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Rosstat: real cash incomes of Russians have been declining for the fourth year. Population income: indicators, distribution. Income per capita. Real income of the population Level of monetary income of the population

This is the totality of all material resources that workers, employees and other persons receive for work in a particular area as a result of their economic activity or as transfers.

The essence of the concept

In more in simple form we can say that income is the amount of money received in a certain unit of time for execution certain work. For example, 20 thousand/month. Sources of income can be:

  1. Salary (time and piecework).
  2. Other income of employees from enterprises other than wages: bonuses, rewards, etc.
  3. Income from business activities.
  4. Income from disposal private property.
  5. Income from sales of the currency of another country at a higher rate than the currency was purchased.
  6. Other miscellaneous income.


In addition to economic activities, income may come in the form of transfers. Let's explain this part in more detail.

Transfers mean the giving of certain benefits by one person to another for free. Also transfero translated as “to move” or “to carry.” In this case, the transfer can be understood in a more general sense - a change in the location of funds in a certain form or only in their owner.

For example, the state pays pensions to older people - this is a transfer. In addition, such income includes:

  1. Wealth. This category includes inherited acquisitions: money, real and movable property, documents, etc.
  2. Fines.
  3. Voluntary donations and contributions from individuals and legal entities.
  4. Social payments: unemployment benefits, benefits for single mothers, disabled people, funeral benefits, child care benefits, etc.
  5. Social protection of the population (compulsory social insurance).

Income level of the population

For every country, the level of income of the population is important. It can be used to determine the welfare of the country with the greatest accuracy. Unlike per capita income, economists receive more detailed and truthful information, since indicators of average nominal, disposable and real income are used to assess income levels:

1. Nominal - natural or cash income received by a citizen of a country for a certain time for a certain job.

2. Disposable is nominal income minus mandatory payments state or private enterprises. Income that can be used by a citizen to meet needs.

3. Real - a certain amount of material goods (goods and services) that a citizen can purchase with the amount of real income for a certain time.

The term “level of income of the population” is inviolably associated with the people’s well-being, the degree of satisfaction of the spiritual and material needs of citizens. And most importantly, it is connected with the standard of living of the population. Thus, for economists, population income indicators have the following meanings:

  • Comparison is a comparison of the values ​​of individual indicators of citizens’ incomes in a time or geographic (between different territories, between countries) interval.
  • Studying the impact of social change (for better or worse).
  • Accounting for disparity in income between different segments of the population.

General form

Income is usually divided according to its type (form) and method of use. The population receives them in cash or in kind. Monetary form- these are wages, dividends, documents of value during sale (rights to own private property, movable property). The natural form is expressed in the households’ own production of objects necessary for life. For example, farmers grow carrots and potatoes (food) or flax and cotton in their gardens, which can be used to make clothes.

Income in kind is produced and used by consumers. For example: this type is typical for farms, private plots, individual small towns and villages in any country. We should not attribute natural gains only to countries with backward economies.

Cash income of the population is used by citizens to purchase ready-made material needs. This is a purchase necessary goods and services.

Real income

Real income of the population is a set of material goods, expressed in kind, that a consumer can purchase with his nominal income. Sometimes people confuse nominal and real income. Real earnings characterize the number of material goods purchased by a person, taking into account variations in retail prices, percentage of taxes, etc.

To determine the real income of the population with the greatest accuracy, it is necessary to subtract from the total amount of all earnings (cash + in kind) the mandatory costs of paying direct and indirect taxes and mandatory payments. This refers to fees, excise tax, VAT, overpayment for services, etc.

It is worth noting that the real income of the population is an indicator of the life of society in a given country. For example, capitalist relations are characterized by rapid uneven growth cash receipts and their sharp decline in certain periods. Such household incomes may decline for many reasons:

  • Constant uncontrolled rise in prices for certain goods and services.
  • Inflation (increase in the general price level).

During the formation social society the overall level of real income is gradually increasing. However, it is worth remembering that revenues are distributed unevenly. In particular, in Russia, from 1940 to 1976, the income of farms and communities was much higher than that of workers in any factory. But compared to the beginning of the 20th century, the total real income of the same workers has increased by about 3.5 times. If we talk about the population as a whole, then almost 5 times.

Per capita income

According to entrepreneurs, income is the excess of amounts from sales over the amounts required for production costs. And production costs include not only the purchase of all necessary materials, but also wages to workers, employees and managers. So, the average annual income individual in a country it is per capita income. It is calculated based on the sum of all material assets per year of persons of the same class.

Per capita income was coined as an economic term to indicate the wealth and economic status of a country. It can easily be used to determine the level of modernization and development of the country over any period of time.

Analysis of per capita income statistics in different countries the world allows us to say with confidence that the majority of the world's population lives in countries with average earnings that do not exceed $350.

However, per capita income gives too general a picture and does not consider individual details. For example, according to statistics, it is impossible to find out by average income purchasing power different segments of the population.

What if we consider underdeveloped countries? The average European spends most of his income on supporting his life. These are clothes, food, rent, etc. But in underdeveloped countries, many people live on self-sufficiency (grow food, sew clothes, build housing) and, therefore, spend a little differently on it. This means that these items will not be reflected in the national income of an underdeveloped state.

Finally, per capita income statistics for a country cannot provide reliable information about the state of a country if its income distribution is highly unequal. It's about about the contrast between the poor and the rich.

Nominal income

The simplest type of income - nominal income - represents the total amount of all income individual or enterprises from some activity. The nominal incomes of different segments of the population are formed according to certain patterns:

  • Income in the form of wages, wages, or property income.
  • Cash transfers from the state are transfers.
  • Income received through the financial credit system: government insurance, bank loans, etc.

Going back a few years, to the early 90s, we can remember that at that time Russia had the lowest nominal incomes. According to average statistical data from Rosstat, monthly cash receipts did not exceed $22! Until about 1995, income conditions of extreme poverty persisted in Russia. But in 2006-2007, the Russian Federation again managed to return the economic situation of the population to the same level at which it was in 1990.

Income of the population

The country's economy is firmly based on the income of each individual citizen. This means that it is necessary to raise the standard of living to the maximum possible. At the moment, the income of the Russian population is distributed as follows:

  1. Payment is temporary and piecework - wages - 66.8%.
  2. Payments by social insurance - 18,2 %.
  3. Entrepreneurial income - 7.8%.
  4. Property disposal - 5.3%.
  5. Income of other types - 1.9%.

Incomes of the population of European and CIS countries are distributed slightly differently. In the West, many more people are engaged in entrepreneurial activities and receive fewer social security benefits.

The highest level of income is observed in the countries of North America - Canada and the USA, as well as Australia. The average monthly income of residents of these states reaches $3,000.

The lowest level is in Central and Southern Africa. There is no reliable information about the income of many territories, and in other countries the average salary hardly reaches $100. However, it is worth remembering that agricultural production reigns on this continent, and it is not taken into account when calculating.

Increasing incomes of the population is the main task of the economy of any state. Each country, at a certain point in its existence, experienced severe economic crises, unrest in society due to a lack of resources, etc. But the rulers of all territories of the Earth, without exception, strive to improve the lives of the population and increase the average level of income.

How is the population's income distributed?

The primary distribution of income, also called functional in economics, begins with its distribution among the owners of factors of production. At different periods in different countries they acted and operate different systems formation of income distribution, but in general there are four main aspects:

  1. Equalization assignment, or egalitarian distribution, is an attempt to equalize the incomes of all segments of the population. However, this aspect cannot be considered successful. Since the physical and mental abilities of individuals in one country vary greatly, egalitarianism will give rise to a situation where one works and the other eats.
  2. Distribution by market method. A more equitable way of distributing income, based on the social benefit of the product produced and sold by the entrepreneur. So it is impossible to establish an absolute balance in income, but their distribution will be fair.
  3. With the help of accumulated property. This distribution of income of the population manifests itself when receiving, accumulating and inheriting any part of the accumulated property: a house, securities, money, etc.
  4. Privileged distribution, most developed in countries with backward democracies. The simplest type of distribution, where rich officials and rulers autocratically redistribute income in their favor: they arrange higher salaries, pensions and other benefits for themselves.

Many people, living quietly within their own country, do not notice how the economic system guides them. And it is very good that the average person does not notice how the state interferes in the market economy.

If the majority of people feel that income is distributed unfairly, that someone is in charge of them, and that the workers’ own efforts do not bear any fruit, this is fraught with discontent among the lower strata.

Population expenses

If citizens have income, the population's expenses also take place. In well-developed countries, any person's income should be greater than his expenses. Then the full and progressive existence of every individual in society is possible. At the moment in Russia, the majority of the population lives in this way. But this was not always the case.

In economics, there is such a thing as a decile coefficient, or stock coefficient, which characterizes the degree of stratification of society (the difference between the richest citizens and the poorest). When taking the total income of 10% of all the richest citizens of the country and the poorest for the ratios, this coefficient should not exceed 9-10 (according to UN recommendations).

In the early 90s, after the collapse of the USSR, the decile coefficient was officially equal to 16, but in fact its threshold reached a value of 28-32. This means that the incomes of the poor in Russia were lower living wage more than 3 times.

This difference between the earnings of the rich and the poor allows us to understand that it is not at all in the distant past that the economy Russian Federation was experiencing a real collapse and had to rise from the ruins.

Low incomes of the population threaten the country's economy with a deficit state budget. If the nominal income of an individual is less than the sum of the cost of necessary material goods, then what can we say about the payment of direct and indirect taxes and the level of development of the state?

The main reason for low government revenues is the one-sidedness of demand. When only the goods of one product are in demand on the market, and other manufacturers stock a product that is unsuitable for the masses, a two-sided situation arises. If you look at it from one angle, the income of the sought-after producer will go up, but, on the other hand, this same reason is considered the main prerequisite for monopolies, due to which a strong contrast arises between the rich part of the population and the poor. This cannot be allowed under any circumstances, therefore the state monitors supply and demand on the market especially carefully.

Yes, one of main tasks The Ministries of Finance in Russia and their analogues in other countries - to increase the cost of living, the average wage and reduce the decile coefficient as much as possible.

Even though now it is not possible to fulfill all the aspirations of economists and ideologists in practice, or even to draw up a project for their implementation among the masses. But if we compare the current standard of living and the one in which people were forced to exist in the middle of the 20th century or even earlier, at the end of the 19th, then we can confidently say that the economies of the leading countries of the world are progressing at incredible speed. For example, after the collapse of the USSR, it took Russia about 10 years to return to its previous standard of living. Since then, our state has been progressing economically.

Don't be confused different types income of individuals, but you definitely need to know that each person is able to contribute to the development of the country’s economy and help it rise to the top of the global economic industry.

The standard of living is largely determined by the income of the population, on which the degree of satisfaction of personal needs mainly depends.

Sources of income for the population are:


Income of employees from enterprises and organizations, except wages;

Income from business activities;

Social transfers;

Personal income from property;

Income of the population from the sale of foreign currency;

Other supply.

To measure the level and structure of income of the population, the following indicators are used: cumulative,nominal,monetary,available,real income.

Total income of the population(SDN) – the total amount of cash and in-kind income from all sources of income, taking into account the cost of free or preferential services provided to the population at the expense of social funds.

Nominal income(ND) is the amount of accrued income. The main indicator cash labor income is a nominal wage, as a sum of money accrued to employees and is remuneration for work performed.

Disposable income(RD) is nominal income minus taxes and mandatory payments (NP), i.e. This is income that actually remains at the disposal of the population. Therefore, they can be considered final income. These include the indicator of actual paid (net) wages.

RD = ND – NP.

The share of this part in the total volume of nominal income will be –

Real income characterized by the number of consumer goods and services that the population can purchase with disposable (final) income to satisfy their personal needs.

Significant differences between the size of nominal and real incomes are associated with changes in the purchasing power of the ruble - an indicator inverse to the price level. Income indicators acquire real significance if constant prices are used for calculations, or their changes are taken into account using the ruble purchasing power index (I psr.) or price indices for consumer goods and services (I p). Real disposable income of the population are calculated using the formula:





Calculate similarly real total income(RSD) of the population as total income (AD) adjusted for the purchasing power of the ruble:


To characterize the dynamics of monetary income of the population, corresponding indices are constructed. It should be borne in mind that not all growth cash income in the presence of inflation in the economy, only growth in real terms adjusted for the consumer price index may indicate an increase in the standard of living of the population. The most important thing is real disposable income index:

Consequently, the rate of change in real disposable income depends on three factors: the growth rate of nominal income, changes in tax payment rates and changes in the purchasing power of the ruble.

Real income index per capita:

Of particular importance in the analysis of population income are indicators average nominal And average real wages. The average nominal wage (WIP) is calculated according to individual enterprises, institutions, organizations, by industries and forms of ownership, regions and the country as a whole as the ratio of the accrued wage fund (payroll) to the corresponding number of employees (T):

Nominal wages are wages actually accrued to workers in accordance with the amount of labor they expend. Its real content is determined by the purchasing power of the ruble.

The average real wage characterizes its purchasing power, i.e. is expressed in terms of the amount of food and non-food goods and services that workers can purchase with their average wage. The average real wage is determined based on the average nominal wage minus taxes and obligatory payments (NP) and the price index for consumer goods and services to the population (I р):

The real wage index can be calculated −


For example, if nominal wages increased by this year by 33%, and prices over the same period increased by 18.5%, then real wages increased only by 12.2 percent. This means that workers could purchase goods and services with their wages by only 12.2% more than in the previous year.

The article presents an analysis of the spatial differentiation of cash incomes of the Russian population in 1995–2012.

Cash income population include personal income engaged in entrepreneurial activities, paid wages of employees (accrued wages adjusted for changes in overdue debt), social payments (pensions, benefits, scholarships, insurance compensation and other payments), income from property in the form of interest on deposits, securities, dividends and other income (“hidden” income, income from the sale of foreign currency, Money transfers, as well as income that is not widely distributed).

Average per capita cash income population (per month) are calculated by dividing the annual volume of cash income by 12 and by average annual number population.

Research on income generation in Russia received impetus for further development in the mid-1990s. This is due to the emergence of new forms of ownership for post-Soviet Russia and the expansion of sources of income, as well as the need for analytical support for the decision-making process related to the welfare of the population at the federal and regional levels. Open access to up-to-date statistical information contained on the website has significantly expanded State Committee according to statistics.

Presented in table. 1. The data reflects the dramatic changes that have occurred in the country's economy over the past two decades. If during the period 1970–1990 the total monetary income of the population of Russia increased by 3.4 times, then subsequent years, until the default of 1998, are characterized by an avalanche-like growth in the money supply that the population received in the form of wages, social transfers and other sources .

Table 1. Dynamics of the total cash income of the population of the Russian Federation

Total cash income, billion rubles *

Total cash income, billion rubles

* up to 1998 inclusive – in non-dominated rubles

* Relative increase in ADD, as a percentage compared to the previous year.
** Preliminary data.

Figure 1. Dynamics of nominal average per capita income of the population in the Russian Federation, rubles per month (before 1998 - thousands of rubles), periods 1970–1997 and 1998–2012

A comparison with the growth rate of gross domestic product allows us to say that the increase in both nominal per capita income and the total volume of monetary income of the population of Russia, both in the last decade of the twentieth century and in the first decade of the 2000s, is predominantly inflationary in nature.

Gerasimova Irina Aleksandrovna, leading researcher at the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CEMI RAS)
Gerasimova Elena Vladimirovna, researcher at the Federal State budgetary institution Sciences Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CEMI RAS)
The total amount of monetary income of the population is calculated only in nominal terms. To assess the dynamics of average per capita income in each individual constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a calculated index called “real income” is used (see Appendix 1. Thesaurus). Without going into criticism of this index on its merits, we will only note that if this method is applied to OODD, then the “real” OODD for the country as a whole will not be equal to the sum of regional “real” OODD.
According to Rosstat, more than 95% of Russia’s population growth is determined by migration influx.
The Ministry of Economic Development lowered the official forecast for Russian GDP growth for 2013 from 3.6% to 2.4%. According to the ministry, the positive annual economic growth observed since November 2009 almost stopped in February. The country's GDP in February increased in annual terms by only 0.1% compared to 1.6% in January.“The Russian economy risks entering a recession by the fall if action is not taken

additional measures

The fixed assets received by the employed population in order to remunerate the owners of the production factor are wages. It includes wage income at enterprises, cooperatives, income from own farming, etc. As an analysis of the future development of households shows, this type of income will retain its dominant place in the formation total volume cash income of the population.

Payments under programs have a significant impact on the formation of household incomes state aid, at the expense of these sources, pensions are provided, the maintenance of temporarily disabled citizens is paid, various types of benefits are paid (for child care, medical service, low-income families for children; payment of unemployment benefits).

The ratio of the share of transfer payments and wages in the population’s income plays a role important role in shaping the economic behavior of an individual and his work motivation.

With the dominant role of wages in the formation of the total amount of income, such qualities as entrepreneurship and initiative are formed. In case of increasing the role of payments under the line government programs assistance often leads to the formation of a passive attitude towards production activities and a psychology of dependency.

Cash income of the population received through the financial and credit system is presented as:

  • - payments for state insurance;
  • - bank loans for individual housing construction, economic provision for young families, members of consumer associations (for example, for garden construction);
  • - interest on deposits in savings banks accrued at the end of the year;
  • - income from increases in the value of shares, bonds, winnings and loan repayments;
  • - winnings from lotteries;
  • - temporarily available funds resulting from the purchase of goods on credit;
  • - payments of various types of compensation (injury, damage, etc.).

Other cash receipts include income from the population from the sale of things through consignment and buying stores, etc.

Nominal income of the population, as already noted, includes, in addition to net income of the population, mandatory payments. The population makes mandatory payments through financial system in the form of various taxes and fees. Through the accumulation of tax payments and fees, the state exercises its right to form part of its resources for the subsequent implementation of social policy through redistribution Money, providing assistance to low-income citizens. In order to protect the interests low-income citizens and to prevent a decrease in the level of well-being below the maximum permissible in given specific conditions, the state sets a threshold minimum in tax-free income. At the same time, progressively higher tax rates are set for high incomes.

Despite the variety of sources of income, the main components of cash income of the population are wages, income from entrepreneurial activity and property, as well as social transfers.

Let's analyze the composition and structure of income of the population in the Russian Federation

There are data on nominal and real incomes of the population of the Russian Federation.

Table 2.1 - Population income, %

Figure 2.1 - Dynamics of nominal, real and real disposable money income

Thus, the nominal monetary income of the population in 2010 compared to 2009 increased by 31%, in 2011 compared to 2010 by 24%, in 2012 compared to 2011 by 27%, in 2013 compared to 2012 by 26%, in 2014 compared to 2013 by 24%.

Real cash income of the population in 2010 compared to 2002 increased by 15%, in 2011 compared to 2010 by 11%, in 2012 compared to 2011 by 12%, in 2013 compared to 2012 by 14%, in 2014 compared to 2013 by 13%.

Real disposable income of the population in 2010 compared to 2002 increased by 15%, in 2011 compared to 2010 by 10%, in 2012 compared to 2011 by 12%, in 2013 compared to 2012 by 13%, in 2014 compared to 2013 by 12%.

Table 2.2 - Composition of cash income of the population, billion rubles.

Using this table, you can analyze the formation and use of cash income of the Russian population. It indicates that there are problems in their regulation. During the analyzed period, there was a deformation of the main source of cash income of the population - wages; the level of real payment labor.

Let's make a forecast for 2015

Table 2.3 - Cash income of the population, billion rubles.

Let's build it in the Excel application package different kinds trends: linear, polynomial, logarithmic, power, exponential. Let us choose a trend for which the approximation reliability value () is greatest. IN in this case this is a polynomial trend.

Figure 2.2 Polynomial trend

Let us substitute X into the resulting trend equation symbol years (1,2,3,4,5,6,7). We get:

Table 2.4 - Leveled cash income

Cash income (leveled)

Comparing the values ​​of the empirical and theoretical (equalized) levels, we see that they are very close, i.e. a second-order parabola is a completely adequate function to reflect the main tendency (trend) of changes in levels over the period under study.

Let's see what cash income will be in 2015.

y = 251.29*81 + 624.85*9 + 4539.2 = 30517.34 billion rubles.

The monetary income of the population in 2015 will be 30,517.34 billion rubles.

Table 2.5 - Structure of cash income

According to the data presented in Appendix A, we can say that the largest share of income from business activities (12%) was in 2010, and the smallest (10%) in 2014. In 2011, 2012, 2013, there was a gradual decrease in income from business activities. The largest share of income from wages (70.4%) was in 2014, and the smallest (63.6%) in 2012.

Looking at revenues from social payments we can say that since 2010 there has been a gradual decrease in the share of this income. Thus, the smallest share of income from social payments (10.9%) was in 2014, the largest (14.1%) in 2010.

The share of income from property was the smallest (6.7%) in 2014, and the largest (10.3%) in 2012.

Other income changed little throughout the period.


This article examines the question of the reasons for population differentiation in the Russian Federation. Basic concepts are presented that help to correctly understand the difference between the level of income and the differentiation of monetary income for a more accurate understanding of this issue and its correct analysis. We analyzed statistical data showing increasing differentiation of the population in terms of average per capita monetary income, both for the country as a whole and for federal districts, the main development trends have been identified social differentiation population of the Russian Federation by sources of cash income. Using the coefficients of structural changes, the degrees of deviations in the compared population were found, and using the average growth coefficient and average absolute increase, a data forecast was made for 5 years in advance. Recommendations are given to solve this problem and maintain the positive trends found.

average per capita cash income

population differentiation


federal district

social payments


1. Ivanov Yu.N. Economic statistics: textbook. – M.: INFRA-M, 2013. – 668 p.

2. Markov S.A., Titov V.A. Improving methods for classifying regions according to indicators of the structure of investments in fixed capital (using the example Central Russia) // Transport business of Russia. – 2008. – No. 2. – P. 61–63.

3. Martynov A.F., Titov V.A. Methodological approaches to managing innovative activity // Transport business of Russia. – 2006. – No. 12–4. – pp. 40–42.

4. Regions of Russia. Socio-economic indicators. 2015: P33. Stat. Sat. / Rosstat. – M., 2015. – 990 p.

5. Russian statistical yearbook. 2015: – M., 2015. – 717 p.

6. Official website “Consultant Plus”, [Electronic resource:] (access date: 01/07/16).

7. Official website “Garant”, [Electronic resource:] (date of access: 01/07/16).

8. FSGS (Rosstat), [Electronic resource:] (access date: 01/07/16).

Currently, Russia is going through difficult times, caused, among other things, by the difficult political situation in the world: these are the sanctions imposed by the United States, the EU and their allies due to the Ukrainian crisis, the instability of the national currency due to a sharp drop in oil prices, the struggle with terrorism in Syria. However, this encourages the country to strengthen political views and determine vectors for further development, which is accompanied by significant transformations, mainly in the socio-economic sphere, such as increased social differentiation of the population in terms of living standards, especially in terms of income, and the aggravation of the problem of poverty.

Therefore, in the current conditions, a study of the standard of living of the population helps to determine the causes of this problem, as well as to find a solution to reduce such a strong social gap and to strengthen the economic situation in the country. Changes in the standard of living of the population can be studied most comprehensively by analyzing the average per capita cash income, which allows us to clearly and objectively consider the problem of social inequality and identify the main trends in the standard of living of the population. Using methods such as the method of absolute, relative and average values; graphical and tabular methods; index method, analysis of time series, comparison, rating method, it is possible to identify in detail the reasons for the deterioration or improvement of the well-being of the population.

The standard of living of the population shows the degree of provision of the population with necessary material goods and services, the degree of satisfaction of reasonable, rational needs. The most important indicators of the standard of living of the population are the income of the population or resources in monetary and in kind terms, which are used to satisfy personal needs. And the degree of uneven distribution of material wealth between people is shown by the differentiation of monetary incomes of the population, which also helps to distinguish different layers and groups of the population depending on their level of income.

In general, in the Russian Federation, according to Rosstat, per capita cash income for the period since 2000 has increased 13 times and by the third quarter of 2015 amounted to 30,514.4 rubles. (according to preliminary data). On average, per capita cash income increased by 20% annually during the period under study. The most significant increase in the studied indicator was observed in the period 2000-2005. - more than 28% annually. Since 2007, a process of sharp decline began this indicator over the next 4 years, due to the financial crisis that began in the United States, and a repeated decline was observed in 2013 and 2014. due to complex foreign policy factors.

At the moment, by the 3rd quarter of 2015 there was a jump of 10%, which indicates an effective state policy in 2014 aimed at increasing not only this indicator, but also the birth rate in the Russian Federation as a whole, since these indicators are in constant communication. It is worth noting that over the past 8 years, average per capita cash income has increased 2.1 times and by the beginning of 2015 amounted to 27,766 rubles, growing by 11.8% annually (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Dynamics of average per capita monetary income of the population of the Russian Federation, rub.

All federal districts of the Russian Federation also experienced an increase in per capita cash income. The most noticeable growth was observed in the North Caucasus Federal District over the period 2008-2014. average per capita cash income increased by 113.8% (9,675.3 rubles) and by the beginning of 2015 amounted to 20,692 rubles, but the lowest growth rate was in the Ural region - 60.9% (18,951.9 rubles), by the beginning of 2015, the average per capita income was 30,494.1 rubles. In the Northwestern and Volga federal districts, cash income increased by more than 90%, which in absolute terms averaged 12,642.5 rubles, and in the Southern and Far Eastern districts there was an increase of more than 100%, which in absolute terms was 14 481 rub. From these data we can conclude that the growth rate of per capita monetary income is higher in those districts in which monetary incomes were at a lower level than in others. Thus, in the Russian Federation there is a tendency towards equalization of average per capita monetary income between districts (Fig. 2).

For a detailed consideration of this issue, we will analyze the monetary income of the population according to the sources of their receipt: wages; social payments; income from property; income from business activities; other income (income from sales of personal property, royalties, etc.) (Fig. 3).

From 2008 to 2014, the largest share was occupied by wages, which from 2010 to 2014 was within 65%. Social payments have an increasing trend, this is due to the active state policy to support socially vulnerable segments of the population; in 2008, the share of social payments was 13.2%, and by the beginning of 2015 - 18.0%.

By calculating the linear coefficient of structural changes for the period from 2008 to 2014, it can be obtained that during the period under review, compared to the base period, the share of individual sources of cash income of the population changed by 1.9%; and the average square coefficient of absolute structural changes is equal to 2.61%, which indicates high level differences in the structures of sources of cash income in 2008 and 2014. (Table 1).

Rice. 2. Average per capita cash income of the population of the Russian Federation by federal districts in 2008 and 2014.

Rice. 3. Structure of monetary income of the population of the Russian Federation, 2008-2014, %

Table 1

Calculation of the linear and quadratic coefficient of structural changes in monetary incomes of the population of the Russian Federation in 2008 and 2014, %

To identify the main trends and calculate the prospective value of average per capita monetary income from 2000 to 2014, the average growth rate and average absolute increase should be calculated:

The identified main trends in per capita monetary income, calculated by the three-tier moving average, mechanical and analytical equalization methods, are presented in Table. 2.

Rice. 4. Prospective value of average per capita monetary income for 2015-2020, calculated by extrapolation methods, thousand rubles.

table 2

Main trends in per capita monetary income in the Russian Federation

y(t) = 49747.55 - - 21992.65t

y(t) = 49747.55 - 21992.65t.

Thus, by 2020, the average per capita cash income could be 75,446.105 rubles, that is, 47,681.20597 rubles. more than in 2014

It is also worth noting that the average size average per capita cash income in the Russian Federation in 2014 was equal to 27,764.9 rubles, and the most common size of average per capita cash income, the modal indicator, amounted to 11,326.2 rubles. Since it is 16438.7 rubles. below the average per capita income, then, consequently, most of the population has a low income, and there is a large difference between the incomes of the richest and poorest segments of the population. The average income of a Russian resident was 20,586.8 rubles, i.e. 50% have a feature value no greater than the median, and the other 50% have no less than the median. The cost of living was 8,050 rubles in 2014. per month, which is 3.5 times (or 19,704.9 rubles) less than the average size average per capita income. The decile coefficient of differentiation of monetary income in 2014 was 16.3, the Gini coefficient in 2008 was 0.421, and in 2014 it was 0.416, they are both still greater than 0.33, therefore, there is a significant degree of differentiation of the population. All of the above proves the presence of a high degree of differentiation of the population of the Russian Federation in terms of average per capita monetary income, but it is worth noting that there is a tendency to reduce this indicator.

To improve the current state of affairs and maintain this trend, greater government intervention is needed in regulating this problem through tax and program assistance to the poor, maintaining at the subsistence level those who are unable to provide for themselves. better life, although we should not forget that excessive government intervention in redistribution processes to equalize income can lead to a decrease in business activity in society and a drop in efficiency economic activity, since this “extinguishes” personal entrepreneurship. We also must not forget that income inequality is generated by the objective action of the market price mechanism, therefore the state social policy in a market economy should be a very flexible and subtle instrument, it is designed to contribute to social stabilization and mitigate social tension and at the same time not to undermine the incentives for entrepreneurship and highly efficient hired labor.

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