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A sample of writing an application for one day on account of vacation. Day off on account of vacation, sample application Is it possible to write a statement on account of vacation

The term “day off” is often used in the post-Soviet space. In fact, he has not been in the shopping center for a long time. This refers to one or more days that are taken as vacation. In this case, a statement must be written. After all, this is a full-fledged personnel event that must be properly formalized. Would you like to know how to get time off on your vacation? The application must be filled out correctly, then they will not refuse. Let's see what pitfalls exist here.

Legal basis

Taking a pen and paper in hand, the employee must know some things. You cannot, for example, ask for something that you do not have the right to do. Do you agree? Therefore, you need to think carefully about what days you ask for on vacation. In all cases, the application is formalized. That is, the usual agreement with the superiors is not taken into account. This option, of course, also takes place, but we are trying to understand legal regulations, therefore, we do not take it into account. The employee needs to decide on what kind of vacation to ask for days. There are two options: paid and at your own expense. In the first case, you should also choose the type of rest laid down by current legislation... There is important point... You can ask for days on account of vacation (write an application) when you have already earned it. And this time comes after six months of experience at this enterprise. The specified condition has exceptions. If the employee was transferred to the organization without paying for the unused leave at the previous duty station, then it is not valid. The personnel officer is obliged to take into account the period for which the rest was not provided.

Application for the next vacation: sample

Let's say you have enough seniority to get a certain number of days. What other difficulties do you have to face? The administration is subject to the rules. And they are as follows: you can share a vacation, but one part of it cannot be less than two weeks. That is, such a period of all the allotted rest time should remain (or be used) in one piece. Another obstacle to getting the coveted visa on paper: production necessity. If an emergency is at work, then the bosses have the right to refuse without explanation. Others special conditions simply no. Therefore, feel free to write a statement. This paper is drawn up in a free style, that is, the legislator did not set any conditions. Logically reasoning, it is necessary to indicate the following data:

  • start date;
  • type of vacation;
  • the period for which it is provided.

The latter is not necessary, but it works quite well for the bosses. For example, like this: “I ask you to provide me with an additional day off (date) on account of the next labor leave for the period of work (specify) ".

Application for granting leave at your own expense

Those who have not yet earned paid vacation have no choice but to ask for a day off without money. For this, a standard vacation statement is written at your own expense. It must be remembered that this right is enshrined in the Labor Code. This document specifies the grounds for the claim. Usually refer to family circumstances. If you indicate the farewell to the army of a son, the birth of a child, a wedding, then, in theory, the employer has no right to refuse. However, any reason should be confirmed with an appropriate paper. As a rule, it is better to ask your immediate supervisor for a day or two at your own expense. Then the statement indicates "family circumstances" without decoding.

Every officially employed worker has the right to paid annual leave, lasting at least 28 calendar days(coming across holidays do not count towards this amount). The basis for the provision of legal rest during employment in a new place occurs after 6 months by agreement of the parties (employer and employee). Is it possible to take a vacation for a future period? Our article is devoted to this issue.

The pre-emptive right to receive rest on account of the future period

This benefit is used by separate categories citizens:

  • pregnant women (immediately before or after maternity leave);
  • employees who have adopted a child (children) under the age of three months;
  • parents (guardians) raising two or more young children;
  • underage workers under 18 years of age.

Other cases established by law, which include:

  • the employer is obliged to provide leave at the expense of the next spouse (if an application has been received from him), while the spouse is on maternity leave. In this case, the period of continuous work on this place does not matter;
  • for citizens who combine several jobs at the same time (part-time workers), annual paid rest days are issued at the same time as the leave provided at the main place of work, according to the submitted application. If the part-time worker has not worked the prescribed six months, the rest is provided in advance.

For this, the employee submits statement in the name of the manager, where he prescribes his request, the reason and the desired duration. If the employer considers it possible to satisfy the request, an appropriate order, which the employee will get acquainted with against signature. The calculation of vacation pay is calculated in accordance with the average earnings for the actual hours worked. The registration is carried out by the accountant or the personnel department of the enterprise, guided by the current norms and rules. Regulatory questions about the possibility of providing vacations at their own expense (future period or non-holiday days) are reflected in the regulations of the enterprise or the collective agreement.

Vacation application on account next vacation example sample:

Dismissal before the deadline

Upon dismissal of an employee before the end of the working year with an advance payment provided, the period not worked is charged debt that is written off from earnings... A hold is not made if:

  • the employee leaves for medical reasons, refusing to transfer to another position;
  • the employer does not have an appropriate vacancy to transfer the employee's employee to another workplace by medical prescription;
  • the staff is reduced;
  • the head of the enterprise, his deputy or Chief Accountant in connection with the change of owner;
  • for military conscription;
  • when reinstating, according to a court decision, an employee in his previous position with a saved salary;
  • when the employee is recognized as incapable of performing the labor service specified in the contract due to medical contraindications;
  • in the event of the death of a citizen, or the court recognizes him as dead or missing;
  • at emergency situations limiting or completely preventing the continuation of production activities.

How to arrange future annual leave?

Holidays are provided at any time of the year according to the approved schedule for all employees, including managers. When drawing up the sequence, the seasonality of the previous rest, the wishes of the workers are taken into account. WITH a ready-made document Introduce under the list.

Pay vacation pay is carried out three days before rest... By mutual agreement of the parties, the vacation can be postponed to other dates if the accruals were made out of time, or the employee was not warned about its start in time (less than 2 weeks).


If it was not possible to agree with the management, there is a legitimate alternative to get vacation in advance, truth without saving wages ... The required duration is negotiated in advance; this can be counted on:

  • participants in the Second World War - up to 35 days a year;
  • working disabled people - up to 60 days;
  • retired workers - up to 14 days;
  • parents or spouses of military personnel who died as a result of injuries received in the line of duty - up to 14 days;
  • received diseases (injuries) during the passage military service- up to 14 days;
  • workers for the birth of a child (children), registration of their own marriage / children, death of their closest relatives - up to 5 days;
  • for other valid reasons and family circumstances(term of provision is at the discretion of management).

Sample application for additional days at your own expense without pay:

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You can take a paid vacation in advance with the approval and written order of the head, on the basis of which vacation charges, legal right there is no off-schedule rest.

Sample application for time off on account of vacation

Life situations are varied and sometimes a day off among the working week is necessary to resolve any personal issue. And the best way out is to arrange a day off from the employer on account of the vacation. How to do this correctly, we learn from this publication.

Day off on account of vacation: definition

The term "day off" does not exist in labor law, but this concept is constantly used in modern business practice to define an additional paid day off received for early hours worked, or, in the absence of such, at the expense of the main vacation. Of course, you can get time off only with the permission of the head of the company.

Unlike the granted days off without pay, the use of time off for future vacation is more profitable for the employee, since his monthly income remains at the usual level. We only note that the manager has the right to give permission to the employee for a day off or not to give it.

Application for 1 day on account of vacation: design features

A day off on account of vacation can be granted to an employee solely on the basis of a written application and at the discretion of management. This is an immutable rule: no verbal agreements have legal force, therefore, the applicant will have to write an application asking for an additional day of rest on account of the vacation.

It is an important personnel document and the basis for further action personnel management services. V large companies there is a template for such a statement (this will streamline the workflow), but you can write it yourself on a sheet of ordinary office paper. Like any production document, a 1-day vacation application must meet criteria such as information content, literacy and brevity.

On the basis of the application endorsed by the authorizing signature of the head, the company issues an order on personnel which is then passed on to the accountant for processing. It is this order that becomes a voucher for the employee's absence from the workplace.

How to correctly draw up an application for one day on account of vacation

An application, a sample of which will be presented below, must contain:

  • position and name of the head or a representative of the administration, authorized not only to accept personnel documents but also to make decisions on them;
  • position and name of the applicant employee, and structural subdivision where he works and, if the company is large, the personnel number;
  • the actual request for time off with an indication of the date and duration (if several days of rest are needed). Personnel ethics excludes the use of the term "day off", therefore it is more correct to replace it with a loyal "day off";
  • date of filing and signature of the applicant.

We offer an example of drawing up such a document.

Sample application for time off on account of vacation

Head of the Locomotive Depot Chelyabinsk

Yu-Ur. Traction Directorate - branch of Russian Railways


signature and decryption of signature

If the employee has any reason for taking time off, then it should be indicated. In the presence of supporting documents, attach them, or their copies.

A sample application for a vacation on account of a future vacation sample

Providing one or more days of vacation should not be confused with time off. The employee is entitled to another day of rest (day off) in cases specified by law. For example, when working on a weekend or a non-working holiday (at the request of the employee), when donating blood (it is the employer's obligation).

You should also not confuse the day (s) on account of vacation with the day (vacation) at your own expense (without pay). The latter type of vacation is not paid. Only some categories of workers are entitled to additional leave.

By submitting an application for granting a day (s) on account of vacation, the employee actually asks for an extraordinary paid vacation. The employee also retains the place of work and average earnings... But unlike the next vacation, in which the employee leaves in accordance with the vacation schedule, extraordinary vacation provided exclusively by agreement with the employer. And the employer's right is to allow this vacation or not. In case of refusal, if necessary, you need to take a vacation at your own expense. It should be remembered that unauthorized leave on vacation is considered absenteeism and can lead to dismissal on this basis.

Vacation day (s) may not only be granted if there are unused vacation days. You can take the days ahead. The right to vacation arises after six months of work in the organization, however, by agreement with the management, vacation days can be used earlier. For some employees (pregnant women, minors who have adopted a child under the age of three months, etc.), the employer is obliged to provide leave before the end of six months of work.

An application for the provision of a day (days) on account of the vacation is drawn up in the name of the head of the organization. The text of the application states: "I ask you to give me one day on account of the vacation on July 15, 2015". If more days are needed, then the period is indicated: from July 15 to July 17, 2015. At the bottom of the document is the date of its compilation. The application is signed by the employee.

It is compulsory to draw up an order to provide the employee with a day (days) on account of the vacation. The employee gets to know him in the usual way - against signature.

A sample application for a day (s) of vacation can be downloaded here.

A few days on account of the next vacation.

there is no such thing as “on account of the next vacation”.

You can take an official vacation application for at least 1 day, however, such a "split" part should not exceed more than 14 days (for 28 days of vacation), and the second must be at least 14 days long.

Another option, which is sometimes practiced, is to let the person go, but make a note to yourself that he took a vacation on account of the vacation, and then when he goes on real annual leave, warn him to return from it earlier, in connection with the former days off.

In the first case, the procedure is legal, but it must be observed in full (application, order, entry in the personal account, calculation of vacation pay), therefore it is laborious.

The second is simpler, but not legal and is based on trust - sometimes it happens to be very unreliable to her.

Talk to your management about the need for a one-day vacation. Perhaps the boss will meet you and the need for formalization will disappear. Often, one day can be arranged informally, by agreement, on account of future vacation.

Check with the HR department of the company for a sample vacation application. In a standard application, the procedure for registration is as follows:

- A cap. In the upper right corner: “To the head (enterprise) full name

Holidays at own expense

Unpaid leave (also called unpaid leave, self-pay) is a type of leave that is not associated with an employee's annual vacation. It is not paid, it is provided regardless of the length of service.

When writing an application for a vacation at your own expense (hereinafter referred to as an application), it is better to use a ready-made sample. It is more convenient and faster. This document contains a request from an employee to provide him with unpaid rest. The application is written in the name of the head (enterprise, organization, institution).

The "cap" of the document contains the position of the head, his full name and the position of the applicant, his full name. In the center it is necessary to write the word "application".

Then, indented one paragraph, you should write the main text:

"I ask you to grant me an unpaid leave of _ calendar days from such and such a date." It is better to negotiate the period of the provided leave with your superiors in advance. Then it is indicated: "reason (reason) ____".

The manager will consider the application only if there is a good reason in it. However, he has no right to demand any supporting documents from the applicant. The date is written under the application, the signature is put. The duration of the unpaid leave is negotiated by agreement between the employee and the employer. The employee must submit the written statement to the head of the organization for resolution.

Reasons for obtaining unpaid leave

Sample application for vacation

The Labor Code does not contain a definition of “valid reasons” (Article 128 of the code), therefore the employer independently, in his opinion, determines whether the specified reason is valid. The head has the right to regulate in internal documents organization a list of reasons that will be the basis for making a positive decision.

Usually, employees write statements in the following cases:

  • at the birth of children
  • at the death of close relatives
  • when registering a marriage
  • family and personal circumstances in which it is impossible for an employee to combine work with family affairs
  • serious health condition of a relative
  • farewell to the army
  • when passing exams in an evening school, or in a secondary / higher educational institution
  • fire, other disaster that befell the employee and his family
  • quarantine declaration in kindergarten, seeing off the children to the camp.

    When a written statement cannot be ignored

    Leaders are required to provide unpaid leave:

  • old age pensioners and disabled workers
  • for marriage registration, registration of a born child
  • in the event of the death of a close relative of an employee
  • part-time workers, if at the main place of work they have a longer duration annual leave
  • wives (husbands) and parents of military personnel who died, died in the line of duty
  • employees during entrance and other exams in higher / secondary educational institutions.

    Vacation application form at your own expense download (Size: 28.5 KiB | Downloads: 57)

    Outdated form or article? Please click!

    Read: 1 133

    Using the sample application for a one-day vacation, you can draw up your application for an additional holiday on account of the vacation. As everyone knows, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation says that we (employees) have the right to go on basic annual paid leave, which is granted to employees for 28 calendar days. Leave that is longer than 28 calendar days is called extended main leave. In addition to the main leave, the employee has the right to take additional annual leave of up to 35 days.

    Who is eligible for additional annual leave?

    Annual additional paid leaves are granted to workers employed in jobs with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, workers with a special nature of work, workers with irregular working hours, workers working in areas Far north and localities equated to them, as well as in other cases stipulated by the Labor Code and other federal laws. Employers, taking into account their production and financial capabilities, can independently establish additional holidays for employees, unless otherwise provided by the Labor Code and other federal laws. The procedure and conditions for the provision of these leaves are determined by collective agreements or local regulations, which are adopted taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization. Other vacation applications

    Sample application for one day vacation

    To the General Director, the position of full name

    Please provide me with annual paid leave from ___________ to ____________ in the amount of _______ calendar days. number (signature of the employee) (Signature of the Head of Department)

    Based on the above sample, an application for an additional day off on account of the main vacation and the labor code, you can draw up an application for a one-day vacation according to the type of application for providing an additional day off on account of not the main one, but additional leave, which is naturally not paid.

    Vacation application for one day

    AND ABOUT. Director of the Siberian Federal District of the private security company "PSB" Prosvirnin A.M. from Rusinov Artem Alexandrovich position: security guard object: "__________" tel: 8 - *** - *** - ** - **

    I ask you to provide me with an additional day off on 07/29/2014 on account of the annual additional leave without pay. number (signature of the employee) (Signature of the Head of Department)

    Application for days on account of vacation

    If you urgently need to take a day off at work, but there are no free time off, or even there was no, then you can always try to write an application for days on account of the vacation, a sample of which is downloaded in a couple of seconds. Such an opportunity, as a rule, is available only to those who can already legally go on a well-deserved vacation, that is, they have already diligently worked six months in their place. V otherwise, it is unlikely that someone will give you time off for this. By the way, you won't be able to take a fully deserved vacation, and you need to know this, because there is always a limit of 50%, that is, 14 vacation days.

    It is allowed to fill in the paper as you like, i.e. you can manually write a statement on account of your future vacation, or you can print a ready-made sample by filling it out. The main thing that needs to be highlighted is the period and all the number of days that you would like to ask for. However, you must also remember that the chef can show character and refuse if you do not have a really good reason in your hands. That is why it is recommended to immediately reveal all the cards in the document.

    How to correctly arrange days for vacation

    Today, the employer is obliged to provide their employees with leave, as well as monetary compensation for him.

    At the same time, directly during the vacation, an officially employed employee has the right to be absent from his workplace.

    When necessary, the employee has the right, on the basis of an application and by prior agreement, to receive days off on account of his future vacation.

    Wherein the given time v mandatory is also compensated by the corresponding payment. This moment is covered in sufficient detail in the current on the territory Russian Federation legislation.

    What you need to know ^

    According to the legislation in force in the territory of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide his officially employed employee with annual paid leave.

    Its duration is 28 calendar days. Moreover, not only working days are paid, but also holidays and weekends.

    The procedure for calculating the amount of vacation pay is quite simple, it has not changed for many years. If necessary, the employee has the right to ask for one day of vacation (take a sample from the personnel department).

    At the same time, payment for this missed working time will be retained due to compensation payments from vacation pay. This moment is reflected in the current edition of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    All persons who have one or another relation directly to the calculation of vacation pay should deal with the following important issues in as much detail as possible:

    • basic concepts;
    • emerging need;
    • legal grounds.

    This will avoid the emergence of various kinds of difficult and even conflict situations between the employee and the employer.

    Basic concepts

    In order not to experience difficulties when analyzing the current edition of the legislation, it is imperative to understand the terminology.

    The most important definitions in in this case are as follows:

    • vacation;
    • annual leave;
    • compensation;
    • vacation pay;
    • the special nature of the work;
    • extension and postponement of vacation.

    Vacation is understood as a certain period of time during the year when an officially employed employee has the right to be absent from his workplace with pay.

    Annual leave is a certain period of time that the employer is obliged to provide to his employee if he has already worked for more than 6 months.

    It is after this time that the first right to use the vacation appears. Vacation pay is a certain amount of money that must be paid for the period while an officially employed employee is on vacation.

    Compensation is a similar payment calculated in the same way. But at the same time, it is paid if the employee leaves for some reason and did not manage to take advantage of the vacation prescribed for him in accordance with the current legislation.

    The special nature of the work - certain conditions work in which increased vacation pay or a longer period of the vacation itself is relied on.

    Moreover, if the employee wishes to receive days off on account of the vacation, their payment will be calculated in accordance with special character work. This moment is governed by applicable law.

    If necessary, the employer, by agreement with the employee, has the right to carry out the transfer of vacation to another time. This procedure also reflected in the current legislation.

    The emerging need

    Today, such a concept as time off is simply absent in the current legislation.

    That is why if there is any need for absence from the workplace, the employee must independently notify his employer about it.

    What is the deadline for paying vacation pay in 2018, read here.

    After that, he already decides whether the reason is serious enough to break down the annual leave into several component parts.

    At the same time, the legislation does not regulate this moment in any way. If you need to get time off, you can simply provide an appropriate application for the provision of days.

    Moreover, its format is not regulated by anything. You can write an application for three days, two or more - it all depends, first of all, on the loyalty of the employer himself.

    Legal grounds

    Since there is no possibility of getting time off on account of vacation, even if there are sufficiently serious reasons, then for legal registration of this kind actions will need to refer to Chapter No. 19 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    In this case, it is necessary to use the version edited by the Federal Law No. 197-FZ of 12/30/01.

    Before that, you will need to focus on the following legislative acts:

    According to the provisions reflected in Art. No. 114 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide annual paid leave to his employee.

    At the same time, the employee has the right to demand it immediately after the first 6 months worked - but at the same time, the time off on account of the vacation can be requested even earlier.

    Their provision will not be illegal if properly reflected in the accounting department of the enterprise.

    According to Art. No. 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, annual paid leave can be divided into several parts by prior agreement with the employer.

    It is on this basis that the employee can completely legal grounds be absent from your workplace and receive an average daily wage.

    In this case, the duration of one such period of vacation can be from 1 day to 14. Since, according to the provisions of the same article, one of the parts of the vacation must be at least 14 days - it is mandatory.

    At the same time, according to Art. No. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, even a vacation of 1 day must be paid in full, in accordance with the Labor Code.

    Moreover, it is necessary to comply with the relevant deadlines - the payment must be made no later than 3 days before the start of the vacation.

    Otherwise, a fine may be imposed on the employer, as well as a penalty in the amount of 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

    The employee and the employer should necessarily take into account all the nuances indicated above. This will allow avoiding various kinds of conflicts and controversial situations, which will have to be clarified through the courts.

    Registration procedure ^

    Even if agreements have been reached between the employee and his employer regarding time off on account of vacation, it will be necessary to issue this moment accordingly.

    Since the payment of vacation days will be required, all this will need to be reflected in accounting. It is the poet who will need to write a corresponding statement, as well as prepare an order.

    Moreover, an application for a weekend on account of a vacation (a sample can be found on the Internet) is similar to the application for a vacation itself.

    Both the employee and the employer are required to sort out the following important issues in advance:

    • who is eligible for time off?
    • how to write an application for one day on account of vacation?
    • where to go?

    Who is eligible

    Since, in fact, the days on account of the vacation are the vacation itself, it will be necessary to determine the right to it in the same way, in accordance with the legislative norms applicable to ordinary vacation.

    This moment is disclosed in maximum detail in Art. No. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. On the basis of the relevant provisions, persons who have worked for at least 6 months are entitled to leave.

    Moreover, this experience necessarily includes the following:

    • the time during which the employee actually worked;
    • the time during which the employee did not work, but his workplace was retained - sick leave, maternity leave and other situations specified in the current legislation;
    • time constituting absenteeism - due to forced illegal dismissal or if there is a really good reason;
    • other time, which is provided:
    1. Labor contract.
    2. Collective agreement.
    3. Local regulations.

    It should be remembered that the following is not included in the time period:

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    Today the employer is obliged to provide his employees with vacation, as well as monetary compensation for it.

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    At the same time, directly during the vacation, an officially employed employee has the right to be absent from his workplace.

    When necessary, the employee has the right, on the basis of an application and by prior agreement, to receive days off on account of his future vacation.

    At the same time, this time is obligatorily compensated by the corresponding payment. This moment is covered in sufficient detail in the legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    What you need to know

    According to the legislation in force in the territory of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide his officially employed employee.

    Its duration is 28 calendar days. Moreover, not only working days are paid, but also holidays and weekends.

    The procedure for calculating the amount of vacation pay is quite simple, it has not changed for many years. If necessary, the employee has the right to ask for one day of vacation (take a sample from the personnel department).

    At the same time, payment for this missed working time will be retained due to compensation payments from vacation pay. This moment is reflected in the current edition of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    All persons who have one or another relation directly to the calculation of vacation pay should deal with the following important issues in as much detail as possible:

    • basic concepts;
    • emerging need;
    • legal grounds.

    This will avoid the emergence of various kinds of difficult and even conflict situations between the employee and the employer.

    Basic concepts

    In order not to experience difficulties when analyzing the current edition of the legislation, it is imperative to understand the terminology.

    The most important definitions in this case are as follows:

    • vacation;
    • annual leave;
    • compensation;
    • vacation pay;
    • the special nature of the work;
    • extension and postponement of vacation.

    Vacation is understood as a certain period of time during the year when he has the right to be absent from his workplace with pay.

    Annual leave is a certain period of time that the employer is obliged to provide to his employee if he has already worked for more than 6 months.

    It is after this time that the first right to use the vacation appears. Vacation pay is a certain amount of money that must be paid for the period while an officially employed employee is on vacation.

    Compensation is a similar payment calculated in the same way. But at the same time, it is paid if the employee leaves for some reason and did not manage to take advantage of the vacation prescribed for him in accordance with the current legislation.

    The special nature of the work is certain working conditions under which increased vacation pay or a longer period of the vacation itself is supposed.

    Moreover, if an employee wishes to receive days off on account of vacation, their payment will be calculated in accordance with the special nature of the work. This moment is governed by applicable law.

    If necessary, the employer, by agreement with the employee, has the right to carry out the transfer of vacation to another time. This procedure is also reflected in the current legislation.

    The emerging need

    Today, such a concept as time off is simply absent in the current legislation.

    That is why if there is any need for absence from the workplace, the employee must independently notify his employer about it.

    After that, he already decides whether the reason is serious enough to break down the annual leave into several component parts.

    At the same time, the legislation does not regulate this moment in any way. If it becomes necessary to obtain time off, you can simply provide the appropriate one.

    Moreover, its format is not regulated by anything. You can write an application for three days, two or more - it all depends, first of all, on the loyalty of the employer himself.

    Legal grounds

    Since there is no possibility of obtaining time off on account of vacation, even if there are sufficiently serious reasons, then for the legal registration of such an action, it will be necessary to refer to Chapter No. 19 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    In this case, you must use the version edited by

    Before that, you will need to focus on the following legislative acts:

    • Art. No. 114 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
    • Art. No. 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
    • Art. No. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    According to the provisions reflected in, the employer is obliged to provide annual paid leave to his employee.

    At the same time, the employee has the right to demand it immediately after the first 6 months worked - but at the same time, the time off on account of the vacation can be requested even earlier.

    Their provision will not be illegal if properly reflected in the accounting department of the enterprise.

    The employee and the employer should necessarily take into account all the nuances indicated above. This will allow avoiding various kinds of conflicts and controversial situations, which will have to be clarified through the courts.

    Registration procedure

    Even if agreements have been reached between the employee and his employer regarding time off on account of vacation, it will be necessary to issue this moment accordingly.

    Since the payment of vacation days will be required, all this will need to be reflected in accounting. It is the poet who will need to write a corresponding statement, as well as prepare an order.

    Moreover, an application for a weekend on account of a vacation (a sample can be found on the Internet) is similar to the application for a vacation itself.

    Both the employee and the employer are required to sort out the following important issues in advance:

    • who is eligible for time off?
    • how to write an application for one day on account of vacation?
    • where to go?

    Who is eligible

    Since, in fact, the days on account of the vacation are the vacation itself, it will be necessary to determine the right to it in the same way, in accordance with the legislative norms applicable to ordinary vacation.

    This moment is disclosed in as much detail as possible in. On the basis of the relevant provisions, persons who have worked for at least 6 months are entitled to leave.

    Moreover, this experience necessarily includes the following:

    • the time during which the employee actually worked;
    • the time during which the employee did not work, but his workplace was retained for him - sick leave, and other situations indicated in the current legislation;
    • time constituting absenteeism - due to forced illegal or in the presence of any really serious reason;
    • other time, which is provided:
    1. Labor contract.
    2. Local regulations.

    It should be remembered that the following is not included in the time period:

    It should also be remembered that the length of service, which gives the right to leave in the presence of harmful or dangerous, special working conditions, includes only the hours actually worked (a day for two and other formulas).

    At the same time, the duration of the length of service, which will give the right to leave for a specific employee, will necessarily include the time from the first day of work with a specific employer.

    How to write an application for one day on account of vacation (sample)

    The format of an application for the provision of time off on account of vacation is completely similar to the same document for vacation.

    It should contain the following sections:

    In the upper right part the position of the person in whose name the application is being written;
    surname, name and patronymic of the official;
    name of the employer
    The body of the statement itself date of compilation, document number;
    Title of the document;
    a request for leave with reference to the current article of the labor code and the dates during which it will run
    If any documents are attached You must mark them at the bottom of the application.
    Applicant's signature with transcript
    Personnel employee signature
    Authorized Official Signature Head of the enterprise, director

    Where to contact

    There are times in the life of every working citizen when one day off is required in the middle of the working week. labor code there is no longer such a thing as "day off". It was considered an additional day off, for the previously worked time, for example, on a weekend or a public holiday. Now, the management decides for itself whether to give the employee a day off or not.

    Paid time off is provided to an employee in several cases:

    • when working overtime;
    • when working on a day off;
    • when donating blood.

    But sometimes it happens that an employee urgently needs a day off, but he does not have legal time off. In this case, a day off is issued on account of the vacation.

    What is day off?

    According to labor legislation, the citizen has the right to receive and use one day of the vacation. Among employers and employees, this is called time off on account of vacation.

    As such, the concept of "day off" in the Labor Code ceased to exist officially in 2002. It is used only in a colloquial style among working citizens and employers.

    A day off, or day off due to paid vacation, is governed by Art. 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to this article, a working citizen has the right to take leave in parts, one day at a time, at his own discretion.

    To exercise this right, you need to write a statement indicating the date on which the employee wants to get time off.

    Who can take advantage of the time off?

    Not everyone can take advantage of the day off.

    A day off on account of paid leave is issued to working citizens who have worked at this enterprise for more than 6 months.

    But what about citizens who have worked for less than 6 months at one enterprise (this includes such a category of workers: pregnant women, minors, part-time workers, pensioners)?

    And it is important to remember that the employee's desire to get a day off is not enough. The consent and authorization of the employer is also required.

    How to fill out an application correctly?

    The application is submitted only in writing.

    To write an application for time off on account of the vacation, the employee focuses on the application for the next vacation. Sometimes large enterprises have ready-made forms for filling out for all cases, you can also find a sample application on the information board near the HR department or ask for the form directly from the personnel of the HR department.

    Whenever possible, it is best to coordinate time off planning with management. When emergency situations as a rule, the employer enters into a subordinate position and gives time off.

    List of situations - good reasons that must be indicated when writing an application:

    1. Funeral;
    2. Wedding;
    3. Birth of a child;
    4. Doctor's certificate (for urgent surgery);
    5. Urgent departure / departure, etc.

    Requirements for registration of the application:

    • filling in the header. The upper right corner contains information about the leader in whose name the application is being written, and from whom the document is received (indicating the position and name of the department);
    • in the middle of the sheet with a small letter the word "statement" is written, after that a full stop is put;
    • content of the statement. A sentence with a request for time off begins with a capital letter, the date of the proposed day off is indicated. If possible, the reason for the time off is indicated;
    • end of document. On the left side, the date of writing the application is indicated, on the right side - the signature is put and the signature is deciphered.

    Sample application for time off on account of vacation


    LLC "Fairy"

    Sidorov I.V.


    Ivanova I.I.


    I ask you to provide me with an additional day off on July 25, 2017 on account of the next annual paid vacation.

    It is important to fill out the application correctly.

    Sometimes there are cases when the employee did not use the vacation for the previous calendar year... Then, in the application form, you need to change the wording: "I ask you to provide one day from the unused part of the annual leave for ... year (specify)."

    In this case, you need to indicate only the year in which there is an unused vacation.

    If possible, it is better to draw up the application in 2 copies and personally refer it to your manager for signature. If there is no opportunity to meet with the manager, you need to leave 1 copy with the secretary or an employee of the personnel department. In this case, it is imperative to put the number of the incoming application on both copies.

    Employees with more than 6 months of experience at the same enterprise have the opportunity to use the time off due to paid leave. Other categories of workers can also take advantage of this opportunity, but only in extreme cases.

    The application must be written in accordance with the registration requirements similar documents and agreed with the management.

    If there are documents confirming the reasons for the time off, their photocopies must be attached to the application.

    This video will show you how to get time off.

    Form for accepting a question, write your

    Situations often arise when employed citizens need to take one day off. Of course, you can write an application for a vacation at your own expense, indicating a specific date, but in this case, a lower salary will be paid, because the day on which the employee did not work is deducted from it. If you do not want to lose money, you can go the other way - ask the manager for a day off on account of the vacation. This option has a lot of advantages: firstly, it does not affect finances, and secondly, the vacation decreases only slightly.

    Every employee has the right to take time off against coming vacation, but for this, you must first agree with the manager and write an appropriate statement, on the basis of which a day off will be provided.

    Important! If an employee takes time off at his own expense, then the payment of the days on which he was absent from the workplace is deducted from his salary. If the day off is provided on account of the vacation, then no deductions are made in this situation, since this only affects the amount of vacation pay in the future, but insignificantly.

    In accordance with the current legislation, employers are obliged to provide an annual paid leave in the amount of 28 calendar days. Receiving extra days depends on working conditions and collective or employment contract... Who is entitled to an extended vacation:

    • Employees, labor duties which are associated with risk to life or mental stress: rescuers, air traffic controllers, police officers, prosecutors, judges, etc.
    • Employees involved in the construction of underground structures and mines.
    • Citizens employed in organizations whose activities are mining operations, as well as those working in the field of the metallurgical industry and energy.
    • Municipality workers and civil servants.
    • Donors, coaches, athletes.
    • Citizens working in the Far North who have undergone radiation contamination, as well as those who work on irregular hours.

    It is worth noting that at each enterprise the manager can set the number of additional days for vacation independently, but in general, the duration of employees' rest should not be less than 28 days. Vacation can be divided in parts, but this must be reflected in the schedule.

    What is the procedure for processing documents for the provision of paid leave?

    A verbal agreement with the manager is not a reason not to go to work on the day when the day off was required, because the relevant documents must be prepared in advance. If this is not done, a conflict situation may occur when the employer denies that he was notified of the time off in advance and agrees with it. To prevent this, you must do the following:

    • Write a statement asking to provide time off on account of the vacation. It must contain the data of the employer and the applicant himself, as well as its essence and the specific date when a day off is required.
    • Submit an application to the director. The document must be signed with consent and the seal of the organization.
    • Wait until the order of the head is issued and sign it.

    Is it legal not to go to work if the employer does not give time off?

    On legal grounds, it is not possible not to go to work, and absence from the workplace for 4 hours or more is considered absenteeism and is a direct reason for dismissal at the request of the employer (Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, there is only one way to achieve what you want not to go to work on specific days - to take sick leave. Of course, this is not the most legal option, besides, not every doctor will agree to issue a certificate of incapacity for work to a citizen who is not actually sick, but for the employer, the presence of this document is a good excuse for the employee's absence from work.

    If an employee has been absent from his place of work on a working day for more than 4 hours without a valid reason, the director has good reasons for his dismissal. To do this, he or another responsible employee must draw up a truancy report signed by two witnesses, and then demand an explanatory note from the offending subordinate. If it is revealed that he missed work for no reason, the manager issues a dismissal order and gives it to the citizen in respect of whom it was drawn up for signature. In the future, all calculations are made for the time worked and compensation is paid for unused vacation.

    Who has the right to write an application for taking leave of absence on account of the vacation?

    All citizens who have worked in the organization for more than 6 months are entitled to leave, but the manager is not obliged to grant requests if their experience in the organization is less than 1 year. If this requirement is met, but the director still refuses to sign the vacation application, then the persons whose rights have been violated have the right to apply to labor inspection for the restoration of justice.

    In general, the issue of granting short-term leave is entirely the responsibility of the employer and he may well refuse, however there are certain categories of citizens in respect of whom this is unacceptable:

    • Working pensioners who have retired by old age.
    • Participants of the Great Patriotic War.
    • Disabled people.
    • Close relatives of the military who died in the line of duty.

    If an employee belongs to one of the above categories and the manager refused to grant him time off, he can file a complaint with the labor inspectorate. However, it should be remembered that there is such a concept as "production necessity", according to which the employer has the right to reject the request for an after-hours off, as well as to involve all employees to work on holidays without their consent, if this helps to prevent a catastrophe, damage to property, unfortunate accident or accident.

    There are also several reasons why unpaid leave may be granted: death loved one, birth of a child, own wedding... The duration of such days off is set individually at each enterprise, but in most cases it does not exceed 5 calendar days.

    In many organizations with irregular work schedules, employees have to work on weekends and holidays, and then they have two options: to receive double wages for their work, or to issue a day off on the required date on account of overtime. If overtime work is not compensated, this is considered a serious offense and the basis for bringing the manager to administrative responsibility.

    In most cases, it is enough just to find a common language with the employer and get time off, even when there are no legal grounds for this, because in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there is no direct prohibition on the provision of an extra-curricular day off without good reason: everything needs to be decided individually, and most often, with the right approach, a compromise can be found. If the director claims that he cannot let go of the employee due to the fact that there is no one to replace him, and there are grounds for refusal, he will have to accept this.

    How to correctly write an application for vacation and for other reasons?

    In fact, the sample application for two days of vacation is similar to the format of the application for the vacation itself. The document must contain the following:

    • Position, full name employer and organization name.
    • The name of the document is "application", the essence of the request, the desired dates of the weekend, the date of preparation.
    • Inventory of accompanying documents: for example, if time off is required in connection with a trip, copies of tickets can be provided. This item is optional.
    • The signatures of the applicant himself, as well as of the employee of the personnel department and the head are put on the bottom, everything is confirmed with a seal.

    Submit this document can be directly to the employer, or to the personnel department, but in any case without preliminary agreement with the director and issuing him an order on the provision of days off on account of vacation, it is impossible not to go to work without permission: this is fraught with dismissal for absenteeism.

    The employer's order to provide the employee with time off must contain the following information:

    • Name of the company, date of compilation, document number.
    • The essence: for example, “on the basis of the statement of Ivanov I.AND. I order to allocate an additional day of rest (the date is indicated) on account of the upcoming vacation ... ".
    • Data about the person assigned to control the execution of the order: it can be an employee or the head of the personnel department.
    • Below the director puts his signature and seal.

    Only after the order is approved, the employee can legally go on time off.

    In addition to the weekend on account of the vacation, there are several other options that you can use if you have reason:

    • Day off for overtime or work on weekends or holidays.
    • For processing in the amount during shift work.
    • For donation: a person who donated blood on a working day in the morning should be given a day off, because he will need time to recuperate.
    • Day off at your own expense.

    Each of the above methods is good in its own way, but for many, the most optimal is getting time off on account of the upcoming vacation. It should be remembered that a day off will be considered legal only if an application has been previously submitted to the name of the manager and a corresponding order has been drawn up.