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Electronic register of notarial acts. Register of mortgaged vehicles State register of notaries

Registries for registration notarial acts used for calendar year... At the same time, a notary can keep one general register for registering any notarial actions, one special register for registering specific notarial actions, provided by law Russian Federation(registration of transactions, certification of the authenticity of signatures, issuance of certificates of the right to inheritance, etc.), and several registers for registering certification of the fidelity of copies of documents (hereinafter referred to as the register for registration of copies).

The maintenance of special registers does not exclude the possibility of registering in the general register any notarial actions, including those for the registration of which special registers are provided.

By decision of the notary chamber, simultaneous maintenance of two or more general registers is allowed. In this case, no special registers are maintained.

Each register is assigned an index in accordance with the nomenclature of cases, the registers are numbered. The index and number of the register are indicated on the cover of the register.

General registers are numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals as they are established after the end of the previous register.

When maintaining several general registers, each register is assigned a separate (individual) digital number, which remains unchanged during the calendar year. The specified registry numbers are retained until the end of the calendar year, regardless of the number of volumes of these registers.

The assignment of numbers to special registers (with the exception of registers for registering copies) is carried out as the previous register ends and the subsequent register is established, their sequential numbering is carried out. A letter corresponding to the name of the notarial act is added to the ordinal number of the special register, denoted by Arabic numerals.

The numbering of registers for registration of copies is carried out in a special order. The registers for registration of copies are numbered by means of numerical and letter designations. The number of the register number for registration of copies (due to the possibility of simultaneous maintenance of several registers) remains unchanged throughout the year. The specified registry numbers are retained until the end of the calendar year, regardless of the number of volumes of these registers.

Each notarial act entered in the register is assigned an individual registration number.

The individual registration number of the notarial act registered in the register consists of the register number and the serial number of the notarial act assigned to it in accordance with the registration in this register.

When registering notarial acts in registers (both in general and in special), it is applied end-to-end numbering: registration numbers of notarial acts increase from one in the first volume of the register to the last serial number in the last volume of the corresponding register.

The entries in the register are made with a pen, neat and legible, using blue, cyan or violet dyes. When writing in the register, generally accepted word abbreviations are allowed. The use of a mastic stamp to fill in the register is allowed only for the purpose of indicating the date of the performed notarial act.

Unfilled lines in the registry must be crossed out, erasures are not allowed. It is allowed to make amendments to the register (additions, additions, corrections), in mandatory negotiated. Corrections should be made so that everything misspelled and then strikethrough can be read in original form, while the use of corrective paint is not allowed. The amendments are certified by the signature of the notary with the date and stamp of the notary with reproduction State emblem Russian Federation.

If errors are found in the numbering of notarial acts in the register, the notary draws up an act certified by the notary's signature with the date not later than the day following the day the error was discovered. The deed is glued to the end of the register, on the deed and the place of gluing, an imprint of the notary's seal is placed with a reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, which is affixed in such a way that part of the seal image is located on the act, part - on the register.

Entries in the register can be made by a notary, notary trainee, notary assistant or other authorized person working on labor contract at a public notary office or at a notary dealing with private practice.

V column 1 the register indicates the ordinal number of the notarial act from the beginning of the calendar year. Individual registry number, which is part of the number of the notarial act, column 1 may not be entered. When certifying the fidelity of several copies of one document, the numbering of the performed notarial actions with one entry is allowed.

V column 2 the register indicates the date of the notarial act, which must coincide with the date indicated in the attestation inscription, in the certificate or other document issued by the notary, unless otherwise follows from the content of the notarial act: for example, certification of the authenticity of the protocol of the organisation's management body, sea protest, provision of evidence , taking measures to protect inherited property.

V column 3 register, when performing a notarial act on behalf of an individual, the surname, first name, patronymic of the citizen, his date of birth (date, month, year - in Arabic numerals) and his place of residence are indicated. When performing a notarial act on behalf of a legal entity, its name is indicated in accordance with constituent documents, location, documents confirming the legal capacity of a legal entity. In relation to a representative of an individual or legal entity (including parents, guardians, trustees, persons acting by proxy), column 3 indicates the details of the document confirming his authority (name, date of issue, by whom, if the document is certified - date, registration number certificates, surname, initials, position of the person who certified the document), the status or position of this person, if any, and the details of the document confirming this status or position (series, number, date of issue and name of the authority that issued the document).

When registering a notice of pledge movable property enrolled in electronic form using information and telecommunication networks, data on an individual, legal entity, their representatives are indicated in column 3 on the basis of the information contained in the notice on the pledge of movable property.

In addition to the data on the persons who applied for the notarial act, data on witnesses, translators, executors of the will, persons signing the document instead of the person who cannot sign the sign with your own hand).

If several persons applied for the performance of one notarial act, then the data of individuals and legal entities are indicated in column 3 of the register in relation to each of these persons.

If one person has applied for several notarial acts that are sequentially registered in the register, the data can be indicated in column 3 of the register once: when registering the first notarial act performed for of this person... When registering subsequent notarial actions performed for this person, it is allowed to indicate in column 3 of the register the words "he (she, they)".

V column 4 of the register, the details (series, number, date of issue and the name of the issuing authority) of the identity document are entered. When registering a notice of pledge of movable property received in electronic form using information and telecommunication networks, column 4 shall indicate: the unique number of the qualified key certificate electronic signature applicant; the unique number of the qualified certificate of the certification authority that issued the applicant's qualified certificate; insurance number of an individual personal account of the owner of a qualified certificate (for an individual) or an identification number taxpayer owner of a qualified certificate (legal entity); date and time of verification of the applicant's electronic signature by a notary.

If one person has applied for several notarial actions that are sequentially registered in the register, the data can be indicated in column 4 of the register once: when registering the first notarial action performed for this person. When registering subsequent notarial actions performed for this person, it is allowed to indicate in column 4 of the register the words “that (that, those) are the same”.

V column 5 registry indicates summary notarial act.

When certifying the fidelity of a copy of a document, the following shall be indicated: name of the document; its summary; surname, name, patronymic of the citizen and (or) the name of the legal entity that owns this document; by whom the document was issued and the date of its issue.

If the fidelity of several copies of one document is confirmed, the number of copies shall be indicated.

If the fidelity of one copy of a document set out on one page is evidenced, the number of copies and pages is not indicated in the register.

If the copy of the document is presented on several pages, then the number of pages of the copy is indicated.

When certifying transactions, a copy of which remains in the files of the notary, the type of transaction is indicated, and in relation to contracts, the subject of the transaction is also indicated. In the same order, certificates issued by a notary are recorded (on the right to inheritance, on the ownership of a share in common property spouses, about the citizen being alive, etc.).

When a notary makes protests (sea protest, protests of bills), executive notices, accepting money as a deposit, and valuable papers the name of the performed notarial act is indicated.

When certifying a document, a copy of which does not remain in the affairs of a notary, the surname, first name, patronymic of the citizen and (or) the full name of the legal entity in respect of which the authority is exercised, the place of residence or location of this person, a summary of the authority are indicated. When certifying the authenticity of the signature on the document, the names of the notarial act and the document on which the authenticity of the signature is attested are indicated.

V column 6 the register indicates in numbers the amount of the state duty (notarial tariff) charged for the performance of a notarial act, the amount of money received by the notary for the performance technical work and drafting.

If the collected state duty (notary tariff) is returned in full or in part, then this column indicates the details of the document (series, number, date of issue and the name of the issuing authority), on the basis of which the state duty (notary tariff) is returned, and the amount returned (in numbers) ...

If a person is exempted (in whole or in part) from paying state duty(notarial tariff) for the performance of a notarial act, the following is recorded in the register: "Exempt from payment on the basis of (the basis for the exemption from payment is indicated) in the amount (the amount in rubles is indicated)."

In column 7 of the register, all persons who have appeared for the commission of the notarial act, as well as the handler, translator, witnesses, the executor of the will write their initials and surname with their own hand and affix their signature.

If one person applied for several notarial acts at the same time, which are consistently registered in the register, his surname and initials may be indicated in column 7 of the register once when registering the first notarial act performed for this person. When registering subsequent notarial actions performed for this person, only a list is allowed.

When registering a notice of a pledge of movable property received in electronic form using information and telecommunication networks, column 7 of the register is not filled out.

When performing a notarial act outside the premises of a notary office, column 7 of the register indicates the address at which the notarial act was performed.

Due to the increased incidence of fraud in relation to road transport, including the sale of cars pledged by banks, enterprises, private investors and other institutions, a special register was created, which reflects all information about road transport, which is the subject of a pledge.

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How to enter data on the pledge of movable property in the register? How to check a car for being in a pledge? By whom and according to what rules the register is kept, read on.

What law does it regulate

The notary register of mortgaged vehicles was approved, adopted in mid-December 2013.

Article 2 said document comes into effect one system notary, which is for informational purposes.

This system should reflect the information:

  • on the conduct of notarial actions at a certain point in time;
  • on the conduct of inheritance cases;
  • about cars that, due to certain circumstances, have become the subject of a pledge.

Information should be entered into the database by operators on a daily basis. In addition, additional functions are assigned to the operators, which include:

  • ensuring uninterrupted functioning of the system around the clock;
  • providing access to information stored in the database for a certain circle persons;
  • preservation and provision of backups of the database to the authorities.

Access to the database:

  • notaries included in the register. Information received by a notary is a subject of secrecy and cannot be disclosed to third parties;
  • citizens to check a specific car for being pledged. Upon receipt of this information, only the fact of the presence of a car with the specified data in the register is established and information about the parties and the nuances of the concluded transaction is not disclosed;
  • government(for example, traffic police) to check and control the turnover of movable property.

From what year and by whom

Federal Law No. 379 was adopted The State Duma December 13, 2013, approved by the Federation Council on December 18, 2013 and signed by the President of Russia on December 21, 2013.

In accordance with article 20 of the document, the need to maintain a base for the pledge of movable property arises from July 1, 2014.

This means that starting with the specified date all notary offices must be provided with means allowing access to the Internet and special operators, whose duties include the timely entry of information into a single notary base.

Official site

The register of pledges for cars of the Federal Notary Chamber is located on the organization's website. The database can be accessed at the link:

On the specified site, you can:

  1. Check the status of the notification or statement of the vehicle pledge. This service allows you to receive information about the conduct of actions in relation to a certain contract(receipts and so on) for the purpose of entering information into the database. For the convenience of users, you can check the status of the application both by the details of the notification, and by the details of the submitted authorized bodies extracts.

  2. Send a notification about the inclusion of road transport in the database collateral after the conclusion of the relevant agreement. To carry out the procedure, you must fill out the form presented on the opening page and sign the notification with your personal electronic signature.

    In the submitted form, it is required to indicate:

    • performed action: entering data on a new pledge, making changes to the current document, exclusion from the register;
    • information about the applicant, which can be both the pledger and the pledgee, and regardless of the status of a particular person;
    • data authorized representative, having the right to access the database and the right to edit existing information, and so on.

  3. Obtain a statement of the pledged property. The resulting document will be official, that is, the extract is legally binding and can be submitted to various bodies, including the court. Official extracts are issued exclusively to persons who, by virtue of their activities, have the right to receive information about a particular transaction. The process of obtaining an extract will be presented in more detail below.

  4. Check the car through the register of pledges. The option is available for officials and individuals. The information received cannot be considered official, but it helps to obtain information about a specific car, for example, before concluding a sales contract.
  5. How to add a car to the register of pledges

    Changing an existing database is done according to the following scheme:

  • after the conclusion of the pledge agreement by the pledgee (as a rule, but the document can be sent by the pledger as well), a notice of pledge is sent to the notary. The document reflects data on the vehicle that has become the subject of the pledge (brand, model, VIN number, description), the pledger and pledgee, the concluded agreement. The notice may be given to the notary at writing or in the form electronic document(through a separate section of the site);
  • the applicant for the transfer of road transport as collateral pays a duty, the amount of which in 2020 is 600 rubles (Letter of the Federal Tax Code No. 4797 / 03-16-3 of December 22, 2016);
  • the operator of the notary enters the information specified in the notification into the database.
    After entering the data (the notary is given 1 day to carry out the operation), the information about the pledged car will appear in the database and it can be obtained through the search form.

What data is needed to check vehicles

How can you independently check, for example, for a buyer, whether a car is pledged?

To check it is necessary:

  1. Go to the site and go to the "Find in the registry" section.

  2. Enter the data of the pledged property in the submitted form.
  3. You can check the vehicle for the subject of a pledge according to the following parameters:

  • the notification number. This opportunity is provided for receiving information by credit institutions that independently sent a notification for registration;

  • according to the data of the pledger. To obtain information about the pledger - an individual, it is enough to indicate the surname and first name. However, in order to obtain more accurate information (there are many citizens with the same full name), it is more expedient to additionally indicate the date of birth, region of residence and passport data.

    If the pledger is a legal entity, the full name of the company, OGRN and TIN are indicated in the verification form.

    If the car is pledged by a foreign legal entity, then the check is carried out after indicating the name of the company, TIN and registration number;

  • according to the data of the pledged car. This option is the most optimal before buying a vehicle, since for the procedure you only need to find out the vehicle identification number (VIN number). You can find out the unique car number from the vehicle registration certificate (STS) or from the information plate installed directly on the vehicle.
  • As a result of the check, the user can obtain the following information:

    • the absence of any data. This means that the car is not listed in the database of pledged vehicles and in order to avoid misunderstandings when buying, it is recommended to make additional check transport at the traffic police bases for the presence of a valid one, for the absence / presence of fines not paid by the owner within the time limits established by law and other restrictions, including those related to;

    • on the availability of collateral. In this situation, the window that opens will indicate the dates for submitting the notice of the pledge and the expected period for removing the encumbrance, as well as additional circumstances (information about the pledger, some data of the pledgee, and so on).
    • How to get a notary deed

      In accordance with and other regulations registration of the property of movable property is required, which is carried out after the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement (donation, and so on).

      The conclusion of a purchase agreement is impossible if the car vehicle is pledged.

      You can get an extract after receiving preliminary information from any notary after paying a fee of 40 rubles per sheet.

      Extracts are:

      • short. Such a document can be issued to any individual, for example, to resolve the issue in court;
      • short ones directly for pledgers and pledgees. Such a document reflects more complete information that fully complies with the pledge agreement;
      • extended, issued only to the pledgers and the pledgee. This extract reflects information not only on a particular type of collateral, but also on other collateral agreements, if any. - an up-to-date database of Moscow notaries with phone numbers, addresses, opening hours, reviews. Search for notary offices by the last name of the notary, administrative districts, districts, metro stations, by time and days of work, home visit service. The database is regularly updated and checked against the register of notaries of the Moscow City Notary Chamber.

The catalog lists all valid notaries who have licenses (qualification certificates for the right to notarial activity) issued by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in Moscow. Moscow notaries are members of the Moscow City Notary Chamber. In total, there are about 700 notaries in the Chamber for 2018. Most of them work in Moscow, a small part in the suburbs of Moscow and the city of Zelenograd.

Search for notaries

Our site provides different ways to search for notary offices in Moscow - by district, district, the nearest metro station and others. Choose the method which is the most convenient for you. When choosing a notary, be guided by the convenience of the location of the office and the opening hours, feedback on the professionalism of the notary, competence in the preparation and execution of documents, politeness when working with clients.

Help and services

We have current useful information- list and cost of notary services, statistical data, powers of attorney verification services and others. Information and services will be useful for both Moscow notary offices and their clients.

Notaries have equal rights and duties regardless of whether they work in a public notary office or are engaged in private notarial practice. Notarial acts and executed documents have the same legal force for any notary. The cost of notary services is determined by the notary fees.

Register of notaries of Moscow

A list of Moscow notaries and information about them can be found in the register of notaries and persons who passed the qualification exam. The register is open and officially available on the websites of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in Moscow, the Moscow City Notary Chamber, and the Federal Notary Chamber. On our website, the register is presented as an Excel file. The file contains the names of notaries, telephone numbers, addresses, and the nearest metro stations. The download is free and unlimited.

List of all notaries of the Moscow region

The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation also publishes a list of Moscow notaries authorized to issue certificates of inheritance rights.

Register of Moscow notaries according to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation - MS Excel (.xlsx), 80 Kb Download

The website is not an official website of the Moscow City Notary Chamber or any notary office of the city of Moscow. The site is an independent information and analytical resource and does not pursue the interests of any notary. The information provided on the site is for review and information. The choice of one or another notary is the personal choice of the site visitor. The site is under no circumstances responsible for the choice of a notary by a visitor and is not responsible for the subsequent resolution of personal legal issues of visitors.

The data on the website has been updated in accordance with the database of notaries of the Moscow City Notary Chamber on 04/16/2017.

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The power of attorney register is a single official electronic service, which is intended to prevent the use on the territory of Russia of invalid powers of attorney issued by citizens and legal entities ( joint stock companies, limited liability companies), as well as to protect their rights and legitimate interests.

The registry allows you to:

  • check the power of attorney for the details for validity and authenticity - if it is certified by a notary;
  • to obtain information about the cancellation of a power of attorney made in a simple written form from the register of canceled powers of attorney.

Official website of the register of powers of attorney:

Registry Operator: Federal Chamber of Notaries (FNP)

You can get information about the powers of attorney entered in the register and about their cancellation online: daily and around the clock.

What information can be obtained from the registry

The power of attorney register provides the following information:

  • about the person who certified the power of attorney;
  • the date of certification of the power of attorney;
  • about the registration number of the power of attorney in the register of notarial actions of the EIS;
  • on the date and time of entering information about the cancellation of the power of attorney in this register if the power of attorney is canceled.

Payment for an extract from the register

Access to information from the register is free of charge.

How to check a notarized power of attorney

In order to check the power of attorney in the registry, it is enough to complete a few elementary steps.

Go to the official website of the registry

We fill out the form on the website:

  • in field " Date of certification»We fill in the date when the power of attorney was certified, the date can be viewed at the very beginning of the power of attorney, before its text, or at the very end, in the notary's certification;
  • in field " Registry number»Indicate the registry number of the power of attorney, it can also be found at the very end of the power of attorney in the notary's attestation inscription; until 2018 it had the format "1-4332", since 2018 it looks like In a similar way 67/143-n / 67-2018-1-97;
  • in field " Notary»We indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the notary who certified the power of attorney, this information is located after the text of the power of attorney - in the certification inscription, as well as in the seal of the notary;
  • in field " Principal»Indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the person on whose behalf the power of attorney was issued, if the power of attorney was issued by a legal entity, then indicate the OGRN and TIN.

Analysis of test results

After the check is over, you can get three possible answers:

Option 1

the power of attorney is valid and has not been canceled

You got the answer: Based on the entered data (date of certification 01.24.2018, Registry number 63/193-n / 63-2018-1-97, full name of the notary _________________, principal name Vyazkov Alexander Alexandrovich), a document was found registered in the register of the EIS on 24.01.2018 15:52 : 09 # 47910324. No information about the revocation of the power of attorney was found.

Which means: the power of attorney is valid, really certified by a notary, registered in the register and not canceled.

Option 2

the power of attorney exists, but not all the data you entered match with the register

You got the answer: Based on the entered data (date of certification 01.24.2018, Registry number 63/193-n / 63-2018-1-97, full name of the notary ______________, principal name Vyazkov Alexander), a document was found with a partial match (Date of certification 01.24.2018, Registry number 63/193-n / 63-2018-1-97, full name of the notary _________________-).

Are there notarial notaries in Moscow who work in the Moscow region

There may be a mistake in the information about the principal. Contact the notary who certified the power of attorney. The search for information about the revocation of a power of attorney is not performed.

Which means: The verification of the power of attorney against the registry passed, but not all the entered data match, whether the power of attorney is among those revoked or not, it is impossible to say, since no search was performed by this criterion.

Option 3

power of attorney was issued, but now canceled

You got the answer: Based on the entered data (Date of certification 07.24.2017, Registry number 2-799, full name of the notary ____________, principal full name Tkachenko Yana Vladimirovna), a document was found registered in the EIS register 24.07.2017 11:07:03 No. 38013063. Information about the cancellation of the power of attorney was found , registered in the EIS on 05.12.2017 14:26:40.

Which means: this answer means that the power of attorney was issued, but is now in the revoked status

Legal acts

The legal regulation of the register of powers of attorney is carried out by Art. 34 and Art. 35 of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Notaries, as well as departmental acts FNP.

Video instruction for checking the validity of a power of attorney

Notaries of the Moscow region on the map

All services related to notarization, as a rule, to some extent affect property relations. At the same time, it is very important that the involved specialist not only has an official status, but is also qualified, flexible, and quick-witted.

Ordinary fellow citizens always have to be wary of the procedure for hiring a notary, because in this environment there is a dominance of fraudsters offering misconduct and simply deceiving material values client. How to find a reliable professional in such conditions? Please note that the legal registration of transactions is carried out by the link to the site

What are the situations where the risk is greatest?

If we are talking about contacting a standard office where a notary receives clients, the likelihood of meeting with fraudsters is significantly reduced. The opposite picture is emerging with regard to outdoor events - if the "notary" arrives at the customer on his own, he is free from the appropriate business surroundings, and it is easier for him to deceive, that is, to introduce himself as someone who he really is not.

Therefore, if the circumstances allow, it is advisable to go to the office to make sure that the notary office exists and actively works with the population, has a positive reputation. By the way, making a deal in the office is not a problem by following the link to the site

Service cost

Suspiciously low prices in any case should be alarming - this type of service usually implies significant costs. When working on-site, the tariff scale, as a rule, increases by one and a half times, and the customer must reimburse the specialist for all travel and related expenses.

There should always be clarifying questions!

If a notary is not interested in the circumstances, for example, a transaction, additional information that comprehensively covers all aspects of the case, this is a clear reason for doubt. Firstly, a competent specialist initially finds out the complete data on the participants in legal relations, and secondly, before making a decision on the merits of the issue, he must, through his own channels, check their legal capacity and legal capacity. If he agrees to draw up and confirm the documents immediately, without objection, then you are a fraudster.

No need to trust unverified sources!

Checking a notary is a very time-consuming task, and special attention should be paid to how the client learns about each specific specialist, what exactly becomes the basis for the decision about the need to contact this particular person.

Immediately it is necessary to put aside low-budget advertisements - leaflets posted in the city, free publications in newspapers, websites on the Internet, which are public boards accessible to everyone. Even if the office has its own respectable Internet presence, you need to make sure that the following information is published on its pages:

  • Full address;
  • Employee license numbers;
  • Telephones;
  • Details of the orders on the basis of which the employees were assigned to positions.

All this information should be additionally rechecked at the local notary chamber.

The paper must correspond to the official status

According to generally accepted standards of notarial office work, all actions and activities that are performed by a specialist must be confirmed on a form subject to strict accountability... This document is special paper that has high level protection due to the presence of a hologram in the design, a series and a number are necessarily printed in the upper segment of the sheet. The form is filled in as follows:

  • The name of the notary is indicated;
  • He puts his signature;
  • An obligatory element is the official stamp.

Online support

There are a number of Internet resources specializing in the verification of notarized papers. The user goes through the simplest registration on the site, enters the details of the document and basic data, such as the name of the notary, the number and series of forms, the date and place of issue. As a result, the authenticity and legality of the document under study is verified. Similar automated systems avoid direct contact with the institution where this form was issued.

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How to check a notary

Amendments (additions, additions, corrections), without fail negotiated. Corrections should be made so that everything that is mistakenly written, and then crossed out or corrected can be read in its original form, while the use of corrective ink is not allowed. The amendments are certified by the signature of a notary.

If errors are found in the numbering of notarial actions in the register, the notary shall draw up an act certified by the notary's signature with the date and stamp of the notary with a reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation no later than the day following the day the error was discovered. The deed is glued to the end of the register, at the place of gluing, an imprint of the notary's seal is placed with a reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, which is affixed in such a way that part of the imprint is located on the deed, the other part - on the register.

7. Entries in the register can be made by a notary, notary trainee, notary assistant or other authorized person working under an employment contract in a public notary office or a notary in private practice.

8. Column 1 of the register indicates the registration number of the notarial act, generated in next order:

registration number of a notary in the register of notaries and persons who passed the qualification exam (hereinafter - the registration number of the notary);

year of the notarial act (hyphenated with the notary's registration number);

the digital number of the register volume in accordance with paragraph 167 of the Rules of Notarial Proceedings (hyphenated with the year of the notarial act);

the serial number of the notarial act from the beginning of the entry in the register volume (separated by a hyphen with the digital number of the register volume).

For example: 77/15-n / 77-2018-2-155, where "77/15-n / 77" is the registration number of the notary; "2018" - the year of the notarial act; "2" - digital number of the register volume; "155" is the ordinal number of the notarial act from the beginning of the entry in the register volume.

The number of the notarial act is indicated in full at the first entry in column 1 of the register volume. In subsequent entries, it is allowed to indicate in column 1 of the register volume only the ordinal number of the notarial act entry.

For example: in the first entry in column 1 of the register volume: "77/15-n / 77-2018-2-1", in the subsequent entries in the register volume - "2, 3, 4".

When certifying the fidelity of several copies of one document, it is allowed to indicate only the first and last registration numbers in the register of the performed notarial act.

9. Column 2 of the register indicates the date of the notarial act, which must coincide with the date specified in the attestation inscription, in the certificate or other document issued by the notary, unless otherwise follows from the content of the notarial act.

10. In column 3 of the register, when performing a notarial act on behalf of an individual, his last name, first name, patronymic (if any), his date of birth (date, month, year - in Arabic numerals) and his place of residence are indicated.

When performing a notarial act on behalf of a legal entity, its name is indicated in accordance with the constituent documents, location, documents confirming the legal capacity of the legal entity.

In relation to a representative of an individual or legal entity (including parents, guardians, trustees, persons acting by proxy), in column 3, in addition to the information listed in paragraphs one and two of this clause, the details of the document confirming his authority (name, date of issue by whom it was issued if the document is certified - date, registration number of the certificate, surname, initials, position of the person who certified the document), status or position of this person (if any) and details of the document confirming this status or position (series, number, date issuance and name of the issuing authority).

In addition to the data on the persons who applied for the notarial act, the data listed in the first paragraph of this clause about witnesses, translators, executors of the will, persons signing the document instead of the person who cannot sign the document with his own hand (indicating the reason why the person who applied for the performance of a notarial act, cannot sign with his own hand).

Also, in relation to a representative of an individual or legal entity (including parents, guardians, trustees, persons acting by proxy), witnesses, translators, executors of the will, persons signing a document instead of a person who cannot sign the signature with his own hand, the corresponding status is indicated: representative, witness, translator, executor of the will, the person who signed the document instead of the person who cannot sign with his own hand. In the case of a notarial act on behalf of a public legal entity, its name is indicated

(see text in previous edition)

If several persons applied for the performance of one notarial act, then the data of individuals and legal entities listed in the first and second paragraphs of this clause are indicated in column 3 of the register in relation to each of these persons.

register, the data named in the first and second paragraphs of column 3, column 3 of the register of the words "he (she, they)" or a link to the record number of the first notarial act.

When registering a notarial act in the register of notarial acts of the unified information system of the notary, in column 3, only the surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the person who signed in column 8 of the register is indicated. In case of affixing a signature in column 8 of the register by the handler, in column 3 of the register, the person, instead of whom the signature has been put, is also indicated. If it is impossible to immediately register a notarial act in the register of notarial acts of the unified information system of notaries, column 3

(see text in previous edition)

column 3 of the register of the words "he (she, they) the same" or links to the number of the record of the first notarial act.

(see text in previous edition)

11. In column 4 of the register, the details (series, number, date of issue and the name of the issuing authority) of the identity document are entered.

If one or more persons have applied for several notarial acts that are sequentially registered in the register, the data named in the first paragraph of this clause may be indicated in column 4 of the register once: when registering the first notarial act performed for this person (s) (persons). When registering subsequent notarial actions performed for this (their) person (persons), it is allowed to indicate in column 4 of the register the words "that (that, the same)" or a reference to the record number of the first notarial action.

When registering a notarial act in the register of notarial acts of the unified information system of notaries, column 4 is not filled in. If it is impossible to immediately register a notarial act in the register of notarial acts of the unified information system of notaries, column 4 of the register is filled in completely.

(see text in previous edition)

When performing a notarial act in the sequence specified in column 3, the details (series, number, date of issue and the name of the issuing authority) of the identity documents of the persons concerned are entered.

If one person or several persons, after performing a notarial act registered in the register of notarial acts of the unified information system of notaries, applied for another notarial act, it is allowed to indicate in column 4 of the register the words "then (the same)" or references to the record number of the first notarial act.

(see text in previous edition)

12. When registering a notarial act in the register of notarial acts of the unified information system of notaries in column 5 of the register, only the name of the notarial act is indicated. If it is impossible to immediately register a notarial act in the register of notarial acts of the unified information system of notaries, column 5 of the register sets out a summary of the notarial act, taking into account the features provided for by this section of the Procedure, and also indicates the form of the notarial document if the notarial document is made in electronic form.

(see text in previous edition)

13. When certifying the fidelity of a copy of a document, the following shall be indicated: the name of the document, the copy of which is evidenced, the date and number (if any) of the document, the name of the person or body that issued the document, the last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the citizen or the name of the legal entity that owns this document, the number of pages in the document.

If the fidelity of several copies of one document is confirmed, then the number of copies is indicated.

If the fidelity of one copy of a document set out on one page is evidenced, the number of copies and pages is not indicated in the register.

(see text in previous edition)

14. When certifying transactions, a copy of which remains in the files of the notary, the type of transaction is indicated, and in relation to contracts, the subject of the transaction is also indicated. When a notary issues a certificate in column 5 of the register, the type of certificate is indicated (for example, on the right to inheritance, on the ownership of the share in the common property of the spouses, issued to the surviving spouse, on the citizen's being alive).

When a notary makes protests (sea protest, protests of bills), executive notices, accepting money and securities in deposit, the name of the performed notarial act is indicated.

When certifying the authenticity of the signature on the document, the name of the notarial act and a summary of the document are indicated on which the authenticity of the signature is attested.

15. When certifying a document, a copy of which does not remain in the affairs of the notary, a summary of the document is set out.

16. When registering a notarial act in the register of notarial acts of the unified information system of notaries in column 5 of the register, only the name of the notarial act is indicated. If it is impossible to immediately register a notarial action in the register of notarial actions of the unified information system of notaries, column 5 of the register is filled in completely.

(see text in previous edition)

17. Column 6 of the register shall indicate in numbers the amount of the state duty (notarial tariff) charged for the performance of a notarial act.

If the collected state fee (notary tariff) is returned in full or in part, then this column indicates the details of the document (series, number, date of issue and the name of the issuing authority), on the basis of which the state fee (notary tariff) is returned, and the amount returned ( figures).

If a person is exempted (in whole or in part) from paying the state fee (notarial tariff) for the performance of a notarial act, then the basis for the exemption from paying the state fee (notarial tariff) and the amount of the provided benefit in rubles are recorded in the register.

When performing a notarial act outside the premises of a notary office, column 6 of the register indicates the address at which the notarial act was performed.

Our address: Moscow, Novoslobodskaya street, 14/19, building 1, office 4 Driving directions.

By virtue of Federal law No. 379-FZ "On Amendments to Certain legislative acts Russian Federation "dated December 21, 2013, in connection with the creation of a UNIFIED NOTARY information system, citizens and legal entities will be able to receive information about notarial actions.

United Information system notaries will include electronically maintained registers:
1) notarial actions;
2) inheritance cases;
3) notifications of pledge of property not related to immovable property (hereinafter - the register of notifications of pledge of movable property).

Notaries are obliged to enter information into the unified information system of notaries:
1) on the performance of notarial actions during their registration in the register of notarial actions of the unified information system of notaries;
2) on the opening of an inheritance upon receipt of applications that are the basis for the establishment of an inheritance case;
3) on notifications of pledge of movable property upon their registration in the register of notifications of pledge of movable property;
4) other information in accordance with the legislation.

On the timing of the transition to registration in the unified electronic register
No later than January 1, 2018 by notaries working in a public notary office and by notaries in private practice should be carried out transition to registration of all performed notarial actions in electronic form in the register of notarial actions of the unified information system of notaries. By a decision of the notary chamber of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, an earlier date for the transition to registration of notarial actions in electronic form may be established for all notaries of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
Between July 1, 2014 Before proceeding to registration of all notarial actions performed in electronic form, notaries shall enter into the register of notarial actions of the unified information system of notaries information on the performance of notarial actions to certify powers of attorney, wills, marriage contracts, their amendment, termination or cancellation.

Moscow City Notary Chamber

Electronic registers of notaries began to work.

From July 1 of this year, in accordance with Federal Law No. 379-FZ, the following electronic registers will start functioning in the Unified Information System of Notaries:

  • register of notarial acts,
  • inheritance register
  • register of notifications on pledges of movable property.
  • Within the framework of register of notarial acts notaries are obliged to register information about certified by them:

    1. wills,
    2. marriage contracts
    3. powers of attorney.

    These innovations play important role in improving the civil law turnover in Russia, protecting the rights of participants in transactions and significantly expanding the prospects for the development of the notary itself. Electronic registries are also designed to solve a number of social problems, the most important of which is the fight against fraud in the purchase and sale of movable and real estate... In addition, electronic resources will make notary services more convenient for citizens and legal entities.

    Today, all notarial acts are recorded in paper books, by handwriting. And in order to confirm the authenticity of this or that notarial document, it is necessary to make a request to the notary. Meanwhile, in the real estate market, a very common scheme is when black realtors, forging powers of attorney and documents, take away apartments from honest citizens. Once the registries start working, fake powers of attorney can be easily exposed.

    The register of marriage contracts will eliminate the ground for unfair actions on the part of one of the spouses during divorce or inheritance of property. In various circumstances, in property disputes, the spouses prefer to lose an unprofitable contract or keep silent about it. Currently, in the absence of accurate information about which notary had a marriage contract, it is very difficult to find it. The registry will allow any notary in the country to do this. For example, a notary opens an inheritance case to the property of citizen N, one of whose heirs is the spouse. A notary can form a request from his workplace for a marriage contract between spouses, and if one was concluded by any of the notaries of Russia, the notary who opened the inheritance case will be able to receive a document by sending a request to his colleague.

    The same goes for the register of wills. The heirs lose their documents, or sometimes unscrupulous relatives hide them. At present, in order for the heir in Moscow to find a will drawn up on him, it is necessary to bypass all the notaries in the notary district. Collecting such information in notarial chambers was prohibited by legislation, since any information about a notarial act was equated to a notarial secret.

    There have also been cases of forging wills, all this will become impossible with the work of the registry.

    The register of notifications on pledges of movable property has so far had no analogues in Russia and was created in order to solve the problem of fraud with pledged property. For example, in recent years, a scheme has been very common in the secondary car market when a citizen, having bought a car on credit, resold it after a while without notifying the new owner that the car is pledged to the bank. The bank, having ceased to receive payments, made claims to the new owner and on the basis of judgment seized the car. According to banks under given view fraud covers up to 10% of banks' loan portfolios.

    From July 1, banks will be forced to register their pledges in the register, although the law does not directly force them to do so. The incentive for them is paragraph 10 of Art. 342.1 Civil Code, according to which, from February 1, 2015, the priority of the rights of the pledgee with respect to movable property will be determined precisely by the date of registration in the register, and not by the date of the agreement. Therefore, banks have six months to establish their rights.

    Accordingly, all users who need to check the security of movable property (legal entities, citizens) can do this in an open mode on the website

    The register was created by the Federal Notary Chamber at its own expense. Russian notaries will enter information into the register and issue extracts from the register. The notary fee for registering a notification is 300 rubles, for issuing an extract - 40 rubles for the first ten sheets and 10 rubles for each subsequent sheet.

    What do citizens need to know? Since July 1, the principle of publicity of the pledge has been in effect, for example, if a citizen bought a previously pledged car on the secondary market, and the data about it are not contained in the register, then this vehicle cannot be foreclosed. Until July 1, banks could seize the car by court, and the buyer was left without a car and without money.

    On the other hand, the property, information about which was in the register, can be seized from the acquirer, if he did not attend to checking its purity and did not turn to the register. That is, before buying a car, citizens need to go to the registry website and check if it is not a pledge, or even better take an extract from a notary and attach it to the purchase and sale agreement.

    The register of notifications on pledges of movable property has a mode of open access to a certain amount of information. Information about canceled powers of attorney will also be publicly available. All other electronic registers of notaries will be available only to notaries and through the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV) to individual government departments.

    Electronic register

    According to Article 17 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2015 No. 391-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation", Part 2 of Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 21, 2013 No. 379-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" set out in new edition:

    “In the period from January 15, 2016 until the transition to registration of all notarial actions performed in electronic form, notaries enter into the register of notarial actions of the unified information system of notaries information on the execution of an execution notation, certifying the authenticity of the signature of the applicants state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, certification of transactions aimed at alienating a share or part of a share in the authorized capital of limited liability companies, agreements on pledge of a share or part of a share in the authorized capital of limited liability companies, decisions of the management bodies of business companies. "

    Part 1 of Article 20 of Federal Law No. 379-FZ of December 21, 2013 sets a deadline for the transition to registration of all notarial actions performed in the register of notarial actions of the EIS - no later than January 1, 2018. The chambers of notaries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have been granted the right to decide on an earlier date for the transition to registration of notarial actions in electronic form by all notaries of the respective constituent entity.

    It should be taken into account that this law does not establish either the principles or the procedure for transition to such registration before the statutory deadline, when all notarial actions will have to be registered in the EIS register. For example, by persons (individuals, legal entities) on whose behalf notarial actions are performed, or by types of notarial actions, or by federal districts etc.

    Considering the above, as well as the fact that from January 15, 2016, notarial actions are registered in the register of notarial actions of the EIS, foreseen by part 2 article 20 of the Federal Law No. 379-FZ (as amended), the Federal Notary Chamber considers it necessary to continue the registration of wills, powers of attorney, marriage contracts, their amendment, termination or cancellation in the manner prescribed by the Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 2014 No. 129 "On approval of the Procedure for maintaining the registers of the unified information system of notaries" (Article 34.3 of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Notaries).

    We bring to your attention a similar position of the Ministry of Justice of Russia on the possibility of a phased introduction of registration in the register of notarial actions of the EIS certain types notarial actions, as not contradicting part 1 of Article 20 of Federal Law No. 379-FZ (letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia No. 12-136986 dated November 25, 2015).

    Please note that in accordance with Art. 1123 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is not a disclosure of the secret of a will, the provision of information about the certification of a will, its cancellation into the unified information system of the notary. In accordance with Art. 34.3 of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Notaries, notaries are obliged to enter into the unified information system of notaries information about the performance of notarial acts when they are registered in the EIS register.

    FNP letter dated 13.01.2016 No. 42 / 03-16-3

    Public registries

    Go to the registry website:

    Register of notifications on pledges of movable property
    Power of attorney register

    Register of notifications on pledges of movable property

    The register of notifications on the pledge of property not related to real estate (hereinafter referred to as the register of notifications on the pledge of movable property) by virtue of Article 34.2 of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Notaries (hereinafter referred to as the Fundamentals of Legislation on Notaries) is part of the Unified Information System of Notaries (EIS).

    According to paragraph 3 of the second part of Article 34.3 of the Fundamentals of Legislation on Notaries, notaries are required to enter information about notifications of pledge of movable property during their registration in the register of notifications of pledge of movable property into the unified information system of notaries.

    The procedure for maintaining the registers of the unified information system of notaries, including the register of notifications on the pledge of movable property, and the procedure for entering information into them, is established by order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 17, 2014 No. 129 "On approval of the procedure for maintaining registers of the unified information system of notaries."

    In accordance with this Procedure, information in the register of notifications is entered by a notary immediately after receipt of a notice of pledge. If the registration of a notice of pledge is impossible for technical reasons (for example, an interruption or failure in the operation of the register of notifications or a temporary lack of communication with the register of notifications), registration of a notice of pledge is made immediately after the elimination of the reasons preventing registration.

    The notary enters into the register of notifications on the pledge of movable property the information contained in the notification of the pledge (including the notification of the occurrence of the pledge, notification of the change in the pledge, notification of the exclusion of information about the pledge), prepared in accordance with the forms of notification of the pledge, approved by the Order The Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 17, 2014 No. 131 "On Approval of the Forms of Notifications on the Pledge of Movable Property" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 18, 2014, registration No. 32713).

    A notice of pledge for entering the information contained therein into the register of notifications on pledge of movable property can be sent both in the form of a paper document and in electronic form (part 5 of Article 103.1 of the Fundamentals of Legislation on Notaries).

    The notice of the pledge in the form of a paper document is sent to the notary. The notice of the pledge in electronic form is sent to the Federal Notary Chamber with the simultaneous payment of the notary tariff and must be signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the applicant.

    The Federal Notary Chamber, using the EIS, sends a notice of pledge received in electronic form to a notary who has declared its readiness for immediate registration of this notice in automatic mode, in the order of receipt from such notaries of a notice of readiness to accept a notice to enter the information contained in this notice into the register of notifications on the pledge of movable property.

    A notice of the pledge in electronic form was sent to the Federal Notary Chamber. online service(for individuals and legal entities) by filling out an interactive form posted at: or web service ( for legal entities) through a secure communication channel.

    After registering a notice of pledge in the register of notifications of pledge of movable property, the notary shall register the notarial act of registering the notice of pledge in the register for the registration of notarial acts and indicate in it, along with the registration number of the notarial act, the registration number of the notice in the register of notices of the pledge of movable property.

    In confirmation of registration of the notice of pledge, the applicant is issued a certificate, which, at the request of the applicant, can be issued in the form of an electronic document signed with a strengthened qualified electronic signature of a notary. If a notice of pledge is sent in electronic form, the certificate of registration of this notice is sent by the notary to the applicant in electronic form.

    The certificate shall indicate the unique registration number in the register of notifications on the pledge of movable property assigned to the notice of pledge, the registration number of the notarial act in the register for registering notarial acts, as well as all the information contained in the registered notice of the pledge (on the occurrence of a pledge, on a change in the pledge or on the exclusion of information about the pledge).

    In addition, in accordance with Article 103.7 of the Fundamentals of Legislation on Notaries, the notary issues extracts from the register of notifications on the pledge of movable property.

    Extracts are divided into 2 types:

    The brief extract contains the current information at a certain time about all notifications of pledge for a unique registration number in the register of notices of pledge of movable property or all notices of pledge in relation to a specific pledger;

    The extended extract contains, in addition to current information, information about all pledge notices registered in the EIS.

    Anyone can get a summary.

    The extended extract can only be obtained by the mortgagor or mortgagee, details of which are contained in the registered mortgage notices, or their representative.

    Extracts are issued by any notary regardless of the place of residence (location) of the applicant, as well as regardless of the place of registration of the notification.

    An extract can be issued in the form of an electronic document signed by a qualified electronic signature of a notary.

    An application for the issuance of an extract from the register of notifications on the pledge of movable property can be sent to a notary in electronic form and must be signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the applicant. In this case, the personal appearance of the applicant is not required, the fee for the services of technical and legal nature not charged.

    The forms of these extracts were approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 17, 2014 No. 132, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 18, 2014, No. 32714.

    Statement forms differ according to three criteria:

    Brief statement for any person (form No. КВ 1);

    A brief statement for the pledger or pledgee, or their representative (form No. КВ 2);

    Extended extract for the mortgagor or mortgagee, or their representative (form No. РВ З).

    It should be borne in mind that in the case of registration in the register of EIS notifications of the exclusion of information about the pledge, all information regarding this pledge (after three months from the date of registration of the notice of the exclusion of information about the pledge) is deleted from the open access on the Internet and the previously available information is possible only on an extract issued by a notary.

    For the issuance of an extract from the register of notifications on the pledge of movable property, a notary is charged a rate of 40 rubles for each page of the extract within the first to ten pages inclusive, 20 rubles for each page of the extract starting from the eleventh page (subparagraph 12.2 of paragraph 1 of Article 22.1 of the Fundamentals of Legislation on Notaries ).

    You can get information about the pledge notifications registered in the register of notifications on the pledge of movable property around the clock on the website of the Federal Notary Chamber: the open part of the register of notifications on pledges of movable property is located at

    You can sign the notification with an electronic signature of any accredited certification authority that issues enhanced qualified electronic signature certificates. Information about accredited CAs is available on the website of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation:

    authorized by the state executive having the right to perform notarial acts on behalf of the Russian Federation in the interests of Russian citizens and organizations (legal entities). a high-tech automated information system that supports the activities of notaries in the Russian Federation. Allows notaries to use all the advantages of electronic document management, receive up-to-date data, promptly check the necessary information, create databases available online citizens, business and government agencies.

    All notarial documents will be included in a single electronic register

    Although the Russian notary celebrated its 25th anniversary on February 11, innovations continue to appear in its work: progress and modern conditions dictate their own.

    From this year, the Regulation on the performance of notarial acts came into force, which outlines each step of the notary: what documents he must request, what methods to certify them. According to it, any notarial action is entered into the registers of the Unified Information System.

    “In the register it will be possible to check whether, for example, this or that power of attorney has been issued, whether it has not been canceled,” explained Pyotr Gerasimenko, president of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Notaries.

    True, the St. Petersburg notaries will have a hard time with this innovation: their average age is 51, and digital technologies it is already difficult for them. But this does not exempt them from the requirements of the law.

    “This means that I will hire a specialist who is fluent in a computer,” Gerasimenko shrugged his shoulders.

    Now in St. Petersburg, most often they turn to notaries to conclude a marriage contract or draw up a will.

    “Every year the number of such documents grows 2-3 times,” said the president of the city chamber. - And if earlier they were on the same page, now everything is signed in great detail. And it is right".

    “It is believed that a marriage contract kills love,” smiled a member of the board of the chamber Maria Terekhova. “But it’s not so. On the contrary, it sometimes keeps people from hasty decisions, actions, conclusions, even from divorce. "

    In the next year or two, lawyers are waiting for new innovations to appear. Among them is the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the admission of notaries to police electronic databases, so that the authenticity of passports can be verified.

    “We have already been admitted to the registry office, but, unfortunately, it does not work yet,” Gerasimenko sighed. - With its help we will install marriage relationship parties, the presence of heirs, including illegitimate ones, about whom the family may not even know ”.

    But most of all, notaries are waiting for the law, according to which all transactions with residential premises, in which at least one party - individual, will require notarization.

    “This will protect citizens, their rights will be protected, especially for minors,” Maria Terekhova explained. "After all, a citizen is not obliged to be a lawyer, it is easy to deceive him - a notary will not allow this."