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Egov electronic government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. How to pass temporary registration online - experiment. What is the project and who will benefit from it?

Dear user! If you have visited the portal site for the first time and want to start receiving online services and using your Personal Account, then follow these steps step by step:

  1. Install Java software, NCALayer and NCA RoK root certificates on your computer.
  • Java software can be downloaded from the official website
  • NCALayer software is downloaded from the official website of the NCA RK. The installation process is intuitive, but if you have any difficulties, you can use the instructions.
  • Root certificates are also located on the main page of the NCC RK website.
  1. Receive digital signature keys necessary for registration and authorization on the portal, as well as for receiving online services.​

EDS (electronic digital signature) is an analogue of a handwritten signature, which is used to give an electronic document the same legal force as if this document were on paper with a signature and seal.

  • An application for obtaining an electronic signature can be submitted online through a special section of the NCA RK website. It is recommended to submit the application from a personal computer for security reasons.
  • Submitting an online application as an individual.
  • Submitting an online application from a legal entity;
  • After submitting your online application, you need to visit the Public Service Center to confirm it. You must have your ID and a printed application with you. After verification, the operator will confirm and you will have the opportunity to download the digital signature to your computer and set your password on it.

What is the difference between digital signature keys called AUTH_RSA and RSA/GOST​?

RSA/GOST is for signing a document/request, and AUTH_RSA is for user authentication, i.e. for login/authorization.​

Note that the validity period of the digital signature is 1 year, but users have the opportunity to extend it for one year, provided that the current digital signature has not yet expired. Instructions for re-issuing digital signatures – for individuals and legal entities

The digital signature can be stored on various computers, but you should take great care to ensure that it does not fall into the wrong hands.

  1. Register on the portal with using digital signature. The registration procedure is intuitive, but if you have questions, we recommend using (PDF).
  • Go to , read the user agreement and click on the “Registration with digital signature” button;
  • Create a password and enter your personal e-mail. The password must contain a combination of numeric and alphabetic characters of the Latin alphabet in upper and lower case (minimum 8 characters, but no more than 30 characters);
  • Select your digital signature (RSA) and confirm registration.

After registration and if you have an electronic signature, all the possibilities of the e-government portal website will open to you. You will have at your disposal a variety of electronic government services and services, as well as access to, which will help monitor personal data stored in government information systems Oh.

Validity period of the digital signature– 1 year applies to the file system only. If EDS keys are recorded on secure media (Identity Card, Kaztoken, Etoken, Akey, JaCarta), then the validity period will be 3 years.

) is a section of the e-government portal website that contains personal information about the user collected from various government bases data.

Only the user of the portal has access to the Personal Account; however, to view the full dossier, authorization using an electronic signature is required. When logging in using an IIN/password or via an SMS code, there will be no access to personal information.

If you are not yet registered on the portal and, along with viewing your Personal Account, want to start receiving government services online, then first read the useful material “” in the “Receive or re-issue digital signature” section. From there you will learn how to obtain an electronic signature and register on the portal.

What information is contained in the personal dossier?Personal account

  • Information about identity documents: their numbers and expiration dates;
  • Registration address and place of birth;
  • Number and category driver's license, if any, as well as its validity period;
  • Information about the marriage: date and place of registration, full name and IIN of the spouse, maiden name of the spouse;
  • Recipient status social payments and benefits (if any);
  • Information about the availability of property, real estate (if any): its address and cadastral number;
  • Information about participation in legal entities, if any;
  • Vehicle data;
  • Availability of licenses by type of activity;
  • Presence or absence in the register of debtors;
  • Information about attaching to medical organization: name of the clinic, full name of the local doctor, date of attachment and number of the attachment site;
  • Status individual entrepreneur(in the presence of);
  • Information about children: names, IINs, dates of birth (to add your child’s IIN in the registry office information system, the parents’ IINs must be present in the child’s registration record);
  • Information on contributions to compulsory social health insurance;
  • Number of children's queue kindergarten;
  • Information about the queue for housing;
  • The presence or absence of outstanding administrative fines;
  • Information about the status of the civil service from the IS “E-Kyzmet”.

"Inbox" section

In addition to the personal profile, the Personal Account contains the “Inbox” section, which consists of subsections of request history, notifications, payment history and a notification basket.

The request history is an updated history of receiving services, in which all requests are divided into their own channels:

  • Portal website;
  • (CSC);
  • POD – public access point;
  • Open dialogue – appeals to the blog platform;
  • Mobile app;
  • E-akimat;
  • Telegram bot.

It contains a list of requested services, their status, unique request numbers and request dates in tabular form. When you click on the request, a page with a history of status changes and the result of the service request will open, i.e. documents/help in two languages, available for download in PDF format.

The notifications subsection includes all changes in the status of the requested services. Through the settings, you can also include messages on activities related to open government portals.

Payment history contains information about all payments made through the e-government portal.

Received notifications cannot be deleted from your Personal Account, but, if desired, they can be moved to the “Trash”.

Section "My Documents"

You can upload electronic copies and scanned versions to the special “My Documents” section, which plays the role of a protected storage. important documents, breaking them down into categories and subcategories. You can also store received electronic certificates in it.

Section "Settings"

The settings allow you to manage the most important function of your Personal Account, namely the extended notification system. Here you can specify exactly how and what kind of notifications you want to receive. Notification methods include emails, SMS and push notifications.

Full list of notification types

  • Changing the queue number for kindergarten.

Employment and employment

Real estate

  • Imposition/removal of encumbrance on an object movable property;
  • Imposition/removal of encumbrance on a property;
  • Origination/termination of rights to real estate.

Taxes, finance and payments

  • Status of payment for the service through banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Entering payment for services into the budget;
  • Imposition of an administrative fine.

Legal assistance

  • Changing the request status in judiciary;
  • Participation in litigation.


  • Determining the date planned hospitalization;
  • Routine examination of patients registered at the dispensary;
  • Routine examination of pregnant women.

NJSC GC "Government for Citizens"

  • Readiness of the result of the request to the NJSC GC “Government for Citizens”;
  • Registration and change of the status of the application in the NJSC GC “Government for Citizens”.

"Electronic government" portal

  • Registration and change of application status on the e-government portal;
  • Notification of the need to approve/continue the service in the “Personal Account” of the “electronic government” portal.

Portal "Open legal acts"

  • Changing the status of the draft legal acts;
  • Receive a reply to your comment.

Portal "Open Dialogue"

  • Receiving a response to your comment;
  • Receive notifications about surveys;
  • Changing the status of the request in the blog platform of the chief executives government agencies;
  • Changing the status of a question in an online conference.

Open Data Portal

  • Changing the status of an application for updating/publication of open data sets;
  • Changing the status of a set of open data sent by you for publication;
  • Receiving notifications on the status of open data sets;
  • Receive notifications based on your comments.

Portal "Open Budgets"

  • Receiving notifications on the status of budget programs and implementation reports;
  • Posting a response to your comment.

Your Open Government subscriptions

  • Changes to open data sets to which you subscribe;
  • Receive notifications when surveys you subscribe to have completed;
  • Receiving a reply to a comment you follow;
  • Changes in the documents of the Open Budgets portal to which you are subscribed.

You can also prevent sending notifications at night and notifications about interesting services in the settings.

One of the innovations in the settings of the Personal Account is the ability to set a ban on receiving services in the NAO GC “Government for Citizens”, i.e. in public service centers and special public service centers. After checking the box next to this item, it will be impossible to receive services at public service centers on your behalf until you uncheck this box yourself. This operation requires confirmation with an electronic digital signature.

Changing your password and contact information

Authorization on the website portal is carried out in three ways - through an IIN/password combination, using an electronic signature, or through an SMS password. In your Personal Account you can change your password, as well as your phone number, which is registered in the Mobile Citizens Database.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What should I do if the information about me in my personal file is incorrect, and how can I fix it?

First of all, let us explain that Personal Area only displays data taken directly from the information systems of government agencies. Representatives of the website portal support service not only lack the rights and opportunities to make changes to citizens’ files, but also lack access to view them.

For corrections, you must contact representatives of the responsible government agency, for example, if you have incorrect information about fines, you must contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Prosecutor General’s Office, and if you have incorrect information about being assigned to a clinic, you must contact the correct one.

In some cases, manually updating the data in the dossier may help. This is done by clicking the “Refresh” icon or by successively “hiding” and “showing” the corresponding section in the left block of the page.

What should I do if in the history of receiving services there are requests that belong not to me, but to PSC operators?

In order to find out who and why made a request to receive government services on your behalf, you can send the request number and IIN to the contacts of the NJSC GC “Government for Citizens” listed on the official website

What to do if it doesn't comeSMS and you can’t change your phone number in your Personal Account?

Call the Unified Contact Center 1414 and provide the operators with information about which number the SMS is not received, the name of the mobile operator and information about whether you transferred the number from one mobile operator to another. Consultants will draw up an application technical specialists and after that the problem will be fixed within some time.

EGOV (electronic government portal) was launched in Kazakhstan in 2006. Since then, millions of Kazakhstanis have used information and administrative services every day.

This is quite convenient, and given the fact that anyone can register without using an electronic digital signature(EDS) is also practical, he writes about this in detail.

The conditions for registration on the e-government portal of the Republic of Kazakhstan without digital signature are simple and clear:

  • To register on without using an electronic digital signature, you will need to indicate your IIN number, identification document number and date of birth in a certain column. Don't forget that the website is can only be visited when the Internet is working;
  • A registration confirmation code will be sent to the specified email;
  • Without an electronic digital signature, you can register on temporarily, which implies certain restrictions on access, in particular regarding the period of use.

If within 90 days the user does not log in to the portal even once, the temporary status will be lost. If the digital signature is used once when logging in, then the user will be assigned the status of a permanent user.

Step by step guide to registering on egov

In order to register on the city information portal, you need to do the following:

  • Visit the e-government start page and follow the “Register” link, which is located in the upper right part of the page;
  • Read the text that appears on the screen, namely “Egov User Rights Agreement”, check the appropriate box indicating that you have read the terms and conditions, and check the “individual” box;
  • Next, you should select temporary registration from the proposed options. If a legal entity was selected instead of an individual, the portal will offer registration with an electronic signature. To change this, you need to go back and change this item;
  • Then personal data is entered in special windows. There you will also need to check that you have read the terms and conditions for providing a temporary profile. After this, you need to click on “find”;
  • If registration was previously carried out, then the corresponding inscription will appear. If there is an error when entering your IIN or date of birth, then the system will report any discrepancies. To change data, 3 attempts are given, after which a temporary block lasting 15 minutes;
  • After entering the corrected data, fields for entering a password will appear. Please note that it must be entered twice (repeat time for self-test). Next you should enter your email address. This is necessary in order to restore access to the portal in case of loss of the password;
  • Then you need to click “next”, thereby completing the registration process on the e-government website;
  • After this, you must confirm your registration. To do this, you need to go to your mail and follow the link received in the letter. This must be done within 3 days.

Note. If a technical failure occurred at any of the registration steps and error information appeared on the screen, you need to wait a minute and refresh the page. After that, start registration again.

If all formulas are successfully completed, a message will appear indicating that a user has registered with temporary rights.

The following restrictions apply to a user with temporary access:

  • The request number is not displayed when viewing the history of received services;
  • Service verification service is not available;
  • The history of receiving services is displayed in a truncated form.

By the way, if a user who has a temporary profile for 2 months has not logged in to the site, he receives a message in his email about the deactivation of the temporary profile after 30 days. In order to extend the time of use, you need to log into the site using your login information. If the notification is ignored, then after 90 days from the date of registration, the profile will be automatically deleted.

To restore access, you will need to go through the registration process again. By the way, if the user is registered with the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, registration will be complicated. In such a case, when you try to register using your IIN, a message will appear asking you to seek clarification either from the Public Service Center (PSC) or from the Office of the Committee on Legal Statistics and Special Records of the Prosecutor General's Office.

After registering on the YEGOV portal, the user can receive administrative services remotely, which is quite convenient and practical.

Let us remind you that we previously wrote about how to apply for an electronic signature from the website This article provides information on issues of obtaining an electronic digital signature in Kazakhstan, procedures obtaining digital signature RK

Figuring out how to use is not an easy task. But if you take a little time and try to understand it, you can make your life much easier. the website was prepared jointly with the state corporation "Government for Citizens" step by step instructions, which will help not only register on the e-government website, but also receive government services without leaving home.

Is any computer suitable for working with an e-government website?

You can access the website using various gadgets, such as tablets or smartphones, as well as personal computers - desktop or laptops. While mobile applications are just developing, so mobile gadgets do not provide access to all public services available on the Internet. Without exception, all sections of the e-government website are open only to personal computer (PC) users.

Both desktop computers and laptops must have a special software for data protection NCA Layer. It's easy to install it on your PC yourself. To do this, you need to go to the website of the National Certification Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan -, select the section “get EDS key" and download the program by selecting the desired option: for Windows, for Linux or for MacOSX. The downloaded software is launched and installed on the computer like any other program.

Select "Download keys for individuals" / Screenshot from

You can download NCALayer on the website / Screen from the website

What is required to register on the website?

To register on the e-government website, you must obtain an electronic digital signature (EDS). It can be obtained at any PSC branch. To do this, you need to submit an application on the website, indicate all the required data (IIN, email address, name of the locality where you plan to visit the PSC). Then, you need to download your electronic application and, together with it, as well as your identity card, visit the Public Service Center - this is a guarantee that it was you who submitted the application, and not someone else on your behalf.

At the Public Service Center you need to take a ticket for the EDS queue and sign an application from a service center employee. Immediately after this, you can download the digital signature from the website - to do this, you just need to get to your personal computer and enter the application number. Electronic digital signature consists of two keys: one for logging into your personal account on the website, the other for signing when receiving services. Next, you need to come up with an electronic digital signature code that will also be valid for one year. It must consist of no less than 6 characters, but no more than 8. By the way, the digital signature is valid for only a year.

Table for submitting an application / Screen from the website

How to register on the website?

There are four ways to enter the portal. Let's consider the second one - using an electronic digital signature, since it is this that allows you to gain access to all government services on the site. To begin, on the main page, click the “personal account” button, then select “EDS” from the four tabs, then click “select certificate” and from the saved location (flash card or personal computer) select the first key - AUTH and finally enter the password, which was invented at the previous stage. Failures occur periodically, so sometimes you have to select an authorization key and enter a password several times.

Electronic government website / Screenshot from website

Login to your personal account using digital signature / Screenshot from the website

How to obtain an electronic government service?

Let's consider one of the common examples of government services that Kazakhstanis would like to receive in electronic format, but not everyone can do it. We are talking about extracting tax debts and paying them. The easiest way to find the service you need is through a search engine by entering the word “taxes”. The portal provides dozens of links from which you can find and select the one you need, for example, by individuals. If there is a debt, by clicking the “more details” button, you get the opportunity to familiarize yourself with them, clarify whether we are talking about transport tax, real estate or land tax, is there a penalty.

The debt can be paid immediately by clicking on a button that will open a special gateway where you are prompted to enter data bank card. Important note - you must obtain permission from the bank for online payments. You should also pay attention to which tax authority the property for which its owner intends to pay is registered. For example, if in the Yesilsky district of Astana, then payment in the Almaty region will be a mistake, and in this case you will have to write an application to the tax committee asking for a refund, and repay the debt again.

Search for the required service / Screen from the website

What is the advantage of paying through an e-government website?

When it comes to paying taxes or fines, the fact of transferring funds is recorded and stored in the database, so even if the check is lost, it can be restored at any time. All types of payments through the portal are carried out with a commission of 100 tenge. cellular and transfers related to Housing Construction Savings Bank are not subject to commission.

What is a personal account on

A personal account is a user page of the Electronic Government website, on which you can view all basic personal data: from passport information to marriage information. Among them there is a lot of useful data, which is not always possible to obtain as easily and quickly. On the personal account page of, for example, there is an item - “register of debtors” and if the user has any debts, he will immediately find out about them and will be able to pay, similar to how it was described above, only this time there is no need to search for separate categories.

Personal data in your personal account / Screenshot from the website

In addition, there are separate paragraphs dedicated to fines: automobile and administrative, the status of an individual entrepreneur, the queue for housing, information about being attached to a clinic, as well as employer contributions for social security. health insurance" - in one word, everything you need to know in order to control the state of your own affairs. At the very bottom of the page there is another useful item - “interaction with the Government”. With its help, you can go directly to the taxpayer’s account on the website and make an appointment with the minister , submit an appeal from citizens or reserve a queue at the “Government for Citizens”.

The project improves the management style of the leadership of Kazakhstan in a radical way, makes it as useful as possible for people, and allows them to avoid meaningless waste of time. Kazakhstan monitors compliance with the law and allows every citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan to fully realize their potential, technical awareness and participate in the life of society.

The resource represents a progressive structure of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, designed to facilitate interaction state power with the country's population through information and communication innovations.

Services on the portal remotely have a wide range of undeniable advantages, such as:

  • efficiency of support for businesses and citizens,
  • increasing the activity of people in the leadership and management of the republic
  • increasing people's technological literacy
  • empowering the potential of every person
  • improving democratic processes
  • low-cost administration
  • increasing the responsibility of the government of Kazakhstan to the people
  • .

What is the project and who will it benefit?

The main advantage of the portal is the elimination of bureaucratic delays and direct access to the authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Virtual services provide the opportunity to conduct various transactions, including payment ones, from any remote location. It is assumed that government procedures will become much more transparent, significantly increase management efficiency and reduce corruption among civil servants. On the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan in many in public places a terminal has been installed containing a list of available services.

egov kz e-government portal of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The idea of ​​creating an electronic resource was voiced by the President of the country in 2004, and in 2006 the resource was already launched. The official website was created by the National information technology» - a division of the Zerde holding for comfortable, accessible and simple interaction between people and the authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The information stage involved the dissemination of information, the interactive stage involved assistance to the population, and the transaction stage involved legal and financial transactions and licensing. Further improvement of the project led to the development of basic components, code infrastructure, the creation of national registers, a unified transport environment for government agencies, and the transition to public procurement, E-notary and electronic akimat.

According to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Article 7, Part 2), adopted in 1995, the Kazakh language and the Russian language are recognized as the official language. An unambiguous understanding of the norms of communication in Russian and Kazakh at all levels, regardless of the circumstances, was confirmed by the Constitutional Council in 1997. The resource supports 3 languages: Kazakh, Russian and English, which is due to the fact that many information projects are needed by residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan abroad. Even being far outside the country, a person can pay by utility bills, taxes and constantly maintain communications.

Switching to the Russian language mode on the portal does not cause any difficulties: you just need the phrase “RUS”, which is displayed in the upper right side of the main resource.

Government services egov kz

The project saves the taxpayer money, relieves him from pointless walking around offices and collecting numerous certificates, and coordinates the activities of various departments. From now on, to obtain a license, instead of a pile of permitting documents, a person must provide only his TIN. A wide range of functions are available on the government website, including the following:
  • payment of housing and communal services, penalties, fees
  • making taxpayer contributions
  • repayment traffic fines
  • obtaining information about the queue for children's institutions
  • filing an application for marriage registration
  • for a reception with the top leaders to the minister
  • request for an address document with a response to a mobile phone
  • search for a pharmacy or any other establishment
  • opportunity to discuss bills

Any user can take part in online conferences of regional heads, submit an appeal to the authorities, leave a comment and use the interactive and transactional automatic service. The popularity of the project is evidenced by the fact that the number of users is growing rapidly. If in 2016 the number of people who visited the site was 4.8 million, then in 2018 the single resource was already visited by over 7.8 million clients. The daily flow of people is estimated at 55,000 people making payments in the amount of 50 million tenge, the monthly flow is 1.6 million people making over 6,000 transactions.


Legal entities can register on the resource within 15 minutes. The most popular are 5 main areas:

    Permission to operate as an individual entrepreneur is provided free of charge. On the website you should find “Order a service online” and study the list of documents. fill out an application, attach your digital signature and track actions through your account
    Correction intended purpose plot. The algorithm of actions is similar. The status is tracked in “My Applications”. The request is processed within 30 days
    Instant taxpayer search
    Receiving a document international standard, confirming the technical inspection within 2 working days, the operation costs 0.5 MCI
    Obtaining a patent for an invention is considered for 18 months. The cost of the examination is calculated according to the price list; for issuing a patent you need to pay 1 MCI

Verification services

Verification services allow you to verify the authenticity of certificates, checks and any electronic documents. As Article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan states (On electronic document), it is no different from its paper counterpart. The control procedure is carried out as follows:

The “Check Document” section opens, located at the bottom right side of the page.

    The line “Checking services” or “Checking receipts” is activated
    The certificate number and user’s TIN are entered in the appropriate field
    If we're talking about about the check, you will need confirmation of the type of payment and code
    After activating the function, the machine will report the status of the request and display the test result

The system opens up wide opportunities that allow you to check records on the main 7 events of the registry office, including: change of name, adoption, marriage, its dissolution, and establishment of paternity. Documents can be digitized, supplemented with new information, or errors can be corrected by sending scanned copies via the link. For example, when correcting the information specified in the certificate, you need to attach duplicate certificates. The operation is available free of charge and is performed within one day. Digitization of archival records made it possible to translate into electronic view archival materials from 1937 to 2008. As a result of colossal work, the E-archive database of the Civil Registry Office was replenished with 50 million copies of attributed records.

They allow you to clarify social status, find a user in the mobile database, calculate pension payments, restart the electronic digital signature, find permits or sign up for a conversation with the minister.

One of the most popular requests is a statement of tax debts. When searching for taxes, dozens of links are displayed on the screen. The user must select one of them, for example, for individuals, and specify the tax category: transport, land, real estate, customs duty or otherwise. You need to click on the “Pay” button, after which the gateway will open to enter your bank card details.

In this case, you need to pay attention to the location tax authority so that you don’t have to return the payment later. All actions are performed with a commission of 100 tenge, the information is saved in the database.


www egov kz official website

Users can use 4 options, including the opportunity to refuse to receive an electronic digital signature and use a one-time password that provides access to 30 services. To do this, you need to enter your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) into the form and indicate the mobile phone number included in the citizens’ mobile database. After receiving the SMS, a one-time code is written in a special line. If the mobile version is used, then the phone is linked to the IIN either in your account or when contacting any PSC branch.

Among the opportunities available using a one-time code is the issuance of the following materials:

  • address certificates: about encumbrances, about real estate FL, about its rights and characteristics
  • technical passports on objects and their duplicates
  • copies of title certificates and extracts from the cadastral register
  • duplicate of the archived certificate
  • materials on registration of legal entities and branches
  • data on branches and representative offices of legal entities
  • information on cooperation of legal entities with individuals and legal representatives
  • registration data of a legal entity and its actions
  • information about changes to the constituent package
  • birth certificates and civil status
  • duplicates about marriage, birth, adoption or adoption, change of name

Today the mobile version is available in many countries: Russia, USA, Turkey, UK, Czech Republic and other countries. The provision operates on smartphones with iOS and Android in Russian and Kazakh languages.

Thanks to it, you can, for example, receive the address of the nearest pharmacy by SMS by the name of the drug. Electronic services with digital signature are carried out by a crypto provider and are accompanied by push mailings. This year, they decided to install the software on iOS devices 15,000 times, on Android – 7,000 times.

WITH mobile phone You can request a police clearance certificate, information about the availability of property, and address. A telegram bot has appeared on the resource, providing services through mass media. The site has a mobile user base with 7 million registered people.

Emerging difficulties can be successfully resolved by the staff of the Unified Contact Center.

The problem will be promptly processed and the person will voice the answer. A citizen of Kazakhstan can use the “Feedback” service, the “Call Center” service or the telephone number 1414. The policy of the company, which has passed international certification according to the EN 15838 standard, is aimed at ensuring that a person does not have any complaints or complaints about the quality of service. The company operator must demonstrate communication skills and attention. The ECC staff currently numbers 147 people, who accept up to 14,000 applications per day. All calls are monitored and stored by a quality control system. Choose a convenient contact and state your problem. In 2017, at the Crystal Set competition, the company was recognized as the “Best Center” for providing information assistance in government agencies and housing and communal services.

In order to open the resource, you must have access to the Internet. The user must enter the address in the search bar, which will open as follows:

The browser must support the javascript programming language and the ncalayer access generation application. To install javascript, please download Java software and NCALayer software to your computer from the website that the National Certification Authority provides to everyone. On the resource on the “get a key for digital signature” page there are various options for Windows, MacOSX or Linux. Here you need to select the “Download EPC key” option. After unpacking the file, the ncalayer data protection application will be installed automatically, just like any other program.

Electronic services can significantly make life easier and more comfortable. Any stationary computer devices and gadgets can act as an intermediary: tablets, laptops, phones. All functions will become available only after receiving an electronic digital signature, which is issued by the Public Service Center. Branches are located in Almaty, Astana, regions and many cities.

To do this, dear visitor must take the following actions:

  • indicate your IIN
  • tell your email address
  • specify locality, in which the public service center is located

The completed form must be downloaded onto paper, attach an ID card to it and go to the specified address to receive the EPC. At the branch, you need to endorse the signature of the application from a center employee and put the number of the application for which you will receive necessary information. The cipher comes in the form of 2 codes: one is used to log into your account, the second is for confidentiality. The user enters symbols in the form of numbers himself, but make sure that the number of symbols is more than 6, but does not exceed 8 characters. The validity period of the digital signature is limited to 12 months.

There are 4 registration options, but the option with digital signature is considered the best

Algorithm of actions

  • go to the official website
  • click the "office" icon
  • select digital signature button
  • activate the "select certificate" option
  • from your own source, download the first set of numbers
  • enter the password you created

As a rule, during authorization the device often reports an error. This does not mean that the code is set incorrectly or that the information is incorrect. Just make sure that the answer to the questions is correct and that the information appeared on the screen due to a technical glitch.

What to do if there is no digital signature

Among mandatory conditions is knowledge of your TIN, personal ID number, date of birth and email address. This type of authorization is temporary and if there are no visits within 90 days, the status is canceled. If authorized during this period, permanent access will be allowed, but, unlike the full version, the user will not be able to have access to statistical data and many functions. The restrictions include:

  • missing request number when viewing history
  • inaccessibility of the service
  • shortened history

The sequence of steps for temporary registration without digital signature looks like this:

    Need to go to the site
    Read the agreement, agree to it and mark yourself as an individual. If you check the box next to legal entity, then only one option with digital signature will appear
    Select and click temporary registration
    Enter personal information in the field that appears, confirm the data, click on the “Find” line
    If you enter incorrect data, the system will inform you of an error. 3 incorrect attempts are allowed, and then a block will follow for 15 minutes
    If you successfully complete the stage, a password entry form will appear on the screen, requiring confirmation.

Indicating the address will allow you to restore the code for entering YEGOV if it is lost and confirm registration using a link that remains valid for 3 days. For persons registered with the Prosecutor General's Office, complications may arise. The problem is resolved in the Public Service Center or in the Office of the Committee under the Prosecutor General's Office.

Dear user, learn additional step-by-step technology from the following video:

The normative document on residence is the most popular certificate. (Fig. 8) Services contain information about registration and date of registration. The certificate will be stored in the “History”, which is recommended to be printed on paper. This function can only be used by those citizens who were born before August 13, 2007. If the operation is unavailable for some reason, the issue can be resolved in the “Government for Citizens”.

An address certificate is required in the following cases:

  • to assign a pension and social assistance
  • when applying for a job
  • when receiving an apartment
  • bank loan, benefits
  • obtaining temporary residence permits for foreigners
  • for divorce proceedings
  • when assigning child support
  • for free school meals
  • upon reimbursement of expenses
  • when issuing permits for fishing, hunting, for obtaining a residence permit and for many other purposes

Statistics show that the number of such requests is in the tens of millions.

Similar steps should be taken if it is necessary to issue an address certificate for a child enrolled in a school institution. In addition to having an account and an electronic digital signature, the user must indicate the child’s IIN and indicate who he is related to. The system checks the degree of relationship and, if the information is confirmed, then prepares a certificate within a few seconds. If you got married after 2008, you can take an extract of your spouse’s residence.

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