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A person has died - what to do? What to do if a loved one dies? What to do when a person dies of natural causes

Not everyone knows what to do when a person dies. And this is normal. After all, death itself comes unexpectedly. Nobody knows exactly when it will strike. And which of the family members too. How to behave if, for example, you woke up in the morning and then noticed that a family member had died in the house? Reasons and situations may vary. Several examples and tips on what actions to take are presented to our attention.


An important point is the reason for this event. Natural death does not, as a rule, cause great panic. Yes, it’s unpleasant, but you can cope with it. Especially when a person simply falls asleep and does not wake up. A slightly different picture emerges if we're talking about about murder.

What to do when a person dies? More precisely, in cases of his murder in your house? Don't touch anything. And do not approach the deceased. Leave everything as it was before you arrived, and then call the police and ambulance, reporting what happened. Then all that remains is to wait for the relevant authorities. Preferably on the street or where you will not see the deceased, so as not to further traumatize your psyche. Then follow the instructions from the police and ambulance. And try to stay calm.

Natural death

What to do when a person died a “natural” death? That is natural. It has already been said that, unlike murder, “one’s own” death does not cause such a violent reaction in people. Especially if the person did not die in agony. He just fell asleep and never woke up again. And for the household members this event came as an unpleasant surprise.

What should you do when a person dies? If it is still “in progress”, try to provide first aid. Depending on the situation. When help no longer gives results, do not lose hope, and also call an ambulance. Maybe it will be possible to “pump out” the person. But if the process has already completed and you see a corpse, call an ambulance to confirm the fact of death. This will help you in the future. After all, only medical staff can give a conclusion about death. Or a trial. Contacting doctors here is the simplest, most common and effective way.

Death certificate

A man died. What to do next? As soon as you have a medical certificate of death in your hands, you can start preparing all the documents “arising” from the event. Remember: the death of a person in itself is not only a regret, but also a certain series of mandatory actions. Therefore, you should not forget about the documents.

For example, get a death certificate. It is issued at the registry office at the place of registration of the person. Close relatives must submit a request, providing all documents of relationship, as well as the passport of the deceased and medical report. Without this, it will not be possible to enter into inheritance a little later. Usually the process lasts about 3 days. So by the time of the funeral you will most likely already have a death certificate. It is better to worry about its availability in advance. Then you can deal with the process of organizing a funeral with peace of mind.

Funeral and commemoration

So the man died. What should we do next? Now that you have calmed down a little, you can begin organizing the funeral itself. In Russia it is customary to do something like memorable event. Order a coffin and funeral service, select a cemetery for the deceased, order a monument and set an “X-day”.

Do not forget that after a burial it is customary to remember a person. Take a glass of vodka and bread with you. They are placed on a fresh grave. After the process, as a rule, close people gather together at the table to remember the deceased and see him off on his last journey. The organization is usually carried out by the children of the deceased or his spouse.


What to do when a person dies? Remember - there is mourning in your house for 40 days. And you must maintain a deplorable appearance. No, don't cry for days on end. Just don’t go on a spree or have fun in the house.

It is worth noting that mourning is emphasized by the color black in Russia (but in Japan, for example, black itself is considered a festive color). And you need to come to a funeral/memorial with exactly this tone prevailing. Nothing bright, colorful, tacky or “cheerful”. All close people should honor the memory of the deceased. Not necessarily blood relatives.


What to do after a person has died? We figured out a certain algorithm of actions. So what is next? It is necessary to immediately note some customs. And they will have to be followed throughout your life.

For example, watch what you say. There is an opinion that we should remember the dead and say only good things. Or don't mention the person at all. Keep your memory bright, there must be at least something good left. Even from the most harmful and nasty person.

So try to filter what you say. Don’t remember the deceased in vain. Believers can say that the dead man will be offended and will take you to his place in the kingdom of the dead. Or he will simply scheme in life. Whether to believe in it or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. However, at least out of respect for the deceased, try not to speak badly about him. It’s better not to remember at all than to “throw mud at it.” Even if there really is a reason.

In the house

What to do after a person in the house dies? There is one folk sign. And everyone follows it. Even non-believers. In an apartment where a person died, all mirrors must be covered. And do not open them for 40 days. They say that the soul of the deceased can be reflected in the mirror. She will definitely scare the living.

All entry and exit routes to the room where the deceased is or was located are closed. This includes: windows, vents, doors. Pets are removed from the apartment for at least 40 days. You can still get a discount on a cat or hamster. But the dogs are taken out of the house first. There is an opinion that barking/howling frightens the soul of the deceased.

You cannot clean up or take out the trash before the body of the deceased is removed. Only immediately after the deceased is taken out. And it is prohibited to spend the night in the room where the coffin is (if it is, for example, in an apartment). What to do when a person dies? The signs are varied. But the main ones have already been listed.

Babies and pregnant women

What can you do when a person dies? Preserve grief and honor the memory of the deceased with all your might. But now a little psychological aspect. Death itself is a huge blow for any person. And when it happens in the house, it's just terrible. It doesn’t matter how exactly - murder or natural. The fact remains a fact.

One recommendation that will help protect someone else’s psyche is that children and pregnant women should not be allowed to visit the deceased. In general, it’s better to take them to another apartment for a while. At least for the next 40 days. In addition, children and pregnant women are not allowed to attend funerals. More precisely, they usually let you in, but it is undesirable to do so. Consider this fact. Keep pregnant women and children away from funerals, grief and negativity. The child’s psyche can suffer greatly, not to mention the stress for the pregnant woman. This can have a huge impact on the baby in the womb. And it’s negative. Sometimes even lead to miscarriage. Therefore, it is worth protecting these categories of people from negative emotions with all your might.


When a person dies, what cannot be done and what can be done - we have already figured it out a little. Now you have to figure yourself out a little. Death is an event for which the human psyche cannot be prepared. Even if everything goes that way. It has already been said more than once that the incident has a huge impact Negative influence on the brain.

Sometimes you can't handle this on your own. And you have to turn to specialists for help. The loss of a loved one is always a shock. It is impossible to fully appreciate the horror that a person who has suffered a loss experiences.

It is extremely necessary to turn to a psychologist for help in such a situation. This is not a shame, as many people think. Often it is specialists who help to cope with moral and emotional shock quite quickly and without medications. If you are ashamed of such treatment, then the death of a person can lead people still alive to depression. Sometimes with a fatal outcome. Not the most pleasant outcome, is it? If you don’t want people to know about you and your problem, you can contact a paid psychologist anonymously. Many specialists have this opportunity. And in general, therapy after the death of a loved one is normal. In any case, she won't bring you to this point. psychiatric hospital. Often people who see a dead person go crazy without the help of specialists.


Another psychological aspect, which you should pay attention to is the home where the person died. The problem is that some are simply afraid or cannot live in the area where they saw the deceased. And this is normal. Human psychology is designed in such a way that such a shock leaves a huge imprint on consciousness. If you are not resistant to stress, the best solution for you would be to move to new apartment. Just wait 40 days before selling. Although you can leave the apartment at any time.

By the way, there is no point in keeping silent about the fact that a person died on the living space. After all, this is an important fact that, as a rule, interests many. Purely for religious reasons. Buying an apartment, and even at a high price, where someone died is absurd for many. If you hide this fact, you can completely ruin the whole deal. You will have to give in on price in order to rid yourself of negative memories.

So we found out what to do when a person dies. Try to always remain calm with all your might. No one is safe from death. And this process is considered natural, inevitable. It is better to immediately contact a psychologist and somehow isolate yourself from negative thoughts. Very often, it is the psychotherapist who prescribes sedatives, which can really help not to panic. You can take valerian, sage and chamomile on your own.

1. Steps to be taken.

This instruction is effective if death occurs in major cities and adjacent territories.

If the death occurred at home:

at night time:

  • Call an ambulance medical care to confirm death. *
  • *
  • Receive a death certificate form (or accompanying sheet) from medical workers and a protocol for examining the corpse from a police officer.
  • If necessary, call a specialized vehicle to transport the body to the morgue (medical workers will tell you the phone number for the corpse transportation service). * All of the above documents (death declaration form and corpse examination protocol) are taken by the corpse transportation service employees along with the body to be presented to the morgue. In this case, it is necessary to obtain from the employees of the corpse transportation service a referral form to the clinic in order to obtain an outpatient card (if you do not have one on hand).
  • If the body was not transported to the morgue, then in the morning with a death confirmation form, a protocol for examining the corpse, medical insurance and the outpatient card of the deceased (if you have it on hand), the passport of the deceased and the applicant’s passport, go to the clinic to issue a medical death certificate. **
  • If the body was transported to the morgue, then in the morning, with a referral from the corpse transportation service, a medical insurance policy, the deceased’s passport and the applicant’s passport, go to the clinic to receive an outpatient card with a written post-mortem epicrisis. After that, with the outpatient card of the deceased (necessarily with an epicrisis!!!), the passport of the deceased and the applicant’s passport, you must go to the morgue to issue a medical death certificate. **
  • After receiving a medical death certificate from a clinic or morgue, at the registry office (at the place of residence of the deceased or the location of the morgue/clinic, or at the registry office on duty during non-working days), obtain a stamp of death certificate and a death certificate (form 33).

during the day:

  • Call a local doctor to examine the body, confirm death and fill out a death confirmation form. *
  • Call a police officer to draw up a protocol for examining the body. *
  • With a death confirmation form, a protocol for examining the corpse, a medical insurance policy and an outpatient card of the deceased (if you have one on hand), the passport of the deceased and the applicant’s passport, go to the clinic to issue a medical death certificate or to decide on sending the corpse for a pathoanatomical autopsy. **
  • If a decision is made to send the corpse for a pathoanatomical autopsy, then call a specialized vehicle to transport the body to the morgue (the phone number for the corpse transportation service will be provided by medical workers) * , and then with the passport of the deceased and the passport of the applicant, you must contact the morgue to which the body will be transported to obtain a medical death certificate (after delivering the body to the morgue).
  • After receiving a medical death certificate from a clinic or morgue, obtain a stamp of death certificate and a death certificate from the registry office (form 33).

If death did not occur at home(away, on garden plot, in the country, in the village, in a country house, etc.):

  • Call an ambulance from the area where the death occurred to confirm death. *
  • Call a police officer from the area where the death occurred to draw up a protocol for examining the corpse and arrange for the corpse to be sent for a forensic autopsy. *
  • Receive a death certificate form from medical workers, a protocol for examining the corpse, and a referral for a forensic autopsy from a police officer.
  • Call a specialized car to transport the body to the morgue of the area where the death occurred (if the police did not do this, medical workers will provide a phone number). * All of the above documents (a death declaration form, a protocol for examining the corpse and a referral for a forensic autopsy) are taken by employees of the corpse transportation service along with the body for delivery to the morgue.
  • With the passport of the deceased and the passport of the applicant, go to the morgue where the corpse was taken to obtain a medical death certificate.
  • If necessary, call a specialized car to transport the deceased to another morgue (at the place of residence). Remember that without issuing a stamp certificate at the registry office, it is impossible to transport the body to another morgue.
  • Call an agent of the ritual and funeral service to place an order for the provision of ritual services and organize a funeral, or contact the point (bureau) of the ritual and funeral service and there personally place an order for the organization of the funeral.

If death occurred in medical institution:

  • If a person died in a hospital, the attending physician or nurse notifies his relatives about this and provides a telephone number where he can find out which morgue the deceased is in and how to get medical certificate about death. *
  • After receiving a medical death certificate, obtain a stamp of death certificate and a death certificate from the registry office (form 33).
  • Call an agent of the ritual and funeral service to place an order for the provision of ritual services and organize a funeral, or arrive at the point (bureau) of the ritual and funeral service and there personally place an order for burial (cremation).
  • The body of the deceased is located in the morgue of the medical institution and remains there until the body is transported to the city morgue or to a burial place (cremation). The day and place of transportation should be determined depending on the wishes of the relatives of the deceased.

If death occurred in public place:

If the accident happened on the road or in a public place, the body of the deceased is sent from the scene of the incident to the forensic morgue, therefore, when a relative or other close person, you need to contact the accident bureau or the police. You will be given the addresses of forensic morgues where you can go to identify the body and obtain a conclusion on the cause of death. *

If the death was violent(accident, murder, suicide, car accident, burns, drowning, fall from height, etc.):

  • In case of violent death or suspicion of it, the body of the deceased in mandatory sent to the forensic morgue from the scene of the incident. The police or prosecutor's office conducts an investigation into the death, as a result of which a criminal case is initiated or a decision is made to refuse to initiate a criminal case.
  • To bury the deceased, you will need to obtain permission from the police or the prosecutor's office, depending on who is conducting the verification of the death.* You must obtain permission for burial before registering the death with the registry office.
  • After receiving a medical death certificate, obtain a stamp of death certificate and a death certificate (form 33) from the registry office at the place of residence of the deceased.
  • Call an agent of the ritual and funeral service to place an order for the provision of ritual services and organize a funeral, or arrive at the point (bureau) of the ritual and funeral service and there personally place an order for burial (cremation).

If death occurred abroad:

In many foreign countries Local law requires that death declarations be filed with local authorities MARRIAGE REGISTRY. In any case, it is recommended to additionally make an application to the consulate of the country whose citizenship the deceased had and ask the consular services to register the fact of death in their registry. Completing these formalities will subsequently allow you to obtain a death certificate in the country of residence of the deceased.

Transportation of the body of the deceased to his homeland, the responsibility for completing all formalities lies with the consular office, and payment of expenses is assigned to the relatives of the deceased.

2. What things need to be prepared for the morgue:

For a man:

  • underwear;
  • socks;
  • suit, shirt, tie;
  • boots (or slippers);
  • shaving machine, toilet water (cologne);
  • toilet soap, comb, terry towel (small).

For woman:

  • underwear;
  • stockings (or tights);
  • dress with long sleeves (suit or robe);
  • head scarf (not black);
  • shoes (or slippers);
  • toilet water, soap, comb, towel.

3. What documents need to be completed for funeral (cremation):

  • Death declaration form (issued by the ambulance team).
  • Medical death certificate (issued by a clinic doctor or mortuary workers).
  • Protocol for examining the corpse (issued by a police officer).
  • Stamp death certificate of the civil registry office (issued by employees of the civil registry office).
    Death certificate (form 33).
  • Certificate for receipt state benefit for burial (issued by employees of the registry office).
  • Agreement on the provision of funeral services (drawn up by an agent of the funeral service).

* Employees of these services will offer you the services of their funeral agents. It is your right to take advantage of their offers or refuse.

** Attention! A medical death certificate is issued by the district clinic in those cases (not always) if no more than two weeks have passed since the last visit of the deceased to a doctor. (Corrections in medical certificate death records are not allowed, so please check on site that the information provided is correct).

In all other cases, a medical death certificate is issued after a pathological-anatomical or forensic medical examination in the morgue.

We stayed

I am one of those who remained. I was left alone with grief when a loved one died. He died unexpectedly, suddenly, suddenly. I could describe my grief for a long time, but I think that everyone who has lost a loved one knows the whole palette of these indescribable feelings... Therefore, I’ll tell you about something else.

I am the most ordinary person. On the one hand, he seems to believe in the immortality of the soul and eternal life. On the other hand, he comes to church from time to time, does not know a single prayer by heart except “Our Father,” and is accustomed to believing that a candle lit in front of an icon is a completely sufficient contribution to his own spiritual life.

It has always been like this, as long as I can remember. Well, at least recent years fourty. A convenient “traditional” explanation for one’s indifference to faith is always at hand: they say, this is how we were raised - Komsomol pioneers, for whom “Let the blue nights flutter like fires” from childhood replaced “I Believe in One God the Father”...

Consoling your own conscience with this “convincing” argument, you somehow forget that it has already passed since childhood. whole life. And, being an adult uncle or auntie, placing responsibility for your own soulless existence on your parents, who lived under the pressure of communist ideology, is infantile and, at a minimum, dishonest.

But I digress. has long become something familiar to us, the generation of ordinary people and television viewers. Murders, terrorist attacks, disasters, the passing of idols of a vanishing era...

Our main problem is ignorance of what happens to loved ones after death.

All this is perceived as just another news. And if anything can penetrate this armor of insensibility, it is only the death of a loved one and loved one. Who was such an integral part of your life that you perceive his death as physical suffering. It’s as if your arm was cut off without anesthesia. Or a piece of heart.

Pain sobers up and sharpens the senses. And somewhere it even clarifies the mind and spirituality in And denition. You understand that the person has died. But you feel that it continues to exist. You almost physically feel his presence in the first days after death. And you understand more clearly than ever that the soul of the deceased continues to live some kind of invisible life of its own.

But you don’t know anything about this life! Nothing but some random fragmentary information, somewhere once heard, read, retold to you by the same “experts” like you.

And this is the main problem and misfortune of those who remain. Let me emphasize: the main problem is not the death of a loved one, but the ignorance of what happens to him after death, and the lack of understanding of how and with what you can help.

Features of national funerals

The specifics of the domestic ritual industry are such that you absolutely have no time to think about the eternal at the most important moment. If your loved one died at home, you first need to call " Ambulance”, who will slowly arrive after all the urgent calls to confirm the terrible fact and give the appropriate paper. With it in your hands, you will wait for the police, who will issue a certificate of “non-violent” death. And only after that you will be able to transfer the body into the hands of specialists from the funeral agency.

Funeral services are now a fairly developed area of ​​commerce, as evidenced by the simply inhuman level of competition. Meeting and seeing off the doctors and police officers, I already knew which office would handle the funeral, and I was waiting for a representative who literally said the following on the phone: “Don’t open the door for anyone! Ask for the name and company! Vera has come to see you! The password is the name of our company."

After just 10 minutes, I understood why the service came with passwords and identification marks. It was late in the evening, but the intercom in the apartment did not stop. One after another, “condolence” representatives of mourning agencies knocked on the door. As it turned out, the government services that officially confirm death and issue relevant certificates are full of “informants” who notify ritualists about the appearance of a new “client.”

Then the bureaucratic story continues. Having collected all the papers, you run to the local doctor at the clinic for a death certificate. And here, too, unpleasant delays occur. For example, I was “lucky” with a girl at the reception desk who could not fill out the certificate form through a computer program. The issuance of minute paper took a couple of hours...

There was a lot more. And all this time, I and other relatives were nervous, talked about empty and momentary things with strangers, fussed, ran, collected money from all the nest eggs, called acquaintances and friends, fell into despair and did a lot of other pointless things. While the orphaned soul was rushing about somewhere very nearby, asking for help and prayerful support.

Forty days after life

It’s good that there was a person nearby who began reading the Psalter in the first hours after death. It’s good that the priest, who was called home to perform the funeral service, invited me to church, explaining that home funeral services are not blessed. It’s good that among friends and relatives there were many sincere and deeply believers who suggested what needed to be done in the first days in order to somehow ease the posthumous fate dear person.

It was all good.

But these were only the first steps towards the truth and taming one’s egoism. After all, what is grief from the loss of a loved one? 99% is selfishness. This to me It’s bad that the person is no longer around. This to me hard! This I I'm suffering!

Yes, the loss is difficult. Yes, nothing can stop this pain. Yes, this is one of those experiences that you wouldn’t wish on your enemy. But there is one “but” that overpowers all this. True love is selfless. And the goal is the happiness and well-being of the one you love. And if we take this as an axiom, then the death of a loved one is not a reason to revel in one’s grief, killing oneself day and night.

Empty tears are a path to nowhere that does nothing to help the soul of the deceased. And we need help. And, perhaps!

Yes, this is grief. But first of all, you need to ask yourself the question: “What is it like now? to him? Empty tears are a path to nowhere, destroying the soul of the grieving person and doing nothing to help the soul of the deceased. And we need help. And, perhaps! And above all, in the first forty days after the soul left the body.

I will not undertake to retell in detail the Christian interpretation of what happens to the soul in the first forty days after death. This information is easy to find on the Orthodox Internet. The point is that the soul goes through a whole series of tests, rising from the sinful earth to the heavenly abode. Orthodoxy calls them “ordeals.” And how difficult or easy it will be for the soul to pass these tests depends partly on us, on those “who remain.”

Whether we believe or not is not so important. What matters is whether we love you. After all, true love does not end with death. And if you truly love your loved one, you will pray for him, and give alms, and do good deeds in his name... And if you love yourself more, you will cry, grieve and be killed. Or even drink bitters without stopping, whatever.

To drink or not to drink for peace

The wake is an integral part of the funeral ritual. “I wanted to drink to my health, but I had to drink to my peace,” this line kept repeating in my head after the funeral. Traditionally, the funeral table almost always includes pancakes with honey, kutia and wine with vodka. Who loves what, as they say. Some people also put a glass of vodka “for the dead man,” covering it with a piece of black bread. As one priest said: correct in essence, but incorrect in form.

It is necessary to remember. A memorial meal is a symbolic distribution of alms and feeding the hungry, which we dedicate to the memory of the deceased. And which, in theory, should count towards the good deeds done by the living in his favor.

The soul of the deceased awaits from us sincere prayer and good deeds in memory of him

Now answer yourself a simple question: can a feast at which they drink excessively, get drunk, say a lot of unnecessary things and not related to the reason that brought everyone to the table be considered a good deed? How and how does this help the soul going through ordeals at this time?!

“What would a wake be without wine?” – one lady answered me in surprise when I suggested removing the bottles from the table. Alas, we are still ignorant on this issue. I write “we” because I am like that myself. Like many, my mind is a collection of stupid and meaningless superstitions. After all, it is imperative to “set a rich table for the funeral”! And there should be wine and vodka. But only “drink without clinking glasses”! And you can eat “only with spoons.” And “mirrors must be covered while the deceased is in the house”! And “relatives cannot carry the coffin”! And there are many more meaningless superstitious “don’ts” and “musts” that completely obscure the importance of the main thing that the soul of the deceased expects from us - sincere prayer.

God has everyone alive

Once in my youth I believed that the Church was for old women. And when he found out that such and such suddenly became a church member and began visiting the temple of God, observing fasts and praying, he made a simple and primitive conclusion: he probably fell ill or old age had crept up on him. A person is afraid of death and “just in case” decided to believe.

No, of course, it happened to me to look into the temple. I used to light candles before exams. Or when you managed to escape unharmed from some scrape. And he asked for peace, prayed as best he could. But all this was rather a tribute to tradition, without a deep understanding of the essence.

Only now am I beginning to realize my ignorance. The death of a loved one opened my eyes.

Today many people go to church. And especially many people come to services on the days of remembrance of the dead, on parents' Saturdays. Why? Because the more people close to you end up in the other world, the more your soul yearns for them. And the greater your desire to help, to secure a better fate for them. Prayer, fasting, good deeds.

Monument not made by hands

“By their fruits you will know them” (Matthew 7:16), Christ said about false prophets. However, this is true for any of us. What is the use of being good in words and at the same time a useless, selfish dummy in deeds? As Konstantin Nikolsky sang: “I am kind, but I have not done any good to anyone.” Alas, this is about most of us.

Ten years ago, the favorite of millions, a talented actor and a person worthy of respect, lost his beloved wife. One can imagine how great his grief was. What did he do? He established a charitable foundation, which has been helping children with brain tumors for the tenth year. And this is the best thing he could come up with in memory of another beloved woman who had passed into the world. Invent - and implement!

Not a piece of marble, not a granite slab, not an expensive grave cross. Charity, good deeds, selfless help to others - this is the monument that the souls of our loved ones need. Konstantin Khabensky understood this. Will we understand? Or, in pursuit of visible and essentially formal manifestations of grief and love, will we forget about what the souls of our deceased loved ones really expect from us?

Not dead - living souls.

Perhaps the most terrible grief in any person’s life is the loss of loved ones. Even when a person admits the thought of the possible death of loved ones, it will still be an unexpected and strong blow. As a rule, people are not only not mentally prepared for the loss of loved ones, but also have no idea where to turn when a relative dies. Let's consider the sequence of steps if a relative at home dies.

What to do if a person dies at home

Declaration of death

If a person died at home, the first thing to do is call a therapist or an ambulance. Doctors must personally verify the occurrence of biological death and certify a special form.

The next step should be to call the police. Law enforcement officers are required to examine the deceased to ensure that there are no signs of violent death. When police discover scratches, bruises and similar injuries, the body is sent for a special examination. At the same time, law enforcement officers draw up a protocol for examining the body.

Telephone numbers of the main necessary services:

Obtaining a death certificate

The document is used for legal actions with the property of the deceased. In a situation where a person died at home, the death certificate is filled out at the clinic where he is assigned. For this purpose, they provide doctors with a medical card and insurance policy of the deceased, an act of ascertaining death and a protocol for examining the body. After reviewing this documentation, doctors decide the future fate of the body:

  • If an elderly person has died due to a long illness, a death certificate is drawn up without resorting to an autopsy;
  • When there are doubts or inconsistencies, the corpse is opened.

In a situation where the deceased did not visit a clinic, a certificate can be issued in the following order:

Calling the corpse transportation service to the morgue

  • Socks or tights;
  • Suit or dress, scarf;
  • Shaving set;
  • Shoes;
  • Comb, mirror.

Handling documentation to the morgue

To draw up a death certificate, you need to provide the following documentation to the morgue:

  • Your passport;
  • Passport and insurance policy of the deceased;
  • Medical card;
  • Form for ascertaining death.

The card can be taken from the clinic to which the deceased is attached, in the direction from the corpses. You should make sure that the card indicates a post-mortem report on the condition of the deceased, certified by a doctor based on the documentation provided. In the received document, you must carefully check all the data for accuracy.

Contacting the Civil Registry Office

Also, registry office employees must fill out a form for a certificate for issuance of burial.

Funeral preparations

The first thing they do is call a ritual agent. There is a specific telephone number for the funeral service in each city; it can be found on the Internet. If you wish, you can contact a private funeral agency by calling an employee to your home or visiting the company’s office. The funeral service enters into a special agreement with the client, and further actions takes over the corpse.

To organize a funeral, you need to prepare certain documentation:

  • Form for ascertaining biological death;
  • Death certificate from the clinic;
  • Protocol for examining the corpse;
  • Stamp certificate;
  • Documents on financial assistance for funerals;
  • Agreement with a funeral agency.

How to get financial assistance for burial

The state provides financial compensation to citizens who take responsibility for the burial of the deceased. Generally, the death benefit close relative issued to spouses, relatives or legal representatives. The amount of such financial assistance is numerically equal to the cost of funeral services and amounts to 5,562.25 rubles in 2018. In some regions, this figure can be increased to 20,000 or higher.

In order to receive a burial benefit, you must provide

  • statement,
  • certificate of financial assistance from the registry office
  • passport.

These documents must be provided:

  • To the accounting department where the deceased received his pension;
  • To an insurance agency;
  • To the department social protection, if the person was not subject to social insurance.

Possible to receive within 6 months after the death of a relative.

Obtaining a stamp certificate from the registry office

To obtain this document you need to bring a certain list of forms:

  1. Death certificate from the clinic;
  2. Passports of the deceased and the relative applying;
  3. If a child has died, a birth certificate.

The application must be submitted to the registry office no later than three days after the death of the person. Civil registry office employees draw up a death protocol, which includes:

  • Details of the deceased - full name, date of birth and death;
  • Cause of death;
  • Applicant's contact details;
  • Series and number of the death certificate.

In addition to the stamp certificate, it is mandatory to provide lump sum allowance upon the death of a relative, pensions due to the loss of a breadwinner.

What to do if a relative dies in hospital

If a relative dies in a medical institution, part of the burden falls on the shoulders of doctors and nurses. The attending doctor or nurse informs the relatives of the deceased about the death, ascertains biological death and sends the corpse to the morgue.

Upon receiving notification of death, relatives should take the following steps:

  1. Call the city funeral service or a private funeral salon;
  2. Appear at the morgue to receive a certificate;
  3. Visit the registry office with the entire list of documentation discussed above to draw up a stamp death certificate.

Time off due to the death of a close relative

You can find out how many days of leave are due upon the death of close relatives in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to Labor Code In the Russian Federation, employers are required to provide employees with time off in the event of the death of close relatives for up to five days. To do this, the mourner must write a statement to his superiors, where he should indicate the number of non-working days and the reason for the time off. It should be noted that the allocated compensation for the death of a close relative at work should not be paid by law, however, in some companies and organizations, employees are still allocated a certain amount if this is provided for in their internal employment contract.

Orthodox burial rites

After all financial and paper matters are settled, various rituals are usually performed to help cleanse the soul of the deceased and prepare him for the transition to another world.

First of all, you need to order Sorokoust from the church. At home, reflective surfaces (mirrors, TV) should be covered with fabric and the curtains should be drawn so that the soul of the deceased can calmly pass on to another world. It should be noted that it is necessary to observe the rituals of the particular faith that the relative adhered to.

First of all, after death a person must be washed. As a rule, in modern world This procedure is carried out by morgue workers, so the main thing is to prepare everything necessary for post-mortem bathing. A formal suit is prepared for men, and a dress with long sleeves and a headscarf for women. After putting clothes on the corpse, it must be covered with a white blanket. You need to put a crown on your forehead, on which are the words of the Trisagion Song. It is also necessary to put a chain with a cross on the neck of the deceased.

Before placing the body in the coffin, it must be sprinkled with holy water. In this case, you need to ensure that the deceased’s eyelids are closed, his lips are closed, and his arms are crossed on his chest.

Farewell to the deceased

They begin to say goodbye to the deceased after the coffin is taken out of the apartment. As a rule, farewells begin about an hour before the trip to the cemetery. The body should be carried feet forward. The coffin should be placed near the entrance or in the yard so that everyone can say goodbye to the deceased. Then the priest conducts the funeral service. Relatives of the deceased light candles and mourn the loss. After that they go to the cemetery. The first person carries a portrait of the deceased. People who carry the coffin, its lid and wreaths must tie scarves on their hands in advance. At the cemetery they say goodbye to the deceased again. The priest says a prayer, then the coffin is nailed down. After the coffin with the deceased has been lowered into the grave, everyone present must throw a handful of earth there. A tombstone cross is placed on the grave and wreaths are placed.

What to bring to the funeral

Of course, you need to think about it in advance and purchase a grave, order a bus and a hearse. They bring towels with them and use them to lower the coffin into the grave. Prepare flowers, wreaths and candles in advance. It is not recommended to take food, but you should take water and medicine with you. We also must not forget about the appropriate appearance - wear a scarf on the head and mourning clothes.

Bad funeral omens

There is an opinion among people that pregnant women should not attend funerals. However, the church does not prohibit the expectant mother from attending the funeral if she is a sufficiently stress-resistant person.

One of the most famous bad omens is the opening of the eyes of the deceased. It is believed that a person who looks into the eyes of a dead person will also soon die. Therefore, coins are often placed over the eyes of the deceased.

It is known that things that came into contact with the deceased are used to cause damage. In view of this, the comb used to comb the hair of the deceased, the blanket and other items should be placed in the coffin.

The broom used to clean up after removing the deceased must be burned.

Everyone decides for himself how true these signs are. However, all traditions associated with burial must be respected.

Prohibited actions after burial

You cannot bring anything home from the cemetery. You should not drink too much alcohol at a wake.

Until forty days from the date of death of a relative, you cannot destroy his things. Only after this period should these things be given away or burned.

For some time, the relatives of the deceased should avoid celebrations.

How to cope with the death of a close relative

The death of a relative is a severe moral test and it is indeed very difficult to recover from the blow. However, you need to live on, find the strength to be happy and preserve the fond memory and love for the person who has gone to another world.

First of all, do not forbid your relatives to support and console you, because it is also not easy for them. They are tormented and worried about your moral state. Try to constantly be in the company of your loved ones, allow yourself to be hugged, because tactile contact allows you to calm down mental pain.

A state of complete apathy and grief provokes a lot of negative emotions and you should not be afraid of their manifestation. Cry, sob, scream, break dishes, because in this way emotions will not accumulate inside and put even more pressure on your consciousness. Let the pain come out.

Also, do not blame yourself for the death of a relative. Endless self-examination, replaying the events of the day before death and the immediate onset of death can drive you crazy and leave an indelible mark on the soul. Let the soul of the deceased go in peace, remember that death will overtake each of us sooner or later and there is no one to blame here.

Don’t take your anger and pain out on your relatives, because it’s just as hard for them to cope with the loss as it is for you.

Try to realize and accept the fact that the person is no longer with you as early as possible. The sooner you admit this, the sooner you can come to terms with the death of a relative.

Very effective way to recover from your own moral pain is to switch to the spiritual problems of the people around you. Talk to others more often, listen to them. You will understand that it is hard for every person, all people have their own mental torments. By helping others, you can help yourself faster.

The sublimation method also works well. Draw, write, embroider, because creativity and art always contribute to the release of internal experiences into the resulting works, and the pain goes away faster.


The death of a close relative is an inevitable and bitter event. It is very important to be able to overcome this test morally and be able to honorably escort a loved one into another world.
