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On approval of the form of the technical plan of the premises and requirements for its preparation. Technical building plan - what is it? Floor plan building plan

The legislator dictates strict rules when making real estate transactions. Significant legal actions can only be done with those objects that have passed state registration in the cadastral chamber. It doesn’t matter what kind of object is being built or demolished. It can be either a three-story palace or a country house in SNT. The rules are the same for everyone, and any property requires accounting. And in order to implement it, a technical passport is required.

Anyone can encounter situations that require a technical plan. Construction, demolition, purchase, sale, redevelopment, exchange of an object - this is not a complete list.

If a decision is made to build a nine-story building or demolish an old house, a technical plan will also be required, because all changes made to cadastral registration - no matter whether the object is registered or deregistered - can only be implemented if a technical plan exists.

Please note: the technical plan may be useful when considering disputes in courts of any level if these disputes are related to real estate (for example, in order to legitimize a dacha that was built without permission).

The requirements for the technical plan, including the list of data contained in it, are contained in the law.

To understand what the technical plan looks like, let’s pay attention to normative act, namely the law “On state registration real estate" dated July 13, 2015 N 218-FZ. Information you need are contained in Article 24. The basis for registration is only the information contained in the technical plan.

This data can be entered into the technical plan based on the geodetic work carried out and on the basis. This will only be possible if there is a document this kind, received before January 1, 2013.

Technical plan, taking into account the regulations, consists of 2 sections - text and graphic - and can be compiled both in paper version and in the form of an electronic version. Requirements for the content of each part of the technical plan are stipulated and regulated by law.

The graphic component is a plan diagram indicating the coordinates of the building. These coordinates are localized. If a technical plan of the house is needed, then its coordinates will be specified relative to the plot of land on which it is located.

Unlike the technical plan of a house, the drawing of a part of a household or a separate room in the diagram will display the position relative to the floor. If there is no number of storeys in the house, then relative to the building.

The text component of the technical plan will consist of information reflecting data directly about the property itself. This information characterizing the object will be needed to register it. They include:

  • data on the main characteristics of buildings (premises);
  • data of the customer (house owner);
  • data of the specialist who prepared the technical plan;
  • information about the source documents, methods and measurement tools used by the engineer.

How to get a technical plan: step-by-step instructions

Step 1. Prepare documents

To obtain a technical plan, you will need to prepare the documents necessary for its production. The list of documents depends on several factors:

  1. The reason why cadastral registration of the building is needed. That is, the documents that are provided during the initial registration of the property of interest will differ from the package of documents that are needed in order to make changes to the credentials of the above-mentioned property to be registered.
  2. What type of property does the property belong to?
  3. Who owns the object, who is the owner - an individual or an organization.

To prepare a technical plan for homeownership you need:

  1. Documents that will confirm ownership of the object. It should be noted that since July 2016, a certificate of ownership is no longer issued in Russia. Certificates issued before this date are still valid, but now based on the results registration actions with real estate, citizens receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. It is valid for 1 month from the date of issue. Therefore, when providing an extract for the preparation of a technical plan or registration in the cadastre, make sure that it is valid.
  2. Documentation that can confirm ownership of the plot of land where the home is located. Cadastral passport (cadastral extract) for this plot of land (find out how).
  3. Construction or reconstruction project, technical passport of the household.
  4. Administration permits (for construction and commissioning, they are needed if the owner decides to register a new building or changes the data in cadastral registration in connection with reconstruction or a change in layout).

In addition to the documents listed above, you may need:

  • (house, building, premises), if it is already registered in the cadastre;
  • a certificate from the administration stating that the object has been assigned a postal address, and a message about the absence of data in the State Property Committee on the building, if the owner intends to register a new building.

Step. 2. Specialist services

So, all the necessary documents have been collected. In order to order a technical plan, you will need to resort to the services of a specialist. The specialist will check whether all the documents needed to develop the technical plan are available, and, if necessary, help prepare or order those that are missing.

Taking into account the characteristics of the object for which the technical plan is being drawn up, measurements of the premises are carried out (if we're talking about about part of the household), or geodetic survey (if we are talking about the entire structure, for example, a dacha).

After the measurements are processed, the engineer will prepare a technical plan. If the owner has received a paper document, then the signature, seal and number of the certificate confirming the engineer’s qualifications are its mandatory attributes. Authenticity electronic versions confirmed digital signature.

How long will it take to receive a technical plan?

The time it takes to make a technical plan is not regulated by any standards and varies depending on the type of construction, the complexity of taking measurements, preparing the plan and the size of the customer’s wallet. If the owner is not in a hurry and does not rush the contractor, then the production time for the technical plan can be a couple of months. This usually takes 5 – 7 days. You should receive the technical passport in the same place where you ordered it.

Technical plan cost

The service for producing a technical plan is paid. The cost of its production varies depending on the type of object, its area and the urgency of providing the service. If a technical plan is needed here and now, then it will not be difficult for an experienced engineer to produce it in a few hours, but you need to be prepared for the fact that the cost of the work will increase very significantly.

Please note: when applying for a service, do not forget to check whether the cadastral engineer is ready to confirm the right to perform this type of work. To perform work of this kind, he must receive a special document - a qualification certificate.

What to do after receiving the technical plan

Further actions will be as follows.

If the owner received a technical passport for a new building or for a construction project that has not yet been completed, then it must be registered with the cadastral register. If you reconstructed a house that was already registered in the cadastral register, or remodeled it (find out how), information about the changes must be registered.

One way (and the easiest) to do this is to visit the nearest multifunctional center. There you can submit an application, which is accompanied by: a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a document on ownership of the building and a technical plan, which has already been received. There is no need to make copies of documents. They will be made and certified by the MFC. The technical plan is usually asked to be provided in electronic form on an optical disc.

MFC specialists will take the original disk from the customer and attach it to the file. After the service is provided, in case of registration, the final document for issue will be the cadastral passport of the house. If changes have been made, you will receive a notification that they have been made. The disc will not be returned. Therefore, if you need to obtain a copy of the technical plan, you need to go to the bureau where it was made. Typically, copies of the technical plan are provided free of charge.

Grounds for refusal of cadastral registration

If instead of what you want positive result notification of suspension and refusal of registration has been received, then the reasons that led to this refusal will have to be eliminated. In order to understand on what grounds the registration authority can suspend or refuse registration in the cadastral chamber, let us turn to judicial practice.

After reviewing the overview information provided judicial practice in cases related to challenging refusals to implement cadastral registration, decisions that are approved by the Presidium of the RF Armed Forces can be found out most common reasons to refuse registration for this category of cases.

These reasons are:

  1. Application for registration of an improper person and signing of documents by an unauthorized person. That is, either the owner or authorized representative with a power of attorney, and only a specialist who has the necessary qualifications and has passed certification has the right to sign the technical passport.
  2. The content or form of the provided registration certificate does not comply with the requirements specified in the law.
  3. Not all documents on the list that are needed to record the object have been provided.
  4. The premises that need to be registered are not separate and not isolated.
  5. The building that needs to be registered is not a real estate property. For example, if the owner decides to register a trade pavilion (in other words, a metal stall), he will be denied registration for this very reason.

If the customer does not agree with the reasons for the registration authority’s refusal and considers them unlawful, he can always appeal the refusal decision to the supervisory authorities.

For example: citizen Zaitseva was forced to write an application to the cadastral registration authority to carry out cadastral registration of part of a residential building (number of floors - 1 floor), but was refused. In response to her appeal, she received an answer that it was impossible to account for parts of the building, and this was the reason for the refusal. Disagreeing with such a decision of the registration authority, Zaitseva went to court for justice. By adopting Article 16 Housing Code RF, which considers part of a residential building to be premises suitable for habitation, and Article 49 Town Planning Code RF, the court was forced to satisfy Zaitseva’s claims. The decision was made based on the following information: the house consisted of two autonomous blocks that were separated from each other. Under such circumstances, they can be registered in the cadastral register as parts of the house, being separate objects.

Please note that you must first appeal any decision of the registration authority to the appeal commission, which is created under the authority, empowered, and only then in court proceedings. Not only the applicant (owner of the object), but also the engineer who prepared the technical plan, and the organization (legal entity) of which this specialist is an employee can appeal the decision of the cadastre.

1. The technical plan is a document that reproduces certain information included in the Unified state register real estate, and information about a building, structure, premises, parking space, an unfinished construction project or a single real estate complex is indicated, necessary for the state cadastral registration of such a real estate property, as well as information about part or parts of a building, structure, premises, a single real estate complex or new information required for entering into the Unified State Register of Real Estate about real estate objects that have been assigned cadastral numbers.

2. The technical plan indicates:

1) information about the building, structure, premises, parking space, unfinished construction site, unified real estate complex, necessary for its state cadastral registration, in the case of cadastral work, which results in the preparation of documents for submission to the registration authority of rights of an application for state cadastral registration of such real estate;

(see text in the previous edition)

2) information about part or parts of a building, structure, premises, a single real estate complex in the case of cadastral work, which results in the preparation of documents for submission to the rights registration authority of an application for state cadastral registration of part or parts of such real estate;

(see text in the previous edition)

3) new information necessary for entering into the Unified State Register of Real Estate about a building, structure, premises, parking space, an unfinished construction project or a single real estate complex that has been assigned a cadastral number, in the case of cadastral work, which results in the preparation of documents for submission to the registration authority of the rights of an application for state cadastral registration of such real estate.

(see text in the previous edition)

3. The technical plan consists of graphic and text parts.

4. In the graphic part of the technical plan of a building, structure, unfinished construction project or a single real estate complex, information is reproduced cadastral plan the relevant territory or an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the relevant plot of land, and also indicates the location of such a building, structure, unfinished construction site or a single real estate complex on the land plot. The graphic part of the technical plan of a room, parking space is a floor plan or part of a floor of a building or structure indicating on this plan the location of such premises, parking space, and if the building or structure does not have a number of floors, a plan of the building or structure or a plan of the corresponding part of the building or structures indicating on this plan the location of such premises, parking spaces.

(see text in the previous edition)

5. The location of a building, structure or unfinished construction object on a land plot is established by determining the coordinates of characteristic points of the contour of such a building, structure or unfinished construction object on a land plot. The location of a building, structure or unfinished construction site on a land plot, at the request of the customer of cadastral work, can be additionally established by means of a spatial description of the structural elements of the building, structure or unfinished construction site, including taking into account the height or depth of such structural elements.

6. The location of the room is established by graphically displaying the boundary of the geometric figure formed by the inner sides of the external walls of such a room on the floor plan or part of the floor of a building or structure, and if the building or structure does not have a number of floors, on the plan of the building or structure or on the plan of the corresponding part of the building or structures.

6.1. The location of the parking space is established by graphically displaying on the floor plan or part of the floor of a building or structure (if the building or structure has no number of floors - on the plan of the building or structure) a geometric figure corresponding to the boundaries of the parking space.

ConsultantPlus: note.

If as of 01/01/2017 the rights to a parking space were already registered, re-registration is not necessary, regardless of whether such a parking space complies with the permissible dimensions (Article 6 of the Federal Law dated 07/03/2016 N 315-FZ).

6.2. The boundaries of a parking space are determined by the design documentation of a building, structure and are designated or secured by the person constructing or operating the building, structure, or the holder of the right to a parking space, including by applying markings to the surface of the floor or roof (paint, using stickers or other ways). The boundaries of a parking space on a floor (in the absence of a number of storeys - in a building or structure) are established or restored by determining the distance from at least two points that are in direct visibility and fixed with long-term special marks on the inner surface of the building structures of the floor (walls, partitions, columns, on the floor surface (hereinafter referred to as special marks), to the characteristic points of the boundaries of the parking space (points of dividing the boundaries into parts), as well as the distances between the characteristic points of the boundaries of the parking space. The area of ​​the parking space within the established boundaries must correspond to the minimum and (or. ) the maximum permissible dimensions of a parking space established by the regulatory authority.

6.3. At the request of the cadastral work customer, the coordinates of special marks can be additionally determined. At the request of the owner of the right to a parking space, characteristic points of the boundaries of the parking space can be additionally secured with special marks on the floor surface.

7. The text part of the technical plan indicates the information necessary for inclusion in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, including information about the geodetic basis used in preparing the technical plan of a building, structure, or unfinished construction project, including points of state geodetic networks or reference boundary networks.

7.1. If, at the request of the customer of cadastral work, the location of the parking space was established by determining the coordinates of one or several characteristic points of the boundaries of the premises or the location of the boundaries of the parking space was established by additionally determining the coordinates of special marks, the technical plan of the premises or parking space also provides information about the geodetic basis used in the preparation of the technical plan, including points of state geodetic networks or reference boundary networks.

8. Information about a building, structure or a single real estate complex, with the exception of information about the location of such real estate on a land plot and their area, building area, is indicated in the technical plan based on the cadastral work submitted by the customer project documentation such real estate. If, at the time of carrying out cadastral work, there is no possibility of visual inspection of the underground structural elements of a building, structure or an object of unfinished construction in order to carry out the measurements necessary to determine the location of the corresponding real estate object on the land plot (the outline of the building, structure, object of unfinished construction), it is allowed to use executive documentation, the maintenance of which is provided for in Part 6 of Article 52 of the Town Planning Code Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

9. Information about an unfinished construction project, with the exception of information about the location of such a property on a land plot, is indicated in the technical plan on the basis of the cadastral work permit for the construction of such a facility submitted by the customer and the design documentation for such a property.

10. Information about the premises or parking space, with the exception of information about the area of ​​the room or parking space and their location within the floor of a building or structure, or within a building or structure, or within the relevant part of a building or structure, is indicated in the technical plan based on the cadastral work submitted by the customer for permission to put the building or structure in which the premises or parking space is located into operation, the design documentation of the building or structure in which the premises or parking space is located, the redevelopment project and the act acceptance committee, confirming the completion of the redevelopment.

(see text in the previous edition)

11. If the legislation of the Russian Federation in relation to real estate (with the exception of a single real estate complex) does not provide for the preparation and (or) issuance of permits and project documentation specified in parts 8 of this article, the relevant information is indicated in technical terms on the basis of a declaration drawn up and certified the owner of the property. In relation to the created real estate object, the declaration is drawn up and certified by the owner of the land plot on which such real estate object is located, and in relation to ownerless object real estate - authority local government municipality, on the territory of which such real estate is located. The said declaration is attached to the technical plan and is an integral part of it.

(see text in the previous edition)

11.1. Technical plan of an individual facility housing construction or a garden house (including those not completed by construction) is prepared on the basis of the declaration specified in Part 11 of this article and the notification of the developer about the planned construction or reconstruction of an individual housing construction project or a garden house, as well as a notification sent by the authority state power or a local government body, on the compliance of the parameters of the individual housing construction object or garden house specified in the notice of planned construction or reconstruction of an individual housing construction object or garden house with the maximum parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of objects capital construction, established by the rules of land use and development, documentation on territory planning, and mandatory requirements for the parameters of capital construction projects established federal laws, and the admissibility of placing an individual housing construction project or garden house on a land plot (if there is such a notification). The specified declaration and notifications are attached to the technical plan of the individual housing construction project or garden house (including unfinished construction) and are its integral part.

A technical plan for part of the premises is required to apply to the Rosreestr service when registering a long-term lease agreement. At the same time, the specified part of the premises does not necessarily have to have signs of isolation and isolation; the law allows for renting out even a part of the object that is not limited by building structures.

Technical plan for the part - main points

A typical case when it may be necessary to prepare a technical plan for part of a separate premises is the provision of temporary use of commercial space in shopping centers. This form of rental relations is of particular relevance for small business organizations or private entrepreneurs.

What is the practical need to prepare a technical plan for the purposes of state registration of rental relations? The specifics of securing the temporary rights of a tenant and simultaneously limiting the rights of the owner of the premises are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 218-FZ:

  • any real estate lease agreement with a validity period of more than one year is subject to registration with the authorized service of Rosreestr;
  • starting from 2013, any legally significant actions with real estate require cadastral registration of objects with the inclusion of information in the state register of the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  • part of the room does not show signs independent object real estate and can be allocated only for the purpose of transferring it for temporary use to the tenant;
  • to formalize the characteristics of a part of the premises, cadastral engineer a set of cadastral works is carried out and a technical plan is drawn up, after which the specified document and the lease agreement will be sent for simultaneous accounting and registration actions in Rosreestr.

To draw up a technical plan, it is necessary to allocate a certain part of the premises to the tenant and describe in detail the subject of the lease agreement. Based on the recorded agreements between the tenant and the landlord, cadastral work will be carried out.

The technical plan is legal basis for registration with the cadastral authorities of Rosreestr and state registration of the lease agreement. To quickly obtain the specified document, seek help from the professional specialists of the Cadastral Moscow company. The staff of cadastral engineers of our company has all the necessary permits(SRO approval, qualification certificates), and professional experience allows us to successfully perform the most complex tasks ordered by clients.

Requirements for the technical plan

The rules and principles for carrying out cadastral work to allocate part of the premises and fix them in the form of a technical plan are regulated by Federal Law No. 218-FZ and Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 953. Let us highlight the main list of requirements for the production of this document:

  • according to Art. 14 of Federal Law No. 218-FZ, the technical plan is the basis for registration and cadastral actions in Rosreestr;
  • according to paragraph 2 of Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 953, a technical plan of the premises is drawn up for part of the premises;
  • in accordance with Art. 24 of Law No. 218-FZ and paragraphs 3-5 of Order No. 953, the technical plan necessarily consists of text and graphic parts, which include an exhaustive list of parameters and characteristics of part of the premises (area, boundaries, location, etc.).

To allocate part of the premises, the engineer must use the information entered into the Unified State Register of Real Estate when registering this object for cadastral registration. The absence of building structures separating the rented part from the rest of the premises is not a basis for refusing state registration of the contract.

Currently, cadastral registration and registration actions are combined into a single procedure. Before the entry into force of Federal Law No. 218-FZ, accounting actions in relation to part of the premises were carried out in the form of an independent procedure; for this purpose, a draft lease agreement was presented. The new rules, which came into force in January 2017, significantly simplify the list of necessary actions, since accounting and registration will be carried out simultaneously when a technical plan and contract are sent to the Rosreestr service.

To obtain a ready-made technical plan, participants in leasing relations must contact a cadastral engineer and draw up a contract agreement. Despite the many proposals, when choosing a cadastral engineer, it is necessary to take into account not only standard set requirements for these specialists, but also experience professional activity. On the website of the Cadastral Moscow company you can always familiarize yourself with documents on previously completed orders, which will allow you to verify the highest qualifications of our experts.

Documents for the technical plan

Carrying out cadastral work and drawing up a technical plan for part of the rented premises is carried out on the basis of a contract agreement, which the customer enters into with a cadastral engineer. To perform the necessary actions, the following documents are used:

  • forms and forms confirming the authority of the copyright holder of the property (for example, for a legal entity they must be submitted constituent documents, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, etc.);
  • title documents for the premises (certificate of title or extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate);
  • design documentation and the act of putting the facility into operation, if the building in which the premises are located was erected before 2013;
  • a lease agreement, the subject of which is the transfer for temporary use of a part of the premises with strictly defined characteristics;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the main characteristics of the premises.

All necessary information from specified documents will be taken into account when carrying out cadastral work and included in the content of the technical plan.

Cost and production time

The time frame for producing the final technical plan is determined by the terms of the contract with the cadastral engineer, and depends on the complexity of the work and research being carried out. Under standard conditions, the work will take from 5 to 10 days, while the specialists of the Cadastral Moscow company have the right to send ready documents to cadastral authorities via electronic communication channels, which will significantly speed up all procedures.

The cost of producing a technical plan also depends on the characteristics of the cadastral work object, and under normal conditions it will be 25,000 rubles. The indicated cost includes all the necessary actions that the cadastral engineer will carry out in the interests of the customer.

Sample of a registered technical plan

To make the correct and informed choice of a cadastral engineer, as well as to determine the type of final document, the Cadastral Moscow company offers potential clients familiarize yourself with a sample technical plan that has been registered.

Order a technical plan for rent registration

To successfully complete the registration stage of registration of rental relations, contact the specialists of the Cadastral Moscow company for help. In addition to preparing a technical plan for part of the rented premises, you will receive a full range of services to support your interests at the stage of cadastral registration and registration actions at the Rosreestr institution.

On approval of the form of the technical plan of the premises and requirements for its preparation

In accordance with Part 10 of Article 41 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 N 221-FZ “On the State Real Estate Cadastre” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 31, Art. 4017; 2008, N 30, Art. 3597, Art. . 3616; 2009, Art. 19; Art. 2283; Art. 6419; economic development of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2008 N 437 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 24, Art. 2867; N 46, Art. 5337; 2009, N 3, Art. 378; N 18, Art. 2257; Art. 25, Art. 3190; Art. 4777; , art. 960; art. 1085; art. 2602; Art. 5240; N 45, Art. 5860), I order:


technical floor plan form ();

requirements for the preparation of a technical floor plan ().

Registration N 19335

Appendix No. 1

Technical floor plan form

Sheet N _________

Technical floor plan

N p/p

Sections of the technical floor plan

Sheet numbers

Sheet N _____

Technical floor plan

5. Mandatory inclusion in the technical plan required for submitting an application to the cadastral registration body for registration of premises with the state cadastral register shall be front page,

3) Floor plan or Part of the floor plan, and if a building or structure does not have a number of floors - Plan of the building (structure) or Plan of part of the building (structure).

9. The components of the technical plan are completed in next order: title page, contents, sections of the text part of the technical plan, graphic part technical plan, .

10. The technical plan is drawn up in the form of a separate document in relation to each created (formed) premises. In case of simultaneous formation of a room and part (parts) of the room, the technical plan is drawn up in the form of one document.

II. General requirements to prepare a technical plan

In the absence of the specified documents, information about the premises is indicated in the technical plan on the basis of a declaration drawn up and certified by the owner of the premises (hereinafter referred to as the Declaration). In this case, the Declaration in accordance with Part 8 of Article 41 of the Law is an integral part of the technical plan and is included in the composition.

If other documents provided for by federal laws were used to prepare the technical plan, their copies, certified by the signature (indicating the surname and initials) and the seal of the cadastral engineer, are also included in the composition.

In the case of preparing a technical plan based on design documentation for a building (structure), copies of those sheets of design documentation for a building (structure) that contain information included in the technical plan are included.

12. The technical plan is drawn up on paper, as well as on electronic media in the form of an electronic document.

The technical plan required for submitting an application to the cadastral registration authority to register the premises with the state cadastral register can be issued in the form of an electronic document certified by the electronic digital signature of a cadastral engineer. In this case, submission of a technical plan on paper to the cadastral registration authority is not required.

The technical plan on paper is drawn up in at least two copies, one of which is intended for submission to the cadastral registration authority along with the corresponding application, and the second and subsequent copies in accordance with the agreement on the performance of cadastral work - for transfer to the customer of cadastral work.

13. The technical plan on paper must be bound and sealed with the signature and seal of the cadastral engineer.

The signature and stamp of the cadastral engineer are affixed on the title page of the technical plan and on the back of the last sheet of the technical plan.

The title page indicates the date of preparation of the final version of the technical plan by the cadastral engineer (date of completion of cadastral work).

A mark on receipt of a technical plan drawn up on paper by the cadastral registration authority is placed on the title page of the technical plan by a specialist of the cadastral registration authority when registering the application and documents necessary for cadastral registration.

14. The technical plan can be prepared on paper using technical means, as well as manual or combined methods. Entering text information manually (by hand) is done legibly using ink, ink or blue paste.

All corrections in technical terms must be certified by the signature (indicating the surname and initials) and the seal of the cadastral engineer. Typos, erasures, additions, crossed out words and other unspecified corrections are not allowed.

Drawing up a technical plan, including the graphic part, in pencil is not allowed. All records, except for cases established by law, are made in Russian. Numbers are written in Arabic numerals.

The technical plan is drawn up on A4 sheets. The graphic part of the technical plan can be drawn up on large format sheets.

15. The numbering of sheets of the technical plan is continuous within the document. Documents included in the composition are not numbered.

If the information does not fit on one sheet of any section, it is allowed to place it on several sheets or on the back of the corresponding sheet. In this case, the following information is reproduced on each sheet or on each page of the corresponding section: the words “Technical plan of the premises” and the name of the corresponding section of the technical plan.

If sections of the technical plan are placed on sheets with a back, when filling out the “Sheet N ___” details of the corresponding section of the technical plan, the page number is additionally given, separated by a comma.

The total number of sheets of the technical plan, including the number of sheets, is indicated on the title page.

16. Unfilled details of sections of the text part of the technical plan are not excluded; in such details the sign “-” (dash) is indicated.

III. Requirements for the design of the text part of the technical plan

17. The title page of the technical plan provides information about the customer of cadastral work:

regarding individual- surname, first name, patronymic (patronymic is indicated if available);

in relation to a legal entity, government body, local government body, foreign legal entity - full name. In relation to a foreign legal entity, the country of registration (incorporation) is additionally indicated.

The title page of the technical plan contains the signature of the customer (indicating the surname and initials) who accepted the cadastral work, indicating the date of acceptance.

18. If the customer of cadastral work is a legal entity, the title page contains the signature of a representative of the legal entity, a government body, a local government body, a foreign legal entity with a transcript of the signature in the form of the surname and initials of the representative and the position held (if the representative is an employee of a legal entity person (state authority, local government).

The signature of a representative of a state authority, local government body, Russian or foreign legal entity, who has the right to act on their behalf without a power of attorney, is certified by the seal of the state authority, local government authority, Russian or foreign legal entity.

19. In the case of preparation of a technical plan by a body or organization for state technical accounting and (or) technical inventory (hereinafter - OTI), on the title page in the line provided for entering information about the last name, first name and patronymic of the cadastral engineer, the relevant information about the person is indicated. authorized to act on behalf of a legal entity. If a representative has the right to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney, his signature is certified by the seal of the relevant legal entity.

Instead of the number of the cadastral engineer's qualification certificate, in this case, the main state registration number of the legal entity is given, separated by commas, the details of the document confirming the accreditation of the organization of technical accounting and technical inventory of capital construction projects, and the date of its issue.

In the line provided for entering information about the postal address and email address through which communication with the cadastral engineer is carried out, the relevant information about the OTI is indicated.

In the line provided for entering information about legal entity, the full name of the relevant legal entity (OTI) is given, and in the case of preparation of the technical plan by its branch - the name of the corresponding branch.

20. The text (contents, details) of the title page of the technical plan should be placed on one sheet. If an additional sheet is required to place any details, a reference is made in the corresponding details of the title page that the information is provided on the additional sheet. Such a sheet is included in the technical plan after the title page.

22. Information on the documents on the basis of which the technical plan was prepared, as well as on the documents used in the preparation of the technical plan, is entered line by line in the table of details "1" of section " ". The first to be included in the table is information about the documents on the basis of which the technical plan was prepared.

27. As a previously assigned state registration number in column "3" of the table in section " ", the cadastral, inventory or conditional number assigned by the body authorized to assign such a number during the transition period of application of the Law in accordance with Part 1 of Article 43 of the Law is indicated.

The date of assignment of the corresponding number, as well as information about the body (organization) that assigned such a number, are indicated in parentheses, separated by commas.

In relation to the body (organization) that assigned the state registration number to the premises, its full name is indicated.

28. Information about the address of the premises is entered in the " " section.

In the absence of a premises address assigned in the prescribed manner, a description of the location of the premises is entered in the corresponding lines of section " ", indicating the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, municipal entity, settlement(city, village, etc.), streets (avenue, highway, lane, boulevard, etc.), building (structure) numbers.

In this case, the type of municipal entity is additionally indicated ( municipal district, urban district, settlement, etc.) and type (type) of urban (city, town) or rural (village, hamlet, etc.) settlement.

29. In the corresponding lines 6 and 7 of column "3" of table " ", based on the documents listed in these Requirements, the following is indicated:

1) purpose of the premises (residential premises, non-residential premises);

2) type of residential premises (room, apartment) - in relation to residential premises located in an apartment building.

30. The value of the total area of ​​the premises is indicated in the technical plan in square meters, rounded to 0.1 square meters.

31. Requisite "1" of section " " is filled in if the established (established) restriction (encumbrance) of rights applies to part of the premises.

32. When filling out the technical plan, the designation of the part of the room being formed is indicated as a combination of lowercase letters of the Russian alphabet “chp” with a number written in Arabic numerals (for example, chp1).

33. In cases where the established (established) restriction (encumbrance) of rights extends to part of the premises within a floor (part of a floor), several floors of a building, in column “4” of the section “Information about the formed parts of the building” a description is given in the form of a coherent text such part of the building (for example, inventory, conditional or cadastral numbers of premises are given).

At the same time, in the graphic part of the technical plan, special symbols indicate the boundaries of the established (established) restriction (encumbrance) of rights (the boundaries of part of the premises).

In the absence of the specified documents, in order to draw up the graphic part of the technical plan, the cadastral engineer, based on the results of measurements taken by hand using blue ink or paste, prepares an out-of-scale, but in compliance with the proportions, drawing indicating the data necessary for drawing up the Floor Plan or Building (Structure) Plan. The specified drawing (copy of the drawing), certified by the signature (indicating the surname and initials) and the seal of the cadastral engineer, is included in the composition.

The drawing contains a sketch of the outline of the external main walls of the building, the outline of the walls of extensions, porches, steps, as well as window and door openings along the entire outer perimeter of the walls or partially.

External measurements of the building must be made above the base at the level of the window openings with an accuracy of 1 cm. The starting point for measuring the line (wall) is the corner of the house.

Measurements are made with simultaneous sequential recording of dimensions, starting from one of the outer corners of the building to the beginning and end of window and door openings or their axes, the beginning and end of architectural protrusions, columns and other elements along the entire perimeter of the walls of the main building and extensions. In those places where measurements along the entire perimeter of the walls are not available due to adjacent neighboring buildings, the length of the wall is determined by summing the internal dimensions of the rooms and the thickness of the walls and partitions.

The measurement results must be recorded in such a way as to ensure readability of the drawing. Corrections to measurement results in the drawing are made by crossing out the incorrect value and writing the correct value above.

37. To design the graphic part of the technical plan, special symbols are used in accordance with these Requirements.

38. The graphic part of the technical plan is drawn up on a scale of 1:100 on sheets of A4 format, and in the case where the location of the premises cannot be displayed on a sheet of the specified format, the graphic part of the technical plan can be drawn up on sheets of large formats and (or) on a scale of 1 :200. The design of a floor plan (part of a floor) of a building (structure) is carried out with an accuracy of +/- 0.5 mm using a scale ruler with millimeter divisions or using computer graphics tools.

39. The floor plan or building (structure) plan is placed symmetrically to the edges of the sheet. The side of the main facade in the plan should be located at the bottom, parallel to the bottom edge of the sheet. If it is impossible to determine the main facade, the south side of the building is located below, parallel to the bottom edge of the sheet. In this case, the direction of the cardinal points is indicated in the upper left corner of the sheet, and a corresponding entry is made in the “” section.

The distance between the floor plan (part of the floor) of the building (or structure) and the edges of the sheet should not be less than 2-3 cm.

40. On the Floor Plan or Plan of the building (structure) are displayed in scale in accordance with the dimensions on the floor plan, which is part of the design documentation, in the graphic part technical passport building or drawing:

walls and partitions;

windows and doors;

stairs, balconies;

internal wall projections.

41. A floor plan or a building (structure) plan is drawn up after checking the sum of measurements taken outside the building and the sum of measurements taken inside the building on the same side (taking into account the thickness of the walls and partitions).

The preparation of a Floor Plan or a Building (Structure) Plan is carried out by sequentially drawing on it the facade line of the building (structure), side lines of the building (structure), main walls, partitions, openings and stairs.

42. In the center of the Floor Plan, at the top of the sheet, the floor designation is indicated (for example, ground floor, 1st floor, etc.).

43. On the Floor Plan or Building (Structure) Plan, parallel to the direction of the corresponding walls and partitions, the completed linear measurements from the outline are displayed or the corresponding dimensions from the floor plan, which is part of the design documentation, are displayed.

44. All numbers on the Floor Plan or Building (Structure) Plan are displayed parallel to the bottom edge of the sheet or its right side and are located perpendicular to the measurement lines.

45. The plan of part of the floor, and in the absence of number of floors of the building (structure) - the plan of part of the building (structure) are drawn up if the premises are located within an isolated part of the floor of the building (structure) or part of the building (structure) (building entrance, separate block -section, etc.).

The plan of part of the floor, and in the absence of number of floors of the building (structure), the plan of part of the building (structure) is drawn up in accordance with paragraphs -45 of these Requirements. In this case, on the Plan of a part of the floor, and in the absence of number of floors of a building (structure) - on the Plan of a part of the building (structure), the designation of such part is indicated (for example, entrance No. 1, etc.).

46. ​​If the premises are located within several floors of a building (or structure), the graphic part includes the corresponding floor plans of the building (or structure) or plans of the corresponding parts of the floors of the building (or structure).

47. On the Floor Plan or Part of the Floor Plan of a building (or structure), and if the building (structure) has no number of storeys, on the Plan of the building (structure) or Plan of a part of the building (structure), drawn up in accordance with these Requirements, the following are displayed:

1) location of the room - the boundaries of the geometric figure formed by the inner sides of the external walls of the room (and in cases provided for by these Requirements - additionally the location of part of the room);

2) the designations and inscriptions provided for by these Requirements.

to Requirements for
preparation of technical
floor plan

Special symbols