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Japanese cuisine: food aesthetics. What is the national cuisine, traditional dishes and food in Japan? Famous Japanese dishes

Japan has always been considered one of the most mysterious and attractive countries in the world for tourists. We don't know much about her cuisine, but we all know what sushi and rolls are.

Minimalism is the main criterion for the Japanese. The food they eat does not require special cooking or any kind of processing. And if you are lucky enough to visit Japan, then visit not only the famous Mount Fuji, but also some local restaurant to taste Japanese cuisine. Whatever your choice, check out 12 traditional Japanese dishes!

Dish number 1. Sushi and rolls

Not surprisingly, sushi and rolls are at the top of the list of traditional Japanese dishes. The offer to visit Japan in order to try dishes that every provincial chef knows the recipes seems strange. Today, in a restaurant with any cuisine, you can find "Gunkan-maki", "California" and "Philadelphia" without applying for a visa and a passport. Only sushi and rolls with the freshest seafood can demonstrate the best taste, and these are served exclusively in Japan. Each restaurant has an aquarium or even a pond with live fish, which are caught right to the table.

Dish number 2. Ramen

The second line of traditional Japanese dishes is ramen. In Asia, thick soups are very popular: the Thai Rad Na soup immediately replaces the first and second courses. Japanese ramen is a close relative of it. It is sold by both street food vendors and gourmet restaurants. Ramen is a kind of assortment, because in its composition any component can be replaced with another. The basis is meat broth from chicken, pork, and sometimes fish. Wide wheat or rice noodles are boiled in the broth, seasoned with eggs, green onions and seaweed. The skill of a ramen chef in Japan is measured by checking the texture of the meat in the soup: it should resemble mashed potatoes.

Dish number 3. Tempura

Another traditional Japanese dish rightfully occupies the third position. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun do not understand the popularity of American fast food - in particular, French fries. The Japanese spied a recipe for a lean dish from Portuguese missionaries and made a cult out of it. In every home in the country, you can find a special tempura frying pan, which is taken out before parties, friendly gatherings. Fresh shrimp, fish, vegetables and even fruits are fried in a small amount of oil. A special taste is given to it by a batter made from eggs, ice water and flour, beaten to the state of air bubbles.

Dish number 4. Okonomiyaki

The Japanese have also found a replacement for burgers: they call it okonomiyaki, which means "fish cake." Grated cabbage or pumpkin, flour, cheese, egg and water are used as the basis for the tortilla. The ingredients are mixed and poured in a thin layer into the pan to bake the pancake. The finished traditional Japanese dish okonomiyaki is soaked in thick soy sauce and sprinkled with chopped tuna flesh. The size and filling of the flatbread is different in every region of Japan: they are much larger in Kansai than in Tokyo.

Dish number 5. Shabu shabu

This traditional Japanese dish gets its name from a type of cookware. A shabu shabu is a deep metal plate that can be heated in an oven or over an open fire. Broth with vegetables, tofu and noodles is poured into it. Separately, cuts of duck, pork, lobster and chicken fillet are served: its pieces are dipped in a heated broth just before use. Syabu-shabu is such a hearty dish that it is served on the table only during the cold season.

Dish number 6. Miso

Miso soup is served as a side dish with any other dish except desserts. It is made from miso paste made from fermented soybeans and tuna dashi broth. This base mix is ​​complemented with chunks of tofu, wasabi, onions, sweet potatoes, seaweed, carrots and radishes. It is never used as a main course: at least one kind of soup or two rice garnishes with different sauces is always served with miso.

Dish number 7. Yakitori

The Japanese could argue with the Caucasian peoples for the right to be called the inventors of the barbecue. Since ancient times, they have been roasting meat on coals, stringing it on bamboo sticks. Both fillets and entrails marinated in a mixture of rice wine, soy sauce, sugar and salt are suitable for Japanese barbecue. When frying, the meat is poured with the same mixture called "tare". Yakitori is sold in small shops around every corner. After the end of the working day, the Japanese do not consider it necessary to spend personal time preparing dinner: before returning home, they buy yakitori and beer or sugary carbonated drinks.

Dish number 8. Onigiri

If yakitori is purchased instead of dinner, then for breakfast in Japan they order home delivery of such a traditional dish as onigiri. Rice balls stuffed with beans, shiitake mushrooms or pork in a variety of flavors are eaten as snacks, including during work breaks. In Japan, they are more popular than sushi due to the fact that their preparation does not require special skills. The girls prepare the onigiri: they put the rice and the filling in the palm of their hand, and then roll the balls out of the mixture. At restaurants located in Tokyo, you can try a variety of onigiri like umeboshi, a plum filling with salt and wine vinegar.

Dish number 9. Soba

Wheat udon can be seen on the menu of any Asian country, so the Japanese decided to come up with their own variety of noodles. This traditional Japanese dish is made with buckwheat flour, which gives the pasta its gray-brown color. Soba is boiled, thrown into a colander and mixed with vegetables and meat, disassembled into fibers. In small cafes and fast food outlets, soba is added to chicken broth for almost instant soup. Renowned restaurants serve buckwheat noodles with crab and lobster.

Dish number 10. Gudon

Translated from Japanese, this word means "a bowl of beef". A spicy traditional dish popular with Japanese men due to its high calorie content and satiety, it is not inferior in spice to Thai culinary masterpieces. What distinguishes gyudon from soby is the amount of meat: when serving, two or three tablespoons of rice and several handfuls of stew with wine are placed on a plate. Top garnish garnished with raw chicken yolk. In the restaurants of the Japanese capital, a variety of gyudon is served - katsudon with a chop weighing at least 500 grams.

Dish number 11. Yakiniku

Japanese men gather in a company and compete in the art of grilling grilled meat. The brazier is placed on an earthenware pot with hot coals. Each man has his own recipe for yakiniku, which he does not share with anyone. In restaurants, this traditional Japanese dish is also prepared by a male chef using premium marbled beef.

Dish number 12. Suama

Desserts are not very popular in Japan, but neither an adult nor a child can resist Suama. This cake is made from rice flour and fine cane sugar: the ingredients are ground in a mortar and pink dye is added. The color of sakura petals symbolizes this country, therefore, chefs are not allowed to change the shade of the dye.

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Japan is an amazing and controversial country. The geographical location of the group of islands and isolation from the whole other world have created a special culture within the country, traditions that have not changed for millennia. This also applies to the national Japanese cuisine. A small area of ​​land, on which mountains and volcanoes are located, largely determines the products and dishes that the Japanese prefer. They practically do not eat meat, more often eating rice, vegetables, fruits and seafood.

You can comprehend Japanese culture and understand all the features of table etiquette only after arriving in the land of the Rising Sun. Although, before traveling to Japan, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some rules and traditions in order to behave correctly. In addition, it is interesting to get acquainted with the nuances and subtleties of Japanese cuisine, to find out what the Japanese like to eat, and how important food is in their life.

Traditional Japanese food

When the phrase "Japanese cuisine" sounds, many immediately imagine sushi and wooden sticks. This stereotype has arisen for a reason, because rice is the main product in Japan, it is grown on mountain slopes and is used in many national dishes. In addition to rice, traditional Japanese dishes include:

  • wheat flour noodles - food that is most convenient to eat with chopsticks;
  • soy sauce, and in general most products containing soy, found their origin in the Japanese islands;
  • tofu - soybean-based cheese;
  • daikon - a white radish that grows in large quantities in Japan, often found in salads;
  • mushrooms are a source of protein, which is so necessary for the Japanese, who practically do not eat meat;
  • wasabi - a sauce made from a Japanese vegetable that resembles a green radish;
  • ginger root - or shoga - is a seasoning that most often complements fish dishes.

Japanese cuisine is famous for its limited use of salt, while seasonings and seaweed add flavor to the dishes. The world-famous pressed seaweed is considered to be nori, inside which sushi filling is wrapped.

Any fish is another traditional product in Japanese cuisine. Its consumption in Japan is second only to rice. A great variety of different dishes include fish or other seafood - shrimp, mussels, oysters. Moreover, for most of them, Japanese chefs do not even use heat treatment.

Favorite and famous Japanese dishes

The most widespread and world famous national dish of Japan is sushi. They are so simple, tasty and easy to digest in the human stomach that sushi is loved in many countries of the world. The number of varieties of this dish today is so great that it would be rather difficult to list all the options. Most often, seafood or raw fish are used as a filling, but the Japanese, and after them many other culinary experts, also add vegetables, root vegetables and even meat to rice and nori.

A sushi meal is a special process that begins when all the ingredients are prepared and ends with the last grain of rice. There are many nuances and peculiarities of such a meal that conservative Japanese try to observe and pass on to future generations.

Other national dishes of Japan include:

  1. Sashimi is a dish made from fish or seafood that is used raw. The main feature of this dish is the way and quality of fish cutting. There is a whole art of using a knife to create a small culinary masterpiece.
  2. Tempura - the same seafood, but cooked in a special batter. Served on the table with various sauces and seaweed.
  3. Chahan is a Japanese pilaf, which was originally prepared with seafood, but has recently also allowed the use of various types of meat in the recipe.
  4. Fugu is a famous dish that uses poisonous fish in its preparation. Such food can harm a person if it is improperly prepared. Therefore, only a licensed chef can make such a culinary masterpiece.
  5. Sukiyaki is one of the few meat dishes in Japanese cuisine that includes thinly sliced ​​meat, vegetables, mushrooms and noodles. All ingredients are cooked in a special pot and served on the table in it. And the participants in the meal can independently put themselves the required amount of the dish.

Japan is also famous for other national dishes that are known in many countries of the world. Good Japanese restaurants provide an opportunity to taste this unusual and light cuisine, but the spirit and atmosphere of Japan can only be understood by visiting the islands.

Features and subtleties of a Japanese meal

Japanese cuisine is interesting not only because of its unusual dishes, but also because of the very essence of the process of their consumption. In this country, like no other, customs and traditions are observed before, during and after a meal. Eating is a real ritual, which is interesting to watch and take part in.

The main rules and features of a Japanese meal are:

  • the traditional meal takes place at a low table, around which the Japanese sit on their own heels, although men are allowed a somewhat free pose - with their legs crossed in front of them;
  • before eating, everyone says the traditional gratitude for the food - itadakimasu;
  • since the Japanese eat many dishes with their hands, there is a special hot towel near them, with which they wipe their hands and face if necessary;
  • the Japanese almost never have a main course on the table, all types of food are presented in small quantities, but so that you can try just a little bit of everything;
  • at the Japanese table it is considered normal to try all the dishes, and only then proceed to the main part of the meal, eating what is given the greatest preference;
  • the main food is always rice and dishes made from it, so this product must be eaten to the last grain;
  • if any dish was originally served covered, then after finishing it, you must also cover;
  • it is customary to take any dishes served in pieces with chopsticks and put them completely in your mouth, it is ugly to bite off them;
  • it is not customary to point at a person or move dishes on the table with chopsticks;
  • if drinks are consumed at the table, the participants in the meal pour them to each other, because it is not customary to pour a drink for oneself.

Japanese cuisine is also known for many other traditions and rules, the main purpose of which is to make the meal pleasant and easy for each participant in the meal. Even at the table, the Japanese show maximum respect and respect for each other. Therefore, when joining a Japanese meal, you should know at least the basic rules of table etiquette, so as not to look impolite or offend someone with your unwanted actions.

Japanese cuisine is gaining more and more popularity in all corners of our world every year. However, the dishes and products that are used in restaurants around the world cannot be compared to the national cuisine of Japan, which is prepared by local chefs. These dishes are distinguished by originality and their own specificity, therefore they have always attracted a lot of attention among tourists.

The main ingredient in Japanese cuisine is boiled rice without salt, which is poured over with various sauces and spices. Rice in Japan is served as a side dish to any fish or as a separate dish. Since Japan is located on the seaside, the locals' favorite foods are all kinds of fish and seafood, which are eaten both raw and processed.

When visiting Japan, do not expect the usual food for you - meat dishes or vegetable salads, you simply will not find this here. Although the Japanese use a small amount of meat in their recipes, and even then these are borrowed dishes from other countries, and it is quite rare to find them.

What kind of dishes are worth trying in Japan, for example, exploring the gastronomic side of the country.

The most popular dish is Ramen.

In Russia, this dish is practically unknown to anyone, but the Japanese eat it almost every day. Ramen is believed to be food for the poor, as ramen contains wheat noodles and broth, usually fish broth, but sometimes meat broth. A slightly similar dish, closer to us is lagman, although it turns out to be more satisfying. Ramen soup is considered a wholesome and healthy food, which is eagerly consumed by all Japanese people.

Almost everyone is familiar with this dish, because in Japanese restaurants in Russia, and in all other countries, this dish is the most popular. In Japan, "sushi", as the locals correctly call it, is eaten as a snack. Sushi are small rice balls or rolls with a variety of fillings. Sometimes sushi is served as raw fish with rice and soy sauce. Also, rice can be supplemented with some types of seaweed, vegetables, eggs, salted or smoked fish.

Like all Japanese dishes, donburi is prepared very simply - it is a vegetable dish with rice, meat or fish. Put everything in a deep bowl in layers: first rice, then meat and vegetables on top. If you add onions and beef here, you get a completely different dish - gyudon, and the addition of tempura turns it into tonkatsu.

This name is also heard by many, although it is prepared mainly in Japan. Most often, this food is prepared for children to school as lunch or taken with them on a picnic. Onigiri looks like sushi - it is also a rice ball with fish or pickled plum, wrapped in pressed seaweed. Ready-made onigiri can be found at any grocery store in Japan with a wide variety of toppings.

These are vegetables in batter. Tempura does not take long to prepare. Vegetables or seafood are dipped in batter and deep-fried. When serving, the finished dish is poured with soy sauce or a special mixture of sugar, fish broth, sweet wine and other ingredients. The most common tempura uses are shrimp, potatoes, onions, bamboo, and bell peppers.

This is a simple fried rice dish with vegetables or soy sauce. At home, meat or fish, eggs, onions and a special seasoning for this particular dish are added to rice. This seasoning is sold in stores, so you can try making the national dish of Japan yourself.

This is a popular Japanese meat and vegetable soup. You can sometimes see a similar dish in stores with soy sauce broth. There are also many different options for its preparation, each of which has its own name.

Do not be surprised, this dish came from India, but its recipe is somewhat different. It is served in the form of boiled rice, on top of which is laid out a curry sauce with vegetables and meat. This sauce differs from the Indian one in its taste, it is considered to be sweeter. The Japanese are very fond of this dish, which can be tasted in any cafe or restaurant.

Another popular dish in Japan is grilled fried chicken. It is cut into small enough pieces and placed on skewers. Yaks can be bought both in restaurants and on the streets of the city, especially during holidays and festivals.

It is worth recalling that all food, except for soup, is eaten with special chopsticks. It is often difficult for tourists to eat rice with chopsticks, but the Japanese are as good at eating rice as we are with a fork. It is disrespectful to their culture to ask for the usual cutlery for us in Japanese restaurants, and most likely they simply do not have such cutlery. There is a certain Japanese etiquette, according to which it is forbidden to clench sticks in a fist, as this is regarded as a threatening gesture. Also, you cannot transfer food with chopsticks to another person - in Japan this is done only when the deceased is cremated and is prohibited in all other situations. Another important rule is the position of the sticks on the table - they should always lie parallel to the edge of the table on a special stand, plate or simply on the table surface.

Japanese drinks deserve special mention.

The country's main alcoholic drink is sake, which is also called rice vodka or wine. This drink is completely colorless, but the taste may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Many connoisseurs of alcohol distinguish in it the taste of soy sauce, cheese, mushrooms or some fruits. Every year on October 1, the whole country celebrates a new year of sakedel and begins to taste different varieties of this drink.

Another popular drink in Japan is beer. You can only buy an alcoholic drink in a shop or restaurant if you are over 20 years old.

And of course, Japan is famous for its tea ceremonies. The Japanese prefer to drink green tea. And every day this action turns into a certain performance that has become a part of the local culture. Many tourists want to participate in the tea ceremony, which is conducted by specially trained tea masters.

National Japanese cuisine is one of the most original and unique in the world. The food here is very simple, cooking is minimal, and maximum attention is paid to preserving the natural look and taste of the product. Sometimes food is not cooked at all, but only cut. And never mix too many ingredients. A meal in traditional Japanese cuisine is a real ritual. The menu should be different depending on the time of year, and all participants in the meal adhere to strict and complex rules.

The main national dish in Japan is boiled rice. It is not salted, but I accompany it with a variety of sauces and seasonings. Rice is served in a separate bowl with almost all dishes as a side dish, and is often used as an independent dish, changing the taste with seasonings. Many other dishes are based on it.

Japanese cuisine that tourists should try

Sushi. The dish is widely known in Europe, the USA, and here. Only in Japan is it prepared from various types of raw fish. There are about 200 types of sushi in total.

Onigiri. Rice balls prepared with a variety of sauces. They are eaten as a side dish and as an independent dish.

Mochi. Rice flour patties with a variety of fillings. Favorite Japanese snack.

Soba. Special noodles made from buckwheat flour, which are served both cold and hot, fried and boiled, in broth and with vegetables.

Udon. The most common noodles, which the Japanese also use in all sorts of forms.

Sashimi. Slices of raw fish, sea urchin, or shrimp with soy sauce and green horseradish (wasabi).

Tempura. Small pieces of fish baked in a batter of batter.

Puffer fish. The famous poisonous Japanese fish, which can only be prepared by a professional chef who knows all the intricacies of fugu. Improper preparation can lead to torment death.

Unagi. Fried eel. Sometimes it is added as a filling to sushi.

Norimaki. Rice cakes with raw fish and seaweed. The taste is unusual, but definitely worth a try.

Soups. There are a lot of them in Japan. Nabe meat or fish soup, seaweed miso soup, potato potato soup, suimono fish soups, ramen and many others.

Niku-dzaga. Stew with potatoes is a borrowed dish in Japan and is not particularly popular.

Crushed ice with measles fruit syrup is common in Japan as a soft drink. The Japanese are very fond of green tea, the consumption of which is also accompanied by the famous cha-no-yu tea ceremony. In recent years, black coffee has also been popular in Japan. From alcoholic traditional rice vodka sake and beer, also on a rice basis.

More recently, many people associated Japanese cuisine exclusively with sushi and rolls, but gradually other dishes of the Land of the Rising Sun are gaining popularity around the world. In today's post, we will briefly share 50 dishes that you should definitely try if you find yourself in Japan.

1. Sushi / Sushi

Sushi is a combination of Japanese rice and seafood (although other ingredients are sometimes used). There is also a type of fermented sushi known as nare-zushi, but the most typical sushi are nigirizushi and temakizushi.There are many other ingredients for those who don't like raw fish, including boiled shrimp and fried eel.

You can find sushi all over Japan, but the high end restaurants such as those in the Ginza area or near the fishing ports are especially delightful. If you want to eat inexpensively, then you should go to the kaitenzushi sushi restaurant or sushi conveyor, where you can enjoy them for only 100 yen per plate.

2. Tempura

Tempura is a dish in which seafood, fresh vegetables and other ingredients are first dipped in flour and egg dough and then deep-fried. Although tempura can be enjoyed in a variety of restaurants, if you want to sample a particularly tasty and fresh dish, it is best to visit a dedicated tempura restaurant. In such an establishment, meals are served on the table immediately after preparation.

3. Sukiyaki

Sukiyaki is a dish in which meat and vegetables are stewed in an iron pot. The sauce used in sukiyaki, known as warishita, is made from soy sauce and sugar.

There are many variations in the ingredients and ways of using this dish depending on the region. For example, in some areas, a hammered egg is mixed with a sauce to create a milder flavor. All in all, if you want to enjoy a lot of beef, then this dish is for you.

4. Ramen

Ramen is a dish made with wheat noodles that has become incredibly popular. Initially, the soup was made with chicken, but in recent years, pork, beef and seafood have also been added. In addition to the traditional version, curry ramen can also be enjoyed today. It is worth mentioning this type of ramen, where noodles and soup are served separately, it is called tsukemen.

5. Curry rice

If we talk about the curry seasoning, then it appeared in India. But in our case, we mean a unique, localized dish based on curry that came to Japan from the UK. It is made with meat and vegetables (carrots, potatoes, onions, etc.), curried, stewed and served with rice. Sometimes pork cutlets can be added on top of the dish. You can taste this dish both in specialized curry restaurants and in a regular restaurant.

6. Tonkatsu

Tonkatsu is a dish made of pork cutlets as they are made in the West, that is, when a thick slice of pork is dipped in flour and beaten egg dough, then coated with breadcrumbs and fried in oil. The best place to try tonkatsu is at a specialty restaurant.

7. Japanese Soba

A dish of noodles made from buckwheat flour, eaten with soy and sugar sauce, and with fillings such as egg, tempura, etc. try soba in the restaurant. There you can easily decide on the fillings that are indicated in the menu.

8. Udon / Udon Noodles

Udon is a noodle made from wheat flour. It is eaten the same way as soba, with soy and sugar sauce. You can taste udon in many restaurants, but again, the most delicious is prepared in specialized udon restaurants. And in winter, try the delicious noodle stew known as nabe yaki udon.

9. Karaage / Karaage

Karaage is chicken seasoned with soy sauce, salt and a number of other spices, sprinkled with starch and fried in oil. The dish is similar to the Japanese version of fried chicken, but it tastes differently.

There are many different options for making karaage in Japan, depending on the region. For example, chicken nanban in Miyazaki, where karaage is seasoned with tartar sauce, or tebasaki in Nagoya, where karaage is served with a sweet and spicy sauce. They are definitely worth a try.

10. Yakitori

Yakitori is a barbecued, sliced ​​chicken skewer seasoned with a sweet or soy sauce. We also recommend trying the pork kebab (Japanese yakiton).

11. Yakiniku

Yakiniku - beef soaked in sauce and grilled. It is very important to use the freshest meat for this dish. After lightly roasting the dish on the grill, you can enjoy the mild taste of Japanese beef.

The most popular yakiniku are tenderloin (known to the Japanese as rosu) and kalbi (Korean marinated meat). At yakiniku restaurants you can taste all kinds of meats. The price of meat depends on the quality, so if you want to taste the real yakiniku, we recommend going to an upscale restaurant.

12. Sashimi

Sashimi is a traditional Japanese dish made from raw fish cut into pieces. Served with soy sauce. By adding condiments such as wasabi or ginger, the sashimi is even tastier.

You can also enjoy sashimi in other countries, but the degree of freshness is likely to be lower. If you want to try inexpensive sashimi, then order a meal kit at a restaurant near the fishing port. But if you are willing to spend a little more, then you should visit a sushi restaurant or a traditional Japanese restaurant. When staying at a ryokan or a traditional Japanese inn, you will most likely get sashimi for dinner.

13. Robatayaki

Robatai are not really food, but rather a restaurant. In the restaurant, fish and vegetables are cooked over an open fire in front of customers. The dishes are cooked directly on charcoal, which gives them a unique flavor.

14. Shabu-shabu / Shabushabu

A dish in which meat and vegetables are boiled in water flavored with konbu and other ingredients. A typical shabu shabu sauce is ponzu or sesame sauce. And the main point is to lightly immerse the meat in water before eating it.

You can order shabu-shabu from both beef and pork. Sometimes udon noodles are added to the dish at the end of the meal. Unlike some other dishes, you will not be able to find shabu shabu in non-specialized restaurants, except for a few sukiyaki restaurants.

15. Gyutanyaki

This dish is originally from Sendai, where beef tongue (gyutan) is prepared in a special way that softens the meat. You can find this dish only in special restaurants.

A typical gutanyaki contains rice cooked with barley (mugimeshi), and beef soup along with beef tongue. Mugimeshi is usually served with tororo, or grated sweet potatoes, along with various pickles such as cabbage or chili peppers. Note that in specialty gyutan restaurants, the beef tongue is quite thick.

16. Kaiseki Ryori

Kaiseki-ryori is again not a dish, but a food style most suitable for a banquet. In this case, the menu usually consists of:

  • ichijusansai (soup, sashimi, fried dish),
  • snacks (otooshi),
  • fried foods (agemono),
  • stews (mushimono),
  • Japanese salad (aemono), pickled dishes.

And at the end of the meal, it is customary to serve rice, miso soup, pickles (konomono) and fruits (mizugashi). Naturally, this kind of food is only available at specialty kaiseki ryori restaurants, and reservations are usually required. It is also worth mentioning that the price of kaiseki-ryori is often very high.

17. Gyudon

This dish is rice and beef. Gyudon, or beef bowl, has already become a popular dish around the world, but gyudon made in Japan may differ slightly from gyudon made in other countries. First, the quality of the rice is different. Also, the quality of the beef may be different. By the way, if you want to taste really delicious gyudon, we recommend pouring a beaten egg over the beef.

18. Chankonabe

Chankonabe is cooked in a large saucepan with highly nutritious meats and vegetables. This dish is popular with sumo wrestlers who use it for weight gain. For real chankonabe, head to a restaurant run by a former sumo wrestler.

19. Motsunabe

The famous Fukuoka dish in which beef and pork are cooked in a saucepan with a variety of vegetables such as cabbage and Chinese leeks (Japanese nira). Other ingredients can be added during cooking. After the main course, Chinese chanpon noodles or rice are usually added to the soup. You can find motsunabe restaurants in Tokyo, but it's better to try the original motsunabe in Fukuoka.

20. Onigiri

Onigiri is a ball of cooked rice that is lightly salted and often with ingredients such as umeboshi (dried plum), salmon or cod wrapped in a nori leaf (dried seaweed). - Specialty Onigiri Stores. However, you can buy them in other stores as well. This dish is very popular with foreigners.

21. Unagi-no-kabayaki

Unagi-no-kabayaki is an eel ("unagi" in Japanese) covered in sauce and fried over charcoal. In some regions, it is steamed rather than fried. There is a type of kabayaki that is not dipped in the sauce before frying, it is known as shiroyaki, however, as a rule, the eel is dipped in soy and sweet sauce before frying.

You can enjoy unagi both as an independent dish and with rice (the second option is more popular). Nagoya has a unique way of eating unagi known as hitsumabushi, which is when tea is poured over rice and then eaten.

22. Kani (Crab)

Kani, or simply the crab, is found in all parts of the planet, but the crab in Japan is special. The hairy crab (Japanese kegani) has exquisite meat and deep flavor. The Japanese especially love the part of the crab called the canimiso. It is a dark green paste from the intestinal cavity that has a slightly bitter taste.

If you want to try the crab, we recommend the Red King Crab (tarabagani in Japanese), which can be found in Hokkaido and specialty restaurants.

23. Yakizakana

Yakizakana is a traditional fish dish grilled directly over an open fire, which makes the fish crispy. Most often, horse mackerel (aji), saury (sanma), mackerel (saba) or salmon (shake) are chosen for this dish. Yakizakana can be enjoyed throughout Japan, and if you are staying at a ryokan or a traditional Japanese inn, this dish is served for breakfast.

24. Nizakana

Nizakana is a fish cooked in soy sauce. Mackerel (saba), right-eyed flounder (karei) or alfonsino (kinmedai) are commonly used for this dish. Another popular dish, buridaikon, is when fish is cooked with daikon. You can taste nizakana at a variety of restaurants, including izakaya.

25. Fried dishes from western-style restaurants

Besides tonkatsu, there are a number of fried foods that are prepared similarly to tempura. These include korokke (croquettes), menchikatsu (deep fried mince pie), Ebi Fry (fried shrimp), kani cream korokke (crab croquettes), and kaki fry (fried oysters). You can enjoy these delicious dishes in Western style restaurants. The way the food is served depends on the particular restaurant.

26. Jingisukan

This is a local dish from Hokkaido and Iwate Prefecture. Jingisukan is meat and vegetables cooked in a special saucepan with a raised center. The meat is cooked in the center of the pan, allowing the juices from the meat to drain and soak into the vegetables on the sides. Please note that lamb has a very distinct smell, so you may not like the dish.

27. Kansai-style Kushi-katsu

In the Kansai region, a popular dish in which meat and vegetables are skewered and then fried in batter like tonkatsu. There are many different types of kushikatsu, so you can enjoy a wide variety of flavors if you want to.

Before you eat kusikatsu, you should dip it in Worcestershire sauce. But please remember that the sauce is shared with other customers, so you should only dip the kusikatsu in it once. Also note that non-specialized kushikatsu restaurants in the Kanto region serve fried pork and onion skewers as kusikatsu.

28. Oden

Although there are often large differences in cooking among Japanese regions, a typical oden is a dish in which daikon, meat and fish balls, boiled eggs and other ingredients are boiled in a broth of dried bonito or konbu mixed with soy sauce. You can try oden in specialized oden restaurants, and this dish is also sold in regular stores.

29. Okonomiyaki

This dish consists of vegetables, meat, seafood and other ingredients that are mixed with wheat flour and eggs and cooked on the stove. In some parts of Japan, ingredients are placed on top of the flour and egg mixture, rather than being mixed with them.

It should be noted that in most regions, chefs in restaurants prepare okonomiyaki themselves, but in the Kanto region there are many restaurants where the customer does it himself. However, if you are not confident in your abilities, you can contact the restaurant staff and they will do everything for you.

A special sauce is a regular flavor, and adding mayonnaise to a dish makes it even better. You can also find okonomiyaki shops at various festivals and events.


Buta no shogayaki is made from thinly sliced ​​pork and ginger, and soy sauce and sake (Japanese rice wine) give it a special flavor. This dish can be found on the menu of any restaurant.

31. Katsudon

This dish consists of tonkatsu and onions cooked in soy sauce and topped with beaten eggs. Freshly roasted tonkatsu is delicious on its own, but katsudon is a whole new flavor. Katsudon can be found not only in specialty tonkatsu restaurants, but also in regular restaurants. However, in order to enjoy the best katsudon, we recommend visiting the tonkatsu restaurant.

32. Fugu

Puffer fish is a poisonous fish that can only be legally cooked in licensed restaurants. This is a rather expensive dish. At fugu restaurants, you can enjoy a variety of fugu dishes such as hot pot fugu, fugu karaage, and fugu sashimi.

33. Gyoza

Gedza are traditional Chinese dumplings. In China, suigyoza, or boiled gedza, is mainstream, but in Japan, yakigyoza, or fried gedza, is more popular. Another difference is the use of garlic in fried gyoza. Gedza dumplings are usually dipped in soy sauce, Chinese chili sauce, vinegar, and other sauces you may choose to taste.

34. Nikujaga

This is one example of traditional Japanese home cooking where potatoes and meat are cooked in soy and sugar sauce. Sometimes carrots and shirataki (konnyaku noodles) are also added to the dish. This typical dish can be found in both izakaya restaurants and regular restaurants.

35. Takoyaki

To prepare takoyaki, a mixture of wheat flour, water and broth is poured into a special frying pan with semicircular shapes. Then a filling is prepared from chopped squid, cabbage and dried shrimp, which are added to the resulting mixture, and then fried. After a while, turn the pan over to fry the other side.

Takoyaki tastes similar to okonomiyaki. Pour sauce over them before use. A plate of takoyaki in restaurants costs about 500 yen (almost 300 rubles).

36. Sauce Yakisoba

Yakisoba sauce is a dish of fried noodles, pork, cabbage, bean sprouts and other ingredients, dressed with Worcester sauce. Yakisoba sauce is usually garnished with red pickled ginger and sprinkled with green dried seaweed. You can find Yakisoba sauce in stalls or in okonomiyaki restaurants, as well as in stores.

37. Rice omelet / Omelette rice

To prepare this dish, you need to fry rice, chicken and onion together, seasoned with ketchup, and then pour a thin layer of omelet. It is customary to pour the resulting dish on top with demi glace sauce. Rice omelet is very popular with children, but adults love it too. This dish can be found in Western style restaurants and set menus restaurants.

38. Napolitan

Napolitano is sausages, onions and green peppers fried with boiled pasta and seasoned with ketchup sauce. The result is a Japanese version of spaghetti with tomato sauce, but with a completely different flavor. You can find Napolitan pasta in Western-style restaurants and cafes.

39. Kamameshi

Kamameshi is a dish in which individual portions of rice are cooked in an iron pot called kama, with soy sauce, mirin (sweet sake for seasoning), and other ingredients. Before cooking, rice, chicken, seafood, vegetables, etc. are also added to the pot. Salmon caviar is added after cooking. The finished dish is not eaten from kama, but served in bowls. You can enjoy kamameshi at kamameshi specialty restaurants.

40. Tamagoyaki

Tamagoyaki is a type of rolled omelet. It is very easy to make this aromatic dish. In some cases, soy sauce or broth, known in Japan as dashi, is added to tamagoyaki. Tamagoyaki with the addition of dashi is called dashimaki tamago, and although its appearance is similar to a regular tamagoyaki, the taste is completely different. You can find tamagoyaki in general stores and specialty tamagoyaki stores.

41. Potato Salad

Japanese version of potato salad. This dish uses Japanese mayonnaise, which tastes slightly different from European mayonnaise, so the potato salad tastes differently from overseas. Corn, cucumber, carrots and onions are also often added to this salad.

You can find potato salad in stores, but we recommend trying it in a restaurant or izakaya, where its homemade flavor is truly fantastic.

42. Misoshiru (Miso soup) / Miso-shiru (Miso soup)

Misoshiru (miso soup) is the standard Japanese soup. It is prepared by mixing miso paste, bonito flakes, konbu and other ingredients. Other common ingredients in miso soup are tofu, wakame, and daikon. By the way, there is a dish called buta-jiru, which is prepared in almost the same way as misoshiru, but it also contains pork (buta nike in Japanese), daikon, carrots and taro (satoimo in Japanese). ...

43. Tofu

Tofu has become well known overseas, but while you're in Japan, be sure to try real tofu. A very simple dish that uses tofu is hyaakko. This is when bonito flakes and ginger are put on top of tofu, and soy sauce is poured on top of it. You can try it at izakaya and other restaurants. We also recommend tasting dengaku, which is grilled sliced ​​tofu and drizzled with miso.

44. Chawanmushi

A dish in which various ingredients such as chicken, white fish, shrimp, fish paste (kamaboko) and ginkgo nuts (ginnan) are added to a mixture of eggs and dashi in a bowl (chawan) and steamed. Chawanmushi can be ordered at traditional Japanese restaurants. Externally and in texture, the dish is similar to custard, but has a unique flavor.

45. Tsukemono

Tsukemono are vegetables seasoned in salt, vinegar or sake. Usually tsukemono is served in traditional Japanese restaurants, while tsukemono from specialty shops is a real delicacy. There are many different types of zukemono that you should definitely try.

46. ​​Tamagokake gohan

This rice dish is prepared by mixing a raw egg with soy sauce, and pouring the resulting mixture over the hot rice. Recently, tamago kake gohan has become so popular that you can even find tamago kake gohan restaurants in Japan.

47. Edamame

Edamame are young soybeans, boiled directly in the pods in lightly salted water or steamed. This is a great beer snack and is often ordered from the bar. Edamame, although it has a simple taste, is nevertheless liked by many.

48. Chazuke

This is a dish in which tea is poured directly onto rice. It is often eaten at the end of a meal. It has a very light and refreshing taste, so you can eat it even if you are already full. Toppings such as dried seaweed, cod roe, and salmon are often sprinkled on top of the dish.

This Japanese snack is very popular overseas. It is said that there are no children in the world who do not love umaibo, which cost only 10 yen. There is a wide range of flavors, including salami, takoyaki, and cheese.

50. Kashipan

A variety of sweet buns that can be bought in stores or at the bakery. There are different flavors of kashipan and different fillings, such as anpan (with sweet pasta) and curry (with curry sauce), as well as flavored, such as melon flavor). They usually cost around ¥ 100, so you should definitely try them if you find yourself in Japan.