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Rules of conduct in conditions of forced autonomy of existence. Rules of safe behavior in conditions of forced autonomous existence. Top-of-the-line wearable emergency stock

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Rules of conduct in conditions forced autonomy in natural conditions

Autonomous existence - this is the existence of one person or a group of people who, by chance, found themselves in extreme situation, one on one with nature. It can be voluntary(if in this situation there are people whose professions involve working in natural conditions, for example, gamekeepers, geologists, oilmen, etc.) and forced.

Per person in conditions autonomous existence adversely affected by various natural factors, which often turn out to be extreme, that is, extremely strong, causing disruption of the functional activity of the organism, putting it on the brink of disaster. The human body responds to the effects of various stimuli with nonspecific reactions aimed at maintaining homeostasis: the constancy of the internal environment. Such reactions are called stress... Under conditions of autonomous existence, these changes in the functional activity of organs and systems are gradually increasing, but up to a certain limit they remain reversible, that is, they return to normal after the elimination of the influencing factors. This period is called maximum permissible period of autonomous existence.

Survival factors:

1) Anthropological: state of health, reserve capabilities of the body, ensuring its resistance to the effects of heat, cold, deprivation, etc., the constancy of the internal environment - homeostasis. This group includes psychological preparedness, motivation, volitional qualities, active transformative activity, on which the predominance of positive or negative emotions will depend. Important elements of this group are learning to act in an autonomous environment and the will to live.

2) Natural-environmental- factors natural environment that have an adverse effect on the human body: air temperature and humidity, solar radiation, wind, low barometric pressure, etc. This includes the physical and geographical features of the region of autonomous existence: flora and fauna, water sources, photoperiodism, etc.

3) Material and technical- factors that ensure the protection of a person from environmental influences: clothing, emergency equipment, as well as improvised means used for the construction of a shelter, making a fire, giving signals, etc.

Mental reactions - The emergence of mental reactions caused by extreme exposure, the basis of which is fear, significantly complicates the autonomous existence.

The anxiety reaction manifests itself either in a passive form - the cessation of active activity, a kind of numbness, immunity to what is happening, a kind of paralysis of the will, or in an active - panic, the desire to escape from the events.

In 12-25% hysterical reactions are observed. They manifest themselves either in sharp motor excitement, tears, sometimes in meaningless, inappropriate actions, or in a deep stopper - indifference to what is happening, complete inactivity.

Since a number of factors - cold, heat, hunger, pain, despondency, fear - lead to the development of stress, they began to be called stressors... Stressors arise from a person's interaction with environment: heat and cold injuries, poisoning caused by the bite of poisonous snakes, arachnids, insects, eating the meat of some fish, molluscs, poisonous plants, contact with poisonous plants, infection with natural focal diseases, mountain sickness, etc.

Pain. Injuries, inflammation, exposure to high or low temperatures, acids, alkalis, etc. are accompanied by pain, which is a kind of protective reaction of the body. A person deprived of pain sensitivity can receive severe, sometimes fatal injuries, since he will not be able to timely eliminate the cause that threatens his health. But it is pain that can prevent a person from fighting and acting adequately. Therefore, it is necessary to render the first medical assistance victims.

Cold. Heat. Reducing the physical activity and performance of a person, temperature aggressors have an impact on the human psyche. Not only muscles become numb, but also the brain, the will, without which any struggle is doomed to defeat. Therefore, you need to shelter from the cold, heat and wind, to protect the body from hypothermia or overheating, depending on the terrain and weather conditions.

Hunger. A person can go without food for a long time, while maintaining efficiency, however, fasting for many days weakens the body, reduces its resistance to the effects of cold, pain, etc.

Thirst. May cause more serious harm to the human body than hunger. Thirst, being a normal signal of a lack of fluid in the body, if it is impossible to satisfy it due to lack or lack of water, becomes a serious hindrance to human activity. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately establish the daily rate of consumption of water and food, and leave an emergency supply in case of emergency. Organize a search for food and water. survival crime emergency man-made

Overwork. This is a state of the body that occurs after prolonged physical exertion. It is fraught with potential danger, since the will of a person is dulled, makes him compliant to his own weaknesses. Correct distribution of physical activity, timely rest, which should be done as fully as possible by all available means, allows avoiding overwork and quickly recuperating.

Loneliness often has a profound effect on the human psyche. They struggle with loneliness in different ways - they read poetry aloud, try to remember the most pleasant moments in life, discuss their plans aloud, etc. physical work home improvement, etc.

Panic. One of the most powerful forms of emotion that comes from fear. Panic manifests itself as confusion and confusion. A person in a panic state always considers the situation to be life-threatening, loses control over his actions. Only decisive action can stop panic.

The chances of survival depend on the following factors:

* Desire to survive.

* Ability to apply existing knowledge and strictly comply with the requirements of stay in a particular area.

* Confidence

* Discretion and initiative.

* Discipline

* Ability to analyze and take into account your mistakes.

To survive means to solve the most important tasks:

* Any way to eliminate panic.

* Analyze the situation and outline the way out of it.

Provide possible conditions for survival (to be able to shelter from the cold, heat and wind, to protect the body from hypothermia or overheating, to set the daily rate of water consumption, and to leave an emergency reserve as a last resort; location, orienteering.) The main task of autonomous existence is to survive with the least losses.

Rules of conduct in situations of a criminal nature.Criminal otv

Emergencies of a criminal nature :

1. Fraud - open seizure of your property by deception or breach of trust;

2. Hooliganism - gross violation of public order, expressing clear disrespect for society;

3. Robbery - open seizure of property (without violence or with violence that is not dangerous to life and health);

4. Theft - secret theft of property;

5. Robbery - an attack with the aim of stealing property, combined with violence or the threat of violence, dangerous to the life and health of the attacked person;

6. Racket (blackmail) - extortion of material resources through threats and violence;

7. Extortion - the requirement to transfer property under the threat of violence against the person under whose guard the property is located, violence against his loved ones, disclosure of defamatory information, etc.

8. Vandalism - senseless destruction of material and cultural values;

9. Kidnapping - taking possession of a person, withdrawal from his location, moving the victim to another place against his will and keeping him;

10. Rape - sexual intercourse with the use of physical violence, threats or using the helpless state of the victim;

11. Attempted murder - intentional action directly aimed at committing a murder, but not brought to completion for reasons beyond the control of the culprit;

12. Murder - intentional or careless deprivation of a person's life;

13. Slave trade - capture, purchase or sale of people into slavery.

Rules of conduct in situations of a criminal nature:

When attacking, remember that you are not alone material value not worth your life

· Will calm down not to panic, realistically assess the situation;

· Do not wait for help from others;

· No need to show unnecessary heroism;

· If the attacker is a minor, do not rush to use force against him;

· Try to avoid direct contact with the attacker, avoid the use of force from both sides;

If the attacker is neither cold nor firearms, as well as improvised means for attack (metal pipe, rail, etc.), then the above cannot be used against him either;

· Try to remember the signs of the criminal: how he is dressed, age, hair color, their length, what color and shape of the eyes, how deep they sit or bulge, what size his mouth, nose and ears, tattoos, scars, etc.

Criminal otvthe responsibility of minors(Section V of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation):

Minors recognized persons who at the time of the crime were 14 years old, but not 18 years old (part 1 of Art. 87 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). They can be applied coercive measures educational impact.

Types of punishments imposed on minors(art. 88, part 1):

a) Fine- Article 88 part 2;

b) Deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities;

v ) Obligatory work(40-160 hours, 2-3 hours each) - Article 88 part 3;

G) Correctional labor(up to 1 year) - Article 88 part 4;

e) Arrest (after 16 years for a period of 1 to 4 months) - Article 88 part 5;

e) Imprisonment for a certain(up to 10 years with serving in an educational colony) - Article 88 part 6.

Rules of conduct in conditions emergencies natural and man-made

Emergency Situation (ES) - this is the situation in a certain area resulting from an accident, a hazardous natural phenomenon, a natural phenomenon, a catastrophe that may or have entailed human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and disruption of living conditions ( the federal law"On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies").

Natural emergencies occur as a result of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, avalanches, landslides, hurricanes, floods, large wildfires and etc.

Technogenic emergencies occur as a result of accidents at industrial sites and main pipelines, chemical accidents, release accidents radioactive substances, accidents in residential and social buildings

Survival in a disaster zone is ensured by four main factors:

1) knowledge of the features of natural phenomena;

2) the ability to recognize the approach of a natural disaster and: prepare for it. Almost no natural disaster occurs unexpectedly. Each

somehow warns of his approach;

3) knowledge of salvation techniques in a specific natural disaster;

4) psychological preparation to action in ocobo difficult conditions.

Each region of Russia is characterized by certain natural disasters, as a result of which an emergency situation may arise. The only difference is that some of them are more likely, while others are less. In our country, the following are possible: severe thunderstorms and storms, yrakan winds at a speed exceeding 100 km / h, sharp drops in air temperature, snowfalls and blizzards, snowstorms and hail, forest fires, floods, mudflows, landslides, avalanches, earthquakes.

Earthquake. From the moment of the first weak vibrations of the earth's crust to destructive tremors, 15-20 seconds usually pass. Therefore, if you feel the first weak tremors and you are in a building on the first or second floor, quickly leave the building and move to an open area. Being above the second floor, leave the corner rooms, take the safest place (away from windows, in the openings of the internal walls, in the corners between the walls, preferably under a bed, table, other strong AND stable object).

The most unreliable place in the house is elevator openings and staircases.

The first push, as a rule, is followed by repeated ones. Use the calm to leave your home. Beware of pieces of plaster, glass, bricks, fittings, etc. falling on you.

If an earthquake caught you in your car, stop (preferably in an open place), open the doors, but do not leave the passenger compartment.

People living in earthquake-prone areas should be attentive to the messages of local civil defense and emergency authorities, and I follow their instructions and recommendations.

Have a supply of food, water and first aid supplies.

Flood. Having received a warning about the threat of flooding (flooding), inform your loved ones, neighbors about it. An anticipated flood warning usually contains information about the time and extent of flooding, as well as advice to residents on appropriate behavior or evacuation procedures.

Continuing to listen to local radio (if it comes not about a sudden catastrophic flooding), prepare for evacuation, transfer valuables to the upper floors, fill the windows and doors of the first floors with boards or plywood.

In case of a flash flood, it is necessary to take the nearest elevated place as soon as possible and be ready for an organized evacuation by water. It is necessary to take measures that allow rescuers to timely detect people cut off by water and in need of help: hang a banner in a high place during the daytime, and give light signals in the dark.

Tornado, yragan (typhoon). If a tornado is approaching, it is necessary, if possible, to remove household property from the yard and balconies to the house (basement), hide in capital buildings (farther from the windows), turn off the gas, turn off the water, turn off the electricity

and extinguish the fire in the ovens. When caught in an open place, you need to try to evade the recklessness by quickly moving perpendicular to its movement, or huddle to the ground at the bottom of any depression (hollow, ravine).

Do the same with the passage of the yragan.

Use the time before the yragan approach for possible additional strengthening of building structures (especially roofs), preparation of emergency lamps, heating devices, food supplies, water, medicines.

It is dangerous to hide from a tornado and rain near bridges, various supports, pillars and light building structures! When you hear a storm warning, stop leaving your home and driving.

Mudflow, avalanche. If there is a threat of a mudflow or avalanche, if there is no time for evacuation, tightly close doors, windows, ventilation and other openings. Cut off electricity, water, gas. Flammable and toxic substances remove from home and, if possible, bury in pits or cellars.

In the event of an emergency evacuation, go to safe high places on your own. Have a supply of food, water, clothing, and medicine.

When an avalanche descends, try to hide behind a rock, tree, lie on the ground, protect your head with your hands, breathe through your clothes. When drifting away by an avalanche, make swimming movements to stay on the surface. When diving into snow, pull your knees up to your stomach, cover your mouth with your hands and wait for the avalanche to stop moving. Determine where the top and where the bottom, you can on the saliva in the mouth. Saving your strength, make your way up, moving the snow under your feet and trampling it down.

Protection against technogenic emergencies.

In the area where people live, there may be large industrial enterprises, which, under certain conditions, can become a source of various man-made accidents and disasters. And home can be a source of danger, for example

in case of fire.

The largest in terms of predicted scale and consequences and the most probable emergencies of a technogenic nature are: accidents with the release of accident-chemical hazardous substances(AHOV), radiation accidents and fires.

Procedure for getting into a zone of chemical or radiation contamination:

First of all, carefully listen to the warning information of civil defense and emergency situations, transmitted through the public warning system. If the news of the accident caught you at home, you need to seal your home, prepare the appropriate means individual protection and prepare for evacuation. If you find out about an accident on the street, then it is necessary, having protected the respiratory organs with a damp cloth, quickly leave the area of ​​possible infection, leaving perpendicular to the direction of the wind, or get to the nearest shelter. Being in a public place (stadium, club), you need to follow the recommendations of the administration on the procedure for the evacuation.

Protection against chemical hazard (accident with the release of emergency chemically hazardous substances).

When alerting the population local authorities for Civil Defense and Emergencies about chemical accident indicate: the type of hazardous substances, the probable direction of the spread of contaminated air, possible areas chemical contamination and safe directions of exit from them; recommendations are given on the use of individual and collective funds protection, closing windows and doors, their additional sealing, the use of available means for the direct protection of people.

When there is a threat of poisoning with hazardous chemicals, it is necessary to leave the area of ​​infection as soon as possible, take refuge in a shelter.

Radiation protection. First of all, you should protect the respiratory organs with personal protective equipment with a gas mask, a respirator, and in their absence, a cotton gauze bandage, a scarf, a handkerchief, a towel moistened with water; to seal the room, turn off ventilation, take a seat away from windows, verandas, balconies, turn on the radio, TV and wait for instructions on further action.

Food should be placed in plastic bags. Make a supply of water in containers with tight-fitting lids. Place food and water in refrigerators, cupboards, pantries.

Prepare for a possible evacuation, but do not leave the living quarters until special instructions from the local civil defense and emergency authorities. At the command of the Civil Defense Ministry of Emergency Situations, arrive at the prefabricated evacuation points, where registration and subsequent dispatch to the evacuation sites will be carried out.

Potassium iodide should be taken only on the recommendation of the Civil Defense and Emergencies Authority in the event of an accident at a radiation hazardous facility! This information reported after the signal "Attention everyone! ..

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Rules of safe behavior in a forced autonomous existence, survival criteria.



  • Introduction

The favorable outcome of an autonomous existence depends on many reasons: physical and psychological condition, food and water supplies, equipment efficiency, etc.
The Arctic and the tropics, mountains and deserts, taiga and the ocean - each of these natural zones is characterized by its own characteristics, which determine the specifics of human life (rules of behavior, methods of obtaining water and food, construction of a shelter, the nature of diseases and measures to prevent them, ways of movement on the terrain ). The more severe the conditions of the external environment, the shorter the periods of autonomous existence, the more stress the struggle with nature requires, the stricter the rules of conduct must be followed, the more expensive is the price with which each mistake is paid.
A person's vital activity is greatly influenced by his will, determination, concentration, ingenuity, physical fitness, endurance. But even these important qualities are sometimes not enough for salvation. People die of heat and thirst, not suspecting that there is a saving source of water three steps away, they freeze in the tundra, unable to build a shelter from snow, die of hunger in the forest, where there is a lot of game, become victims of poisonous animals, not knowing how to provide first aid for a bite.

When a person is in any type of terrain, the chances of survival depend on the following factors:

Desire to survive;

Ability to apply existing knowledge, strictly comply with the requirements of stay in a particular area;

Confidence in local knowledge;

Prudence and initiative;

Discipline and ability to act according to plan;

Ability to analyze and take into account your mistakes.

To survive means to solve three major tasks:

1. To be able to take shelter from cold, heat and wind, to protect the body from hypothermia or overheating, depending on the terrain and weather conditions.

2. Immediately set the daily rate of water consumption, and leave an emergency supply as a last resort. Steps must also be taken to locate water sources.

3. Make a diet and make sure there is enough water for cooking and eating.

  • Human survival in autonomous existence

Autonomous existence is the continuous existence of one or a group of people without replenishment of supplies and without communication with the outside world.

The autonomous existence of a person in nature, no matter what the reasons lead to him, always has a serious impact on his condition, primarily because in Everyday life we are accustomed to certain laws that are familiar to us.

However, in a situation of loneliness or group isolation, a person is forced to act in several directions: to provide medical care, build shelters, make decisions, etc.

All this can cause self-doubt: lack of special skills; a person who has succumbed to panic is unable to prioritize the tasks facing him and to allocate time correctly.

Extreme situations are not so rare, so it is necessary to work out the rules of behavior in them. The autonomy situation arises unexpectedly. The most typical reasons for its appearance include: loss of orientation, lagging behind the group, accident of vehicles.
Survival based only on biological laws of self-preservation is short-lived. It is characterized by rapidly developing mental disorders and hysterical behavioral reactions. The desire to survive must be conscious and purposeful and must be dictated not by instinct, but by conscious necessity.
The natural environment and its physical and geographical conditions are also of great importance for human life. Actively influencing the human body, it increases or decreases the duration of autonomous existence, contributes or hinders the success of survival. Each of the natural zones determines the specifics of human life: behavior, methods of obtaining food, construction of shelters, the nature of diseases and measures to prevent them, etc.

    Rules of safe human behavior during forced autonomous existence in natural conditions

Terrain orientation is the determination of your position relative to the sides of the horizon and local objects. Depending on the nature of the terrain, the availability of technical means and visibility, the side of the horizon can be determined by the position of the Sun, the North Star, by signs of local objects, etc.
In the northern hemisphere, the direction not north can be determined by becoming at local noon with your back to the sun. The shadow will indicate the direction to the north, west to the left, east to the right. Local noon is determined using a vertical pole 0.5 - 1.0 m long by the smallest value of the length of the shadow from it on the surface of the Earth. The moment when the shadow was the shortest in terms of marks on the Earth corresponds to the passage of the Sun through this meridian.
Determination of the cardinal points with the help of a clock: the clock must be laid horizontally and turned so that the hour hand points to the Sun. Through the center of the dial, the bisector of the angle formed between this line and the hour hand is mentally drawn, showing the north-south direction, with south until 12 o'clock to the right of the Sun, and after 12 o'clock to the left.
At night in the Northern Hemisphere, the northward direction can be determined using the North Star, located approximately above the North Pole. To do this, you need to find the constellation Ursa Major with a characteristic arrangement of stars in the form of a bucket with a handle. An imaginary line is drawn through the extreme two stars of the ladle, and the distance between these stars is plotted on it 5 times. At the end of the fifth segment there will be a bright star - Polaris. The direction to it will correspond to the direction to the north.

You can navigate by some natural signs. For example, on the north side, the trees have a coarser bark covered with lichen and moss at the foot, the bark of birch and pine on the north side is darker than on the south, and tree trunks, stones or rock ledges are thicker covered with moss and lichens. During thaws, snow lasts longer on the northern slopes of the hills. Anthills are usually protected by something from the north, their north side is steeper. Mushrooms usually grow on the north side of trees. On the surface of the trunk of conifers, facing south, more resin drops are released than on the north. These signs are especially clearly visible on trees standing alone. On the southern slopes, the grass grows faster in spring and many flowering shrubs have more flowers.

Organization of an overnight stay is a laborious task. First you need to find a suitable site. First of all, it must be dry. Secondly, it is best to be located near the stream, in an open place, in order to always have a supply of water on hand.
The simplest shelter from wind and rain is made by tying individual elements bases (frames) with thin roots of spruce, branches of willow, tundra birch. Natural cavities in the steep bank of the river allow you to conveniently sit on them so that the sleeping place is between the fire and the vertical surface (cliff, rock), which serves as a heat reflector.

When preparing a place to sleep, two pits are pulled out - under the thigh and under the shoulder. You can spend the night on a bed of spruce branches in a deep hole dug or thawed to the ground by a large fire. Here, in the pit, you should keep the fire in the fire all night in order to avoid a serious cold.
In the winter taiga, where the snow cover is significant, it is easier to make a shelter in a hole near a tree. In severe frost, you can build a simple snow hut in loose snow. To do this, the snow is shoveled into a heap, its surface is compacted, watered and allowed to freeze. Then the snow is removed from the heap, and a small hole is made in the remaining dome for the chimney. A bonfire made inside melts the walls and makes the whole structure strong. This hut keeps you warm. You cannot climb under your clothes with your head, as the material damp and freezes from breathing. It is better to cover your face with items of clothing that are easy to dry later. A burning fire may accumulate carbon monoxide and you need to take care of a constant supply of fresh air to the combustion source.

A bonfire in an autonomous existence is not only warm, it is dry clothes and shoes, hot water and food, anti-gnat and an excellent signal for a search helicopter. And most importantly, a fire is an accumulator of vivacity, energy and vigorous activity.
To get fire, you need to use a flint, a piece of flint. Any steel object can serve as a fire, in extreme cases, the same iron pyrite. Fire is struck by sliding blows on the flint so that sparks fall on tinder - dry moss, crushed dry leaves, newspaper, cotton wool, etc.

Fire can be obtained by friction. For this purpose, a bow, a drill and a support are made: a bow - from a dead trunk of a young birch or hazel tree 2 - 3 cm thick and a piece of rope as a bowstring; drill - from a pine stick 25 - 30 cm long, pencil thick, sharpened at one end; the support is cleaned of bark and a hole is drilled with a knife to a depth of 1 - 1.5 cm. The drill, once wrapped with a bowstring, is inserted with a sharp end into the hole around which the tinder is placed. Then, pressing the drill with the palm of your left hand, quickly move the bow perpendicular to the drill with your right hand. In order not to damage the palm, put a spacer made of a piece of cloth, tree bark, or put on a glove between it and the drill. As soon as the tinder is smoldering, it must be inflated and put into the kindling, prepared in advance.

To achieve success, you should remember about three rules: tinder must be dry, you must act in strict sequence and, most importantly, show patience and perseverance.

Getting food and water. A person who finds himself in conditions of autonomous existence must take the most energetic measures to provide himself with food by collecting edible wild-growing plants, fishing, hunting, i.e. use everything that nature gives.

More than 2000 plants grow on the territory of our country, partially or completely suitable for food.

Care must be taken when collecting plant gifts. About 2% of plants can cause severe and even fatal poisoning. To prevent poisoning, it is necessary to distinguish between such poisonous plants as raven's eye, wolf's bast, poisonous milestones (cicuta), bitter henbane, etc. ...
It is better to refrain from eating unfamiliar plants, berries, mushrooms. If you are forced to use them for food, it is recommended to eat at a time no more than 1 - 2 g of food mass, if possible drinking plenty of water (vegetable poison contained in such a proportion will not cause serious harm to the body). Wait 1-2 hours. If there are no signs of poisoning (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, intestinal disorders), you can eat an additional 10 - 15 g. After a day you can eat without restrictions.

An indirect sign of edibility of a plant can be: fruits, pecked by birds; many seeds, scraps of peel at the foot of fruit trees; bird droppings on branches, trunks; plants eaten by animals; fruits found in nests and burrows. Unfamiliar fruits, bulbs, tubers, etc. it is desirable to boil. Cooking destroys many organic poisons.

In the conditions of an autonomous existence, fishing is perhaps the most affordable way to provide yourself with food. Fish has a higher energy value than vegetable fruits and is less labor intensive than hunting.

Fishing tackle can be made from scrap materials: fishing line - from loose shoe laces, thread pulled from clothes, unbraided rope, hooks - from pins, earrings, pins from badges, "invisible", and spinners - from metal and mother-of-pearl buttons, coins, etc. etc.

It is permissible to eat fish meat raw, but it is better to cut it into narrow strips, dry them in the sun, so it will become tastier and last longer. To avoid fish poisoning, certain rules must be followed. You can not eat fish covered with thorns, thorns, sharp growths, skin ulcers, fish that are not covered with scales, lacking lateral fins, having an unusual appearance and bright color, hemorrhages and tumors internal organs... You cannot eat stale fish - with gills covered with mucus, with sunken eyes, flabby skin, with an unpleasant odor, with dirty and easily detached scales, with meat that easily lags behind the bones and especially from the spine. It is better not to eat unfamiliar and dubious fish. You should also not use fish caviar, milk, liver, because they are often poisonous.

Hunting is the most preferred, in winter time the only way to provide yourself with food. But unlike fishing, hunting requires a person to have sufficient skill, skills, and large labor costs.

It is relatively easy to catch small animals and poultry. For this, you can use traps, snares, loops and other devices.

The mined meat of the animal, the birds are fried on a primitive spit. Small animals and birds are fried on a spit without skinning or plucking. After cooking, the charred skin is removed and the carcass is cleaned of the insides. After gutting and cleaning, the meat of larger game should be burned over high heat, and then roasted over coals.

Rivers, lakes, streams, swamps, accumulation of water in certain areas of the soil provide people with the necessary amount of liquid for drinking and cooking.

You can drink raw water from springs and springs, mountain and forest rivers and streams. But before you quench your thirst with water from stagnant or weak-flowing reservoirs, it should be cleaned of impurities and disinfected. For cleaning, it is easy to make the simplest filters from several layers of cloth or from an empty can, punching 3 - 4 small holes in the bottom, and then filling it with sand. You can dig a shallow hole half a meter from the edge of the reservoir, and after a while it will be filled with clean, transparent water.

The most reliable way to disinfect water is boiling. In the absence of boiling utensils, a primitive box made of a piece of birch bark will do, provided that the flame touches only the part filled with water. You can boil water by dipping heated stones into a birch bark box with wooden tongs.

Prevention and treatment of diseases. In conditions of autonomous existence, when a wide variety of injuries, bruises, burns, poisoning, diseases, etc. are possible, knowledge of self-help techniques is especially necessary, because you have to rely on your own strength.

To protect against mosquitoes, midges, it is necessary to lubricate open areas of the body with a thin layer of clay. Smoky fires are widely used to scare away insects. To drive out insects from the hut before going to bed, burning coals are placed on a thick piece of bark, and covered with wet moss on top. The smoker is brought into the shelter, held there until it is filled with smoke, and then well ventilated and the entrance is tightly closed. At night, the smokehouse is left at the entrance on the leeward side so that the smoke, scaring away insects, does not penetrate into the shelter.

During the treks, care must be taken not to step on the snake. In case of an unexpected meeting with a snake, it is necessary to stop, let it crawl away and not pursue it. If the snake is aggressive, immediately deliver a strong blow to the head, and then finish it off. When a poisonous snake bites, you must carefully suck the poison (if there are no cracks in the mouth and lips) and spit it out. Rinse the wound and apply a bandage.

Certain plants should be used extensively in the treatment of diseases.

Ash bark has anti-inflammatory effects. To do this, remove the bark from a not very young, but not very old branch and attach the juicy side to the wound. Fresh crushed nettle leaves help well. They promote blood clotting and stimulate tissue healing. For the same purposes, the wound can be sprinkled with the greenish-brown pollen of a mature raincoat mushroom, tightly clamping the cut with the velvety skin of the same mushroom turned inside out.

Fireweed fluff, reeds, linseed and hemp tow can be used as cotton wool.

The burning reddish juice of lungwort can replace iodine. And white moss is used as a disinfectant dressing. Fresh juice of plantain and wormwood stops bleeding and disinfects wounds, has an analgesic and healing effect. This remedy is indispensable for severe bruises, sprains, as well as bites of wasps and bumblebees. Plantain and wormwood leaves are crushed and applied to the wound.

How to send a distress signal. The bonfire remains one of the most effective alarms. In order to promptly send a signal to the search helicopter, the fire is prepared in advance. Dry branches, trunks, moss, etc. are folded in open places - a clearing, a hilltop, a clearing, otherwise the trees will trap the smoke and the signal will go unnoticed. To make the column of smoke thicker and blacker, fresh grass, green foliage of trees, damp moss, etc. are thrown into the flaring fire. The fire is set on fire when a helicopter or plane has appeared in sight and the noise of operating engines is clearly audible.
The attention of the crew of the search aircraft can also be attracted by various signals that unmask the terrain: for example, trample geometric figures in the snow, cut down (break) bushes, and if there is a fabric of bright colors, stretch it in an open place.

The favorable outcome of an autonomous existence depends on many factors, but the main one is solid knowledge from different areas... It is advisable not only to know how to behave in a given situation, but also to be able to do it, because when the situation becomes threatening, it is too late to start learning.


How should a person behave in extreme conditions of the natural environment? If there is no firm confidence in the ability to quickly get out of the situation that has arisen, and the situation does not require immediate departure from the scene, it is better to stay put, make a fire, build a shelter from scrap materials. This will help protect well from bad weather and maintain strength for a long time. In addition, it is much easier to get food in a parking lot. In some cases, this tactic will facilitate the actions of the search and rescue service, having received information about an incident in a specific area.
Having made the decision to "stay in place", you need to draw up a plan for further action, which includes the following measures: determining your location; protection from the adverse effects of environmental factors; making a fire; sending distress signals; obtaining food and water; self-help and disease prevention.
The ability of a person to successfully overcome the harsh conditions of the natural environment is one of his most ancient qualities. Even in time immemorial, he learned to protect himself from the cold and heat, to build himself a dwelling from snow and tree branches, to make fire by friction, looking for edible fruits and roots, to hunt birds and animals, etc. But centuries passed, and man, having tasted the benefits of civilization, began to gradually move away from nature and lose the skills acquired by many generations of ancestors. As a member of society, he is accustomed to the idea that many of his needs are provided by the people around him, that someone constantly cares about meeting his needs, that in any unfavorable situation he can always count on someone's help. Indeed, in everyday life, a person does not have to rack his brains over how to hide from heat or cold, how and where to quench thirst and hunger. Lost in an unfamiliar city, he can easily get necessary information... If you are ill, seek medical help.

However, even nowadays, there are often cases when a person, as a result of the prevailing circumstances, finds himself in conditions of autonomous existence, the favorable outcome of which largely depends on his psychophysiological qualities, solid knowledge of the foundations of survival and other factors.

With a short-term external threat, a person acts on a sensual level, obeying the instinct of self-preservation: he bounces off a falling tree, clings to immovable objects when falling, tries to stay on the surface of the water in case of drowning. There is no need to talk about some kind of will to live in such cases.
Long-term survival is another matter. In conditions of autonomous existence, sooner or later a critical moment comes when exorbitant physical and mental stress, the seeming senselessness of further resistance suppress the will. A person is seized by passivity, indifference. He is no longer afraid of the possible tragic consequences of ill-considered overnight stays and risky crossings. He does not believe in the possibility of salvation and therefore dies without exhausting his reserves of strength to the end, without using food supplies.

Sections: life safety fundamentals

Educational questions.

  • The main reasons for forced autonomous existence.
  • Priority actions for disaster victims.
  • reiterate the reasons for the forced autonomous existence and the priority actions of the victims of the disaster;
  • to work out the skills of safe behavior in case of falling into the conditions of forced autonomous existence.

Lesson type: repeating-generalizing.

During the classes

P / p No. Part of the lesson Questions, tasks Time
1. Introductory part. Declare the topic and purpose of the lesson. 2 minutes
2. Main part. Group survey:

What is autonomy?

Types of autonomy

Reasons for falling into conditions of forced autonomy.

Group work:

Analysis of situations

Individual work:

Multilevel creative tasks

Review key points by asking students about the lesson:

What are the basic principles of survival in natural conditions in a forced autonomous existence?

What qualities help people in trouble survive?

What are the priority actions for disaster victims in a desolate area?

When do you decide to stay at the scene of the accident?

When do you make a decision to leave the scene of an accident?

5 minutes
3. Final part. Summarize the lesson. Announce grades. Give a homework assignment. 3 minutes

Homework. Find examples of a person falling into forced autonomy in natural conditions from artistic or journalistic sources.

Situational tasks.

A boy of twelve, resting in the village with his grandmother, went into the forest for berries and got lost. The weather is cloudy, the sun is not visible. An old path is visible ahead. Think and answer what the boy should do.

A group of five tourists in the summer got into an extreme situation. One of the tourists had a twisted leg, the other had a fever. Both victims cannot move independently. Help may arrive no earlier than in two or three days. The nearest settlement is about two hundred kilometers. There is no tent. Think about what you would advise the leader of the group to do.

In the summer, during a flight over the taiga, the helicopter engine failed. The crew managed to land the car in the clearing. The malfunction cannot be repaired on site. Food and utensils are missing. The search for the crew may take several days. Think and answer what the crew members should do.

A group of tourists got into an extreme situation and are awaiting the arrival of rescuers. Think and answer how and by what means they can help rescuers find their location and understand the situation.

A group of children during the hike staged a game of hide and seek. As a result, two guys got lost. Think about what the other guys should do.

During the hike, one of the tourists lagged behind the group. His absence was noticed after 1.5 hours. Consider what the whole group and the straggler must do.

Multilevel creative tasks.

Creative task:

Using plasticine, build a "well" campfire, taking into account all fire safety requirements.

Solve the crossword puzzle and write out the keyword:

  1. Tourist equipment for overnight stay.
  2. Heating and lighting method.
  3. Natural phenomenon.
  4. The type of fire or water extraction site.
  5. A kind of bonfire that gives you the opportunity to rest for 1 - 2 hours.
  6. Keyword (vertical)

Quest Key:

  1. Tent
  2. Bonfire
  3. Cold
  4. Well
  5. Nodia
  6. Hike

Game "Noughts and crosses". If you agree with the statement, then put a "cross", if you do not agree - "zero"

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
  1. Moss on trees and stumps grows on the north side.
  2. A broken branch is a sign of a well-trodden path.
  3. Sneakers are comfortable hiking shoes.
  4. The forest boundary is a linear landmark.
  5. A drastic change in natural conditions is an extreme situation.
  6. The loss of part of food is the reason for the forced autonomous existence in natural conditions.
  7. Annual rings are closer to each other on the south side.
  8. The tourist's clothes should be bright, unmasking.
  9. At night, the bonfire is visible at a distance of up to 8 km.
  10. When installing a canopy, the roof must be covered from top to bottom.
  11. On a sunny afternoon, a shadow indicates the direction to the south.
  12. To determine the cardinal point, it is necessary to compare several signs.
  13. The cardinal points on the terrain can be determined by their own shadow.
  14. On a "taiga" fire, you can quickly boil water.
  15. Experiencing severe hunger, you can eat the caterpillar, having previously fried it.
  16. The best times to fish are in the morning (at sunrise) and in the evening (before sunset).

The key to the game "Noughts and crosses".


Written survey cards.

Card 1.

  • What local items can be used to determine the north-south direction?
  • What are the types of bonfires? What are they for?
  • How to make a portable fire storage - torch?

Card 2.

  • What are the types of temporary shelters.
  • What measures fire safety need to be observed when making a fire?
  • How can you make fire if you don't have matches and a lighter?

Card 3.

  • What items can be used to send distress signals?
  • How can water be purified in natural conditions?
  • How to determine the north direction at noon on a sunny day?

Card 4.

  • How can you get water in the summer in the absence of water sources (rivers, lakes, streams :)?
  • How do you find the north direction if you don't have a watch?
  • What can be used for food from the reserves of nature?

An emergency situation usually occurs suddenly and its development cannot always be predicted. Therefore, the order of actions in such situations depends on the specific situation. The experience of many people who have been in extreme situations associated with accidents of vehicles (airplane, train, motor transport, etc.) made it possible to determine the general scheme of priority actions for those in distress.

First things to do if you are in a disaster in a vehicle accident:

  • * get over yourself and help the injured move to a safe place
  • * leaving the vehicle, take with you property that may be useful for an autonomous existence
  • * provide the injured with first aid
  • * navigate the terrain and clarify your location
  • * in case of unfavorable climatic conditions build a temporary shelter

After leaving dangerous situation directly threatening life, it is necessary to decide what to do: wait for help on the spot or try to get to the nearest settlement.

The decision to stay at the scene of the accident is made when:

  • * a distress signal or a message about the scene of the incident are transmitted using an emergency radio station;
  • * the place of the incident is not precisely determined, the terrain is unfamiliar and difficult to pass (mountains, forest, deep ravines, swamps, a thick layer of snow cover, etc.);
  • * direction to the nearest settlement and distance to it are unknown;
  • * most of the people cannot walk on their own due to injuries.

Once you decide to stay at the scene of an accident, you must adhere to the basic rules of safe behavior that will allow you to survive and wait for the help of rescuers.

The decision to leave the scene of the accident is made if:

  • * the location of the nearest settlement is precisely known, the distance to it is small and the state of health of people allows you to overcome it;
  • * there was an immediate threat to life: a forest fire, a break in the ice field, a flood, etc.;
  • * people cannot be found by rescuers at this place because of the dense vegetation surrounding them;
  • * there is no communication or assistance for three days.

At the scene of the incident, it is necessary to indicate the direction of your departure: lay out an arrow, make notches in trees, tie bundles of grass, etc.

If a person or a group of people finds themselves in conditions of autonomous existence, the first thing that needs to be done is to orientate themselves on the terrain, i.e. determine your position relative to the sides of the horizon and local objects. Depending on the nature of the terrain, the availability of technical means and visibility, the side of the horizon can be determined by the position of the Sun, the Pole Star, by signs of local objects, etc. The direction is not north can be determined by becoming at the local noon with your back to the Sun. The shadow will indicate the direction to the north, west to the left, east to the right. Local noon is determined using a vertical pole 0.5 - 1.0 m long by the smallest value of the length of the shadow from it on the surface of the Earth. The moment when the shadow was the shortest in terms of marks on the Earth corresponds to the passage of the Sun through this meridian. In the Southern Hemisphere, the opposite is true - the shadow will fall to the south, and the west and east will be on the right and left, respectively.

However, it must be remembered that the sun is:

  • - at 7 o'clock in the morning - in the east;
  • - at 10 o'clock - in the southeast;
  • - at 13 o'clock - in the south;
  • - at 16 o'clock - in the south-west;
  • - at 19 o'clock - in the west;
  • - at 22 o'clock - in the north-west.

In winter, the sun rises in the southeast and sets in the southwest.

Determination of the cardinal points with the help of a clock: the clock must be laid horizontally and turned so that the hour hand points to the Sun. Through the center of the dial, the bisector of the angle formed between this line and the hour hand is mentally drawn, showing the north-south direction, with south until 12 o'clock to the right of the Sun, and after 12 o'clock to the left.

At night in the Northern Hemisphere, the northward direction can be determined using the North Star, located approximately above the North Pole. To do this, you need to find the constellation Ursa Major with a characteristic arrangement of stars in the form of a bucket with a handle. An imaginary line is drawn through the extreme two stars of the ladle, and the distance between these stars is plotted on it 5 times. At the end of the fifth segment there will be a bright star - Polaris. The direction to it will correspond to the direction to the north.

The location can also be determined by the position of the moon. The position of the moon in the firmament is very precisely determined at any given moment and relative to the sun. This means that the sides of the horizon can also be precisely determined from the moon. On a moonlit night, during the full moon, the moon is at 19 o'clock in the east, at 1 o'clock in the south, at 7 o'clock in the west. During the first quarter (the fourth part of the surface of the moon), it is in the south at 19 o'clock, and in the west at 1 o'clock in the morning. Having remembered this, it is already possible to determine the north-south direction by the moon, and from it the azimuth to any object. During the last quarter, the moon is at 1 am in the east and at 7 am in the south.

You can navigate by some natural signs. For example, on the north side, the trees have a coarser bark covered with lichen and moss at the foot, the bark of birch and pine on the north side is darker than on the south, and tree trunks, stones or rock ledges are thicker covered with moss and lichens. During thaws, snow lasts longer on the northern slopes of the hills. Anthills are usually protected by something from the north, their north side is steeper. Mushrooms usually grow on the north side of trees. On the surface of the trunk of conifers, facing south, more resin drops are released than on the north. These signs are especially clearly visible on trees standing alone. On the southern slopes, the grass grows faster in spring and many flowering shrubs have more flowers.

Birch grows almost all over Russia. It is an excellent guidebook, it is a light-loving tree, and its bark is always whiter and cleaner on the south side, which is so noticeable that you can navigate along it even in the depths of the forest.

Even ravines and gullies sometimes help with orientation. When you look at them, you will always notice the difference in the slopes. One side of them is flatter and covered, like velvet, with soft green grass, the opposite side is steeper, with bare sand scree, covered with rare brown vegetation. The steeper and denser side of the ravine is the northern one, as it quickly clears snow and, being exposed to sudden temperature changes (during the day - thaw, at night - frost), the ground above it cracks. This side dries up earlier and is easily destroyed by rain and melt water flowing into the ravine. The opposite side is southern, on it the snow lingers longer, melts slowly, water from melting snow gradually seeps into the ground of the slope, without flowing down in violent streams, while the sun's rays seem to slide along the slope of the ravine and burn out the grass less in summer. On such ravines, stretched from west to east or vice versa, where the slopes differ sharply from each other, you can easily navigate. The ravines, which stretch from north to south, usually have the same slopes, which can also help in orientation.

For orientation in winter, you can be guided by the following signs:

there is more snow on the north side of trees, buildings and other objects, on the south side it thaws faster; in the mountains, snow melts faster on the southern slopes; snow in a ravine, ravine, hole on the north side melts earlier than on the south.

Animals can also help with orientation. Dogs and horses have an amazing ability to orientate. If you get lost, trust them and they will lead you home even in winter, off-road or at night. Trained dogs accurately follow the route, not being distracted to the side, not paying attention to the whistle of bullets and explosions of shells. Pigeons have an amazing orientation. They fly hundreds of kilometers and return from unfamiliar places to their homes. Homing pigeons sometimes fly 800-1000 kilometers.

During the period of autumn and spring migrations of birds in the direction, you can determine the sides of the horizon. Birds fly south in autumn, north in spring.

The next step is organizing an overnight stay. It is necessary to find a dry, open area near the stream in order to always have a supply of water on hand. The simplest shelter from wind and rain is made by tying individual elements of the base (frame) with thin spruce roots, willow branches, tundra birch. Natural cavities in the steep bank of the river allow you to conveniently sit on them so that the sleeping place is between the fire and the vertical surface (cliff, rock), which serves as a heat reflector.

People in distress should hurry to build a temporary shelter. For this purpose, they have at their disposal a large selection of the most diverse building material... For the Arctic regions, this is primarily snow, for forest (taiga) regions - trees, poles, spruce branches, branches, moss, bark, etc., for desert regions - a variety of improvised material (cloth, plastic wrap, etc.) able to protect from sunlight.

Before you start building the shelter, you need to choose a place for it. It is best to be located close to a stream and river, in an open place (meadow), in order to always have a supply of water at hand. In addition, in summer, the cool breeze that constantly blows at night will be the best defense against the attack of hordes of midges.

It is best to look for a place for shelter in the desert and steppe in a hollow, depression, bush. A temporary camp in the mountains should be protected from avalanches and rockfalls, sheltered from the wind. In the absence of a good site, natural depressions are selected or depressions are trampled in the snow, and once in difficult mountain areas, seats are pulled out and settled on them, placing stones or ice axes under them.

Temporary shelter can be a canopy, a canopy, a hut, a dugout, a chum, a snow cave, a trench, a snow hut, a hole in the forest, and more. In the warm season, you can limit yourself to the construction of the simplest shed.

Work begins with the equipment of a place under the bed. It is necessary to rake the sand to a depth of at least a palm (6-10 cm) and collect it in rollers along the edges of the site. A fire is laid out on the prepared area, which should burn for 1.5-2 hours. To light it, first, 2 small fires are kindled on the bed. After they are well heated, the logs of the harvested firewood are laid. When the fire begins to burn out, the coals must be evenly raked out over the entire site. After the coals are covered with ash and stop flickering, the embers should be removed. Then the site is sprinkled with sand from the rollers flush with the surrounding surface. On the sand, if desired, for convenience, you can make shallow pits under the thigh and shoulder. The bed will be warm enough for 6-8 hours.

A little more labor and time is required to prepare a bed for the night on soddy soils. The fire must be kept up for at least 2-3 hours. Sweep away all the coals from the heated platform, then cover with a layer of straw, reeds or dry moss. Such a bed keeps warm for 5-7 hours.

Now it's up to the awning. Drive two stakes 1.5 meters long, as thick as an arm with forks at the end, drive into the ground at a distance of 2-2.5 meters from each other. Lay a thick handrail (support beam) on the forks. Lean 5-7 poles against it at an angle of 45-60 degrees and, fastening, pull the tarpaulin over and lay the spruce branches. Fold the edges of the awning from the sides of the awning and tie them to the timber laid at the base of the awning.

If the snow cover is high, a snow trench can be dug at the foot of a large tree. Cover the trench on top with a tarpaulin, cover the bottom with several layers of spruce branches.

Upon completion of the construction of the temporary shelter, the fire should be taken care of. A bonfire in an autonomous existence is not only warm, it is dry clothes and shoes, hot water and food, protection from nasal insects and an excellent signal for a search helicopter. And most importantly, a fire is an accumulator of vivacity, energy and vigorous activity.

To get fire, you need to use a flint, a piece of flint. Any steel object can serve as a fire, in extreme cases, the same iron pyrite. Fire is struck by sliding blows on the flint so that sparks fall on tinder - dry moss, crushed dry leaves, newspaper, cotton wool, etc.

Fire can be obtained by friction. For this purpose, a bow, a drill and a support are made: a bow - from a dead trunk of a young birch or hazel tree 2 - 3 cm thick and a piece of rope as a bowstring; drill - from a pine stick 25 - 30 cm long, pencil thick, sharpened at one end; the support is cleaned of bark and a hole is drilled with a knife to a depth of 1 - 1.5 cm. The drill, once wrapped with a bowstring, is inserted with a sharp end into the hole around which the tinder is placed. Then, pressing the drill with the palm of your left hand, quickly move the bow perpendicular to the drill with your right hand. In order not to damage the palm, put a spacer made of a piece of cloth, tree bark, or put on a glove between it and the drill. As soon as the tinder is smoldering, it must be inflated and put into the kindling, prepared in advance. To achieve success, you should remember about three rules: tinder must be dry, you must act in strict sequence and, most importantly, show patience and perseverance.

The choice of a place for a fire is very important. A winter bivouac is best set up in a small clearing surrounded by thick woods. On the one hand, the wind here will be felt much weaker than, for example, at the edge, on the other hand, you will not have to go far for firewood. It is very good if, on the windward side, the bivouac is protected by a low cliff, a steep river bank, a large stone or a blockage of fallen trees. It is necessary to chop off branches in trees close to the fire pit so that the melted snow caps do not fall into the fire and extinguish it.

Fireplace device. In a shallow snow cover, right down to the ground, a site is raked (trampled), slightly larger than the future fireplace. In deep snow and in a swamp, a flooring of damp logs or poles is constructed. In the case when a night fire is made, the fire logs themselves play the role of flooring. At heavy rain or snowfall, it is advisable to protect the fireplace by stretching a piece of cloth or plastic wrap. In a group, such a temporary roof can be held in the hands of 2 people standing on the sides of the fireplace.

Maintaining the fire. A common mistake for a beginner is making a fire without first preparing firewood. A kindled fire quickly eats up fuel supplies and goes out before a person has time to find and bring a new supply of firewood. You have to start all over again. In this case, it should be remembered that you never need to throw firewood into the fire at random (a dense bulk can easily hammer the fire); raw firewood can and should be dried by the fire, folded in the form of a woodpile; in the absence of an ax, a dry block of wood can be split using a sharpened wooden wedge (several) driven by a stone into small cracks in the wood; when building a fire, observe gradualism.

Stocking of firewood. Not all trees in the forest are definitely suitable for firewood. For example, spruce, fir and larch, when burning, give sparks, they burn scarves, clothes, shoes that are being dried; alder and aspen contain a lot of water and smoke more than fire. Coniferous trees (pine, cedar, birch) are most suitable for a fire, while it should be remembered that deciduous deadwood is almost always rotten, unlike coniferous, which to some extent protects from getting wet. It is preferable to find a dead tree, which can be identified by the "dry" sound made when the butt of an ax strikes the trunk, at the bare top without bark.

Kindling preparation. Good kindling is a birch bark removed from an old birch, a cobweb (small, match-thick dry branches of a pine, spruce, tied in bunches), a splinter (shavings from the middle of a log, split lengthwise), kindling sticks (dry thin branches and branches, cut into 2 / 3 lengths so that the shavings at the end form a curly circular rim).

Making a fire. Using a kindling fire, it is necessary to fold the fire in the form of a hut so that there are small gaps between the branches. It is necessary to set fire to the fire from below and from the side from which the wind is blowing. Much safer with two or three matches folded together. Introduce the flame of a burning match into the kindling. As soon as she starts, immediately put small, and then larger branches and brushwood, but also dry, keeping the shape of a pyramid hut. The heat will then be in the center and the fire will not go out.

When the flame becomes strong enough and a pile of hot coals appears, it will be possible to put any, even damp firewood, and you should not increase the fire more than the fireplace prepared for it allows.

Getting food and water. A person who finds himself in conditions of autonomous existence must take the most energetic measures to provide himself with food by collecting edible wild-growing plants, fishing, hunting, i.e. use everything that nature gives. More than 2000 plants grow on the territory of our country, partially or completely suitable for food.

Care must be taken when collecting plant gifts. About 2% of plants can cause severe and even fatal poisoning. It is better to refrain from eating unfamiliar plants, berries, mushrooms. If you are forced to use them for food, it is recommended to eat at a time no more than 1 - 2 g of food mass, if possible drinking plenty of water (vegetable poison contained in such a proportion will not cause serious harm to the body). Wait 1-2 hours. If there are no signs of poisoning (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, intestinal disorders), you can eat an additional 10 - 15 g. After a day you can eat without restrictions.

An indirect sign of edibility of a plant can be: fruits, pecked by birds; many seeds, scraps of peel at the foot of fruit trees; bird droppings on branches, trunks; plants eaten by animals; fruits found in nests and burrows. Unfamiliar fruits, bulbs, tubers, etc. it is desirable to boil. Cooking destroys many organic poisons.

The most affordable way to provide yourself with food is fishing. Fish has a higher energy value than vegetable fruits and is less labor intensive than hunting. Fishing tackle can be made from scrap materials: fishing line - from loose shoe laces, thread pulled from clothes, unbraided rope, hooks - from pins, earrings, pins from badges, "invisible", and spinners - from metal and mother-of-pearl buttons, coins, etc. etc.

The best time for fishing is early morning or evening, during the day they fish only on cloudy days. The bite improves when the water decreases and stops completely before a sharp change in weather. Fish bite in places with clear water containing a small amount of organic impurities, in areas of a reservoir where mosquitoes, larvae, midges, etc. accumulate in a small space. When fishing from the shore, you need to be near a bush or tree so as not to stand out against their background, while the sun should be behind your back so that your own shadow falls on the water. The most favorable for fishing in narrow rivers are areas where it expands, in wide - places of narrowing, in deep water bodies - shallows, in shallow - pits, in stagnant lakes - channels, in any rivers - bays and backwaters; excellent fishing occurs below rifts, rapids, dams and sluices.

Fish meat can be eaten raw, but it is better to cut it into narrow strips, dry them in the sun, so it tastes better and lasts longer. To avoid fish poisoning, certain rules must be followed. You cannot eat fish covered with thorns, thorns, sharp growths, skin ulcers, fish that are not covered with scales, lacking lateral fins, having an unusual appearance and bright color, hemorrhages and tumors of internal organs. You cannot eat stale fish - with gills covered with mucus, with sunken eyes, flabby skin, with an unpleasant odor, with dirty and easily detached scales, with meat that easily lags behind the bones and especially from the spine. It is better not to eat unfamiliar and dubious fish. You should also not use fish caviar, milk, liver, because they are often poisonous.

Hunting is the most preferred, in winter the only way to provide yourself with food. But unlike fishing, hunting requires a person to have sufficient skill, skills, and large labor costs. It is relatively easy to catch small animals and poultry. For this, you can use traps, snares, loops and other devices. Most often, the game is found near a water source, where it goes to drink at least once a day, on the edges, in groves, and thin bush.

The best time for hunting is considered to be the morning hours and twilight. The easiest and most affordable way to hunt is to catch animals using various snares and traps. Spontaneous hunting tools can be divided into several types. The simplest hunting tackle is a snare, which is a tightening noose loop made of nylon thread, thin wire or braided horsehair; the loop is installed along the diameter of the hole inlet or in the immediate vicinity of it. In the first case, the one getting out of the hole himself falls into the loop and, trying to get out, tightens it. In the second case, the animal is caught by a hunter lurking nearby. To do this, as soon as the animal gets inside the loop straightened on the ground, the hunter pulls the far end of the thread with force and the loop is tightened on the animal's paw or body.

The mined meat of the animal, the birds are fried on a primitive spit. Small animals and birds are fried on a spit without skinning or plucking. After cooking, the charred skin is removed and the carcass is cleaned of the insides. After gutting and cleaning, the meat of larger game should be burned over high heat, and then roasted over coals.

Rivers, lakes, streams, swamps, accumulation of water in certain areas of the soil provide people with the necessary amount of liquid for drinking and cooking. You can drink raw water from springs and springs, mountain and forest rivers and streams. But before you quench your thirst with water from stagnant or weak-flowing reservoirs, it should be cleaned of impurities and disinfected. For cleaning, it is easy to make the simplest filters from several layers of cloth or from an empty can, punching 3 - 4 small holes in the bottom, and then filling it with sand. You can dig a shallow hole half a meter from the edge of the reservoir, and after a while it will be filled with clean, transparent water.

The most reliable way to disinfect water is boiling. In the absence of boiling utensils, a primitive box made of a piece of birch bark will do, provided that the flame touches only the part filled with water. You can boil water by dipping heated stones into a birch bark box with wooden tongs.

Suddenly finding himself in autonomy, a person experiences a shock, as he is cut off from the usual things of the civilized world: water, food, a roof over his head and many others. The degree of this shock directly depends on the surrounding circumstances, as well as on the preparation of this person.

A person must always be ready to fight for survival in conditions of autonomy. But for this you need to know how to act.

Based on the life experience of a large number of people, the following algorithm was derived:

Calm down and think about the current situation. If you do not defeat fear, it will develop into haphazard behavior - panic. It must be remembered that the circumstances in which a particular person finds themselves do not differ from the circumstances in which many people found themselves, who survived, no matter what;

Assess the available equipment (is there a first aid kit, compass, food, etc.). If necessary, take measures to save the equipment;

Assess your well-being. If necessary, provide yourself or a friend with medical assistance;

Assess your location, natural conditions, possible dangers. It is useful here to recall all the knowledge and skills of orientation on the ground;

Draw up an action plan, taking into account the current situation, and proceed with its implementation. When implementing your plan, you do not need to rush and save available resources and forces;

Try to send distress signals.

It's good if you can find a way out of the situation once. However, it may turn out that the day is already ending, and you are still wandering in unfamiliar places. What to do?

Don't panic at all. Continue with your plan. However, to survive in such a situation, you need skills:

Building a temporary shelter;

Kindling a fire;

Getting food and water.

As soon as doubts begin about the correctness of the chosen path, it is better to immediately follow your own footsteps and go back and start all over again.

So, if you leave your home and go on a trip or hike, you must anticipate possible autonomy and have the means to survive in it. Pay attention to your equipment in order not to be trapped.

Travel tips:

When entering the route, you need to establish contact with the control and rescue service (KSS) of the region, with local tourist organizations, and if this is not possible, then with schools and local residents. Check with them for a detailed description of the chosen route, because closed zones, contaminated objects, landfills, as well as recent changes are not always marked on our maps. If it was not possible to obtain information in advance about possible changes in the situation in a given area, this can be done in the last settlement before entering the route. If there is no KSS in the area, go to the police station or to the district police station and give information about your plans, route and composition of the group.

If, while moving along the route, you stop for rest, it is advisable to know about the suitability of the chosen place and the absence of any prohibitions and restrictions. Indeed, sometimes you have to pay the fee established by the local administration, register with a tourist club or police.

Do not take expensive photo and video equipment with you. As practice shows, either it breaks down, or it is stolen. The same applies to mobile phones, and jewelry.


Knowledge of topographic orientation is essential, especially when navigating unfamiliar terrain and poor visibility.

Under topographic orientation it should be understood as orientation on the terrain, i.e., determining the location of its location relative to the sides of the horizon, surrounding local objects and terrain.

Determination on the ground begins with determining the sides of the horizon.

By compass

When using any compass, it should be understood that in a freely suspended state, the magnetic needle with its ends will be directed to the north and south, but this is approximate. The arrow is located not in the direction of the true (geographic) meridian, but in the direction of the magnetic meridian. The angle between the true and magnetic meridians is called magnetic declination. It is different for each locality and can be east or west.

Magnetic declination can be determined on the ground by sunrise and sunset or from a map.

By sunrise and sunset

In an open area, the azimuths (the angle in degrees, measured clockwise from the north end of the meridian to the direction to the landmark), the points of sunrise and sunset are determined. The half-sum of the azimuths will indicate the direction of the true meridian. If the half-sum is less than 180, then the declination is east, if more - west.

True meridian- the line of intersection of the earth's surface with a plane passing through the plumb line and the axis of rotation of the earth.

The position of the terrain line relative to the true meridian is determined by the true azimuth or true bearing.

True azimuth of the line- the angle in the horizontal plane, measured from the north direction of the true meridian clockwise to this line (Fig. 20).

True bearing of the line- acute horizontal angle, measured from the closest direction of the true meridian (north or south) to this line.

By card

First you need to orient the map. This can be done using a compass and two landmarks. To do this, first set the compass with a north-south diameter on the vertical grid line with the north end to the north side of the map frame and release the brake of the magnetic needle. Then, by turning the map together with the compass, the north end of the magnetic needle is brought to the division corresponding to the direction correction value. If the direction correction is positive (east), then the arrow should deviate to the right of the vertical grid line, if the direction correction is negative (west), then the arrow should deviate to the left. A correction value of less than 3 can be ignored, since the error in setting the magnetic compass needle may be greater than the correction value.

Orientation of the map by two landmarks is done as follows. Being on the ground near one landmark from which the other is visible, they look for the first landmark on the map. Then turn the map so that the direction to the second landmark on the map coincides with the direction on the ground. If the route runs along a straight-line section of the road, a canal, then the map can be oriented according to these linear landmarks. To do this, the map is rotated so that the axis of the road on the map coincides with the axis of the road on the ground.

After the map is oriented, you can solve a number of problems that have arisen on the ground. More often than not, you have to find the point of the whole standing. It is easier to do this when this point is next to a local object, an image on the map. A conventional sign or image of this object indicates a standing point. If it is impossible to identify a standing point on the ground and it is located far from local objects, then they resort to the simplest methods of topographic referencing.

Topographic referencing is carried out by eye survey techniques or with the help of instruments. Topographic referencing using eye survey techniques can be performed when local objects are no more than a kilometer away from the georeferenced point. First, local items are selected that are well identifiable on the map. Then the map is oriented along a compass or along a rectilinear contour, if the anchored point is located on this contour, and sighting with drawing the direction. Distance is measured in steps or by eye. If you do not know the scale of your steps, then take 100 normal steps for 75-80 meters.

Topographic referencing by eye survey techniques is performed by the polar method and by the intersection method.

Polar way(method of sighting with sounding) is used when the determined point is in the vicinity of a local object on the map. For reference in this way, the map is oriented at a certain point by backsight on a local object, a direction is drawn with the aid of a line of sight. Then measure the distance to the local object, lay it on the drawn line on the scale of the map and thus find the position of the anchored point.

Serif methodused in open areas and good visibility. It does not require measuring distances - this is its advantage. Moreover, this method requires less time. If the point to be determined is on the road or on some other line of the terrain, then it is enough to choose one landmark available on the map and terrain. After that, the line of sight is applied to the conventional sign of this landmark on the map, and then sighting on the landmark along the ruler, turning it around the conventional sign of the landmark. When the landmark is on the line of sight, draw a line from the landmark towards yourself. The intersection of the line of sight with the road will give the location of the specific point. If you need to locate a point that is off roads or any other terrain lines on the map, you can use the resection and resection by measured distances method.

Reverse serifs. This method is applicable if three local objects on the map are visible from a certain point. First, the map is oriented on the anchored point. Then, three directions are drawn on each of the selected contour points by backsight (polar method). The intersection of the cross directions will give the position of a specific point. It may happen that the crossing does not happen. Then you get an error triangle. If the sides of the triangle are not more than 1.5 mm, then a certain point is punctured in the center of the triangle, and if more, then the determination is repeated.

Orientation by heavenly bodies

The sides of the horizon can be determined by the celestial bodies. By the sun, you can determine the sides of the horizon rather approximately, remembering that in our hemisphere it is approximately: at 7 o'clock local standard time in the east, at 13 o'clock in the south, at 19 o'clock in the west, at 1 o'clock in the north. With greater accuracy, the sides of the horizon can be determined by the sun and the clock. This is done like this. Set the watch horizontally, then turn it so that the hour hand is directed towards the sun. The angle on the watch dial between the direction of the hour hand and the direction to the number 1 is halved. The bisector of this angle will show the direction to the south. The North Star is always in the north in the constellation Ursa Minor. Moon orienteering gives approximate data. With a full moon, the sides of the horizon are determined in the same way as by the sun and the clock (the moon is taken as the sun). The sides of the horizon at different phases of the moon can be determined as follows. First, it is determined whether the moon is coming or decreasing. It is estimated by eye how many sixths of the moon's radius are the illuminated part of its disk. If the Moon is at a loss, then the number of sixths of the radius, which is the illuminated part of the disk, is added to the time reading on the clock. If the moon arrives, then this number is subtracted from the time reading. The adjusted clock points towards the moon. The angle between the direction to the moon and the number 1 on the dial is halved. This will be the approximate direction to the south.

Orientation in local subjects

In the woods.The fact is that in a deep forest, trees with their shadows cover the neighboring trees located to the north of them. Therefore, longer and thicker branches in the middle of the forest can be directed not only to the south, but also to the north, east, west, that is, where there is more free space. In this regard, the daily growth of the next layer of wood is formed from this side, from which the tree develops better. So, not necessarily on the south side. And if we also take into account the fact that the direction of winds and moisture constantly affects the development of the crown of trees, as well as the width of the growth of wood, then the conclusion is clear. But the exception may be the north, where the heat and light from the sun is much less than moisture, and where trees develop better towards the south. In the middle latitudes of a temperate climate, only the trees standing in an open place can be used to determine the north-south direction.

The sides of the horizon in a forest can be identified by the bark of trees. It must be remembered that the south side of the trees, receiving more warmth and light than the northern, has a drier and lighter bark. This is especially noticeable in coniferous forests. In addition, on the lighter side of the trees, there are characteristic beads and clots of resin, which retain their light amber color for a long time. It should be borne in mind that pine trunks are covered with a secondary crust. On the north side, this crust is formed much less frequently than on the south. And after the rain, the trunk of the pine turns black from the north. This is due to the fact that the secondary crust, which forms on the shady side of the trunk and extends along it, is higher than from the southern side, swells and dries slowly during rain. This gives the impression of being black on the north side of the pine trunk. The sides of the horizon can also be identified by deciduous trees. So, the trunks of aspens, and especially poplars, are covered with moss and lichens from the north. And even if the lichen has grown throughout the tree, then on the north side there is more of it, there it is moist and dense. This is especially noticeable on the lower part of the trunk. And the bark of white birch on the south side is always whiter than on the north side. And, given that birch is very sensitive to winds, the inclination of its trunk will also help to navigate the forest.

Large stones and boulders can be used to determine the sides of the horizon. Their northern side is covered with lichens and moss, which do not like heat and light. And the soil near such a stone will help if there are no lichens and moss: the soil on the north side of such a stone is more humid than on the south.

Mushrooms provide no less accurate information on determining the sides of the horizon. It should be remembered that they grow mainly from the northern side of trees, stumps, bushes. On the eastern and western sides of trees, stones and bushes there are much less of them, and on the south side and, especially in dry weather, they are almost nonexistent.

During the ripening of berries in the forest, it should be remembered that they acquire color earlier on the southern side, ripening faster on the southern side of the bumps in the swamps.

Help to navigate the forest and its inhabitants. So, the squirrel makes its home only in the hollows located on the opposite side of the prevailing winds. And anthills are located on the south side of a tree or stump. Moreover, its southern side is sloping, the northern one is steeper.

In spring, snow melts faster on the slopes of ravines, hollows, and excavations facing south. In spring, the grass is higher and thicker on the southern side of individual stones, buildings, forest edges, and in summer, with prolonged heat, it remains greener on the northern side.

Forest management pillars are an excellent orientation in the forest. In all forest areas, glades are cut in accordance with the forest management adopted in our country in the direction of the sides of the horizon: the main glades - from north to south, transverse - from east to west. Quarters are numbered from west to east and from north to south, so that the first quarter is in the northwest corner of the farm, and the last is in the southeast. On the quarter posts, at the crossroads of the glades, the numbers of the quarters are indicated. The size of the numbers corresponds to the location of the quarters: the smaller numbers are in the northwest and northeast, the larger ones are in the southwest and southeast.

In the steppe.In addition to the Sun, Moon and constellations in the steppe, you can navigate by plants. In the southern steppes, a plant such as lettuce is widespread. This is a two-year-old weed with baskets of yellow flowers and vertically arranged on the stem evenly in all directions, and in conditions of dry and open terrain, they face the planes to the west. In the hottest season, lettuce turns its leaves sideways to the south. By doing this, it weakens the evaporation of moisture. Using a compass, you can make sure that the lettuce leaves are relatively accurate on the sides of the horizon.

The sides of the horizon, even in cloudy weather, will help to identify a blooming sunflower, the basket of which is facing east in the early morning, and strictly south at noon, and west in the evening. At night, the head of the plant is upright.

And in the steppe and forest-steppe zones, beets will help you navigate. Remembering that white beetroots grow from east to west, and red ones from north to south, in the absence of other landmarks, you can use this.

In settlements. It must be remembered that green moss and lichen grow on the northern slopes of wooden and thatched roofs.

It is important to consider determining the distance and size of objects. The ability of a person to assess by eye, without the aid of instruments, the distance to objects around him and the size of objects is called an eye gauge. This is an individual trait of a person, but it can be developed through constant and patient exercise. You can determine the distance from the visible details.

How to find your way to housing

Observation and attention to detail are the main things in driving through unfamiliar terrain.

The path trodden by man, even in the most impassable thickets, differs from the animal, although often animals, especially ruminants, use the human path.

The most important difference between an animal trail and a man-trodden trail is the location of the branches. A branch hits the face, a belt - leave the path: this is the path of the beast, it will not lead to human habitation.

Trails are highly visible on wet soil and may disappear completely on dry and rocky soil. The trail of a person or a rider, as well as the trail of a large animal, can be identified without a trail by the sakma.

SAKMA is a strip on the ground where grass and leaves of plants are crushed, displaced by a person or beast and therefore stand out for their color, often lighter than the surrounding grasses and leaves. In small bushes, sakma is found with leaves turned with the lower (lighter) side up or towards the one walking, and therefore they are clearly visible with their light green color against a dark green background.

Traces of people and animals can be identified by broken twigs, by crushed rotten twigs, overturned and shifted stones, by pulled off moss.

Traces are worse seen in gravelly deserts, on bare stone placers without lichens and moss. But here, too, a careful eye can detect a displaced stone or an imprint of a footprint on the soft soil between the stones.

The search for traces is necessary for the correct choice of the path, the way out to the settlement, to the road, to the river, to a possible meeting with a hunter, a local resident, or to find his own trail, which speaks of senseless walking in a circle.

In winter, finding tracks is easier because they are clearly visible in the snow.

In finding the way to housing, knowledge of the system of curtains can be of great help. In mountainous taiga regions, locals and hunters hew trees along little-traveled paths. The zate is done with an ax or a large knife at about chest height. With one blow of the ax, not only the bark, but also part of the wood is removed from the tree in a vertical, elongated section, so the fresh cut stands out with a yellowish spot against the dark background of the trunk. However, if it is stale, it is more false to detect it, although it remains visible even from afar. The curtains are made on both sides of the tree; the distance between them can be from 10 to 50 meters, depending on the density of the forest. Where the trail forks, a fold is made on three or even four sides of the tree. Parking places are marked with the same curtains. Trails with curtains, as a rule, lead to hunting huts, places of setting of traps, to water.

In addition to permanent signs (curtains), there are also temporary ones: a branch or a young tree is stuck across the path, pointing with its top in the direction where people turned off the path; an arrow - a sliver stuck into the cut made at the top of a stake or tree is also oriented there.

In the mountains and deserts, you can often see tours made of stone or thick saxaul trunks, marking the caravan trail. A branch with a rag or an empty bottle is stuck into such a tour.

Finding your way in an unknown area without a map is an art that can only be learned through long practice. This art is made up of the ability to follow in the footsteps, as well as knowledge of the features of the relief of various natural zones and the entire geographical environment as a whole.

In a monotonous terrain, wind-blown taiga, in mountains covered with dense vegetation, or among endless and monotonous dunes without noticeable landmarks, it is easy to lose orientation and the chosen direction. In addition, on a flat surface, a person without a reference point cannot walk all the time in one direction, but certainly turns to the right, since the step of the left leg is 0.1-0.4 mm longer than the step of the right. Thus, in the absence of obstacles, the walker begins to describe circles with a diameter of about 3.5 km. When crossing in any area, one must always imagine the location of the cardinal points and the desired direction. On sunny days in the forest, it's easy to follow the direction of the shadows of the trees, and on cloudy days - along the local characteristics... In the desert, for example, the Sun should always be with certain side... Clouds rushing quickly in one direction for several hours can also help.


If you decide to stay at the site of the vehicle accident, you will have to set up a temporary camp. In camp conditions, it is easier to organize a reliable shelter from bad weather, search for food, provide assistance to the sick and wounded, and equip means for signaling.

First of all, it is necessary to equip a temporary shelter, which will be required even if you are behind the group or get lost in the forest, especially if it happened in bad weather, during the cold season.

Seat selection

The place for the construction of the shelter must be chosen very carefully. It is necessary to comply with a number of requirements for the parking space. When choosing a place for building a shelter, remember: any fresh water body can serve as a source of water, from which water is taken with caution. In open areas and mountain valleys, special attention should be paid to protection from the wind. It is provided by bushes, trees, hillsides, terraces, large stones. This is especially important when parking without shelter (hut, shed, cave); any type of shelter is placed with its "back" to the prevailing wind. In temporary winds, the rear of the shelter should face the strongest wind. In the mountains, the wind blows down the valleys at night and up in the daytime; with an abundance of blood-sucking insects, a refuge is equipped not in the thicket and thickets of bushes or grass, but in an open place, where the wind will drive them away; parking under steep mountain slopes or cliffs, on the one hand, protects from the wind, and on the other hand, it poses a serious danger due to the possibility of falling stones, avalanches and avalanches.

Parking under large trees is dangerous during storms and thunderstorms. In mountainous areas, it is unsafe to remain at the bottom of dry river beds - sudden rains can quickly turn them into turbulent streams of dirty water. On the banks of the rivers, one should also beware of a sudden rise in the water level due to heavy downpours or prolonged rains and, therefore, do not place shelters on a very low bank near the water; during rain, a groove 5-8 cm deep should be dug around the shelter.

In the tundra, in swampy and moss forests, on wet river floodplains, it is necessary to choose the most dry place; in a very damp place, a platform is made of branches and poles. You can make such a platform on the lower, large fork of the tree, and above it there is a canopy of bark or branches; moss, especially sphagnum, contains a lot of moisture and, when pressed, releases it in large quantities. Much drier is the white lichen - lichen (reindeer moss). The place chosen for parking must be cleared of protruding stones, twigs, excrement of wild animals; All types of shelters are placed in front of the fire from the windward side.

Construction of temporary shelters

For construction, you need to prepare everything you need, for example, improvised means (raincoat, jacket, pieces of tarpaulin) or natural materials (branches, poles, spruce branches).

The most accessible cover is the awning. Installed at a certain angle to the ground, it will not only be able to protect from precipitation, but will also reflect heat from the fire. From the sides, it will protect the earth, stones, branches, clothing.

In the forests, you can often find a tree broken at a height of 1-2 m, which has retained a strong connection with the stump. It is this option that is best made for the construction of a one- or gable hut. If there is fabric or polyethylene, then you get a hut in the form of a pyramid. Such a hut can be made using poles. If there is no fabric or film, then the shelter is built only from wood materials. For this, poles are laid on the tree as a base, in one or two rolls. You can use dry birch undergrowth that can be easily knocked over and broken by one person. These trunks have virtually no branches, which allows them to be stacked tightly to each other. First, they build a roof, for which they make something like a lattice. Now this lattice is covered with spruce branches, branches with dense foliage, hay, pieces of bark - in a word, whatever you can find. The roof is laid, starting from the bottom, so that each next layer covers the previous one by about the middle. Then the rain will run down the roof without getting inside. In rainy weather, you can cover the hut with waterproof material, and in cold weather, stretch it inside for warmth.

It is very important to insulate the floor: it is covered with spruce branches or a thick layer of dry grass, moss, leaves, and a blanket.

Types of winter shelters

If you are left alone in the forest during the cold season, you can arrange a lodging for the night on the site of a burnt fire on the heated ground. Hunters use this method of spending the night without building a special shelter. Having cleared the site of snow, they make a small fire for 2-3 hours (the warm-up time depends on the air temperature: at a temperature of minus 10-15, two hours are enough, at minus 25-30, 5 hours are needed). Then shovel the coals to the side. A litter of spruce branches is laid on a heated place to a height of 1-1.5 meters. Let it warm up (about 30 minutes). After the spruce branches stop hovering, you can go to bed.

If necessary, you can equip a more secure shelter. The most reliable and durable winter shelter is IGLU. It came to us from the Eskimo inhabitants of the Arctic. For the construction of an igloo, first of all, you need to choose a flat area with dense and deep snow. Loose, fluffy, snow is not good. Using a rope and a knife, draw a circle that will determine the size of your home based on the following calculation: for one person - 2.4, for two - 2.7. It must be remembered that the larger the hut, the more difficult it is to build. If there are many people, it is better to build many small igloos.

Making a fire

Campfire site

Before making a fire (if there are no matches) and lighting a fire, a place is prepared for it away from trees, bushes (no closer than 4-6 meters). It is thoroughly cleaned of forest debris: grass, dry leaves. It is even better to remove the top layer of sod, exposing the soil in an area larger than the fire itself, and, if possible, cover this place with stones. This is done in order to avoid accidental spread of fire to dry vegetation, leading to forest fire... It is very dangerous to make a fire in the immediate vicinity of dry grass and dry coniferous forest, where the flame can spread quickly even in a weak breeze. A fire set on peat soil easily ignites a layer of peat under the sod, and it is very difficult to extinguish such a fire, since a flame can appear from under the ground only after a few days. And if there is shallow snow on the ground, you need to clear the place down to the ground. Trample deep snow tightly, make a flooring from raw logs and branches.

Making fire

Lighting a fire in any weather, at any time of the year is a kind of art. Lighting a fire without matches is perhaps the most difficult thing in an extreme situation, since life often depends on the presence of fire.

In the absence of experience, it is difficult to light a fire even with a large supply of matches. But what if there are no matches? There are several ways with the help of available tools. But before using them, you should prepare dry tinder, that is, something that can quickly ignite even from a small spark. As tinder, finely chopped tree bark, gauze, cotton wool, fluff, dry moss, parts of clothing are used, which, if possible, are moistened with gasoline.

There are many more ways to make fire without matches, and one of them is with two stones of hard rock (flint, kresal). Fire is carved out by sliding strikes of one stone against another, keeping them as close to the tinder as possible.

Lighting a fire

To light a fire after receiving a fire, you need to have on hand a pre-assembled and prepared kindling - birch bark, dry chips, rot from the hollow, resinous pieces of coniferous bark and the so-called "incendiary sticks", which are made from resinous chips of coniferous stumps. The fuel for the fire is also prepared in advance.

The kindling is folded in the form of a small pyramid, at the base of which a small hole is left, where an incendiary stick lit from tinder is introduced. After the pyramid flares up, thicker and thicker pieces of wood are placed on it - dry twigs, dry dead wood. So that the fire does not go out from strong wind or rain, it is kindled under some kind of shelter: an overhanging stone, rock. You should not light a fire under the branches of trees - in summer they can easily catch fire, and in winter snow can fall off them, extinguishing the fire.

A good fuel for a fire is dry branches of trees, better than conifers. Small dry brushwood, although easily ignited and gives a strong flame, burns quickly. A lot of it is required and therefore it is only suitable for kindling. When preparing fuel for a fire, it must be remembered that a large deadwood (oak, birch) untouched by rot is an excellent fuel for a fire, giving a strong heat and a small amount of smoke. This kind of fire is very good for the hearth. Branches lying on the ground are suitable for a fire only in dry weather and in dry places. Trunks of trees lying on the ground in damp places are completely unsuitable for a fire, just like dead trees standing in wet places near rivers, swamps and lakes. Used for bonfire and driftwood (tree trunks washed up on the shore), often found in river estuaries and along sea coasts. Fuel should be used sparingly and not make large and unnecessary fires. Keep firewood in a dry place. In the middle lane, they must be covered with large pieces of bark. Damp firewood should be stacked around the fire to help it dry out faster.

Fuel and kindling for the morning fire should be taken care of in the evening. If constant fire maintenance is not required for heating or protection from wild animals, the fire is extinguished at night. In order not to waste time on kindling a fire in the morning, the coals must be sprinkled with ash: in the morning they will still smolder, and it will not be difficult to start a fire if there are chips prepared in advance.

Campfire types, hearths, fire preservation

There are smoke, heat and fiery bonfires. A smoke fire is built to keep out mosquitoes and midges, and to signal whereabouts. The fire is used for cooking, drying things; you can warm up around it if you sleep without shelter. A flaming fire is kindled to light up the resting place, heat food, boil water.

On winter travel, if the snow is shallow, the fire will have to be made in a hole specially dug in the snow (to the ground). In deep snow and in the presence of damp or rotten logs, it is better not to dig a hole, but to make a fire on a special platform. The platform is constructed from several raw logs, under which two transverse logs are placed for greater stability.

FOCUSES. In treeless - steppe, mountainous and tundra-covered areas, where it is difficult with fuel and where it is necessary to save it, it is advisable to build hearths for cooking from stones, turf and other improvised materials. When making a hearth from stones and sod layers, the passage between its protrusions, into which the fuel is laid, should be wider on the windward side and narrower on the leeward side - this improves traction. To set up a hearth in the ground, you need to dig a trench 1-2 meters long and 0.2 meters deep. The longitudinal axis of such a trench should be directed downwind. Great importance in an extreme situation has a preservation of fire, especially during daily transitions. For this, a container is constructed from birch bark or shells for storing large coals. Small stones are placed on the bottom of such a container and ground is poured (preferably sand, clay is possible), coals are placed on top, which are abundantly sprinkled with ash, and then earth or sand.


Providing household needs

Making a knife. Of course, the presence of at least a small pocket knife will remove many problems. And if it is not? In this case, there is no need to despair. You can always find a way out: it all depends on which natural zone and specific area you are in. If in the mountains, then sharp fragments and fragments of rocky nature, chips of quartz and flint with their hard cutting surface of the edges can be used as a knife.

In the forest-tundra and taiga zones, chips (flakes) from large coniferous trees that have fallen to the ground can be used with the same success. Their wood itself is strong enough, if you still burn it at the stake, you get, though not very durable, but a primitive cutting tool that can temporarily solve all problems.

In the rivers, you should look for toothless shells. A half of such a shell is also a cutting tool.

The sharp cutting edge of a sedge leaf can also be used to peel a mushroom or edible plant.

Homemade ropes. Ropes and threads are needed for a wide variety of purposes: repairing clothes, making fishing lines, dishes, mattresses, devices for carrying cargo, and much more.

The most common spinning plant is nettle. Dry stalks of nettles are placed on an inclined log and the sharp edge of a shell, stone, wood chips tear off the fibers. In order not to burn yourself, you should wrap your hands with clothes. The fibers are washed in water and hung to dry. Then they make threads with great strength. They can be used to repair clothes and shoes. From such threads, you can also weave ropes of different thicknesses. Weave them like braids. A similar fiber can be obtained from the stems of willow-herb and white sweet clover. For sewing, instead of a needle, you can use a sharpened and polished spruce stick, hedgehog needles, prickly needles of white acacia, thorns of various bushes. They, like an awl, pierce a fabric or birch bark, and then thread a thread or a birch bark strip into this hole.

Getting food and water

A person who finds himself in conditions of autonomous existence must take the most energetic measures to provide himself with food by collecting edible wild plants, fishing, hunting, i.e. use everything that nature gives.

More than 2000 plants grow on the territory of our country, partially or completely suitable for food.

Care must be taken when collecting plant gifts. About 2% of plants can cause severe and even fatal poisoning. To prevent poisoning, it is necessary to distinguish between such poisonous plants as raven's eye, wolf's bast, poisonous milestones (cicuta), bitter henbane, etc.

Food poisoning is caused by poisonous substances contained in some mushrooms: pale toadstool, fly agaric, false honey, false chanterelle, etc.

It is better to refrain from eating unfamiliar plants, berries, mushrooms. If you are forced to use them for food, it is recommended to eat at a time no more than 1-2 g of food mass, if possible drinking plenty of water (the vegetable poison contained in such a proportion will not cause serious harm to the body). Wait 1-2 hours. If there are no signs of poisoning (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, bowel disorders), you can eat an additional 10-15g. After a day, you can eat without restrictions.

An indirect sign of edibility of a plant can be: fruits, pecked by birds; many seeds, scraps of peel at the foot of fruit trees; bird droppings on branches, trunks; plants eaten by animals; fruits found in nests and burrows. Unfamiliar fruits, bulbs, tubers, etc. it is desirable to boil. Cooking destroys many organic poisons.

In the conditions of an autonomous existence, fishing is perhaps the most affordable way to provide yourself with food. Fish has a higher energy value than vegetable fruits, and fishing is less labor intensive than hunting.

Fishing tackle can be made from scrap materials: fishing line - from loose shoe laces, thread pulled from clothes, unbraided rope, hooks - from pins, earrings, pins from badges, "invisible", and spinners - from metal and mother-of-pearl buttons, coins, etc. etc.

It is permissible to eat fish meat raw, but it is better to cut it into narrow strips, dry them in the sun, so it will become tastier and last longer. To avoid fish poisoning, certain rules must be followed. You cannot eat fish covered with thorns, thorns, sharp growths, skin ulcers, fish that are not covered with scales, lacking lateral fins, having an unusual appearance and bright color, hemorrhages and tumors of internal organs. You cannot eat stale fish - with gills covered with mucus, with sunken eyes, flabby skin, with an unpleasant odor, with dirty and easily detached scales, with meat that easily lags behind the bones and especially from the spine. It is better not to eat unfamiliar and dubious fish. You should also not use fish caviar, milk, liver, because they are often poisonous.

Hunting is the most preferred, in winter the only way to provide yourself with food. But unlike fishing, hunting requires a person to have sufficient skill, skills, and large labor costs. It is relatively easy to catch small animals and poultry. For this, you can use traps, snares, loops and other devices. The mined meat of the animal, the birds are fried on a primitive spit. Small animals and birds are fried on a spit without skinning or plucking. After cooking, the charred skin is removed and the carcass is cleaned of the insides. After gutting and cleaning, the meat of larger game should be burned over high heat, and then roasted over coals.

Rivers, lakes, streams, swamps, accumulation of water in certain areas of the soil provide people with the necessary amount of liquid for drinking and cooking. You can drink raw water from springs and springs, mountain and forest rivers and streams.

But before you quench your thirst with water from stagnant or weak-flowing reservoirs, it should be cleaned of impurities and disinfected. For cleaning, it is easy to make the simplest filters from several layers of cloth or from an empty can, punching 3-4 small holes in the bottom, and then filling it with sand. You can dig a shallow hole half a meter from the edge of the reservoir, and after a while it will be filled with clean, transparent water.

The most reliable way to disinfect water is boiling. In the absence of boiling utensils, a primitive box made of a piece of birch bark will do, provided that the flame touches only the part filled with water. You can boil water by dipping heated stones into a birch bark box with wooden tongs.

Distress Alert Methods

In the absence of a walkie-talkie, pyrotechnic means of signaling (signal cartridges giving bright orange or bright crimson smoke, small missile cartridges firing from a device the size of a pen), only the simplest and at the same time sufficiently reliable methods of sending distress signals are used.

BONFIRE. The smoke of the fire has long been used as a call for help. In order to give the signal in time, the fuel for the fire is prepared in advance. It is folded in open places: a clearing, a hilltop, a river spit. The smoke should be thick and black. To do this, after it has flared up, fresh grass, green foliage of trees, pine needles, and damp moss are put into the fire. In winter, the fire should be covered from snow with spruce branches.

A permanent signal fire at a stationary camp is built on some elevated place. It consists of three bonfires located in a straight line 10-15 meters apart or in the form of a triangle. Thus, three columns of thick dark smoke will be visible at once. You need to light a fire only when you see a search plane or a helicopter, but not earlier.

INTERNATIONAL CODE SIGNALS. Geometric figures international code laid out from spruce branches in the snow or trampling snow, breaking out or cutting down bushes, but always in an open place. Lined with stones, such signs will also be visible from the air, but much worse. It is better to make signs at least 6 meters long and about half a meter wide. Only in this case they can be seen from an airplane or helicopter.

SIGNAL MIRROR. One of the most effective signaling devices! But you must have it!

You can replace the mirror with a piece of bark with a piece of foil from a chocolate wrapper attached to it, or even a well-polished can lid. From an airplane flying at an altitude of 1-1.5 kilometers, a light "spot" is detected at a distance of up to 25 kilometers, that is, earlier than any other visual signal. In metal shiny objects used as signal mirrors, a hole is punched in the center to guide the aircraft. It is advisable to send the signal beam of the mirror along the entire horizon, even in cases where the noise of the search aircraft is not heard. The signals given by shouting, whistling, flashes of light or shots should have a frequency of 6 times per minute with a minute pause, then the signal is repeated again, and so on until a response is received. The response signal (“Call accepted, help is in progress”) is given at a frequency of 3 times per minute, also with a minute pause.

If it is not possible to make a fire or use a red rocket or mirror to send a signal when a search helicopter appears, swing a light object against a dark background or a dark object against a light background.

A common mistake of confused people in trouble (on land and at sea) is to use all at the same time at the first sounds of the engine. signaling means, and in particular shooting.

A signal is a chance of salvation, so you can't spend all signaling tools in one go.