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Special assessment of working conditions. Methodology of carrying out. Instructions for filling out the report form on conducting a special assessment of working conditions Appendix 3 to Order 33n

"On approval of the Methodology for conducting special assessment working conditions, the Classifier of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, the report form on the special assessment of working conditions and instructions for filling it out "

(as amended on February 18, 2017,
with changes and additions, incorporated into the text,
according to the orders of the Ministry of Labor of Russia: dated January 20, 2015 No. 24n,
dated 07.09.2015 No. 602n, dated 14.11.2016 No. 642n)

In accordance with part 3 of article 8, part 1 of article 10, part 3 of article 15 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions" ( Russian newspaper, December 30, 2013, No. 6271) I order:


Methodology for a special assessment of working conditions in accordance with Appendix No.

Classifier of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors according to Appendix No.

Report form on the special assessment of working conditions in accordance with Appendix No.;

Instructions for filling out the report form on conducting a special assessment of working conditions in accordance with Appendix No.

Appendix No. 1

Methodology for a special assessment of working conditions

I. General Provisions

1. This Methodology establishes mandatory requirements for the procedures that are consistently implemented as part of a special assessment of working conditions:

1) identification of potentially harmful and (or) hazardous production factors;

2) research (testing) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors;

3) classifying the working conditions at the workplace according to the degree of hazard and (or) hazard to the class (subclass) of working conditions based on the results of studies (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors;

4) registration of the results of a special assessment of working conditions.

1.1. In the event of a special assessment of working conditions in relation to the working conditions of employees admitted to information classified as state or other secrets protected by law, the implementation of the procedures provided for in paragraph 1 of this Methodology is carried out taking into account the requirements of the legislation Russian Federation on state and other secrets protected by law.

II. Identification of potentially harmful and (or) hazardous production factors

2. Identification of potentially harmful and (or) hazardous production factors (hereinafter referred to as harmful and (or) hazardous factors, identification) includes the following steps:

1) identification and description of the factors present in the workplace working environment and labor process, sources of harmful and (or) dangerous factors;

2) comparison and establishment of the coincidence of the factors of the working environment and the labor process existing at the workplace with the factors of the working environment and the labor process provided for by the classifier of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, approved in the manner prescribed Federal law dated December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions" (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, December 30, 2013, No. 6271) (hereinafter referred to as the classifier);

3) making a decision on research (testing) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous factors;

4) registration of identification results.

3. Identification is carried out by an expert of the organization conducting a special assessment of working conditions (hereinafter - the expert). The identification results are approved by the commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions, formed in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions" (hereinafter - the commission).

4. Identification of the factors of the working environment and the labor process, sources of harmful and (or) hazardous factors at the workplace is carried out by studying the following presented by the employer:

technical (operational) documentation for production equipment (machines, mechanisms, tools and devices) used by the employee at the workplace;

technological documentation, characteristics of the technological process;

job description and other documents regulating the duties of the employee;

construction projects and (or) reconstruction of production facilities (buildings, structures, industrial premises);

characteristics of materials and raw materials used in production (including those established based on the results of toxicological, sanitary-hygienic and medical-biological assessments);

declarations of conformity and (or) certificates of conformity production equipment, machines, mechanisms, tools and devices, technological processes, substances, materials, raw materials to the established requirements;

the results of studies (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous factors previously carried out at this workplace;

employees' proposals on the implementation at their workplaces of identification of potentially harmful and (or) hazardous production factors (if any).

The documentation and materials specified in this clause are provided by the employer if available.

The identification at the workplace of factors of the working environment and the labor process, sources of harmful and (or) dangerous factors can also be carried out by examining the workplace by examining and familiarizing with the work actually performed by the employee in regular work, as well as by interviewing the employee and (or) his immediate supervisors.

5. Comparison and establishment of the coincidence of the factors of the production environment and the labor process available at the workplace with the factors of the production environment and the labor process provided for by the classifier is made by comparing their names.

Comparison and establishment of the coincidence of the chemical factors present in the workplace with chemical factors, provided by the classifier, is made by comparing their chemical names by international classifications, synonyms, trade names, identification numbers and other characteristics that identify a chemical.

6. The factors of the working environment and the labor process existing at the workplace are recognized as identified harmful and (or) dangerous factors if their names coincide with the names of the factors of the working environment and the labor process provided for by the classifier.

All harmful and (or) hazardous factors that are identified at the workplace are subject to research (testing) and measurements in the manner prescribed by the chapter of this Methodology.

7. If the names of the factors of the working environment and the labor process do not coincide with the names of the factors of the working environment and the labor process provided for by the classifier, the expert records in his conclusion the absence of harmful and (or) dangerous factors at the workplace.

8. In the event that harmful and (or) dangerous factors at the workplace are not identified, the working conditions at this workplace are recognized by the commission as acceptable, and research (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) dangerous factors are not carried out.

In relation to a workplace where no harmful and (or) dangerous factors have been identified based on the results of identification, the employer submits a declaration of conformity of working conditions to state regulatory labor protection requirements in the manner prescribed by Federal Law No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013 "On special assessment of working conditions ".

9. The list of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors subject to research (testing) and measurements is formed by the commission on the basis of state regulatory requirements labor protection, characteristics of the technological process and production equipment, materials and raw materials used, the results of previously conducted research (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, as well as based on the proposals of employees (part 2 of article 12 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions").

10. The results of identification are entered in the section "List of workplaces where a special assessment of working conditions was carried out" of the report on the special assessment of working conditions, the form of which is approved in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions "(hereinafter - the report).

11. Identification is not carried out in relation to:

1) workplaces of employees, professions, positions, specialties of which are included in the lists of jobs, industries, professions, positions, specialties and institutions (organizations), taking into account which the early appointment of an old-age insurance pension is carried out;

2) workplaces, in connection with the work at which employees are provided with guarantees and compensation for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions in accordance with legislative and other regulatory legal acts;

3) workplaces where harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions have been established based on the results of earlier certification of workplaces for working conditions or a special assessment of working conditions.

The list of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors subject to research (testing) and measurements at the workplaces specified in this paragraph is determined by an expert based on the list of harmful and (or) hazardous factors specified in parts 1 and 2 of Article 13 of the Federal Law of 28 December 2013 No. 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions".

An expert in order to determine the list of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors subject to research (testing) and measurements at the workplaces specified in subparagraphs one through three of this paragraph may carry out:

study of documents characterizing the technological process, production equipment, materials and raw materials used at the workplace, as well as those regulating the duties of an employee employed at the workplace;

examination of the workplace;

familiarization with the work actually performed by the employee at the workplace;

other measures provided for by the identification procedure in accordance with this Methodology.

III. Research (testing) and measurement of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors

12. Investigations (tests) and measurements are subject to the actual values ​​of harmful and (or) hazardous factors, which are identified in the manner prescribed by the chapter of this Methodology.

13. Research (testing) and measurements of the actual values ​​of harmful and (or) hazardous factors are carried out by the testing laboratory (center), experts and (or) other employees of the organization conducting a special assessment of working conditions.

As the results of studies (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous factors, the results of studies (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous factors, carried out by a testing laboratory (center) accredited in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, can be used during the implementation of an organized in the prescribed manner at the workplace production control for working conditions, but not earlier than 6 months before the special assessment of working conditions. The decision on the possibility of using these results when carrying out a special assessment of working conditions is taken by the commission upon the recommendation of an expert.

The methods (methods) for measuring harmful and (or) hazardous factors, the composition of experts and other workers conducting research (testing) and measuring harmful and (or) hazardous factors are determined by the organization conducting a special assessment of working conditions independently.

14. When carrying out measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous factors, approved and certified in the order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements, measurement procedures (methods) and corresponding measuring instruments that have been verified and entered into the Federal Information Fund for ensuring uniformity of measurements.

When measuring harmful and (or) hazardous factors before December 31, 2020, it is allowed to use methods (methods) for measuring harmful and (or) hazardous factors approved for use in accordance with the procedure established before the entry into force of the Federal Law of June 26, 2008 No. No. 102-FZ "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 26, Art. 3021; ​​2011, No. 30, Art. 4590; No. 49, Art. 7025; 2012, No. 31, Art. 4322; 2013, No. 49, Art. 6339; 2014, No. 26, Art. 3366; No. 30, Art. 4255; 2015, No. 29, Art. 4359), including approved federal body executive power performing the functions of providing public services, managing state property in the field technical regulation and ensuring the uniformity of measurements, and by the federal executive body performing the functions of developing and approving state sanitary and epidemiological rules and hygienic standards, without carrying out their certification.

Measuring instruments used when measuring harmful and (or) hazardous factors must comply with the mandatory metrological requirements 1 for measurements related to the sphere of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements and performed when performing work to ensure safe environment and labor protection (including in terms of measurement accuracy).


1 Approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated September 9, 2011 No. 1034n "On approval of the list of measurements related to the sphere of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements and carried out when performing work to ensure safe conditions and labor protection, including at hazardous production facilities, and mandatory metrological requirements for them, including accuracy indicators "(registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 13, 2011, No. 22039).

15. Research (testing) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous factors are carried out during the implementation of regular production (technological) processes and (or) regular activities of the employer, taking into account the production equipment used by the employee, materials and raw materials that are sources of harmful and (or) dangerous factors.

16. The results of the studies (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) dangerous factors are drawn up in protocols for each of these harmful and (or) dangerous factors subjected to research (tests) and measurements, indicating:

1) the full name of the organization conducting a special assessment of working conditions, the registration number of the entry in the register of organizations conducting a special assessment of working conditions, as well as information about accreditation in the national accreditation system (number of the accreditation certificate (if any);

2) a unique protocol number (determined by the organization conducting a special assessment of working conditions), contained on each page of the protocol along with the page number of the protocol;

3) the full name of the employer;

4) the location and place of business of the employer;

5) the name of the structural unit of the employer (if any);

6) the individual number of the workplace, the name of the position, profession or specialty of the employee (employees) employed (employed) at this workplace, in accordance with the name of these positions, professions or specialties indicated in the qualification reference books approved in the prescribed manner;

7) the name of the harmful and (or) dangerous factor in relation to which the studies (tests) and measurements were carried out, in accordance with the classifier;

8) the dates of the studies (tests) and measurements of the harmful and (or) hazardous factor;

9) information about the measuring instruments used (name of the device, instrument, serial number, validity period and number of the verification certificate);

10) the names of the applied methods (methods) for measuring harmful and (or) hazardous factors, details of regulatory legal acts that approved them (type of regulatory legal act, name of the issuing authority, name, date and number);

11) requisites of regulatory legal acts (type of regulatory legal act, name of the body that issued it, name, date and number), regulating the maximum allowable concentrations(hereinafter - MPC), maximum permissible levels (hereinafter - MPL), as well as standard levels of the investigated (tested) and measured harmful and (or) hazardous factor;

12) the place of research (testing) and measurements of the harmful and (or) hazardous factor with the attachment, if necessary, of a sketch of the room in which they were carried out, indicating the location of the equipment and drawing on it the point (points) of research (tests) and measurements of the harmful and ( or) hazardous factor (sampling);

13) the normative and actual value of the level of the investigated (tested) and measured harmful and (or) hazardous factor, indicating, if necessary, the units of measurement and the duration of its exposure at all places of research (testing) and measurements;

14) a conclusion on the actual level of a harmful and (or) hazardous factor at all places of its research (testing) and measurements, indicating the final class (subclass) of working conditions of a harmful and (or) hazardous factor;

15) surnames, first names, patronymics (if any), positions of specialists of the organization conducting a special assessment of working conditions, conducting research (testing) and measuring the harmful and (or) dangerous factor.

If, as the results of studies (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous factors, the results of studies (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous factors are used, carried out by a testing laboratory (center) accredited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation during the implementation of organized in accordance with the established procedure at the workplace of production control over working conditions, then an expert opinion on the possibility of using these results is attached to the protocol.

With regard to the workplace, the working conditions in which, based on the results of studies (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, are recognized as optimal or acceptable, with the exception of the workplaces specified in paragraph 11 of this Methodology, the employer submits a declaration of conformity of working conditions to state regulatory labor protection requirements in the manner established by the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 52, Art. 6991; 2014, No. 26, Art. 3366; 2015, No. 29, Art. 4342; 2016, No. 18, Art. 2512).

17. The Commission has the right to decide on the impossibility of conducting research (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous factors in the event that the performance of these studies (tests) and measurements at the workplace may endanger the life of an employee, experts and (or) other employees of the organization conducting a special assessment of working conditions, as well as other persons. Working conditions at such workplaces are classified as hazardous working conditions without appropriate studies (tests) and measurements.

The decision on the impossibility of conducting research (tests) and measurements on the basis specified in this paragraph is drawn up by the commission's protocol containing the rationale for making this decision and being an integral part of the report.

18. The employer, within ten working days from the date of the decision specified in paragraph 17 of this Methodology, sends to territorial body Federal Service on labor and employment at the place of its location a copy of this protocol of the commission containing this decision.

IV. Classification of working conditions at the workplace according to the degree of hazard and (or) hazard to the class (subclass) of working conditions based on the results of studies (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors

19. Based on the results of studies (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) dangerous factors, the expert classifies the working conditions at the workplace according to the degree of hazard and (or) hazard to the class (subclass) of working conditions (hereinafter referred to as classifying the working conditions to the class ( subclass) working conditions).

The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions is carried out taking into account the degree of deviation of the actual values ​​of harmful and (or) hazardous factors obtained from the results of their studies (tests) and measurements in the manner prescribed by the chapter of this Methodology from the standards (hygienic standards) working conditions and the duration of their impact on the employee during the working day (shift).

Assignment of working conditions to a class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to a chemical factor

20. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions under the influence of a chemical factor is carried out depending on the ratio of the actual concentration of harmful chemicals in the air of the working area to the corresponding (maximum and (or) average shift) maximum permissible concentration of these substances (hereinafter, respectively - MPC max, MPC ss).

21. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to a chemical factor is carried out in accordance with Appendix No. to this Methodology.

22. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions under the influence of a chemical factor is carried out both in terms of maximum and average shift concentrations of harmful chemicals, for which MPC max and MPC ss are set. In this case, the class (subclass) of working conditions is established according to a higher degree of hazard obtained from comparing the actual concentration of harmful chemicals with the corresponding MPC.

23. With the simultaneous content of two or more harmful chemicals of multidirectional action in the air of the working area, the assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to a chemical factor is carried out according to the harmful chemical substance, the concentration of which corresponds to the highest class (subclass) of working conditions and the degree harm. Wherein:

the presence of any amount of harmful chemicals, the actual levels of which correspond to subclass 3.1 of harmful working conditions, does not increase the degree of harmful working conditions;

the presence of three or more harmful chemicals, the actual levels of which correspond to subclass 3.2 of harmful working conditions, transfer working conditions to subclass 3.3 of harmful working conditions;

the presence of two or more harmful chemicals, the actual levels of which correspond to subclass 3.3 of harmful working conditions, transfer working conditions to subclass 3.4 of harmful working conditions;

the presence of two or more harmful chemicals, the actual levels of which correspond to subclass 3.4 of harmful working conditions, translate working conditions into hazardous working conditions.

24. If harmful chemicals dangerous for the development of acute poisoning and allergens have MPC ss, then the assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to a chemical factor is based on the ratio of the actual average concentration of these substances with the MPC ss. In this case, the class (subclass) of working conditions is established in accordance with subparagraph "a" of paragraph 2 and paragraph 4 of Appendix No. to this Methodology.

25. If carcinogens have MPC max, then the assessment of working conditions at the workplace is carried out based on the ratio of the actual maximum concentrations of these harmful chemicals with MPC max. In this case, the class (subclass) of working conditions is established in accordance with paragraph 3 of Appendix No. to this Methodology.

26. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to a chemical factor in the presence of a harmful working zone in the air chemical, which has several specific effects (for example, a carcinogen, an allergen), is carried out according to the corresponding MPC. In this case, the class (subclass) of working conditions is established according to the highest class (subclass) of working conditions, established in relation to the specific effect of a harmful chemical substance.

In the event that a harmful chemical substance that has specific effects on the body (with a highly directed mechanism of action, irritating action, carcinogens, allergens, substances hazardous to human reproductive health) has a different type of MPC (MPC max or MPC cc), which is indicated for them in Appendix No. to this Methodology, then the assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to a chemical factor is carried out according to the available MPC value according to the line in Appendix No. to this Methodology, corresponding to the peculiarities of the effect of a harmful chemical on the human body.

27. If there is a harmful chemical substance in the air of the working area, for which approximate safe exposure levels have been established, then the class (subclass) of working conditions in the presence of such a harmful chemical is established according to paragraph 1 of Appendix No. to this Methodology, if it is a harmful chemical the substance is not mentioned in the lists provided for in Appendices No. - to this Methodology, which characterize the features of the mechanism of action of a harmful chemical substance on the human body.

28. With the simultaneous presence in the air of the working area of ​​several harmful chemical substances of unidirectional action with the summation effect provided for in Appendix No. to this Methodology, the assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions under the influence of a chemical factor is carried out based on the calculation of the sum of the ratios of the actual concentrations of each of harmful chemicals to the corresponding MPC according to the formula:

K 1, K 2, ..., K n- actual concentrations of harmful chemicals in the air of the working area (maximum and (or) average shift);

MPC 1, MPC 2, ..., MPC n- the maximum permissible concentrations of these harmful chemicals (maximum and (or) average shift, respectively).

If the obtained values ​​are more than one, then the working conditions at the workplace in terms of the level of exposure to the chemical factor refer to harmful or hazardous working conditions. In this case, the class (subclass) of working conditions is established depending on the frequency of excess of the actual concentration of harmful chemical substances in the air of the working area over the MPC of these substances according to the corresponding paragraph of Appendix No. , or according to paragraph 1 of Appendix No. to this Methodology.

Assignment of working conditions to a class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to a biological factor

29. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions under the influence of a biological factor (work with microorganisms-producers, living cells and spores contained in bacterial preparations) is carried out depending on the excess of the values ​​of the actual concentration of microorganisms-producers, bacterial preparations and their components in the air of the working area above the values ​​of the maximum permissible concentration of these substances, established by the relevant hygienic standards.

The assignment of working conditions to a class (subclass) of working conditions under the influence of a biological factor (work with pathogenic microorganisms) is carried out regardless of the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms and without conducting research (tests) and measurements in relation to:

workplaces of organizations operating in the use of pathogens infectious diseases of humans and animals and (or) in closed systems of genetically modified organisms of III and IV degrees of potential hazard in the presence of appropriate permits(licenses) for the right to carry out such activities;

workplaces of organizations operating in the field of using genetically modified organisms of the II degree of potential danger in closed systems;

workplaces of medical and other workers who directly carry out medical activity;

workplaces of workers directly involved in veterinary activities, state veterinary supervision and (or) conducting veterinary and sanitary examination.

The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions under the influence of a biological factor is carried out in accordance with Appendix No. to this Methodology.

Assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to aerosols of predominantly fibrogenic action

30. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to aerosols of predominantly fibrogenic action (hereinafter referred to as APFD) is carried out depending on the ratio of the actual average shift concentration of APFD in the air of the working area and MPC ss APFD.

31. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions under the influence of APFD is given in Appendix No. to this Methodology.

32. In the presence of two or more types of APFD in the air of the working area, the class (subclass) of working conditions is established according to the APFD with the smallest MPC value.

33. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to APFD at non-stationary workplaces and (or) with non-constant direct contact of workers with APFD during the working week is made by calculating the expected dust load for the year (PN 1 year), based on the expected the actual number of shifts worked out under the influence of APFD, according to the formula:

K cc - the actual average shift concentration of dust in the breathing zone of the worker, mg / m 3;

- the number of shifts worked in a calendar year under the influence of APFD;

Q- the volume of pulmonary ventilation per shift, m 3:

The resulting value of PN 1 year is compared with the value of the control dust load (CPL) for the year ( total amount shifts per year year when exposed to APFD at the level of the average-shift MPC, respectively, CIT 1 year = MPC ss × year × Q). If the actual dust load corresponds to the reference level (CIT 1year), the working conditions at the workplace are referred to the permissible class of working conditions. The multiplicity of exceeding the control dust loads indicates the class (subclass) of working conditions in accordance with Appendix No. to this Methodology.


2 For the purposes of this methodology, work categories are delineated based on the intensity of the body's energy consumption in kcal / h (W):

c) category IIa includes work with an intensity of energy consumption of 151 - 200 kcal / h (175 - 232 W), associated with walking and moving small (up to 1 kg) products or objects in a standing and (or) sitting position;

d) category IIb includes work with an energy consumption rate of 201 - 250 kcal / h (233 - 290 W), associated with walking and moving products or objects up to 10 kg in a standing and (or) sitting position;

e) to Category III includes work with an intensity of energy consumption of more than 250 kcal / h (more than 290 W), associated with constant movement, as well as the movement and carrying of significant (over 10 kg) weights.

Assignment of working conditions to a class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to vibroacoustic factors

34. Vibroacoustic factors include:

2) infrasound;

3) ultrasound (air);

4) vibration (general and local).

35. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions under the influence of vibroacoustic factors is carried out depending on the excess of the actual levels of these factors of their PDU, established by the standards (hygienic standards) of working conditions.

36. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions under the influence of vibroacoustic factors is given in Appendix No. to this Methodology.

37. When an employee is exposed to constant noise, the assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions under the influence of vibroacoustic factors is carried out according to the results of measuring the sound pressure levels in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies of 31.5, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 , 4000, 8000 Hz.

To assess the noise level, it is allowed to use the sound level (dBA) in accordance with Appendix No. to this Methodology.

38. When a worker is exposed to noises during the working day (shift) with different time (constant noise, intermittent noise - oscillating, intermittent, impulsive) and spectral (tonal noise) characteristics in various combinations, the equivalent sound level is measured or calculated. To obtain comparable data, the measured or calculated equivalent sound levels of impulse and tonal noise are increased by 5 dBA, after which the obtained result can be compared with the RC for noise without making a down-correction to it.

39. When a worker is exposed to constant infrasound, the assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to vibroacoustic factors is carried out according to the results of measuring the sound pressure level in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies of 2, 4, 8 and 16 Hz, in dB and its comparison with the corresponding remote control.

40. When an employee is exposed to a non-constant infrasound, the assignment of working conditions to a class (subclass) of working conditions under the influence of vibroacoustic factors is carried out according to the results of measuring or calculating the equivalent (in energy) total (linear) sound pressure level in dBLin eq and its comparison with the corresponding PDU.

41. When an employee is exposed to both constant and non-constant infrasound during the working day (shift), the assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to vibroacoustic factors is carried out according to the results of measurement or calculation (taking into account the duration of their action) of the equivalent total sound pressure level (dBLin eq) and its comparison with the corresponding remote control.

42. When a worker is exposed to airborne ultrasound (in 1/3 octave frequency bands from 12.5 to 100.0 kHz), the assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to vibroacoustic factors is carried out according to the results of measuring the sound pressure level at the operating frequency source of ultrasonic vibrations and its comparison with the corresponding remote control.

43. When an employee is exposed to constant vibration (general and local), the assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions under the influence of vibroacoustic factors is carried out by the method of integral assessment of the frequency of the normalized parameter.

44. When an employee is exposed to inconsistent vibration (general and local), the assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions under the influence of vibroacoustic factors is carried out by the method of integral assessment according to the equivalent (in terms of energy) level of the normalized parameter.

In this case, the equivalent corrected level of vibration acceleration is measured or calculated, which is compared with the corresponding remote control.

45. When an employee is exposed to both constant and non-constant vibration (general and local) during the working day (shift), the assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to vibroacoustic factors is carried out by measuring or calculating (taking into account the duration of their action ) the equivalent corrected vibration acceleration level and its comparison with the corresponding remote control.

46. ​​When exposed to local vibration in combination with local cooling of the hands (work in a cooling microclimate, classified by the degree of harmfulness to subclass 3.1 harmful working conditions and higher), the class (subclass) of working conditions for this factor increases by one degree.

Assignment of working conditions to a class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to microclimate parameters

47. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to microclimate parameters is carried out taking into account the used at the workplace technological equipment, which is an artificial source of heat and (or) cold, and based on measurements of air temperature, air humidity, air velocity and (or) thermal radiation in industrial premises at all places of the employee's stay during the working day (shift), taking into account the characteristics of the microclimate (heating, cooling) by comparing the actual values ​​of the microclimate parameters with the values ​​of the microclimate parameters provided for in Appendices No. - to this Methodology.

48. The assignment of working conditions to a class (subclass) of working conditions under the influence of microclimate parameters is carried out in the following sequence:

at the first stage, the class (subclass) of working conditions is determined by the air temperature;

at the second stage, the class (subclass) of working conditions is adjusted depending on air humidity, air velocity and (or) thermal radiation (exposure dose of thermal radiation 3).

At the same time, the number of measurements of microclimate parameters at each workplace is set depending on the characteristics of the technological process. If an employee has one workplace, a single measurement is sufficient.


3 Exposure dose of thermal radiation (DEO) - calculated value calculated by the formula: where: - intensity of thermal radiation, W / m 2; S- irradiated body surface area, m 2; τ - duration of irradiation per work shift, h. When determining the irradiated surface of the body, it is necessary to calculate it taking into account the proportion (%) of each part of the body: head and neck - 9, chest and abdomen - 16, back - 18, arms - 18, legs - 39. The total body area of ​​an average person is 1.8 m 2.

49. When exposed to a heating microclimate (the microclimate is heating, if the air temperature in the room is higher than the optimal values ​​specified in Appendix No. to this Methodology), the assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to microclimate parameters is carried out separately according to the air temperature, its speed movement, air humidity, thermal radiation by correlating the actual levels of indicators of microclimate parameters with the range of values ​​provided for in Appendix No. to this Methodology.

The class (subclass) of working conditions is established according to the microclimate parameter that has the highest degree of hazard.

50. If the air temperature or air humidity, or the speed of air movement in a room with a heating microclimate does not correspond to the permissible values, the assignment of working conditions to a class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to microclimate parameters is carried out according to the heat load index of the environment (hereinafter referred to as the THC index) by correlating the actual levels of the THC-index with the range of values ​​provided for in Appendix No. to this Methodology.

51. When exposed to thermal radiation, the assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions under the influence of microclimate parameters is carried out according to the indicators of the intensity of thermal radiation and (or) the exposure dose of thermal radiation.

52. When exposed to a cooling microclimate (the microclimate is cooling if the air temperature in the room is below the optimum values ​​specified in Appendix No. to this Methodology), the assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to microclimate parameters is carried out separately according to air temperature, speed air movement, air humidity, heat radiation.

The class (subclass) of working conditions is established according to the microclimate parameter having the highest class (subclass) of working conditions.

53. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to microclimate parameters in situations where the effect of both heating and cooling microclimate alternates (work in a room, in a heating and cooling environment of various durations and physical activity), is carried out separately according to the heating and a cooling microclimate.

54. If during the working day (shift) the employee is in different work zones characterized by different levels of thermal effects, the class (subclass) of working conditions is determined as a weighted average value (UT av) taking into account the duration of stay at each workplace:

UT 1, UT 2, ... UT n n-th working areas, respectively, expressed in points in accordance with the class (subclass) of working conditions:

t 1 , t 2 , ... t n- time of stay (in hours) in 1st, 2nd, n-th working areas, respectively;

T is the duration of the shift (hours), but not more than 8 hours.

Calculated according to the formula (3), the value of UT cfw (in points) is transferred to the class (subclass) of working conditions in accordance with Appendix No. to this Methodology. In this case, the value of UT srv is rounded up to an integer value.

Assignment of working conditions to a class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to a light environment

55. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to a light environment is carried out according to the indicator of the illumination of the working surface.

56. The assignment of working conditions to a class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to a light environment is carried out depending on the value of the indicator of illumination of the working surface in accordance with Appendix No. to this Methodology.

57. When working in an open area only in daytime days, working conditions at the workplace in terms of illumination of the working surface are recognized as permissible working conditions.

58. When a workplace is located in several working zones (in premises, in areas, in an open area), the assignment of working conditions to a class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to a light environment is carried out taking into account the time spent in different working zones according to the formula:

UT - working conditions, expressed in points;

UT 1, UT 2, ... UT n- working conditions in the 1st, 2nd, n-th working zones, respectively, expressed in points relative to the class (subclass) of working conditions (permissible working conditions - 0 points; harmful working conditions (subclass 3.1) - 1 point; harmful working conditions (subclass 3.2) - 2 points);

t 1 , t 2 , ... t n- the relative residence time (in fractions of a unit) in the 1st, 2nd, n-th working areas, respectively.

The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions under the influence of a light environment is carried out on the basis of the calculated sum of the UT points as follows:

working conditions are recognized as acceptable working conditions if 0 ≤ UT< 0,5;

working conditions are recognized as harmful working conditions (subclass 3.1) if 0.5 ≤ UT< 1,5;

working conditions are recognized as harmful working conditions (subclass 3.2) if 1.5 ≤ UT< 2,0.

59. It is recommended to evaluate such indicators of the light environment as direct and reflected brightness at the workplaces of workers, in the field of view of which there are blinding light sources, working with objects of discrimination and working surfaces with directionally diffused and mixed reflections (metals, plastics, glass, glossy paper) who have complaints of visual discomfort.

Assignment of working conditions to a class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to non-ionizing radiation

60. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to non-ionizing radiation 4 is carried out in accordance with Appendix No. to this Methodology.


4 In the presence of non-ionizing radiation from technological equipment, with the exception of workplaces where workers are exclusively employed on personal electronic computers (personal computers) and (or) operate desktop-type copiers, single stationary copiers, used periodically for the needs of the organization itself, other office organizational equipment, as well as household appliances that are not used in the production process.

61. Under the action of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields and radiation, working conditions are recognized as hazardous working conditions for an electric field with a frequency of 50 Hz and an electromagnetic field in the frequency range of 30 MHz - 300 GHz if their maximum MPL is exceeded up to the values ​​specified in Appendix No. to this Methodology.

62. In case of simultaneous or sequential presence of an employee during a shift in conditions of exposure to several electromagnetic fields and radiation from technological equipment, for which different remote controls are installed, the class (subclass) of working conditions is established according to the indicator for which the highest degree of hazard is determined.

At the same time, the excess of the maximum permissible level of two or more estimated indicators, referred to the same degree of hazard, increases the class (subclass) of working conditions by one degree.

63. When exposed to non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation of the optical range (laser, ultraviolet), the assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to non-ionizing radiation is carried out in accordance with Appendix No. to this Methodology.

Assignment of working conditions to a class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to ionizing radiation

64. When working with sources of ionizing radiation, harmful working conditions are characterized by the presence of harmful and (or) hazardous factors that do not exceed the hygienic standards reflected in SanPiN "Standards radiation safety"approved by the decree of the Chief State sanitary doctor Of the Russian Federation of July 7, 2009 No. 47 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 14, 2009 No. 14534) (hereinafter - NRB-99/2009).

At the same time, the degree of harmfulness (hazard) of working conditions is determined not by the severity of the manifestation of threshold deterministic effects in workers, but by an increase in the risk of occurrence of stochastic non-threshold effects.

65. As a hygienic criterion for assigning working conditions to a class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to ionizing radiation, the potential dose rate (MPD) of radiation is taken - the maximum potential effective (equivalent) radiation dose that can be obtained in a calendar year when working with sources ionizing radiation under standard conditions at a specific workplace.

66. MPD is determined by the formula (5) for the effective dose and (or) by the formula (6) - for the equivalent dose:

MTD - maximum potential effective dose per year, mSv / year;

H ext. - the rate of ambient dose of external radiation at the workplace, determined according to radiation monitoring data, μSv / h;

The volumetric activity of aerosols (gases) of U-type radionuclide compounds during G inhalation at the workplace, determined from radiation monitoring data, Bq / m 3;

Dose coefficient for the compound of radionuclide U of the compound type during inhalation G in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to NRB-99/2009, Sv / Bk;

1.7 is a coefficient that takes into account the standard exposure time of workers during calendar year(1700 hours per year for personnel of group "A") and dimension of units (10 3 μSv / mSv);

2.4 × 10 6 - coefficient taking into account the volume of respiration per year (2.4 × 10 3 m 3 / year for personnel of group "A") and the dimension of units (10 3 μSv / Sv);

MTD organ. - maximum potential equivalent dose to an organ at a given workplace for a year, mSv / year;

MD organ. - rate of ambient dose of external exposure of an organ at the workplace, determined according to radiation monitoring data, μSv / h;

1.7 - coefficient taking into account the standard exposure time during the calendar year (1700 hours per year for the personnel of group "A") and the dimension of units (10 3 μ3v / m3v).

67. When an employee is exposed to different capacities of the MPD effective and / or equivalent dose during the working day (shift) or (year) (for example, when working in different rooms or working zones), the weighted average value of the MPD power is determined when performing production operations according to the formula:

MTD i is the maximum potential dose rate calculated for i-th premises, mSv / year;

Δt i- time of execution of works on i-m workplace, hour / year.

68. When calculating the MTD, the duration of working time for personnel of group "A" is taken equal to 1700 hours per year, for all other workers - 2000 hours per year and, accordingly, in formulas (5) - (6), a coefficient of 2.0 is used instead of 1.7 ...

69. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to ionizing radiation is carried out in accordance with Appendix No. to this Methodology.

70. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to ionizing radiation is carried out on the basis of systematic data of the current and operational control in a year.

Assignment of working conditions to a class (subclass) of working conditions according to the severity of the labor process

71. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the severity of the labor process is carried out according to the following indicators:

2) the mass of the load to be lifted and moved manually;

3) stereotyped labor movements;

5) working posture;

6) body slopes;

7) movement in space.

72. When performing work related to uneven physical loads on different working days (shifts), the assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the severity of the labor process (except for the mass of the lifted and moved load and the tilts of the body of the employee's body) is carried out according to the average indicators for 2 - 3 working days (shifts).

The weight of the load lifted and moved manually by the worker and the inclinations of the body are assessed according to the maximum values.

73. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the severity of the labor process under dynamic physical load is carried out by determining the mass of the load (parts, products, tools), manually moved by the employee during each operation, and the distance of movement of the load in meters. After that, the total number of operations for the transfer of cargo by the employee during the working day (shift) is calculated and the amount of dynamic physical load (kg x m) during the working day (shift) is determined.

The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the severity of the labor process with dynamic physical load is carried out in accordance with Table 1 of Appendix No. to this Methodology.

74. During work, conditioned by both regional and general physical loads during the working day (shift), associated with the movement of cargo at various distances, the total mechanical work for the working day (shift) is determined, the value of which correlates with the values ​​provided for in Table 1 Appendix No. to this Methodology.

75. The assignment of working conditions to a class (subclass) of working conditions according to the severity of the labor process when lifting and moving a load by an employee manually is carried out by weighing such a load or determining its weight according to operational and technological documentation.

The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions by the severity of the labor process when lifting and moving the load manually is carried out in accordance with Table 2 of Appendix No. to this Methodology.

To determine the total weight of the cargo moved during each hour of the working day (shift), the weight of all goods for the working day (shift) is summed up. Regardless of the actual duration of the working day (shift), the total weight of the cargo for the working day (shift) is divided by the number of hours of the working day (shift).

In cases when the worker moves the load manually both from the working surface and from the floor, the indicators are summed up. If a larger load was moved from the working surface than from the floor, then the resulting value should be compared with this indicator, and if the greatest movement was made from the floor, then with the indicator of the total weight of the load per hour when moving from the floor. If an equal load moves from the working surface and from the floor, then the total mass of the load is compared with the indicator of movement from the floor.

76. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the severity of the labor process when the employee performs stereotypical work movements and local load (involving the muscles of the hands and fingers) is carried out by counting the number of employee movements in 10-15 minutes, determining the number of his movements for 1 minute and calculating the total number of movements of the employee during the time during which the this work(multiplying by the number of minutes of the working day (shift) during which the work is performed).

The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the severity of the labor process when performing stereotyped work movements and local load is carried out in accordance with Table 3 of Appendix No. to this Methodology.

77. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the severity of the labor process when the employee performs stereotyped work movements and regional load (when working with the predominant participation of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle) is carried out by counting their number in 10-15 minutes or in 1 - 2 repeatable operations, several times per working day (shift). After evaluating the total number of operations or the time to complete the work, the total number of regional movements per working day (shift) is determined.

The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the severity of the labor process when performing stereotyped work movements and regional load is carried out in accordance with table 3 of Appendix No. to this Methodology.

78. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the severity of the labor process with a static load associated with the retention of the load by the employee or the application of efforts is carried out by multiplying two parameters: the weight of the load or the value of the holding force and the time of its retention.

The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the severity of the labor process with a static load associated with the retention of the load by the employee or the application of efforts is carried out in accordance with table 4 of Appendix No. to this Methodology.

The assignment of working conditions to a class (subclass) of working conditions according to the severity of the labor process with a static load associated with holding a load or applying efforts is carried out taking into account a certain predominant load: on one arm, on two arms, or with the participation of the muscles of the body and legs. If, when performing work, 2 or 3 of the above types of static load are encountered, then they should be summed up and the total value of the static load correlated with the prevailing load indicator.

79. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the severity of the labor process, taking into account the working position of the employee's body, is carried out by determining the absolute time (in minutes, hours) of staying in a particular working position, which is established on the basis of time observations for the working day (shift). After that, the residence time is calculated in relative terms (as a percentage of an 8-hour workday (shift), regardless of its actual duration).

The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the severity of the labor process, taking into account the working position of the employee's body during the working day (shift), is carried out in accordance with Table 5 of Appendix No. to this Methodology.

The time spent in a working position is determined by adding the working time of an employee in a standing position and the time of his movement in the space between objects with a radius of no more than 5 m. the severity of the work process, taking into account the working position of the employee's body, should be carried out in the most typical working position for this job.

80. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the severity of the labor process, taking into account the inclinations of the body of the employee's body per working day (shift), is determined by direct counting them per unit of time (minute, hour). Next, the total number of inclinations of the body of the employee's body for the entire time of the work is calculated, or their number is determined in one operation and multiplied by the number of operations per shift.

The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the severity of the labor process, taking into account the slopes of the body of the employee's body, is carried out in accordance with table 6 of Appendix No. to this Methodology.

81. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the severity of the labor process when the employee moves in space is carried out taking into account such movement along the horizontal and (or) vertical, due to the technological process, during the working day (shift) and is determined based on the calculation the number of steps per working day (shift) and measurement of the stride length.

The number of steps per working day (shift) is determined using a pedometer placed in the employee's pocket or attached to his belt (during regular breaks and lunch breaks, the pedometer must be put out of the employee's pocket or removed from his belt).

The male stride in an industrial setting is on average 0.6 m, and the female stride is 0.5 m.

The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the severity of the labor process when the employee moves in space is carried out in accordance with table 7 of Appendix No. to this Methodology.

The movement of an employee in space vertically should be considered as his movement along stairs or inclined surfaces, the angle of inclination of which is more than 30 ° from the horizontal.

For workers whose labor function is associated with movement in space both horizontally and vertically, these distances must be summed up and compared with the indicator whose value was greater.

82. The class (subclass) of working conditions is established according to the indicator of the severity of the labor process, which has the highest class (subclass) of working conditions.

83. In the presence of two or more indicators of the severity of the labor process, the working conditions for which are attributed to subclass 3.1 or 3.2 of harmful working conditions, the class (subclass) of working conditions in terms of the severity of the labor process increases by one degree.

Assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the intensity of the labor process

84. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the intensity of the labor process is carried out according to the following indicators:

1) the density of signals and messages (light, sound) on average for 1 hour of operation, arriving both from special devices (video terminals, signaling devices, instrument scales), and at voice message, including by means of communication;

2) the number of production facilities for simultaneous observation;

3) work with optical devices 5 (% of shift time);

5) monotony of loads (the number of elements (techniques) necessary for the implementation of a simple task or in repetitive operations; the time of active actions; the monotony of the production environment).


5 For the purposes of this Methodology, devices used in production process to increase the size of the object under consideration (magnifiers, microscopes, flaw detectors), or used to increase the resolution of the device or improve visibility (binoculars). Various devices for displaying information (displays) that do not use optics (various indicators and scales covered with a glass or transparent plastic cover) are not recognized as optical devices.

85. The assignment of working conditions to a class (subclass) according to the intensity of the labor process is carried out in accordance with Appendix No. to this Methodology.

86. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the intensity of the labor process according to the density of signals and messages on average for 1 hour of work is carried out by counting the number of received and transmitted signals (messages, orders).

87. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions by the intensity of the labor process by the number of production objects of simultaneous observation is carried out by assessing the amount of attention (from 4 to 8 unrelated objects) and its distribution (the ability to simultaneously focus on several objects or actions).

Working conditions are assessed by this indicator only in cases where, after receiving information simultaneously from all objects of observation, it is necessary to perform certain actions on the regulation of the technological process.

If information can be obtained by sequentially switching attention from object to object and there is enough time before making a decision and (or) performing actions, and the employee usually switches from distribution to switching attention, then such work in terms of the number of production facilities of simultaneous observation is not is estimated.

88. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the intensity of the labor process when working with optical devices (% of the duration of the working day (shift)) is carried out on the basis of time observations.

89. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the intensity of the labor process with a load on the employee's vocal apparatus (the total number of hours spoken per week) is carried out taking into account the duration of speech loads on the basis of time observations or expertly by interviewing employees and their direct leaders.

90. The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions according to the intensity of the labor process with monotony of loads is carried out taking into account the number of elements (techniques) necessary for the implementation of a simple task or repetitive operations (units), and the duration of simple production tasks or repetitive operations , the time of active actions, the monotony of the production environment.

91. The class (subclass) of working conditions is established according to the indicator of the intensity of the labor process, which has the highest class (subclass) of working conditions.

Assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions, taking into account the complex impact of harmful and (or) hazardous factors

92. The assignment of working conditions to a class (subclass) of working conditions, taking into account the complex impact of harmful and (or) hazardous factors, is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the assignment of these factors to a particular class (subclass) of working conditions performed by an expert.

93. The final class (subclass) of working conditions at the workplace is established according to the highest class (subclass) of hazard and (or) hazard of one of the harmful and (or) hazardous factors in the workplace in accordance with Appendix No. to this Methodology.

Moreover, in the case:

combined action of 3 or more harmful and (or) hazardous factors classified under subclass 3.1 of harmful working conditions, the final class (subclass) of working conditions belongs to subclass 3.2 of harmful working conditions;

combined action of 2 or more harmful and (or) hazardous factors classified in subclasses 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 harmful working conditions, the final class (subclass) is increased by one degree.

The provisions of this clause do not apply to microclimate parameters and local vibration in the event that the combined effect of such factors of the working environment was previously taken into account in accordance with this Methodology.

V. Results of a special assessment of working conditions

94. In the case of the use by workers employed in workplaces with harmful working conditions, effective means individual protection passed compulsory certification in the manner prescribed by the relevant technical regulations, the class (subclass) of working conditions may be reduced in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions".

95. The results of a special assessment of working conditions are drawn up in the form of a report.

The report is drawn up by an organization conducting a special assessment of working conditions, signed by all members of the commission and approved by the chairman of the commission. A member of the commission who does not agree with the results of a special assessment of working conditions has the right to state in writing a reasoned dissenting opinion, which is attached to this report.

The employer, within three working days from the date of approval of the report, is obliged to notify the organization that carried out a special assessment of working conditions in any available way that provides the possibility of confirming the fact of such a notification, and also send a copy of the approved report by registered order. by post with return receipt or in the form electronic document signed by a qualified electronic signature... If there is information in the report that constitutes a state or other secret protected by law, a copy of the said report is sent taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on state and other secrets protected by law.

The document covers the following topics:

  • Methodology for a special assessment of working conditions
  • Special assessment of working conditions
  • Regulations

The document is the basis for the approval of the methodology for conducting a special assessment of working conditions, approved by the Ministry of Labor and social protection... It lists the applications in accordance with which the methodology and classifier of working conditions is applied.

The key rules for the implementation of a special assessment of labor are determined by the content of FZ-426, but the most important methodological act that fixes the specific rules for its implementation is Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 33n on a special assessment of working conditions. In particular, according to this document, an algorithm for determining the presence of harmful substances on the ground labor activity... It also contains rules for determining factors of a physical and biological nature that have Negative influence on the performance and health status of the employee

Using the methodology for the implementation of SOUT

Order No. 33n on the methodology for a special assessment of working conditions is important for specialists primarily in that it defines a specific mechanism for determining the classes of potential hazard of a workplace based on the nature of the factors of production acting on it. So, the document contains 22 tabular annexes, which indicate clear limits of allowable values ​​for each of these factors. If they are exceeded, the working conditions in one place or another may be recognized as different from the permissible ones.

The document also contains full list factors that are considered negative by the nature of their influence on the human body. Moreover, in the course of the practical application of the provisions of this normative act specialists, as a rule, also take into account the content of Order No. 302n on SOUT. It defines a list of factors, in the presence of which employees in their workplaces are required to regularly pass medical checkup... It, in turn, allows you to establish the intensity of their impact on the health of a particular employee and his performance under current conditions.

Contents of order 33n on special assessment of working conditions

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention also to additional applications to the document. These include:

  • typology harmful factors in work, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the hazard class of a particular place;
  • a standard form of a report on the implementation of a special assessment in accordance with the SOUT methodology for 33n as amended;
  • procedure for entering information into standard form report on the implementation of special appraisal procedures carried out in companies.

You may be interested

  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05/07/2012. No. 597 "On measures for the implementation of state social policy"
  • Letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated June 1, two thousand and eighteen N 15-4 / 10 / B-4010 "On the employer's obligation to ensure a special assessment of working conditions"
  • Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Health from 09.10. classes of work with pathogenic microorganisms
  • About approval Administrative Regulations provision by the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation public service to decide on financial support preventive measures to reduce industrial injuries and occupational diseases workers and sanatorium-resort treatment of workers employed in work with harmful and (or) hazardous production factors

Special assessment of working conditions (SAUT) is a relatively new concept in the legislation of the Russian Federation, introduced by Federal Law No. 426-FZ in 2013.

What is the methodology for conducting SOUT

SOUT is a set of measures taken to identify and measure harmful and hazardous characteristics of the labor process in order to establish the class of the workplace. To regulate the requirements for these procedures, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation issued the corresponding Order No. 33n dated 01.24.2014.

Initially SOUT was introduced instead of attestation... After summing up the results of research and measurement work and assigning a certain hazard class, the employer gets the opportunity to pay a percentage of contributions to Pension Fund RF. The less harmful the working conditions are, the lower the tariff.

According to experts, this circumstance should stimulate the management of enterprises to improve the characteristics of the labor process at the entrusted workplaces. For the class and subclass are written employee benefitsearly exit retirement, reduced working hours and additional leave.

It is necessary to check all workplaces, except for remote employees. When checking some types of labor activity, the procedure is carried out taking into account the specific conditions in which it takes place. It is worth noting that at the moment, methods have not been developed for the entire list.

The legislative framework

The main documents regulating the implementation of SOUT:

  • Federal Law N 426-FZ of 12/28/2013 - the main legislative act under the SOUT, it sets out the key provisions, rights and obligations of the parties, as well as the requirements for legal entities entitled to conduct research, and for individuals participating in the process as experts;
  • Section 10 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation "Labor Protection" - contains requirements for the organization of labor protection in the Russian Federation, regulates the observance of workers' rights;
  • Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of January 24, 2014 N 33n (as amended on November 14, 2016) - information on tests, measurements and documenting procedures;
  • Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 421-FZ - amends certain existing laws to bring them into line with the law on SOUT 426-FZ.

There are a number of Orders of the Ministry of Labor and Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation that regulate narrower issues: the procedure for considering disputes, industry-specific features of the assessment, requirements for experts, etc.

Research methods are selected by an expert organization on one's own but they are in mandatory approved and certified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, tested and entered into the Federal Information Fund for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements.

Research is carried out as part of the process, taking into account the properties and characteristics of the equipment and materials used.

The methodology approved by Order No. 33n sets out the provisions according to which the result of a certain measurement (quantitative indicator) is assigned to a specific hazard class.

Assessment procedure and procedure

SOUT stages:

  1. The assessment process is initiated by the employer... The company independently chooses the organization that carries out the inspection. It is important to make sure that the selected company is included in the register of organizations eligible for SOUT. It is important to clarify the availability of laboratories and their accreditation. V otherwise the verification will be illegal and the results will be invalid.
  2. Issue of an order and creation of a commission, which includes representatives of the employer, an occupational safety specialist, persons representing the interests of workers, leaders of trade unions or other professional associations, if any.
  3. Approval of the list of jobs for the planned assessment... Since it is necessary to check 20% of the total, it is important to determine the identity based on the following criteria: uniformity of positions, work process, equipment, protective equipment and characteristics of the premises.
  4. Identification of hazardous and harmful factors of the labor process... It uses the results of previous studies, analysis of injuries at work, employee surveys, and also considers the working environment.
  5. Measurement and assessment of identified factors.
  6. Formalization of verification results- to be completed in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to Order No. 33n.
  7. Approval of the report in state bodies.
  8. Providing the results to employees for review against signature.

Documenting the results

After the assessment, it is necessary to fill out a report according to the form approved by Order No. 33n dated 01.24.14, which includes:

  • information about the employer;
  • data from the company that conducted the research;
  • information about experts;
  • information about the means by which the research and laboratories were carried out;
  • list of jobs;
  • special assessment cards separately for each workplace;
  • protocols for measuring the effectiveness of protective equipment (if any);
  • summary sheet;
  • a list of possible improvements in working conditions.

The report is signed all members of the commission... In case of disagreement, the participant draws up a reasoned opinion.

2018 Special Assessment Map

The SOUT card is one of the sections of the report on its implementation, regulated by Appendix No. 3 of Order No. 33n dated 01.24.14. Each card is assigned a number, each of the forms contains data:

  • the position or profession being assessed;
  • subdivision;
  • information on the number of employees, including at similar workplaces; how many are women, persons with disabilities and workers under the age of 18;
  • SNILS numbers of employees;
  • used equipment and materials;
  • a table with the assigned class (optimal, acceptable, harmful and / or dangerous) for each factor;
  • a table in which the established and currently available benefits are indicated;
  • recommendations refer to improvements in working conditions;
  • signatures of members of the commission and employees.

An example of filling out a special assessment of working conditions card is below.

Order No. 33n

The document is, in fact, instructions for the SOUT process and presentation of results... The order contains information:

  • the procedure for recognizing hazardous and harmful factors of the labor process;
  • regulation of research on harmful and dangerous features of the working environment;
  • the identity of the levels of chemical, physical, biological and other factors, as well as the intensity of the process and certain classes of hazard;
  • reference;
  • instructions for filling out a report on the result of the assessment.

Responsibility of the employer and appraiser

The employer's responsibilities include:

  • providing complete information that characterizes labor activity;
  • provision of conditions and access for experts to carry out measurements;
  • inadmissibility of actions narrowing the range of parameters to be assessed;
  • familiarization of employees;
  • providing employees with the requested information related to SOUT.

Appraiser organization is responsible per:

  • providing, at the request of the client, as well as representatives of employees, all information regarding the substantiation of the results for the right to conduct relevant research;
  • application of accredited and approved research methods;
  • carrying out the procedure without providing the employer with all the conditions for carrying out correct measurements;
  • preservation of trade secrets.

Inspection frequency

The result of the check is up-to-date for 5 years.

An unscheduled procedure is necessary in situations:

  • the emergence of new types of jobs;
  • receiving a legal order from regulatory authorities;
  • changes in working conditions;
  • justified proposals from employee representatives.

Penalty for non-conduct

In the event of an initial violation, the fine will be from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. for individual entrepreneurs or official and from 60,000 to 80,000 rubles. for legal entity .

For a repeated violation, the following sanctions follow:

  • for an official- a fine of 30,000 to 40,000 rubles. or disqualification for 1 year;
  • for individual entrepreneurs- a fine from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles. or suspension of activity for up to 90 days;
  • for a legal entity- a fine from 100,000 to 200,000 rubles. or suspension of activity for up to 90 days.

After getting the results

After the approval of the report with the results of the SOUT, the client notifies the appraisal company and sends it a copy no later than three working days from the date of receipt of the document.

On time no later than 30 calendar days from the date of approval of the results, the employer is obliged to post on its official website on the Internet (if available) summary data on the assigned hazard classes and subclasses, as well as planned actions to improve working conditions.

The methodology for conducting a special assessment of working conditions is presented in the video.

Registration N 31689

In accordance with part 3 of article 8, part 1 of article 10, part 3 of article 15 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions" (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, December 30, 2013, N 6271) I order:


Methodology for a special assessment of working conditions in accordance with Appendix No. 1;

Classifier of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors according to Appendix N 2;

the form of the report on the special assessment of working conditions in accordance with Appendix No. 3;

instructions for filling out the report form on conducting a special assessment of working conditions in accordance with Appendix No. 4.

Minister M. Topilin

Appendix N 1

Methodology for a special assessment of working conditions

I. General Provisions

1. This Methodology establishes mandatory requirements for the procedures that are consistently implemented as part of a special assessment of working conditions:

1) identification of potentially harmful and (or) hazardous production factors;

2) research (testing) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors;

3) the classification of working conditions at the workplace according to the degree of hazard and (or) or hazard to the class (subclass) of working conditions based on the results of studies (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors;

4) registration of the results of a special assessment of working conditions.

II. Identification of potentially harmful and (or) hazardous production factors

2. Identification of potentially harmful and (or) hazardous production factors (hereinafter referred to as harmful and (or) hazardous factors, identification) includes the following steps:

1) identification and description of the factors of the working environment and the labor process, sources of harmful and (or) dangerous factors available at the workplace;

2) comparison and establishment of the coincidence of the factors of the working environment and the labor process existing at the workplace with the factors of the working environment and the labor process provided for by the classifier of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, approved in accordance with the procedure established by Federal Law No. 426 of December 28, 2013 -FZ "On special assessment of working conditions" (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, December 30, 2013, N 6271) (hereinafter - the classifier);

3) making a decision on research (testing) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous factors;

4) registration of identification results.

3. Identification is carried out by an expert of the organization conducting a special assessment of working conditions (hereinafter - the expert). The identification results are approved by the commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions, formed in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions" (hereinafter - the commission).

4. Identification of the factors of the working environment and the labor process, sources of harmful and (or) hazardous factors at the workplace is carried out by studying the following presented by the employer:

technical (operational) documentation for production equipment (machines, mechanisms, tools and devices) used by the employee at the workplace;

technological documentation, characteristics of the technological process;

job descriptions and other documents regulating the duties of the employee;

construction projects and (or) reconstruction of production facilities (buildings, structures, industrial premises);

characteristics of materials and raw materials used in production (including those established based on the results of toxicological, sanitary-hygienic and medical-biological assessments);

declarations of conformity and (or) certificates of conformity of production equipment, machines, mechanisms, tools and devices, technological processes, substances, materials, raw materials to the established requirements;

the results of studies (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous factors previously carried out at this workplace.

The documentation and materials specified in this clause are provided by the employer if available.

The identification at the workplace of factors of the working environment and the labor process, sources of harmful and (or) dangerous factors can also be carried out by examining the workplace by examining and familiarizing with the work actually performed by the employee in regular work, as well as by interviewing the employee and (or) his immediate supervisors.

5. Comparison and establishment of the coincidence of the factors of the production environment and the labor process available at the workplace with the factors of the production environment and the labor process provided for by the classifier is made by comparing their names.

Comparison and establishment of the coincidence of the chemical factors present in the workplace with the chemical factors provided for by the classifier is carried out by comparing their chemical names according to international classifications, synonyms, trade names, identification numbers and other characteristics that identify the chemical.

6. The factors of the working environment and the labor process existing at the workplace are recognized as identified harmful and (or) dangerous factors if their names coincide with the names of the factors of the working environment and the labor process provided for by the classifier.

All harmful and (or) hazardous factors that are identified at the workplace are subject to research (tests) and measurements in the manner prescribed by Chapter III of this Methodology.

7. If the names of the factors of the working environment and the labor process do not coincide with the names of the factors of the working environment and the labor process provided for by the classifier, the expert records in his conclusion the absence of harmful and (or) dangerous factors at the workplace.

8. In the event that harmful and (or) dangerous factors at the workplace are not identified, the working conditions at this workplace are recognized by the commission as acceptable, and research (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) dangerous factors are not carried out.

In relation to a workplace where no harmful and (or) dangerous factors have been identified based on the results of identification, the employer submits a declaration of conformity of working conditions to state regulatory labor protection requirements in the manner prescribed by Federal Law No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013 "On special assessment of working conditions ".

9. The list of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors subject to research (testing) and measurements is formed by the commission based on state regulatory requirements for labor protection, characteristics of the technological process and production equipment, materials and raw materials used, the results of previously conducted research (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, as well as based on the proposals of employees (part 2 of article 12 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions").

10. The results of identification are entered in the section "List of workplaces where a special assessment of working conditions was carried out" of the report on the special assessment of working conditions, the form of which is approved in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions "(hereinafter - the report).

11. Identification is not carried out in relation to:

1) workplaces of employees, professions, positions, specialties of which are included in the lists of jobs, industries, professions, positions, specialties and institutions (organizations), taking into account which the early assignment of an old-age retirement pension is carried out;

2) workplaces, in connection with the work at which employees are provided with guarantees and compensation for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions in accordance with legislative and other regulatory legal acts;

3) workplaces where harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions have been established based on the results of earlier certification of workplaces for working conditions or a special assessment of working conditions.

The list of harmful and (or) hazardous factors subject to research (testing) and measurements at the workplaces specified in this paragraph is determined by an expert based on the list of harmful and (or) hazardous factors specified in parts 1 and 2 of article 13 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 . N 426-ФЗ "On special assessment of working conditions".

III. Research (testing) and measurement of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors

12. Investigations (tests) and measurements are subject to the actual values ​​of harmful and (or) hazardous factors, which are identified in the manner prescribed by Chapter II of this Methodology.

13. Research (testing) and measurements of the actual values ​​of harmful and (or) hazardous factors are carried out by the testing laboratory (center), experts and other employees of the organization conducting a special assessment of working conditions.

As the results of studies (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous factors, the results of studies (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous factors, carried out by a testing laboratory (center) accredited in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, can be used during the implementation of an organized in accordance with the established procedure at the workplace of production control over working conditions, but not earlier than 6 months before the special assessment of working conditions. The decision on the possibility of using these results when carrying out a special assessment of working conditions is taken by the commission upon the recommendation of an expert.

14. When conducting research (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous factors, approved and certified in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements, research (test) methods and measurement techniques (methods) and their corresponding measuring instruments must be used that have been verified and entered into the Federal Information Fund for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements.

Measuring instruments used in research (testing) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous factors must comply with the mandatory metrological requirements for measurements related to the sphere of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements and performed when performing work to ensure safe conditions and labor protection (in including in terms of measurement accuracy).

15. Research (testing) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous factors are carried out during the implementation of regular production (technological) processes and (or) regular activities of the employer, taking into account the production equipment used by the employee, materials and raw materials that are sources of harmful and (or) dangerous factors.

16. The results of the studies (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) dangerous factors are drawn up in protocols for each of these harmful and (or) dangerous factors subjected to research (tests) and measurements, indicating:

1) the full name of the organization conducting a special assessment of working conditions, the registration number of the entry in the register of organizations conducting a special assessment of working conditions, as well as information about accreditation in the national accreditation system (number of the accreditation certificate (if any);

2) a unique protocol number (determined by the organization conducting a special assessment of working conditions), contained on each page of the protocol along with the page number of the protocol;

3) the full name of the employer;

4) the location and place of business of the employer;

5) the name of the structural unit of the employer (if any);

6) the individual number of the workplace, the name of the position, profession or specialty of the employee (employees) employed (employed) at this workplace, in accordance with the name of these positions, professions or specialties indicated in the qualification reference books approved in the prescribed manner;

7) the name of the harmful and (or) dangerous factor in relation to which the studies (tests) and measurements were carried out, in accordance with the classifier;

8) the dates of the studies (tests) and measurements of the harmful and (or) hazardous factor;

9) information about the measuring instruments used (name of the device, instrument, serial number, validity period and number of the verification certificate);

10) the names of the applied research method (testing) and (or) the method (technique) of measuring the harmful and (or) dangerous factor, the details of the regulatory legal acts that approved them (the type of the regulatory legal act, the name of the body that issued it, name, date and number);

11) details of regulatory legal acts (type of regulatory legal act, name of the body that issued it, name, date and number), regulating maximum allowable concentrations (hereinafter - MPC), maximum allowable levels (hereinafter - MPL), as well as standard levels of the investigated (tested ) and measured harmful and (or) dangerous factor;

12) the place of research (testing) and measurements of the harmful and (or) hazardous factor with the attachment, if necessary, of a sketch of the room in which they were carried out, indicating the location of the equipment and drawing on it the point (points) of research (tests) and measurements of the harmful and ( or) hazardous factor (sampling);

13) the normative and actual value of the level of the investigated (tested) and measured harmful and (or) hazardous factor, indicating, if necessary, the units of measurement and the duration of its exposure at all places of research (testing) and measurements;

14) a conclusion on the actual level of a harmful and (or) hazardous factor at all places of its research (testing) and measurements, indicating the final class (subclass) of working conditions of a harmful and (or) hazardous factor;

15) surnames, first names, patronymics (if any), positions of specialists of the organization conducting a special assessment of working conditions, conducting research (testing) and measuring the harmful and (or) dangerous factor.

In the event that the results of studies (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous factors carried out by a test laboratory (center) accredited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation under implementation of production control over working conditions organized in accordance with the established procedure at the workplace, then an expert's opinion on the possibility of using these results is attached to the protocol.

17. The Commission has the right to decide on the impossibility of conducting research (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous factors in the event that the performance of these studies (tests) and measurements at the workplace may endanger the life of an employee, experts and (or) other employees of the organization conducting a special assessment of working conditions, as well as other persons. Working conditions at such workplaces are classified as hazardous working conditions without appropriate studies (tests) and measurements.

The decision on the impossibility of conducting research (tests) and measurements on the basis specified in this paragraph is drawn up by the commission's protocol containing the rationale for making this decision and being an integral part of the report.

18. The employer, within ten working days from the date of the decision specified in paragraph 17 of this Methodology, sends a copy of this commission protocol containing this decision to the territorial body of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment at the place of its location.

IV. Classification of working conditions at the workplace according to the degree of hazard and (or) hazard to the class (subclass) of working conditions based on the results of studies (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors

19. Based on the results of studies (tests) and measurements of harmful and (or) dangerous factors, the expert classifies the working conditions at the workplace according to the degree of hazard and (or) hazard to the class (subclass) of working conditions (hereinafter referred to as classifying the working conditions to the class ( subclass) working conditions).

The assignment of working conditions to the class (subclass) of working conditions is carried out taking into account the degree of deviation of the actual values ​​of harmful and (or) hazardous factors obtained from the results of their studies (tests) and measurements in the manner prescribed by Chapter III of this Methodology from the standards (hygienic standards ) working conditions and the duration of their impact on the employee during the working day (shift).

Assignment of working conditions to a class (subclass) of working conditions when exposed to a chemical factor

Appendix N 4

Instructions for filling out the report form on conducting a special assessment of working conditions

1. A report on a special assessment of working conditions, the form of which is approved in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 426-FZ "On a special assessment of working conditions" (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, December 30, 2013, N 6271) ( hereinafter referred to as the Report), is drawn up by the organization that carried out a special assessment of working conditions.

2. When filling out the title page of the Report, the heading shall indicate the full name of the employer, his location and his activities, an identification number taxpayer (TIN) in accordance with the certificate of registration of the employer in tax authority at the place of its location, the main state registration number(OGRN) in accordance with the certificate of state registration employer and main type code economic activity employer according to all-Russian classifier types of economic activities (OKVED). In addition, the title page contains the surnames, first names, patronymics of the chairman approving the Report, and members of the commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions, certified by their signatures indicating the date of signing the Report. A member of the commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions, who does not agree with the results of a special assessment of working conditions, signs a report marked "dissenting opinion".

3. When completing Section I of the Report:

1) clause 1 indicates the full name of the organization that carried out the special assessment of working conditions (hereinafter - the organization) in accordance with its statutory documents;

2) in clause 2, the address of the location and implementation of the organization's activities, contact phone number, e-mail address are indicated;

3) in clauses 3 and 4, the number and date of entry of the organization into the register of organizations conducting a special assessment of working conditions are indicated, respectively; for organizations accredited in accordance with the procedure in force prior to the entry into force of Federal Law No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013 "On Special Assessment of Working Conditions", as organizations providing services for certification of workplaces for working conditions and included in the register organizations providing services in the field of labor protection, prior to their entry into the register of organizations conducting a special assessment of working conditions, the number and date of entry into the register of organizations providing services in the field of labor protection shall be indicated;

4) in clause 5, the taxpayer identification number (TIN) is indicated in accordance with the Certificate of registration of the organization with the tax authority at the place of its location;

5) in clause 6, the main state registration number (OGRN) is indicated in accordance with the certificate of state registration of the organization;

6) the table in clause 7 indicates:

in column 1 - the registration number of the organization's accreditation certificate;

in column 2 - the date of issue (date, month (in words), year) of the organization's accreditation certificate;

in column 3 - the expiration date (day, month (in words), year) of the organization's accreditation certificate;

7) the table in clause 8 indicates:

in column 1 - the serial number of the expert or other employee of the organization who participated in the special assessment of working conditions (hereinafter - the expert (employee);

in column 2 - the date of the measurements (in numbers, in the format DD.MM.YYYY); The date of the measurements is entered in each item of the table line. If the measurements were carried out continuously by the same expert (employee), the period of the measurements by this expert (employee) is indicated in the corresponding line - the date of the beginning and the end date of the measurements;

in columns 3, 4 - respectively the surname, name, patronymic (if any) in full, the position of the expert (employee);

in columns 5 - 7 - respectively, the number of the expert certificate for the right to perform work on a special assessment of working conditions, the date of its issue (date, month (in words), year) and the registration number in the register of experts of organizations conducting a special assessment of working conditions. During transition period provided by the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions", columns 5 - 7 of the table may not be filled in;

8) the table in clause 9 indicates:

in column 1 - the serial number of the measuring instrument testing laboratory(center) used in the special assessment of working conditions;

in column 2 - the date of the measurements (in numbers, in the format DD.MM.YYYY);

in column 3 - the name of the harmful and (or) dangerous factor of the working environment and labor process;

in column 4 - the name of the measuring instrument in accordance with the passport for it;

in column 5 - registration number of the measuring instrument in State register measuring instruments;

in column 6 - the serial number of the measuring instrument;

in column 7 - the date of the expiry of the verification period of the measuring instrument.

The information is signed by the head of the organization indicating the surname, first name, patronymic (if any) in full and the date of signing (date, month (in words), year) and certified by the seal of the organization.

4. When completing Section II of the Report:

1) the table indicates:

in column 1 - the individual number of the workplace (no more than 8 characters: from 1 to 99,999,999). Similar jobs are designated by a number with the addition of a capital letter "A".

For example: 365, 1245A;

in column 2 - the name of the workplace with an indication in the genitive case of the name of the position, profession or specialty of the employee employed at this workplace, in accordance with the staffing table and qualification reference books, approved in accordance with the established procedure, as well as sources of harmful and ( or) hazardous factors of the working environment and labor process.

For example: "the workplace of the adjuster of asbestos-cement equipment", "the workplace of the accumulator"; "galvanic bath", "thermal equipment";

in column 3 - in figures the number of workers employed at this workplace;

in column 4 - the presence of a similar workplace (workplaces) with an indication of their individual numbers;

in columns 5 - 19 - the results of identification of potentially harmful and (or) dangerous factors of the working environment and the labor process and the duration of their impact on the employee during the working day (shift). At the same time, if harmful and (or) dangerous factors of the working environment and labor process are identified at the workplace, then at the intersection of the corresponding row and column, the duration of exposure to the corresponding factor (in hours) is indicated, if harmful and (or) dangerous factors are not identified at the workplace. working environment and labor process, then a "-" sign is put at the intersection of the corresponding row and column of the table;

2) Section II of the Report is signed by the chairman, members of the commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions and an expert (experts) of the organization, while indicating the surnames, names, patronymics (if any) of the specified persons, certified by their signatures indicating the date of signing.

5. When filling out Section III Report:

1) in the table containing information about the employer:

the first line contains the full name of the employer, the address of the employer's location, surname, name, patronymic of the manager, e-mail address;

the second line indicates:

in the first column - the taxpayer identification number (TIN) in accordance with the certificate of registration of the employer with the tax authority at the place of its location;

in the second column - the employer's code in the all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations in accordance with the Rosstat information letter;

in column 3 - organ code state power in accordance with the all-Russian classifier of public authorities and administration (taking into account the information letter from Rosstat on accounting in the statistical register);

in column 4 - the code of the type of economic activity of the employer in accordance with the all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity;

in column 5 - the code of the territory in which the employer is located and / or carries out its activities, according to the all-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division;

2) in the first line of the form of a special assessment of working conditions (hereinafter referred to as the Card), the name of the position, profession or specialty of the employee is indicated in accordance with the staffing table of the organization approved by the employer, and the corresponding code of the position, profession or specialty in accordance with qualification reference books approved in accordance with the established procedure ... May indicate additional information indicating that the position, profession or specialty is derived. In the absence of the corresponding position, profession or specialty code in the qualification reference books approved in accordance with the established procedure, an entry is made: "None". It is allowed to add clarifying information in brackets to the name of the position, profession or specialty, which makes it easier to identify the workplace;

3) in the line "Name of the structural unit" of the Card, the name of the structural unit is indicated, which is filled in in accordance with the employer's name system. If the employer has no structural divisions, a record is made - "Absent";

4) in the line "Number and numbers of similar work places" of the Card, the number and numbers of similar work places shall be indicated, including the work place for which the Card is filled out. The numbers of workplaces must correspond to the numbers given in the list of workplaces where a special assessment of working conditions was carried out;

5) in line 010 of the Map, a reference is made to the release of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Work and Occupations of Workers (ETKS), the section of the Unified Qualification Reference Book of the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees (TSA), which contains the tariff and qualification characteristic (qualification characteristic) of the profession ( position) of the employee employed at this workplace, the normative legal act by which he was approved, the date and number of the approval are indicated;

6) line 020 of the Card indicates the number of employees employed at this workplace (by staffing table or actual) for the month preceding the completion of the Card, as well as the number of employees employed in similar workplaces, including women, persons under the age of 18 and disabled persons, admitted to work at this workplace;

7) in line 021 of the Card, information about the SNILS of employees is indicated;

8) line 022 of the Card contains a list of equipment used (operated) at the workplace, as well as a list of materials and raw materials used;

9) in the table of row 030 of the Card the following are indicated:

in column 2 - the name of the identified harmful and (or) dangerous factors of the industrial environment and the labor process in accordance with the classifier of harmful and (or) hazardous industrial factors, approved in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions ";

in column 3 - the class (subclass) of working conditions for the corresponding identified harmful and (or) dangerous factor of the working environment and the labor process, as well as the final class (subclass) of working conditions, taking into account the cumulative impact of the identified harmful and (or) hazardous factors of the working environment and labor process;

in column 4 - an assessment of the effectiveness of personal protective equipment (PPE) issued to the employee for the corresponding identified harmful and (or) dangerous factor of the working environment and work process, which is marked with a "+" sign if it is carried out and there is a protocol for assessing the effectiveness of PPE at the workplace, drawn up in accordance with Form IV, or the "-" sign - if it is not carried out;

in column 5 - the class (subclass) of working conditions for the corresponding identified harmful and (or) dangerous factor of the working environment and the labor process, taking into account the cumulative impact of the identified harmful factors of the working environment and the labor process and the results of assessing the effectiveness of PPE issued to the employee at this workplace ;

10) in the table of line 040 of the Card, the following are indicated:

in column 3 - guarantees and compensations actually provided to the employee as of the date of filling in the Card ("yes" or "no");

in column 4 - the need to provide the employee with appropriate guarantees and compensations ("yes" or "no");

in column 5 - the basis for providing the employee with guarantees and compensations, indicating the relevant regulatory legal act with reference to sections, chapters, articles, paragraphs, in their absence, the entry "absent" is made;

12) the date of its preparation is indicated in the Card. The card is signed by the chairman and members of the commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions, an expert (s) of the organization. The card is also signed by the workers employed at the given workplace.

6. When completing Section IV:

1) in paragraph 1 of the protocol for assessing the effectiveness of personal protective equipment (hereinafter - PPE) at the workplace (hereinafter referred to as the protocol), the date of the assessment is indicated;

2) in paragraph 2 of the protocol, the basis for issuing PPE to the employee is indicated;

3) the table of clause 3 of the protocol shall indicate:

in column 2 - a list of personal protective equipment required for an employee in accordance with current requirements;

in column 3 - the actual issuance of PPE to the employee (yes, no);

in column 4 - whether PPE has a certificate or declaration of conformity (number and validity period);

4) in paragraph 4, the presence of a personal PPE record card filled out in the prescribed manner is indicated;

5) the table of clause 5 of the protocol shall indicate:

in the first column - the name of the harmful and (or) hazardous production factor;

in the second column - the name of the available PPE, which provides protection against harmful and (or) hazardous production factors;

6) in clause 6 of the protocol, the results of evaluating the effectiveness of PPE issued to the employee (positive or negative) are indicated;

7) in clause 7 of the protocol, the final assessments on the provision of PPE to employees, on the protection of PPE employees and on the assessment of the effectiveness of PPE issued to the employee are indicated;

8) the protocol is signed by the chairman and members of the commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions and the expert (s) of the organization.

7. When completing section V:

1) in table 1:

Column 2 indicates the total number of jobs for the employer, as well as the number of employees employed in these jobs, including women, persons under the age of 18 and persons with disabilities;

column 3 indicates the number of workplaces where a special assessment of labor has been carried out, as well as the number of workers employed in these workplaces, including women, persons under the age of 18 and disabled persons;

Columns 4-10 indicate the number of workplaces indicated in column 3, distributed by classes (subclasses) of working conditions, as well as the number of those employed at these workplaces in working conditions characterized by classes (subclasses) of working conditions, workers specified in column 3 including women, persons under the age of 18 and persons with disabilities;

2) in table 2:

column 1 indicates the individual number of the workplace;

column 2 indicates the position, profession or specialty of the employee (s) employed at the given workplace;

in columns 3-16, classes (subclasses) of working conditions at the workplace are indicated when exposed to harmful and (or) dangerous factors of the working environment and the labor process;

column 17 indicates the final class (subclass) of working conditions at the workplace;

column 18 indicates the final class (subclass) of working conditions at the workplace, taking into account the effective use of PPE;

columns 19 - 24 indicate guarantees and compensation for work in harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions ( increased size wages, annual additional paid leave, reduced working hours, milk or other equivalent foodstuffs, therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition, preferential pension benefits).

8. When completing Section VI:

1) column 1 indicates the name of the structural unit, workplace;

2) column 2 indicates the name of the measure to improve working conditions (hereinafter - the measure);

3) column 3 indicates the purpose of the event;

4) column 4 indicates the term for the implementation of the measure;

5) column 5 shall indicate structural units involved in the implementation of the event;

6) in column 6, a mark is put on the implementation of the event.

1 Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of April 1, 2010 N 205n "On approval of the list of services in the field of labor protection, for the provision of which accreditation is required, and the Rules for accreditation of organizations providing services in the field of labor protection" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 29, 2010 N 17648 ), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated September 10, 2010 N 794n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 4, 2010 N 18605), on June 30, 2011 N 644n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 22, 2011 N 21489) and dated November 22, 2011 N 1379n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 20, 2011 N 22690).

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation

"On approval of the Methodology for conducting a special assessment of working conditions, the Classifier of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, the report form for conducting a special assessment of working conditions and instructions for filling it out"

Classifier of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors according to;

the form of the report on the conduct of a special assessment of working conditions according to;

instructions for filling out the report form on conducting a special assessment of working conditions in accordance with.

The minister

Methodology for a special assessment of working conditions

Appendix to the Methodology for Conducting a Special Assessment of Working Conditions

Classifier of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors

Report on the special assessment of working conditions

Instructions for filling out the report form on conducting a special assessment of working conditions

1. A report on a special assessment of working conditions, the form of which is approved in accordance with the procedure established by Federal Law No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013 "On a special assessment of working conditions" (Rossiyskaya Gazeta,

2. When filling out the title page of the Report, the heading shall indicate the full name of the employer, the place of his location and his activities, the taxpayer identification number (TIN) in accordance with the certificate of registration of the employer with the tax authority at the place of his location, the main state registration number ( OGRN) in accordance with the certificate of state registration of the employer and the code of the main type of economic activity of the employer in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED). In addition, the title page contains the surnames, first names, patronymics of the chairman approving the Report, and members of the commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions, certified by their signatures indicating the date of signing the Report. A member of the commission for carrying out a special assessment of working conditions, who does not agree with the results of a special assessment of working conditions, writes a report marked "dissenting opinion".

3. When completing Section I of the Report:

1) clause 1 indicates the full name of the organization that carried out the special assessment of working conditions (hereinafter - the organization) in accordance with its statutory documents;

2) in clause 2, the address of the location and implementation of the organization's activities, contact phone number, e-mail address are indicated;

3) in clauses 3 and 4, the number and date of entry of the organization into the register of organizations conducting a special assessment of working conditions are indicated, respectively; for organizations accredited in accordance with the procedure1 in force prior to the entry into force of the Federal Law No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013 "On Special Assessment of Working Conditions", as organizations providing services for certification of workplaces for working conditions and entered in the register organizations providing services in the field of labor protection, prior to their entry into the register of organizations conducting a special assessment of working conditions, the number and date of entry into the register of organizations providing services in the field of labor protection shall be indicated;

4) in clause 5, the taxpayer identification number (TIN) is indicated in accordance with the Certificate of registration of the organization with the tax authority at the place of its location;

5) in clause 6, the main state registration number (OGRN) is indicated in accordance with the certificate of state registration of the organization;

6) the table in clause 7 indicates:

in column 1 - the registration number of the organization's accreditation certificate;

in column 2 - the date of issue (date, month (in words), year) of the organization's accreditation certificate;

in column 3 - the expiration date (day, month (in words), year) of the organization's accreditation certificate;

7) the table in clause 8 indicates:

in column 1 - the serial number of the expert or other employee of the organization who participated in the special assessment of working conditions (hereinafter - the expert (employee);

in column 2 - the date of the measurements (in numbers, in the format DD.MM.YYYY); The date of the measurements is entered in each item of the table line. If the measurements were carried out continuously by the same expert (employee), the period of the measurements by this expert (employee) is indicated in the corresponding line - the date of the beginning and the end date of the measurements;

in columns 3, 4 - respectively the surname, name, patronymic (if any) in full, the position of the expert (employee);

in columns 5 - 7 - respectively, the number of the expert certificate for the right to perform work on a special assessment of working conditions, the date of its issue (date, month (in words), year) and the registration number in the register of experts of organizations conducting a special assessment of working conditions. During the transition period provided for by the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions", columns 5 - 7 of the table may not be filled in;

8) the table in clause 9 indicates:

in column 1 - the serial number of the measuring instrument of the testing laboratory (center) used in the special assessment of working conditions;

in column 2 - the date of the measurements (in numbers, in the format DD.MM.YYYY);

in column 3 - the name of the harmful and (or) dangerous factor of the working environment and labor process;

in column 4 - the name of the measuring instrument in accordance with the passport for it;

in column 5 - the registration number of the measuring instrument in the State Register of Measuring Instruments;

in column 6 - the serial number of the measuring instrument;

in column 7 - the date of the expiry of the verification period of the measuring instrument.

The information is signed by the head of the organization indicating the surname, first name, patronymic (if any) in full and the date of signing (date, month (in words), year) and certified by the seal of the organization.

4. When completing Section II of the Report:

1) the table indicates:

in column 1 - the individual number of the workplace (no more than 8 characters: from 1 to 99,999,999). Similar jobs are designated by a number with the addition of a capital letter "A".

For example: 365, 1245A;

in column 2 - the name of the workplace with an indication in the genitive case of the name of the position, profession or specialty of the employee employed at this workplace, in accordance with the staffing table and qualification reference books, approved in accordance with the established procedure, as well as sources of harmful and ( or) hazardous factors of the working environment and labor process.

For example: "the workplace of the adjuster of asbestos-cement equipment", "the workplace of the accumulator"; "Galvanic bath", "thermal equipment";

in column 3 - in figures the number of workers employed at this workplace;

in column 4 - the presence of a similar workplace (workplaces) with an indication of their individual numbers;

in columns 5 - 19 - the results of identification of potentially harmful and (or) dangerous factors of the working environment and the labor process and the duration of their impact on the employee during the working day (shift). At the same time, if harmful and (or) dangerous factors of the working environment and labor process are identified at the workplace, then at the intersection of the corresponding row and column, the duration of exposure to the corresponding factor (in hours) is indicated, if harmful and (or) dangerous factors are not identified at the workplace. the production environment and the labor process, then at the intersection of the corresponding row and column of the table, a "-" sign is put down;

2) Section II of the Report is signed by the chairman, members of the commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions and an expert (experts) of the organization, while indicating the surnames, names, patronymics (if any) of the specified persons, certified by their signatures indicating the date of signing.

5. When completing Section III of the Report:

1) in the table containing information about the employer:

the first line contains the full name of the employer, the address of the employer's location, surname, name, patronymic of the manager, e-mail address;

the second line indicates:

in the first column - the taxpayer identification number (TIN) in accordance with the certificate of registration of the employer with the tax authority at the place of its location;

in the second column - the employer's code in the all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations in accordance with the Rosstat information letter;

in column 3 - the code of the state authority in accordance with the all-Russian classifier of state authorities and administration (taking into account the information letter from Rosstat about accounting in the statistical register);

in column 4 - the code of the type of economic activity of the employer in accordance with the all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity;

in column 5 - the code of the territory in which the employer is located and / or carries out its activities, according to the all-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division;

2) in the first line of the form of a special assessment of working conditions (hereinafter referred to as the Card), the name of the position, profession or specialty of the employee is indicated in accordance with the staffing table of the organization approved by the employer, and the corresponding code of the position, profession or specialty in accordance with qualification reference books approved in accordance with the established procedure ... Additional information may be provided indicating that the position, profession or specialty is derived. In the absence of the corresponding position, profession or specialty code in the qualification reference books approved in accordance with the established procedure, an entry is made: “None”. It is allowed to add clarifying information in brackets to the name of the position, profession or specialty, which makes it easier to identify the workplace;

3) in the line "Name of the structural unit" of the Card, the name of the structural unit is indicated, which is filled in in accordance with the employer's name system. If the employer does not have structural divisions, a record is made - "Absent";

4) the line "Number and numbers of similar jobs" of the Card shall indicate the number and numbers of similar jobs, including the workplace for which the Card is filled out. The numbers of workplaces must correspond to the numbers given in the list of workplaces where a special assessment of working conditions was carried out;

5) in line 010 of the Map, a reference is made to the release of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Work and Occupations of Workers (ETKS), the section of the Unified Qualification Reference Book of the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees (TSA), which contains the tariff and qualification characteristic (qualification characteristic) of the profession ( position) of the employee employed at this workplace, the normative legal act by which he was approved, the date and number of the approval are indicated;

6) line 020 of the Card indicates the number of employees employed at this workplace (according to the staffing table or actual) for the month preceding the filling of the Card, as well as the number of employees employed in similar workplaces, including women, persons under the age of 18 years and invalids admitted to work at this workplace;

7) in line 021 of the Card, information about the SNILS of employees is indicated;

8) line 022 of the Card contains a list of equipment used (operated) at the workplace, as well as a list of materials and raw materials used;

9) in the table of row 030 of the Card the following are indicated:

in column 2 - the name of the identified harmful and (or) dangerous factors of the working environment and labor process in accordance with the classifier of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, approved in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law

in column 3 - the class (subclass) of working conditions for the corresponding identified harmful and (or) dangerous factor of the working environment and the labor process, as well as the final class (subclass) of working conditions, taking into account the cumulative impact of the identified harmful and (or) hazardous factors of the working environment and labor process;

in column 4 - an assessment of the effectiveness of personal protective equipment (PPE) issued to the employee for the corresponding identified harmful and (or) dangerous factor of the working environment and work process, which is marked with a "+" sign if it is carried out and there is a protocol for assessing the effectiveness of PPE at the workplace, executed in accordance with Form IV, or with the "-" sign - if it is not carried out;

in column 5 - the class (subclass) of working conditions for the corresponding identified harmful and (or) dangerous factor of the working environment and the labor process, taking into account the cumulative impact of the identified harmful factors of the working environment and the labor process and the results of assessing the effectiveness of PPE issued to the employee at this workplace ;

10) in the table of line 040 of the Card, the following are indicated:

in column 3 - guarantees and compensations actually provided to the employee as of the date of filling in the Card (“yes” or “no”);

in column 4 - the need to provide the employee with appropriate guarantees and compensations ("yes" or "no");

in column 5 - the basis for providing the employee with guarantees and compensations, indicating the relevant regulatory legal act with reference to sections, chapters, articles, paragraphs, in their absence, the entry “absent” is made;

12) the date of its preparation is indicated in the Card. The card is signed by the chairman and members of the commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions, an expert (s) of the organization. The card is also signed by the workers employed at the given workplace.

6. When completing Section IV:

1) in paragraph 1 of the protocol for assessing the effectiveness of personal protective equipment (hereinafter - PPE) at the workplace (hereinafter referred to as the protocol), the date of the assessment is indicated;

2) in paragraph 2 of the protocol, the basis for issuing PPE to the employee is indicated;

3) the table of clause 3 of the protocol shall indicate:

in column 2 - a list of personal protective equipment required for an employee in accordance with current requirements;

in column 3 - the actual issuance of PPE to the employee (yes, no);

in column 4 - whether PPE has a certificate or declaration of conformity (number and validity period);

4) in paragraph 4, the presence of a personal PPE record card filled out in the prescribed manner is indicated;

5) the table of clause 5 of the protocol shall indicate:

in the first column - the name of the harmful and (or) hazardous production factor;

in the second column - the name of the available PPE, which provides protection against harmful and (or) hazardous production factors;

6) in clause 6 of the protocol, the results of evaluating the effectiveness of PPE issued to the employee (positive or negative) are indicated;

7) in clause 7 of the protocol, the final assessments on the provision of PPE to employees, on the protection of PPE employees and on the assessment of the effectiveness of PPE issued to the employee are indicated;

8) the protocol is signed by the chairman and members of the commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions and the expert (s) of the organization.

7. When completing section V:

1) in table 1:

Column 2 indicates the total number of jobs for the employer, as well as the number of employees employed in these jobs, including women, persons under the age of 18 and persons with disabilities;

column 3 indicates the number of workplaces where a special assessment of labor has been carried out, as well as the number of workers employed in these workplaces, including women, persons under the age of 18 and disabled persons;

Columns 4-10 indicate the number of workplaces indicated in column 3, distributed by classes (subclasses) of working conditions, as well as the number of those employed at these workplaces in working conditions characterized by classes (subclasses) of working conditions, workers specified in column 3 including women, persons under the age of 18 and persons with disabilities;

2) in table 2:

column 1 indicates the individual number of the workplace;

column 2 indicates the position, profession or specialty of the employee (s) employed (s) at this workplace;

in columns 3-16, classes (subclasses) of working conditions at the workplace are indicated when exposed to harmful and (or) dangerous factors of the working environment and the labor process;

column 17 indicates the final class (subclass) of working conditions at the workplace;

column 18 indicates the final class (subclass) of working conditions at the workplace, taking into account the effective use of PPE;

columns 19-24 indicate guarantees and compensations for work in harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions (increased wages, annual additional paid leave, reduced working hours, milk or other equivalent food products, therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition, preferential pension security).

8. When completing Section VI:

1) column 1 indicates the name of the structural unit, workplace;

2) column 2 indicates the name of the measure to improve working conditions (hereinafter - the measure);

3) column 3 indicates the purpose of the event;

4) column 4 indicates the term for the implementation of the measure;

5) column 5 indicates the structural units involved in the implementation of the event;

6) in column 6, a mark is put on the implementation of the event.