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Standard production instructions: description of the technological process, fire safety, labor protection at the enterprise. Instructions: concept, types, details Structure of production instructions

Instructions for individual premises, as well as individual types of work, are developed based on the requirements of the general facility instructions and supplement it, analyzing it in more detail fire danger and specify fire safety requirements. Instructions for departments and types of work should not duplicate the requirements of the general facility instructions.

Extracts from the general facility instructions are posted in prominent places in a well-protected view fire safety indoors.

Instructions for performing temporary explosion and fire hazardous, fire, construction and installation, etc. work (including by third-party organizations), for which a permit is issued, are developed specifically for these types of work at the enterprise. Before the start of work, workers are trained according to these instructions, which is noted in the work permit by the administration of the institution.

Extracts from such instructions, regulating basic fire safety measures and personnel actions in case of fire, are posted in protected areas.

Regulations on voluntary fire-fighting units (squads, teams), on training workers in fire safety measures establish the procedure adopted in the institution regarding the organization of work to prevent and fight fires.

Appendix 6

No. Name of actions Order and sequence of actions Position, surname of the performer
Fire Report If a fire or signs thereof are detected, you must immediately notify ____ by phone. fire department, activate the fire warning system, notify the head of the institution or his replacement employee
Evacuation of children from a fire building according to the evacuation plan All children must immediately be removed from the fire building through the corridor and exits when a fire is detected or upon an alert ___
Reconciliation payroll with the actual presence of children evacuated from the building All children evacuated from the building are checked according to the name lists (class registers) available in groups (classes)
Accommodation points for children evacuated from the building IN daytime children in groups (classes) are accommodated in ____. At night, children are evacuated to ____________
Extinguishing a fire by employees of the institution before the arrival of the fire department Fire extinguishing is organized and carried out immediately from the moment it is discovered by employees of the institution who are not involved in evacuating children. All available fire extinguishing agents are used to extinguish the fire.

The following are familiar with the evacuation plan and distribution of responsibilities:

(date, position, full name) (signature)

____________________________ ____________________________

(date, position, full name) (signature

Appendix 7

Instructions for the evacuation plan in case of fire

No. Employee actions Execution order Executor
Call fire brigade Call “01” on the phone installed in the office (specify which one). Report, for example: “There is a fire at the school. Address: Lenin St., building 50. It is burning in the basement. Reported by security guard Ivanov” The worker who first discovered the fire
2 Opening external doors Open both outer doors of the lobby. Take the keys to other external exits and quickly open all external doors, remove all possible obstacles at the exits. Direct all people leaving the building to a safe place (specify where)
3 Notification of fire and evacuation procedures. Switching on smoke protection systems and fire booster pumps Turn on the warning system by pressing the "Start fire warning system" button located in the duty officer's room. According to the indications of the signal lamps on the panel fire automatics check whether the fire booster pumps, two installations for removing smoke from floor corridors, the installation of air pressure in staircase No. 1 and the installation of air pressure in the elevator shafts have turned on. If these units do not turn on automatically, turn them on manually by pressing the two red buttons on the automation panel “Start smoke protection fans” and “Start fire pumps”
Fire brigade meeting Go outside to the main entrance. Wait for the fire brigade. Show the locations of three fire hydrants. Escort the guard chief to the fire site. Briefly inform the fire extinguishing manager about the location of the fire, the routes of its spread and the results of evacuation of people Supervisor
Firefighting Open the internal fire hydrant cabinet, deploy the hose line, open the fire hydrant valve, and begin extinguishing
Evacuation of property Evacuate property and documentation according to the plan approved by the manager educational institution
Blackout of the room Take the keys to the electrical room and turn off the power to the building by turning the switch

Responsible for fire safety_______________________

Instructions are legal act, approved or published for the purpose of establishing rules governing organizational, scientific, technical, technological, financial or other special aspects of the activities of institutions, organizations, enterprises (their structural divisions and services), officials and citizens.

Instructions are also issued for the purpose of explaining and determining the procedure for applying legislative acts, administrative documents, for filling out and maintaining document forms (for example, accounting, reporting, accounting, etc.).

In management practice, both standard and individual instructions are used. Standard ones are usually issued by authorities or management bodies for a system of similar organizations or institutions.

The instructions are issued on general form and must contain the following details: name of the organization, name of the type of document, date, place of publication, title to the text, approval stamp, text, signature.

The title must clearly identify the issues, objects or circle of persons to which the instruction applies. For example, the job description of the “Secretary-Reference Officer”, the Instruction for “Clerical Work”.

As a rule, the first section of the instructions is called “General Provisions”. It indicates the purpose of the publication, the area of ​​distribution, the procedure and mandatory use, legal, regulatory or administrative acts that served as the basis for the development of the instructions.

The instruction is a long-term document. The “General Provisions” stipulate the timing of the entry into force of the instruction or its cancellation by introducing a previously valid one.

Requisite 1 - Name of the type of document - correctly formatted in bold, capital letters, without space between letters, which meets the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003, p

Requisite 2 – Date of the document – ​​in the analyzed instructions it is formatted after the title in an abbreviation in a digital way: the day of the month is one digit instead of two, as prescribed in GOST, the month is two digits, the year is four Arabic numerals.

Props 3 – the title of the text – is grammatically correctly combined with the name of the type of document Instructions.

Requisite 4 – text of the document – ​​designed in state language RF. The text of the analyzed instructions is designed in the form of a coherent text, divided into paragraphs and subparagraphs. The text fully meets the requirements of a neutral tone of presentation.

Requisite 5 - document approval stamp consists of the word AGREED, the position of the person with whom the document has been agreed upon, decoding the signature (initials, surname). The absence of a handwritten signature and approval date indicates that the document is a draft.

Props 6 – registration number– includes a mandatory element - serial number - 12, which must correspond to the entry in the journal of registration of organizational and legal documents issued.

33.Order: concept, main groups, details.

An order is a legal act issued by the head of an enterprise to resolve the main and operational tasks of the activity.

There are 3 groups into which all orders are divided:

1. Orders for personnel. These include:

Selection and hiring of candidates;

Registration of dismissal of an employee;

Registration of seconded employees;

Consolidation social guarantees;

Registration of employee incentives, etc.

2. Orders on organizational issues. For example:

Approval of staffing;

Liquidation or reorganization of an enterprise;

Division of powers between officials etc.

3. Orders on main production activities. These include:

Providing the enterprise with the resources necessary for normal operation (equipment, materials, etc.);

Assistance in the production of quality products;

Regulation of enterprise financing, etc.

The order must contain the following details:

Organization emblem;
- organization code according to OKPO;
- document code according to OKUD;
- name of company;
- name of the document type;
- date of;
- index;
- place of compilation or publication;
- stamp restricting access to the document;
- title to the text;
- control mark;
- text;
- mark about the presence of the application;
- signature;
- approval stamp;
- visas;
- a note on certification of the copy;
- the surname of the performer and his telephone number;
- a note on the execution of the document and its sending to the file;
- mark about data transfer to machine media.

Orders on core activities, its structure.

Orders on core activities are prepared on behalf of the head of the organization by heads of departments with the involvement of specialists; V in some cases, When we're talking about To resolve complex, complex issues, the head of the organization may create a commission of representatives of several departments to prepare an order.

Orders are issued on a special order form. Mandatory details orders are:

name of company;

name of the document type (ORDER);

publication date;

registration number;

place of publication;

title to the text;

In fact, there is no generally accepted definition of the term production instructions. Everyone defines it to the extent of their depravity or awareness.

Rather, it is a collective image.

So I came to the conclusion that every engineer or other high-ranking official from health and safety comes up with the rules for maintaining documentation himself. We have, in principle, an HSE standard, but it is also not correctly defined in terms of the specific content and number of instructions. There's like a list recommended OT magazines by department. Also exists too recommended list concerning technical documentation- There’s nothing specific in it either. Based on all this, for some reason OT believes that it depends on the quantity recommended there should be at least twice as many instructions and logs:80: . I agree that EVERYTHING needs to be written down and signed for signing:shok: . So that later you could say, but we warned you... we told you about it... and you: fool: - and our responsibility is removed == COMPLETE NONSNESS == A person is simply not able to “absorb” such an amount of information; it’s not realistic !

I think there should be reasonable instructions brief - generalized and relating only to the narrow specific activities of the worker. Masters and mechanics must conduct repeated brief instructions directly on the type of daily activity and the main responsibilities of their personnel brigades or services. But all kinds of classes, meetings - an hour of safety, conversations on lessons learned from incidents, additional training on civil defense and emergency situations and everything that indirectly concerns workers and for full compliance they must be familiarized - health and safety specialists should be involved.

We have already made, at the direction of OT, a list of instructions, the instructions themselves, indicated the points of instructions during briefings (it looks so competent!!!)................... The “auditor” arrived and asked senior master: How many people do you have in your unit???... how long does it take to give everyone instructions??? === and when are you engaged in production???......!!! :unknw: .......... The government is changing, new lists are being changed, instructions are being written down again, a lot of paper.... The “Senior Auditor” arrives = everything is changing again - this needs to be excluded......, here add......, this is to enter..... and this is to output....... Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr It turns out infinity!

Behind indication ofOST 64-02-003-2002 Thank you! but he's the same on approval of technological production regulations medicines and their semi-products... but we seem to be more involved in the engineering and oil industries. If they refer to it, they can say that this is not about us.................. Maybe there is something (from the OSTs) that is more specific!?


The activities of institutions are recorded in different types of documents.

According to the current legislation, organizations, institutions and private enterprises issue charters, regulations, instructions, and staffing.

A set of interrelated documents regulating the structure, tasks and functions of an enterprise, the organization of its work, the rights, duties and responsibilities of managers and specialists of the enterprise are called organizational documents.

Primary management function organizational documents- organizational, that is, the creation of documents containing rules, norms, regulations, status.

Organizational documents contain strictly binding provisions. Their approval is required. The purpose of creation is the most rational division of labor. Validity period: unlimited, valid until cancelled. The procedure for making changes - as necessary, with approval by a higher organization and informing the registering authority of orders and instructions.

Instructions are a set of rules establishing the order and method of carrying out something. Exists a large number of various instructions.

This work will examine thematic instructions: their types and content.

Instructions: types and contents

Instruction - (from the Latin Instructio - instruction - device): - is a legal act approved or issued in order to establish rules governing organizational, scientific, technical, technological, financial or other special aspects of the activities of institutions, organizations, enterprises (their structural divisions and services), officials and citizens. Office work (Organization and technologies for documentation support of management). Textbook for universities. / Ed. T.V. Kuznetsova. - M.: UNITY-DANA PUBLISHING HOUSE LLC, 2003. - P.83-85.

Instructions are also issued for the purpose of explaining and determining the procedure for applying legislative acts, administrative documents (for example, orders), for filling out and maintaining document forms (for example, accounting, reporting, accounting, etc.). Right there.

Such acts, widely used in practice, as “rules”, “recommendations”, “ guidelines», « guidelines"and other documents of the same legal nature. In order to introduce uniformity into the system of legal acts and reduce the various forms of acts that have the same nature, it is advisable to combine all of the above acts into an “instruction”.

Instructions can be standard (industry specific) and for enterprise employees (by profession and type of work).

Standard instructions are approved federal authorities executive power after preliminary consultations with the relevant trade union bodies.

Industry instructions are developed by specialized research institutes and laboratories on the basis of the relevant Rules, Standards and other current regulatory documents, taking into account the achievements of science and technology and the modern level of production and are intended for workers in basic professions without taking into account the characteristics of a particular enterprise or industrial area.

Enterprise instructions are developed at enterprises in accordance with the Basic Legislation, on the basis of industry instructions, the relevant “Rules”, “System of Standards”, taking into account the specifics technological process production, natural and climatic conditions, equipment maintained, tools used, devices, forms of labor organization characteristic of a given enterprise.

Instructions can be developed both for workers of certain professions (for example, electric welders, machine operators, mechanics, electricians, etc.), and for individual species work (for example, work at height, installation, commissioning, renovation work, testing, etc.).

Instructions for the profession are a practical guide for the worker, which he must follow and strictly comply with all requirements for the safe performance of his work. labor responsibilities during working hours.

Instructions for the type of work are one of the main documents containing safe techniques and methods of work, which must be followed by responsible work managers (foremen, foremen, foremen, etc.) and workers when conducting the technological process (type of work).

Instructions for workers are developed based on standard instructions. In the absence of instructions, instructions for workers are developed on the basis of current regulations, taking into account the specific working conditions at a given site or workplace.

The job description can be standard (approximate) and specific. A standard job description is developed for positions that have the same set of duties, rights, and responsibilities, regardless of the industry in which the organization operates. Specific job descriptions must be developed for all positions provided for staffing table organizations, and standard instructions can serve as the basis for their development.

Mandatory details of the instructions are: name of the organization, type of document, date, document number (if directly approved by the manager), place of preparation, title to the text, document approval visas, signature, approval stamp.

The title of the instruction must clearly outline the range of issues, objects and persons to whom its requirements apply. For example: “Job description for a control inspector...”, “Instructions for documentation support (paperwork) in the Presidential Administration Russian Federation».

Instructions are subject to increased requirements for clarity and clarity of text. It is very important to consider the sequence in which the user should study and use the instructions. The text is divided according to a certain logical scheme into parts: sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, which are numbered in Arabic numerals. The numbering order must comply with the requirements of GOST R 1.5-92. GOST R 1.5-92 State system standardization of the Russian Federation. General requirements to the construction, presentation, design and content of standards.

The text of the instructions is divided according to a certain logical scheme and consists of sections, subsections, paragraphs and subparagraphs, which are numbered in Arabic numerals. The number of sections and their logical relationship are determined by the developers.

As a rule, the text of the instructions should begin with the “General Provisions” section, which sets out the goals and reasons for issuing the document, the scope of distribution, the procedure and mandatory use, legal, regulatory or administrative acts that served as the basis for the development of the instructions, as well as possible cancellation earlier current instructions and other general information.

The instruction is a long-term document. IN " General provisions» stipulates the timing of the introduction of the instruction into force or its cancellation by introducing a previously valid one.

Since the instructions are in the nature of instructions, and the style of presentation of the text of the instructions is of an administrative nature, therefore it recommends clear wording with words that have an administrative meaning, such as: “must”, “should”, “necessary”, “has the right”, “recommended” ", "installed", "not allowed", "prohibited", etc. Organization of work with documents: Textbook / Ed. V.A. Kudryaeva. - M.: INFRA-M, 2002. - 592 p.

The title of the instruction must clearly outline the range of issues, objects and persons to whom its requirements apply. Office work (Organization and technologies for documentation support of management). Textbook for universities. / Ed. T.V. Kuznetsova. - M.: UNITY-DANA PUBLISHING HOUSE LLC, 2003. - P.83-85. For example: “Job description for control...”, “Instructions for documentation support of management (clerical work) in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation”; “Annual accounting reports are prepared by enterprises and organizations that are legal entities according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, regardless of the form of ownership, in the manner and in the forms approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.”

The text of the instructions is presented in the third person singular or plural. For example: “The contractor is obliged to hand over documents completed in office work to the secretary structural unit"; or “Secretaries of structural units are required to provide monthly data to the office on the volume of document flow”; or “Managers or, on their behalf, other officials government agencies, enterprises, institutions and organizations must systematically analyze, summarize proposals, statements and complaints of citizens, and the practical comments contained in them...”;

Or in an impersonal form, for example: “When writing the title of a case, the wording given in the nomenclature of cases is taken as a basis”; “When they are received, repeated proposals, statements, and complaints from citizens are assigned the next registration index; the registration indices of the first proposal, statement, complaint are indicated in the corresponding column of the registration and control card...”).

A job description is drawn up for each employee of an institution (organization), including an employee of the office management service.

The instruction is signed by the head of the structural unit that developed it. The instruction is approved by a special administrative act or directly by the head of the organization, as evidenced by the corresponding approval stamp. In the process of preparing instructions, they are endorsed by the heads of all interested departments, a legal adviser, and a deputy head who oversees the area of ​​activity that concerns the content of the instruction.

The instructions may be marked as an annex to the administrative document. When an instruction is approved by an administrative document (for example, an order), it sets the deadline for introducing the instruction, lists the necessary organizational measures, and indicates the responsible persons.

The instruction can be put into effect after approval by the head of the organization or after the publication of a special administrative document. In both cases, an approval stamp is drawn up on the first page of the instructions indicating the position and date of approval or a link to the administrative document, its date and number. If the text of the administrative document does not indicate the date for introducing the instructions, the date of signing and registration of the document is considered as such. For example: in the order of the head of the Administration of Zelenogorsk dated 03/01/03 No. 90-r “On approval of the Instructions for office work” there is the following text:

“In order to streamline work with documents and improve paperwork in the regional administration:

1. Approve the Instructions for office work in the city administration apparatus.

2. The General Department of the Administration (Kirsanova M.V.) provide methodological guidance for the organization of office work in the administration apparatus and establish control over compliance with the requirements of the Instructions.”

instructions industry details

All works on production facilities must be carried out in compliance with the rules industrial safety. Enterprises develop special documents that describe the procedure for carrying out technological processes and the responsibilities of the personnel performing them.

This document is production instructions, the content of which is established by Federal Standards and Rules (FNR).

For which objects is it mandatory to develop production instructions?

Production instructions are developed at enterprises engaged in construction (this means both the construction of an object and its reconstruction, conservation, technical re-equipment, operation or liquidation) of such objects as:

  1. HPF (hazardous production facilities).
  2. Electric power industry.
  3. Operating electrical, thermal installations or networks, as well as hydraulic structures.
  4. Manufacturing or repairing (including installation, adjustment, maintenance work):
  5. technological equipment used at hazardous facilities;
  6. vehicles transporting hazardous substances.

When developing production instructions, take into account:

  • qualification requirements (sources - reference books, standards, etc.);
  • features of technological production processes.

Instructions are intended for workers, are stored at enterprises at workplaces and can be issued to the employee against signature.

For personnel, knowledge of production instructions is a must!

Testing knowledge of production instructions

Certification of employees, during which knowledge of:

  • general industrial safety requirements;
  • special issues that relate to the employee’s competence;
  • energy security requirements;
  • safety requirements for hydraulic structures –

is carried out before employees are allowed to independent work on the object.

Contents of production instructions

Text production instructions may differ at each specific enterprise depending on its specifics, type of work, technological processes, etc.

  1. General information.
  2. Passing instructions and testing knowledge.
  3. Connection with other workplaces.
  4. The duties of the employee, as well as his rights and responsibilities.
  5. Notes on acceptance and delivery of shifts.
  6. Description of the specific workplace, installed equipment, materials used.
  7. Technological diagram of the technological process.
  8. Records of equipment startup and shutdown.
  9. Possible deviations from the normal course of the technological process, methods for solving problems.
  10. Equipment emergency stop notes.
  11. Safe work rules.

Diagrams and drawings may be attached to the text part of the instructions, for example, technological schemes etc.

The document is approved by the head of the enterprise or organization responsible for the operation of the facility.

17.1.In production there must be:

a) job descriptions for all employees, specialists, engineers and management personnel;

b) instructions on specialties for employees of all professions of the enterprise;

c) instructions on the types of work performed.

17.2 Labor protection instructions - a normative act establishing labor protection requirements when performing work in production premises, on the territory of the enterprise, on construction sites and in other places where these works are performed or official duties are performed.

Labor safety instructions can be standard for employees of enterprises, sites and a specific workplace.

17.3. Labor protection instructions can be developed both for workers in certain professions and for certain types of work.

17.4.Instructions for workers engaged in blasting operations, maintenance of electrical installations and devices, lifting machines, boiler plants, pressure vessels, and for other workers whose labor safety requirements are established in intersectoral regulations on labor protection, approved by the supervisory and control authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, are developed on the basis of these acts and approved in the manner established by these authorities.

17.5. The requirements of labor protection regulations included in the instructions must be set out in relation to a specific workplace and the actual working conditions of the employee.

17.6. For new production facilities being put into operation, it is allowed to develop temporary instructions for workers. Interim instructions should provide safe handling technological processes (works) and safe operation equipment. The same requirements apply to the development of temporary instructions as to the development of permanent instructions for workers. Temporary instructions are developed both by profession and by type of work for the period until the said productions are accepted into operation by the state acceptance commission.

17.7. Instructions for workers are approved by the head of the enterprise after preliminary consultations with the labor protection service, and, if necessary, with other interested services and officials at the discretion of the labor protection service.

17.8. Each instruction must be assigned a name and number. The name should briefly indicate what profession or type of work it is intended for.

17.9. Checking instructions for workers by profession or type of work for compliance with current requirements state standards, safety rules, sanitary standards and rules hygienic standards should be carried out at least once every 5 years, and for professions and types of work related to increased danger– at least once every 3 years. If necessary, proposals for updating them are developed.

Before the expiration of the specified periods, the instructions are revised if legislative acts, state standards and other regulatory documents on occupational safety change.

Development of Manufacturing Instructions! Full Schedule!

At the direction higher authorities; when introducing new equipment and technology; based on the results of the investigation industrial injuries, accidents, disasters; when the standard instructions are changed; when changing the technological process or working conditions, as well as when using new types of equipment, materials, equipment, devices and tools.

Responsibility for timely verification and revision of instructions lies with the heads of development departments.

If during the above-mentioned period the working conditions of workers at the enterprise have not changed, then by order (instruction) of the enterprise the validity of the instructions for workers is extended for the next period, which is recorded on the first page of the instructions (the “Revised” stamp is placed, the date and signature of the person responsible for revising the instructions).

Enterprise managers provide instructions to all employees and managers of interested departments (services) of the enterprise.

17.10. The issuance of instructions to the heads of departments (services) must be carried out by the labor protection service with registration in the journal for issuing instructions.

17.11. The head of a division (service) of an enterprise must constantly keep a set of instructions in force in the division (service) for workers of all professions and for all types of work of this division (service), as well as a list of these instructions approved by the head of the enterprise.

17.12. Each site manager, foreman, etc. there must be a set of current instructions for workers employed in this area for all professions and types of work.

17.13 Instructions can be given to workers by hand, against signature in the briefing log for study during the initial briefing, or posted at workplaces or areas, or stored in another place accessible to workers.

Date of publication: 2015-10-09; Read: 2521 | Violation copyright pages

I consider my most valuable quality to be my ability to arouse enthusiasm in people and develop what is best in a person through recognition of his merits and encouragement. (Charles Schwab, American manager)

ISO 9000. Work instructions

Askarov E.S. Associate Professor KazNTU named after. K. Satpayeva

Work instructions represent the third (lower) level of quality system documents. These instructions describe step by step how a specific simple operation of production, assembly, installation of equipment, maintenance, etc. can be performed.

Work instructions also establish how product quality can be controlled, what means can be used, what measuring equipment can be used, etc.

Organizational standards (company standards) mainly serve as work instructions. It should be noted here that according to the law "On technical regulation", which came into force in Kazakhstan in 2005, compliance with standards becomes voluntary; the state will monitor the safety of products for consumer health through technical regulations. Enterprises have the opportunity to regulate their own economic activity, guided by the interests of your business, for this you need to be able to draw up your own regulations, their own standards, the number of which will increase significantly. When drawing up standards, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of the standard ST RK 1.5 - 2004. “General requirements for the construction, presentation, design and content of standards.”

Basic standards of organizations:

1. Production of design products

The organization shall establish, plan and enforce processes life cycle project products:

- marketing,

— contract analysis,

— development of a project for the production of design products,

— purchases related to the production of project products,

— production of design products,

— sales of products.

2. Production of engineering services (installation, design work)

3. Standards for regulating the implementation of QMS auxiliary processes

3.1. Resource Management

It is used in the process of managing resources needed in the main production. Resources are:

— people (staff),

— infrastructure (buildings, workspace, communications),

- suppliers and partners,

Natural resources, raw materials,

- equipment, tools, means of production, etc.

3.2. Metrics for evaluating processes and products

It is used to evaluate products, their production processes and auxiliary processes in the QMS. Metrics are documents with information about the state of an object in the present and a forecast for the future.

Types of metrics:

A) Marketing metrics,

B) Design metrics: s related to organizational policy, financial metrics, labor costs and time metrics, metrics on product defects during the production process,

C) Metrics of the final product: p design products, engineering services, software products,

D) Metrics of quality management processes: o general metrics of quality management processes, customer satisfaction metrics.

Indicators in metrics are assessed based on a point, absolute or relative system:

— absolute units (for example, hours, tenge, kW, etc.)

- relative units - for example, percentage, etc.

The choice of tool for visually displaying product and process characteristics depends on the creativity of the organization, preferably computerized documents in EXCEL format.

The simplest metric is a summary of indicators based on some criteria that determine the effectiveness of work over a period of time. certain period- year, quarter, month.

Example. The company produces wallpaper, to determine the efficiency of work, a metric of product quality indicators is compiled, three types of products are taken - wallpaper "Parus", "Shugla" and "Arman". Data is taken for the year by quarter.

Table 1 provides data on sales for the year (thousand tenge), Table 2 shows data in percentages. The figure shows a graph of annual indicators; it is clearly seen that Shugla products have the best dynamics; the sales level is constantly growing and takes up most of the annual balance.

4. Organizational standards detailing the implementation of life cycle processes

The organization has the right to independently determine the depth and detail of the process description. More if necessary detailed description any life cycle process, a separate standard for this process can be developed


    Contract analysis,

    Procurement management,

    Calculation of the reliability of designed objects,

    Process control, etc.

5. Regulations on departments and job descriptions

Regulations on divisions should have the following structure:

    General provisions

- purpose of the unit

— what documents is it guided by?

— who approves the organizational structure

- who appoints employees to positions

- to whom do employees report?

2. Main tasks of the unit

3. Functions of the unit

4. Division structure and work organization

5. Rights and general duties employees

6. Employee Responsibility

7. Interaction with other departments and external organizations.

Job descriptions have the following approximate structure:

    General provisions

- who is appointed and dismissed from the position

— who is appointed (level of education, experience, qualifications)

- to whom it reports

- who is under the leadership

- who replaces in absence

- what you should know

- what documents to follow

2. Special purpose positions

3. Job responsibilities

4. Rights and powers

5. Performance and efficiency indicators.

Head of the Information Support and Technical Policy Department.

    General provisions

1.1.The head of the information support and technical policy department reports directly to Technical Director open joint stock company"Kazzheldortekhnika" (hereinafter - the Company).

    Guided in its activities by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the Company, the Regulations on the Department of Information Support and Technical Policy, other local acts of the Company and this job description.

    A person with a higher technical education and work experience in a field related to the activities of the department for at least 3 years is appointed to the position of head of the department of information support and technical policy.

    The head of the information support and technical policy department must know the provisions of the enterprise’s Charter, the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Technical Regulation”, “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements”, “On Labor Protection”, “On Labor”, other legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Temporary Charter railways Republic of Kazakhstan, other guidelines in the field railway transport and this job description.


2.1 Development of quarterly and annual plans, generalization of activities integrated development Societies and control over their implementation.

2.2. Ensuring the development and reconstruction of existing production facilities.

2.3. Monitoring the timely installation and commissioning of new equipment.

2.4. Monitoring compliance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Labor Protection”, Rules and Instructions on Labor Protection and Safety of Railway Transport Workers.

2.5. Control over the implementation of new equipment, progressive technology, preparation of the farm for work in winter conditions.

2.6. Maintaining secrecy and implementing the necessary measures to protect secret official information from disclosure.

2.7. Methodological, regulatory and legal Information Support branches of the Company.

2.8. Providing and organizing work on the implementation of a system for automating container transportation and accounting for container fleet by numbers.

2.9. Preparation of proposals for adjusting existing accounting and reporting forms.

Manufacturing instructions???

2.10. Bringing operating costs in accordance with the actual volume of work.

2.11. Development and control of uniform reporting forms for all indicators.

2.12. Participation in the development of draft agreements on issues related to the scope of the department’s activities, development of draft orders, instructions and other acts of the Company.

2.13. Consideration of appeals from government bodies, letters, applications from legal entities.

2.14. Organization of control over the state of labor and performance discipline by employees of the Department.

2.15. Making proposals to optimize the organizational structure of the Company.

2.16. Ensures the implementation and implementation of the quality management system requirements in the department.

3.1. The Head of the Department has the right to give instructions to the branches of the Company on issues within the competence of the department.

3.2. Demand from the involved branch employees reference information and reporting on issues within the department’s terms of reference.

3.3. To sign internal documents with the consent of the Company's management.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The Head of the Department is responsible for:

— improper performance of one’s duties;

— quality of work in accordance with job responsibilities;

— correctness and completeness of use of the rights presented;

— ensuring the fulfillment of planned tasks assigned to him and his subordinates;

— failure to comply with quality obligations and quality system requirements;

— low performance discipline;

— failure to comply with internal regulations;

— fulfillment of the tasks provided for by these regulations, current legislation, orders, instructions;

— maintaining the confidentiality of information not subject to disclosure.

    for damage caused to the Company in case of damage material assets in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Labor in the Republic of Kazakhstan".

- bears responsibility for the quality of work performed in accordance with the Regulations on the department, job description, compliance with quality obligations and QMS requirements.

5. Procedure for appointment, release and replacement

5.1. The Head of the Department is appointed (dismissed) to the position by order of the President of the Society.

5.2. In case of temporary absence (business trip, vacation, illness) he is replaced by the chief specialist.

I have read the instructions and received 1 copy.

Also on the site:
ISO 9000. Quality guidelines
How to describe and optimize business processes

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