All about car tuning

Select the correct judgments about factor income. Factor income. Profit as factor income. to the concept of “market economy”

Social studies test, section "Economics"

for 114, 115, 121, 131, 141 first year groups

Troitsk ATK - branch of MSTU GA

1. Everything that is valued by people as a means of satisfying their needs:

2. Factors of production.

3. Free benefits.

4. Economics.

5. Economic benefits.

6. Benefits.

2. Resources used by people to create life's goods:

1. General economic processes.

2. Factors of production.

3. Free benefits.

4. Economics.

3. The use of mental and physical abilities of people, their skills and experience in the form of services necessary for the production of economic goods:

1. Specialization.

2. Entrepreneurship.

4. Information.

5. Capital.

6. Labor.

4. Factor of production, combining all types of natural resources suitable for the production of economic goods:

1. Specialization.

2. Entrepreneurship.

3. Earth.

4. Information.

5. Concentration of a certain type of activity in the hands of a person or economic organization who cope with it better than others:

1. Specialization.

2. Entrepreneurship.

4. Information.

6. A material object that is useful to people and therefore valued by them as a benefit:

1. Profit.

2. Trade.

3. Product.

4. Productivity.

7. An intangible good that has a form useful to people activities:

1. Profit.

2. Trade.

4. Productivity.

5. Limited.

6. Service.

8. Form of organization economic life society, differing in the way firms and the state coordinate and type of ownership:

2. Market system.

3. Economic system.

4. Cost.

9. A method of organizing economic life in which land and capital are in common possession of the tribe, and limited resources are distributed in accordance with long-standing traditions:

1. Traditional economic system.

2. Market system.

3. Economic system.

4. Cost.

10. A method of organizing economic life in which capital and land are owned individuals, and limited resources are distributed through markets:

1. Traditional economic system.

2. Market system.

3. Economic system.

4. Cost.

11. Economic competition for the right to obtain a larger share of a certain type of limited resource:

2. Quantity of demand.

4. Competition.

12. A method of organizing economic life in which capital and land are owned by the state, and the distribution of limited resources is carried out according to the instructions of governing bodies and in accordance with plans:

1. Price elasticity of demand.

2. Quantity of demand.

3. Administrative-Command economic system.

4. Competition.

13. A method of organizing economic life in which land and capital are in private property, and the distribution of limited resources is carried out both by markets and with significant government participation:

1. Price elasticity of demand.

2. Quantity of demand.

3. Command economic system.

4. Competition.

5. Mixed economic system.

14. The volume of a product of a certain type (in physical measurement), which buyers are ready (willing and able) to purchase over a certain period of time (month, year) at a certain price level for this product:

1. Price elasticity of demand.

2. Quantity of demand.

3. Sales revenue.

4. Competition.

5. Mixed economic system.

15. The scale of change in the quantity of demand (in%) when the price changes by one percent:

1. Price elasticity of demand.

2. Quantity of demand.

3. Sales revenue.

4. Competition.

16. An increase in prices usually leads to a decrease in the quantity demanded, and a decrease in prices usually leads to an increase:

1. Excess (overstocking).

2. Law of demand.

3. Scarcity.

17. An increase in prices usually leads to an increase in the quantity supplied, and a decrease in prices usually leads to a decrease:

1. Excess (overstocking).

2. Law of demand.

3. Scarcity.

4. Price elasticity of supply.

5. Equilibrium price.

6. Law of supply.

18. The process of increasing the general price level in the country:

1. Purchasing power money.

2. Investing.

3. Inflation.

4. Labor market.

19. Economics does not answer the question

1) what to produce

2) what technology to use

3) who will be the consumer

4) what social significance does this product have?

20. The type of economic system is determined

1) shape state power

2) property and management methods

3) the number of population of the country

4) mineral reserves.

21. Subsistence farming is characterized by:

1) for a traditional society

2) for a socialist society

3) only for the primitive system

4) for the industrial era.

22. Payment for the use of land is called

1) business income

2) price of land

3) rent

4) profit

23. Money appeared:

1) due to the special properties of gold and silver

2) to facilitate the exchange process

3) for the purpose of accumulating treasures

4) to facilitate trade between states

24. A market dominated by a few large companies, called

1) free competition market

2) monopolistic market

3) regulated market

4) oligopolistic market

25. In economics, market means

1) place of sale of goods

2) competition between manufacturers

3) competition between consumers

4) relations regarding the purchase and sale of goods.

26. The market is characterized

1) unregulated supply and demand

2) lack of objective laws of functioning

3) complete state control over production and consumption

4) the presence of planning and accounting bodies.

27. Money acts as a means of payment

1) when selling goods

2) when purchasing a product

3) in world trade

4) when receiving a loan

28. Purpose of competition

1) improving product quality

2) growth in consumer demand

3) getting more profit

4) increase in tax revenues

29. Purpose of business activity

1) meeting diverse needs

2) making a profit

3) scientific and technological progress

4) economic prosperity of society

30. Is the judgment correct? The advantage of the traditional farming system is:

A. High quality products.

B. Complete satisfaction of life's needs.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) A and B are correct

4) both are incorrect

31. Is the judgment correct? Money:

A. Being a measure of value, they are not goods.

B. This is a commodity for the production of which abstract human labor was expended.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) A and B are correct

4) both are incorrect

32. Find a concept that generalizes all other concepts in the series below:

    labor resources

    factors of production

  1. Information

33. Select correct judgments about factor income:

1) Rent is factor income from the use of entrepreneurial abilities.

2) Factor income from labor is called wages.

3) Factor incomes are the resources used by people to create the goods of life.

4) Profit is the excess of all the company’s income over its costs.

5) Factor income includes supply and demand.

34. Are the judgments about the role of the economy in the life of society correct?

A. The economy provides people with the material conditions of existence.

B. economics studies how society distributes limited resources

1) true A

2) true B

3) both are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

35. One of the functions of the market is:

1) Empowering enterprises with their own working capital

2) Mediation between producer and consumer

3) Establishment of all production tasks “from above”

4) Establishing direct product exchange between city and countryside

36. The main questions of economics WHAT? HOW? and FOR WHOM?

1. Will be decided soon by the Russian government;

2. Exist in any society;

3. Does not exist in countries with traditional economies;

4. Does not exist in countries with command economies.

Factors of production are resources that participate in
process of production of goods and

Factor of production
from factor
1. Labor (a combination of physical and mental
abilities of people to create economic benefits).
2. Land (all types of natural resources)
3. Capital: 1) physical (real) - produced Interest
human means of production;
2) financial (monetary) – money for purchases
factors of production (investment).
4. Entrepreneurial skills
the ability to correctly combine factors of production
and organize production;
ability to make decisions and take responsibility
on oneself;


- resource used in
economic processes.
Income from information - Royalty


- the cost depends on the volume and quality
labor (level of education, qualifications,
state of health, age, character
labor and motivation for it). Specifications:
labor intensity (degree of expenditure
labor force per unit of time);
labor productivity (the number of products produced per unit

1. Below is a list of terms. All of them are for
with the exception of two, characterize the factors
1) entrepreneurship
2) labor
3) securities
4) exchange rate
5) capital
6) earth

2. Find the concept that is
generalizing for all other concepts
the row presented below. Write this word down
Land, labor resources, factor
production, capital, information.

3. Select the correct judgments about factor income and
write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Factor incomes are resources
used by people to create economic
2) Factor income from labor is called wages
3) Rent is factor income from
use of entrepreneurial abilities.
4) Profit is the excess of all company income
over its costs.
5) Factor income includes demand and

4. Select the correct judgments about the factors of production and
factor incomes and write down the numbers under which they
1) Entrepreneurial abilities are special
human ability to correctly assess demand,
coordinate the use of resources and take over
the risk of losing funds invested in the business.
2) Income from information as a factor of production
called rent.
3) All types of resources available on the planet and suitable
for the production of economic goods, determine
content of such a factor of production as land.
4) Income from labor as a factor of production - wages
employee's fee.
5) Land as a factor of production brings its
the owner receives income in the form of wages.

A) all types of resources available on the planet and
suitable for the production of economic goods
B) the activities of people to produce goods and
services by using their physical and
intellectual capabilities, professional
skills and experience
B) factor income - wages
D) buildings and structures, equipment,
infrastructure, etc.
D) the amount of money available
economic entities
1) labor
2) earth
3) capital

Homework No. 2

Option No. 3239738

"Factors of production and factor income"

Task 1 No. 4467



Use of people's physical and mental abilities in the production of goods and services

Cash, buildings, structures, equipment used in the production of goods and services

Task 1 No. 6352

Write down the word missing in the table.




Entrepreneurial skills

A set of qualities, skills, and abilities of a person that allow him to find and use the best combination of resources for the production and sale of goods, make reasonable consistent decisions, create and apply innovations, and take acceptable, justified risks.

All types of natural resources available on the planet and suitable for the production of economic goods

Task 1 No. 9946

Write down the word missing in the table.




The activities of people in the production of goods and services by using their mental and physical abilities, acquired in the process of education and work, knowledge and skills

All types of natural resources available on the planet

and suitable for the production of economic goods

Task 2 No. 1249

Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts in the series presented below. Write down this word (phrase).

Land, labor resources, factor of production, capital, information.

Task 2 No. 9038

Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts in the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

2) entrepreneurial skills

3) factors of production

4) capital

Task 3 No. 3537

Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, characterize factors of production.

1) entrepreneurship

3) securities

4) exchange rate

5) capital

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in your answer.

Task 3 No. 8534

Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, represent factor income.

1) winning the lottery

2) land rent

3) salary

4) unemployment benefits

5) dividends

6) profit

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

Task 3 No. 8982

Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of “factors of production”

3) entrepreneurial skills

4) capital

6) equilibrium price

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series, and write them down in the numbers under which they are indicated.

Task 7 No. 8088

Choose the correct statements about income from the use of property and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The owner of industrial and commercial capital makes a profit.

2) The owner of the land receives rent.

3) The owner of the shares receives a salary.

4) The owner of the borrowed capital receives dividends.

5) In a market economy, both firms and individuals can receive income from property.

Task 7 No. 8897



A) the activity of people in the production of goods and services by using their physical and intellectual capabilities, professional skills and experience

B) all types of resources available on the planet and suitable for the production of economic goods

B) factor income - rent

D) factor income - profit

3) entrepreneurial skills

Task 7 No. 8986

Select the correct judgments about factor income and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Factor income refers to the resources used by people to create economic goods.

2) Factor income from labor is called wages.

3) Rent is factor income from the use of entrepreneurial abilities.

4) Profit is the excess of all the company’s income over its costs.

5) Factor income includes supply and demand.

Task 7 No. 9783

Select the correct judgments about factors of production and factor income and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Entrepreneurial abilities are the special abilities of a person to correctly assess demand, coordinate the use of resources and accept the risk of losing funds invested in a business.

2) Income from information as a factor of production is called rent.

3) All types of resources available on the planet and suitable for the production of economic goods determine the content of such a factor of production as land.

4) Income from labor as a factor of production - the employee’s wages.

5) Land as a factor of production brings income to its owner in the form of wages.

Task 8 No. 8356

Establish a correspondence between characteristics and factors of production: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) a conventional name for all types of natural resources suitable for the production of economic goods

B) man-made means of production

B) the volume of money supply available to economic entities

D) direct use of the physical and mental abilities of people in the process of creating economic benefits

D) factor income - employee wages

3) capital

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:

Task 8 No. 8364

Establish a correspondence between characteristics and factors of production: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) proactive innovative activity, thanks to which all factors of production are connected

B) factor income - rent

C) the conventional name for all types of natural resources suitable for the production of vital goods

D) buildings, structures, equipment

D) cash

2) capital

3) entrepreneurship (entrepreneurial abilities)

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:

Task 8 No. 9280

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics / examples and factors of production: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) services provided by people who are able to bear the risk of loss of capital

B) all types of minerals

IN) production capacity, infrastructure

D) factor income - wages

D) the volume of money supply

3) capital

4) entrepreneurship

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters:

Task 8 No. 9644

Establish a correspondence between characteristics and factors of production: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) all types of resources available on the planet and suitable for the production of economic goods

B) services provided by people who are able to correctly assess demand and coordinate the use of factors of production

B) factor income - rent

D) the volume of money supply available to economic entities

D) factor income - wages

3) capital

4) entrepreneurship

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:

Task 8 No. 10407

Establish a correspondence between the examples and the types of factors of production: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) water resources Lake Baikal

B) production premises plant "Elektrosila"

B) shares of agricultural firms

D) a plot suitable for plowing, owned by a farm

D) an excavator used in the construction of a new Moscow metro station

2) capital

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:

factor of production

Factor income is the profit that results from the exploitation of various resources or factors of production. These factors include labor, the income received from it is called wages, land rent, interest on capital, as well as entrepreneurial skills, which result in entrepreneurial profit. Profits from personal labor activity and farming also serve as factor income. They directly depend on the factors that are used in production to make a profit.


Any economic resource has its owner. They either consume them, or, what happens more often, sell them in markets, receiving income for it. Buyers of these resources (mostly firms or enterprises) pay for them from the income that they also receive for the resources. It follows that income is income from sales of products and other economic resources.

Types of factor income

There is a separate classification for this economic concept. Factor income is income coming from received resources or from factors of production. Their owners receive the following income:

Firms in economic life do not always have the opportunity to separate the listed types of factor income, because they are often combined with income from product sales.

Factor production and factor income are the basis of the activities of any organization and personal economy. To release and then sell products, you need a full range of tools and conditions. In other words, a number of factors of production are needed. In addition to the listed types, they also include information. IN recent years it is one of the main factors and is gaining increasing popularity, since only that company is competitive, which has the opportunity to possess fresh, truthful, relevant and complete information about the market.

In general, production factors include those objects that determine the possibilities of economic activity, as well as its effectiveness. In other words, this is something that production and sales of products cannot do without.

Basic theories

The main approaches to studying factor production and factor income:

  • Marxist theory. This is a doctrine that identifies the following factors of production: labor or labor, objects of labor (parts, raw materials, materials), personal (experience, skills and knowledge) and material (tools) means of labor activity.
  • Marginalist theory, which identifies factors such as labor, capital, land, and entrepreneurial ability.

Factors of production

Marginalist (or Western, neoclassical) theory identifies four groups production factors. These include:

IN modern world highlight the fifth factor - information. This means its timely receipt and further use. Important role plays scientific and technological progress, culture, politics and social environment.

Factor income

Factor markets and factor incomes are closely interrelated with each other.

In market conditions, each factor of production is freely sold and bought in order to bring factor income to its owners. These include:

  • Rent is the income generated by the land factor. Regular payments for the use of the owner's property. The owner himself does not need to make any effort to generate income. For example, rent for a plot or housing. A person who lives off rent is called a rentier.
  • Interest is income from the capital factor. In other words, the return on the use of capital funds.
  • Wages are income from the labor factor. It is payment to a hired worker for work.
  • Profit is the income from the factor of entrepreneurial ability. If you subtract all expenses from total income, you get profit. Obtaining it is the goal of any organization and commercial company.

Functional distribution of factor income

Great interest in economic theory causes the problem of distribution and formation of factor income. If for the owners some factors of production are income, then for the buyer they are costs. If for the owners of the workforce wages are income, then for the organization they are production costs.

In a broad sense, net factor income is the money that is received as a result of economic activity per unit of time. Income is the result of the work of a company or enterprise, individual or society, expressed in monetary terms.

Types of income

Factor incomes are classified according to various criteria. Based on the recipient, the following income options are distinguished:

  • population;
  • enterprises;
  • states;
  • the whole society (national income).

The totality of these incomes determines the highest demand of society. Based on the amount of income received and actually available, they distinguish:

Factor income that enterprises receive from sales of manufactured products is distributed based on a certain dependence of production factors. Wages are formed thanks to invested labor, rent - cost land plot, which is used, interest or profit - the amount of capital used, and entrepreneurial income through entrepreneurial abilities. These forms of factor income in a market economy act as prices of production factors.

Entrepreneurial income

This factor is considered as the final result of the distribution of the organization’s profits, as well as as a reward for the manifestation of entrepreneurial abilities.

Business income is understood as that part of the profit that remains at disposal after paying interest on the capital borrowed. Since the credit system began to develop, profits have been divided into business income and interest.

Entrepreneurial income implies:

  • good profit, that is, decent remuneration for the entrepreneur, which is necessary to attract and maintain activities in the right direction;
  • income that is received on top of normal profit, in other words, it is economic profit.


Profit is the main motive, as well as the main indicator of the effectiveness of each organization. In other words, profit as factor income is the goal of all production, towards which all resources are directed. Its source is the creative activity of the entrepreneur.

The formation of factor income occurs due to many factors, which include natural resources, human labor, information Technology And individual characteristics entrepreneur.

Subsystems of the political system

2. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts in the series presented below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) subject of activity; 2) the purpose of the activity; 3) structure of activity; 4) means of activity; 5) object of activity.

3. Choose the correct judgments about human activity and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.

1) The components of the structure of any activity are means, motives, emotions.

2) Cognitive activity in contrast to

communicative involves the use of concepts and terms.

3) Culture is the result of human transformative activity.

4) Human activity, unlike the behavior of animals, is of a conscious, purposeful nature.

5) Labor activity is leading throughout a person’s life.

4. Establish a correspondence between the spheres of society and social institutions: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A B IN G d

5. Factory production is developed in country H. What other signs indicate that a country is developing as an industrial society? Write down the numbers under which these distinctive features are indicated.

1) are being implemented computer technology

2) a class of industrial workers is being formed

3) religion has a significant influence on the development of society

4) there is a division of labor

5) is developing at an accelerated pace agriculture

6) there is a concentration of production.

6. Select the correct judgments about factors of production and factor income and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.

1) Factors of production include the organizational and legal form of the enterprise.

2) Income from capital is rent.

3) Entrepreneurial ability is one of the factors of production.

4) The importance of labor as a factor of production in modern conditions is decreasing.

5) Capital as a factor of production includes machinery and equipment.

7. Establish a correspondence between the forms of commercial enterprises and their characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) receive income in the form of 1) general partnership
B) are responsible for their debts 2) Unitary enterprise
IN) have no property rights 3) Joint stock company
to the assigned
their property is behind them 4) limited society
G) bear risks within responsibility
the value of your deposits
D) the property of the enterprise is indivisible

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

A B IN G d

8. Citizen A. is the owner of a dacha. Every year he pays tax on this property object. What else, besides property tax, refers to direct taxes? Select the required items from the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) inheritance tax

2) excise tax

3) personal income tax

4) customs duty

5) income tax

6) sales tax

9. The graph shows the situation on the hairdressing services market: the supply line S has moved to a new position - Si (P - price of the product, Q - quantity of goods).

Which of the following factors could cause this change? Write it down numbers, under which they are indicated.

1) expansion of the network of hairdressing salons

2) new fashion trends in hairstyles

3) reduction of taxes on small businesses

4) use of new hair care products

5) change in income tax rate