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What is the number of children to 1.5 years translate. In what numbers in Russia lists children's benefits. One-time allowance for registration in early time

From January 1, 2018, in Russia there is a program for the provision of a monthly benefit when the first or second child appears in the family. In the people, these payments were called "Presidential" or "Putin", as they were developed on behalf of Vladimir Putin (No. 418-ФЗ dated 12.28.2017). On the first child, the manual is paid from the federal budget, and on the second - from the means of maternal capital.

Since 2018, the family in which the second child was born or adopted can issue monthly payments before the child's execution for 3 years. These payments are called "Putin" or "presidential", since the relevant law (No. 418-ФЗ dated December 28, 2017 on monthly payments to families with children) was developed on the initiative of Vladimir Putin to support the birth rate in Russia.


06/20/2019 at 16:34

The child's benefit to the poor families was established by the Federal Law of 19.05.1995 No. 81-ФЗ on government aids, but the order, conditions and amounts of payments are determined by regional legislation. As a rule, benefits are laid by families in which the average income in three months below subsistence minimum (PM) region. The amount of payments on average is approximately 300 rubles.

06/20/2019 at 12:45.

The procedure and conditions for making a child benefit to 18 years for poor familiesWhose average income does not exceed the established value - in most cases it is the cost of living the region, determine the authorities of the subject. Most often, parents have the right to pay for a child under 18 years old, if he is studying at school (lyceum, gymnasium) - otherwise it is usually laid only up to 16 years.

06/19/2019 at 12:33

When the child marks 1.5 years, many children's benefits are ceased to be paid (including "Putin"), after three years - no longer provided cash compensation. However, the regional legislation has made payments that can be issued after the child is three years old.

06/18/2019 at 17:36

Law No. 323-ФЗ On the basis of health protection of 11/21/2011, it establishes that pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 3 years have the right to a full-fledged nutrition allowance, which may be issued as in kind (specialized set of products), so and in the form of monetary compensation.

06/10/2019 at 17:55.

A visit to the child of the kindergarten in 2020, his parents (or persons replacing them) are paid. On the federal level Compensation of part of the paid money, the size of which varies depending on the procedure for the appearance of children in the family. In order to get compensation, you must submit a statement into a pre-school organization.

06/05/2019 at 17:33

The mother of the child's child's call has the right to receive a monthly benefit. In addition to her, the payments or other relative of a child who actually carries over it can claim. The right to the manual passes a relative after the death of the mother, depriving her parental rights, recognition of the incapable and in other cases provided for by law.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2009 No. 1219 From November 1, 2009, a new monthly allowance for the loss of the breadwinner was established. From February 1, 2020, its size is 2457.60 rubles. per month.


Citizens of Russia, which is on a child care for a child under three years, is provided with a monthly allowance in the amount of 40% of average earnings, but only during the first one and a half years. Further, for almost two decades of child care for up to 3 years, families with children were provided only by the "funny" monthly compensation from the employer in the amount of 50 rubles, in no way corresponding to the current level of prices, which is a large problem for parents, taking into account the acute shortage of yasery groups (for a long time to send a child in kindergarten In most regions, it was possible only after 3 years).

The Government of the Russian Federation annually index the amount of benefits from February 1 of the current year (the Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ).

Benefits pregnant women

BIR (pregnancy and childbirth). It is calculated depending on the salary of the feminine. The exact calculator is given at the maternity. What week go on vacation how pregnancy is paid.

12 496,62 rub. - a regional one-time allowance for pregnant women who are registered with honeycombs in early pregnancy time (up to 12 weeks) who have passed the prenatal (prenatal) diagnosis of violations of the child's development in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy in medorganizations.

675,15 rub. - Federal lump-sum allowance for women who are registered in a medical institution in early terms.

27 680,97 rubles. - one-time allowance for a pregnant wife of a soldier passing military service By call, provided that the term of pregnancy is at least 180 days.

Monthly benefits for child care

Care allowance up to 1.5 years.40% of the average earnings in the two previous years - allowance for childcare leave up to 1.5 years. Minimum for working - 40% - 4852.00 rubles. For non-working persons - 3375.77 rubles. - on the first child, 6751.54 rubles. - On the second and subsequent children.

395,53 rub. - regional benefit Children under 16 years old. The amount increases to 593.29 rubles, if the parent refuses to pay alimony or consists of an urgent service, up to 791.04 rubles. - For single mothers.

~ 10,000 rubles. - handbook on "firstborn" Support from the state within the project " Financial support Families at the birth of children. " It is assigned in connection with the birth of the first child to families with an average per capita income that does not exceed the 1.5-fold amount of the subsistence minimum. Up to 1.5 years.

~ 10 000 rubles. - Regional benefit at the birth of a third and subsequent child For poor families. Up to three years.

~ 5500 rubles. - Monthly - the promise of the President of the people in the Epistle to the Federal Assembly.

11 863.27 rub. - Manual for a child of a conscript.

3 000 rubles. - Regional benefit on the second child from 1.5 to 3 years, in poor families, and not receiving a monthly allowance for child care and (or) monthly payments for each child before reaching the age of 3 years in accordance with Chernobyl law.

3 000 rubles. - The same conditions as in the above allowance, on the first child from 1.5 to 3 years, a woman who has not reached the birthday of a child of 25 years of age

4 000 rub. - The same conditions as in the above allowance, on a child from birth to 3 years, provided that parents (parent) are students.

1977.60 rub. - Monthly regional allowance for large families.

444,41 rub. - Monthly regional payment For children up to a year for full nutrition, for poor families that granted a doctor about the need for improved nutrition. The same payment for children from the year to three years - 387,12 rubles, for pregnant women and nursing - 666.49 rubles.

4 500 rubles. - Regional monthly payment on the first child aged 1.5 to 3 years, not secured by a place in kindergarten.

Note: find out

1 977.60 rubles. - Payments for each of the children of a large or adopted mother, awarded the honorary sign "Maternal Glory", until they achieve majority.

One-time payments

Note: What federal allowances for children ?

18 004,12 rub. - Federal allowance for the birth of a child.

12 334,72 rub. - A regional benefit on a child additionally to the manual established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Get families in which:

  • one of the parents is a full-time student learning in the highest or professional educational institution of the region;
  • at the birth of the first child, the average income on the family member for the previous 3 months does not exceed the cost of living;
  • born the second, third and subsequent;
  • twin or triple.

91 227.93 rub. - One-time payment when awarding the regional honorary sign "Maternal Glory".

Note: find out

65 919.70 rubles. - regional Matkapital., It is given to women who born or adopted the third or subsequent children.

Adoption of children

Federal lump-sum benefits in adoption

  • 17 479,72 rub. - when adopting a child;
  • 133 559, 36 rubles. - allowance for the adoption of a disabled child, a child over the age of 7, as well as children who are brothers and (or) sisters.

Regional benefits for adoption

Adopters registered at the place of permanent residence from the budget of the region:

At the same time:
  • 16 371, 68 rubles. - on the first adopted (adopted) child,
  • 53 735, 49 rubles. - on the second and each subsequent adopted;
  • 509 983.13 rub. - on the adopted (adopted) child with limited features Health or a disabled child;
  • 47 606.19 rub. - a unite allowance for the purchase of household appliances and (or) furniture in adoption (adoption) of a child with disabilities or a child's disabled person.
  • 4 192,51 rub. - for each adopted (adopted) child;
  • 21 397.64 rub. - On each adopted child with disabilities or a disabled child.

Part of the second article 9 of the Federal Law of 02.12.2018 No. 349-FZ "On federal budget For 2019 and the planning period 2020 and 2021, the size of indexation is set in 2019 state manuals Citizens who have children on 4.3% , and provided for by the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ "On government benefits to citizens having children", from February 1, 2020 - 1,03 . Therefore, it changes by 3%.

Note: The Russian government annually indexes a manual since February 1 of the current year (Art. 4.2 of the Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ).

The magnitude and indexation of benefits to citizens who have children up to 1.5 years in 2020

Minimum wage from January 1, 2020 (Mrot) \u003d 12130 rubles.

Maternal (family) Capital 2020 \u003d 466 617 rub.

1. One-time allowance for women in 2020 \u003d 675,15 rub.
staging in medical institutions in early pregnancy

2019 \u003d 655,49 rub.
2018 \u003d 632,76 rubles.
2017 \u003d 613.14 rubles.
2016 \u003d 581,73 rubles
2015 \u003d 543,67 rubles
2014 \u003d 515.32 rubles
2013 \u003d 490.79 rub.
2012 \u003d 465.2 rub.
2011 \u003d 438.87 rubles.

Note: the federal law dated May 19, 1995 "On state benefits to citizens who have children", Art. 10

2. One-time allowance at the birth of a child in 2020 \u003d 18 004,12 rub.

Note: as well as when the child's transfer to family education

  • 2019 \u003d 17 479,73 rubles
  • 2018 \u003d 16 759,09 rub
  • 2017 \u003d 16 350,33 rub
  • 2016 \u003d 15 512,65 rub.
  • 2015 \u003d 14,497,80 rubles.
  • 2014 \u003d 13 741,97 rub.
  • 2013 \u003d 13 087.61 rub.
  • 2012 \u003d 12 405.32 rubles.
  • 2011 \u003d 11 703,13 rubles.
  • 2010 \u003d 10 988,85 rub.

Note: Federal Law of May 19, 1995 "On State Guidelines for Citizens with Children"

3. Minimum benefit size. Monthly allowance for the child's care period in 2020

4. Monthly allowance for the child care period in 2020

5. Maximum child benefit size for working in 2020

Child manual indexing coefficient 2020 table

When, from what week go to maternity leave In 2020, as paid and the allowance is charged. How long does pregnancy and childbirth begins? What should you expect if you are young mom and are you going to take a maternity leave at work? In the article, everything is described in detail how to calculate maternity payments in 2020, as well as are accrued and decrepid for all women are paid.

What benefits in 2019 pay monthly

The existing system of benefits in the Russian Federation today is quite complicated, it is regulated by various regulatory documentsTherefore, the confusion is in order and the timing of payments - the usual thing. Therefore, before considering the question of what number is charged for children's benefits of 2019, briefly tell about the system of benefits itself.

Article 3 of the Law "On State Guidelines, citizens with children" of 05/19/1995 No. 81-FZ provides 8 different types of benefits, which are paid from the moment of pregnancy and until the child reaches the age of 16:

  • when registering in early gestation periods (once);
  • in connection with motherhood (once);
  • at the birth of a child (once);
  • before reaching 1.5 years (monthly);
  • until the age of 16 (as a rule, monthly);
  • when passing a child in a family (once);
  • pregnant wife of a conscript serviceman (once);
  • on a child of a conscript serviceman (monthly).

The listed payouts are one-time when the entire amount of the benefit is paid once regardless of the timing and method of accrual, as well as monthly. If the benefit is paying an organization where the parent works, it is issued with another salary. If the allowance is paid organs of social protection, then the payment for the previous month should take place no later than the 26th of the current month.

Features of each target payment Consider separately.

In what numbers are given a maternity allowance and in the case of motherhood

Working women undergoing service or studied, maternity allowance is paid at the place of work or in educational institution. The accrual of the administration is given 10 days from the date of application and confirm documents.

If a woman does not work for 12 months due to the elimination of the organization until the unemployed is recognized, the manual will pay the body of social protection, according to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "On approval of the procedure and conditions for the appointment and payment of public benefits ..." dated December 23, 2009 No. 1012n. Funds will be paid until the 26th next after the registration of the month of the month.

The allowance for pregnancy up to 12 weeks is paid simultaneously with maternity benefits in a similar manner. According to paragraph 19 of the aforementioned order, it is additional payment For motherhood benefits, therefore, both benefits are paid together.

Payment schedule when issuing child care benefits

This allowance is entitled to receive not only mothers, but also fathers, guardians or other persons who actually take care of the child before reaching it for 1.5 years. However, only one person can receive benefits. The manual is paid monthly within 1.5 years since the birth of a child. Since the payroll is superimposed on maternity benefits, then after childbirth, parents can choose only one manual. Accordingly, after the deadline for the payment of maternity benefits (if the choice was made in his favor) will be accrued to care for the care of the kid to 1.5 years.

Do not know your rights?

If a parent paying for a child is subject to social insurance or is a servant of power structures or the Ministry of Defense, the manual will be issued every month with another salary.

All other citizens, after registering a statement, the allowance is paid every month, while the payment for the past month is produced until the 26th of the current one. Payer will be local organ social protection.

For the accrual of the first payment from the date of reception of documents, 10 days is given, however, the above rules regarding the salary and payment schedule in social protection maintain their effect.

Important! When solving the question, which number charges for children from 1.5 to 3 years old, it is worth remembering that as such a manual does not rely on them. Nevertheless, the right to vacation at the parent is maintained until the child does not reach 3 years.

During this period, the parent has compensation in the amount of 50 rubles. (According to 2019), the procedure for its payment is the same as the benefits. There are talk about the possible lift this amount. In view of the explicit deficiency of this money, the majority of parents are still forced to work, and in such a situation they are deprived of compensation.

When they pay a guide to a child of a citizen designed to the army

The manual for a child soldier-conscript is paid according to the graphics of social protection, i.e. until the 26th of the next month. The recipient is the spouse of the military-ridiculous or guardian of the child in the event of her death, staying in custody or deprivation of rights to upbringing. The manual is paid from the moment of birth before the execution of the child is 3 years old, regardless of the availability of other benefits or compensation. Accordingly, the specified 3-year period is limited to the term of call, i.e. one year.

What is the number of children's childbirth to the child up to 16 years

Size and payment of payments specified manuals Determined in each region separately, unified documentgoverning these issues is not. However, practice comes from already established and proven payments.

If the child's parent works or hosts service in power structures, the administration of the organization must be fulfilled. Accordingly, the same rule is saved relative to the periodicity of payroll calculations. If the parent does not work, then all payments perform the same organs of social protection. Here the approach is also usually uniform.

The child is usually a child, with the exception of cases of its absence, in custody, deprivation of the rights of the parent.

It is worth remembering that the benefits are paid as well as children under 18, if they continue to study at school.

What to do if the delay of payments

The payment schedule of children's benefits is obligatory as for public institutionsand for any other organizations. However, in practice, the delay in the payment of children's benefits is the phenomenon is very common. If we are talking about social protection bodies, then such situations are caused by the late transfer of funds from the budget of the regions. In a number of subjects of the Russian Federation, delay reaches one and a half months. Nevertheless, there should be no reason for concern, since the money will all go to the recipient's account.

Thus, children's benefits are paid in established by federal and regional legislation (depending on the type of benefit). In total, there are 8 types of children's aids with different payments.

What numbers come to children's benefits? This question is interested in a considerable number of people, and not only young parents. Lawyers, accountants, and just interested in those who wanted to know the answer to him too. And since the question is so relevant, we will tell about it further.

In the past 2016, the so-called child allowance increased by 5.5%. A one-time allowance, paying for the birth of a child and the payment from the state of care of the baby was increased more than 1 time. This decision was made with the help of the Federal budget. He was adopted at the end of 2016. It is because of these changes that the procedure for calculating maternity payments will change in 2017.

Features of payout

To determine what numbers are charged on the child, you need to decide which one this is speech. By russian legislation, Mom of the newborn receives them a lot:

  1. Pregnancy benefits. If they are paid to women dismissed from work due to a whole list of reasons, these payments are indexed in the established amount and timing. For example, if the dismissal occurred due to the liquidation of the company.
  2. They still have to pay a one-time amount if they registered in early pregnancy. The benefit is defined.
  3. They must also list the payment at the birth of the baby.
  4. It is also supposed to make a special payment of the military monthly.
  5. The state pays and a one-time allowance in the event that the baby was transferred to the upbringing into another family.
  6. A pregnant wife of a soldier who is privileged service is also obliged to pay a one-time allowance.
  7. The same situation and the toddler of the serviceman already born. His child (more precisely, the official representative of the child, most often his mother) should be obtained a monthly allowance.

The main part of this money is paid at different times. The legislation establishes when each should be paid. If in fact these payments are delayed, this is most often the wines of local authorities.

Back to the category

When can I wait for this money?

The one who is on leave to care for the baby up to 3 years is charged 50 rubles every month. This is said in the presidential decree No. 1110. The procedure and deadlines for the accrual of this extremely small payment are painted in FZ №1206. This amount is paid from the beginning of vacation. Of course, such a minor payment should not be taxed. This does not happen.

Handbook for maternity leave and many others from these payments must come on the day next wages At a woman. Regarding the number you come to the card for children for other reasons, all mothers are confused. Some kind of women make money in the first half of the month, even in early numbers, in some way - in the second one, some of them - in the middle of the month, the 15th. It happens in different numbers every month.

It is not surprising that the bulk of them cannot understand what payments have already come, and what else should it be waiting for, when, in what time it is possible to wait for them. What to do in such cases? Apply to social protection authorities at the place of residence. There, employees should explain in what numbers will mother come to the card for children's benefits and in what size. Young mothers should not worry - put money in law anyway will come. Government can linger. The money from the region most often come precisely in those times that promise social security authorities.

Publication date: 03/29/2020

Last updated: 03/29/2020

For many young parents, child care allowance is an important assistant in solving financial issues. But what if the payment of benefits is delayed without explanation of the reasons? Read about it in our new article!

What time frame should the children's benefit be paid?

In order to deal with this question, it is necessary, first of all, familiarize yourself with the law regulating the payments of children's benefits. So, according to Art. 15 FZ "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and due to motherhood", a child care allowance must be paid on time no later than 10 days from the date of application for the appointment of benefits.

As practice shows, at the moment there is not so many reasons for delaying children's benefits. Let's look at each of them.

If the manual is delayed by the FSS, most likely it is wines government agencieswho are late transferring money from a federal or regional budget. As a rule, such delays do not exceed 1-2 months, and the benefit is paid immediately after regular financing is restored.

If the delay in child benefits occurs due to the fault of the employer, in most cases this is due to the fact that the organization lacks working capital. In this case, the employer must contact the FSS with the relevant statement. Based on its application, the Social Insurance Fund will be checked, according to the results of which the necessary funds will be listed at the expense of the company.