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The main provisions of the law of the Russian Federation on the police. Federal law "on the police". On the use of physical force

Dmitry Medvedev signed on the eve of the law "On the Police". The law will enter into force on March 1, from full text document is available.

The general provisions of the law spell out the functions of the police to protect the life, health and rights of Russian citizens, foreigners and stateless persons, to protect order, property and safety. The law states that a policeman must come to the aid of everyone who needs it. It also describes 12 main areas of police activity - protection, prevention and disclosure of crimes, law enforcement, control over the circulation of weapons, looking after private detectives, security (including on a contractual basis), protection of victims, witnesses and others who are entitled to state protection. expert and forensic activity. In addition, a special paragraph states that police officers can participate in maintaining international peace and security (if the president orders).

The law states that a police officer is obliged to respect human and civil rights, except special cases, but even in these cases, police activities restricting the rights and freedoms of citizens should be stopped if a legitimate goal is achieved or it becomes clear that the goal is not achievable by such methods. Police officers are prohibited by law from torturing people, humiliating or using cruelty.

The police officer must be attentive to citizens - when contacting him, he must introduce himself, listen and try to help or direct to someone who can help. If a police officer in the service has learned some details of the personal life of citizens, he should not spread about them (except in special cases when it is required by law).

The police officer must be impartial... The law stipulates that it must equally protect people regardless of gender, color, language, religion or the amount of money a citizen has. A police officer cannot be a party member. Even after hours, the police officer must behave in such a way that no one doubts his impartiality.

The police officer must be credible... According to the law, he must work in such a way as to arouse the support and trust of citizens, and if he offended someone, the police must apologize and restore the rule of law. With an apology, the police must go wherever the citizen wants - to work, at the place of study or residence.

The policeman must use the achievements of science and technology... So, by law, he must be able to use Information Systems, communication networks, use audio, video and photographic equipment to record offenses.

V responsibilities police 38 points were introduced, including registration of statements of crimes, immediate departure to the scene of the crime, to provide first aid to victims, to investigate, to maintain order, to save people and to protect their property in emergency situations, to search, identify, control the circulation of weapons, look after detectives and Private security companies, carry out fingerprinting and genomic registration, ensure martial law or emergency situations (if imposed), monitor the legality of election campaigns, guard airports, ensure the safety of treasures and much more.

In number police rights 37 points were introduced, including: to require citizens to stop breaking the law, upon presentation service ID freely enter various institutions (as part of a case investigation), patrol, drive outsiders from the crime scene, search citizens (if there is information that a citizen is carrying something illegal), learn tax secrets, involve citizens in voluntary cooperation, as well as in extreme cases, - use the vehicles of organizations or citizens to pursue the offender, as well as transport the wounded or tow Vehicle after an accident.

Police officer can detain for 48 hours... During the arrest, the policeman will voice the rights "to a lawyer", "to one call", "to refuse to testify" and "to an interpreter" (the notorious "Miranda's right" from Hollywood action movies).

The policeman cannot enter the house if the owners are against... There are four exceptions - rescuing citizens in an emergency and riots, to detain suspects, to suppress a crime and to establish the circumstances of an accident. In these exceptional cases, the police officer has the right to pick the lock. Penetrating, the police officer must warn citizens of his intention, do not smash anything unnecessarily, do not tell about the details privacy, which became known to him, except for special cases.

Police officers will maintain databases... There will get: suspects, convicts, sent to compulsory treatment, juvenile offenders, amnestied, victims, wanted, missing, car owners, owners driving license, security guards, detectives, persons who have undergone fingerprinting or genomic registration, persons subject to state protection, owners of weapons, deported. This the police undertake to protect the base from hacking and copying.

A police officer can use a weapon or use physical force, and if there are no weapons and special equipment at hand, then he can use the means at hand - when it is necessary to perform his work or for self-defense. To use weapons and special equipment, a police officer will be certified. If it did not pass, then the check for the suitability of the position.

The police officer is not responsible for the harm, which he inflicted on citizens or organizations, using weapons, special equipment or physical force, if he did it according to the law. If a police officer intends to use weapons or force, he must warn about this, indicating that he is a police officer. If there is no time for this (delay can threaten the lives of citizens or the policeman himself), then he may not warn. If a police officer used force or a weapon and injured a person, he must provide him with assistance, and inform his relatives about it, if the police officer killed a person, then the prosecutor.

A police officer can use:"special sticks", special gas means, means of limiting mobility (including improvised ones), coloring and marking means, electroshock and light-shock devices, service animals. And also: water cannons, armored vehicles and means of destruction of obstacles. All of this cannot be applied to apparently pregnant women, disabled people and children, unless they offer armed resistance and are not attacked by a group. Also, you cannot use the above when dispersing rallies and demonstrations (of a non-violent nature and does not violate public order). It is stipulated that it is forbidden to hit a person with a stick on the head, neck, collarbones, abdomen, genitals, in the region of the heart. The water cannon cannot be used at sub-zero temperatures.

The police officer will have: ID, badge and badge. A police officer will wear a uniform with a "police officer identification" badge. The police officer will be fingerprinted.

Police officers will have ranks: ordinary police, police sergeants - junior, just a sergeant and a senior, a police sergeant, a police ensign, a senior police ensign, police lieutenants - from junior to senior, police captain, police major, police lieutenant colonel and colonel, major general, lieutenant general, colonel general and police general.

The police will not take: incapacitated, convicted, refused to keep a state secret, who has a disease that the Russian government considers an obstacle to police service, who have a close relationship with another policeman, subject to submission to him, those who have come out of Russian citizenship who have received citizenship of another country, the provision of forged documents.

The police officer will be responsible for their actions or inaction, including illegal ones, for harm caused by illegal actions.

This is an incomplete description of the police law.


© V. K. Tolokonnikov

Valery Tolokonnikov

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure Samarskaya

humanitarian academy

The article examines the fundamental provisions of the new Feleral Law "On Polninn"> on the purpose, legal foundations of the organization and activities of the police, analyzes the rights and obligations of police officers, key criteria for assessing the work of the police and new forms of nalzor and control over their activities.

Key words: law enforcement bodies, internal affairs bodies, militia, police, police bodies, police department, police officers, official duties and rights, supervision and control over police activities.

Entered into force on March 1, 2011 the federal law of February 7, 2011 No. З-ФЗ "On the Police" 1. Work on this legal act lasted about a year.

Changes state structure, the democratization of the political system required an immediate change in the morally outdated norms of the former Law of the Russian Federation "On the Police", adopted back in 19912.

The term "police" was used in the legislation Russian Empire for the names of various formations temporarily ensuring the protection of public

1 Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 2011. c 7. Art. 900. Further - the Law on the Police.

2 Law of the Russian Federation of 18.011991, No. 1026-1 "On the Police" // Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR and the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. 1991. No. 16. Art. 503. Further - the Law on Militia.

th order. The permanent body for the protection of public order was the police, which was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire3.

Currently, the historical justice of the meaning of the term "police" has been restored, the main tasks of which were the protection of safety and concern for the welfare of citizens.

Any activity legal system, its fundamental content (core), without which this activity loses its meaning, is ideology, that is, the system of basic views and ideas that characterize society. A comprehensive examination of the norms of the new law testifies to a change in the professional ideology of the internal affairs bodies. Indeed, the police, being a system of state bodies executive power, was a tool state coercion, "The punishing sword of the law." The main purpose of the police is to protect the life, health, rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons, crime prevention, public order, property and public safety, as well as immediate assistance to everyone who needs her protection from criminal and other illegal encroachments. Thus, the professional ideology becomes truly law enforcement.

The police are an independent subsystem of a single centralized system federal body executive power in the field of internal affairs. Legal basis in the organization and activity of the police is, first of all, the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The second place, in terms of its legal force, in the activities of the police, in contrast to the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Police", is taken by generally recognized principles and norms international law, international treaties RF, which corresponds to the laws of development international relations and the increased role of international law (part 1 of article 3 of the Police Law).

The activity of any law enforcement agency is based on the corresponding initial, basic provisions, that is, principles. The new law pays special attention to the principles of police activity; a separate chapter is devoted to them4.

If the principles of militia activity were of a purely declarative nature, their content and essence were not disclosed by law (part 1 of article 3 of the Law on Militia), then new law radically changed the content and essence of the principles of police activity. One of the key principles in the work of the police is: public trust and support of citizens, according to which the main criterion of the official

3 See: Law enforcement: a textbook for university students studying in the specialty "Jurisprudence" / under the editorship of A. V. Endoltseva, O. A. Galustian, AP Kizlyk. 6th ed., Rev. and additional M.: UNITY-DANA: Law and Law, 2009.S. 197.

public opinion is the assessment of police performance. Other, new principles on which the police activity is based: openness and publicity; impartiality; interaction and cooperation, including with public associations, organizations and citizens (Articles 7-10 of the Law on Police). In modern conditions, the effectiveness of the police is impossible without the introduction and use of scientific and technical means. In this regard, such a principle as the use of the achievements of science and technology, modern technologies and information systems (Art. 11 of the Police Law).

The growth of crime, manifestations of cases of extremist orientation, the threat of terrorist acts require high professionalism from police officers, the ability to effectively and clearly solve problems in the field of ensuring law and order and protecting citizens, society and the state. Naturally, the range of duties assigned to police officers was constructively supplemented with new ones, and some of the previously assigned duties to the police have undergone changes.

So, in particular, to the new official duties of police officers, according to Art. 12 of the Police Law, include such as:

Acceptance, when emergency situations, urgent measures to rescue citizens, protection of property left unattended, assistance in these conditions for uninterrupted work rescue services, ensuring public order during quarantine measures during epidemics and epizootics;

Taking measures in accordance with federal law aimed at preventing, identifying and suppressing extremist activities of public associations, religious and other organizations, citizens;

Participation in activities to counter terrorism and provide legal regime counter-terrorist operation, as well as in ensuring the protection of potential objects of terrorist encroachments and places of mass stay of citizens, in carrying out peer review the state of anti-terrorist security and security of facilities;

Implementation of state protection of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings, judges, prosecutors, investigators, officials law enforcement and regulatory authorities, as well as other protected persons.

Legislative consolidation received such an important legal instrument for ensuring the rights of citizens as the duty of police officers, when receiving and registering statements and reports of crimes, to give the applicant a notification of acceptance of the message. In the event that these statements and messages are transferred to other authorities whose competence is to resolve these issues, notify the applicant within 24 hours (paragraph 1 of part 1 of article 12 of the Police Law).

Police checks are more clearly regulated by the new law commercial organizations... Grounds for Requesting Documents legal entities and familiarization with them directly in organizations is limited. These actions can only be carried out within the framework of investigated criminal cases and ongoing administrative offense cases, as well as in connection with the verification of registered statements and reports of citizens about crimes, administrative offenses and incidents, the resolution of which is attributed to the competence of the police.

The police retained the function of monitoring the activities of private security companies and the circulation of weapons. Subdivisions of licensing and authorization work and control over private detective and security activities will continue to carry out an administrative and supervisory function.

The list of police duties is exhaustive, and all other duties can be assigned to the police only by amending the Police Law.

Police application issues individual measures state coercion, affecting the basic constitutional rights of citizens to freedom, personal inviolability and inviolability of the home, are legally reflected in a separate chapter of the new law.

In fairness, it should be noted that an appeal to the need to protect the interests of some citizens cannot unreasonably conflict and violate the personal safety of other citizens of Russia who are equal with them5.

The new law clearly regulates the procedure and conditions for the detention of citizens, the duties of a police officer and the rights of a detainee. In each case of detention of a citizen, the police officer is obliged to explain to him the reasons and grounds for the detention, his right to legal assistance, the right to notify close relatives or close persons of the fact of his detention, the right to refuse to give an explanation. Moreover, the detained person, no later than three hours from the moment of arrest, has the right to one telephone conversation in order to notify close relatives or close persons about his detention and location (paragraphs 3, 7, article 14 of the Police Law).

The police, protecting the right of everyone to the inviolability of the home, has the right to enter (penetrate) residential and other premises, to land and territory. In Art. 15 of the Law provides for the grounds for such actions: saving the lives of citizens and their property, ensuring the safety of citizens or public safety in the event of riots and emergencies; detention of persons suspected

B See: M. Falaleev Read the law: it is not only for the police, but also for you // Russian newspaper... 2001.8 February. P. 2.

committed in the commission of a crime; suppression of crime; establishing the circumstances of the accident.

Moreover, in cases of suppression of a crime, a police officer has the right, if necessary, to break (destroy) locking devices, elements and structures that prevent entry into the premises. However, the actions of the police related to the penetration into the home, against the will of the persons living in it, are strictly controlled. According to the law, a police officer is obliged to notify his boss about the entry (penetration) in writing within 24 hours, but also to inform the owner of the premises, as well as to notify the prosecutor in writing at the above time.

The rights of the police also include the right to process data about citizens necessary to fulfill the duties assigned to it, with the subsequent entry of the information received into data banks about citizens. At the same time, the number of citizens, information about whom must be entered into databanks, has been somewhat expanded by law. In particular, the following information is to be entered into the data banks:

On persons who have undergone state genomic registration, on persons subject to state protection;

About persons who have received a certificate of a private security guard;

About persons who are in a helpless state and are unable, due to health reasons or age, to provide information about themselves.

It should be noted that the information contained in data banks is provided to state bodies and their officials only in cases provided for by federal law.

The use of physical force, special means and firearms is not every police officer's right. So, a police officer who has not passed the test for professional suitability for actions involving the use of physical force, special means and firearms, pending the decision of the attestation commission, is suspended from the above duties.

At the same time, the Law somewhat expanded the cases of the use of physical force, special means and firearms by police officers. Currently, the use of physical force is allowed for delivery to the office territorial body or police units, to the premises municipal authority, to another office premises of persons who have committed crimes and administrative offenses (clause 2 of part 1 of article 20 of the Law). The use of special means (electro-shock devices, water cannons, armored vehicles, etc.) can take place to protect protected objects, blocking the movement of groups of citizens performing illegal actions(Clause 11, Part 1, Article 21 of the Law). A police officer also has the right to use firearms to destroy locking devices, elements and structures that prevent penetration into residential and other premises (paragraph 3 of part 3 of article 23 of the Law).

According to the Law on Militia, a militia officer was obliged to inform the management only if he used a firearm.

life. The new law toughens control over cases of the use of physical force, special means and firearms. The law requires a police officer to notify about cases of the use of not only firearms, but also physical force and special means. So, in cases of causing a citizen bodily harm as a result of the use of physical force or special means, his close relatives or close persons must be notified. In the event of injury to a citizen or the occurrence of his death as a result of the infliction of physical force, special means or firearms by a police officer, the prosecutor shall be notified within 24 hours. Moreover, about each case of the use of physical force, as a result of which harm was caused to health or material damage a citizen or organization, as well as about each case of the use of special means and firearms, a police officer is obliged to provide a report within 24 hours to the immediate superior or to the head of a nearby territorial police body (clauses 5, 6, 8 of article 19 of the Law).

The Police Act sets strict criteria for admission to the service. So, those entering the police are required to undergo psychophysiological studies, testing for alcohol, drug and other toxic dependence. Also, per citizen Russian Federation who enters the police service, a personal guarantee is issued by an employee of the internal affairs bodies with at least three years of service. Thus, the person making the recommendation will be responsible for further actions police officer.

The law expanded the grounds on which a citizen cannot be admitted to the police service. Such grounds can be:

Availability of a residence permit or other document confirming the right to permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the territory foreign country;

Repeated, during the year preceding the day of admission to the police, the commission of intentional administrative offenses;

Failure to comply with restrictions, prohibitions, fulfill duties and bear responsibility established for police officers.

Recruitment to the police will be carried out only on the basis of the results of an extraordinary recertification, which is currently being carried out in the internal affairs bodies.

For the first time, the law on the police stipulates the obligation of police officers to inform the highest officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (heads of the highest executive bodies state power RF) and elected officials local government(chapters municipalities) on the state of law and order in the relevant territory (clause 36 of part 1 of article 12 of the Law).

Moreover, the new law provides for the activities of the police parliamentary control... Also, for the activities of the police,

public control has been consolidated in the person of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, public supervisory commissions and public councils, as well as judicial control and supervision (Articles 50-51 of the Law).

Thus, for the first time, the state transfers the right to control the largest armed organization directly to society (civil society).

This law is not a dogma, its practical use will certainly lead to legislative change and the addition of individual norms, their comments by professional lawyers, but the fact that the new law turned out to be transparent, understandable and easy to use, including for ordinary citizens, is an indisputable fact.


1. Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 2011. No. 7. Art. 900.

2. Law of the Russian Federation of 18.04.1991, No. 1026-1 "On the Police" // Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR and the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. 1991. No. 16. Art. 503.

3. See: Law enforcement agencies: a textbook for university students studying in the specialty "Jurisprudence" / under the editorship of A. V. Endoltseva, O. A. Galustian, AP Kizlyk. 6th ed., Rev. and additional M.: UNITY-DANA: Law and Law, 2009.

5. Falaleev M. Read the law: it is not only for the police, but also for you // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 2011.8 February.

The main provisions of the Federal Law No. 3-FZ "On the Police"

Federal Law of February 7, 2011 No. 3-FZ "On the Police" - Federal Law of the Russian Federation, which entered into force on March 1, 2011 and replaced the Law of the Russian Federation of April 18, 1991 No. 1026-I "On the Police".

Public discussion of the bill was organized on the Internet at the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev. The draft was published on the website on August 7, 2010 and collected more than 20 thousand comments, some of which were taken into account when working on the text of the future law.

The law contains 11 chapters, including two new articles that were absent in the law "On Militia": Art. 8 "On openness and publicity" and Art. 9 "Ensuring public trust and support of citizens."

Unlike the Law on Police, the Law on Police does not contain provisions on social protection employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was spelled out in the Federal Law of November 30, 2011 No. 342-FZ "On service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation".

The general provisions of the Federal Law "On Police" spell out the functions of the police to protect the life, health and rights of Russian citizens, foreigners and stateless persons, to protect order, property and safety. The law stipulates that a police officer must come to the aid of anyone who needs it. It also describes 12 main areas of police activity - protection, prevention and disclosure of crimes, law enforcement, control over the circulation of weapons, looking after private detectives, security (including on a contractual basis), protection of victims, witnesses and others who are entitled to state protection. expert and forensic activity. In addition, a special paragraph states that the police can participate in the maintenance of international peace and security (if ordered by the president).

The law stipulates that a police officer is obliged to respect human and civil rights, except in special cases, but even in these cases, police activities restricting the rights and freedoms of citizens should be stopped if a legitimate goal is achieved or it becomes clear that the goal is not achievable by such methods. Police officers are prohibited by law from torturing people, humiliating or using cruelty.

A police officer must be attentive to citizens - when contacting him, he must introduce himself, listen and try to help or direct to someone who can help. If a police officer in the service has learned some details of the personal life of citizens, he should not spread about them (except in special cases when it is required by law).

The police officer must be impartial. The law stipulates that it must equally protect people regardless of gender, color, language, religion or the amount of money a citizen has. A police officer cannot be a party member. Even after hours, the police officer must behave in such a way that no one doubts his impartiality.

The police officer must be credible. According to the law, he must work in such a way as to arouse the support and trust of citizens, and if he offended someone, the police must apologize and restore the rule of law. With an apology, the police must go wherever the citizen wants - to work, at the place of study or residence.

A police officer must use the achievements of science and technology, must be able to use information systems, communication networks, use audio, video and photographic equipment to record offenses.

38 points have been made to the duties of the police, including the registration of statements of crimes, immediate departure to the scene of the crime, first aid to victims, investigation of crimes, maintenance of order, saving people and their property in an emergency, and much more.

37 points have been added to the police's rights, including: to require citizens to stop violating the law, upon presentation of an official certificate, to freely enter various institutions (as part of the investigation of the case), to patrol, to drive outsiders from the crime scene, to search citizens (if there is information that a citizen is carrying something illegal), find out tax secrets, involve citizens in voluntary cooperation, and also, in extreme cases, use the vehicles of organizations or citizens to pursue a criminal, as well as transport the wounded or tow vehicles after an accident.

A police officer can detain for 48 hours. When detained, the police officer must voice the rights "to a lawyer", "to one call", "to refuse to testify" and "to an interpreter".

A policeman cannot enter a house against the wishes of the owners. There are four exceptions - rescuing citizens in emergency situations and riots, to detain suspects, to suppress a crime and to establish the circumstances of an accident. In these cases, the police officer has the right to pick the lock. Penetrating, a police officer must warn citizens about his intention, not smash anything unnecessarily, not talk about the details of his private life, which he became aware of, except in special cases.

Police officers have the right to maintain databases that include: suspects, convicts, sent for compulsory treatment, juvenile offenders, amnestied, victims, wanted, missing persons, car owners, drivers' license holders, security guards, detectives, persons who have undergone fingerprinting or genomic registration , persons subject to state protection, owners of weapons, deported. The police undertake to protect this database from hacking and copying.

A police officer can use a weapon or use physical force, and if there are no weapons and special equipment at hand, he can use whatever means is at hand - when it is necessary to do his job or for self-defense. To use weapons and special equipment, a police officer will be certified. If the result of the attestation is negative, the police officer must be tested for suitability for the position.

A police officer is not responsible for the harm he caused to citizens or organizations by using weapons, special equipment or physical force, if he did it according to the law. If a police officer intends to use weapons or force, he must warn about this, indicating that he is a police officer. If there is no time for this (delay can threaten the lives of citizens or the policeman himself), then he may not warn. If a police officer used force or a weapon and injured a person, he must provide him with assistance, and inform his relatives about it, if the police officer killed a person, then the prosecutor.

The police officer has the following insignia: ID, badge and badge. A police officer must wear a uniform with a badge “identifying the police officer”. All police officers undergo compulsory fingerprinting.

Police officers are awarded the following ranks: ordinary police; junior commanding staff - junior police sergeant, police sergeant, senior police sergeant, police sergeant, police ensign, senior police warrant; middle commanding officers - junior police lieutenant, police lieutenant, senior police lieutenant, police captain; senior commanding officers - police major, police lieutenant colonel, police colonel; the highest commanding staff - Major General of Police, Lieutenant General of Police, Colonel General of Police, General of Police of the Russian Federation. Special ranks of commanding officers of the police are life-long. Upon dismissal from service, the words “retired” are added to the special rank. A police officer may be deprived of special rank in the manner prescribed by federal law.

Cannot serve in the police: incapacitated citizens, convicted persons, incl. and with canceled or cleared conviction who refused to keep the state. a secret, who have a disease that the Russian government considers an obstacle to police service, who have a close relationship with another police officer, subject to submission to him, those who have renounced Russian citizenship, who have received the citizenship of another country, the provision of forged documents.

The police officer is responsible for his actions or omissions, incl. illegal, for harm caused by illegal actions.

4. The main provisions of the Federal Law No. 3-FZ "On the Police"

Federal Law of February 7, 2011 No. 3-FZ "On the Police" - Federal Law of the Russian Federation, which entered into force on March 1, 2011 and replaced the Law of the Russian Federation of April 18, 1991 No. 1026-I "On the Police".

Public discussion of the bill was organized on the Internet at the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev. The draft was published on the website on August 7, 2010 and collected more than 20 thousand comments, some of which were taken into account when working on the text of the future law.

The law contains 11 chapters, including two new articles that were absent in the law "On Militia": Art. 8 "On openness and publicity" and Art. 9 "Ensuring public trust and support of citizens."

Unlike the law "On the police", the law "On the police" does not contain provisions on the social protection of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was spelled out in the Federal Law of November 30, 2011 No. 342-FZ "On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments into separate legislative acts of the Russian Federation ”.

The general provisions of the Federal Law "On Police" spell out the functions of the police to protect the life, health and rights of Russian citizens, foreigners and stateless persons, to protect order, property and safety. The law stipulates that a police officer must come to the aid of anyone who needs it. It also describes 12 main areas of police activity - protection, prevention and disclosure of crimes, law enforcement, control over the circulation of weapons, looking after private detectives, security (including on a contractual basis), protection of victims, witnesses and others who are entitled to state protection. expert and forensic activity. In addition, a special paragraph states that the police can participate in the maintenance of international peace and security (if ordered by the president).

The law stipulates that a police officer is obliged to respect human and civil rights, except in special cases, but even in these cases, police activities restricting the rights and freedoms of citizens should be stopped if a legitimate goal is achieved or it becomes clear that the goal is not achievable by such methods. Police officers are prohibited by law from torturing people, humiliating or using cruelty.

A police officer must be attentive to citizens - when contacting him, he must introduce himself, listen and try to help or direct to someone who can help. If a police officer in the service has learned some details of the personal life of citizens, he should not spread about them (except in special cases when it is required by law).

The police officer must be impartial. The law stipulates that it must equally protect people regardless of gender, color, language, religion or the amount of money a citizen has. A police officer cannot be a party member. Even after hours, the police officer must behave in such a way that no one doubts his impartiality.

The police officer must be credible. According to the law, he must work in such a way as to arouse the support and trust of citizens, and if he offended someone, the police must apologize and restore the rule of law. With an apology, the police must go wherever the citizen wants - to work, at the place of study or residence.

A police officer must use the achievements of science and technology, must be able to use information systems, communication networks, use audio, video and photographic equipment to record offenses.

38 points have been made to the duties of the police, including the registration of statements of crimes, immediate departure to the scene of the crime, first aid to victims, investigation of crimes, maintenance of order, saving people and their property in an emergency, and much more.

37 points have been added to the police's rights, including: to require citizens to stop violating the law, upon presentation of an official certificate, to freely enter various institutions (as part of the investigation of the case), to patrol, to drive outsiders from the crime scene, to search citizens (if there is information that a citizen is carrying something illegal), find out tax secrets, involve citizens in voluntary cooperation, and also, in extreme cases, use the vehicles of organizations or citizens to pursue a criminal, as well as transport the wounded or tow vehicles after an accident.

A police officer can detain for 48 hours. When detained, the police officer must voice the rights "to a lawyer", "to one call", "to refuse to testify" and "to an interpreter".

A policeman cannot enter a house against the wishes of the owners. There are four exceptions - rescuing citizens in emergency situations and riots, to detain suspects, to suppress a crime and to establish the circumstances of an accident. In these cases, the police officer has the right to pick the lock. Penetrating, a police officer must warn citizens about his intention, not smash anything unnecessarily, not talk about the details of his private life, which he became aware of, except in special cases.

Police officers have the right to maintain databases that include: suspects, convicts, sent for compulsory treatment, juvenile offenders, amnestied, victims, wanted, missing persons, car owners, drivers' license holders, security guards, detectives, persons who have undergone fingerprinting or genomic registration , persons subject to state protection, owners of weapons, deported. The police undertake to protect this database from hacking and copying.

A police officer can use a weapon or use physical force, and if there are no weapons and special equipment at hand, he can use whatever means is at hand - when it is necessary to do his job or for self-defense. To use weapons and special equipment, a police officer will be certified. If the result of the attestation is negative, the police officer must be tested for suitability for the position.

A police officer is not responsible for the harm he caused to citizens or organizations by using weapons, special equipment or physical force, if he did it according to the law. If a police officer intends to use weapons or force, he must warn about this, indicating that he is a police officer. If there is no time for this (delay can threaten the lives of citizens or the policeman himself), then he may not warn. If a police officer used force or a weapon and injured a person, he must provide him with assistance, and inform his relatives about it, if the police officer killed a person, then the prosecutor.

The police officer has the following insignia: ID, badge and badge. A police officer must wear a uniform with a badge “identifying the police officer”. All police officers undergo compulsory fingerprinting.

Police officers are awarded the following ranks: ordinary police; junior commanding staff - junior police sergeant, police sergeant, senior police sergeant, police sergeant, police ensign, senior police warrant; middle commanding officers - junior police lieutenant, police lieutenant, senior police lieutenant, police captain; senior commanding officers - police major, police lieutenant colonel, police colonel; the highest commanding staff - Major General of Police, Lieutenant General of Police, Colonel General of Police, General of Police of the Russian Federation. Special ranks of commanding officers of the police are life-long. Upon dismissal from service, the words “retired” are added to the special rank. A police officer may be deprived of a special rank in the manner prescribed by federal law.

Cannot serve in the police: incapacitated citizens, convicted persons, incl. and with extinguished or cleared convictions, who refused to keep state. a secret, who have a disease that the Russian government considers an obstacle to police service, who have a close relationship with another police officer, subject to submission to him, those who have renounced Russian citizenship, who have received the citizenship of another country, the provision of forged documents.

The police officer is responsible for his actions or omissions, incl. illegal, for harm caused by illegal actions.

Material liability of servicemen

Federal Law "On material responsibility military personnel "" establishes the conditions and amounts of material liability of military personnel and citizens called up for military training (hereinafter referred to as military personnel) for damage ...

Duties and rights of the police

Pensions: general characteristics... RF legislation on consumer protection

For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following basic concepts are used: state pension provision - monthly state cash payment ...

Local government reforms in the Russian Federation

As a result of the reform of local self-government, for the first time in our modern history public authorities begin to work fully at the level closest to the population - on the scale of rural and urban settlements. Now we can speak ...

The role and place of the law in constitutional law Of Russia

Federal constitutional law is considered by world legislative practice as a special category of legal acts ...

In article 1 of this law, we will consider the concepts of standardization. Standardization is an activity aimed at establishing norms, rules and characteristics (hereinafter referred to as requirements) in order to ensure: safety of products, works and services for the environment ...

Comparative analysis approaches to standardization in the laws "On standardization" (1993) and "On technical regulation" (2002)

Article 1. Scope of application of this Federal Law 1. This Federal Law regulates relations arising from: development, adoption, application and fulfillment of mandatory requirements for products, production processes ...

The Law does not contain the specific name of the Federal executive body in the field of internal affairs (hereinafter referred to as the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs), part of which is the Police ...

Federal Law "On the Police" (in comparison with the Federal Law "On the Police")

The article devoted to the observance of the rights and freedoms of citizens is similar in content to Article 5 of the Law "On the Police", only it places a special emphasis on the prohibition of the use of torture, violence and other cruel or degrading treatment of human dignity ...

Federal Law "On the Police" (in comparison with the Federal Law "On the Police")

The duties of the police are similar to those contained in Article 10 of the Law "On the Police". It should be noted that earlier, in the Law "On Militia" ...

Federal Law "On the Police" (in comparison with the Federal Law "On the Police")

Police officer. The legislator introduces an indication that an out-of-state police officer is not considered serving, that is, his seniority is interrupted. This innovation testifies to the fact ...

Federal Law "On the Police" (in comparison with the Federal Law "On the Police")

Police service. Contains general provisions, assigns to the President of the Russian Federation the appointment to the posts of the highest commanding staff of the police and the dismissal from these posts ...

Federal Law "On the Police" (in comparison with the Federal Law "On the Police")

Remuneration for the work of a police officer. A similar article was contained in the law "On the police" (Article 22). The legislator has made a number of changes: there is no clear indication of the authority that establishes the types and sizes monetary allowance police officers ...

Federal Law "On the Police" (in comparison with the Federal Law "On the Police")

Financial security police activities. The Law stipulates that the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies have the right to carry out expenses for the implementation of the powers of the police to ensure the rule of law ...

Federal Law "On the Police" (in comparison with the Federal Law "On the Police")

State control police activities. This article is similar in content to Article 37 of the Law "On the Police", but, unlike it, does not contain a prohibition on the interference of state authorities in procedural actions ...

Chapter 1. General Provisions

Article 1. Appointment of the police

1. The police are intended to protect the life, health, rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons (hereinafter also referred to as citizens; persons), to combat crime, protect public order, property and to ensure public safety.

2. The police immediately come to the aid of everyone who needs their protection from criminal and other illegal encroachments.

3. The police, within the limits of their powers, provide assistance to federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other state bodies (hereinafter also - government bodies), local self-government bodies, other municipal bodies (hereinafter also referred to as municipal bodies), public associations, as well as organizations regardless of the form of ownership (hereinafter referred to as organizations), officials of these bodies and organizations (hereinafter referred to as officials) in the protection of their rights.

Article 2. Main directions of police activity

1. Police activity is carried out in the following main areas:

1) protection of the individual, society, state from unlawful encroachments;

2) prevention and suppression of crimes and administrative offenses;

3) detection and disclosure of crimes, production of inquest in criminal cases;

4) search for persons;

5) proceedings on cases of administrative offenses, execution of administrative penalties;

6) ensuring law and order in public places;

7) ensuring road safety;

8) control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of arms trafficking;

9) control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of private detective (detective) and security activities;

10) protection of property and objects, including on a contractual basis;

11) state protection of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings, judges, prosecutors, investigators, officials of law enforcement and regulatory bodies, as well as other protected persons; 12) the implementation of forensic expert activities.

2. By decision of the President of the Russian Federation, police officers may participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security.

Article 3. Legal basis for police activities

1. The legal basis for police activities is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, this Federal Law, other federal laws, regulatory legal acts Of the President of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory legal acts of the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of internal affairs (hereinafter - the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs) ...

2. The police in their activities are also guided by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the protection of public order and ensuring public safety, issued within their competence.

3. The federal executive body in the field of internal affairs develops and submits in the prescribed manner to the President of the Russian Federation and to the Government of the Russian Federation drafts of federal constitutional laws, federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as proposals on improvement of legislative and other normative legal acts on issues related to the activities of the police.

Article 4. Organization of the police

1. The police are an integral part of the unified centralized system of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs.

2. The police may include units, organizations and services created to carry out the duties assigned to the police (hereinafter referred to as the police units).

3. The management of the activities of the police is carried out within the limits of their competence by the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the heads of the territorial bodies of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs (hereinafter referred to as territorial bodies) and the heads of police units. The leaders of these bodies and divisions are responsible for the fulfillment of the duties assigned to the police.

4. The composition of the police, the procedure for the creation, reorganization and liquidation of police units are determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

5. The standards and limits for the staffing of police units within the established staffing of the internal affairs bodies are determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs.