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When a close man died. What if a person suddenly died? Actions and help when the native person dies

Care from the life of a loved one becomes irrelevant loss for each of us. Death is always unexpected, it is impossible to prepare for sad losses in advance. For the relatives of the deceased, the most difficult days are coming. They are in an depressed psychological state and sometimes with difficulty perceive the surrounding reality. Sometimes people simply do not know what to do in this situation.

First of all, you need to take yourself in hand and make preparation for the funeral. Death, although he is a heavy loss and great grief, is still considered an intermediate stage when moving from earthly life to eternal.

What if a person died at home?

Death can caustize a person at any time and in the most unexpected place. Shock, confusion and pain - the first emotions in such a situation. But what to do then?

Wherever the death of a person comes, there is a certain algorithm for its loved ones.

What if a person died?

In some cases, without calling the police it is impossible to do. For example, death in a public place or on the street must be fixed in the inspection protocol. A policeman will establish whether a person died for natural reasons or occurs a criminal component.

And what to do if a person died, being on a business trip or on vacation abroad. In the event that a person died abroad, it is necessary to immediately apply to the consulate of his country. Representatives of the diplomatic mission will help with the design of death documentation and with the organization of transportation of the body of the deceased home. Payment of all expenses is assigned to the relatives of the deceased.

Then the most complex and responsible stage begins - preparation for the funeral. First you need to purchase accessories for a mourning ceremony. The list of ritual attributes consists of the following positions:

A set of clothes for men consists of underwear, socks, costume, shirt, tie and shoes. For women, it is necessary to provide linen, stockings or tights, a long sleeve dress, a handkerchief on the head and shoes. Together with these things, do not forget to put the toiletries (soap, ottoman, towel).

The coffin and clothing is delivered to the morgue, where the staff will hold all manipulations. After a person died, it is necessary to perform ablution of the body, embalming and disinfection. Then the deceased climb into clothing, they apply posthumous makeup and laid in the coffin.

Relatives of the deceased will have to decide with the type of burial (traditional or cremation), choose the burial place, take care of a memorial meal. And all this you need to have time as soon as possible.

Close down of the deceased is necessary to find the room for a memorial meal in advance. For compensation, large rooms in restaurants, cafes and dining rooms are most often used.

On the day, the funeral of the coffin with the body is delivered to the place of burial. Usually, ritual workers are in transporting and carrying a coffin. After the funeral is completed, do not forget to get a special stamp in death certificate.

LLC GORUSLUZBA-RITUAL will help you in organizing the funeral. We will take on the basic concerns on the preparation for a mourning ceremony. Our agents are true professionals who can cope with the tasks of any complexity. We understand that at this sorrowful moment, the relatives of the deceased need special support. Qualified staff does not just have ritual services, but also does it with maximum tact and sympathy. All events will be organized quickly and at a decent level.

The list of ritual services of the agency is quite wide:

  • free departure agent and collecting the necessary documents
  • transport services
  • selection of the burial and premises for memorial events
  • selection of ritual goods
  • organization of farewell, taking into account national traditions and religion.

Trust the organization of mourning events to experienced specialists. A close man who went out of life deserved to be held on the last path with all the honors.

We all are not eternal and grief associated with loss of a loved one- Heavy experience is few people able to avoid. Sooner or later, in the lives of many people, the moments of parting with a loved one, parents and relatives are coming. Each of us has its own attitude to grief. Someone the loss of a native person tolerates extremely difficult, he falls into deep depression and himself turns out to be on the verge of death, and the other perceives the loss as the inevitability and understands that if a person died, it means that the hour farewell to him. Merities are the easiest to death believers. In their opinion, God takes a person so much of life as he is supposed. And no one has the right to judge, angry and crushed over the death of another person. God gave, God took. We are not comprehensive and not in our power to change the amount of time that the person is released on our planet.

Actually a man From birth, it is difficult for everyone that he considers to be with his property. Little loudly crying when he takes his toy. In adolescence, some skills overcoming the egoistic feeling are acquired, and the loss is not perceived as tragic as in childhood. And in adulthood, a person can already be parted without pain, crying and abuse. Therefore, people over 50 more calmly relate to the death of a loved one, than children and young people. Of course, all people after the death of their native people suffer and feel despair. Experience in grief inevitably. But the trouble of some people is that they are so close to the heart take death that there is a danger of their spiritual health. It cannot be allowed that the experience of the experience of grief passed into depression with incessant tears and complete loss of working capacity. It is very important at the moments of despair in time to take yourself in hand and prevent the development of nervous breakdown and somatic diseases. To cope with the grief without losses to health and gain the opportunity to continue a full life, it is necessary to take 4 stages after the death of a loved one. Having passed through them, it's time to start living with a good thought about the mustache and we must try no longer amenable to strong experiences.

First stage - This is shock. It can last up to 9 days after the death of a loved one. In this period, the reaction in humans are very different. Some people fall into full talk. They cease to adequately perceive the surrounding reality, can not think about anything, refuse eats and drink, constantly cry and impulsively leave the life after the dead. And others, on the contrary, behave overly actively. They help in organizing the funeral, console all the others and willingly take condolences from others. So people who do not immediately realize the pain of loss, but she will definitely come to them after the funeral. At first stage, after the death of a loved one, it is not necessary to try to restrain tears. Everyone needs to be paid plenty to give discharge emotions and easier to survive the grief.

Second phase - denial. This stage lasts from 9 to 40 days after death. A person who lost a loved one already perceives the loss, but he still cannot get used to the emptiness and changes in his life. The subconsciousness denies him and does not want to accept the absence of a person's dear in his life. Therefore, often the deadman comes in a dream, and sometimes it seems that he hears the voice of the deceased or sees it in reality. If a person and at this stage continues to cry in the afternoon and at night, then this is already a sign of a delayed depression. Tears during this period are useless and the only thing that may make sorrow at this time are an understanding of what should be started to live without a loved one and expensive person, despite the fact that the process of denying his death is still underway.

Third stage - Taking death. The duration of this phase is from 40 days to 6 months from the day of a loved one. The experiences are already inconsistently, they rolling into the waves during the mention of the deceased or when looking at things related to it. The fact of death at this stage is already realized, but pain and suffering still remained. A replacement takes offense, anger and rage. All that happens during this period is perceived as a huge injustice. Some people at this stage begin to suffer from conscience, several times a day, turning out conversations with the dead and evaluating their actions towards him. We all make mistakes, do not need to root yourself for what you said or did once. Try to communicate more with the surrounding people, interested in their lives, help them and painlessly respond to everything that happens around.

Fourth stage - Pain relief. It lasts this stage until 1 year from the death of a loved one. At this stage, a person is already beginning to lead the usual life, normally communicates with others and makes new acquaintances. If a person is not experiencing a protracted depression, then during this period it should already remember only the good moments of life related to the relative from life. At this stage it is time to learn how to manage emotions and start living a full life, but without an expensive person.

So, stepdown surviving the death of a loved oneThe man becomes wiser and adult. Therefore, the best answer to the question is: "How to survive grief if a close man died?", It is a courageous to survive all the stages and at the end to keep the bright memory for the rest of your life about the road for you. Learn to remember only a good, revoke about him with gratitude and put it as an example to others.

The death of a loved one, regardless of his state of health, it is always a surprise and a big tragedy. Most people, and so shocked loss, are lost, how to act in this situation. We are telling you that you need to do if a person died.

What if a person died at home?

The first thing you need to call the police (so that they make sure that death was non-violent) and the doctor of the district polyclinic (if death happened during the day) or the rag out of the ambulance (if everything happened at night). They must state death and draw up a protocol of inspection and a certificate of state death.

The doctor, in turn, is obliged to call the Sanitation Brigade that organize transportation to the morgue. This is free, so if the ritual agent will require money for transportation - do not agree.

Although some are advised to have a telephone of a proven funeral agent in a notebook, which should be ringing even before the ambulance and police. Otherwise, in a couple of hours, in a couple of hours, your threshold will dodge rituals who are thirsting to earn on the mountain - they say some, representatives of state structures, learning about death, transfer the contacts of relatives for the monetary reward.

One way or another, find out wherever they will take the body of your loved one, and contact the registry of this morgue for a medical certificate of death. This will require your passport, passport, policy and medical map of the late, as well as the previously obtained certificate of death and body inspection protocol.

After you, you will need to change the medical certificate for the coat of arms of the MFC or the registry office ("Form-33").

What if a relative died in a medical institution?

If a person died in the hospital, then immediately contact the morgue, which will transport the body for registration of a medical certificate of death. Then refer to the ritual agent.

After receiving a medical certificate of death, change it on the coat of arms of the MFC or the registry office ("Form-33").

What if the relative died in a public place?

If a close person died in a public place, his body from the scene is sent to the forensic morgue. There will establish the cause of death and will issue a medical certificate of death.

The procedure for action is the same as when death in the medical institution, contact the morgue and to a ritual agent.

What if a person died in the country?

If a person died outside the city, then it is necessary to call a doctor from a local clinic, a medical center or district ambulance for defeating death. After that, it should also be called police officers (district authorized) to compile the inspection protocol.

What if a person died in another city?

If a close person dies away from his home, in addition to the organization of traditional funeral events in their hometown, it is required to obtain a medical certificate of death in the medical institution of the settlement where death occurred.

In addition, the body of the deceased must be delivered to the place of its burial. This can make relatives themselves, ordering a specialized car, or a hired ritual agency.

What if the relative died abroad?

In the case of the death of a citizen of Russia abroad during a temporary stay (tour or business trip), the implementation of the formalities on the occasion of death lies at the consular department (Russian consulate). At the same time, the cost of transportation is paid by relatives of the deceased.

What else is needed for funerals?

First of all, the following documents are required to organize funerals:

  • the inspection protocol is issued by the police officer;
  • certificate of death situation - is issued by a clinic physician or ambulance brigade;
  • medical certificate of death - issued by the doctor with a clinic or morgue workers;
  • certificate of death of the registry authorities;
  • certificate to receive state benefits for burial - is issued by the employee of the registry office;
  • the agreement on the provision of ritual services is issued by a ritual agent of the city specialized service.

Next, you should contact the ritual service to highlight the place in the cemetery. Relatives also need to prepare clothing and shoes of the deceased for transmission to the morgue, acquire a coffin and wreaths, think over the funeral ritual (farewell, burial, commemoration).

1. Steps that need to be taken.

This instruction is effective if death has come in major cities and the territories adjacent to them.

If death occurred at home:

in nighttime:

  • Call an ambulance brigade to defeat death. *
  • *
  • Get the default formation form (or accompanying sheet) from medical professionals and a corpse inspection protocol from police officer.
  • If necessary, cause a specialized machine for the transport of body to the morgue (the telephone service of the cargo transportation will be prompted by medical workers). * All of the above documents (the default formation form and the protocol of the inspection of the corpse) employees of the pipeline service are taken together with the body to provide in the morgue. At the same time, it is necessary to obtain from employees of the body of the pipeline of the direction form in the clinic, to obtain an outpatient map (if it is not on hand).
  • If the body was not transported to the morgue, then in the morning with the defaults of death, the protocol of the inspection of the corpse, the medical policy and an outpatient card of the deceased (if it was in hand), the passport of the deceased and passport of the applicant to contact the clinic to execute a medical certificate of death. **
  • If the body was transported to the morgue, then in the morning with the direction from the pipeline service, the medical policy, the passport of the deceased and the applicant's passport to contact the clinic to obtain an outpatient card with written posthumous epicride. After that, with an outpatient card of the deceased (necessarily with epicride !!!), the passport of the deceased and the applicant's passport must be consulted in the morgue for registration of a medical certificate of death. **
  • After receiving a medical certificate of death in the clinic or in the morgue of a medical certificate of death, in the registry office (at the place of residence of the deceased or location of the morgue / clinic, or in the registry office for time of non-working days) to get the coat of arms of death and death certificate (form 33).


  • Call a precinct doctor for inspecting the body, the death of death and the design of the defaction of death. *
  • Call a police officer for registration of a corpse inspection protocol. *
  • With the defaults of death, the protocol of the inspection of the corpse, the medical policy and an outpatient card of the deceased (if there is it in the hands), the passport of the deceased and passport of the applicant to contact the clinic for registration of a medical certificate of death or to solve the issue of the direction of the corpse to the pathologist opening. **
  • If a decision is made on the direction of the corpse to the pathoanatomic autopsy, then call a specialized car for the transport of body into the morgue (the telephone service telephone service will be prompted by medical workers) * And then with the passport of the dead and passport of the applicant, it is necessary to contact the morgue in which the body will be transported to design a medical certificate of death (after the body delivered to the morgue).
  • After receiving a medical certificate of death in the clinic or in the morgue of a medical certificate of death, in the registry office to get the coat of arms of death and death certificate (form 33).

If death is not at home (Visiting, in the garden plot, in the country, in the village, in a country house, etc.):

  • Call an ambulance brigade of that area where death came to state death. *
  • Call a police officer of the district where death has come, to issue a protocol for inspection of the corpse and registration of the direction of the corpse to the forensic dissection. *
  • Get the default formation form from medical professionals, the protocol of the inspection of the corpse and the direction to the forensic dissection from the police officer.
  • Call a specialized car to transport the body into a morgue of the area where death has come (if this was not made by police officers, the phone will prompt medical workers). * All of the above documents (the default formation form, the protocol of the inspection of the corpse and the direction of the forensic dissection) employees of the cargo transportation are taken together with the body to provide in the morgue.
  • With the passport of the dead and passport of the applicant to contact the morgue, where the corpse was delivered, for registration of a medical certificate of death.
  • If necessary, cause a specialized car for the transport of the deceased in another morgue (at the place of residence). Remember that without registration in the registry office, the head of the armor cannot be transported to another morgue.
  • Call up a ritual-funeral service agent to make an order for the provision of ritual services and organizing the funeral or contact the Item (Bureau) of the Ritual-Funeral Service and to personally place an order for the organization of the funeral.

If death has come in a medical institution:

  • If a person died in the hospital, the attending physician or medical sister informs his loved ones and report the phone number by which you can learn about what morgue is the deceased and how to get a medical certificate of death. *
  • After receiving a medical certificate of death, in the registry office to receive the coat of arms of death and death certificate (form 33).
  • Call the agent of the ritual funeral service to make an order for the provision of ritual services and the organization of the funeral or arrive at the (c) item (bureau) of the ritual-funeral service and there personally place an order for the burial (cremation).
  • The body of the deceased is located in the morgue of the medical institution and is located there before the carriage of the body in the city morgue or in the burial place (cremation). Day and place of transportation must be established depending on the wishes of close deceased.

If death has arrived in a public place:

If the misfortune happened on the road or public place, the body of the deceased is sent to the forensic morgue from the scene, so when a relative or other close person disappeared, it is necessary to contact the bureau of accidents or the police. You will tell you the addresses of forensic forces, where you can drive up for the identification of the body and obtaining the conclusion about the cause of death. *

If death was violent(accident, murder, suicide, car accident, burns, drowning, falling from height, etc.):

  • With violent death or with suspected of it, the body of the deceased is necessarily sent to the forensic morgue from the scene. Police or prosecutor's office on the fact of death is verified, as a result of which a criminal case is initiated or a decree is made to refuse to initiate a criminal case.
  • For the burial of the deceased, you will need to get the permission of militia or prosecutor's office, depending on who conducts a check on the fact of death. * Get burial permission to you need to register death to the registry office.
  • After receiving a medical certificate of death, in the registry office at the place of residence of the deceased to get the coat of arms of death and death certificate (form 33).
  • Call the agent of the ritual funeral service to make an order for the provision of ritual services and the organization of the funeral or arrive at the (c) item (bureau) of the ritual-funeral service and there personally place an order for the burial (cremation).

If death occurred abroad:

In many foreign countries, local legislation requires the application for death to be filed into local registries. In any case, it is recommended to additionally make an application to the consulate of the country whose citizenship had a deceased, and ask consular services to register the fact of death in their registry. The implementation of these formalities will continue to obtain a certificate of death in the country of permanent residence of the deceased.

Transportation of the body of the deceased home, the duties of fulfilling all formalities lie at the consular office, the payment of expenditures at the same time is assigned to the relatives of the deceased.

2. What things must be prepared for the morgue:

For a man:

  • underwear;
  • socks;
  • suit, shirt, tie;
  • boots (or slippers);
  • shaving machine, toilet water (cologne);
  • toilet soap, comb, terry towel (small).

For woman:

  • underwear;
  • stockings (or tights);
  • dress with long sleeves (suit or bathrobe);
  • headband (not black);
  • shoes (or slippers);
  • toilet water, soap, comb, towel.

3. What documents need to be issued for funerals (cremation):

  • Death Correction Blanc (Ambulance Brigade).
  • Medical death certificate (issued by the doctor of clinics or morgue workers).
  • The protocol inspection of the corpse (issued by the police officer).
  • The coat of arms of the death of the registry office (issued by employees of the registry office).
    Death certificate (form 33).
  • Help to receive state benefits for burial (issued by employees of the registry office).
  • The agreement on the provision of ritual services (is issued by the ritual funeral service agent).

* Employees of these services will offer you the services of their funeral agents. Your right to take advantage of their suggestions or refuse.

** Attention! Medical death certificate is issued by the district polyclinic in those cases (not always), if from the date of the last appeal of the deceased to the doctor passed no more than two weeks. (Corrections in a medical certificate of death are not allowed, so check the correctness of the specified data on site).

In all other cases, medical certificate of death is issued after the pathological and anatomical or forensic study in the morgue.

We stayed

I am one of those who stayed. Over one left with grief, when the native and beloved person died. Died unexpectedly, suddenly, suddenly. I could still describe my grief for a long time, but I think that everyone who lured a close man knows the entire palette of these feelings not transmitted by the words ... Therefore, I will tell you about the other.

I am the most ordinary person. On the one hand, it seems that the soul believing in the immortality and the eternal life. On the other hand, the church coming from the case to the case, which does not know any prayer, except for "Our Father", and accustomed to consider that the candle burning in front of the icon is a completely sufficient contribution to his own spiritual life.

So it was always how much I remember. Well, at least, the last years forty. A comfortable "traditional" explanation of his indifference to faith is always at hand: they say, so they were brought up with the Komsomol pioneers who "have a look of blue nights" since childhood, "I believe in a single god of my father" ...

Comforting his own conscience with this "convincing" argument, somehow forget that since the time of childhood, a whole life has passed. And, being an adult uncle or aunt, to establish a responsibility for his own descendant existence on the parents who lived under the press of the communist ideology of infantilically and, at least, dishonest.

But I distracted. It has long been something familiar to us, generation of manuals and television viewers. Murders, terrorist attacks, disasters, care of idols of the disappearing era ...

Our main trouble - ignorance of what is happening with close after death

All this is perceived as another news. And if it can break through this armor of insension - only the death of a beloved and native person. Which was so integral part of your life that you perceive his death as a physical suffering. As if you cut off the hand without anesthesia. Or a piece of heart.

Pain cuts and exacerbates feelings. And somewhere even clarifies the mind and spiritual in anddension. You understand that a person died. But you feel that he continues to exist. Almost physically feel His presence in the first days after death. And it's never clear that the soul of the deceased continues to live some kind of invisible life.

But only you do not know anything about this life! Nothing, except for some random breakdowns, somewhere heard, read, retold by the same "connoisseurs" as you.

And this is the main problem and the trouble of the one who remains. I will emphasize: the main trouble is not in the death of a native person, but in ignorance what happens to him after death, and misunderstanding, how and what you can help.

Features of national funerals

The specificity of the domestic ritual industry is such that it is categorically no time to think about the eternal in the most important moment for this. If your close died at home, you first need to call "ambulance", which slowly comes after all urgent calls to confirm a terrible fact and give appropriate paper. With her in your hands you will wait for the police, which will write down the certificate of "non-violence" of the death. And only after that you can pass the body into the hands of specialists from the funeral agency.

Ritual services are currently a fairly well-developed commerce, as evidenced by a simply inhuman level of competition. Having encountered and accomplishing physicians and policemen, I already knew what a office will deal with the funeral, and I waited for a representative who said on the phone literally the following: "Do not open the door to anyone! Ask the name and firm! Vera left you! Password is the name of our company. "

In just 10 minutes, I realized why the service was accompanied by passwords and identification signs. The case was late in the evening, but the intercom did not cease in the apartment. One by one at the door was broken by "condolent" representatives of mourning agencies. As it turned out, in civil servants, officially stateing death and issuing relevant certificates, full of "informants", which notify Ritualers about the appearance of a new "client".

Further, the bureaucratic history continues. Having gathered all the papers, run to the district doctor to the clinic for a certificate of death. And here also there are unpleasant wires. For example, I was "lucky" with a girl in a registration, which could not fill in the form of reference through the program in the computer. The issuance of minute paper was dragged for a couple of hours ...

There was a lot more. And all this time, I and other relatives were nervous, talked about empty and rapidly with outsiders, the troubled, ran, gathered money from all the hooks, called friends and friends, fell into despair and made many more meaningless. While the orphaned soul rushed somewhere nearby, asking for help and prayer support.

Forty days after life

Well, that turned out to be near the man who began to read the psalrty in the first hours after death. It is good that the father, whom the name was going home, invited to church, explaining that home fans were not blessed. It is good that among friends and relatives found a lot of sincerely and deep believers who suggested what needs to be done in the first days to somehow relieve the posthumous fate of an expensive person.

All this was good.

But these were only the first steps towards the truth and the taming of their egoism. After all, what is grief from the loss of close? 99% - egoism. it to me bad because the person is no longer there. it to me heavy! it i I suffer!

Yes, loss of heavy. Yes, this pain does not take anything. Yes, it is an experienced from those that you do not wish and enemy. But there is one "but" that overpays all this. True love is disinterested. And aims at happiness and well-being of whom you love. And if you take it for the axiom, then the death of loved ones is not a reason to get off with your grief, killing day and night.

Empty tears - the path to nowhere, who does not help the soul of the deceased. And you need to help. And, perhaps!

Yes, it's grief. But first of all, you need to ask yourself: "And what is now his? " Empty tears are the way to anywhere destroying the soul of the flavored and not helping the soul of the deceased. And you need to help. And, perhaps! And first of all in the first forty days after the soul left the body.

I will not take it in detail to retell the Christian interpretation of what is happening with the soul in the first forty days after death. This information is easy to find in the Orthodox Internet. The bottom line is that the soul passes a whole series of tests, rising from a sinful land to the heavenly monastery. Orthodoxy calls them "Names". And how hard it is or easy to go through these tests - depends partly and from us, from those "who remains".

We believe we or do not believe, it is not so important. It is important - love. After all, real love does not end with death. And if you truly love your loved one - you will also pray for him, and alms to distribute, and good deeds to do in the name of him ... And if you love yourself more - you will cry, grieve and kill. And it's safely drinking bitter, which is there.

Drink or not drink for rest

Commemoration is an integral part of the funeral ritual. "I wanted to drink health, and I had to drink," I was spinning and in my head this line after the funeral. Traditionally, pancakes with honey, savage and wine with vodka are almost always standing on the memorial table. Who loves what is said. Someone else puts a glass with vodka "for the dead man, covering it with a piece of black bread. As one father said: right in essence, but incorrectly in shape.

Need to remember. The memorial meal is a symbolic distribution of alms and food hungry, which we dedicate the memory of the deceased. And who, in theory, should be read in good deeds made alive in his favor.

The soul of the deceased so waiting for us sincere prayer and good deeds in memory of him

And now answer ourselves on a simple question: is it possible to consider a kind thing to the feast, on which they drink without measure, are drunk, they say a lot of superfluous and not belonging to the reason gathered at the table? How and how does it help the soul, passing at this time through Nataria?!

"What are the commemoration without wine?" "One lady answered surprise to me in surprise when I offered to remove the bottles from the table. Alas, we are still ignorant in this matter. I write "We", because it myself is. Like many, my mind is a piggy bank of stupid and meaningless superstitions. After all, it is necessary "you need to cover a rich table on the commemoration"! And so that the wine with vodka was. But only "drink, not choking"! And you can "only with spoons". And "mirrors need to be drilled while the dead man in the house"! And "The coffin can not be belly to carry"! And there are many more senseless superstitious "impossible" and "necessary", which completely obscure the importance of the main thing, which is waiting for the soul of the deceased, - sincere prayer.

God has all alive

Once in his youth, I thought that the church was for the old women. And when I learned that such something and such something suddenly was choking and began to attend the temple of God, to observe posts and pray, did a simple and primitive conclusion: probably sick or old age burned. A person is afraid of death and "just in case" decided to believe.

No, it happened, of course, and I look into the temple. It happened, the candles put before exams. Or when it was possible to slip out unscrewing from some straight. And behind the rest, I prayed as I could. But all this was more likely to tribute the traditions, without a deep understanding of the essence.

Only now I begin to realize my ignorance. The death of his native man opened my eyes.

Today, many go to the temple. And especially many people coming to the service in the days of the mercy of the departed, in the parent Saturdays. Why? Because the more people close to you find yourself in the world in the world, the stronger your soul tsumping on them. And the more your desire to help, to overturn for them the best fate. Prayer, post, good deeds.

Independent monument

"By fruits will learn them" (Matt. 7: 16), "said Christ about false prophets. However, this is true for any of us. What is the sensible to be good in words and at the same time a useless selfish pacifier in affairs? As Konstantin Nikolsky sang: "I'm kind, but did not make it anyone." Alas, it's about most of us.

Ten years ago, the favorite of millions, a talented actor and a person, worthy of respect, lost his beloved wife. It can be represented as it was great grief. What did he do? He established a charity foundation, which for the tenth year has already helps children with brain tumors. And this is the best that he could come up with a different female beloved in the world. Come up - and implement!

Not a piece of marble, not a granite stove, not expensive grave cross. Charity, good deeds, disinterested help to others - here is a monument that you need the souls of our relatives. Konstantin Khabensky understood it. Will we understand? Or in pursuit of visible and essentially formal manifestations of grief and love forget about what is really waiting for our deceased souls from us?

Not dead - alive souls.