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Civil law

Civil law Participants in civil relations: individuals and legal entities, the state, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities. Objects of civil relations: things, money, services, information, intellectual property, health ... A set of rules governing property and personal non-property relations

property or personal non-property relations on the basis of the principles of equality, inviolability of all forms of ownership and the freedom to conclude contracts by their participants, the inadmissibility of arbitrary interference by anyone in private affairs, the need for the unhindered exercise of civil rights, ensuring the restoration of violated rights, their judicial protection; civil law is the core of private law. Civil legal relations

Elements of civil relations Objects of legal relations Content of legal relations Subjects of legal relations

Subjects of civil law Citizens (individuals) Legal entities State

Citizens (individuals) Civil legal capacity- the opportunity to have the rights and obligations specified in the laws: The right to private property- possession of movable and real estate Civil legal capacity- a conscious ability to exercise civil rights through their actions. Up to 6 years - completely incapacitated 6-14 - generally incapacitated (disposal of pocket money) 14-18 - partial legal capacity (disposal of earned funds, but parents are responsible) 18 - full legal capacity(16-18 - entrepreneurs, employed; married)

Commercial and non-profit organizations who own or manage separate property, having the opportunity on their own behalf to enter into civil legal relations Factories, shops, schools, kindergartens, etc. Registration of a legal entity Legal entities

The State of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities are organizations with powers of authority. Perform in regulated relationships civil law, on an equal footing with other participants in these relations - citizens and legal entities

Objects of civil legal relations These are the values ​​about which subjects enter into legal relations in the field of civil law Things, money, securities, property rights Services and work performed Intellectual property in the form of results of intellectual property Information Intangible benefits

Rights and obligations that relate to the direct participants in this legal relationship The content of civil relations

A special category of civil rights that belong to him from birth are inseparable from him. These rights are not related to the possession and disposal of property The right to life (to live and control your life) The right to a name (the ability to change the name) The right to honor and dignity The right to health The right to secrecy privacy and her inviolability Personal moral rights

From birth, inseparable from a person. Not related to the possession and disposal of property Personal non-property rights The right to life The right to a name The right to honor and dignity

Exclusive rights of both personal non-property and property nature on results intellectual activity Right to intellectual property Copyright Patent law(Intellectual property protection)

The transfer of the rights and obligations of a deceased person to his heirs in accordance with the rules of law inheritance testator First stage: children, spouses, parents Second stage: brothers, sisters, grandfather, grandmother By law, heirs By will

Arise in relation to the possession of any property or in relation to its transfer by one person to another Responsibility for the right of ownership Property rights

Property and personal non-property relations Property relations (the right to have, inherit property ...) Property relations (buyer - seller) Obligation relations (debtor - creditor) Personal non-property relations Directly not related to property relations (protection of dignity, honor, business reputation, interests ...) Directly property-related (copyright)

Things (property) Immovable: land, subsoil plots, isolated water bodies, buildings, structures, aircraft and ships, space objects... Subject state registration... Movable: money, securities ...

Transaction and agreement Transaction - establishment, modification and termination certain rights and responsibilities. Transactions are unilateral (power of attorney) and multilateral. An agreement is a type of transaction in which two or more parties are involved. Types: contract of sale, donation, exchange, bank loan, construction contract, for the provision of services, insurance, lease of land, buildings ...

Measures stipulated by law aimed at restoring the violated civil right of the subject or ensuring this right Recognition of the right Restoration of the situation that existed before the violation of the right Compensation for damages and recovery of penalties Compensation moral damage Going to court Protection of civil rights

Sources of civil law. 1. Civil Code Main Regulator commodity-money relations in the country. (The first part came into force on 1.1.1995, the second part - on 1.3.1996) 2. Federal laws Regulating relations that are the subject of civil law. 3. By-laws Decrees of the President, decrees of the Government, acts of ministries and federal bodies executive power... 4. Other sources For example, custom.

Elements of civil legal relationship. content subjects objects subjects-carriers civil powers(rights) and responsibilities -Physical persons, -Legal entities, -Russian Federation, - Subjects of the Russian Federation, -Municipalities, -Foreign states... - the participation of at least 2 subjects is mandatory;

The content of the Powers (rights) and obligations of its participants (subjects) - the rights of one party necessarily correspond legal obligations another. Civil legal relationship (Divided depending on the content) Simple Complicated - one competence corresponds to one obligation (loan agreement) - several obligations correspond to one competence (contract of carriage of goods)

2.Absolute and relative a) Absolute: - authorized person(the owner) is opposed by an indefinitely wide range of obliged persons, - the behavior of obliged persons is not to violate the rights of the Authorized Subject. b) Relative: - one authorized person is opposed by a certain lonely circle obligated persons (debtor-creditor) Depending on the number and certainty of the subject composition

3.Property and obligatory a) Proprietary: -the right is realized through his own actions (ownership), -protection property rights carried out on the basis of a property claim. b) Mandatory: -the right is exercised on the basis of the requirements of active action from the obliged person -protection obligatory right carried out on the basis of a claim for compensation losses incurred... based on the method of exercising the authority belonging to its bearer

it exclusive rights both of a personal non-property and property nature on the results of intellectual, primarily creative, activities. Intellectual Property Rights Copyright governs relations arising in connection with the creation and use of works of science, literature, art, etc. Patent law regulates property and related personal and non-property relations arising in connection with the creation and use of inventions, utility models and industrial designs

Succession By law By will Valid when it is not revoked or changed by the will. A will is an act of disposition of tangible or intangible goods in the event of death

I've done the work Social teacher MBOU Lyceum No. 7 Rainikova Elena Vladimirovna

Civil relations, property or personal
relations governed by

Principles of civil relations

mutual initiative,
freedom of contract;
equality of the parties;
property independence

Types of civil relations

Property (by
about things
securities and
Obligatory (
about the transfer
performance of work,
provision of services)
Right to
rights (right to
life and health,
dignity, name)

Material relations

In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

the content of the ownership is
belonging to the owner of the following

The owner has the right

alienate your property
to other persons;
transfer to others while remaining
owner of the right to own, use
and disposal of property;
pledge property and burden it
in other ways, to dispose of it in other ways
transfer your property to trust
control to another person (without transition

In Russian federation

are recognized
municipal and
other forms

Find an example of a civil law relationship in the list and write down the numbers under which they appear.

1) sale of shares of the enterprise
2) job interview
3) determination of the punishment for the crime
4) the contract of the publishing house with the author
literary work
5) agreement on the provision of medical services

Read the judgments below and indicate the correct ones.

1) Equality of the parties is one of the basic principles
civil relations.
2) Obligation arises about
transfer of property, performance of work, provision of services.
3) Material relations are realized when in them
at least two persons are involved.
4) The owner can transfer the right to use
thing to another person.
5) In the Russian Federation, land cannot be in private

Applications of consumer properties of things are called

2) use
H) by order
4) inheritance

Grandmother gave her grandson an apartment. The grandson rented the apartment to his friends. What competence of the grandson as the owner is illustrated by this

1) title of ownership
2) the right to use
H) the power of the order
4) the right to donate

K. issued a power of attorney for the right
driving your son's car. A son
drives a car only on weekends
days. What is the competence of K. as
owner illustrates this example in
first of all?
1) title of ownership
2) the right to use
3) the power of the order
4) the right to donate

List of used printed sources:

1.O.A. Kotova, T.E. Liskova
Social Studies. Complex course
preparation. M., 2011.
2. E.A. Pevtsova. Right. Tutorial for
educational institutions. M.,