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How to find out the organization's okud by inn. Okud - all-Russian classifier of management documentation Codes for okud of personnel documents

To simplify the collection of information, there are classifiers containing codes and the corresponding values ​​of various data: territorial characteristics, types of activities, types of services, etc. It is often required to find codes, and this can be done in various databases on the network. When registering or making changes, it is often required to find the OKVED. The entire classifier is presented on the site, and the search menu is located in the left menu. You can search both by codes and by their content. The current classifier can be found on the Guarantor website, where the sections are fully disclosed, and the required code can be found by searching the text of the document. When filling out the reports, it is important to indicate the correct OKATO. You can find OKATO on the website in the Directory of Addresses section. At the address you can find out not only the OKATO, but also the IFTS number, as well as the postal code. The site has a similar functionality, only with more beautiful search forms and the ability to open the IFTS site directly from the search results. However, it is worth noting that in some cases, the OKATO can be installed one for the entire territorial unit, for example, for a city, so it is better to clarify the data with the inspectorate. The site contains a large base of classifiers. You can find codes on it:

  • OKATO - All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative Territorial Division
  • OKV - All-Russian Classifier of Currencies
  • OKVED - All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities
  • OKEI - All-Russian classifier of units of measurement
  • OKNPO - All-Russian classifier of primary vocational education
  • OKOF - All-Russian Classifier of Fixed Assets
  • OKP - All-Russian Classifier of Products
  • OKSM - All-Russian Classifier of the World
  • OKSO - All-Russian classifier of specialties by education
  • OKUD - All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation
  • OKUN - All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population
Many of the classifiers can be useful when filling out various reports and documentation. For example, you may need to find OKUN when filling out UTII, OKEI codes are indicated in many reports, as are OKUD codes. Another popular classifier is KLADR. It is convenient and easy to find KLADR codes on the website However, since 2011, the Federal Tax Service has taken up the creation of its own address system called FIAS (Federal Information Address System). You can find the address in FIAS on the website The appearance of FIAS looks very optimistic, since this base will be used not only by the Federal Tax Service, but also by other services (Russian Post, FMS, State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, Rosreestr, Civil Registry Office, etc.). The abundance of all kinds of classifiers designed to simplify the filling out of documents often raises many questions. Finding codes using these databases should be easier.

OKUD codes without fail are affixed in unified forms of documents. In addition to the indicated blocks (code, check number and name of the object), in some classes of forms, the "Index" (for 3 and 6 classes) and "Periodicity" (for grade 6), for example, annual, quarterly, etc., are also indicated. with the continuity of the designations adopted by the state statistics bodies.

Here the general content of certain forms and their field of application are revealed. The third level of the hierarchy (5, 6 and 7 characters) determines the registration number of the document form. The exception is the documentation for accounting for agricultural products and raw materials, where 5th character is the common one of all operations, and the registration number is indicated by characters 6 and 7. The second block - the name of the object - is the very name of the document form, general or specific for different stages of classification.

How to get statistics codes online

After state registration, the information comes from the tax authorities to the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service, where it is entered into the databases. The information in the databases is updated several times a month, usually after the 15th and 30th-31st of each month. If there is no data in the database yet, and you need the Notification urgently, you can personally contact the territorial statistics at the place of your registration with an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or USRIP. You can find out the addresses of the regional departments of statistics by clicking on the link of your territorial office of the Federal State Statistics Service in the list on the left.

Previously, organizations (legal entities) and individual entrepreneurs could receive the Notice of codes OKPO, OKATO, OKTMO, OKOPF, OKFS, OKOGU on paper only by direct contact with the state statistics authorities by providing an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or USRIP.

How to find out the OKPO code by TIN

The All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) is used to determine the scope of activities of a legal entity, entrepreneur or farm. Assigned upon registration. It is registered in accounting and financial documents. Introduced since 1994.

  1. Go to the site;
  2. Section "About Rosstat", subsection "Territorial Authorities (TOGS)", hereinafter "TOGS Sites";
  3. Select territorial region in which the enterprise is located;
  4. Go to website address the territorial body of the federal state statistics service for the selected subject (displayed below the search line);
  5. Select a section on the main page:
    • database of the statistical register for legal entities persons;
    • database of the statistical register for individual entrepreneurs;
  6. Set the criterion from the drop-down list search: by TIN;
  7. Enter the TIN number of the enterprise.

Taxes made easy

To simplify the collection of information, there are classifiers containing codes and corresponding values ​​of various data: territorial characteristics, types of activities, types of services, etc. It is often required to find codes, and this can be done in various databases on the network.

When filling out the reports, it is important to indicate the correct OKATO. You can find OKATO on the website in the Directory of Addresses section. At the address you can find out not only the OKATO, but also the IFTS number, as well as the postal code. The site has a similar functionality, only with more beautiful search forms and the ability to open the IFTS site directly from the search results. However, it is worth noting that in some cases, the OKATO can be installed one for the entire territorial unit, for example, for a city, so it is better to clarify the data with the inspectorate.

How to find out the OKPO of an organization: site analysis

Answer. Yes. This form is not included in the OKUD system and is for reference and information purposes. That is, there is no need to print it on letterhead or to certify it with the statistics authorities, since this document does not meet the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003 "Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation".

  1. Information exchange between departments (MIFNS, Rosstat, Pension Fund of Russia, FSS, etc.)
  2. Compatibility of software between departments of economic objects;
  3. Identification of firms and individual entrepreneurs;
  4. Comparability of economic data and statistical observations;
  5. Grouping data according to classification criteria;
  6. Implementation of the forecast of social and economic development of the territories of the Russian Federation;
  7. Automatic data processing.

Obtaining information about the OKPO IP code and organization

The easiest way to find out the OKPO of an organization is to look at the registration documents, where all its details and data are reflected. After state registration, each legal entity receives a notification about the assignment of an OKPO code, which is sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

This notice can be described as an information and reference document that is not named in the system of organizational and administrative documentation (it is determined by the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD)), and as a result, it should not meet the requirements for the preparation and execution of documents established by GOST R 6.30 -2003 "Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation".

OKUD code - purpose, regulation features and its use

Each document, drawn up by a legal entity or privately, has a belonging to one or another class of subordination or affiliation. Accordingly, it should be accounted for according to the classifier with a certain frequency. This is required for regular updating of data in order to register them with statistics authorities.

  • Reduce the number of previously used forms;
  • Arrange the flow of information;
  • Provide a systematic record of standardized samples of documents on the basis of their fixation;
  • Provide oversight of the composition of the forms and the elimination of repetition of information possible in the management area;
  • Monitor the use of standardized forms.

OKPO 2020 classifier: definition, search and decoding

Its main task is to determine the industry in which a given enterprise or organization operates. This is the main state classifier that unites subjects by industry. Unlike OKVED, which carries complete, detailed information about an economic entity, OKPO gives only a general idea of ​​the industry.

  • OKATO- the code of objects according to the administrative-territorial division, it is used to determine where this or that subject is located;
  • OKFS denotes the form of ownership of an enterprise or organization;
  • OKOGU presents the code of government bodies, by which you can find out who is subordinate to this government;
  • OKOPF contains information regarding the organizational and legal form of the enterprise;
  • OKVED characterizes the type of economic activity;
  • OKTMO- accurate data on the territory of municipal significance where the business entity is located.

How to find out OKPO for individual entrepreneurs quickly and correctly

This code, first of all, is indicated in the extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, which, along with other registration documents, is issued by the individual entrepreneur in the tax service. This statement can be requested from the tax office as needed and later. To do this, you must fill out the appropriate application and within 5 days the document will be sent to your mailing address. Today, an extract from the USRIP can also be obtained in electronic form using a special online service of the Federal Tax Service.

Upon registration, each entrepreneur and legal entity receives their OKPO code. OKPO stands for the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations. This classifier is designed to systematize information about business entities and simplify the work of various government agencies. The code itself is intended to identify an enterprise or entrepreneur in any system of Rosstat and other government agencies. It is assigned based on the industry in which the business entity operates, and if he decided to change the field of activity, then the identifier for him will also change.

How to find out and get TIN statistics codes for an organization

  • open a current account with a banking institution;
  • get a state license;
  • participate in government tenders;
  • open new branches;
  • change information about the individual entrepreneur (name, registration)
  • receive the necessary documentation from the customs department;
  • change the legal address and / or company name;
  • to undergo special checks by auditors.
  1. When registering an enterprise or individual entrepreneur... The notification of statistical codes is issued to the person immediately after it has been registered, along with the set with the rest of the documentation.
  2. If the notification was not issued by the tax authorities, then it can be obtained at territorial department of the State Statistics Service... To do this, you need to write an application, provide a passport, duplicates of the document on state registration and that the person was assigned a TIN, information from the USRIP. A duplicate of the company's Articles of Association may also be requested from the founder of the company. In this case, the Notice is issued within five working days. It can be noted that there is no need to certify duplicate documents in order to receive a notification.
  3. For information on statistical codes, you can contact for services at legal company specializing in helping entrepreneurs. First, you need to conclude an agreement on the provision of services, after which the law firm will take on the responsibility to submit an application and receive ready-made documentation. You can order such a service online. In this case, the delivery of the notification will be carried out by the courier at the address indicated.
05 Aug 2018 3043

Any standard documentation contains OKUD codes. They are used to classify certain actions, further streamlining the workflow in the enterprise. They fit into some documents by default. For example, when a vacation order is issued or documents for dismissal are being prepared.

This abbreviation hides the decoding - the all-Russian classifier of management documentation. In 1993, it was decided to give all used documents a proper look so that they could be systematized. We are talking about those securities with the help of which the structure is managed. Each order or statement received a unique code.

The classifier has been changed several times. First in 2017 (June) and then in 2018.

These codes are needed for the organizational work of enterprises, no matter what form of ownership they are in.

The main purpose of the classifier:

  1. The use of systematized codes leads to the fact that unnecessary forms leave the workflow. The general reduction in the number of papers has a positive effect on organizational work as a whole.
  2. Thanks to the codes, the system receives the latest information.
  3. There is a clear regulation of the accounting of securities that were created in a standard form.
  4. OKUD helps to analyze the composition of the form so that there are no similar duplicates.
  5. OKUD is, first of all, control over how standard reporting forms are used.

The development of codes is carried out by special departments that are responsible for the uniformity of the documentation system. And the final versions are approved by the Ministries.

What do the numbers in the OKUD code mean?

Each document flow process is accompanied by a standard form. It has an 8-digit code. The first 7 digits are for classes and subclasses, and the 8th digit is a check number.

  1. The first 2 digits indicate which class the form belongs to. If the secretary sees the numbers 0 and 9, then this means that in front of her is all the documentation containing data about the Pension Fund.
  2. Further, the numerical designation suggests which subclass of forms we are talking about, and also indicates how they are used. If a person sees in front of him a document with the second digits 01, then we can conclude that the papers contain information about the distribution of funds.
  3. The next three numbers indicate how the form was registered, that is, its serial number.
  4. The trailing digit is the check digit.

For example: 09010046 Payroll for insurance contributions to the Pension Fund 09 - form class (Unified system of documentation of the Pension Fund) 01 - subclass (Documentation for accounting and distribution of funds) 004 - serial number (Payroll for insurance contributions to the Pension Fund 6 - control number

How to find out the code of the form by OKUD

In order to use the codes correctly in your work, you need to know all their designations. And the statistics agency will help with this. When a business activity of any company or individual entrepreneur begins, codes are assigned by default. They also include OKUD codes.

If the employee knows the TIN of the organization, then you can use the following methods:

  1. Draw up a request and send it to the statistics authority. It should be geographically tied to the enterprise for which the request is made.
  2. Use the help of intermediaries. There are special law firms that, for a small fee, find out all the codes on their own.
  3. Go to the website of the State Statistics ( and find all the data of interest on your own.

The first two methods are time consuming. If you use online resources, information is easy to get much faster.

Examples of OKUD form

  1. Code "0200000"... This code has 13 more subclasses. They regulate the information, regulatory and other activities of enterprises. With the help of these codes in the documents, you can understand what information is contained: the liquidation of the enterprise, the process of privatization, or reorganization. In addition, these OKUD codes help to classify the workflow associated with hiring, dismissing people, transferring, calculating bonus incentives, and issuing leave.
  2. If the employee sees code "0300000", which means that we are talking about the systematization of primary information. It has 11 subclasses. And they relate more to the accounting of the enterprise: payroll, control of labor activity, cash reporting, control of the material and technical base, inventory, report on repair work.
  3. Using code "0400000" we can talk about the belonging of the documentation to the banking sector. It has 8 more codes.
  4. Code "0500000"- these are all budget documents.
  5. Codes with numbers "0600000" control all reports and documents on statistics.
  6. Household objects use code "0700000".
  7. When classifying labor relations, it is used code "0800000".
  8. Document flow for pension securities, regulate codes "0900000".
  9. Foreign trade activity is codes "1000000"... She has 7 more additional codes. Their task is to regulate documents on foreign trade operations.

Detailed list of indicators

OKUD 0200000 2 Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation
OKUD 0211000 0 Organization, enterprise creation documentation
OKUD 0212000 4 Organization, enterprise reorganization documentation
OKUD 0213000 8 Documentation for the liquidation of an organization, enterprise
OKUD 0214000 1 Documentation on the privatization of state and municipal organizations, enterprises
OKUD 0251000 1 Documentation on the administrative activities of the organization, enterprise
OKUD 0252000 5 Documentation on organizational and normative regulation of the activities of an organization, an enterprise
OKUD 0253000 9 Documentation on the operational information regulation of the activities of an organization, an enterprise
OKUD 0281000 0 Recruitment Documentation
OKUD 0281000 3 Transfer Documentation
OKUD 0283000 7 Dismissal documentation
OKUD 0284000 0 Vacation documentation
OKUD 0285000 4 Documentation for registration of incentives
OKUD 0286000 8 Disciplinary action documentation
OKUD 0300000 1 Unified system of primary accounting documentation
OKUD 0400000 8 Unified Banking Documentation System
OKUD 0500000 9 Unified system of accounting, financial, accounting and reporting documentation for the public sector of government
OKUD 0600000 1 Unified system of reporting and statistical documentation
OKUD 0700000 Unified system of reporting and accounting documentation of enterprises
OKUD 0800000 5 Unified labor documentation system
OKUD 0900000 7 Unified system of documents of the pension fund of the Russian Federation
OKUD 1000000 1 Unified system of foreign trade documentation
OKUD 403203 7 Information on the identification of incidents related to the violation of the requirements for ensuring the protection of information when making money transfers

In the Russian Federation, a unified system of coding and classification of information arrays is used. It consists of separate classifiers covering different areas of information provided to statistical authorities. All-Russian classifiers are known, for example, OKOF (fixed assets), OKUN (services to the population), OKEI (units of measurement) and a number of others. Part of this system is OKUD - a classifier of management documentation, used, like others, on a nationwide scale.

OKUD: purpose and history of changes

OKUD (or OK 011-93) approved on 30/12/93 by Gosstandart, Resolution No. 299, began to operate from 01/07/94. The classifier was repeatedly updated and supplemented. Currently, the version of the document dated 12/12/18 is valid.

Gosstandart has prepared one more change (108) from 27/12/18. It comes into force on 01/03/19. The text of the changes is officially published in the information index "National Standards". In addition to the obvious goal - to reduce the number of forms used, the classifier is needed to solve certain problems of accounting and information processing, such as:

  1. Creation of conditions for excluding non-standardized documents from circulation (reducing their number). The legislator considers unified forms to be more convenient to use.
  2. Registration of forms, and then their accounting, systematization.
  3. Creation and maintenance of orderliness of information about economic life.
  4. Control in the regions over the use of unified forms of documentation.
  5. Control of the content of forms in order to exclude duplicate information from them.

On a note! Earlier in Russia, the all-Union KUD under the number 1 89 012 was used.

All-Russian documents used in intersectoral, interdepartmental document flow and developed in ministries (departments) are classified.

OKUD structure

The classifier is a list of names and codes of forms of documentation, grouped by block-systems: organizational and administrative, primary accounting, established by the Bank of the Russian Federation and other documentation.

Each such block itself unites similar groups of documents, for example, the organizational and administrative block consists of grouped forms for creation, liquidation, reorganization. Each such group contains documents of the same type.

Based on the foregoing, you can determine the structure of the code:

  • the first two digits are the class;
  • the second two digits are the subclass;
  • third group of numbers, three positions - form number;
  • figure for control.

Example: OKUD code 02 11 111 7, “Organization Regulations”. Class 02 - "organizational and administrative", subclass 11 - "on the creation of an organization", 111 - "registration serial number of the regulation on the organization." Having decrypted the code, you can get complete information about the form and its purpose. The number that controls the correctness of entering the code is 7.

For some groups of documents, the code may change somewhat due to the prevailing coding practice. For example, class 03 contains one more link of code. The groups of documents on the accounting of agricultural products, agricultural raw materials, by industry are especially distinguished.

Classes 60-79 are not listed in the document. They are assigned to the Russian Armed Forces.

On the basis of the current OKUD, federal executive power structures can create their own forms for controlled organizations, coordinating their creation with the Committee on Statistics (decree of Pr-va No. 835 of 8/07/97). They use class 03. If industry-specific or departmental classifiers are created and there is a need to create new classes, the codes from 80 to 99, reserved by the creator, are used.

Organization documents and OKUD

When developing internal organizational documentation that is not unified (or approval for the use of a unified one), the question of OKUD often arises. Is it necessary to apply OKUD when approving individual documents or an album of unified forms in an organization, or to act according to the rules of its formation when developing your own forms? Is this requisite mandatory?

FZ-402 of 6/12/11, Art. 9, defines the mandatory details of the document:

  • title;
  • company name;
  • date;
  • the content of the event of economic life;
  • meters - natural or monetary;
  • fixed value;
  • the signature of the person in charge, with a transcript, position.

The OKUD code, as mandatory, is not named in the Federal Law, from which it follows that the absence of OKUD does not invalidate the document. Departmental documents confirm this position (for example, document of the Ministry of Finance No. PZ-10/2012 dated 4/12/12, letter from Rostrud No. PG / 1487-6-1 dated 14/02/13).

At the same time, if the organization uses OKUD of unified forms everywhere, then this is not a violation. When downloading a form from the network or using a typographic OKUD, it may be absent for the reason indicated above: it is an optional requisite or the form is not unified.

To accurately determine the OKUD document, you should contact the statistical authority with a request. It may take some time to wait for a response. You can speed up the receipt of information by going to the official website of the State Statistics Committee and finding the information yourself. A formal request makes sense if this information must then be provided to official authorities, for example, to a court.


  1. OKUD is a classifier of administrative forms of documents of a unified nature adopted in Russia. The code includes class, subclass, document registration number and check digit.
  2. Some classes take into account the peculiarities of the documents included in them by adding additional links to the code. Classes are reserved in the classifier for the "defense" industry and for new classes of documentation, if the need arises to use them.
  3. OKUD is not a mandatory requisite of the document, although it is usually affixed in the form. Statistical bodies can provide information on OKUD upon request.

Standard forms bear the OKUD code. You don't need to specifically find and specify a classifier. We will tell you what the OKUD code is, what information can be extracted from it and how to find out the codes of the documents used in the organization.

Related documents:

OKUD - what is it and where to get it

Forms of unified forms, which often have to be used by the secretary, personal cards, business assignments for a business trip, already contain the column "OKUD code". This document requisite is already filled in in the finished form and you do not need to add anything. But for a real professional it is better to understand what OKUD is, where to get it and what is hidden behind the code numbers.

The abbreviation OKUD stands for the all-Russian classifier of management documentation. In 1993, this classifier systematized all forms of documents that are used in the process of enterprise management. Each of them was assigned their own unique OKUD code.

In 2017, OKUD was published in a new edition. It is valid from June 1, 2017. In 2018, OKUD 011-93 is applied with amendment No. 97 dated May 4, 2017. In 2019, from August 1, amendment No. 112/2019 OKUD.

OKUD codes are used in the work of organizations of all forms of ownership and legal status. They are developed by specialists in unified documentation systems, after which it is approved at the level of ministries and departments of the Russian Federation. On the basis of the current OKUD, federal executive authorities have the right to independently develop their own forms for controlled organizations. In this case, the created forms must be coordinated with the Committee on Statistics. According to the code, it is determined to which of the processes of documentary support of management (DOU) this or that form belongs.

OKUD codes

Form name

Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation

Unified system of primary accounting documentation

Unified system of documentation established by the Bank of Russia

Unified system of budgetary financial, accounting and reporting documentation

Unified system of reporting and statistical documentation

Unified system of accounting and reporting accounting documentation of enterprises

Unified labor documentation system

Unified system of documentation for the pension fund of the russian federation

Unified system of foreign trade documentation

The use of the classifier allows:

  • reduce the number of forms that were previously used;
  • systematize information flows;
  • to facilitate and streamline the accounting of documents created according to standard forms;
  • ensure control over the content of the forms and eliminate the possibility of duplication of data in the field of preschool educational institutions;
  • control the use of standard forms of forms.

Where to get the OKUD code

As a rule, in his work the secretary uses ready-made standard and unified forms and forms of documents. Forms are designed to facilitate and speed up the process of paperwork and drafting. Therefore, the main part of them has already been filled in, and the fields are highlighted for the rest. The OKUD code also belongs to those details that are already entered in the form, so the secretary no longer needs to search for it and enter it in the allotted field.

How to write numbers in the details of documents

How to write a flawless document

The OKUD code, among other statistical codes, is assigned by the territorial statistical office at the time of the creation and registration of the organization. And, since all organizations are assigned an individual taxpayer number (TIN) during tax registration, anyone can find out which company OKUD has been assigned by TIN, if the taxpayer number is known. Thus, you can find out the classifiers not only for your company, but also for any enterprise with which you do business.

To get information about OKUD codes assigned to counterparties, you need:

  1. Make a request to the state statistics body at the place of registration of the company.
  2. Contact an intermediary law firm.
  3. To independently find the necessary information on the Internet on the website of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. To do this, you need to know where the company was registered.

If it takes some time to obtain information using the first two options, then via the Internet you can get the data you need instantly.

What do the numbers in the OKUD code mean?

A standard unified form has been approved for each of the processes of documentary management support (DOU). Each form is assigned an eight-digit code - seven digits carry information about the class, subclass and document number, and the eighth is a check number.

  • The first two digits are the shape class. For example 09 is all documentation related to the Pension Fund.
  • The next two digits are the subclass of the form, the direction of its use. For example, 01 - documentation on the distribution of funds and their accounting.
  • The last three digits are the serial number of the document that is issued upon registration. For example, 004 is an insurance premium payroll.
  • The last digit is the check digit.

Does an organization need to apply OKUD when developing its own unified forms

Since 2013, employers have been relieved of the obligation to use exclusively unified forms developed by Goskomstat in document circulation. Organizations have the right to independently develop samples and forms of documents used in accounting policies.

In this case, one should be guided by the new GOST R.7.0.97-2016 and the provisions of the Federal Law "On Accounting" FZ-402 dated 6.12.11. Article 9 of this law lists the requisites that are mandatory, these are:

  • document's name;
  • name of company;
  • date of creation of the document;
  • the content of the event of economic life;
  • meters - natural or monetary;
  • fixed values;
  • the signature of the responsible person, with a decryption and indication of the position.

As you can see, there is no OKUD code in the list, which means that its absence does not deprive the document of its legal significance and force. It will not be considered a violation if the company puts down the OKUD code on forms developed independently.

If you decide to specify the code on forms that the organization has developed for its own purposes, it is important to specify the encoding correctly. In order not to be mistaken, we recommend that you contact the territorial statistics bodies with a request. If there is no time to wait for an answer, find the necessary information on the official website of the State Statistics Committee.

Examples of OKUD

Code 0200000

The classifier starting with the digits 02 encodes all organizational and administrative documentation of the enterprise... After the numbers 02, thirteen more qualifying codes are possible, which designate various subclasses of documents. This includes securities related to the creation, liquidation and reorganization of companies; hiring, dismissing and transferring employees; the appointment of bonuses and the imposition of penalties; registration of vacations.

OKUD: document codes

Code 0300000

The classifier starting with the digits 03 encodes all documentation for accounting... After the numbers 03, eleven more qualifying codes are possible, denoting various subclasses of documents. This includes papers related to accounting, wages, materials control, construction and repair work, the use of technology, and the implementation of cash discipline.

Order to terminate an employment contract

Code 0400000

The classifier starting with the numbers 04 encodes all bank records... After the numbers 04, eight more qualifying codes are possible, denoting various subclasses of documents. This includes forms for accounting, money flow, matching, accounting for deposits, documents for controlling settlements with advice notes and currency movements

Code 0500000

The classifier starting with the digits 05 encodes all documentation related to company budget and finance... After the digits 05, five more qualifying codes are possible. These include financial forms, budget reports, information provided to the Accounts Chamber and the Government of the Russian Federation.

Calculation note on the calculation of average earnings when granting leave, dismissal and other cases

Download a sample note

Code 0600000

Classifier starting with 06 includes explanatory documentation... After 06, eighteen more codes are possible, denoting the various subclasses. These include papers on demography and income of the population, documents related to retail and wholesale trade, agriculture, investment and construction. This group includes crime reports.

Code 0700000

Classifier starting with 07 includes business papers of business entities... After the digits 07, only five subclasses are possible - strict reporting documents, accounting registers, primary documentation, travel vouchers and reporting accounting documentation.

Code 0800000

Classifier starting with 08 includes labor documents... After the digits 08, six more qualifying subclasses are possible. These include papers on markets and labor protection, statements to the labor inspectorate and other documents related to labor relations.

Code 0900000

Classifier starting with numbers 09 includes all documents related to To the Pension Fund... After the numbers 09, there are three possible subclasses - various forms for keeping records and distributing funds.

Code 1000000

The classifier, starting with the numbers 10, codes business papers associated with foreign trade activities... After the numbers 10, seven more qualifying subclasses are possible.

Sample forms with codes according to OKUD

Use the forms in which the OKUD codes are indicated. This is a guarantee that all the necessary information and required details in such forms are present.

OKUD 0504421. Time sheet (fragment)

Download sample form

OKUD 0504505. Advance report (fragment)

Download sample form

OKUD 0504816. The act of writing off the forms of strict reporting (fragment)