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Consent to the processing of personal data for the Russian Register. Massive cases of registration of loans to cadastral engineers using our personal data

Colleagues, good day everyone!
I, cadastral engineer Grebenshchikov K.Yu., who received a certificate in 2010, was faced with the fact that my personal data, previously posted on the Rosreestr website, was used to obtain a loan for me at LLC MFK "Zaymer" (Kemerovo). Moreover, the registration indicated was the same one that I had at the time of receiving the certificate in 2010; a year later it was changed. Thanks to my correspondence on a specialized banking forum, they contacted me cadastral engineers from. Kaluga, there are three of them and they also received a loan from this MFO. In this regard, dear colleagues, there is an opinion that many of us, from the first wave of those who received a cadastral engineer certificate in 2010-2011, could have suffered from MFK Seimer LLC and the rash actions of Rosreestr, which made our passports publicly available.
I found out about the loan by accident, a request for repayment of the loan debt, interest and penalties was sent to my old address, and entries have already been made in the credit history bureau that ruined my credit rating, and therefore I now cannot buy an office using a mortgage!
There are already four of us, the injured cadastral engineers, we are now fighting together, but I think that there are actually a lot of people like us, some are fighting on their own and do not yet know that the source of leaking passport data is Rosreestr, the rest They just don’t know about it, because... Didn't receive the notification!
If there are other victims of “left” loans from this or other MFOs, write here, or call me, 89281202092, together we will punish them!

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Good afternoon, I have been a cadastral engineer since 2010. Dimitrova I.E. I encountered the same problem, a letter was sent to my old registration address demanding a refund Money which I didn't take. The organization MFK "Zaymer" LLC is a fraudster who took advantage of our personal data posted on the Rosreestr website and distributes microloans. The situation is similar to that of Grebenshchikov K.Yu. In our city, three cadastral engineers have already contacted law enforcement agencies, and an investigation is underway. As you understand, all cadastral engineers who received certificates from 2010 to 2014 are under threat. It was in 2014 that passport data was removed from the site. Please contact everyone who has suffered from this company. You may not know what has been registered against you this loan. Need to order credit history and if you changed your registration, ask if a letter from MFK Seimer LLC arrived at your old address. We are trying to initiate a criminal case, but so far there are no concrete answers law enforcement No. Be vigilant and careful. I am attaching my documents. We also wrote an appeal to Rosreestr, so far there has been silence.

Article 35 of the Constitution states: “1. Right private property protected by law. 2. Everyone has the right to own property, own, use and dispose of it, both individually and jointly with other persons. 3. No one can be deprived of his property except by a court decision. Forced alienation of property for state needs can only be made subject to prior and equivalent compensation. 4. The right of inheritance is guaranteed."

However, for more than a year and a half I have not been able to register the real estate that belongs to me. I'm being denied state registration an apartment belonging to me by right of inheritance. Rosreestr requires mandatory written consent to the processing of my personal data, which looks like this:

“I confirm my consent to the processing of my personal data (collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, distribution (including transfer), depersonalization, blocking, destruction of personal data, as well as other actions necessary for processing personal data within the framework of provision by bodies carrying out state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, in accordance with the law Russian Federation public services), including in an automated mode, including decision-making on their basis by the body carrying out state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it for the purpose of providing public services.”

According to paragraph 1 of article 9 Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” (hereinafter referred to as the PD Law), consent is given “of my own will and in my own interest,” that is, I have the right not to give this consent if it contradicts my rights and legitimate interests. In addition, the Law “On Registration” No. 122-FZ (in force until January 1, 2017), and the Law “On Registration of Real Estate” No. 218-FZ (currently in force) do not contain such a requirement as providing written consent to the processing of personal data. Which is absolutely logical, since in accordance with Article 6 of the Law on Personal Data, no consent is required for the processing of personal data when providing state and municipal services!!!

From the above, it is clear that the law does not provide for the provision of written consent to the processing of personal data when providing public services. Despite this, Rosreestr officials, exceeding their authority, require consent to compulsorily process the applicant’s data. Let's try to figure out why this is being done and what dangers the above agreement poses for each of us.

First you need to understand what an electronic service is? According to Art. 2 of the Law on State Services No. 210-FZ “The provision of state and municipal services in electronic form is the provision of state and municipal services using information and telecommunications technologies, including the use of a single portal of state and municipal services. Electronic services are understood as interactions between authorities and the population, in which the submission of an application and necessary documents to receive the service is carried out in in electronic format via the Internet, through the government services portal. To provide such a service, a necessary requirement is the registration of a participant in electronic interaction (including the applicant) in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA) for the purpose of its identification and authentication.

At the same time, in contrast to the traditional form of provision of state and municipal services, in which the identification of the applicant occurs during his personal presence by presenting an identification document, the identity of the person applying for public services in electronic form is identified through a number - a personal identifier, due to his physical absence when applying for public services via the Internet. This is why there is a unified identification and authentication system (FSIS ESIA).

In accordance with the Regulations on the FSIS ESIA, approved. by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated April 13, 2012 No. 107, registration individuals in the ESIA system occurs through a single portal of state and municipal services and only with their consent:

“The formation of a register of individuals (in the ESIA system) is carried out

applicants by voluntarily, independently entering information

(identifiers and other information) ..., or with the consent of the applicants by the authorities or

organizations involved in the provision of state and municipal


In accordance with the definition given in Wikipedia, the ESIA can be conditionally called an “electronic passport of a citizen.” It is in this system that all data about a person from all areas of his life is collected, stored and analyzed.

Thus, when submitting an application, if you consented to the processing of PD, you also consented to the entry of your personal data into the Unified Identification and Registration System system and the service will be provided only electronically. In this case, the system recognizes who you are using your identifiers and begins processing personal data, replacing your identifying characteristics with a number. For the SYSTEM, individualizing features such as full name have no meaning, only the number is important for it.

Citizens have the right not to enter this system, since in accordance with the Regulations on the FSIS ESIA approved. By Order No. 107, clause 3.3, this is done independently and voluntarily, or by bodies and organizations with the consent of the applicant. In addition, the following explanation is given on the website of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications:

“Currently, citizens have the opportunity to receive state and municipal services (services):

  • in a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services;
  • at personal address to a government agency;
  • electronic".

Thus, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides an opportunity for a citizen to voluntarily choose the method of applying for services. If a citizen chooses to receive services electronically, he must register in unified system identification and authentication (USIA). This registration is voluntary. At the same time, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not contain restrictions on the use of paper document flow when citizens apply to authorities.

But this is all in theory; in practice, things are different. Formally, I have every right not to give any consent, but in fact, for exercising this right, I was practically deprived of property (I cannot do anything with this expensive asset, worth several million rubles). Because in real life Rosreestr needs to obtain consent from citizens to transfer their personal data, family data, real estate for undivided and indefinite use, as well as consent to perform any actions with any information about them solely at the discretion of Rosreestr. At the same time, this “consent” relieves Rosreestr of responsibility for legal consequences, inevitable during automated processing of personal data.

What exactly are the consequences? From July 15, 2016, the issuance of a paper certificate of registration of property rights was abolished, and from January 1, 2017, the Unified State Register of Real Estate state register real estate) is conducted exclusively in electronic form.

The head of the Russian Association of Lawyers for Human Rights, Maria Bast, believes that this gives unlimited opportunities to scammers and black realtors. For example, a hacker or a person in cahoots with an official can, without your knowledge, register a purchase agreement and formalize ownership of your property, and then repeatedly resell it to a “bona fide purchaser.” To complete the transaction, you just need to get your passport details, information about the apartment and forge a signature.

As a result, your apartment is no longer yours, since according to the documents you sold it, gave it as a gift or exchanged it. You are in a hurry to the MFC or to the Rosreestr branch. There they tell you that the transaction is clean, that is, everything is legal, and, according to the record of registration of the right in the database, you are no longer the owner. And the fact that you have property documents in your hands indicates that you may have forged them and are a fraudster. You go to court or the prosecutor's office. They, in turn, make a request to Rosreestr about whether you are the copyright holder. And Rossrest, of course, responds that according to its electronic databases, you are no longer the copyright holder. Neither the court nor the prosecutor's office can help you. In this situation, it is better to shut up and accept the loss of property, otherwise you yourself may be declared either a fraudster with fake documents, or not a completely mentally healthy person.

So, by giving consent to the processing of personal data, we shift responsibility from Rosreestr for any legal consequences exclusively to ourselves. I have reason to believe that this is a well-thought-out action to take away real estate - after all, we ourselves allow ourselves to be deprived of an expensive asset. Moreover, the danger exists not only for individual citizens, but also for all the property of our state.

Almost everything software, used on computers in our country - all “hard” and “soft”, developed in the USA. CEO Zecurion company Alexey Raevsky, which provides cybersecurity for Aeroflot, Rosneft, VTB and Sberbank, admitted:

“To put it very simply, Americans can simply press a button and our entire computer system will immediately shut down.”

How will you prove your ownership if it is confirmed only by an entry in electronic register, which, as a result of such unfriendly actions or simply a banal power outage, for example, will simply collapse? Since 2007, Rosreestr began to carry out reform in the field of registration of ownership rights to real estate under the leadership of the World Bank. The World Bank receives and controls information about our real estate, since it was they who provided all the technologies and techniques. And Rosreestr is only an intermediary - an operator of all information about property rights, transferring it to the technology supplier.

In the future, we risk ceasing to be the real owners of property altogether, and we may one day discover that we are not the owners of either our real estate or land, and will be forced, at the request of the real owner (transnational corporations, for example), to leave the territory that no longer belongs to us .

How did Rosreestr, contrary to current legislation, manage to transfer the provision of property rights registration services exclusively to electronic form? This became possible thanks to the appearance in the application form for the provision of services for registering property rights of requisite 15 (until 01/01/2017 - requisite 12), the contents of which are given at the beginning of the material. By signing such a statement, we give Rosreestr consent to actions with our PD, from which the law protects us, citizens, namely:

- to collect, store, systematize and accumulate information about us and

our personal life. That is, we voluntarily give up our basic

constitutional rights guaranteed to us by Articles 23 and 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

(right to privacy, good name and family secrets,

the right to prevent the collection, distribution and storage of information about

person without his consent) - rights that are absolute and cannot

be limited even in a state of emergency! Behind similar actions,

carried out without the consent of citizens, criminal liability is provided

punishment under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;

— for distribution, that is, transfer of PD to an unlimited number of third parties

persons, including cross-border transfer, which is prohibited without the consent of the subject

The Constitution and Article 7 of the Law on Personal Data No. 152-FZ. It's obvious that

when obtaining consent for distribution, the need to comply

requirements of the law and the Constitution disappear.

– to depersonalize, which violates the right to act under one’s own name,

guaranteed by Articles 19 and 150 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Assigning a number to a person is deprivation

its individualizing, inherent characteristics of the subject: name, age,

relationship to citizenship, in fact means deprivation of legal

opportunities to have and exercise their rights. “The citizen acquires and

exercises rights and obligations under his own name, including surname and

the actual name, as well as the patronymic", "... the name of a citizen,..., is inalienable and

inexpressible in any other way."

A person without a name loses his legal personality and turns into an impersonal, numbered biological object. Information about an impersonal object begins its own life independent of it. Former owner this information will no longer be able to protect their rights, since these relations with the state brought into an area not regulated by the rules of law. Thus, an impersonal biological object becomes easy prey for criminal manipulation, as mentioned above.

Depersonalization is not only illegal, humiliates the dignity of the individual, guaranteed by Article 21 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, damages the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, but is also immoral. Replacing a name with a number was already used by the ideologists of fascism to simplify the defeat of the rights of enslaved peoples and was condemned by all humanity for Nuremberg trials as a monstrous crime that has no statute of limitations. According to clause 19 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “Harm caused to a citizen as a result of violation of his right to a name... is subject to compensation in accordance with this Code. When a citizen's name is distorted or when a name is used in ways or in a form that affects his honor, diminishes his dignity or business reputation, a citizen has the right to demand a refutation, compensation for the harm caused to him, as well as compensation for moral damage.”

– to make decisions based solely on automated processing of PD that generate legal consequences for the PD subject, which is prohibited by clause 1 of Article 16 of the Law “On Personal Data” No. 152-FZ without the consent of the PD owner. This action is only possible with my written consent. The consent that the Rosreestr Office forces me to do is written, i.e. giving the right to do what is prohibited by law.

At the same time, according to clause 3 of Art. 16 of the Law on Personal Data “The operator is obliged to explain to the personal data subject the procedure for making a decision based solely on automated processing of his personal data and the possible legal consequences of such a decision, to provide the opportunity to object to such a decision, and also to explain the procedure for the personal data subject to protect his rights and legitimate interests " None of this was done to me.

It is obvious that it was not for nothing that the legislator paid so much attention to this issue! By giving consent, we give the opportunity to the SYSTEM (a robot, not a person) to make decisions regarding us that can be simply catastrophic: up to the deprivation of property, removal of children from us, etc., shifting all responsibility for making such decisions onto oneself. You must understand that if we give consent to the above-mentioned illegal actions, information about us, regardless of our will, can be used by criminal structures with our consent. Now the Rosreestr Office is actually blackmailing me. But for now I am the owner, and when I voluntarily renounce my rights and turn into a biological object, who will protect me from “black realtors” if I myself gave consent to make legally important decisions. Thus, a person deprives himself of freedom and gives himself into slavery. Voluntarily!!!

IN legal act, approving application forms for state registration of rights, that is, in the Requirements themselves, approved. Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 920 (until 01.01.2017 No. 722), not only does not say a word about the obligation to fill out detail 15 (12), such detail is not mentioned at all, it does not exist in these Requirements. This detail is not commented on in any way, unlike all other details contained in the document. The requirement to fill out this detail cannot be specified in the Requirements, since in this case the regulatory legal act would conflict with the law in pursuance of which it was approved. A by-law cannot contradict the law, especially the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in otherwise he would not be registered with the Ministry of Justice.

That's why this conclusion is confirmed by the response of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation given to me. It says, “ order (Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated December 8, 2015 No. 920) filling out column 15 (Confirmation of consent to processing personal data)(12 – until 01/01/2017) applications for state cadastral registration real estate or state registration of rights to real estate, not provided" This response from the Ministry of Justice confirms our right to identify ourselves in all relations with the state by last name, first name, patronymic, and not by number, provided to us by Articles 4,5,6 of the Law “On State Services” No. 210-FZ and to choose a non-electronic service that does not provide mandatory registration in ESIA.

In Solution Supreme Court dated 29.05.2012 No. AKPI12-645 states: “applicants have the right to identify themselves in any respect by last name, first name, patronymic, date, place of birth and place of residence, relation to citizenship, and not by identification number, since citizens have the right to apply for state and municipal services not only in electronic form, but also in other forms, provided for by law of the Russian Federation, at their choice, and public services are required to provide such an opportunity (clause 3 of Article 5, clause 2 of part 1 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” No. 210-FZ).

I can assume that the Rosreestr Office refused to provide me with such an opportunity because the Office needs “consent to everything and everything” not to register my property, but to register me in the Unified Identification and Logistics System. Without this “consent,” officials, including officials of Rosreestr, do not have the authority to enter our personal data into the Unified Automated Identification and Authorization system. After all, the processing of personal data provided for by law must be carried out in compliance with all principles and rules on a fair basis in compliance with Articles 5,6,7 of the Law on Personal Data No. 152-FZ. This means that it is prohibited to anonymize us, transfer information about us to third parties, including abroad, combine databases, etc. You must not violate the provisions Civil Code, articles 21,23,24, 28,29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. How to collect all information about citizens in such a situation?

I believe that this forces officials, under the guise of compliance with the current legislation, to violate the law and the Constitution of the Russian Federation, forcing us to illegal actions with our PD. They distort the legislation, interpreting it in a way that suits their interests, discriminating against respectable citizens. Needless to say, it’s very convenient: I entered the number and saw all the information about the biological object with the specified personal number. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, the cancellation of a protected certificate of title plus consent to any legal consequences makes it possible for Rosreestr to be not just a registration authority, as it should be by law, but the owner of real estate of citizens of the Russian Federation in fact. In the language of the people, “what you protect is what you have,” even if you have a notice in your hands about the impossibility of acting without your personal presence.

Today's realities are such that all bodies providing public services are forcing us into an anti-norm of life - electronic - with limitless opportunities for various criminal cyber manipulations. But how did it happen that electronic form public services has become our only one, despite the fact that the Federal constitutional law dated December 17, 1997 No. 2-FKZ “On the Government of the Russian Federation” does not contain any mention of electronic government and electronic services? Why do government authorities deny us our legal right to apply for public service in the traditional form by last name, first name, patronymic, and not by personal number, which is unacceptable for us due to our ideological position, including religious beliefs, compulsion to renounce which is not allowed according to Article 29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation?

IN constitutional state Creation e-government with electronic services is an expensive and criminal experiment that destroys legal basis this very state. I have reason to believe that such actions can be qualified as a crime committed under Art. 278 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The “digital” state currently being built needs a “digital” population, therefore the first stage is to assign all citizens of the country identification numbers has already been completed. The second stage is now beginning - linking the number to a specific biological object. After all, how can you find out that it was the owner who entered the personal identifier into the system and authenticate it? For these purposes, a Unified Biometric System (UBS) is being created, where this task will be successfully solved. All that remains is to implement the last one - The final stage- apply the number directly to the human body (control object).

The fact that this is precisely the ultimate goal of what is happening leaves no doubt. In the “Strategy for the development of the electronics industry in Russia for the period until 2025”, approved. By order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation dated August 7, 2007 No. 311, it is written:

“Nanoelectronics will integrate with biological objects and provide continuous monitoring of maintaining their vital functions, improving the quality of life, and thus reducing the state’s social costs. ...means of direct wireless contact of the human brain with the objects around it will become widespread.”

All this will be a purely technical matter, since fundamental consent to all these actions was obtained at the first stage in the form of consent to the processing of personal data (consent to perform any actions with any information about the subject of personal data). Government bodies really want to get consent from each of us to create a dossier file, an “electronic passport” - in fact, an electronic copy for every citizen of the country, while relieving themselves of any responsibility for the consequences. After all, having given consent to everything and everyone, we are deprived of the mechanism legal protection their rights.

It is not surprising that today not only officials, but also the court and even some legislators are beginning to support the SYSTEM being built, going against the constitutional legal order. Thus, the head of the “A Just Russia” faction in the State Duma, deputy Sergei Mironov, in response to my alarming letter, says:

“Your fears about the illegal use of your personal data when you consent to their processing are groundless; I recommend that you comply with the established current legislation procedure for submitting documents for state registration of rights to real estate.”

Mr. Mironov, calling on us to “observe the established (by whom, I wonder?!) procedure” to agree to perform any actions with any information about us, does not understand or pretends not to understand that these requirements, on the contrary, contradict those established by current legislation in order.

Further, Mr. Mironov states that: “the purpose of processing personal data is to ensure the protection of the rights and freedoms of a person and citizen when processing his personal data(above we discussed in detail how the processing of personal data, depriving us of legal protection mechanisms, “protects our rights” - author’s note) , including protection of rights to integrity privacy, personal and family secrets. For violation of the requirements of Article 7 on confidentiality of Law No. 152-FZ, on inviolability of private life, illegal access to computer information, criminal and administrative liability is provided.”

But Deputy Mironov is silent about the fact that by agreeing to collect and process personal data, we thereby we allow not to comply with the requirements of the law and the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and no one will bear any responsibility for anything, since everything is done with our consent! Yes, with such deputies you don’t even need enemies! This is how everything is turned upside down - black becomes white, and white becomes black!

But let us not be discouraged, for the truth is state laws- on our side. I really hope that what I have stated above will help you better understand what is happening around you. One thing is clear - it is no longer the “mystery of lawlessness” that is being carried out; all the manipulations of the builders of an anti-constitutional and anti-human system are becoming obvious.

Order of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography dated June 15, 2017 No. P/0287 “On approval of the list of personal data processed in Federal service state registration, cadastre and cartography in connection with the implementation labor relations, and a standard form of consent for the processing of personal data of federal state civil servants of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography and other subjects of personal data” (has not entered into force)

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, No. 31 (Part I), Art. 3451; 2009, No. 48, Art. 5716; No. 52 ( part I), art. 6439, no. 3407; no. 4173, no. 4196; 2013, No. 1651; No. 30, No. 4038; 2014, No. 2927; No. 4217, 4243 ; 2016, No. 27 (Part I), Art. 4164; 2017, No. 9, Art. 1276), by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2012 No. 211 “On approval of the list of measures aimed at ensuring the fulfillment of the duties provided for by the Federal Law “On personal data” and regulations adopted in accordance with it legal acts, operators that are government or municipal authorities"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 14, Art. 1626; 2013, No. 30 (Part II), Art. 4116; 2014, No. 37, Art. 4967) I order:

1. Approve:

list of personal data processed by the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in connection with the implementation of labor relations, according to;

standard consent form for the processing of personal data of federal civil servants of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography, as well as other subjects of personal data in accordance with.

2. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the Department civil service and personnel policy (Pavlivker I.V.).

Registration No. 47347

knowledge of foreign languages ​​and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation


education (when and what educational institutions finished

numbers of diplomas, direction of training or specialty of the diploma,

diploma qualification);

postgraduate professional education(Name

educational or scientific institution, year of graduation), academic

degree, academic title (when assigned, numbers of diplomas, certificates);

work performed from the beginning labor activity(including military

service, part-time work, entrepreneurial activity And

class rank of the federal state civil service and/or

civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and (or) municipal

service, diplomatic rank, military and (or) special rank,

class rank of law enforcement service (by whom and when assigned;

state awards, other awards and insignia (by whom

awarded and when);

degree of relationship, surnames, first names, patronymics (if available), dates

birth of father, mother, brothers, sisters and children, as well as husband (wife);

place of birth, place of work and home addresses of father, mother,

brothers, sisters and children, as well as husband (wife);

surnames, first names, patronymics (if available), dates of birth, places

births, places of work and home addresses ex-husbands(female) ;

stay abroad (when, where, for what purpose);

father, mother, brothers, sisters and children, as well as husband (wife), including

former, permanently residing abroad and (or) preparing documents

to travel to permanent place residence in another state (surname,

first name, patronymic (if any), since when they have lived abroad);

address of registration and actual residence;

date of registration at place of residence;

passport (series, number, by whom and when issued);

passport identifying a citizen of the Russian Federation for

outside the Russian Federation (series, number, by whom and when issued);

phone number;

attitude to military duty, information on military registration(For

citizens in reserve and persons subject to conscription for military service

taxpayer identification number;

number insurance certificate mandatory pension


information about criminal records, including expunged (removed);

admission to state secret, issued during the period of work,

service, study, its form, number and date (if available);

presence (absence) of a disease that prevents admission to

federal state civil service of the Russian Federation or

its passage, confirmed by the conclusion of a medical institution;

results of mandatory medical examinations(surveys), as well as

mandatory psychiatric examination;

information about income, expenses, property and liabilities

property nature, as well as about income, expenses, property and

property obligations of family members;

information about the last place of state or municipal

I provide the above personal data for processing for the purposes of

ensuring compliance with Russian legislation in relation to me

Federations in the sphere of relations related to admission to state

civil service of the Russian Federation, its passage and termination

(labor and directly related relations) for the implementation

powers vested in


current legislation.

I am aware that:

1) consent to the processing of personal data is valid from the date

signing of this consent during the entire period of the federal

state civil service (work) in the Federal Service

state registration, cadastre and cartography;

2) consent to the processing of personal data can be revoked

based on a written application in any form;

3) in case of withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data


(Name government agency


or its territorial body)

has the right to continue processing personal data without consent if available

the grounds specified in paragraphs 2-11 of part 1 of article 6, part 2 of article 10

and part 2 of article 11 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On

personal data";

4) after dismissal from the federal state civil service

(termination of employment relationship) personal data is stored

V ______________________________________________________________________

(name of the state body or its territorial body)

during the storage period of documents provided for by the current

legislation of the Russian Federation;

5) personal data provided in relation to third parties,

will only be processed for the purposes of implementing and fulfilling

assigned by the legislation of the Russian Federation to the Federal Service

state registration, cadastre and cartography of functions, powers and


Start date of personal data processing: ______________________

(day month Year)




*(1) Included in the consent to the processing of personal data of federal state civil servants of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography, as well as citizens applying for positions in the federal state civil service in the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography.

*(2) Included in the consent to the processing of personal data in cases provided for by federal laws, upon conclusion employment contract employees of the central office and territorial bodies Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography, as well as employees of subordinate institutions of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography.

*(3) Included in the consent to the processing of personal data of citizens applying for positions in the federal state civil service in the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography, as well as federal state civil servants when filling positions included in the list approved by order of Rosreestr dated 12.03 .2013 No. P/87 “On approval of the list of positions of the federal state civil service in the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography, upon appointment to which citizens and upon replacement of which federal civil servants are required to provide information on their income, property and property obligations nature, as well as information about income, property and property obligations of their spouse and minor children" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 25, 2013, registration No. 28278), citizens applying for certain positions on the basis of an employment contract, and as well as persons holding these positions.

*(4) Included in the consent to the processing of personal data of citizens who held government positions or municipal service, the list of which is established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2010 No. 925 “On measures to implement individual provisions Federal Law “On Combating Corruption” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, No. 30, Art. 4070), as well as positions included in the lists of positions in the state civil service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and lists of municipal service positions developed in accordance with paragraph 4 of the above Decree, when concluding an employment contract within two years after dismissal from state or municipal service.

Document overview

A list of personal data processed in Rosreestr in connection with the implementation of labor relations has been compiled.

This is, in particular, last name, first name, patronymic (if any), date and place of birth, citizenship, work performed since the beginning of employment, education, telephone number, access to state secrets.

Given standard form consent to the processing of personal data of civil servants of Rosreestr, as well as other entities.