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The main directions of development of the state. Modern trends in the development of public service. Democracy: concept, evolution, its forms. Principles of modern representative democracy. Problems complicating the process of democratization in Russia


S.E. Arutyunova


The article discusses the main provisions on the trends of improving professionalism in the activities of a civil servant at the present stage development of the Russian Federation.

Key words: society, state, public administration, public service, civil servant.


The article deals with the main provisions concerning tendencies of professionalism improving in the activity of a civil servant as a representative at the modern stage of the Russian state development.

Keywords: society, state, public administration, public management, civil servant.

As you know, the civil service is aimed at achieving national goals, is a necessary component of the mechanism practical implementation state tasks through authorized entities - civil servants. Civil servants exercise their powers government agencies in all spheres of society. They are playing crucial role in the management of socio-economic and administrative-political spheres, strengthening Russian statehood and reforming society on the principles of democracy and law.

The mechanism of the state without authorized personnel is a kind of meaningless structure. Public administration, although it manifests itself in the system of all branches of public power, however, to the greatest extent finds its expression precisely in the system of administrative activity - state official activity. In any civilized state, government officials are endowed with increased responsibility along with the privileges, benefits, and other compensations granted to them. Therefore, the legislator should always give the process of improving the status of civil servants in the system of the state apparatus worthy

© Arutyunova Susanna Eduardovna, 2014

Candidate legal sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines (Balakov-102 branch of the Saratov State Law Academy); [email protected]

Attention. Complex legal research measures to regulate the activities of civil servants are relevant, since they allow them to have a beneficial effect on the development of the institution public service both from a law-making and from a law-enforcement point of view.

The reliability of managing people in any organizational structure is determined by the precise establishment of motivation. A clear understanding of the meaning of this motivation is largely associated with an understanding of the ideal image of a modern official, whose powers of authority, based on the position held, are directed in the order of subordination to other civil servants, as well as to various physical, legal entities for which this official endowed with measures of state influence, incl. measures of state coercion.

Improving professionalism in the system of state management activities is one of the priority areas for the development of bodies state power all levels. As the President of the Russian Federation notes, strengthening people's trust is one of the strategic tasks of the state, only in this case will citizens' trust in the authorities grow. The feeling of responsibility for the country is the leitmotif, the nerve and core of the Constitution, a call to each of us1. Accordingly, the goals, methods, social orientation of the legal consolidation of the interests of citizens, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the requests of population groups, designed to solve state tasks, i.e. civil servants.

It should be noted that civil servants are special actors rights endowed by the state with imperious (public) full

powers, the effectiveness of which, of course, determines the quality and implementation of certain state goals and objectives. At the same time, at the present time, research legal status civil servant, incl. O

responsibility, incentives and rewards are mainly either of a managerial and sectoral nature, or are directly related to the functional role of a particular civil servant. It was carried out, for example, by A.P. Alekhin, G.V. Atamanchuk, D.N. Bakhrakh, I.L. Bachilo, V.M. Bar-e

nov, B.N. Gabriadze, V.N. Galuzo, A.A. Grishkovets, N.M. Konin, V.A. Kozbanenko, °

P.I. Kononov, A.V. Kudashkin, N.I. Kuznetsov, V.M. Manokhin, A.F. Nozdrachev, r

A.V. Obolonsky, L.L. Popov, P.P. Sergun, Yu.N. Starilov, Yu.A. Tikhomirov, Ch

B.E. Chirkin and others. In particular, D.N. Bahrakh interprets the process of the state O

*> 2nd management as a process of purposeful impact on a complex system 2. To

At the current stage, the political and legal significance of a professional official is that his main vocation is aimed at the prompt, high-quality and timely execution of the state entrusted to him ¡§

powers. At different stages of the existence of the state and society, it is natural that certain problems arise in the structure of managerial activity, when resolved, the available means and methods are insufficient. 4

A kind uniting all types of state official activities negative factor its significance, unfortunately, remains the problem of corruption. In this regard, the current public policy is aimed at resolutely countering corruption in the public service system. As a social phenomenon, corruption poses a real threat to the effective and progressive functioning of all 103

mechanisms of public authority, civil service, including, and therefore, as a result, the development the rule of law, democracy, social justice... In this connection, the prevailing negative attitude towards the authorities among the population is quite justified. Ability to evade responsibility official, designed to act on behalf and in the interests of his state, in the event he commits wrongful misconduct, crimes, must be brought by the state at least to the minimum limits.

It seems that improving the performance of the entire state apparatus depends on the state in which legal support is the status of a civil servant. Hence, it comes on the awareness of the beginning of a period of sustainable, stable development of civil service on a qualitatively new socio-political and economic basis when the state begins to value the most professional cadres of civil servants. That is why a clear organization of the management process and high professionalism of human resources in the civil service system are required from him3.

In order to ensure quality performance by civil servants job duties, implementation of the powers granted to them, compliance established limits and prohibitions, the legislator must objectively determine the guarantees of their official professional activity(organizational, material, legal means- compensation).

As I.G. Bulgakov, quality improvement government controlled certainly contributes to the improvement regulatory framework regulation of organizational and managerial relations, which largely depends on the aspect of the issue under consideration on the professionalism of the government representative, incl. from its intolerant attitude towards corruption4. ш The main directions of modern state anti-corruption

T policies are clearly reflected in the tasks of the national strategy of the Russian Federation, in which

1 special attention is paid to the high-quality implementation of laws and regulations

| acts. Based on this, I.G. Bulgakova notes that at the national level> § corruption is a powerful factor that weakens the security of the state. An open discussion of the problem of corruption is always topical. It's in that

1 or otherwise contributes to its counteraction5.

® Reform Trends legal institution public service in

§ are currently being carried out in various directions. For each type | state official activity there are many normative acts | comrades who, as criteria for the selection of worthy personnel, establish procedures

2 a fool of passing the qualification exam and attestation already in the process of passing § active civil service. Is there an increase? attention of the legislator to the issue of disciplinary, administrative and criminal<3 ной ответственности чиновника в целях укрепления служебной дисциплины и 1 законности. Вместе с тем в настоящее время отсутствует единый нормативный £ правовой акт, определяющий отправные начала в вопросе определения критериев профессионализма, условий и оснований применения мер стимулирования и поощрения к государственным служащим всех видов государственной службы.

It is always necessary to remember that state power is a powerful mechanism for influencing many social phenomena and processes.

As you know, the rotation of personnel is a natural and natural process of personnel renewal of the state apparatus. It provides for the established

by a service contract, the appointment of a civil servant replacing the corresponding position in the civil service to another position in the civil service provided for by a special list.

In order to ensure the implementation of the procedure for the rotation of federal state civil servants, as well as to ensure the uniform application by federal executive bodies of the provisions of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" (as amended on April 2, 2014 . № 53-Ф3) 6 from January 1, 2013 by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin set the task of the authorized federal ministries and departments to develop and approve lists of positions in the federal state civil service, according to which the rotation of federal civil servants and programs for its implementation are provided.

It should be noted that upon the expiration of the term of the service contract, a civil servant filling a civil service position is subject to rotation. At present, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation is developing systemic guidelines for organizing the uniform application of the procedure for the rotation of civil servants by personnel services7. It seems that the regular rotation of civil servants, according to the head of state, will clearly reflect the degree of their professionalism and competence.

Many administrative scholars demonstrate an understanding of the essence of public administration in an inextricable relationship with public service. According to G.V. Atamanchuk, management is a goal-setting, organizing, regulating impact on public

nnuyu, collective and group life, which is carried out t both directly and through specially established structures8. 1

V.V. Putin as one of the basic principles of work of all government bodies, law enforcement agencies and military personnel, in particular, calls respect and observance of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, activity in full accordance with the law. In this regard, as in

notes F.P. Vasiliev, the introduction of administrative regulations in everyday life

the activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation should be facilitated by the implementation of

programs outlined by the head of state. From the standpoint of globalization, regulations |

of the activity of law enforcement bodies as the primary tasks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation |

are clear and forward-looking planning for the development and improvement - |

the activities of not only the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, but also the publication of regulations defining §

the legal status of the police, as well as of non-police units. | The significance of the regulations lies in the fact that the authority of law enforcement bodies M

will be deserved if each employee is capable of highly professional and

approach the performance of the professional job responsibilities assigned to him 6

responsibilities for the performance of the functions of the state and the provision of state- 11

services, make the right decisions within the entrusted full-22

urges in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, to ensure their 4 safety. It seems possible to agree with F.P. Vasiliev is that at the present stage of the activities of the internal affairs bodies, innovation and globality are inherent, which are necessary in the process of reforming the system of state executive bodies9.

Legislative regulation of the institution of state military service also does not go unnoticed by the state. Government Decree 105

RF of December 29, 2011 No. 1198 "On the assignment, change and deprivation of class qualifications of military personnel" (as amended on October 30, 2014 No. 1121) 10 new rules for the assignment, change and deprivation of class qualifications in relation to military personnel have been approved. A distinctive feature of this document is the level of regulation of various procedural issues related to class qualifications for military service.

Class qualification is an indicator characterizing the professional level of training of a serviceman in accordance with the military position being replaced (existing specialty), and is assigned based on the results of tests carried out. In case of revealing the facts of non-compliance of the serviceman with the qualification requirements, the class qualifications are reduced, and other grave consequences are excluded in case of action or inaction in military service, which resulted in injury or death of people.

Creation at the present stage of favorable conditions for the training of highly professional management personnel; improvement of legal mechanisms ensuring the development of the institution of civil service; enhancing the prestige of the civil service; formation of an effective civil service management system; ensuring publicity (openness) of the civil service in order to develop civil society; increasing the degree of social protection and material support of civil servants; the introduction of new methods of planning, financing, incentives, motivation and assessment of the activities of civil servants in order to optimize the staffing implies the use of adequate methods and selection of qualified personnel.12 The problem of incentives and incentives? activities of a civil servant will never cease to be relevant, 3 however, there is currently no single regulatory source, | fixing the definition of the legal nature of the concepts "incentive", "merit".

1 Thus, the qualification requirements for professional knowledge | pits and skills that are necessary for the performance of official duties,

| are enshrined in the regulatory legal act of the relevant state

| th government body, taking into account its tasks and functions, therefore, are included in

| official regulations of a civil servant.

2 In all state governing bodies by the head, when deciding ° the personnel issue, in addition to the general qualification requirements enshrined in the profile legal act, such criteria should be taken into account. rii, as honorary titles, the results of internship, retraining, promotion

0 qualifications, academic degree, title, status in the personnel reserve.

1 Effective use of human resources by the state is one of its main tasks on a national scale. The ongoing reform of the state

of the state service should ensure the effective and well-coordinated work 1 of the entire state apparatus, exclude or at least reduce to a minimum | the possibility of using power for personal interests. Honest fulfillment of one's professional duty to society and the state should become an objective reality, be part of the duties for which a civil servant receives material remuneration. The main thing is that all measures taken by the approved state programs would meet the interests of civil servants, and therefore the state and society in

the whole. It is necessary to make the civil service an essential tool

T.S. Mangusheva Issues of decentralization in the field of public order protection

legal formation of the activities of the state apparatus, i.e. civil service is a sphere of purposeful state-legal regulation aimed at improving the mechanism of interaction with the needs of citizens, organizations, and public associations. Attracting qualified specialists to the state apparatus, increasing the prestige of the civil service are inextricably linked with the implementation of consistent personnel, incl. anti-corruption, policy in the ranks of the bureaucracy, a decent level of material content, stimulation and encouragement of labor, social and legal protection of a civil servant.

1 See: Address of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2013 // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 2013.13 Dec.

2 See: Bakhrakh D.N. Administrative law of Russia. M., 2000.S. 1.

3 See: Yu.A. Tikhomirov, S.M. Shakhrai. Risk and right. M., 2012.S. 21-23.

4 See: I. G. Bulgakova. Some aspects of the prevention of corruption in government bodies // Journal of Russian law. 2012. No. 8, p. 75.

5 See: Ibid.

7 See: V.V. Putin Democracy and the quality of the state. On the rotation of federal state civil servants (fragments of the article) // State Service. 2012. No. 1, pp. 4-9.

8 See: G.V. Atamanchuk The theory of public administration. M., 1997.S. 29.

9 See: F.P. Vasiliev. Improving the regulation of the activities of internal affairs bodies (police) // Administrative law and process. 2012. No. 9.P. 51.

10 See: Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 2012.10 Jan .; Collected legislation Ros. Federation. 2014. No. 45, Art. 6218.

11 See: Ibid.

12 See: V.V. Putin. Decree. slave. S. 4-9.

T.S. Mangusheva


The article examines various aspects of the revival of the municipal police: organizational, economic, social.

Key words: municipal police, public order, decentralization, bill.



The article considers various aspects of revival of municipal militia: organizational, economic, social.

Keywords: municipal militia, public order, decentralization, bill.

The reorganization of the internal affairs bodies carried out in 2011 (with the renaming of the police to the police) in accordance with the Federal Law of February 7, 2011 No. З-ФЗ "On the Police" (as amended on July 21, 2014 No. 258-ФЗ) 1 (hereinafter - the Law on Police), excluded any decentralization in the police system, incl. abandoned the previously existing law of the Russian Federation of April 18, 1991 No. 1026-1 "On the police" (no longer valid) 2 division of the police into the public security police, financed by

© Mangusheva Tamara Sergeevna, 2014

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative and Municipal Law (Saratov State Law Academy)

Ural Model UN

Penitentiary Institution of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation

Economic and Social Council

Expert Report

"Public administration in the field of implementation of the sustainable development goals until 2030"







On September 25, 2015, 193 countries adopted 17 global targets to be achieved by 2030. The goals and objectives are comprehensive and balance all three components of sustainable development. From that moment on, the Economic and Social Council (hereinafter - ECOSOC) has been conducting purposeful work to achieve the goals of sustainable development of the world community. ECOSOC, as one of the UN committees, conducts activities on three aspects of sustainable development - economic, social, environmental - and represents a kind of platform for the integration of states in order to develop measures for sustainable development and subsequent executive activity.

In the framework of the upcoming ECOSOC meeting, only some of the 17 goals will be considered, namely:

End poverty in all its forms everywhere;

Eradicate hunger, ensure food security and improve nutrition and promote sustainable agricultural development;

Ensuring healthy lifestyles and promoting well-being for all at all ages;

Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all;

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all;

Building sustainable infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and innovation;

Reducing inequality within and between countries;

Ensuring openness, security, resilience and sustainability of cities and towns;

Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns;

Strengthening the means to achieve sustainable development and revitalizing global partnerships for sustainable development.

Thus, environmental issues (climate change, conservation and use of the world's water resources, protection and restoration of terrestrial and soil ecosystems, ensuring access to modern energy sources), ensuring gender equality, as well as promoting the building of peaceful and open societies will not be discussed.

The goals presented for consideration by the ECOSOC member states within the framework of the upcoming meetings cannot be achieved independently by any of the existing states, therefore it is proposed to bring up for joint discussion the possibility of international cooperation and interaction, as well as the development of recommendations for the formation of general principles for the implementation of public administration in these areas.


Public administration is a purposeful and regulatory influence of authorities on social processes, on the behavior and activities of social groups and subsequent management in order to realize social needs, interests and goals in accordance with the possibilities of society, through the rational use of all types of resources and innovative technologies. At the same time, public administration is not a static system, like the state itself as a whole. The reasons for modern changes are integration processes, the high speed of technology development and a qualitative change in society and its needs; identify the following trends in the development of modern societies:

Complication of interaction through increased interdependence between people, social groups both within the state and between countries;

Striving for freedom - a person refuses the passive role of a consumer, he is an active subject of the consumer market, influencing producers;

The transition from an industrial society to a service society;

The acceleration of socio-economic development as a result of the acceleration of scientific and technological progress predetermines the "speed" of economic and social transformations in modern society and its spheres.

The formulated patterns influenced the nature of public administration, which led to the adjustment of the vector of development of the state apparatus and its functions of execution, management, control - all this is typical for most countries of the world.

States are moving away from the classical principles of management, there is a gradual transformation of the basic principles, taking into account changes in the general conjunction. Each state body seeks to reduce complexity, simplify organizational structures and management procedures, autonomize operating units, decentralize decision-making to more and more fully meet the needs of society. In the process of management, the opposite process of narrow specialization is observed: the transition from the division of labor in management to broad professionalization, the active use of a person's creative potential.

Returning to the issue of autonomization. The governments of states and federal units are striving to introduce electronic document management, and to transfer interaction with citizens to the Internet space. The "Electronic government" is being introduced everywhere (in each country this structure has its own name, but within the framework of this report and meetings it is possible to use this single designation) in order to provide state and municipal services via the Internet, which will allow a citizen to get the desired result with minimal time expenditures. Some "interdepartmental gateways" are being created between government agencies to collect information from executive authorities at both the federal and regional levels. The system of electronic interdepartmental interaction includes information databases on software and hardware used by bodies and organizations, as well as information on the history of movement in the system of interaction of electronic messages when providing state and municipal services in electronic form. It allows federal, regional and local (with a two-tier organization - federal and regional) authorities to electronically transfer and exchange data necessary for the provision of public services. This method of interaction is convenient both for the consumer, that is, the citizen and (or) organization, and for the authorities. With this approach, a common "transport" environment is created for the exchange of information between departments, certification authorities, and other organizations involved in the provision of services.

Also, the perception of the state in society is being transformed. The role of the "passive overseer" is replaced by the role of an active subject of organization, regulation and coordination of social relations. The state is no longer a "suppression machine", but a social organization, the most important functions of which are social protection of the population from all kinds of risks, social assistance to those in need and support under certain conditions, as well as social services for citizens. Health care, social guarantees and medical care at a decent living level are a "package" of services that are considered both by the state and by an individual citizen as the most significant and priority area of ​​activity.

At the same time, an important vector of reforming public administration is the development of joint management in the field of goal-setting, since it is not possible for complex social systems to impose targeted solutions. Such a decision is consistent with the society, while the society assumes responsibility for the implementation of the said decision. This is the preservation of the basic principle of the social contract "concluded" between the state and society. In practice, this is expressed in holding meetings and meetings with representatives of the public (small and medium-sized businesses, funds to support vulnerable groups of the population, etc.) to discuss legislative projects and initiatives.

Innovative development and the process of globalization in many respects forces the leaders of states to change their tactics of behavior in order to maintain their leading positions in key indicators: GDP, technological equipment and innovation, the share of domestic products in the international market. Therefore, public administration is largely aimed at developing the education system and creating conditions for building up the innovative potential of the state. Close interaction of government agencies with business and the scientific community (research centers, institutes, universities, academies of sciences, etc.) is carried out to implement large-scale projects. In this case, government intervention is minimal: regulation of compliance with the law and the provision of various benefits.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 11, 2016 No. 403 (hereinafter referred to as the Decree) approved the Main Directions for the Development of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation for 2016-2018, and also identified the main tasks aimed at their implementation.

The Government of the Russian Federation was instructed to develop and approve an action plan ("road map") for the implementation of the main directions of development of the state civil service within a month and to inform the President of the Russian Federation on the progress of the implementation of the developed action plan annually by March 1. It is necessary to bring the regulatory framework in line with the Decree within 3 months and ensure control and coordination of the activities of federal state bodies in the implementation of the "road map".

The state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are recommended to take into account the provisions of the Decree when organizing regional events for the development of the state civil service.

Among the directions identified by the Decree:

Improving the management of the civil service personnel and improving the quality of its formation,

Improving the system of professional development of civil servants, increasing their professionalism and competence,

Increasing the prestige of the civil service,

· Improvement of anti-corruption mechanisms in the system of the state civil service of the Russian Federation.

In order to improve the organizational foundations of civil service personnel management until 2018, it is necessary to introduce additional mechanisms to ensure the preservation of the civil service personnel potential, including during organizational and staff activities.

The creation of a single information and communication space in the civil service system is aimed at solving the problems of development and use by federal state bodies of a unified information system for managing the personnel of the civil service and electronic personnel document management, incl. automated verification of information submitted by applicants to the federal civil service.

In order to increase the objectivity and transparency of the procedures for holding competitions for filling vacant positions in the civil service and being included in the personnel reserve, from 2017 candidates should be provided with the opportunity to submit documents in electronic form, a unified methodology for holding competitions should be introduced by 2018.

The creation of new mechanisms for motivating civil servants to continuous professional development and the creation of an appropriate single specialized information resource by 2018 are aimed at creating conditions for the independent professional development of civil servants.

In order to increase the prestige of the civil service by 2019, it is necessary to complete measures to improve the system of material incentives for civil servants, as well as the structure of their pay. The functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of remuneration of federal state civil servants should be transferred to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.

To increase the efficiency of anti-corruption mechanisms in the activities of federal state bodies to combat corruption, it is necessary to introduce a new assessment method and a system for monitoring the effectiveness of the activities of the units of these bodies for the prevention of corruption and other offenses by 2018. In addition, in order to provide citizens with access to up-to-date information on anti-corruption issues, starting from 2017 it is necessary to provide monthly updates of the relevant sections of the official websites of federal executive bodies.

In general, the adoption of the Decree will make it possible to carry out further measures to develop the institution of the civil service in order to increase its efficiency and professionalism, focus on meeting the urgent needs of society and developing the economy.

The main tasks for debt management in the near future will be:

  • · Reduction of the volume of external debt obligations and, accordingly, the cost of their servicing;
  • · Optimization of the structure of external debt, increasing the share of its market component;
  • · Optimization of the payment schedule for external debt, elimination of payment peaks;
  • · Refinancing of external debt at the expense of internal borrowing without significant deterioration of the debt structure in terms of payment terms;
  • · Increasing the efficiency of the use of borrowed funds.

To date, the Russian Federation has not essentially created a unified, integral system of public debt management. A significant drawback of public debt management is the lack of legislatively enshrined goals of public borrowing. The mechanism of restructuring operations, exchange of debt obligations for investments, as well as conversion and consolidation of loans remains outside the legal regulation. There is practically no consistency in the policy of managing active and passive debts. The current legislation lacks a system of responsibility for the effectiveness of decisions made in the implementation of the state policy of borrowing and public debt management and, accordingly, the limits of authority and responsibility of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities, the Bank of Russia and other banks-agents of the issuer of government debt obligations. The issues of coordinating the actions of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Bank of Russia in carrying out the current debt, monetary and foreign exchange policies remain outside the framework of the current legislation. There is a need for legislative reform of the public debt management system of the Russian Federation and the priority implementation of the necessary measures, which include:

  • · Development and adoption of the Federal Law on Amendments to the Budget Code of the Russian Federation on Amendments to the Part Concerning Public Debt Management Issues;
  • · Development and adoption of a federal law on the state debt of the Russian Federation;
  • · Development and approval of regulations governing the activities of Vnesheconombank as an agent for servicing public external debt and public external financial assets;
  • · Creation of a unified database on the state debt of the Russian Federation;
  • · Development and approval of a unified procedure for maintaining the State debt book of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the municipal debt book;
  • · Development of criteria and mechanisms for assessing the effectiveness of borrowing and debt policy.

In accordance with the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, the management of the state debt of the Russian Federation is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation or the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation authorized by it. Debt obligations of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal formation are fully and unconditionally secured to all those in the ownership of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipality with the property that makes up the relevant treasury, and are executed at the expense of the corresponding budget.

The Russian Federation is not responsible for the debt obligations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, if these obligations were not guaranteed by the Russian Federation. The Federal Law of 03.12.2012 No. 216 "On the federal budget for 2013 and for the planning period of 2014 and 2015" defines the main characteristics of the federal budget for 2013 and for the planning period of 2014 and 2015. Article 1 of this law states:

  • 1. To approve the main characteristics of the federal budget for 2013, determined based on the projected gross domestic product in the amount of 66,515.0 billion rubles and the inflation rate not exceeding 5.5 percent (December 2013 to December 2012):
  • 1) the projected total volume of federal budget revenues in the amount of 12,865,925,621.0 thousand rubles;
  • 2) the total volume of federal budget expenditures in the amount of 13 387 340 174.7 thousand rubles;
  • 3) the upper limit of the state internal debt of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2014 in the amount of 6,600,552,240.0 thousand rubles;
  • 4) the upper limit of the state external debt of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2014 in the amount of 66.2 billion US dollars, or 53.0 billion euros;
  • 5) the federal budget deficit in the amount of 521,414,553.7 thousand rubles.
  • 2. To approve the main characteristics of the federal budget for 2014 and 2015, determined on the basis of the forecasted gross domestic product in the amount of 73,993.0 billion rubles and 82,937.0 billion rubles, respectively, and an inflation rate not exceeding, respectively, 5, 0 percent (December 2014 to December 2013) and 5.0 percent (December 2015 to December 2014):
  • 1) the projected total volume of federal budget revenues for 2014 in the amount of 14,063,419,918.0 thousand rubles and for 2015 in the amount of 15,615,507,439.0 thousand rubles;
  • 2) the total volume of federal budget expenditures for 2014 in the amount of 14,207,001,486.0 thousand rubles, including conditionally approved expenses in the amount of 355,175,037.2 thousand rubles, and for 2015 in the amount of 15,626,283,594, 0 thousand rubles, including conditionally approved expenses in the amount of 781,314,179.7 thousand rubles;
  • 3) the upper limit of the state internal debt of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2015 in the amount of RUB 7,590,290,071.4 thousand and as of January 1, 2016 in the amount of RUB 8,313,703,485.0 thousand;
  • 4) the upper limit of the state external debt of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2015 in the amount of USD 75.8 billion, or EUR 60.6 billion, and as of January 1, 2016, in the amount of USD 83.8 billion, or 67 , 0 billion euros;
  • 5) the federal budget deficit for 2014 in the amount of 143 581 568.0 thousand rubles and for 2015 in the amount of 10 776 155.0 thousand rubles.

For modern Russia, one of the most important tasks is considered to be the building of an effective state, overcoming serious shortcomings in the organization and functioning of the system of government bodies. To solve this problem, it is necessary to reform the civil service, which will be accessible to everyone, will be competitive, aimed at effective activities to ensure the execution of the powers and services of all government bodies.

Currently, in the context of the financial and economic crisis, the role of the civil service is becoming even more significant, when the functioning of the market economy, the preservation of social stability in society, and the provision of legal rights and interests of citizens.

It should be noted that much attention is paid to the reform and development of the civil service, modernization of legislation in this area. At the stage from 2009 to 2013, when the Federal Program "Reforming the Civil Service of the Russian Federation" was being implemented, the legislative foundations of the unified system of the civil service of the Russian Federation were determined, the civil service was formed as one of the types of civil service, and a large-scale update of legislation was carried out. Important changes have been made to the current federal laws (Federal Law No. 58 "On the system of the RF civil service" and FZ-No. 79 "On the state civil service of the Russian Federation"), a number of decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal government bodies, laws and others have been issued regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the state civil service.

The reform of the civil service and its legislation has not yet yielded the expected results. In the policy documents of the country's top political leadership, the civil service is sharply criticized for its inefficiency, bureaucracy, corruption, closeness, inability to conduct a dialogue with civil society, and promote the development of institutions of an innovative economy and democracy.

In the context of the modern socio-economic challenge to the civil service, there is a transition to a new stage of reform, during which it is necessary to solve complex problems associated with improving the civil service system as an integral state-legal mechanism, introducing the latest technologies and advanced techniques for personnel work, increasing productivity and the effectiveness of employees' performance of their duties.

In these conditions, the improvement of legal regulation and organization of the civil service are endowed with special significance. In the scientific literature, it is correctly noted that there is a long overdue need for a large-scale scientific analysis of the generally recognized measures of the current legislation and key areas of reform and formation of the civil service, for example, in the development of the basic foundations of the theory of its legal regulation.

The current situation in the civil service system directly affects its efficiency. Entry into the civil service and official (official) career development of employees often depend on the personal attitude of the head of the department (service) to them, and not on the professionalism and business qualities of the employees themselves. On the other hand, the frequent change of leaders leads, sometimes, to a certain deformation of the structure of these bodies, often to unjustified dismissal of citizens from service, to the recruitment of citizens poorly prepared for managerial and organizational-administrative work. As a result, the quality of the prepared appropriate management documents and opinions in many cases is considered unsatisfactory. The positive foreign experience of public service is still poorly analyzed and applied.

To overcome the indicated shortcomings, it seems important to identify the following problems of public service:

1) violation of the principle of the unity of the civil service and the civil service management system at the federal and regional levels;

2) the lack of development of legislative mechanisms for the relationship between the state and municipal services;

3) the presence of contradictions and gaps in the legislation of the Russian Federation on public service;

4) the discrepancy between the social and legal status of a civil servant to the degree of responsibility imposed on him;

5) low efficiency of the activities of state bodies;

6) poor use of modern public administration technologies, including those that meet the task of implementing large-scale government programs and projects;

7) low efficiency of legal and organizational measures to control the activities of state bodies by civil society;

8) insufficient efficiency of personnel policy in the field of public service;

9) preservation of the conservative system of training and professional development of civil servants;

10) insufficient resource provision of the civil service.

All these problems are closely related and cannot be solved separately. Note that by the Presidential Decree of June 16, 2010. "On measures to improve public administration" approved the composition of the Interdepartmental working group to ensure measures related to the reform of public service, formed under the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on improving public administration.

The goals of reforming the civil service are to radically increase its effectiveness in the interests of developing civil society and strengthening the state as a whole, creating a unified system of civil service taking into account the historical, cultural, state and other characteristics of the Russian Federation, as well as administrative, judicial, military and other reforms.

To obtain the expected result, the Federal Program for Reforming the Civil Service has developed a set of measures aimed at dramatically improving the legal, organizational, financial and methodological forms of civil service activities.

As part of the development and reform of the civil service, it is proposed to carry out activities in the following areas:

9) introduction of modern principles of organization of the civil service;

10) formation of a new system of qualification requirements for civil service positions;

11) improving the quality of selection for filling civil service positions;

12) introduction of a comprehensive assessment of civil servants;

13) ensuring continuous professional development of civil servants;

14) development of a multifactorial motivation system for civil servants;

15) introduction of anti-corruption personnel technologies in the civil service;

16) ensuring the openness of the civil service, expanding public participation.

These directions take into account the provisions and provide for specific measures to implement the goals indicated in subparagraph "p" of clause 2 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 601 "On the main directions of improving the system of public administration of the Russian Federation."

Note that the national legislation of all states establishes special rules for the passage of service by personnel of the armed forces and police. The possibility of such a sectoral modification of the passage of public service is provided for by Article 2 of the Federal Law "On the system of public service of the Russian Federation". According to the Federal Law "On the System of Civil Service of the Russian Federation", the system of civil service initially included the following types of civil service: state civil; military; law enforcement. Service in the police, at the same time, belonged to the law enforcement service.

The specificity of the law enforcement service is predetermined by its functions, which are ensuring security, legality and law and order, combating crime, protecting human and civil rights and freedoms. Note that the civil service can be of a general and special nature; the general nature of service relations is manifested in the cross-sectoral aspect, when public service functions are implemented through established general standards and approaches that are relevant to all areas of activity, and service relationships of a special nature have a pronounced sectoral focus, which manifests itself through the professional activities of civil servants.

Also in connection with the above, it seems to us unsuccessful to use the term "other types of public service" in the new edition of the Federal Law "On the System of Civil Service of the Russian Federation". Thus, in essence, the legislator indicates that the civil service in each specific state body is a separate type of civil service.

Based on this, at present we can talk about the existence of such types of public service as: service in the internal affairs bodies (including the police); service in institutions and bodies of the penal system of the Federal Penitentiary Service; service in the federal fire service of the EMERCOM of Russia; service in the customs authorities; service in the bodies of the State Courier Service of the Russian Federation; service in the bodies of the Federal Service for Drug Control of the Russian Federation; service in the prosecutor's office.

In our opinion, having made amendments to Articles 2 and 7 of the Federal Law "On the System of Civil Service of the Russian Federation", the legislator, having refused to form a unified legislative base for the law enforcement service, went to the other extreme, namely: positions related to the implementation of law enforcement. This approach, as it seems to us, is incorrect and can in the long run lead to the emergence of a number of difficulties in law enforcement practice, associated, in particular, with the transition of civil servants from one law enforcement agency to another; ensuring their social and pension rights; providing them with measures of state protection, etc.

In this regard, it seems that, although the legal regulation of the organization and passage of public service in its various positions in law enforcement agencies can be carried out within the framework of various regulatory documents, there is an objective need to maintain some uniform principles of its regulation. And this requires, first of all, to change the wording of Part 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law "On the System of Civil Service of the Russian Federation", indicating in it that the system of civil service includes:

1) state civil service;

2) military service;

3) civil service of other types related to law enforcement.

This will make it possible, on the one hand, not to return to the approach that provides for the existence of a single federal law for all types of law enforcement services (that is, its division into types will remain), on the other hand, to use in the Russian legislation on civil service some legal structures used for everything array of service activities in the internal affairs bodies (including the police); in the institutions and bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service; in the federal fire service of the Russian Emergencies Ministry; in the customs authorities; in the bodies of the State Courier Service of the Russian Federation; service in the prosecutor's office.