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General information about fire prevention compendium. Fire prevention. The main guests for fire safety

Fire prevention- a set of organizational and technical measures to prevent, localize and eliminate fires, as well as to ensure safe evacuation people and material values in case of fires.

Fire safety is such a state of an industrial facility in which the possibility of a fire is excluded, and in case of its occurrence, the impact on people is prevented. dangerous factors and protection of material values ​​is provided. Fires cause huge material damage, lead to injury and death of people, as they are accompanied by the occurrence of dangerous factors such as open fire, elevated temperature, toxic substances, smoke, lack of oxygen, damage and disruption of buildings, structures, explosions technical equipment etc. Therefore, the implementation of the rules fire safety in enterprises is mandatory for all officials and citizens. The foundations of fire safety are laid at the stage of designing an enterprise, building, structure, planning a technological process, installing equipment, that is, it is taken into account by engineering and technological measures that are presented in projects during development project documentation for construction, and requires severe execution fire regulations during operation. Fire safety of industrial enterprises consists of a fire prevention system, a system fire protection and organizational and technical measures.

The fire prevention system is a complex of organizational and technical means, aimed at excluding the possibility of fires, at preventing the formation of combustible and explosive environment by regulating the content of flammable gases, vapors and dust in the air, as well as excluding the possibility of sources of ignition or explosion; fire safety technological processes, equipment, electrical equipment, ventilation systems, preservation of raw materials and other materials.

The exclusion and prevention of fires is facilitated by: sealing production equipment, replacement of flammable substances that are used in technological processes with non-flammable ones, limiting the volume of substances used and stored at the enterprise; control over the concentration of substances in the air in rooms and technological equipment; the use of working and emergency ventilation; diversion combustible environment to special devices and safe places; the use of inhibiting and phlegmatizing impurities; selection of safe speed modes movement of the environment, etc.

The fire protection system is ensured by the use of architectural and design solutions, barriers to the path of fire propagation, fire-extinguishing devices on technological communications, in ventilation systems, air heating and air conditioning.

Organizational and technical measures are related to fire prevention systems and fire protection systems and should include: fire department, organization of departmental services in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine and decisions local authorities self-government; certification of substances, materials, products, technological processes, buildings and structures in terms of providing

All fire safety measures of production are divided into four groups according to their intended purpose:

1). Measures that ensure fire safety of the technological process and equipment, preservation of raw materials and finished products.

2). Construction and technical measures aimed at eliminating the causes of fires and at creating the stability of enclosing structures and buildings, at preventing the possibility of the spread of fires and explosions.

3). Organizational measures that ensure the organization of fire protection, training of workers in methods of preventing fires and the use of primary methods of extinguishing fires.

4). Measures for the effective choice of methods for extinguishing fires, equipping fire water supply, fire alarm systems, creating a stock of extinguishing agents.

Fire protection is provided by: the choice of the fire resistance class of the object and the limits of fire resistance of building structures; limiting the spread of fire in the event of a fire source; the use of smoke protection systems; ensuring the safe evacuation of people; the use of fire alarm, notification and fire extinguishing equipment; organization of the fire protection of the enterprise.


During labor activity employees of the organization may, through intent or ignorance, violate the requirements of federal and regional legislation on fire protection at work.

Such incidents can lead to both fire and damage. material harm organization, as well as an accident in the form of injury or death of an employee.

At the same time, the legislation in the field of fire safety also strictly monitors the observance of norms and rules in the field of fire safety.

In case of violations, both on the part of the workers and the employer, imposes fines and other administrative measures.

What types of fire violations are there at enterprises?

Legislation, as well as the practice of carrying out labor activities, regardless of the specifics of the enterprise and the industry of its activity, distinguishes several types of fire safety violations:

These violations in the field of fire safety are present both on the part of the workers of the organization and on the part of the management staff and responsible persons.

Depending on the severity of the consequences, they can entail various types of punishment ( disciplinary responsibility, civil, criminal).

Prevention of non-compliance with the rules

To prevent violations in the field of fire safety, labor protection engineers on an ongoing basis carry out preventive fire prevention measures among the personnel of the enterprise.

Prevention consists in, training and certification of employees.

Also, funds are subject to strict control individual protection, extinguishing and alarms, smoke detectors and other items for monitoring the state of fire in the institution.

However, all events should be comprehensive and comprehensive and should cover all work establishments.

Useful video

The basic requirements of fire safety are described in detail in this video:


As a result, violations in the field of fire safety entail serious consequences, both for the organization itself and for its personnel.

The article describes typical situations. To solve your problem -

3.1 Tasks of fire prevention

Fire prevention means training fire engineering safety and a set of measures aimed at preventing fires.

Since most people spend most of their time in buildings, the focus is on building fire safety. As well as employee training fire safety minimum... (See Appendix B). Specialized fire prevention and protection measures are required for the fire safety of forests, vehicles, rail, air and sea transport, as well as underground tunnels and mines.

Fire prevention has traditionally been limited to safety training and fire prevention measures and has always been part of the municipal departments fire department. Today, the range of fire prevention activities has been expanded, and it includes the verification and approval of construction projects, control over the implementation of fire safety standards, the fight against arson (including with fire hazardous games for adolescents), data collection, as well as briefing and training the public and special contingents.

The tasks of fire prevention can be divided into three broad, but closely related sets of measures:

1 training, incl. dissemination of knowledge about fire safety behavior (about the need to install home smoke indicators and store lighters and matches in places inaccessible to children);

2) fire supervision, providing for the development of state fire safety standards and building codes, as well as verification of their implementation;

3) provision of equipment and technical developments(installation of portable fire extinguishers and production of safe lighters).

Of the three listed complexes of measures, fire supervision seems to be the most difficult. The scope of supervision includes fire prevention standards, building fire codes and regulations, standards for the manufacture and installation of fire-fighting equipment and fire safety standards for consumer goods. Particular attention is paid to fire safety in preschool and school institutions. A complex of special preventive measures has been developed. (See Appendix D).

3.2 Fire prevention measures

The basics of fire protection of enterprises are defined by standards

GOST 12.1. 004 - 76 "Fire safety"

GOST 12.1.010 - 76 "Explosion safety. General requirements"

These GOSTs allow the possible frequency of fires and explosions so that the probability of their occurrence during the year does not exceed 10-6 or that the probability of exposure to hazardous factors on people during the year does not exceed 10-6 per person.

Fire prevention measures are divided into organizational, technical, regime, construction and planning and operational.

Organizational measures: provide for the correct operation of machines and intra-plant transport, the correct maintenance of buildings, territories, fire safety instructions, and the like.

Regime measures - the prohibition of smoking in unidentified places, the prohibition of welding and other hot work in fire-hazardous premises, and the like.

Operational measures - timely prevention, inspections, repairs and testing technological equipment.

Construction planning is determined by the fire resistance of buildings and structures (the choice of construction materials: combustible, non-combustible, hardly combustible) and the fire resistance limit is the amount of time during which the load-bearing capacity of building structures is not disturbed under the influence of fire until the first crack appears.

According to the fire resistance limit, all building structures are divided into 8 degrees from 1/7 hour to 2 hours.

Depending on the degree of fire resistance, the greatest additional distances from exits for evacuation in case of fire

Technical measures are the observance of fire safety standards during the evacuation of ventilation systems, heating, lighting, electrical supply, etc.

Using a variety of protective systems;

Compliance with the parameters of technological processes and operating modes of equipment.

Methods and means of extinguishing fires

In the practice of extinguishing fires, the following principles of stopping combustion are most common:

1) isolation of the combustion center from air or reduction of oxygen concentration by diluting the air with non-flammable gases (carbohydrates CO2< 12-14%).

2) cooling the combustion center below certain temperatures;

3) intensive inhibition (inhibition) of the rate of the chemical reaction in the flame;

4) mechanical stripping of the flame by a jet of gas or water;

5) the creation of conditions for fire protection (conditions when the flame spreads through narrow channels).

Substances that create conditions under which combustion stops are called extinguishing agents. They should be cheap and safe to operate and not harm materials and objects.

Water is a good extinguishing agent with the following advantages: cooling effect, dilution of the combustible mixture with steam (when water evaporates, its volume increases 1700 times), mechanical effect on the flame, availability and low cost, chemical neutrality.

Disadvantages: oil products float up and continue to burn on the surface of the water; water has a high electrical conductivity, therefore it cannot be used to extinguish fires on electrical installations under voltage.

Fire extinguishing with water is carried out with water fire extinguishing installations, fire trucks and water shafts. To supply water to these installations, water pipes are used.

Water fire extinguishing installations include sprinkler and deluge installations.

The sprinkler system is a branched pipe system filled with water and equipped with sprinkler heads. The outlet openings of the sprinkler heads are closed with low-melting locks, which are unsoldered when exposed to certain temperatures (345, 366, 414 and 455 K). Pressurized water from the system exits the head opening and irrigates room structures and equipment.

Deluge installations are a system of pipelines on which special drencher heads with open outlets with a diameter of 8, 10 and 12.7 mm of blade or rosette type are located, designed for irrigation of up to 12 m2 of floor area.

Deluge installations can be manual or automatic. Once activated, water fills the system and flows out through the holes in the deluge heads.

Steam is used in conditions of limited air exchange, as well as in closed rooms with the most dangerous technological processes. Steam fire extinguishing is carried out by isolating the combustion surface from environment... When extinguishing, it is necessary to create a steam concentration of approximately 35%

Foams are used to extinguish solid and liquid substances that do not interact with water. The extinguishing effect is achieved by isolating the surface of the combustible substance from the surrounding air. Fire extinguishing properties foam is determined by its multiplicity - the ratio of the volume of the foam to the volume of its liquid phase, resistance to dispersion, viscosity. Depending on the method of obtaining foam, they are divided into chemical and air-mechanical.

Chemical foam is formed by the interaction of solutions of acids and alkalis in the presence of a foaming agent and is a concentrated emulsion of carbon dioxide in an aqueous reactor of mineral salts. The use of chemical salts is difficult and expensive, so their use is decreasing.

Air-mechanical foam of low (up to 20), medium (up to 200) and high (over 200) expansion rates is obtained using special equipment and foam concentrates PO-1, PO-1D, PO-6K, etc.

Inert gaseous diluents: carbon dioxide, nitrogen, smoke and exhaust gases, steam, argon and others.

Inhibitors - based on saturated hydrocarbons, in which one or several hydrogen atoms are replaced by halogen atoms (fluorine, chlorine, bromine). Halogenated hydrocarbons are poorly soluble in water, but mix well with many organic substances:

tetrafluorodibromoethane (freon 114B2);

methylene bromide;

trifluorobromomethane (freon 13B1);

3, 5, 7, 4НД, СЖБ, БФ (based on ethyl bromide);

Powder formulations despite their high cost, complexity in operation and storage, they are widely used to stop the combustion of solid, liquid and gaseous combustible materials.

They are the only means of extinguishing fires. alkali metals and organometallic compounds.

Sand, soil, fluxes are also used to extinguish fires. Powder compositions do not have electrical conductivity, do not corrode metals and are practically non-toxic.

Compositions based on sodium and potassium carbonates and bicarbonates are widely used.

Fire extinguishing devices: mobile (fire trucks), stationary installations, fire extinguishers.

Cars are designed for the manufacture of extinguishing agents, are used to extinguish fires at a considerable distance from their deployment and are subdivided into:

tank trucks (water, air-mechanical foam) AC-40 2.1 -5m3 of water;

special - AP-3, powder PS and PSB-3 3.2t .;


water, freon.

Stationary installations are designed to extinguish fires in initial stage their occurrence without human intervention. They are subdivided into water, foam, gas, powder, steam. They can be automatic and manual with remote control.

Fire extinguishers are devices for extinguishing fires with a fire extinguishing agent, which he releases after activating it, is used to extinguish small fires. Chemical or air-mechanical foam, carbon dioxide (liquid state), aerosols and powders, which include bromine, are used as fire extinguishing agents. Subdivided:

by mobility:

manual up to 10 liters;



fire extinguishing composition:


carbon dioxide;

chemical foam;





Fire extinguishers are marked with letters (type of fire extinguisher by category) and digital (volume).

A hand-held fire-fighting tool is a tool for opening and disassembling structures and carrying out emergency rescue operations when extinguishing a fire. These include: hooks, crowbars, axes, buckets, shovels, scissors for cutting metal. The tool is placed in a visible and accessible place on stands and boards.

A fire is impossible where there is no contact of a combustible substance with an ignition source.

Pay special attention to an open fire. Move all fuels (including curtains and curtains) from gas stoves and other heating appliances to a safe distance. Do not hang items to dry directly over heating appliances. Do not throw burning (smoldering) objects from balconies and windows. When leaving the room, close the windows and balcony doors.

If the ignition source cannot be 100% excluded, then the room is recommended to be protected by means of automatic protection and fire extinguishing (for example, self-extinguishing extinguishers).

Electrical energy is a potential source of ignition if there is no reliable protection of the mains from currents short circuit and overloads. Turn off the power when leaving the premises.

Burning electrical appliances must be de-energized and, if burning has not stopped, pour water or cover with a thick cloth. It is recommended to use dry powder extinguishers to extinguish electrical appliances. They effectively localize the combustion zone and do not cause collateral damage to electronic devices and microcircuits.

Strictly follow the storage instructions for substances and materials. Store flammable and explosive substances in strictly limited quantities.

Means of detecting and extinguishing fire, as well as smoke protection must be in good condition at all times.

Escape routes are not allowed to be finished with combustible materials and cluttered, and doors (hatches) emergency exits nail or lock with non-opening locks.

Don't litter the balcony. Remember that the balcony is a summer retreat, not a warehouse. Do not trim balconies and loggias with flammable materials. In case of fire, the balcony can become the only place that is safe from fire and smoke.

If you notice the first signs of fire, call 01 immediately and then try to extinguish the fire yourself. However, in cases where smoke and temperature impede access to the fire, leave the premises immediately. Do not forget to close the windows and doors in the apartment to reduce the flow of fresh air into the room. In some cases, with a lack of oxygen, the fire self-extinguishes.

Fire prevention is a set of measures aimed at preventing fires and creating conditions to prevent damage from them, and to successfully extinguish them.

Fire prevention is part of technological processes of production, urban planning, planning and development of rural settlements. The organization of prevention is the responsibility of the fire authorities. fire lightning ventilation worker

Fire prevention is achieved:

  • * development, implementation and control over the observance of fire regulations and rules;
  • * conducting design and planning, taking into account the fire safety of the objects being created;
  • * improvement and maintenance in readiness of fire-fighting equipment;
  • * regular fire-technical inspections of industrial and agricultural enterprises, organizations, residential and public buildings;
  • * propaganda of fire-technical knowledge among the population.

Fire prevention is carried out by types of objects - in civil buildings, in warehouses, bases and shops, in industrial sites and transport, in forests and on peat mines.

For fire prevention in civil buildings, fire prevention measures are provided for heating systems, power supply, gas and other appliances.

Fire prevention in warehouses, bases and shops includes the observance of fire-prevention gaps between buildings during their construction, the creation of an internal fire-fighting water supply system, equipment with fire and fire-security alarms, the separation of large storage rooms with fire walls, separate storage of flammable and combustible substances, a ban on stove and gas heating.

Fire prevention at industrial facilities is organized on the basis of general requirements to all objects, as well as according to the category fire hazard technological processes at each of them. It includes the execution of buildings and structures according to the degree of fire resistance, the corresponding category of fire hazard of the object, the device of fire breaks between buildings, the separation of warehouses with flammable and combustible materials from the main territory, and other measures. In fire hazardous industries, internal fire-fighting water supply, sprinkler and drenger installations, fire alarm, combustible ceilings are replaced with non-combustible ones, electrical equipment is installed in a dust-and-moisture-proof design, storage of combustible materials is systematized, buffer warehouses are organized to exclude the accumulation of combustible materials and waste at workplaces, especially hazardous technological areas are separated from the main production by fire walls, evacuation routes are maintained in cleanliness and serviceability, a strict fire safety regime is established.

Fire prevention at agricultural enterprises is carried out in the planning and development of rural areas and in the production process. V industrial buildings of rural type, combustible structures are treated with fire retardants, stocks of fire extinguishers, water in barrels and sand, and other fire extinguishing means are created. Grain warehouses are divided into compartments by fire walls and are equipped with reliable lightning protection.

Electrical networks are laid in steel pipes or on insulators at intervals.

On farms, overloading of premises with fodder is prohibited, the premises for livestock and feed kitchens must be separate.

Explosion prevention measures are aimed at excluding their initiation due to fire, sparks, heating, impact, excess of the normal pressure in the container, etc.

In all explosive industries, the elimination of sparking is ensured, it is prohibited to carry out flammable work, to use electric heating devices, employees are prohibited from having matches and lighters. All equipment is grounded. Work on electrical equipment is carried out with the network disconnected. Indoors, using gas analyzers, control air environment in order to identify explosive concentrations of gas-air mixtures. Work is carried out with ventilation on.

In transport, prevention of explosions is carried out in accordance with the "Rules for the transportation of explosive explosions", which determine the procedure for loading and transporting explosives.

Compliance with fire safety measures and the ability to act during a fire helps to reduce the fire hazard, save people and property.

To prevent fires and explosions, the personnel of enterprises and organizations act in accordance with the established fire safety rules, health and safety standards, technological instructions... When preventing fires and explosions in everyday life, saving people and property, a number of prohibitions and simple rules should be observed.

In order to prevent fires, it is necessary to avoid storing in the house a significant amount of flammable and combustible liquids, as well as substances prone to spontaneous combustion and explosive substances (gasoline, kerosene, technical oils, acetone, liquefied gases, etc.). Small amounts of these substances present in the house should be kept in tightly closed vessels, away from heating devices, not subject to shock, shock, or spillage. Be careful when using household chemicals. Do not heat mastics, varnishes, aerosol cans over an open fire. Do not wash in gasoline. Do not store furniture, combustible materials, clutter basements and attics on staircases. It is not recommended to install electric heaters near combustible objects. Keep switches, plugs, power supply sockets, heating and other devices in good condition. It is forbidden to repair the electrical network, especially where there are no circuit breakers (switches), to leave electric heating appliances and TVs unattended. Be careful when smoking. Do not dry your laundry over a burning gas stove or oven.

Particular attention should be paid to the possibility of fire due to children's pranks. Do not allow children to play with matches, turn on gas, and electrical appliances, leave children unattended.

In order to create favorable conditions for extinguishing a fire, it is prohibited to: block access roads to buildings, approaches to fire hydrants, force balcony hatches with heavy objects.

In the event of a fire, one should beware of: high temperature, smoke and gas pollution of premises, collapse of structures, explosions of technological equipment, falling burnt trees, sinkholes into the ground (burning peat bogs).

In the event of a fire and during it, it is necessary to maintain calmness and quickly assess the situation in order to make the right decision. Do not panic and keep others from it.

It is dangerous to enter the smoke zone if the visibility is less than 10 m.

When rescuing victims and extinguishing a fire, it is necessary to follow some rules:

  • * before entering a burning room, cover your head with a wet cloth, raincoat, jacket;
  • * open the door to a smoky room with caution, slowly and standing to the side of the door in order to avoid a flash of flame and explosion from a sudden influx of air;
  • * in a heavily smoky room, move crouching or crawling;
  • * to avoid poisoning carbon monoxide use a wet cloth for respiratory protection.

When carrying out rescue operations, remember that small children from fear often hide under beds, in closets, huddled in a corner.

At the beginning of a fire, an attempt should be made to extinguish it. To do this, use fire extinguishers, an internal fire water supply, sand, water, a thick blanket for extinguishing small fires and other means. Burning clothing is extinguished with a blanket, throwing it off or pouring water over it. Direct the extinguishing agents to the places of the most intense burning, not to the flame. When a vertical surface burns, the fire is extinguished from above.

In a smoky environment, use a spray jet to help deposit smoke and lower temperatures.

Combustible liquids are extinguished with foaming compounds, sand, earth or a blanket with a small fire site. Fire on the elements of the power supply system must not be extinguished with water. You must first de-energize (turn off the switch or cut off the wiring with an ax with a dry wooden handle).

If it is impossible to extinguish the fire, it is necessary to evacuate. If it is impossible to leave the apartment, with strong smoke in the corridors, close the door tightly and plug the cracks, preferably with a wet cloth, go to the balcony or stand in the window opening, and then evacuate using improvised means or with the help of firefighters.

The essence of fire prevention is the implementation of a number of organizational, engineering and technical measures to ensure the protection of facilities economic activity from fires. The key goal of the entire fire preventive work carried out nationwide - maintaining fire safety at high level v settlements, in places of concentration of people or material values, at all existing economic facilities, due to impeccable compliance with fire regulations and requirements.

Tasks and goals of fire prevention

Preventive work is based on solving the following tasks:

  1. Development and implementation of measures necessary to eliminate possible causes of fires;
  2. Providing maximum limitation for the spread of fires in the event of their occurrence;
  3. Creation of optimal conditions for the evacuation of employees and the rescue of property;
  4. Timely fire detection, and quick call of the fire brigade.

At a specific facility, preventive work is reduced to the implementation of the following measures:

  • regular checks of the level of fire safety of the entire facility, as well as of its individual sections, carried out in accordance with the frequency established by law;
  • strict control of the timeliness of the implementation of the developed measures;
  • fire-technical inspection (PTO) of the facility by representatives of the State Fire Supervision Service, followed by their delivery of mandatory instructions. Ensuring control over the implementation of the prescribed instructions, and orders issued in connection with them;
  • execution control fire safety requirements at new construction sites, during the reconstruction and refurbishment of various kinds of premises (warehouses, workshops, workshops, etc.), ensuring constant control during fire hazardous works;
  • organization of classes and briefings among employees and workers of the facility on fire safety (PB) issues, with temporary workers arriving at the facility from other organizations and enterprises. Conducting other campaigning and promoting fire safety activities;
  • ensuring the serviceability and correct conditions of maintenance of primary and stationary automatic fire extinguishing equipment, water supply and warning systems;
  • organization and training of volunteer fire brigades, special combat crews engaged in preventive work, extinguishing fires and ignitions;
  • installation of automatic fire safety systems and fire doors covering rooms and individual units.

Bodies providing fire prevention

At enterprises, the following organizations, formations and officials are involved in fire prevention work:

  • State Fire Supervision;
  • fire department personnel;
  • PTK - fire-technical commission;
  • DPD - voluntary fire brigade;
  • DPO - voluntary firefighting society;
  • safety department;
  • freelance fire inspectors.

The method of preventive work is based on the identification and elimination of defects found directly on the spot, and in case of impossibility immediate execution, it is prescribed to eliminate the deficiency as soon as possible. Measures related to equipping shops, warehouses, workshops with automatic fire-fighting systems, replacing flammable substances with less hazardous analogues, etc., are drawn up by issuing acts or instructions handed directly to the head of the enterprise.

The regulation on state fire control in the USSR was introduced on 12/26/1977 by Decree No. 1115 of the USSR Council of Ministers, and amendments and additions were made by Decree No. 356 of the USSR Council of Ministers of 03/19/1986.

The tasks assigned to the authorities include control over the implementation of existing industrial safety rules and regulations in the course of design, construction, reconstruction, as well as during the operation of facilities. Fire prevention work by the State Fire Supervision Service is carried out mainly in the form of PTO (fire-technical inspections), which are regularly carried out at all economic facilities. VET are carried out in order to verify compliance with established and approved norms and rules, the implementation of which is aimed at preventing fires, and their rapid extinguishing in case of occurrence, ensuring the safety of people, as well as the availability of the necessary protective equipment at controlled facilities. Thanks to the surveys carried out, it is possible to establish a reliable level of safety at the facility, leading to the drawing up by the supervisory authorities of a set of measures prescribed by the management for implementation.

The Regulation on State Fire Supervision regulates the frequency of inspections, depending on the fire hazard group of the facility. So, annual inspection the following objects are exposed and examined in detail:

  • utilities and consumer services;
  • warehouses;
  • design, research institutes;
  • technical schools and vocational schools;
  • residential buildings with a higher number of storeys, in the presence of consumer services enterprises (group II).

Inspection of the above facilities is carried out by employees of the State Fire Supervision Service assigned to specific facilities.

In order to carry out inspections of the implementation of measures prescribed by the State Fire Inspection, seasonal surveys, as well as inspections of individual buildings, structures, workshops, may be carried out in connection with the instructions of an employee of the State Fire Inspection, given to a freelance inspector by the head of the DPD, fire and guard service, or an asset of DPO.

Fire prevention measures

The priority measures carried out at consumer services enterprises for fire prevention purposes include:

  • the use of non-flammable detergents where degreasing and cleaning of units, parts or finished products is carried out;
  • clarification of the parameters of the fire hazard of all materials and substances required in the course of technological processes;
  • use of systems fire automatics, ensuring that they are regularly checked;
  • provision of isolation of fire hazardous equipment, or removal to open areas;
  • the use of fire barriers and high-speed valves that prevent the spread of fire in rooms, communications;
  • a prohibition on the use of flammable materials in the finishing of paths provided as evacuation routes;
  • use in fire hazardous production premises smoke protection, etc.

It must be admitted that the success of fighting fires can be ensured only at facilities with well-organized organizational and campaigning work, where there are and are functioning DPD and PTC.

According to statistics, on industrial enterprises 60% of fires are the result of human negligence or a clear violation of fire safety rules by employees. The most common causes of fire are smoking in unauthorized places, leaving electrical appliances left on, the use of blowtorches and torches to warm up frozen engines, pipes, etc. In order to completely eliminate the above causes of fire, which are, in fact, the action of the human factor, the strictest fire regime should be introduced, and all workers and employees should be regularly trained in industrial safety rules.

Fire protection regime introduction

A fire-fighting regime is a set of measures and fire safety requirements of a regime nature, which are established throughout the enterprise or in its individual premises, and are mandatory for execution. Fire-fighting measures include the equipment of special places for smoking, regular cleaning of premises from combustible waste, strict inspection of premises at the end of work, installation of switches (knife switches) to completely de-energize electrical installations, organization of evacuation routes and passages.

As a rule, significant financial costs are not required for the implementation of fire-fighting measures, and they can be performed independently by personnel working in any room.

All persons working in enterprises are required to undergo firefighting training, during which they study:

  • rules and instructions for industrial safety;
  • indicators of fire hazard of substances, materials used and stored in production;
  • characteristics of the fire hazard of equipment, technological processes, buildings, structures;
  • rules for the storage and use of fire extinguishing agents;
  • sequence of actions in an emergency.

Education and fire-fighting training consists in conducting briefings and classes that provide for the passage of the PTM (fire-technical minimum). The order of the above classes is regulated and established by an appropriate order or order. During the briefings, it is advisable to use programmed training tools.

Introductory briefing is mandatory for persons employed, incl. and temporary, regardless of the length of service, position and education. The briefing is carried out in mandatory with seconded, pupils (students) who are at the enterprise (industrial practice, training).

Introductory briefing is carried out in a special room equipped with appropriate visual aids, with the help of which the observance of the fire regime throughout the enterprise is clearly illustrated. It is allowed to combine this lesson with a safety briefing.