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Explosions and fires.

Compiled by a life safety teacher

Vasilenko Lyubov Fedorovna

Explosion is liberation large quantity

energy in a limited amount for

short period of time

Types of explosions






The main causes of explosions are: In residential buildings:

  • dangerous behavior of citizens themselves, especially children and adolescents;
  • Domestic gas explodes most often;
  • there are explosions of explosives;
  • Act of terrorism

The explosion leads to the formation of highly heated

gas (plasma) with very high pressure, which

when expanding, exerts a strong mechanical force

impact (pressure, destruction) on

surrounding bodies

Damaging factors




Glass, debris




Building collapse

and structures

















Features of the explosion

Signs of an explosive device


Unattended bags,

packages and other things

Remains of wire

electrical tape, etc.

Stretched cords

and wires

sticking out above

earth "antennae"

Lumps on the ground




Air shock wave - propagating from

supersonic speed thin transient

area in which there is a sharp increase

density, pressure and temperature.

Types of lesions

Characteristics of the lesion


Mild contusion, temporary hearing loss, bruises and dislocations of limbs


Brain injuries with loss of consciousness, hearing damage, bleeding from the nose and ears, severe fractures and dislocations of limbs


Severe contusion of the whole body, DAMAGE internal organs and brain, severe fractures of the limbs. Possible fatalities.

Extremely heavy

Injuries usually leading to fatal outcome.

  • What to do
  • What to do
  • What to do
  • :
  • Having discovered an object similar to an explosive device :
  • Having discovered an object similar to an explosive device :
  • Having discovered an object similar to an explosive device :
  • Having discovered an object similar to an explosive device :
  • do not touch him
  • do not touch him Without creating panic, warn others Report the find to the police or any official
  • do not touch him Without creating panic, warn others Report the find to the police or any official
  • do not touch him Without creating panic, warn others Report the find to the police or any official
  • do not touch him
  • Without creating panic, warn others
  • Report the find to the police or any official
  • In case of explosion threat:
  • In case of explosion threat:
  • In case of explosion threat:
  • In case of explosion threat:
  • In case of explosion threat:
  • Report to the police
  • Do not go near explosive objects Immediately leave the dangerous place, warn others about the danger Report to the police If an explosion is imminent, lie down and cover your head with your hands.
  • Do not go near explosive objects Immediately leave the dangerous place, warn others about the danger Report to the police If an explosion is imminent, lie down and cover your head with your hands.
  • Do not go near explosive objects Immediately leave the dangerous place, warn others about the danger Report to the police If an explosion is imminent, lie down and cover your head with your hands.
  • Do not go near explosive objects
  • Immediately leave the dangerous place, warn others about the danger
  • Report to the police
  • If an explosion is imminent, lie down and cover your head with your hands.

Conditions of occurrence




Ignition source –

any thermal impulse,

having a temperature and

sufficient heat reserve

to heat a substance

before combustion occurs.

Source of ignition


Combustion- chemical reaction oxidation of a substance,

accompanied large release warm and bright


Fire- This is an uncontrolled combustion process,

accompanied by the destruction of material assets

and creating a danger to human life and health.

Fires and explosions .

Damaging factors of fire

A large amount of heat generated in the combustion zone

High toxicity

combustion products

High temperature due to intense

heat release

Loss of visibility

due to smoke

Significant decline

oxygen concentration






15-30 MIN.


30-60 MIN.

Low combustion temperature and fire spread rate


A sharp increase in combustion temperature (up to 1000 c) and the speed of fire spread.

Weakening of fire intensity as flammable materials burn out

Classification of fires by external

signs of combustion

External fires

Signs of combustion (flame, smoke) can be identified visually. ALWAYS OPEN FIRES.

Internal fires

They arise and develop inside buildings. Can be open or hidden.


Signs of combustion can be determined by inspection of the premises.


Combustion occurs in the voids of building structures, ventilation shafts, and inside peat deposits. . Signs of combustion: 1 smoke escaping through cracks, 2 heating of structures, 3 change in color of plaster

Simultaneously external and internal fires

Classification of fires by location

  • 1. in buildings
  • 2. at industrial facilities
  • 3. in open areas of warehouses
  • 4. on burning areas (forest, steppe, peat, grain fields)
  • 5. on transport

Classification of fires by scope and

scale of distribution

1. Separate (in a building or structure)

2. Massive (a combination of individual fires,

covering more than 90% of complex development buildings)


( spilled on the floor caught fire



(the spilled kerosene spread the fire

throughout the room)

Fire spread

Heavy smoke

Rapid rise in temperature

Character traits

fires in buildings and structures

Spread of fire through hidden routes

Loss of load-bearing capacity of structures

1. In the event of a fire:

  • Don't hesitate, fall
  • Don't breathe

What to do in case of a fire in a building:

  • Return to the room
  • Close the door tightly
  • Go out to the balcony (loggia)
  • Close the door tightly

  • Use the elevator

What to do, if

  • Pull him to the ground

and notify the fire department

2. The TV is on:

  • Call the fire department

What to do in case of a fire in a building:

1. In the event of a fire:

  • Assess the situation, make sure there is danger, determine where it comes from
  • Notify the fire department
  • Go in the opposite direction of the fire
  • Move towards a non-smoky staircase or exit

2. Deciding to escape through a smoke-filled corridor:

  • When moving, cover yourself with a wet, thick cloth.
  • Breathe through a handkerchief, clothes
  • Move to the exit crouching or crawling
  • When moving, hold on to the walls

3. A wave of fire is approaching you:

  • Don't hesitate, fall
  • Cover your head with cloth or clothes
  • Don't breathe

What to do in case of a fire in a building:

  • With dangerous concentrations of smoke and rising temperatures, all it takes is a few breaths and you could die!

1. If you can’t get to the exit:

  • Return to the room
  • Close the door tightly
  • Cover door cracks and ventilation holes tightly with wet rags.
  • Having protected your respiratory organs, wait for firefighters (rescuers)

2. If there is a balcony (loggia):

  • Go out to the balcony (loggia)
  • Close the door tightly
  • Evacuate via stationary fire escape or through another apartment

What not to do in case of a fire in a building:

  • Put out the fire until firefighters arrive
  • Trying to exit through a smoke-filled staircase
  • Use the elevator
  • Climb down drainpipes, sheets, ropes
  • Open windows and doors (this will increase the flow of oxygen)
  • Jump out of upper floor windows
  • Extinguish electrical appliances with water

What to do, if

1. A person’s clothes caught fire:

  • Pull him to the ground
  • Extinguish the fire on the victim's clothes (by throwing a thick cloth over him, pouring water on him, throwing snow and earth on him)
  • Provide emergency medical care
  • Call an ambulance

and notify the fire department

2. The TV is on:

  • Disconnect the TV from the power supply
  • If the TV continues to burn, cover it with a thick cloth
  • If the fire intensifies, leave the room, closing doors and windows tightly.
  • Call the fire department

Man-made emergencies

Subject: « ».

Explosive objects

Damaging factors.

Explosion zones.

The effect of an explosion on a person.

Check yourself.


It is a sudden event in which a large amount of energy is released in a limited volume in a short period of time.

  • is a combustion reaction in which the rate of heat release exceeds the rate of its dissipation, resulting in the formation and propagation of a shock wave, leading to a man-made emergency.

  • Fires and explosions most often occur at fire and explosion hazardous facilities. Such objects in our country 8 thousand
  • These are enterprises where production process use explosives and flammable substances, as well as vehicles used for transporting fire and explosive substances.

  • – an object where substances (products) that acquire at certain conditions explosive ability.

  • TO SBI include enterprises of the defense, oil production, oil refining, petrochemical, chemical, gas, textile, bakery and pharmaceutical industries.
  • In conditions of concentrated factory production, even substances considered non-flammable become dangerous. Flour in mills, dust in elevators, powdered sugar in sugar factories, wood and aluminum dust explodes and burns.

Explosion at a sugar factory Imperial Sugar in the USA. 08.02.2008

  • “As far as we know, this was a sugar dust explosion,” an Imperial Sugar company spokesman said. It happened in a storage facility where sugar was stored before packaging.

  • A powerful explosion was followed by a fire
  • 100 - 200 victims (according to various sources)
  • Some victims have burned up to 90% of their body surface
  • 9 missing
  • 3 dead

  • The cause of the explosion at a sugar factory in the Voronezh region, which claimed the lives of three people, according to preliminary data, was a violation of safety regulations, a representative of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation for the Voronezh Region said on Tuesday.
  • “According to preliminary data, as a result of a violation of safety regulations in one of the workshops of a sugar factory in the village of Pereleshino, Paninsky district, a steam collector ruptured. Three workers - mechanics who were working with the equipment of the workshop at that moment, died as a result of exposure to steam that escaped from the damaged collector "- said a representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • According to him, in connection with the explosion at the sugar factory, the Paninsky district prosecutor's office opened a criminal case under Part 2 of Article 143 (violation of safety rules resulting in the death of a person). An explosion at the enterprise occurred on Tuesday at 14.20 Moscow time, killing three workers, RIA Novosti reports.

Characteristic features of the explosion:

  • High speed of chemical transformation;
  • Large amount of gaseous products;
  • Strong sound effect (rumble, loud sound, noise, loud bang);
  • Powerful crushing action.

An explosion is the release of a large number

energy in a limited amount for

short period of time

Types of explosions






Explosion zones:

  • Zone 1 - zone of action of the detonation wave;
  • Zone 2 – zone of action of explosion products;
  • Zone 3(a,b,c) – zone of action of the air shock wave:
  • 3a – severe destruction,
  • 3b – medium damage,
  • 3c – weak destruction.

Center of explosion

At the outer boundary of zone 3, the shock wave degenerates into a sound wave, audible over considerable distances

The effect of an explosion on buildings, structures, equipment.

Destructions happen:

  • full,
  • strong,
  • average,
  • weak.

The main damaging factors of the explosion:

The explosion leads to the formation of highly heated

gas (plasma) with very high pressure, which

when expanding, exerts a strong mechanical force

impact (pressure, destruction) on

surrounding bodies

Damaging factors




Glass, debris




Building collapse

and structures








Air shock wave - spreading from

supersonic speed thin transient

area in which there is a sharp increase

density, pressure and temperature.

Types of lesions

Characteristics of the lesion


Mild contusion, temporary hearing loss, bruises and dislocations of limbs


Brain injuries with loss of consciousness, hearing damage, bleeding from the nose and ears, severe fractures and dislocations of limbs


Severe contusion of the whole body, DAMAGE to internal organs and brain, severe fractures of the limbs. Possible fatalities.

Extremely heavy

Injuries that are usually fatal.

Causes of explosions

At the enterprise

  • Destruction of production tanks and pipelines
  • Violation of the technological regime
  • Lack of control
  • Gas explosion
  • Explosive Explosion

Fires and explosions.

The main causes of explosions are:

1. At explosive enterprises:

  • destruction and damage to production tanks and pressure vessels;
  • carrying out R&D;
  • destruction and damage to equipment and pipelines;
  • violations of technological discipline (excess of temperature and pressure, oversight and negligence of personnel);
  • lack of constant monitoring of serviceability production equipment and equipment;
  • lack of scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment and control devices.

Enterprises in the chemical, oil refining and nuclear power industries pose a particular danger.










Features of the explosion

Signs of an explosive device


Unattended bags,

packages and other things

Remains of wire

electrical tape, etc.

Stretched cords

and wires

sticking out above

earth "antennae"

Lumps on the ground




  • What to do
  • What to do
  • What to do
  • :
  • Having discovered an object similar to an explosive device :
  • Having discovered an object similar to an explosive device :
  • Having discovered an object similar to an explosive device :
  • Having discovered an object similar to an explosive device :
  • do not touch him
  • do not touch him Without creating panic, warn others Report the find to the police or any official
  • do not touch him Without creating panic, warn others Report the find to the police or any official
  • do not touch him Without creating panic, warn others Report the find to the police or any official
  • do not touch him
  • Without creating panic, warn others
  • Report the find to the police or any official
  • In case of explosion threat:
  • In case of explosion threat:
  • In case of explosion threat:
  • In case of explosion threat:
  • In case of explosion threat:
  • Report to the police
  • Do not go near explosive objects Immediately leave the dangerous place, warn others about the danger Report to the police If an explosion is imminent, lie down and cover your head with your hands.
  • Do not go near explosive objects Immediately leave the dangerous place, warn others about the danger Report to the police If an explosion is imminent, lie down and cover your head with your hands.
  • Do not go near explosive objects Immediately leave the dangerous place, warn others about the danger Report to the police If an explosion is imminent, lie down and cover your head with your hands.
  • Do not go near explosive objects
  • Immediately leave the dangerous place, warn others about the danger
  • Report to the police
  • If an explosion is imminent, lie down and cover your head with your hands.

  • What to do
  • What to do
  • What to do
  • Having discovered an object similar to an explosive device :
  • Having discovered an object similar to an explosive device :
  • Having discovered an object similar to an explosive device :
  • Having discovered an object similar to an explosive device :
  • Having discovered an object similar to an explosive device :
  • do not touch him Without creating panic, warn others Report the find to the police or any official
  • do not touch him Without creating panic, warn others Report the find to the police or any official
  • do not touch him Without creating panic, warn others Report the find to the police or any official
  • do not touch him Without creating panic, warn others Report the find to the police or any official
  • do not touch him
  • Without creating panic, warn others
  • Report the find to the police or any official
  • In case of explosion threat:
  • In case of explosion threat:
  • In case of explosion threat:
  • In case of explosion threat:
  • In case of explosion threat:
  • Do not go near explosive objects Immediately leave the dangerous place, warn others about the danger Report to the police If an explosion is imminent, lie down and cover your head with your hands.
  • Do not go near explosive objects Immediately leave the dangerous place, warn others about the danger Report to the police If an explosion is imminent, lie down and cover your head with your hands.
  • Do not go near explosive objects Immediately leave the dangerous place, warn others about the danger Report to the police If an explosion is imminent, lie down and cover your head with your hands.
  • Do not go near explosive objects Immediately leave the dangerous place, warn others about the danger Report to the police If an explosion is imminent, lie down and cover your head with your hands.
  • Do not go near explosive objects
  • Immediately leave the dangerous place, warn others about the danger
  • Report to the police
  • If an explosion is imminent, lie down and cover your head with your hands.

What to do if you're stuck

R Anena, were injured: 1. Assess the injury 2. Give yourself as much help as you can. 3. Rub crushed limbs

4. Roll onto your stomach, release the pressure on your chest

There is no way to get out:

1. Try to find and wear warm clothes

2. Look around to see if there are any gaps, manholes, or openings

3. Strengthen the blockage, install supports under the structure above you 4. Use your voice and knock to attract the attention of rescuers

  • There is an opportunity to get out: 1. look around to see if there are any gaps, manholes, openings 2. carefully get out of the rubble without causing a new collapse 3. go out into the open 4. register at the rescue headquarters

  • See which of the people with you needs help.
  • Turn off electricity, gas, turn off water.
  • If the phone is working, report the incident by calling “01”, “02”, “03”.
  • It is necessary to leave the building only in case of a fire or threat of building collapse.
  • Remember that after the explosion it is dangerous to use the stairs, and you cannot use the elevator.
  • If you can’t get out, settle down in a safe place, give signals and wait for rescuers.

Rules safe behavior in case of explosion threat.

In the event of an explosion threat, you must:

  • report this to the Unified Duty Dispatch Service (EDDS) by calling “01”;
  • notify working personnel and nearby residents about this;
  • activate an evacuation plan, open emergency doors;
  • take people to a safe place, check if everyone has evacuated;
  • meet special units.

Check yourself.

1.Release a large amount of energy in a limited volume in a short period of time:

  • Ignition;
  • Combustion;

2.K damaging factors explosions include:

  • Shock wave and fragmentation fields;
  • Heavy gas pollution in the area;
  • Breakout wave.

3. If there was an explosion in a neighboring apartment, the door to your apartment is blocked, the lights went out, the telephone does not work, then you should:

  • Open the front door and try to clear the rubble to get out onto the landing and then onto the street;
  • Turn off the gas, electricity, turn off the water, wait for rescuers, give signals.
  • Do not wait for rescuers, but go down from the window using a rope.


Fundamentals of life safety. 8th grade: Textbook for general education. textbook establishments / S.N. Vangorodsky et al. - M.: Bustard, 2014.

At industrial facilities;
- at production, storage and processing facilities of flammable, combustible and explosive substances;
- on transport;
- in mines, mine workings, subways;
- in buildings and structures for residential, social and cultural purposes.

FIRE is a combustion process that has gotten out of control and destroys material values and poses a threat to human life and health. In Russia, a fire breaks out every 4-5 minutes and about 12 thousand people die from fires every year.

The main causes of fire are: faults in electrical networks, violation of technological conditions and measures fire safety(smoking, lighting an open fire, using faulty equipment, etc.).

The main dangerous factors of a fire are thermal radiation, high temperature, the toxic effect of smoke (combustion products: carbon monoxide, etc.) and reduced visibility due to smoke. Critical values ​​of parameters for humans, with prolonged exposure specified values hazardous factors fire are:

temperature – 70 O”;
density thermal radiation– 1.26 kW/m2;
carbon monoxide concentration – 0.1% volume;
visibility in the smoke zone is 6-12 m.

EXPLOSION is a combustion accompanied by the release of a large amount of energy in a limited volume in a short period of time. The explosion leads to the formation and propagation of an explosive shock wave at supersonic speed (with overpressure more than 5 kPa), which has a mechanical impact on surrounding objects.

The main damaging factors of an explosion are the air shock wave and fragmentation fields formed by flying debris of various types of objects, technological equipment, explosive devices.


The number of preventive measures may include measures aimed at eliminating the causes that could cause a fire (explosion), limiting (localizing) the spread of fires, creating conditions for the evacuation of people and property in case of fire, timely detection of a fire and notification of it, fire extinguishing , maintaining fire suppression forces in constant readiness.

Compliance with technological production regimes and maintenance of equipment, especially energy networks, in good condition allows, in most cases, to exclude the cause of a fire.

Timely detection of fire can be achieved by equipping industrial and domestic premises with automatic fire alarm systems. fire alarm or in in some cases, through organizational measures.

Initial fire extinguishing (before the arrival of called forces) is successfully carried out at those facilities that are equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations.


If a fire is detected, respond to the fire quickly, using all available methods to extinguish the fire (sand, water, fire extinguishers, etc.). If it is impossible to extinguish the fire as soon as possible, call the fire department of the enterprise (if available) or the city (by phone 01).

When evacuating burning rooms and smoky areas, pass quickly, holding your breath, protecting your nose and mouth with a damp, thick cloth. In a heavily smoky room, move by crawling or crouching - the space adjacent to the floor retains clean air longer.

When looking for victims, call them. If a person's clothes are on fire, help them throw them off or throw any blanket over the burning person and press tightly. If air access is limited, combustion will quickly stop. Don't let a person with burning clothes run away.

Do not approach or touch explosive objects. If there is a threat of explosion, lie on your stomach, protecting your head with your hands, away from windows, glass doors, passages, and stairs. If an explosion occurs, take measures to prevent fire and panic, provide first aid to the victims.

If a building is damaged by fire or explosion, enter it carefully, making sure that there is no significant damage to floors, walls, electricity, gas and water supply lines, gas leaks, or fire sources.

If you live near an explosive site, be careful. Sirens and intermittent beeps from businesses ( Vehicle) means the signal “Attention everyone!” When you hear it, immediately turn on the speaker, radio, or TV. Listen to the information message about emergency and act in accordance with the instructions of the territorial State Emergency Service.

28.04.2013 21:14


  • 21:32
  • 19:44
  • 19:32
  • 17:42
  • 17:24
  • 13:34
  • 13:18
  • 22:32
  • 21:32
  • 20:25
  • 19:32
  • 17:32
  • 16:22
  • 14:13

Slide 2

  • Damaging factors.
  • Explosion zones.
  • The effect of an explosion on buildings, structures, equipment.
  • The effect of an explosion on a person.
  • Rules for safe behavior in the event of an explosion threat.
  • Rules for safe behavior after an explosion.
  • Check yourself.
  • Literature.
  • Slide 3


    • An explosion is a sudden event that releases a large amount of energy in a limited volume in a short period of time.
    • Explosions occur for various reasons, including gas leaks in residential buildings.
  • Slide 4

    The main damaging factors of the explosion

    • air shock wave;
    • fragmentation fields.
  • Slide 5

    Explosion zones

    • Zone 1 - zone of action of the detonation wave;
    • Zone 2 – zone of action of explosion products;
    • Zone 3(a,b,c) – zone of action of the air shock wave:
    • 3a – severe destruction,
    • 3b – medium damage,
    • 3c – weak destruction.
  • Slide 6

    Effect of explosion on buildings, structures, equipment

    Destructions happen:

    • full,
    • strong,
    • average,
    • weak.
  • Slide 7

    The effect of an explosion on a person.

  • Slide 8

    Rules for safe behavior after an explosion

    • See which of the people with you needs help.
    • Turn off electricity, gas, turn off water.
    • If the phone is working, report the incident by calling “01”, “02”, “03”.
    • It is necessary to leave the building only in case of a fire or threat of building collapse.
    • Remember that after the explosion it is dangerous to use the stairs, and you cannot use the elevator.
    • If you can’t get out, settle down in a safe place, give signals and wait for rescuers.
  • Slide 9

    Rules for safe behavior in the event of an explosion threat

    In the event of an explosion threat, you must:

    • report this to the Unified Duty Dispatch Service (EDDS) by calling “01”;
    • notify working personnel and nearby residents about this;
    • activate an evacuation plan, open emergency doors;
    • take people to a safe place, check if everyone has evacuated;
    • meet special units.
  • Slide 10

    Check yourself.

    1.Release a large amount of energy in a limited volume in a short period of time:

    • Ignition;
    • Combustion;
    • Explosion.

    2. The damaging factors of an explosion include:

    • Shock wave and fragmentation fields;
    • Heavy gas pollution in the area;
    • Breakout wave.

    3. If there was an explosion in a neighboring apartment, the door to your apartment is blocked, the lights went out, the telephone does not work, then you should:

    • Open the front door and try to clear the rubble to get out onto the landing and then onto the street;
    • Turn off the gas, electricity, turn off the water, wait for rescuers, give signals.
    • Do not wait for rescuers, but go down from the window using a rope.
  • Slide 11

    Well done!

  • Slide 12


    Fundamentals of life safety. 8th grade: Textbook for general education. textbook establishments / S.N. Vangorodsky et al. - M.: Bustard, 2002.

    View all slides

    Contents: Explosions. Damaging factors. Explosion zones. The effect of an explosion on buildings, structures, equipment. The effect of an explosion on a person. Rules for safe behavior in the event of an explosion threat. Rules for safe behavior after an explosion. Check yourself. Literature.

    Explosion zones: Zone 1 - detonation wave zone; Zone 1 - zone of action of the detonation wave; Zone 2 – zone of action of explosion products; Zone 2 – zone of action of explosion products; Zone 3(a,b,c) – zone of action of the air shock wave: Zone 3(a,b,c) – zone of action of the air shock wave: 3a – severe destruction, 3a – severe destruction, 3b – medium destruction, 3b – medium destruction, 3c – weak destruction. 3c – weak destruction. Center of explosion 1 2 3c 3a 3b

    The effect of an explosion on a person. Types of lesions Characteristics of lesions Light Easy contusion, temporary hearing loss, bruises and dislocations of the limbs Moderate Brain injuries with loss of consciousness, damage to the hearing organs, bleeding from the nose and ears, severe fractures and dislocations of the limbs Severe severe contusion of the whole body, damage to organs and the brain, multiple fractures. Possible fatality Extremely severe Injury usually fatal

    Rules for safe behavior after an explosion. See which of the people with you needs help. See which of the people with you needs help. Turn off electricity, gas, turn off water. Turn off electricity, gas, turn off water. If the phone is working, report the incident by calling “01”, “02”, “03”. If the phone is working, report the incident by calling “01”, “02”, “03”. It is necessary to leave the building only in case of a fire or threat of building collapse. It is necessary to leave the building only in case of a fire or threat of building collapse. Remember that after the explosion it is dangerous to use the stairs, and you cannot use the elevator. Remember that after the explosion it is dangerous to use the stairs, and you cannot use the elevator. If you can’t get out, settle down in a safe place, give signals and wait for rescuers. If you can’t get out, settle down in a safe place, give signals and wait for rescuers.

    Rules for safe behavior in the event of an explosion threat. In the event of an explosion threat, you must: report this to the Unified Duty Dispatch Service (EDDS) by calling “01”; report this to the Unified Duty Dispatch Service (EDDS) by calling “01”; notify working personnel and nearby residents about this; notify working personnel and nearby residents about this; activate an evacuation plan, open emergency doors; activate an evacuation plan, open emergency doors; take people to a safe place, check if everyone has evacuated; take people to a safe place, check if everyone has evacuated; meet special units. meet special units.

    Check yourself. 1.Release of a large amount of energy in a limited volume in a short period of time: 1) Ignition; 2) Combustion; 3) Explosion. 2. The damaging factors of the explosion include: 1) Shock wave and fragmentation fields; 2) Heavy gas pollution in the area; 3) Breakout wave. 3. If there was an explosion in a neighboring apartment, the door to your apartment is blocked, the lights went out, the telephone does not work, then you should: 1) Open the front door and try to clear the rubble in order to go out onto the landing, and then onto the street; 2) Turn off the gas, electricity, turn off the water, wait for rescuers, give signals. 3) Do not wait for rescuers, but go down from the window using a rope.