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All books about: “the ABCs of domestic terrorism…. A student faces prison for distributing the “ABC of domestic terrorism” online ABC of domestic terrorism Russian cuisine

In Mordovia, the investigation into the criminal case of Saransk student Alexander Pyanzin, accused of calling for terrorism, has been completed. According to investigators, Mr. Pyanzin posted the book “Russian Cuisine. ABC” on one of the Internet forums domestic terrorism". According to law enforcement, similar books were used by members of the nationalist organization SPAS, accused of a terrorist attack on the Cherkizovsky market in Moscow, as well as former student Evgeny Vakhrushev, who blew up a bus with passengers in Tolyatti. However, Alexander Pyanzin does not admit guilt.

The investigation into the case of Saransk Cooperative Institute student Alexander Pyanzin was carried out by the Main Directorate (GU) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Privolzhsky federal district. According to the head of the investigative unit of the Main Directorate, General Vyacheslav Starkov, “this is the first case in Russia initiated for public calls for terrorist activities.”

Alexander Pyanzin is charged with “Public calls for terrorist activities” (Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). According to the investigation, in October 2006, a 20-year-old student downloaded from the Internet a book by “unidentified authors” entitled “Russian Cuisine. The ABCs of Domestic Terrorism” ", and then under the nickname Sash posted it on one of the Saransk forums. A book that promises its readers will be able to "start a small revolution in their locality", describes in detail the manufacturing and application methods explosives, poisons, knife fighting techniques, carrying out intimidating actions in crowded places. In addition, the student was charged with “Illegal use of facilities copyright committed on a large scale" (Part 2 of Article 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) - on the home computer seized from the accused, experts found an unlicensed software(according to investigators, the damage caused to Microsoft Corporation and other copyright holders amounted to 145 thousand rubles).

The criminal case caused considerable resonance. The fact is that, according to law enforcement agencies, similar manual books were used by members of the ultra-nationalist organization SPAS, who are now on trial in the case of a terrorist attack on the Cherkizovsky market in Moscow, committed in 2006 (12 people died), as well as the former student Evgeny Vakhrushev, who accidentally blew up a passenger bus in Togliatti last year (8 people were killed).

Alexander Pyanzin did not admit guilt. He claims that he did not read the ABC of Domestic Terrorism and did not post any links to it. However, in the materials of the criminal case, the protocol of the interrogation of Mr. Pyanzin was preserved as a witness, and not as an accused, where the student testified that he accidentally found the book in the archives and, without malicious intent, posted the link on the forum, not suspecting that this was illegal. The witnesses in the case are several people who downloaded the text from an Internet forum. If the student's guilt is proven in court, he faces up to four years in prison.

It is curious that in March 2007, the leader of the Nizhny Novgorod Limonovites, Ilya Shamazov, was detained in connection with this case. He was even transported to Mordovia under the pretext of his involvement in the distribution of the ABC. However, Mr. Shamazov was soon released, and now he does not appear in the case of Alexander Pyanzin.

Material from Lurkmore

Haven't lost their usefulness

This product is 100 years old at lunchtime, and only completely out-of-touch idiots don’t know about it.

“Russian cuisine” is not so difficult to find on the Internet. And in general, everything is for you, anon. But school doesn’t need that, he’ll still get sick, or he’ll lose his fingers.

Roskomkaktotam is really wrong... The subject is one of those things around which there is more odiousness and pathos than real dangers. The student will persistently search for the subject until he finds and duplicates that it is complete bullshit, or until it is explained to her in a good manner.

More right than wrong. This book is not for inquisitive, playful school minds. There is a lot of really dangerous stuff there about poisons and drugs, at least which it would be better for schoolchildren not to know. A city schoolboy won’t be able to collect duraman or belladonna without such a book and won’t end up in the hospital with poisoning. I'm not even talking about pranks with office glue... You say it as if it's something bad.

If you’re going to write a good article, you should start with Powell’s “The Anarchist Cookbook.” Everything else is an attempt to imitate. Unfortunately, much of what could be purchased in any store in the 70s is no longer available. But, in general, the book does not lose its relevance and was published in almost unchanged form in 2012. I tried to download “domestic terrorist” from this or a similar book nutmeg flattened for 3 days.

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