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What is the name of the fire department. State Fire Service. Viktor mikhailovich kandyba the secret possibilities of man abstract dmitriy viktorovich kandyba

Organization of activities of the State Fire Service

Organization of the activities of the State Fire Service6 (fire-technical inspections of territories, buildings and structures, premises, administrative practice inquiry on fires, state statistical registration of fires) are regulated by legislative normative documents. The heads of organizations should be guided by the main provisions of these documents when organizing the on-site work of those responsible for the fire safety of facilities, as well as pre-firefighting units.

In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law "On fire safety»State the opposite Fire Service(hereinafter referred to as the State Fire Service or the Service) is the basis for the functioning of the fire safety system in Russian Federation and is part of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defense... emergency situations and elimination of consequences of natural disasters.

The system of the State Fire Service consists of:

The federal governing body of the State Fire Service is the Main Directorate of the State Fire Service of the EMERCOM of Russia. Has powers federal supervision Russia is government customer fire-technical products, central authority certification.

Head of the GUGPS by position - Chief State Inspector of the Russian Federation for Fire Supervision.

It includes a Special Directorate designed to ensure fire safety of highly secure facilities of the defense complex, higher bodies state power and closed administrative-territorial formations with vertical subordination of governing bodies.

Territorial and special management bodies and subdivisions of the State Border Service, includes:

Directorates, departments of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Force control centers and firefighting services;

Detachments of GPS;

Fire brigades;

Subdivisions technical service(production and technical centers, detachments and units);

Regional specialized squads for extinguishing large fires;

Specialized units for extinguishing large fires;

Bases for ensuring mobilization readiness;

Training centers and training centers;

Test fire laboratories;


Fire propaganda and public relations centers.

State Fire Service

She happens to be part of forces to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state and coordinates the activities of other types of fire protection.

The main tasks of the State Fire Service:

Organization of the development and implementation of state measures, regulatory regulation in the field of fire safety;

Implementation of state fire supervision in the Russian Federation;

Organization and implementation in the prescribed manner of protection of settlements and enterprises from fires, other works and services in the field of fire safety;

Provision and implementation of extinguishing fires;

Implementation of financial and material and technical support for the activities of management bodies and subdivisions of the State Fire Service.

Coordination of activities of other types of fire protection;

Development and organization of implementation of a unified scientific and technical policy in the field of fire safety;

Implementation of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel for the fire brigade.

Other tasks of the State Fire Service may be assigned only by federal law.

The system of the State Fire Service includes:

Federal Fire Service;

Fire-fighting service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Federal Fire Service includes:

Structural divisions of the central office federal body executive power authorized to solve problems in the field of fire safety, managing and coordinating the activities of the federal fire service;

Structural units territorial bodies the federal executive body authorized to solve problems in the field of fire safety - regional centers for civil defense, emergency situations and liquidation of the consequences of natural disasters, bodies authorized to solve civil defense tasks and tasks for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

State fire control bodies;

Fire-technical, scientific research and educational institutions;

Subdivisions of the federal fire-fighting service, created in order to organize the prevention and extinguishing of fires in closed administrative-territorial entities, as well as in especially important and regime organizations (special and military units).

The organizational structure, powers, tasks, functions, the procedure for the activities of the federal fire service is determined by the Regulations on the federal fire service, approved in the prescribed manner.

The fire service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is created by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Departmental fire protection

Federal executive authorities, enterprises, in order to ensure fire safety, can create governing bodies and subdivisions of departmental fire protection.

The procedure for the organization, reorganization, liquidation of management bodies and departments of the departmental fire protection, the conditions for the implementation of their activities, the performance of service by personnel are determined by the relevant provisions agreed with the State Fire Service.

If a violation of fire safety requirements is revealed that creates a threat of fire and safety of people at subordinate enterprises, the departmental fire protection has the right to suspend in whole or in part the work of the enterprise ( separate production), production site, unit, operation of a building, structure, premises, carrying out certain types works.

Control over ensuring fire safety during the operation of air, sea, river and railway Vehicle, as well as floating sea and river facilities and structures are carried out by the relevant federal executive bodies.

Control over ensuring the fire safety of diplomatic and consular institutions of the Russian Federation, as well as representative offices of the Russian Federation abroad is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided. international treaties RF.

Municipal fire brigade

General Provisions

NPB 202-96 (82) establish fire safety requirements in the field of organizing a municipal fire service.

The municipal fire service is organized by the authorities local government for the prevention and extinguishing of fires on the territory of the municipality and is financed from the local budget, as well as other provided by law sources.

The purpose, objectives, procedure for the creation and organization of the activities of the municipal fire brigade, the procedure for its relationship with other types of fire brigade are determined by local authorities.

A municipal fire service can be created if on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation the standard for the number established by the federal law “On fire safety” (Article 10) is fulfilled (1 unit of personnel of the State Fire Service per 650 people.).

The municipal service is organized in the shaft of a voluntary or departmental fire department and is carried out by units created in the manner prescribed for these types of fire protection.

A subdivision of the municipal fire service (hereinafter referred to as subdivisions) is part of the fire brigade. If involvement in extinguishing fires is carried out on the basis of appropriate plans for attracting forces and resources, in the manner prescribed current legislation, the combat regulations of the fire department and other regulations State Fire Service.

Private fire brigade

A private fire brigade is set up in settlements and organizations.

The creation, reorganization and liquidation of private fire brigade units are carried out in accordance with The Civil Code RF.

Size standards and technical equipment private fire brigade are installed by its owner independently.

Private fire departments provide fire safety services on the basis of concluded contracts.

Voluntary fire brigade

Voluntary fire protection is a form of citizen participation in providing primary fire safety measures.

Volunteer firefighter - a citizen directly participating on a voluntary basis (without an opinion employment contract) in the activities of fire departments to prevent and (or) extinguish fires.

The procedure for registering voluntary firefighters and creating subdivisions (squads, teams) of voluntary firefighters is established by the State Fire Service. Financial and material technical support units (squads, teams) of the voluntary fire brigade is carried out at the expense of local budgets, funds of voluntary fire fighting organizations, on which these units (squads, teams) were created, funds of fire fighting associations, donations from citizens and legal entities, as well as other sources of funding.

The maximum number of volunteer firefighters is determined by the local government.

In the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 2.04.2001, No. 390 "On the implementation of the Procedure for the creation of voluntary fire brigades and registration of voluntary firefighters", the creation of voluntary fire brigades on municipalities and in organizations, regardless of the presence of subdivisions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or departmental security, as well as registration of voluntary firefighters.

Subdivisions of voluntary fire protection are created in the form of squads and teams, which are municipal or facility and are part of the fire safety system, respectively, of the municipal formation.

The squad operates without the use of fire trucks.

The team carries out activities using fire trucks.

The number of voluntary fire brigade units and their structure is established by the head of the local government (organization) in agreement with the head of the SBS unit.

Topic number 3

"Organization of ensuring the safety of people

on water bodies "

Water is an essential component of the environment natural environment, renewable, limited and vulnerable natural resource, the basis of the life and activities of the peoples living on the territory of the Russian Federation (human community "EARTH"), provide the economic, social, ecological well-being of the population, the existence of flora and fauna.

Relations with regard to water bodies on the territory of the Russian Federation are regulated by the "Constitution", "Water Code" and other normative legal acts Of the Russian Federation and its subjects by establishing legal framework use and protection of water bodies.

1. Regulatory regulation use of water bodies

Article 42 of the "Constitution" of the Russian Federation establishes three independent powers: the right to a favorable environment; the right to receive reliable information about her condition; the right to compensation for damage caused to health or property by an environmental offense. The subjects of these rights are citizens of the Russian Federation, stateless persons and Foreign citizens located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The environment has either a favorable or a negative impact on the life and activities of people; the health of not only the present, but also future generations depends on its state. A decent human life is possible only under conditions of favorable environment.

Article 58 of the "Constitution" identifies as independent objects of nature protection, the environment and natural resources. Thus, the right of every person to a healthy environment is accompanied by his duty to preserve nature, the environment, and natural resources. The “Constitution” emphasizes the obligation of citizens not to harm the environment when owning, using and disposing of land and other natural resources.

By securing the right of everyone to a healthy environment, the state thereby assumes the obligation to ensure this right. In accordance with the Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ "On Environmental Protection", the regulation of relations in the sphere of interaction between society and nature is carried out. The objects of environmental protection include:

- land, subsoil, soil;

- surface and underground waters;

- forests and other vegetation, animals and other organisms and their genetic fund;

atmospheric air, the ozone layer of the atmosphere and near-earth space.

Federal law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" established sanitary and epidemiological requirements for ensuring the safety of the environment for human health, which apply, in particular, to water bodies.

The issues of nature management, environmental protection and environmental safety, specially protected natural areas are under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its subjects.

Federal Law of November 16, 1995 No. 167-FZ "Water Code" of the Russian Federation determines that, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the water legislation of the Russian Federation is under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The water legislation of the Russian Federation regulates relations in the use and protection of water bodies in order to ensure the rights of citizens to clean water and favorable aquatic environment; maintaining optimal conditions for water use; the quality of surface and ground waters in a state that meets sanitary and environmental requirements; protection of water bodies from pollution, clogging and depletion; prevention or elimination harmful effects waters, as well as the conservation of biological diversity of aquatic ecosystems. The goals of the water legislation of the Russian Federation are implemented on the basis of the principle of sustainable development (balanced development of the economy and improvement of the state of the environment).

The object of water relations is a water body or its part. Surface water and the lands covered by them and associated with them (the bottom and banks of the water body) are considered as a single water body. Groundwater and their host rocks are also considered as a single water body. Depending on the physical-geographical, hydro-regime and other characteristics, water bodies are subdivided into:

- surface water bodies;

- internal sea waters;

- underground water bodies.

Owners, owners and users land plots, adjacent to surface water bodies, may use water bodies only for their own needs to the extent that this does not violate the rights and legitimate interests of others. They should not interfere with the use of water bodies and their banks by individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation.

The participants in water relations are the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities and water users. On behalf of the city, rural settlements and other municipalities, local self-government bodies participate in water relations within the framework of their competence, established by acts that determine the status of these bodies.

Water users can be citizens and legal entities to whom the water bodies are provided for use.

A citizen water user can use water bodies for their own needs or for implementation entrepreneurial activity after obtaining a license for water use.

A water user - a legal entity has the right to use water bodies only after obtaining a water use license.

A water user using water bodies to meet the needs of water consumers is obliged to carry out relevant activities in accordance with a water use license and a water body use agreement.

All water bodies, as well as isolated water bodies (closed bodies of water) that are not in municipal ownership, property of citizens and legal entities, are federal property.

The property of the Russian Federation (federal property) includes:

- surface water bodies, water areas and basins of which are located on the territories of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

- underground water bodies located on the territories of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

- water bodies that are the habitat of anadromous and catadromous fish species;

- transboundary (border) water bodies;

- internal sea waters;

- the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation;

- water bodies that are specially protected natural areas Feder. values ​​or representing part of these territories;

- water bodies that are part of the territory of resorts or medical and recreational areas federal significance;

- other specially protected water bodies of federal significance.

Water bodies are recognized as federal property by the Government of the Russian Federation in agreement with the executive authorities of the respective constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Persons who are not the owners of water bodies may have following rights to water objects:

- the right to long-term use;

- short-term use right;

- the right of limited use (water easement).

Everyone can use water bodies common use and other water bodies.

The rights to use water bodies are acquired on the basis of a water use license and a contract for the use of a water body concluded in accordance with it.

Cancellation of a license for water use is the basis for termination of the contract for the use of a water body concluded in accordance with it.

After the issuance of a water use license to a citizen or legal entity, the conclusion of an agreement for the use of a water body is mandatory.

Water bodies can be used for the following purposes:

- drinking and domestic water supply;

- health care;

- industry and energy;

- rural and forestry;

- hydropower;

- recreation;

- transport and construction;

- fire safety;

- fishing and hunting economy;

- timber rafting;

- mining, peat and sapropel.

The general water use is carried out in accordance with the rules for protecting the life of people on water bodies. Local government bodies establish places where it is prohibited to take water for drinking and domestic water supply, swimming, swimming on small boats, watering livestock, and also determine other conditions for general water use at water bodies located on the territories of urban, rural settlements and other municipalities. On the prohibition of bathing and other of this kind the conditions for the implementation of general water use, the population is notified through the mass media, by special information signs or by other means.

The use of certain water bodies or their parts may be limited, suspended or prohibited in order to ensure the protection of the foundations constitutional order, defense of the country and security of the state, protection of public health, the natural environment and historical cultural heritage, right and legitimate interests other persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Actions of water users aimed at monopolization and unfair competition, as a result of which the rights and legitimate interests of other water users, as well as other citizens and legal entities are infringed, are prohibited.

Licenses for water use, contracts for the use of a water body in the prescribed manner are canceled and invalidated if they can lead to monopolization of water use, entailing material violation rights and legitimate interests of other water users.

When using water bodies, citizens and legal entities are obliged to carry out production and technological, reclamation, agrotechnical, hydrotechnical, sanitary and other measures to ensure the protection of water bodies. The use of water bodies should be carried out with the minimum possible negative consequences for water bodies.

Federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and water users are obliged to take measures to prevent and eliminate the consequences of the harmful effects of water:

- floods, flooding and waterlogging;

- destruction of banks, dams, dams and other structures;

- waterlogging and salinization of lands;

- soil erosion, formation of ravines, landslides, mudflows and other phenomena.

In the event of natural disasters and accidents at water bodies, water users are obliged to take part in measures to prevent and eliminate the consequences of the harmful effects of water. These measures are carried out in agreement with the federal executive body in the field of management of the use and protection of water resources and with local self-government bodies.

Federal Law of July 31, 1998 No. 155-FZ "On Internal sea ​​waters ah, the territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Russian Federation "establishes the status and legal regime internal sea waters, the territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Russian Federation.

  • Viktor mikhailovich kandyba the secret possibilities of man abstract dmitriy viktorovich kandyba


    ... onsituations, then the opposite of the one for which I was preparing. Actonsituations... tangible " material ", maybe... actions and the program actions which includes training ... extremely ... educationalmethodical literature on ... Centreon phone ... defense ... civil ...

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    The edges " Educational-methodicalCentreoncivildefense and extraordinarysituations "Methodicalmaterialsonpreparing To action v emergencysituations and oncivildefense mountains. Krasnodar Topic № 1/1 " Organizational framework civildefense ...

  • Department for civil defense of emergency situations and water relations of the Krasnodar Territory of the state enterprise kk "training and methodological center for civil defense and emergency situations"


    ... CIVILDEFENSE, EXTREMESITUATIONS AND WATER RELATIONS OF KRASNODAR REGION GKU KK " Educational-methodicalCentreoncivildefense and extraordinarysituations "Methodical recommendations to the HEAD OF MUNICIPAL EDUCATION ONACTION ...

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    ... on GOChS. Preparation UKP staff on Civil Defense and Emergencies and Consultants is carried out in a state budgetary educational institution educational-methodicalCentreoncivildefense and extraordinarysituations ...

  • Law, it is an integral part of the forces to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state. This rule of law does not specifically talk about fire safety, therefore this concept is necessary in the context of the given legal norm interpret in all its diversity. In general, in the Russian Federation, the security of the individual, society and the state is protected by many structures. These are the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and the internal affairs bodies, and the Federal Security Service, and the Internal Troops, etc. The mention of the State Fire Service in this row is quite deserved, as already mentioned when commenting on the preamble to the Law, and this is another confirmation of the importance of the tasks facing this service.

    Fire-technical, research and educational institutions have as their goals the development of new equipment, materials, procedures used in ensuring fire safety, training. Among them are:

    Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation;

    St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation;

    Ivanovo Institute of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation;

    state educational institution of secondary vocational education"Technical Fire and Rescue College N 57";

    Voronezh fire-technical school of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation;

    Ural Institute of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation and other organizations.

    The divisions of the federal fire service, created in order to ensure the prevention of fires and their extinguishing in organizations, should include fire departments at airports, seaports, at nuclear power plants, oil refineries and others. large objects... Their tasks are limited to the specified objects, although they can be used to extinguish "other" fires in the presence of an urgent need.

    The divisions of the federal fire service, created to ensure the prevention of fires and their extinguishing in closed administrative-territorial formations, especially important and sensitive organizations, should include special and military units, the tasks of which are limited to the corresponding object. In addition to closed administrative-territorial entities, this includes cosmodromes, military airfields, training grounds, etc.

    The divisions of the federal fire service, created to organize the prevention and extinguishing of fires in settlements, are the fire departments responsible for fighting most of the fires and rescuing most of the victims.

    3. In accordance with Part 4 of Art. 5 of the commented Law, the organizational structure, powers, tasks, functions, the procedure for the activities of the federal fire service are determined by the statute on the federal fire service, approved in the prescribed manner. This is the Regulation on the Federal Fire Fighting Service, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 20, 2005 N 385, according to which the Federal Fire Service is an integral part of the State Fire Service and is part of the system of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters ... The Federal Fire Service in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal and other acts of the EMERCOM of Russia.

    The tasks, functions and procedure for the activities of the governing bodies, subdivisions and institutions of the federal fire service are determined by the provisions on them. The main tasks of the federal fire service are:

    organization and implementation of state fire supervision on the territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of objects, the state fire supervision over which is attributed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to the competence of other state bodies;

    organization and implementation of fire prevention;

    organization and implementation of fire extinguishing and rescue operations, rescue of people and property in closed administrative-territorial entities, at facilities critical to national security country, other especially important fire hazardous objects, especially valuable objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation;

    coordination of the activities of other types of fire protection in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    implementation of scientific and technical support for fire safety and coordination scientific research in the field of fire safety;

    organization, within the limits of its competence, training in educational institutions of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia, other educational institutions of specialists for fire protection and organizations;

    implementation of methodological guidance and control of activities on training the population in the field of fire safety, as well as the organization of training in the prescribed manner for officials of state authorities in the field of fire safety.

    Federal Fire Service:

    carries out prophylaxis, extinguishing fires and rescue operations at facilities critical to the national security of the country, other especially important fire hazardous facilities, especially valuable cultural heritage sites of the peoples of the Russian Federation, during events federal level with a massive concentration of people, as well as in closed administrative-territorial formations, in especially important and regime organizations;

    implements the state scientific and technical policy in the field of fire safety;

    exercises control over the implementation of federal laws by federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies and organizations, technical regulations and other regulatory legal acts in the field of fire safety;

    carries out operational management other types of fire protection, forces and means involved in extinguishing fires at facilities critical to the national security of the country, other especially important fire hazardous facilities, especially valuable cultural heritage sites of the peoples of the Russian Federation, as well as during federal events with a mass concentration of people;

    provides vocational training, retraining and advanced training of personnel of the federal fire service; provides training in the prescribed manner for officials of federal executive authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of fire safety.

    In addition, the Federal Fire Service:

    monitors the state of fire safety on the territory of the Russian Federation;

    prepares proposals for state authorities and local self-government bodies on the implementation of measures in the field of ensuring fire safety; prepares proposals for the formation of a list of operational positions of the State Fire Service, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

    provides training in educational institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for specialists for fire protection, and, if necessary, in other educational institutions, taking into account the needs of the federal fire service in specialists;

    conducts fire-prevention propaganda and training of the population on fire safety measures;

    organizes and maintains official statistical records and state statistical reporting on fires and their consequences on the territory of the Russian Federation, indicators of operational activities and resources of the federal fire service, fire service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other types of fire protection.

    In addition to the above tasks, the Federal Fire Service:

    collects and processes information in the field of fire safety;

    carries out the order and acceptance fire equipment, fire extinguishing agents, equipment and fire-technical property;

    carries out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation inquests in cases of fires and in cases of violations of fire safety requirements, carries out pre-trial preparation in the protocol form of materials on crimes related to fires, as well as proceedings in cases of administrative offenses in the field of fire safety; organizes testing of substances, materials, products, equipment, structures for fire hazard;

    prepares drafts of normative legal acts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the field of fire safety and organization of the activities of the federal fire service.

    The specified service is entrusted with participation

    in the development of draft legislative and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, technical regulations, national standards, norms, rules of fire safety and other normative documents in the field of fire safety;

    in the development and implementation, as far as it concerns, of federal target programs in the field of fire safety, control over their implementation;

    in tests of fire fighting equipment, fire extinguishing means and fire-technical equipment; in the preparation of proposals for the draft state defense order; in the organization of work on the licensing of activities within their competence;

    in coordinating the activities of certification and accreditation bodies testing laboratories(centers) in the EMERCOM system of Russia;

    in coordinating the activities of the fire service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as other types of fire protection within their competence.

    The Federal Fire Service in the established field of activity has the right to:

    to request information and documents on the state of fire safety from federal executive authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, organizations and citizens, as well as data on the fires that have occurred and their consequences;

    if necessary, use additional means of communication, transport, equipment, fire extinguishing means, and fire extinguishing agents with the subsequent settlement in the prescribed manner of issues related to their use; use on gratuitously the ability of the media to alert and inform the population about fires;

    restrict or prohibit the access of vehicles and pedestrians to fire sites and emergency zones.

    The activities of the federal fire service are directed by the Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of the Consequences of Natural Disasters. The personnel of the federal fire service includes privates and commanding officers in the appropriate established positions; military personnel; persons without special or military ranks. State civil servants also serve in the federal fire service (where given view public service). The procedure and conditions for the passage of service by employees and military personnel of the federal fire service are determined by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation governing the passage of service in the internal affairs bodies and in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as by the regulations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Personnel federal fire service are issued service certificates the established sample in the manner determined by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Employees and military personnel of the federal fire service have insignia and uniforms in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    4. Part 5 of Art. 5

    Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 20, 2005 N 385
    "On the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service"

    December 29, 2009, June 20, 2011, May 29, 2013, May 15, December 24, 2014, June 29, 2016, April 25, 2019

    In accordance with the Federal Law "On Fire Safety" and in order to ensure fire safety in the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

    3. To declare invalid:

    Resolution of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of August 23, 1993 N 849 "Issues of ensuring fire safety in the Russian Federation and the organization of the State fire service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" (Collection of acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, N 37, art. 3454);

    Clause 4 of amendments and additions that are made to the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation in connection with the Federal Law "On Fire Safety", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1995 N 627 "On amendments and additions to the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation in connection with with the Federal Law "On Fire Safety" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, N 27, Art. 2587);

    Clause 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 12, 1996 N 271 "On Amendments to Certain Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 13, Art. 1345);

    Clause 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2002 N 373 "On licensing activities in the field of fire safety" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 23, Art. 2175).

    on the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service
    (approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 20, 2005 N 385)

    With changes and additions from:

    December 29, 2009, June 20, 2011, May 15, December 24, 2014, June 29, 2016, April 25, 2019

    1. The Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Fire Service) is part of the system of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM of Russia).

    2. The Federal Fire Service in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal and other acts of the EMERCOM of Russia, as well as this Regulation.

    3. The Federal Fire Service carries out its activities through the following governing bodies, divisions and organizations:

    1) structural units the central office of the EMERCOM of Russia;

    5) subdivisions for ensuring the activities of the federal fire service;

    6) fire and rescue divisions of the federal fire service, created for the purpose of organizing the prevention and extinguishing of fires, carrying out emergency rescue operations in organizations (facility divisions of the federal fire service);

    7) fire and rescue divisions of the federal fire service, created to organize the prevention and extinguishing of fires, to conduct emergency rescue operations in closed administrative-territorial entities, especially important and security organizations (special and military units of the federal fire service);

    8) fire and rescue divisions of the federal fire service, created for the purpose of organizing the prevention and extinguishing of fires, carrying out emergency rescue operations in settlements (territorial divisions of the federal fire service);

    9) fire and rescue divisions of the federal fire service, created to protect the property of organizations from fires and to carry out emergency rescue operations on a contractual basis (contractual divisions of the federal fire service).

    4. The tasks, functions and procedures of the management bodies, subdivisions and organizations of the federal fire service are determined by the provisions (charters) about them.

    5. The main tasks of the federal fire service are:

    1) the organization and implementation of state fire supervision on the territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of facilities, the state fire supervision of which is referred, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to the competence of other state bodies;

    2) organization and implementation of fire prevention;

    3) the implementation of extinguishing fires in settlements, the organization and implementation of extinguishing fires in closed administrative-territorial formations, especially important and regime organizations in which special and military units are created, in organizations in which facility units of the federal fire service are created, at facilities, protected by contractual divisions of the federal fire service, as well as during events at the federal level with a mass concentration of people, carrying out emergency rescue operations, rescuing people and property in case of fires;

    4) coordination of the activities of other types of fire protection in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    5) implementation of scientific and technical support for fire safety and coordination of scientific research in the field of fire safety;

    6) organization, within its competence, training in educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, and other educational organizations of specialists for fire protection and organizations;

    7) implementation of methodological guidance and control of activities on training the population in the field of fire safety, as well as organizing training in the prescribed manner for officials of state authorities in the field of fire safety.

    6. The Federal Fire Service performs the following main functions:

    1) carries out prophylaxis, extinguishing fires and rescue operations:

    at facilities that are critical to the national security of the country, other especially important fire hazardous facilities, especially valuable objects of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation, when holding events at the federal level with a mass concentration of people;

    in closed administrative-territorial entities, as well as in especially important and regime organizations;

    in settlements;

    2) implements the state scientific and technical policy in the field of fire safety;

    3) exercise control over the implementation by federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies and organizations of federal laws, technical regulations and other normative legal acts in the field of fire safety;

    4) carries out operational management of other types of fire protection, forces and means involved in extinguishing fires at facilities that are critical for the national security of the country, other especially important fire hazardous facilities, especially valuable objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation, as well as during federal events with a massive concentration of people;

    5) provides professional training, retraining and advanced training of personnel of the federal fire service;

    6) provides training in the prescribed manner for officials of federal executive authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of fire safety;

    7) monitors the state of fire safety on the territory of the Russian Federation;

    8) prepares proposals for state authorities and local self-government bodies on the implementation of measures in the field of ensuring fire safety;

    9) prepares proposals for the formation of a list of operational positions of the State Fire Service, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

    10) provides training of specialists for fire protection in educational organizations under the jurisdiction of the EMERCOM of Russia, and, if necessary, in other educational organizations, taking into account the needs of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service in these specialists;

    11) conducts fire-prevention propaganda and training of the population on fire safety measures;

    12) organizes and maintains official statistical records and state statistical reporting on fires and their consequences on the territory of the Russian Federation, indicators of operational activities and resources of the federal fire service, fire service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other types of fire protection;

    13) collects and processes information in the field of fire safety;

    14) carries out the order and acceptance of fire fighting equipment, fire extinguishing means, equipment and fire-technical property;

    15) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, inquires into cases of fires and cases of violations of fire safety requirements, as well as proceedings on cases of administrative offenses in the field of fire safety;

    16) organizes the conduct of examinations, testing of substances, materials, products, equipment, structures for fire hazard;

    17) prepares drafts of normative legal acts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the field of fire safety and organization of the activities of the federal fire service;

    18) participates:

    in the development of draft legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, technical regulations, national standards, norms, rules of fire safety and other regulatory documents in the field of fire safety;

    in the development and implementation, as far as it concerns, of federal target programs in the field of fire safety, control over their implementation;

    in tests of fire fighting equipment, fire extinguishing means and fire-technical equipment;

    in the preparation of proposals for a draft state defense order;

    in the organization of work on the licensing of activities within their competence;

    in coordinating the activities of certification and accreditation bodies of testing laboratories (centers) in the EMERCOM of Russia;

    in coordinating the activities of the fire service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as other types of fire protection within their competence;

    19) performs other functions in the established field of activity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    7. The Federal Fire Service in the established field of activity has the right:

    1) request information and documents on the state of fire safety from federal executive authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, organizations and citizens, as well as data on fires that have occurred and their consequences;

    2) if necessary, use, in addition to extinguishing fires, communications means, vehicles, equipment, fire-extinguishing means and fire-extinguishing substances available to the owner, with the subsequent settlement of issues related to their use in the prescribed manner;

    3) use, on a gratuitous basis, the possibilities of the mass media to alert and inform the population about fires;

    4) restrict or prohibit the access of vehicles and pedestrians to fire sites and emergency zones.

    8. The activities of the federal fire service are directed by the Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of the Consequences of Natural Disasters.

    9. The personnel of the federal fire service includes the following staff positions:

    1) persons of the rank and file and commanding staff (hereinafter referred to as employees);

    2) military personnel;

    3) persons who do not have special or military ranks.

    State civil servants also serve in the federal fire service (where this type of public service is provided).

    10. The procedure and conditions for service by employees and military personnel of the federal fire service are determined by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation governing service in the internal affairs bodies and in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as by the regulations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

    Rights, obligations and social guarantees the persons specified in subparagraph 3 of paragraph 9 of these Regulations are determined by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

    11. The personnel of the federal fire service are issued service certificates of the established form in the manner determined by the EMERCOM of Russia.

    12. Employees and military personnel of the federal fire service have insignia and uniforms in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Emblem of the State Fire Service

    The emblem of the fire service of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation

    State Fire Service- is a type of fire protection and is partly part of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM of the Russian Federation) as a single independent operational service.

    The State Fire Service includes:

    • federal fire service;
    • fire-fighting service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


    In 1990, the paramilitary and professional fire brigade of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs guarded enterprises, organizations, institutions on the basis of an agreement at their expense.

    In November 2001, a presidential decree was issued "On improving government controlled in the field of fire safety ". As a result, 278 thousand employees of the State Fire Service became part of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the number of which was previously 70 thousand people. Until 2005, the bodies of the fire service were controlled by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. At the time of the merger, the financing of the State Fire Service was carried out according to a complex scheme: 87 thousand people were supported by funds federal budget, 147 thousand - for the money of the constituent entities of the Federation, the rest were kept at the guarded objects.

    As a result administrative reform 2005, the fire service was divided into federal and regional. In 2005, more than 80 thousand people remained in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. regional authorities 137 thousand crossed, and about 70 thousand firefighters were kept at the expense of the objects they protect on a contractual basis.

    In 2010, the number of units of the federal fire service was 150 thousand people, the fire service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation numbered about 52 thousand specialists. In object formations - more than 16 thousand.

    Federal Fire Service is an integral part of the State Fire Service and is part of the system of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM of Russia).

    Main functions

    1. Carries out prevention, extinguishing fires and rescue operations:
      • at facilities that are critical to the national security of the country, other especially important fire hazardous facilities, especially valuable objects of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation, when holding events at the federal level with a mass concentration of people;
      • in closed administrative-territorial entities, as well as in especially important and regime organizations;
    2. Exercises control over the implementation of federal laws, technical regulations and other normative legal acts in the field of fire safety by federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies and organizations;
    3. Carries out operational management of other types of fire protection, forces and means involved in extinguishing fires at facilities critical to the national security of the country, other especially important fire hazardous facilities, especially valuable cultural heritage sites of the peoples of the Russian Federation, as well as during federal events with mass concentration of people;
    4. Monitors the state of fire safety on the territory of the Russian Federation; prepares proposals for state authorities and local self-government bodies on the implementation of measures in the field of ensuring fire safety;
    5. Carries out fire-prevention propaganda and training of the population on fire safety measures;
    6. Organizes and maintains official statistical records and state statistical reporting on fires and their consequences on the territory of the Russian Federation, indicators of operational activities and resources of the federal fire service, fire service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other types of fire protection;
    7. Prepares drafts of normative legal acts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the field of fire safety and organization of the activities of the federal fire service

    The contract subdivisions of the federal fire service are maintained at the expense of the protected objects. Buildings, structures, premises, fire-fighting and other equipment, as well as equipment, equipment and property transferred for use to the contractual division of the FPS are the property of the organization and remain on its balance sheet.

    State fire supervision

    State Fire Supervision (GPN) - special view state oversight activities carried out officials governing bodies and divisions of the State Fire Service in order to monitor compliance with fire safety requirements and suppress their violations

    The main task of the state fire supervision is the implementation, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, activities to verify compliance by organizations and citizens with fire safety requirements and the adoption of measures based on the results of this audit.

    State fire control bodies

    • a federal executive body authorized to solve problems in the field of fire safety, represented by a structural subdivision of its central office, which is responsible for the organization and implementation of state fire supervision;
    • structural divisions of regional centers for civil defense, emergency situations and elimination of the consequences of natural disasters, created for the organization and implementation of state fire supervision in the territories federal districts;
    • structural subdivisions of territorial management bodies of the federal executive body authorized to solve problems in the field of fire safety;
    • subdivisions of the federal fire service created in closed administrative-territorial entities.

    Fire service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

    Financial support for the activities of the fire service of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation is carried out at the expense of:

    Notes (edit)


    • State Fire Service on the website of the Russian Emergencies Ministry
    • Duties and rights of state fire control inspectors
    • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2004 No. 820 "On State Fire Supervision"
    • Federal Law of December 21, 1994, No. 69-FZ "On Fire Safety"

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    - (State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of RUSSIA) is the main type of state fire protection, created in order to protect the life and health of people, property from fires, organization and implementation of state fire supervision in the Russian Federation for compliance with the requirements of the fire ... ... Emergency Dictionary

    FIRE PROMOTION- dissemination of fire-technical knowledge, targeted informing of society about the problems and ways of ensuring fire safety, carried out through the media, through the publication of special literature and posters, ... ...

    In the Russian Federation, a type of federal public service, which is a professional service activity of citizens in positions of law enforcement in government bodies, services and institutions performing functions on ... Political science. Dictionary.

    This term has other meanings, see Service. Check information. It is necessary to verify the accuracy of the facts and the accuracy of the information presented in this article. There should be explanations on the talk page ... Wikipedia

    Military service special kind public service performed by citizens of the state on military positions in his armed forces, other troops, military (special) formations and bodies performing functions of defense and ... ... Wikipedia

    Unified state system of statistical accounting of fires and their consequences- a set of interrelated organizational measures and procedures that implement normative legal, methodological and software-technical support for accounting for fires and their consequences, including collection, generalization and analysis ... ... Russian encyclopedia of labor protection

    Types of fire protection- state fire service, departmental fire protection, voluntary fire protection, fire protection associations ... Administrative law... Reference dictionary

    Pension- (Pension) Pension is a regular cash benefit paid to persons with disabilities, who have reached retirement age, or who have lost their breadwinner. Investor encyclopedia

    There are two types of such organs: a) regional centers for civil defense, emergency situations and disaster relief in federal districts (created in each of the existing federal districts); b) bodies specially authorized solve the tasks of civil defense and tasks for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The first type of territorial bodies is abbreviated as the "Regional Center of EMERCOM of Russia", the second type - "Main Directorate of EMERCOM of Russia for the subject of the Russian Federation".

    State Fire Service

    It is part of the EMERCOM of Russia and is an integral part of the forces to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state and coordinates the activities of other types of fire protection. According to the Federal Law "On Fire Safety", the State Fire Service includes: a) the Federal Fire Service; b) fire service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation .

    The Federal Fire Service includes: 1) structural subdivisions of the central office of the EMERCOM of Russia as a federal executive body authorized to solve problems in the field of fire safety, managing and coordinating the activities of the federal fire service; 2) structural subdivisions of the territorial bodies of the EMERCOM of Russia represented by its regional centers and main departments for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; 3) bodies of state fire supervision; 4) fire-technical, research and educational institutions; 5) subdivisions for ensuring the activities of the federal fire service; 6) subdivisions of the federal fire fighting service, created in order to ensure the prevention of fires and their extinguishing in organizations (facility subdivisions); 7) subdivisions of the federal fire service, created in order to organize the prevention and extinguishing of fires in closed administrative-territorial entities, as well as in especially important and sensitive organizations (special and military units); 8) subdivisions of the federal fire service, created in order to organize the prevention and extinguishing of fires in settlements (territorial divisions); 9) subdivisions of the federal fire service created for the purpose of protecting the property of organizations from fires on a contractual basis (contractual divisions of the federal fire service) |343|.

    Civil Defense Troops

    They are part of the security forces and are designed to protect the territory of the country and its population when emergency situations and the threat of their occurrence in peacetime and wartime, caused by accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters... Civil defense troops, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Defense", may be involved in defense with the use of means of armed struggle.

    Basic structural unit The civil defense troops, capable of independently performing the tasks assigned to them, is a separate civil defense brigade. They also include military units and organizations. These troops have formations (separate brigades), military units and organizations central subordination and regional subordination. The first management is carried out by the Minister of Emergency Situations

    Russia directly, the second - the minister through the regional centers of the EMERCOM of Russia.

    The State Inspection for Small Vessels of the EMERCOM of Russia is part of the EMERCOM of Russia. This inspection includes structural subdivisions of the central office of the EMERCOM of Russia, its territorial bodies as part of the territorial bodies of the EMERCOM of Russia, government inspectors on small vessels, as well as the relevant divisions and organizations of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia.

    The main tasks of the State Inspection for Small Vessels are: 1) the implementation of state and technical supervision over small vessels and bases (structures) for their parking and use during inland waters and the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation, i.e. on water bodies; 2) ensuring, and within the limits of their competence, the safety of people on water bodies.