talented business Vumen. You read the Declaration - he has income for the year 5 million rubles, and the wife is 60-120 million. These are talented wives. And the second part of our position: when the country flies into the abyss of the corruption component, it is necessary to introduce the death penalty for the largest embezzlement of public funds. And do it publicly! Officials are also people, watching TV and many, very many think that it is better to be poor, but I will live than they grab and shoot. This will play one of the leading roles in the fight against corruption. But Putin has repeatedly stated that while he in power, the death penalty will not be applied in Russia.

Why did the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, having learned that his subordinates have foreign bills, villas and property incompatible with their salaries, suggested them to quit? Total, but did not send them to court?

We assume that much he knows, receives reports, but corruption in these structures is a sore place. The system rotted and rot on, and we see it. Why did not take action? It is clear that this power structure does not exist in itself, it rotates among other structures, spreading corruption to everything. But they will not be silent to infinity. And they will not be able. In one place, it was broken, in the other, something leaked something ... not to do anything - it is also impossible, so Nurgaliyev and other security officials produce couples, and, of course, try to protect the honor of the Mundir. It does not paint them, they must be sick, as it was with the Soviet power, to punish themselves. After all, if a person is powered by power, has a weapon and is engaged in extortion, this is a terrible thing, it is a vice, it must be immediately hardened. After all, you are the minister, you are not the first time at the wedding, you yourself picked up the footage and should be able to punish the guessed. Fight against corruption in conditions when the opposition does not have the opportunity to take power, it is impossible to place their frames - it is impossible. Medvedev, Putin is doomed to work under these conditions. To fight, you need a real possibility of opposition to power. New shots, new laws. Then the one who pushed themselves. The second condition is publicity. I even do deputy requests: Give lists of those who have agitated officials, positions, the title, whom they planted for bribes and rollback! So do not give!

And what motivate the refusal?

- They say no systematization. I say, give all the security officials, officials, mayors who have already punished who are already sitting. I do not ask for operational information. Give lists of those who have a court decision. Even do not give it! For 5 years, they gave one time an extract for which the mayor, official, security officer sits. I made this analysis in the State Duma, for which I was deprived of the words at a month.

What did not like?

After I called specific surnames, everyone learned - in which party they consist. More than 90% caught whom they were convicted of corruption and they are already sitting, consisted in United Russia. That was a shock, for it I was deprived of words. I stopped acting, and the fight against corruption seems to be "enthusiastic"! I did not give such lists more than me. This is a question about publicity. The country should know his "heroes"! If "United Russia" more than 90% are officials, mayors, governors who steal, now they again want to take most chairs in the State Duma and state bodies.

There is such a view that the president and the premier - hired managers at the head of the oligarchs and themselves do not solve little. This is true?

In 1991, there was a coup, and the state with all its structures began to express the opinion of the head of the oligarchs and class of owners. This is true. And if someone expected that a good king would come from this class, officials will stop stealing, and the people will heal well, there will be jobs - this is Lunaticism is the most real. The ruling class will plant in the chair of the governors of those who cover them cover and expresses their views. And these are all we see the last 20 years. The whole structure is permeated by this corruption component. It is impossible to change the situation in principle. Remember how the Soviet plumber said: it is impossible to repair here, it is necessary to change the entire system. It is necessary to give the opportunity to choose as mayors, governors, in legislative assembly - representatives of the opposition. But the existing power of all the films of the soul against it.

What are the chances of Mikhail Prokhorov and his "right-hand" to get votes?

In Courchevel with girls he has more chances. Another technique was added to society - there is a "United Russia", which loses authority even by their polls, they are going to vote less and less voters for them. So, than "United Russia" can be supported in addition to money and administrative resource? And here on the horizon - the odious party, the "right case", which is promised to the people of Prokhorov to make a 12-hour working day, to retire trade unions and give the employee to the power of the employer. Against the background of this, the chief Unitedview will appear on television, criticize this policy and say, that's what awaits you, if you do not vote for "United Russia". That is, as it would be partly a partly program of the Communist Party, and people will think: it is better "United Russia" than "the right thing." After all, it is clear that in Russia the "right case" there is no support.

What is the role of a simple citizen in the fight against corruption? In which case, the state will be able to protect it?

- The role of a citizen is the first! And not only when he chooses power, president. If the people voted for Zyuganov and could defend their choice, because members of the election commissions are also people, and if they all say "you rewrote the protocol, won Zyuganov, and you write, then Yeltsin, then Putin" ... But the people were silent, but Once silent, it means that it deserves those rulers who have. At the same time, the people see everything and understands - who brought him to life. In the country, 30% of the unemployed, in the Caucasus - 60% and how to believe that all these people have given their votes for the current power? No power will stand if the street is drurlit!

No one in the world with this has not yet coped. So let's go out, seek no one stole! As for protection against the Chief-Corruptioner, which may be the rebel to the subordinate to CGN, yes, the law, unfortunately, does not guarantee such protection. But if the president, the party of government was interested, they would have found funds and forces to such protection. But they are not interested. If they begin to truly fight corruption, they will have to fight themselves.