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Children's benefits in nalchik and the republic of kabardino-balkaria. What kind of assistance is eligible for low-income families? benefits and benefits for low-income families Laws for large families in the cbr

Child benefits installed Federal law dated May 19, 1995 N 81-FZ "O government benefits citizens with children. "Child benefits for working citizens are paid territorial offices Of the Fund social insurance Russian Federation at the place of work. Child benefits for non-working citizens are paid by the territorial departments of the Office social protection population (USZN) at the place of residence.

From January 1, 2018, Federal Law N 418-FZ of December 28, 2017 "On monthly payments to families with children" introduced two completely new payments: a monthly payment at the birth (adoption) of the first child and a monthly payment at the birth (adoption) of a second child , which are not benefits, but they do not in any way cancel the payment of federal benefits.

President Vladimir Putin initiated their introduction at a meeting of the Coordination Council for the implementation of the National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Children on November 28, 2017.

The main payments for children in the region are tied to the value of the regional subsistence minimum. The new monthly payment established from January 1, 2018 in connection with the birth (adoption) of the first child is funded by federal budget, and the new monthly payment at the birth of the second child is paid from funds maternity capital.

Basic monthly payments for a child in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and Nalchik

  • Monthly payment for the first child

    Appointed at the birth or adoption of the first child after January 1, 2018, if the size of the family's average per capita income does not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence minimum of the working-age population established in the region for the second quarter of the year preceding the year of applying for the appointment of the specified payment, in the amount of the subsistence the minimum for children established for the same period, in accordance with Federal Law N 418-FZ of December 28, 2017 "On monthly payments to families with children."

  • Monthly payment for the second child

    Appointed at the birth or adoption of a second child after January 1, 2018, if the size of the family's average per capita income does not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence minimum of the working-age population established in the region for the second quarter of the year preceding the year of applying for the purpose of the specified payment, in the amount of subsistence the minimum for children established for the same period at the expense of maternal (family) capital in accordance with Federal Law No. 418-FZ of December 28, 2017 "On monthly payments to families with children" and Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 256-ФЗ "On additional measures of state support for families with children".

The latest news on child benefits, payments and benefits of the city of Nalchik and the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

All news of Nalchik and the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Federal Child and Child Care Benefits

  • Lump sum at the birth of a child

    Appointed and paid to one of the parents no later than six months from the date of the child's birth. If two or more children are born at the same time, this allowance is paid for each child. All citizens, both working and non-working, have the right to receive it, at the place of work or in the bodies of social protection of the population.

  • Lump-sum allowance when transferring a child to a family for upbringing

    Appointed and paid in the event of adoption or the establishment of guardianship (guardianship), as well as in the transfer of a child to upbringing in foster family for each child, regardless of social status adoptive parents (guardians, trustees or adoptive parents): both working and non-working citizens have the right to receive it.

  • One-time allowance for women registered with medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy

    It is assigned and paid to working women in addition to the maternity allowance, subject to their registration with the antenatal clinic before 12 weeks of pregnancy. The allowance is drawn up and issued by the employer at the expense of the FSS of the Russian Federation simultaneously with the pregnancy and childbirth allowance.

All benefits and payments

Popular answers to questions about child benefits

Yes, if a mother interrupts parental leave up to 1.5 years old and goes to work full-time, then the monthly childcare allowance will not be paid to her from the day she starts working ...

Navigating the article

Despite the fact that the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria is a subsidized region, social support of the population is a priority. The republic follows the policy of the President of the Russian Federation aimed at increasing the population and life expectancy of the country's inhabitants. In the region, there are payments for families with children or planning to have offspring.

What does the law say about it

The main document is the Federal Law “On State Benefits to Citizens with Children”. The law reflects the procedure for providing, the category of persons, type, size, source of payment.

Annual depreciation (inflation) of the money supply forces the government to index payments.

The last indexation was fixed by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.24. No. 74. Since February 2019, the amount of benefits has increased, the coefficient amounted to 1.043. A pilot project it is planned to receive compensation directly through the social insurance fund. The Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria does not participate in the project. The federal law, introduced since the beginning of 2018, provides for an additional payment for children up to 1.5 years of age.


The calculation period for maternity deductions is the average earnings over the previous 2 years. Paid in one amount for a full vacation.

The employer is not entitled to charge maternity benefits below the statutory minimum. The basis for calculating the minimum benefit is the minimum wage.

In May 2018, the minimum wage increased from 9,489 rubles to 11,163 rubles.

The minimum amount of payments, taking into account the changes introduced by the legislators:

Base RF law
Indexing Produced on the basis of acts of the government of the Russian Federation on increasing the minimum wage.
The package of documents where you receive The document for calculating maternity is sick leave issued by a medical institution where the future woman in labor was pregnant. Before the start of the vacation, the employed maternity leave gives the document to the accountant for the subsequent calculation of a lump sum.

Students, the unemployed apply to the university, social protection authorities.

Note Pregnant women who have gone on maternity leave, but have official earnings, receive a minimum equivalent of deductions.

Maternal (family) capital

Allowance for the maintenance of children from 1.5 to 3 years old

Paid from the regional budget to a person who is on parental leave to care for a child under 3 years old.

Compensation for 1 and subsequent child from 01 January 2019

The new social benefit applies to families where a child was born after January 01, 2019 and the income per family member does not exceed living wage 1.5 times. State aid introduced to support especially needy families with little financial wealth.

Base Federal law of the Russian Federation
Indexing Produced legislative acts the government of the Russian Federation and the KBR on changing the subsistence level.
Where do they get V PFR branch at the place of registration.
Time limits Within 6 months from the date of birth of the child.
Package of documents
  1. sample application;
  2. documents for the parent (passport, SNILS);
  3. birth certificate of the child / children.
Note The applicant, applying within the time frame indicated by the FIU, is entitled to receive benefits not from the moment of applying, but from the date of birth of the child.

If 2 children are born in a family with a low income, the possibility of receiving a monthly allowance from the maternity capital reserve, in the amount of the subsistence minimum ( in 2019 11,230 rubles.). When registering state certificate, the applicant has the right to write an application for this compensation.

For a newborn under 3 years old, whose father is a military man

The spouse of a soldier who supports the child is also entitled to benefits.

Base RF law
Benefit amount 11,863.27 rubles
Indexing Produced by legislative acts of the government of the Russian Federation.
Where do they get In the social security authorities.
Time limits After graduation military service the spouses have 6 months to process the compensation.
Package of documents
  1. birth certificate;
  2. Marriage certificate;
  3. a certificate from a military registration and enlistment office or a military unit confirming the fact of service.
Note Pay of this manual does not exclude the accrual of other assistance related to gestation and birth.

In the region, financially supported guardians, foster parents, raising children left without parental care until the age of 18.

Base CBD law
Benefit amount 5,000 rubles- monthly;

3,080 rubles- additional payment for raising a child under 3 years old or a disabled person;

5,000 rubles- monthly incentives for the foster parent's work.

Percentage surcharges (20%) for raising 3 or more children or a child with disabilities are added to the incentive.

Where do they get In social protection by registration.
Time limits Not indicated.
Package of documents
  1. documents proving guardianship (court decision, ruling);
  2. a certificate from an educational institution (school, college).

Benefit for a pupil in a poor family

The poor in the KBR include families whose monthly earnings per family member are not more than the subsistence level ( 11230 rubles)... Social support, paid monthly, is assigned to each child of the family until the age of 16.

Caring for a child with limited mobility

The allowance is issued for a parent caring for a disabled child until the age of 18.

Other compensations and incentives in the KBR

Large families are under special care in the republic, there are additional benefits:

  • Parents raising 5 or more children are awarded the "Maternal Glory" medal and are paid 10,000 rubles.
  • If a family has 10 or more children, a car is awarded to the medal.
  • The regional budget compensates for utility costs.

Parents whose child is attending Kindergarten, partial compensation of the subscription fee is assumed. The percentage of compensation (20%, 50%, 70%) depends on the number and age of children. To confirm eligibility for payment, parents must quarterly provide a certificate of income to social security NS.

A pregnant woman after 30 weeks is given out. The document makes it possible for the expectant mother to choose a medical institution convenient for the woman in labor; payment for services according to the certificate occurs at the expense of federal funds.

Raising a child is not a cheap pleasure, therefore, the state and regional assistance is small, but the support of the parents' budget. Now we know what kind of financial support you can count on at the stage of pregnancy, birth and growing up of a child in the KBR.

Social support for veterans

To obtain a subsidy from a veteran in general case you will need the following papers:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • veteran's certificate;
  • an extract from the passport office on the composition of the family;
  • a certificate from Rosreestr about the presence / absence of a dwelling;
  • additional documents confirming the citizen's need for improvement housing conditions.

Veteran ID. How is veteran status formalized?

  1. 50% discount on payment for living space.
  2. 50% discount on payment utilities.
  3. 50% discount on the purchase of fuel for heating the living space.
  4. The right to avoid layoffs at the official place of work.
  5. Out-of-turn entry into the circle of participants in construction and / or garage cooperatives.
  6. Out-of-order allocation of a land plot if it is necessary to build a living space.
  7. Purchase of a summer residence out of turn.
  8. Right to receive medical care out of turn.
  9. The right to extraordinary service in points and pharmacies.
  10. The right to extraordinary provision of places for children in sanatoriums, hospitals, as well as educational and preschool institutions. At the same time, the state is obliged to allocate 90 rubles for food and child support in these institutions.
  11. Provision of places in boarding houses for the disabled and the elderly, as well as veterans' homes.
  12. The right to extraordinary employment after relocation to a new place of residence.
  13. Children of "Chernobyl victims" have priority upon admission to universities.

Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986-1987 are entitled to the following assistance from the state:

  • monthly financial compensation to purchase food products at the rate of 881.9 rubles;
  • 881.25 rubles;
  • monthly monetary compensation for payment of housing and utilities in the amount of 50%;

Family members who have lost the breadwinner who participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster (widows, children) use the following measures social support:

  1. Monthly compensation for the loss of a breadwinner - a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster in the amount of 222.91 rubles.
  2. Annual compensation to children who have lost their breadwinner, who participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the amount of 293.76 rubles.
  3. One-time compensation to family members of citizens who died (died) as a result of the Chernobyl disaster in the amount of 29 374.68 rubles.
  4. One-time compensation to the parents of citizens who died (died) as a result of the Chernobyl disaster in the amount of 14 687.38 rubles rubles.
  5. Burial allowance - for family members or persons who took upon themselves the organization of the funeral of citizens who died as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, who died as a result of radiation sickness and other diseases arising in connection with the Chernobyl disaster, as well as deceased disabled citizens as a result of the Chernobyl disaster in size 11 176,72 rubles.

Citizens resettled (resettled), including those who left voluntarily, from the resettlement zone in 1986 and in subsequent years are entitled to the following assistance:

  • annual wellness compensation in the amount of 291.76 rubles;
  • use of the next annual paid vacation at a convenient time, as well as obtaining an additional paid vacation with a duration of 14 calendar days.

Lump-sum allowance in connection with moving to a new place of residence - 1,468.74 rubles for each migrant.

Donor social support

Provided to a donor who donated blood and (or) its components:

  1. The donor is provided with free meals.
  2. A donor who donated blood free of charge during the year in an amount equal to two maximum allowable blood doses is granted the right to first-priority purchase at the place of work or study of preferential vouchers for sanatorium treatment. The volume of the maximum permissible blood dose is determined by the doctor when medical examination donor.

In Russia, regional authorities have the right to provide citizens with additional benefits if they have the funds to do so. Moscow is safe in financial plan region of the country. That's why large families people living in Moscow receive good help.

Benefits for large families in St. Petersburg in 2020

Authorities Chelyabinsk region in 2020, the amount of funds allocated for the purchase of housing for orphans will be increased by 1.5 times compared to last year, their total amount will be about 550 million rubles, Governor Boris Dubrovsky said on Wednesday, speaking with an annual message to the Legislative Assembly of the region.

How to get an apartment for a large family in 2020: benefits and subsidies

Due to the fact that each case is individual, the authorities of the service to which the application is submitted may need additional documents. Some of them they themselves may request in other services, but others may ask to bring the applicant himself. So that the registration process does not drag out, it is better to find out in advance with the municipality which list of papers you need to bring.

What are the benefits of subsidy payments in 2020 for large families in the kbrd

Question about receiving social payments worries about the majority of large families in Russia. If in 2020 the changes concerned compensation for spent funds and new benefits, then in 2020 only the indexation of maternity capital is planned. All other benefits and benefits for large families remain unchanged. We will tell you what can change in the legislation and what kind of assistance can parents of three or more children expect.

New laws and benefits for large families in 2020

A large family can apply for participation in government programs provision of housing "Young family", "Affordable housing", while at the expense of the budget, part of the cost of a loan or the cost of a share of the area of ​​an apartment or house is compensated.

Often, benefits and advantages are introduced on the initiative of employers (especially if these are large city-forming enterprises). Information about this is reflected in collective agreements, local regulations(orders, orders of the management), etc. This mainly concerns additional vacations, length of the working day, working hours, salary increments, restrictions on overtime on holidays and weekends, travel compensation to the workplace and back, provision of meals, etc. dr.

Children's benefits in Nalchik and the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria

The Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR) is one of the subjects of the Russian Federation with a fairly high birth rate and low mortality. Task local authorities- to keep the level of demography as it is, and to increase the main wealth of the country - the children being born. For this purpose, there are allowances for the material support of families in the region. They are divided into federal (from the state budget) and regional (from the republican treasury).

Benefits for large families in 2020: the amount of payments and registration of benefits

The category of children can include adults under 23 years of age who are studying full-time at a higher educational institution or doing military service. Such conditions are not typical for all regions. The main document containing a system of measures to improve the quality of life of large families is the Federal Law "On state support large families ", adopted on November 17, 1999. Its purpose is to provide conditions for family well-being. Each chapter of the law contains specific information:

Benefits for large families in 2020

It will be beneficial if the woman did not work at all. For example, in 2020 you can earn maximum 8.7 retirement score. To do this, you will need to earn 815,000 rubles in a year. From these funds taxes are paid and pensions are accrued and pension points accumulated.

Help for large families in 2020 - benefits, social support programs and monthly payments

  • Providing a land plot. Citizens who have a certificate of large families can receive a land plot of no more than 15 acres, which must be used for the construction of a house, a summer residence, residential, backyard premises, and the placement of plantings used for personal purposes. Allotted less than 6 acres to allocate multi-family persons is prohibited.
  • Social housing for large families under a tenancy agreement. Local municipal bodies give apartments or plots of land. Applicants seeking to improve conditions must meet the following requirements: be citizens of Russia for at least five years; all households are registered on one living space; the family belongs to the poor, none of the members owns real estate. Housing can be provided if the living space for each household is less than the established sanitary and hygienic standards.
  • Preferential programs for the purchase of housing. Large financial and credit organizations provide mortgage assistance programs for large families in 2020. Potential debtors enjoy a reduced interest rate on loans "Young Family" and "Affordable Housing", provided that the apartment is purchased from developers operating under the program to support privileged categories of Russians.

Help for large families in 2020 in Russia

  • if parents cannot cope with social and financial problems on their own;
  • mom and dad, who are in charge of more than three children, perform an important social task for the state;
  • regions provide targeted assistance in each specific case (for example, taxes).

Payments to large families in 2020

The main types of benefits for children include those that a woman can initially apply for. First of all, help is drawn up on the occasion early production registered for pregnancy, the amount of which will be equal to 613 rubles, and for this it is necessary to prepare a certificate obtained from a doctor and give it to the accounting department of the enterprise. Subsequently, a maternity allowance is issued, the amount of which will depend on the level wages women. It is paid by the employer, but assistance is also provided for unemployed women, although it will be paid in minimum size... Few people know about this, but pregnant female students may apply for financial support to the dean's office of their educational institution (but only if they are on a budgetary form of education). The amount of support in 2020 will be no more than 1400 rubles, and it is necessary to deal with its registration in advance.

Large families in 2020: what to expect from the state

Large families have the right to receive a land plot for housing and personal purposes. The plot must be at least 6 acres, but no more than 15 acres. Free social housing is provided to families whose living space for each family member is less than the established sanitary and hygienic standards.

Benefits and payments to parents with many children

In November 2020, at live Talking to journalists, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that parents with many children are under the special attention of the government, along with disabled people and pensioners. Thus, the authorities recognize that families in which a large number of children are being raised need state support. It turns out to be in various forms, but above all - in various monetary payments. Parents with many children should know what benefits they can count on, under what conditions, and how to get them. It is also necessary to figure out which measures of social support are already in place, and which are still only projects of state "husbands".

Subsidy for a large family for the purchase of housing

The share of costs covered by the government varies by region. For example, in Moscow it can be up to 100%. It depends on how many years the family has been registered with the Social Security authorities. But, as a rule, the share ranges from 10% to 70%, and in cities it will be less than in rural areas.

The Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR) is one of the subjects of the Russian Federation with a fairly high birth rate and low mortality. The task of local authorities is to preserve the level of demography as it is, and to increase the main wealth of the country - the children being born. For this purpose, there are allowances for the material support of families in the region. They are divided into federal (from the state budget) and regional (from the republican treasury).

Payment of federal benefits to families with children in Nalchik

In accordance with Law No. 81-FZ of 05/19/1995, the KBR pays all state benefits that are typical for other regions. Payments are subject to annual indexation. The latter took place on 01.02.2018 (Resolution No. 74 of 26.01.2018), due to which the amount of benefits increased by 2.5%.

In one of the cities of the Republic, Tyrnyauz, for workers of some specialties there is a district coefficient 1,15 ... It is used for local salary and welfare increases. In the rest of the region, benefits are paid at a standard rate.

2018 Federal Child Benefit Table

Federal Benefit Title Benefit amount, rub.
in the city of Nalchik and in most of the KBR from 01.02.2018 in Tyrnyauz (+ 15%), rub.
Maternity (at least 140 days in advance) maternity leave) 43615,65 50158,00
When registering with early dates pregnancy 628,47 722,74
At the birth of a child, his transfer to the upbringing of a family 16759,09 19272,95
Pregnant conscript wife 26539,76 30520,72
Allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old 3142.33 - minimum for the first child for the unemployed;

3788.33 - minimum for workers

3613.68 - for the unemployed

4356.58 - for working people

6284.65 - for the second and next children 7227,35
Monthly payment for the birth of 1 and 2 children under 1.5 years old from 2018 12778.00 - in the amount of the minimum subsistence level per child
For the child of a conscript 11374,18 13080,31
      • 12 weeks pregnant

    • When they make out and pay

        End of maternity leave

    • When they make out and pay
      • (not limited)

    • When they make out and pay
    • When they make out and pay

        Under 16 or under 18

    • When they make out and pay
      • 6 months after adoption

        (not limited)

    • When they make out and pay

        The end of the compulsory military service of the child's father

    • When they make out and pay
    • When they make out and pay
    • When they make out and pay

        6 months after transfer

  • Benefits for all families
    • At the birth of a child
    • When adopting a child
  • Additional types of benefits
    • Families of conscripts
    • Foster parents and guardians
    • Lump sum payments
    • Monthly payments
    • Payments are possible *

    * the start and end dates of payments are set at the regional level (most often from 1.5 to 16 years)

    • Lump sum payments
    • Monthly payments
    • Payments are possible *

    * start and end dates of payments are set regional laws(most often from 1.5 to 16 years old), but not earlier than the moment of adoption of the child

    ** eligibility for benefits does not depend on the child's age at the time of adoption

    • Lump sum payments
    • Monthly payments
    • Payments are possible *

    * can be paid from the moment the child is born until the child reaches 3 years of age, but not earlier than the beginning and not later than the end of the compulsory military service by the father

    ** paid from the moment the soldier dies until the child reaches 18 years of age or until the end of full-time education, but no later than 23 years

    • Lump sum payments
    • Monthly payments

Regional child benefits in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria

Republican benefits in Kabardino-Balkaria are assigned only to families who live in the region permanently or predominantly. Part of the payments is due only Russian citizens... Other benefits can be obtained by parents regardless of citizenship.

  • Benefits can be provided to any parent or legal representatives of the child.
  • You need to apply for payments in social security authority at the place of residence.
  • In general, the responsible authority has 10 days to make a decision.
  • Benefits are subject annual indexing based on the projected inflation rate.
  • Monetary social assistance is not assigned to children in respect of whom the parents disenfranchised as well as stillborns.

Social benefits are provided from the republican treasury. When registering any allowance, a basic set of documents and paper is submitted, which are necessary in each specific case.

The basic package includes:

  • Statement.
  • Passport (other ID and registration document).
  • Birth certificate of the child for whom payments are made.
  • Certificate confirming the cohabitation of the applicant and the child.

Monthly child allowance

Low-income families for every child under 16 a special republican allowance is paid. If the child has not yet graduated from school, the payment of social benefits is extended until the age of 18.

  • Social payment is made out for each child in the family.
  • The allowance is assigned not only to children of their own kind, but also to adopted children, wards... For the latter, when making a maintenance payment, the monthly allowance will have to be waived.
  • Income statements should be updated and submitted at least once a year.
  • No. 21-RZ of 17.08.1996 "On the protection of the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood";
  • Resolution No. 63-PP of 08.04.2008 "On the Regulation on the Assignment and Payment of State Benefits to Citizens with Children"
The size
  • RUB 110.29 - base size;
  • RUB 165.44 - for the child of a parent who evades the payment of alimony, as well as a conscript;
  • RUB 220.58 - for children of single mothers
Required documents
  • parent's salary certificate (for working people) or employment history(for those who are not working);
  • maintenance income data subsidiary plots(if any);
  • a certificate from the school (only for children 16-18 years old);
  • basic set of documents;
  • other papers as required
Term of circulation Recommended for 6 months. after childbirth

The poor in the KBR is a family in which per capita income per person does not exceed the subsistence minimum (LW). The latter is set for the elapsed period. For the 1st quarter of 2016 in Kabardino-Balkaria, the PM amounted to 11,711 rubles. per child, 8 192 rubles. for a pensioner, 10 942 rubles. for an able-bodied citizen.

Lump sum at the birth of a child

In addition to the eponymous federal payment, the woman who gives birth is paid an allowance from the local budget. It is assigned when every newborn in family.

The allowance is not paid for children adopted by parents, taken into custody or guardianship.

Lump-sum allowance when transferring a child to a family

The allowance is paid to citizens who have adopted or taken under guardianship into the foster family of a child, devoid of parental care ... The payment is assigned for each child transferred to foster parents.

Lump sum for the birth of three or more twins

The mother or a person replacing her is eligible to apply for this benefit for each triplet child or more children born at the same time.

This payment, unlike all the others, not subject to annual indexation and is paid at a fixed rate.

Monthly childcare allowance for a child from 1.5 to 3 years old

The payment can be made by a person who is on parental leave up to 3 years. Also, the allowance is due to mothers-students, studying on a job, and non-working mothers.

  • Social assistance is paid for each child in the family, regardless of the average per capita income.
  • It summed up with the usual monthly child support.
  • The entitlement to benefits is lost upon entering work, but retains when working part-time (for unemployed persons, upon receiving unemployment benefits).
  • The payment is assigned from the month of circulation, as well as for the previous period of no more than 6 months.

Employees / students must apply for an allowance at the place of work / study, unemployed - to the body of social protection.

Monthly allowance for the maintenance of guardians and foster children

The guardian, trustee, foster parent is paid funds for the monthly maintenance of the adopted family an orphan and left without parental care at the age under 18 years old... In addition, foster parents are also entitled to reward for work.

What law is established
  • No. 6-PЗ dated 09.04.2004 "On the size monthly remuneration foster parents and benefits provided to foster families ”;
  • No. 9-РЗ dated January 17, 2007 "On the procedure and amount of monthly cash payments to a foster family for child support"
The size
  • RUB 5,000 - funds for the maintenance of one child when placed under guardianship or in a foster family;
  • RUB 3,080 - surcharge for each child under 3 years old or disabled child
  • RUB 5,000 - remuneration for the adoptive parent;
  • + 20% - allowance for raising more than three children;
  • + 20% - surcharge for a child with physical or mental disabilities, a disabled person or a baby under 3 years old
Required documents except base package, you need:
  • documents confirming the absence of parental custody of the child;
  • foster family agreement (decision to transfer to guardianship);
  • edit from school (for students aged 16-18)
Term of circulation Not installed

Other types of assistance to foster families with orphans or those left without parental care:

  • 50% discount for communal, telephone and fuel.
  • State scholarship

Disabled child care monthly allowance

The monthly allowance can be obtained by an able-bodied nonworking parent(another family member) who, due to the state of health of his disabled child, must provide constant care for him.

  • The allowance is paid for children under 18 years old.
  • Eligibility for social benefits persists when working at home or on a part-time basis.
  • The payment is assigned subject to the agreed conditions, regardless of the receipt of a pension, child support and other payments.
  • You should apply for payment at the place of work(for part-time workers), to the social security authority (in other cases).

Republican maternity capital

Matkapital in KBR is issued on the fifth or next the child who was born after 01.01.2008... A one-time targeted social payment is assigned to the mother of the children.

In the event of the mother's death, incapacity, or for a number of other reasons, the right to maternity capital passes to the father (adoptive parent).

  • The applicant applying for payment must be a citizen of Russia.
  • Consideration of the application is carried out within 30 days. After that, the applicant receives a certificate or a refusal to provide a mother capital.

One-time targeted assistance can only be spent on improvement of living conditions families:

  • Buying a home through any transaction that does not contradict the law, including on a loan or through a housing cooperative.
  • Construction (reconstruction) of a private residential building.

Other payments and benefits for parents with children

A large family in the region is considered a family raising three or more children under 18 years old... There are many such families in the KBR, there are various manuals to support them. Among the payments:

  • One-time remuneration for the mother (father) of 5-9 children, awarded with the medal "Maternal Glory" - 10,000 rubles.
  • Provision of a minibus for those awarded with the "Maternal Glory" medal if the number of children is 10 or more.
  • Monthly compensation of 30% of the cost of electricity, and for families living in houses with stove heating - in addition to the cost of fuel (Law No. 57-RZ of December 29, 2004).


In recent years, there has been quite a high fertility(15.5-15.9 newborns per 1000 inhabitants). Therefore, the monthly payment (MU) for the third child, which is typical for many regions of Russia, does not apply here. For comparison, the average birth rate in the Russian Federation is 13.3 newborns per 1000.

For several years of legislative activity in the region, laws and regulations have been adopted to support the poor, large families, student families, and substitute families. Support is provided to parents of disabled children. Special attention in Kabardino-Balkaria is paid to the provision of housing and the organization of health improvement.

The body responsible for benefits for large families in the KBR in 2018, as in any other year, is the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population. When the fifth child is born, the family is entitled to additional subsidies from the regional budget. What privileges can citizens of the republic with many children count on and how to get them? In what cases does having multiple children not guarantee that benefits will be granted?

Legislative regulation

Benefits that are paid in the KBR upon the birth of children are regulated by Law 81-FZ of 19.05.1995 "On State Benefits to Citizens with Children." The amounts are reviewed and indexed annually. Last rise by 2.5% occurred in February 2018.

In some areas, there is a multiplying factor for certain workers. So, in the city of Tyrnyauz it is 1.5. Benefits are paid only to those families who live in the region permanently and are Russian citizens.

Benefits can be received by either parent by sending the appropriate package of documents to the social protection fund. The decision should be announced in 10 days. Refusal is motivated.

For children whose parents are deprived of their rights, benefits are not awarded. Payments come from the treasury of the republic.

Large families receive targeted assistance in the KBR. So, according to the decree No. 2-PP dated 01/18/2012 "On the rules for sending a one-time address social assistance to improve the living conditions of large families raising five or more children ", after the birth of the 5th baby, the family claims the republican maternity capital.

Law of the KBR No. 57-RZ of December 29, 2004 "On state social support selected categories Citizens in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic ", gives a list of benefits for certain categories of citizens.

What family is considered large

In the republic, a family is considered large if it brings up three or more children. Moreover, their age should not exceed 18 years.

Important! Deprivation of parental rights is a circumstance that does not allow claiming benefits, even if the required number of babies is born.

Unlike other regions, in the CBD high level fertility, therefore lump sum they do not pay for the birth of a third child, but there are a number of other incentives for large families.

What benefits are provided

After the birth of their third child, a large family in 2018 in KBR can count on additional benefits and payments. These include:

  1. Remuneration in the amount of 10,000 rubles. Paid one-time. Rely on both mother and father who have the "Maternal Glory" medal. Parents apply for it after the appearance of 5 baby, own or adopted.
  2. If the tenth baby is born, then a minibus is issued to move the family. The same condition applies - the presence of the "Maternal Glory" medal.
  3. Electricity cost compensation of 30%.
  4. Fuel cost compensation for residents of homes without central heating.
  5. Children are provided with free trips to health facilities.
  6. Guys from low-income families go to the place of study at the expense of the budget.
  7. Enrollment in preschool educational institutions takes place out of turn.
  8. Many children apply for land for building a house.

The republic has a program to provide regional maternity capital. Applicants must have at least 5 children. Matcapital can be replaced with targeted financial assistance aimed at improving housing conditions. The amount is 250,000 rubles.

Important! The fifth or next child must be at least 1 year old to apply for money.

Large families in the KBR, who are eligible for such a payment, are entered in a special register and are registered. They are awarded a certificate, which is allowed to be sent to improve their living conditions. The document is registered and cannot be transferred to third parties. By the first quarter of 2018, 1,557 certificates have already been issued.

The parent who received the certificate sends an application for the transfer of the amount, and a specially collected commission considers it. The latter makes a decision and sends the amount to the applicant's personal bank account.

During the period of the program since 2009, 714 large families received payments in the total amount of 140.8 million rubles.

Regulations governing the issue

  1. Law 81-FZ of 19.05.1995 "On State Benefits to Citizens with Children".
  2. Resolution No. 2-PP of 18.01.2012 "On the rules for directing one-time targeted social assistance to improve housing conditions for large families raising five or more children."
  3. Law of the KBR No. 57-RZ of December 29, 2004 "On state social support for certain categories of citizens in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic".

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In the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria child allowance paid at the expense of the federal and local budgets... Additional social support is not available to everyone. Mainly transfers in the region are associated with large families and low income.

Payment of federal benefits in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria

The entire list of benefits contains Law No. 81-FZ. In general, payments are made in the republic at a standard rate.

Nuance! Some residents of Tyrnyauz receive payments in increased size... The promotion is done for employees who have special conditions labor.

Federal transfers in 2018

Payment name Size (rub.) Nuances
Incentives for women registering early in pregnancy 613,44
Payment in case of pregnancy and childbirth 35 901,37
One-time payment on the occasion of childbirth 16 350.33 - minimum transfer;

266,191.80 - maximum payment for 140 days of maternity leave

At the birth of triplets, transfers are made for each baby. Additional measures social support is determined by local authorities.
The minimum transfer for the time of caring for the baby 3,065.69 - for the first baby;

6,131.37 - for the second

Paid up to 1.5 years
Payment for the care of children with disabilities 2 527,06
Listing to parents of children with disabilities who are unable to work 5 500;

1200 due to others

Payment to mothers dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the enterprise 613,14
Monthly transfer to women laid off due to business closure 50 Listed up to three years
One-time transfer to the pregnant wife of a conscript 25 892,45
Payment for children of conscripts 11 096,76 Listed every month
Regular transfer to children of the military who died in the line of duty 2 231,85
Annual allowance for children of the military who died in military operations in the North Caucasus 22 027,02
One-time payment for citizens with the Order of Parental Glory 100 000
Maternal (family) capital 453 026
Foster family
One-time encouragement to adoptive parents 16 350,33;

124,929.83 - if the family accepts a child with a disability

Benefits for foster children under 12 years of age 7 200
Payment for children from 12 to 18 years old 8000

Important! For an appointment, you must contact the social protection specialists at the place of registration or the MFC. Download for viewing and printing:

Federal Law of 05.19.1995 N 81-FZ (as amended on 03.28.2017) "On state benefits to citizens with children"

Required documents

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Payment terms

The accounting department must schedule payments no later than ten days from the date of receipt of the application.

Social protection specialists must meet in 10 days. Transfers are made no later than the 26th day of the month following the month of registration of the application.

Attention! It is important for parents to comply with the deadlines and submit an application no later than six months after the birth of the baby.

Federal family capital

The second child continues to do additional payments... 453 thousand rubles families can use their child's education and a future mother's pension to improve their living conditions. Also, a new direction of use has been introduced - this is the purchase of drugs and medical devices for children with disabilities.

Nuance! Privileges are established for residents who have lived in the region for at least five years. If they let family capital for the purchase of housing, then they are compensated for part of the interest rate on the loan.

The order of transfers was approved by the Government of the KBR. Resolution No. 231-PP is dated September 2012.

If the child was born before 2015, then you can receive a one-time transfer in the amount of twenty thousand rubles.

Download for viewing and printing:

Resolution of the Government of the KBR N 231-PP "On the Procedure for Payment of Compensation of a Part of the Interest Rate ..."

Regional Benefits 2018

Transfer order material assistance regulates the Regulation on the appointment of state benefits. The document was approved by the Decree of the Government of the KBR dated 08.04.2008. No. 63-PP.

A family that receives monthly payments must submit income documents on a regular basis. The family income is compared with the living wage in the republic. For the first quarter of 2017, the child's subsistence minimum amounted to 11,687 rubles.

Download for viewing and printing:

Decree of the Government of the KBR dated 08.04.2008 No. 63-PP "On the Regulation" On the appointment and payment of state benefits ... "

Child benefits

Child allowance in Nalchik on the occasion of the birth of a baby is 14,497.80 rubles. The allowance is subject to the condition that mom and dad are not working.

For the time of “sitting” with a baby up to one and a half years old, 2718.35 rubles are paid. The second baby and the next children are entitled to 5,436.67 rubles. The payments are summed up when caring for two children.

To assign a payment, you will need a certificate from the husband stating that he is not receiving benefits.

9,839.48 rubles are transferred to the spouse of the conscript monthly.

Benefits up to three years

After a year and a half, they pay much less. Often, the question of continuing maternity leave is questionable. Mothers are entitled to only 362.81 rubles.

The documents:

  1. unemployed parents present a copy of the work book;
  2. workers need to attach a copy of the order on the granting of parental leave from one and a half to three years.

Payments up to 16 years

Only low-income families have the right to receive material assistance. If the income is below the subsistence level, then an allowance is assigned.

4 types of payments:

  • standard size - 110.29 rubles;
  • transfer for single mothers - 220.58 rubles;
  • for children of conscripts - 165.44 rubles;
  • when the father does not pay child support - 165.44 rubles.

In order to receive benefits, you must prove your income for three months. The payment period is extended to eighteen years if the child is studying full-time. In this case, you need a certificate from the university.

Payments under 18

Transfers are made up to 18 years of age in the case of caring for a child with a disability. 1,451.25 rubles are transferred monthly. Childhood disability is confirmed by a certificate in Form No. 2 issued by the ITU Bureau.

Regional capital in Kabardino-Balkaria

In addition to the federal capital, the KBR pays regional capital. Purpose of transfers: housing construction. Regional capital was introduced in 2008. The payment procedure was approved by the Government of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Resolution No. 2-PP is dated January 2012.

5 conditions for obtaining regional capital:

  1. The family had five or more children.
  2. The fifth baby was born after 2008.
  3. The family is registered on the territory of the KBR.
  4. Previously, the parents did not draw up payments.
  5. Russian citizenship.

There are also incentive payments for mothers with many children. If a woman gave birth to three children at the same time, then 50,000 rubles are transferred for each baby. The order of transfers is regulated by Resolution No. 63-PP, dated April 2008. It should be noted that only three such cases were recorded in the region.

The application is submitted to specialists of social protection of the population. Thirty days later, the answer is given.

  1. buying a property;
  2. housing construction;
  3. payment of a mortgage loan;
  4. first installment on the mortgage.

Important! The conditions for the payment of the regional capital of the KBR differ from other regions. The payment amount is 250 thousand rubles. The funds can only be used to improve living conditions. Download for viewing and printing:

Decree of the Government of the KBR No. 2-PP dated January 18, 2012 "On the Rules for the direction of one-time targeted social assistance ..."

Resolution No. 63-PP of 08.04.2008 "On the regulation and on the appointment and payment of state benefits ..."

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Watch the video about child benefits

List of subsidies due to large families in 2017-2018

  1. Children's age. According to the regulations, all children in a family must be under 18 years of age. But there is one exception: if a child is studying, then the age limit rises to 23 years. It does not matter - a paid form of training or free. But another factor is taken into account - the form of education. So, if a child is in full-time education, then we can talk about privileges. If the form of education is part-time, then you will have to forget about benefits.
  2. All children are required to be registered with their parents. But the plus is that no one looks at the actual address of residence of the children. Therefore, it is undesirable for a student from a large family to live in a hostel at a university - after all, there he is issued a temporary registration, after which the family may lose all privileges.

Children's benefits in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria

In Nalchik and the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the same federal benefits are in effect as in other regions of Russia. Their list is approved by Art. 3 of Law No. 81-ФЗ dated 05.19.1995. Child payments for federal level appointed by the principle of categorization, i.e. without taking into account the actual needs of the family. Moreover, most of them can be issued not only by the mother, but also by the father of the child.

The main payments for children in the region are tied to the value of the regional subsistence minimum. The new monthly payment established from January 1, 2018 in connection with the birth (adoption) of the first child is funded from the federal budget, and the new monthly payment for the birth of the second child is paid from the maternity capital.

Subsidy for a large family for the purchase of housing

The concept of having many children is determined not by the federal, but by regional level... But in most of the territory of Russia, such families include raising three or more children. Children under the age of 18 are taken into account (in many places - up to 23, if they are studying in the full-time department).

What are the subsidies for large families in 2018 and how to get them

With a set of documents and an application for participation in the program, you should go to the territorial department for housing policy. Please note that in some regions, documents are not accepted all year round, but during certain periods of time (for example, from January to July). Within a month, a letter with a response will be sent to the mailbox specified in the application. If the decision is positive, the family is queued. Now all that remains is to wait for their turn. Keep in mind that the subsidy will be granted next year at best - this is important to remember when planning to buy or build a home.

Benefits for large families in 2018: the amount of payments and registration of benefits

The highest level of benefits in Russia is typical for Moscow and the Moscow region. At the birth of the third baby, parents are paid 173,000 rubles. In this region, new benefits for large families are expected in 2018. The authorities are still deciding to introduce a program called Children's Housing Deduction. It involves the repayment of a certain part of the mortgage debt by the state. The authorities expect to pay up to 75% of the loan.

Children's benefits in Nalchik and the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria

  • 50% discount for communal, telephone and fuel.
  • Priority right to receive subsidies for the construction (purchase) of housing.
  • State scholarship in the amount of 600 rubles. receiving professional education full-time.
  • Annual allowance for the purchase of educational literature and stationery - 1,800 rubles.
  • Extraordinary receipt of residential premises under a social rent agreement.

Large families in 2018: what to expect from the state

Note that this payment applies to families who have given birth to a second (third or more) children. The state provides mom with a certificate in the amount of 453 thousand rubles. At the moment, the size of the material payment has not changed compared to previous years.

Payments and benefits for a child in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and Nalchik in 2018

Child benefits established by the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 N 81-FZ "On State Benefits to Citizens with Children." Child benefits for working citizens are paid by the territorial branches of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of work. Child benefits for non-working citizens are paid by the territorial departments of the Department of Social Protection of the Population (USZN) at the place of residence.

New laws and benefits for large families in 2018

  1. Medicines, vitamins the approved list for children under six years old.
  2. Extraordinary admission to medical institution, placement in schools and kindergartens.
  3. Free spa treatment.
  4. Food for a child in kindergartens, schools.
  5. Visiting educational sections, circles.
  6. Reduced or free travel on public transport.
  7. Subsidies for the purchase of clothing, school supplies.
  8. Distribution of gifts, food.
  9. Cultural and recreational activities once a month.

Social benefits and payments to large families in 2017-2018: one-time and monthly benefits, amount and calculation, documents, conditions and procedure for obtaining

This document confirms the family's right to a number of benefits established regional authorities... As a rule, it is valid for one year. The expiration date of his term is indicated in the document itself. After its occurrence, you need to go through the registration procedure again.

Benefits, rights and privileges of large families in 2017-2018: help and support for families, what is required and how to get it, documents, news

  • Free prescription drugs for children under 6;
  • Priority hospital care;
  • Gratuitous vacation of vitamins for children;
  • Free lunches and breakfasts for schoolchildren;
  • Rest in camps and sanatoriums without payment;
  • Issuance of school and sports uniforms;
  • One free visit to a museum, exhibition or amusement park (no more than 1 time per month);

Subsidies for large families in 2018 cbr

The majority of large families in Russia are concerned about receiving social benefits. If in 2017 the changes concerned compensation for spent funds and new benefits, then in 2018 only the indexation of maternity capital is planned. All other benefits and benefits for large families remain unchanged. We will tell you what can change in the legislation and what kind of assistance can parents of three or more children expect.

On new measures of social support for families with children from 2018

The Central Bank of Russia called on the largest Insurance companies to change the rules for issuing insurance for the disabled, pregnant women and HIV-infected Russians, writes Vedomosti. Now socially vulnerable Russians are often faced with the impossibility of obtaining insurance.

Help for large families in 2018 in Russia

  • payment for housing and communal services 30%, more;
  • free use of public transport;
  • determination of the baby in kindergarten without queues;
  • tax exemption when starting your own business;
  • loans without payment of interest on them, aimed at business development;
  • certain benefits when building a private house.