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Sample business trip log. Business trip log. Sample log of travel certificates

We will tell you how to fill out and maintain a business trip book for company employees. We will teach you how to design such a magazine in electronic form.

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Why keep a log of travel certificates?

Since 2015, the obligation to issue travel certificates and official assignments has been abolished. Now, an employee’s business trip on the instructions of the employer is confirmed only by an order to send him on a business trip.

Sample order for sending an employee on a business trip

Many employers still use, when registering business trips, along with the order, a second document - a travel certificate. It makes it easier to control the start and end of a business trip, and the fact that the employee completed the assignment. Having a travel certificate makes it easier for the employee himself to move around the territory of the enterprise where he was sent on an official assignment.

Regardless of whether the organization issues travel certificates to employees or not, the business trip must be recorded. For this purpose, the enterprise keeps a special logbook for employees who go on a business trip, or a registration log travel certificates.

It is more convenient to combine all information about business trips in one journal. Then you won't have to raise all the orders to get necessary information about the details of the trip. The employer, in accordance with current legislation, can decide for himself whether to use such a journal in the organization’s office work.

As a rule, keeping a journal of registration of travel certificates is entrusted to an employee whose functionality includes processing documents for business trips - a personnel officer or secretary. The person in charge is appointed by order of the manager. The main thing is that this obligation is written down in job description performer.

Travel certificate log form

Until 2015, companies used the business trip log form approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated September 11, 2009 No. 739n. The order has now been canceled, but many organizations still use this form.

The travel certificate logbook, a sample that you use in office work in your company, must be approved by a local act or, for example, an office work instruction. Developing own form accounting for such a book, think about what information needs to be entered into it so that the information about business trips is as complete as possible.

It is more convenient to keep a journal in tabular form. Provide the following columns inside:

  • number and date of the order to send the employee on a business trip;
  • grounds for sending on a business trip (details memo, number and date of the contract);
  • number and date of travel certificate;
  • Full name of the employee who is going on a business trip;
  • post of traveler and structural unit, in which he is listed;
  • locality and the name of the organization where the employee is sent;
  • duration of the trip - start and end dates;
  • purpose of the business trip.

Sample log of travel certificates

It is convenient to keep a business trip logbook in electronic form. For this, Excel is suitable, for example.

Example of an electronic travel log

How to prepare a travel certificate logbook in paper form

If the organization decides to keep a log of travel certificates on paper, the document must be drawn up according to standard rules. Number and lace all its pages, seal it with a paper seal with the inscription: “The magazine has ___ pages numbered and laced.” Sign with your title and date.

The magazine must have a title page or a corresponding heading on the cover. In the title or cover page, include the name of the company and the title of the journal, as well as the year in which it will be published. Such logs are kept for one year and, upon completion, are transferred for storage to the organization’s archive.

In large companies whose employees often travel on business, it is advisable to provide the magazine with a hard cover, ensuring its integrity throughout the entire period of use.

How and for how long to keep the travel certificate logbook

Current storage of the journal is carried out by the responsible person. Special conditions There is no storage for this type of document, but it is still better to store the magazine in a locked cabinet, limiting access to it by unauthorized persons.

In accordance with the current List of standard management archival documents indicating storage periods , approved by Order No. 558 of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, you need to keep a business trip log for 3 years.

Upon expiration of the storage period, the magazines are disposed of in the prescribed manner. The company organizes disposal on its own, for example, by burning the document or using a cutter. You can enter into an agreement with specialized organization, which deals with the destruction of documents.

Since 2019, the procedure for maintaining documentation related to business trips has been simplified.

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They were canceled last year individual documents, issued taking into account the arrival and departure of workers on work matters. For example, the travel certificate and travel log have been cancelled.

What kind of document is this?

A register of employees going on business trips is a document maintained by the employer or an employee appointed by him (by order of the manager) at the enterprise to record information about employees going on business trips, as well as travel certificates, times of arrival and departure.

This act reflects the following information:

  • ordinal number;
  • Full name of the posted employee;
  • date of issue and details of the certificate issued to the posted worker;
  • localization of the business trip (place and destination);
  • additional information (position of the traveler, date of departure and arrival);
  • note.

Taking into account Federal Law No. 129 “On Accounting”, as well as tax legislation These documents are not accepted as primary accounting acts for accounting and tax accounting.

But when disagreements arise in tax matters, they are used as supporting materials when counterparties accept costs under the agreement in tax accounting paid provision services, performance of work and other documents.

Logs are also used for the following purposes:

  • confirmation of the fact that the employee is on a business trip;
  • source of information about the location of business trips, the number of trips and employees traveling, as well as the duration of the trip;
  • obtaining information about the number of third-party professionals and the frequency of business contacts.

So, the key importance of the business trip log is maintaining statistical, management and personnel records at the enterprise.

Regulatory framework

Filling procedure special form the business trip log was defined in Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated September 11, 2009 No. 739n.

Since 2009, employers have been required to keep records of their employees when issuing orders for business trips. They also noted in this document those who came to them on work matters. To carry out accounting, the employer must have two books - a departure journal and an arrival journal.

This situation was in effect until 2019.

Currently, the obligation to keep a business trip log has been abolished at the legal level.

On September 19, 2019, changes came into force that canceled the Orders that approved the forms of the relevant documents.

We remind you that employers were released from the obligation to carry out accounting in this way from August 9, 2019.

Currently, these journals continue to operate in many organizations; they are used when sending on business trips or hiring the corresponding employee.

However, the employer will not be punished for the absence of such a book.

Who's leading?

The logbook for posted workers is kept by a responsible person who has been appointed by the head of the enterprise or who personally performs these functions.

During the period of validity of the Orders approving the form of the accounting journal, a contradiction arose between the rules of the current legislation.

Thus, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employers can be considered as individuals– Individual entrepreneurs and organizations. In both cases, employees may be sent on business trips. However, the form of the journals implies entering information only for employing organizations.

Thus, there was a contradiction between the provisions labor legislation and the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation that we are considering.

Representatives of this service, in response to a question about the conflict, noted that individual entrepreneurs may indeed not keep an appropriate log. Allegedly, there was no error in the law and this was done intentionally.

In fact, we cannot agree with this point of view, since it is not consistent with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Shelf life

The law provided for the obligation to keep a business trip log for 5 years.

This norm was in force by virtue of paragraphs 5 and 6 of the Procedure for recording employees leaving on business trips, adopted by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 739n.

If we're talking about about foreign business trips, this period is doubled and is 10 years.

How is the logbook kept for employees going on business trips?

The business trip logbook is filled out in accordance with the rules adopted by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 739n.

Document requirements

The business trip logbook contains information on business trips lasting more than 1 day to other localities.

Information is entered into special documents. The organization must keep 2 journals - departures and arrivals. The legislator did not impose any specific requirements.

The log is filled out by the manager or his authorized person. The document must be kept for at least 5 years.

Ready-made magazines are available for sale. You can also make it yourself if you download and print ready-made forms.

In general, the requirements for filling out are the same as for other documents, for example, it must be numbered, any corrections must be certified by the person who made them.

Form and graphs

The disposal log consists of the following sections:

  • ordinal number of record;
  • date and details of the travel certificate;
  • localization of the business trip (location and name of organization).

This is the basic information. She should be in mandatory entered into the journal.

In addition, it can be supplemented with the following information (at the request of the employer):

  • position of an employee sent on a business trip;
  • number and date;
  • date of departure and arrival;
  • delivery mark.

Additional information allows you to obtain auxiliary information that may be needed for accounting purposes at the enterprise.

The arrival log must contain the following information:

  • ordinal number of record;
  • Full name of the posted worker;
  • the organization that sent the employee on a business trip;
  • date of arrival, departure.

Below the log title contains information about the employer. Then records are made for the seconded employees.

The document was visually presented as follows:

Nuances of filling

So, currently not valid legislative norm, which would fix the order of filling out the journal. If the employer plans to use the logbook in the future, then he needs to adopt a local act.

It is there that he will determine the sample filling and form of the document.

Registration of each business trip involves the issuance of an order and the accrual of travel allowances. At the same time, organizations conduct and general document for all work trips - a journal of their accounting. The business trip log in 2017 should contain information about both trips own employees companies, and about visits to the company of other people’s employees who came on a business trip.

Let's take a closer look:

  • Is it necessary to keep a business trip log?
  • entering information into the business trip log;
  • Samples of business trip logs.

Is it necessary to keep a travel log?

The business trips themselves are regulated by the orders of the manager. Therefore, the logical question would be, is it necessary to keep a business trip log? Is it necessary to duplicate information from orders in the general journal? Recently, keeping a business trip log has become optional. The requirement for such a journal was canceled by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 771 of July 29, 2015.

However, many companies have retained such logs voluntarily. All employers still have this right, and in some cases travel accounting can help. What can a work travel log be useful for? He can serve indirect evidence in resolving controversial issues:

  • In the tax area, if you need to confirm travel expenses for employees
  • When making payments to employees, as well as between branches and the main division of the company, if you need to check the validity of costs
  • When working with partner companies, customers and contractors: to confirm the costs of performing a particular job, checking the presence of an employee in the place where he was sent

All this information is contained in other documents. Dates and place business trips are indicated in orders; they can be confirmed by travel documents and checks from hotels. But the business trip log allows you to summarize this data. If necessary, you can quickly select data for specific employees, a selected period, or a partner company.

Entering information into the business trip log

The form of the journal for recording work trips was established by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 739n dated September 11, 2009. At that time it was considered mandatory. Now there is no need to have a standard magazine. If an enterprise wants to summarize travel data, entering information into a business trip log can be organized freely. But in order for the journal to be used as a document in controversial cases, it is better to keep it according to a previously established model. What to note in the journal:

  • Last name, first name and patronymic of the employee
  • Number and date of issue of travel certificate
  • Place of business trip (name of organization and locality where it is located)
  • Department and position of the employee sent on a business trip
  • Number and date of the business trip order
  • Departure and return dates
  • Date of submission of the travel report
  • Additional information in the “Note” column

It must be remembered that some documents, the data of which previously had to be indicated in the accounting journal, have now been canceled. This is a travel certificate and a travel report. If the organization refuses to register them, then dashes can be placed in the corresponding columns of the journal. This is what HR professionals did from January to August 2015, when travel certificates, job assignments, and reports had already been canceled, but travel logs were still mandatory.

Let us remind you that such journals can be kept both to record the business trips of your employees, and to record the arrivals of business travelers from other organizations.

Samples of business trip logs

In the journal form established by Resolution No. 739n, 11 columns were provided for entering various data. Below are examples of business trip logs.

Last name, first name and patronymic of the posted worker

Date and number of travel certificate

Place of business

Organization name


Andreev Anton Sergeevich

01.03.2016 № 116

LLC "Spare parts for equipment"

Saint Petersburg

Bakhmetyeva Alina Antonovna

Seminar center for accountants

Additional information


Division and position of the seconded person

Date and order number

Disposal date

Arrival date

Report submitted

Components Department, Purchasing Manager

No. 101 dated 02/20/2016

Accounting, payroll accountant

No. 102 dated 02/25/2016

Such logs had to be stored for five years. Currently, storage periods remain at the discretion of the organization’s management due to the abolition of mandatory journal keeping. It is more convenient for the HR department employees responsible for processing work trips to fill out the logs.

Attached files

  • Logbook for employees who arrived at the organization to which they were sent (sample).doc
  • Logbook for employees going on business trips (sample).doc

Available to subscribers only

  • Logbook of employees who arrived at the organization to which they were sent (form).doc
  • Logbook for employees going on business trips (form).doc

The procedure for registering business trips has changed several times. The new rules have greatly simplified the work of companies. In the article we will analyze documentation business trips in 2017 and we will tell you which documents are required to be drawn up and which are not.

See also: Travel expenses in 2017: changes, latest news

Manager's order on business trip in 2017

An employee can be sent on a business trip only by written order of the manager. This is where it begins Documentation of a business trip in 2017.

Such an order can be made in the form of an order assigning a business trip. The need for this document is dictated by the norms of labor and related legislation (part 1 of article 166 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph 2 of paragraph 3 of the Regulations on business trips, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2008 No. 749).

As follows from these norms, a business trip is considered to be a trip by an employee by order of management. IN in this case by his order, the head of the company confirms the official nature of the business trip.

You can issue a business trip order using the unified form No. T-9 (approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated 01/05/04 No. 1) or develop your own form. How our experts did it, see the example below.

We remind you that as of January 1, 2013, companies are no longer required to apply unified forms documents. This became possible after the entry into force of paragraph 4 of Article 9 Federal Law dated 06.12.11 No. 402-FZ.

Is it necessary to draw up a travel certificate in 2017?

Does not require mandatory preparation (subparagraph “c”, paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 1595). But the company can design it at its own discretion (sample below).

Until this time, the need to issue a travel certificate was directly written in paragraph 7 of the Regulations. The certificate confirmed the length of the employee’s stay on a business trip. It indicated the date of arrival at the destination and the date of departure from there.

In addition to the travel certificate, neither Labor Code, nor the Business Travel Regulations require mandatory preparation.

But do not forget that the employer has the right to accept local regulations(LNA) within the framework of its competence, in which it may prescribe the need to prepare these documents (part 1 of article 8, paragraph 7 of part 1 of article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In his LNA, the employer can also prescribe the procedure for drawing up travel documents, determine their form and content. And such regulatory acts of the employer are mandatory for application (part 2 of article 5, paragraph 4 of part 2 of article 21, part 1 of article 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

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Does not require the employer to maintain a special journal for employees who leave for business trips. But he has the right to do it on his own.

Relevant provisions may also be provided in the relevant local act. But what the employer is definitely obliged to do is keep records of the time worked by each employee, including business travelers (Clause 4 of Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

To do this, you can use (Form No. T-13), the time worked by the posted employee is entered into the time sheet on the basis of the business trip order. When filling out the corresponding columns in the timesheet, business trips are marked with the letter - K or the digital code - 06.