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What documents should I change when changing my last name? What documents should I change after marriage? What documents and within what time frame must be changed after changing the surname due to marriage? Deadline for amending documents when changing your last name

The question of how you can change your first name, last name and patronymic, as well as what documents need to be changed when making such a change, is of interest to many citizens of the Russian Federation. Wherein current legislature provides complete answers to these questions, but they are often contained in various documents and regulations. In the article we will consider the exact procedure for changing passport data.

Table of contents:

Legal regulation of changing last name, first name, patronymic

In accordance with the current Russian legislation, namely, by the provisions of Article 19 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, every citizen of the Russian Federation must make all transactions exclusively on his own own name, under your last name and patronymic.
Accordingly, such data reflected in the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and other documents are mandatory and unchangeable, at least without observing the relevant procedural actions.

Important fact

There are situations in which the use of data other than passport data is acceptable. These include changing passport data in documentation for the purposes of the investigation. In addition, it is allowed to use pseudonyms in any activity related to art and the creation of works of authorship, as well as their execution, including transactions under a certain pseudonym.

The issue of changing passport data, how you can change your last name, first name or patronymic, is fully covered by the provisions of the current Federal Law No. 143 of November 15, 1997. It is devoted to these issues VIIchapter. In general, there may be several available reasons for changing passport data:

  • Registration of marriage and change of surname of one of the spouses or both spouses to a double one.
  • Changing passport data at the request of a person who has reached the age of 14.
  • Changing the last name, first name, patronymic of a minor child by decision of the guardianship authorities.

It also applies to adopted children under three years of age. special order changing passport data, allowing you to change not only your first name, last name and patronymic, but also your date of birth within three months of the actual one.


Changing the full name of a minor, but who has reached the age of 14, is carried out according to his own statement, but with the consent of both parents or official guardians, or by court decision, if such consent was not received by him. Exceptions from this algorithm of actions are allowed only for persons recognized as competent in judicial procedure emancipation.

Moreover, in all cases of possible changes in passport data, the implementation of such actions is carried out by the civil registry office. It is to the registry office that applications to change the last name, first name or patronymic are submitted.

How to change your last name, first name or patronymic

The possibility of changing only the surname in the case of marriage registration is expressly provided for by the current provisions of Art. 32 IC RF.

At the same time, although the procedure for changing the wife’s surname is traditionally established, the opposite process is also possible - changing the husband’s surname. Or both spouses can combine their surnames into double ones, except in cases where one of them or both already has such a surname. In general, changing a surname in connection with the registration of a marriage or its dissolution is carried out in simplified procedure and can be performed in any civil registry office where the marriage registration procedure is carried out.

To change your name, surname or patronymic, you must submit a corresponding application to the registry office at your place of registration or place of birth. To do this, you should also attach a passport, birth certificate, existing certificates of marriage registration or divorce, as well as all birth certificates of the citizen’s children.

The time frame for changing the last name, first name or patronymic in this case is a month, but if the registry office has good reasons, it can be extended for another month. In a statement in mandatory the person’s valid passport details, desired full name, as well as the reason why they are being changed are indicated.

Important fact

If it is necessary to extend the deadlines, notification of such an extension, as well as an indication of a valid reason why the shift is delayed, must be sent to the applicant.

Refusal to change a surname, name or patronymic can be carried out exclusively for two reasons. These include the inconsistency of the change with the above Federal law"About acts civil status", or incorrect documents submitted. The necessary documents for changing the first and last name also include a receipt for payment state duty. The state fee for changing a surname or other passport data ranges from 1,000 to 1,600 rubles, depending on the applicant’s region of residence. In addition, it should be noted that the application is submitted exclusively using the established Form 15 to change passport data.

After changing the passport data, the civil registry office issues a certificate of change of surname, name and patronymic. Such a certificate is the main document that will be necessary subsequently to replace other documents of the person who has changed his passport data. In addition, this document can be used for identification along with old documents that have not yet been replaced.


You can submit an application to the registry office to change your patronymic, first or last name online, using the State Services electronic service. In this case, the entire package of documents will have to be submitted in person, by mail, or through authorized representative according to the current notary.

What documents need to be changed after changing the last name, first name or patronymic

In case of change of surname, name or patronymic, regardless of the reasons, the citizen is obliged to replace his main documents. First of all, this question concerns the passport.

Important fact

After changing his data, the citizen is obliged to make it within thirty days. To replace a passport when changing your last name, you can contact absolutely any department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the current regional MFC - employees of such bodies do not have the right to refuse to accept an application for issuing a new document.

If the passport is not replaced within thirty days, the citizen may be forced to live with a missing main document. The fine in this case ranges from 2 to 5 thousand rubles, depending on the place of residence.
In addition to your passport, you must also replace it, colloquially called SNILS. In this case, the certificate itself will not be changed - to change the certificate, it will be enough to contact the Pension Fund branch at the place where the certificate was issued or at the place of residence.

In addition to SNILS, if you have one, you should also have a compulsory medical insurance policy.

For citizens liable for military service, it is also necessary. when changing your last name, first name or patronymic, it is possible only after replacing your general passport. At the same time, it is not necessary to hand over your old passport - it is enough to put a mark on it about its cancellation, or simply get a second passport if only one was issued before. Driver's licenses are also subject to replacement.

Every girl, when she gets married, wants to become a happy wife. two loving hearts, but also a union of two genera. The symbol of the union of a man and a woman is a common surname. Most women change their maiden name to their husband's last name. However, in recent decades, statistics have changed: more and more women keep their maiden name or take a double one. There is also a small percentage of men who change their last name to their wife’s last name or take a double one.

The question of how time-consuming and troublesome it will be to change your last name after marriage and what psychological significance it has worries every bride.

Psychological side of the issue

Changing your last name is a difficult and often scary issue for a bride. Thoughts about the paperwork involved when replacing documents and about the possible consequences of changing your last name upon marriage make you worry and doubt whether it is worth taking such a serious step.

You can change your surname some time after marriage. The right to change your name is provided for by law not only in cases of marriage.

A woman legally has the right to choose one of three options when entering into a legal marriage:

take your husband's last name,
leave your maiden name,
take a double surname.

You need to decide and make a decision about changing your last name before the couple comes to submit an application to the registry office, since this information is indicated when filling out the documents.

In former times, the answer to the question about changing a surname upon marriage was unambiguous and categorical: a woman must take her husband’s surname.

The tradition of a wife adopting her husband's surname existed back in those distant times when there were no surnames as such. In addition to their names, people were called and called by nicknames. A man’s nickname was given for a feature of his appearance, character, behavior, or based on the work performed. The wife was called by her husband's name or his nickname. For example, the wife of the blacksmith Ivan was called Marya Ivanova or Marya Kuznetsova. Some nicknames were cacophonous, mocking, or emphasized people's shortcomings (Crooked, Stuttering, and the like).

When family ties were lost and surnames became established as an independent fact, wives began to take their husband’s surname, paying tribute to tradition. By taking the surname of her husband, a woman becomes her husband’s wife, living “behind her husband.” Changing a surname upon marriage began to symbolize a woman’s inclusion in her husband’s clan.

And in the twenty-first century, girls change their last name when they get married, based on folk traditions, and don’t even think that they don’t have to do this.

For a guy, a girl’s acceptance of his last name is an indicator of love and complete acceptance of him as a person. The groom may perceive the bride's reluctance to take a surname as a sign of mistrust, reluctance to become one, a family. The requirement to keep your maiden name can be regarded as a personal insult, giving rise to a mutual insult and provoking conflict in the couple.

Men still want their wife to bear her husband's surname, but a loving groom will take into account the interests, opinions and wishes of the bride. He will not present an ultimatum, will not blackmail, but will offer to discuss the issue and come to a common decision.

How the bride and groom perceive the possibility of changing their surname depends on their personality, upbringing and ability to understand each other.

The girl intuitively understands and knows that changing her last name will change her destiny. A marriage with a change of surname is experienced by the bride as the beginning of a new life and causes a lot of excitement and anxiety. But not all girls worry about and attach importance to changing their last name; some strive to change it as soon as possible (for example, if they don’t like their own last name).

Marriage is an extremely serious and responsible step in the life of a woman and a man, which will change her and each of them. Changing your last name after marriage is an additional step in this fateful event that a person takes.

To marry and take her husband's surname, the bride must be aware of the seriousness of her choice and have the desire to do so. It’s good when changing your last name to your husband’s last name is a consequence of love for him and the desire to be alone.

The bride, answering the question of why she doesn’t want to change her last name, should try to find the true reasons for her reluctance. Is it a matter of having to run around? government agencies and change documents or something else?

Possible psychological reasons for reluctance to change your last name:

fears that the marriage may collapse (and the surname of the man who has become a stranger will remain);
uncertainty about the correctness of marriage;
negative personal experience(if the woman is not getting married for the first time);
disrespect for a man, contempt for clan, nationality or family;
dislike and other negative feelings towards the groom;
fear of marriage or the wedding procedure (gamophobia);
a promise not to change the surname given to yourself or your parents.

There may be other reasons for reluctance to take the husband's surname.

Even ancient people believed that a change of name entails a change in fate and not always for the better. If we touch on the sphere of parapsychology and the issue of name energy, then there are options for checking how suitable the new surname is for the girl. For example, numerological calculation of the number of a name before and after marriage and their comparison.

Legal aspect

Replacing documents when changing a surname is today a mandatory procedure that will require money and time. Changing documents is troublesome and sometimes problematic. At the legislative level, not only the procedure for replacing documents is provided, but also the time frame within which you need to invest. IN otherwise The citizen will face fines.

The girl must have time to contact the passport office to replace her passport due to a change of surname, within one month (thirty days) after marriage. The old passport can be used for one month after the wedding, but no more.

In addition to the main identification document, the following is submitted to the passport office:

application for a replacement passport due to a change of surname;
receipt of payment of state duty,
photographs of the required format,
Marriage certificate.

But by replacing internal passport The process of changing a surname does not end. If the girl has the following documents, they will also have to be replaced or appropriate changes made:

international passport;
pension insurance certificate;
identification code;
medical insurance;
driver's license;
bank cards;
documents about education, if it is not completed (student card, record book, etc.);
employment history;
personal account for payment of utilities;
entrepreneur certificate.

Other documents, such as diplomas, certificates, certificates in which the maiden name appears, are confirmed by the presentation of a marriage certificate.

Replacing documents when changing your last name is a lot of paperwork that takes a lot of time, but you can’t do without it.

Changes are made to the work record book and education documents; their complete replacement is not required. A foreign passport changes in the same way as an internal one, but the timing of its replacement is not limited by time. Replacement of other documents is carried out by the authorities that issued them previously: territorial office Tax Service, Pension Fund Branch, Insurance Company, bank and other advisors to the sovereign and non-state bodies and institutions.

Pros and cons of changing surnames

When agreeing to start a family with your chosen one, you need to weigh the pros and cons of taking his last name.

Reasons against changing your maiden name:

hassle and red tape with re-registration of documents;
possible misunderstandings associated with a change of surname;
informing others about the change of name (you need to be prepared for questions and unnecessary advice);
loss of fame (this point is especially important for women who have earned a name or become famous through their careers: actresses, singers, writers, businesswomen, and so on);
the husband’s surname is dissonant or does not go well with the woman’s name (if the maiden name is better).

Reasons for taking your husband's last name:

maintaining fidelity to traditions;
tribute to parents and husband (if they want the bride to change her last name);
a common surname promotes, a feeling of unity arises, and for men there is also awareness of themselves as its protector;
confirmation of the seriousness of the girl’s intentions and awareness of marriage;
when children appear, you will not need to explain why the mother/father and the baby have different surnames, and therefore there will be no difficulties in proving the relationship;
euphony and a good combination of the husband’s surname with the wife’s first and patronymic (in case the maiden name is not liked or is less euphonious).

You need to analyze the fact of changing your surname yourself, discuss this issue with the groom and come to a joint decision.

Statistics say: marriages in which the wife takes her husband's surname are stronger. But such a decision should not be influenced by statistics, relatives, or the overwhelming need to follow traditions.

Each girl and each new family has the right to independently decide what surname to wear. The main thing is that this decision is acceptable to both spouses.

April 19, 2014, 11:38

Any change in personal data, no matter for what reason, objectively raises the question of what documents to change when changing your last name. And it is advisable to clarify this issue before contacting the registry office in order to understand the scale of the upcoming procedures. Indeed, in such cases it is necessary not only to change all other existing documents. What kind of documents these are, what are the deadlines and the procedure for replacing them - this will be discussed in this article.

When is it possible to change your last name?

Everyone knows that the surname is an integral part of the status of every citizen. Russian Federation. It is included in the composition, given to a person at birth and serves to identify him. The child's last name is indicated on his birth certificate and entered in the appropriate section (in the parents' documents).

As evidenced by Article 19 Civil Code RF, all actions that are significant from a legal point of view ( legal actions), a citizen carries out only under his own name and surname. There are, however, some exceptions when citizens use a pseudonym or a pseudonym for a participant in investigative actions.

You can change your last name to another only in the manner prescribed by law:

  • during (registration) or it (Article 32 Family Code RF).
  • at the request of a citizen over 14 years of age.
  • changing the surname of children to the surname of another parent, which is carried out by decision of the guardianship authorities.
  • The child's surname can be changed upon entry into force of a court decision.

Change of surname and replacement of passport

After receiving a certificate of change of surname from the civil registry office, you must immediately begin replacing existing documents. The first stage is for a new surname. This is the main one, which means that the data in it must be accurate and up-to-date.

Your passport must be replaced within:

  • 10 days - if you applied at your place of registration;
  • 2 months - if the application took place at the place of temporary stay.

Replacement of foreign passport and visa

The passport must also be changed. And also within 1 month, so that there are no problems at the border. You must first return the old one. It must be declared invalid, otherwise it can only be replaced after its expiration date.

Decor foreign passport to a new surname occurs in the same way as when receiving it for the first time. The citizen must contact the appropriate department of the internal affairs bodies with an application and a package of documents, including:

  • internal passport (original and copy),
  • military ID (for those registered with the military),
  • copy work book etc.

It should be remembered that if you change your last name, you will also have to obtain a new visa.

What documents should I change when changing my last name?

After you have replaced your passports, you can begin replacing the remaining documents. First of all, this will be a certificate of assignment of SNILS. For working citizens, this problem is solved very simply, since all replacement actions are performed by the employer for them. Unemployed people and individual entrepreneurs must do this on their own. IN Pension Fund branch you submit an application accompanied by a copy of the certificate of change of surname and the old SNILS card. The replacement period is no more than 3 months.

Then follows. To do this, submit an application to the traffic police, to which you attach:

  • new passport;
  • certificate of change of surname;
  • receipt for payment of state duty. There is no need to go through or provide a certificate.

It is also necessary to replace the certificate of TIN assignment. You must submit an application, a previous certificate, a new passport and a certificate of change of surname to the tax service at your place of residence. Of course, the TIN itself does not change; the citizen’s new surname will simply be indicated on the new certificate.

For replacement compulsory medical insurance policy You will need to present a new passport, old insurance policy and SNILS (if available). The replacement is made in the organization that issued the previous policy.

For men, as well as women liable for military service, a replacement military ID will be needed. To do this, submit an application and a copy of your new passport to the military registration and enlistment office (you must have the original with you) and hand in your old military ID.

What documents do not need to be changed when changing your last name?

If the surname changes, the following cannot be replaced:

  • a work book, in which a record of a change in surname, certified by the signature of the manager and the seal of the enterprise, is sufficient.
  • documents that confirm the rights to real estate and other property subject to registration.
  • educational documents.

Thus, we found out which documents to change when changing your last name, in what time frame and where this is done.

Whether you need to change your last name or not after marriage is up to you to decide. Of course, there are certain traditions that provide for a change of surname after an official marriage. IN Lately Young girls are increasingly breaking these customs and keeping their maiden name or taking a double one.

There is nothing unnatural in the fact that the weaker half of humanity does not want to change their last name. Unfortunately, in our society they continue to look negatively and with a degree of contempt at those who, for whatever reason, want to stay with their maiden name.

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Although until 05.11.2014 it was possible to drive with an old license until its expiration date.

5. Medical insurance policy

The fastest and effective way exchange of this document through the district clinic. This can also be done by the insurance company that issued the policy or your employer. The medical insurance policy is changed in one visit.

6. Change of bank cards and accounts

This process is considered mandatory. In order for the appropriate changes to your data to be made to the database, you need to contact the bank with which you cooperate. If the card is a salary card, contact your employer. Required documents:

  • statement,
  • a new passport and, without fail, a copy,
  • marriage certificate and its copy,
  • old bank card.

7. Work record book

There should be no difficulty in replacing this document. It's an easy and quick process. Changes are made to the work book in the HR department at work with the following documents:

  • new passport,
  • Marriage certificate.

8. Diploma and certificate

If you changed your last name after you finished studying, no need to change documents. But if you got married while studying, you will need to replace your graduate certificate, grade book and student ID.

Change the above documents needed in the academic department of the university or in the postgraduate department. To replace the record, you only need to provide a marriage certificate. To change a graduate student's certificate:

  • a statement certified by the scientific supervisor,
  • a copy of the marriage certificate,
  • a copy of the new passport.


If you have any questions, watch this video:

We hope that this article will help you replace documents and you will do it quickly and without unnecessary stress. Good luck!

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 11 minutes


Every second bride, when submitting an application to the registry office, thinks about whether to change her last name. This is a troublesome matter, no one argues. But it’s not as difficult as it might seem, so that because of these formalities you give up the joy of sharing the same surname with your beloved husband. What documents must be exchanged after, and in what order should they be changed?

Change of Russian passport due to change of surname

On the day of marriage registration (provided that you decide to take your husband’s surname), a stamp appears in your passport, requiring you to change the document after a month. The marriage certificate itself is issued, naturally, under the new surname. The passport is changed first. And this should be done within a month after registration . You can, of course, later, but then cook two and a half thousand rubles to pay a fine .

Where can I change my passport?

The main document is changed at the passport office at the place of residence.

What documents are needed to change a passport?

  • Application (samples hang on stands in the passport office). The application indicates a new name and, accordingly, a new signature.
  • Marriage certificate.
  • Photographs (35 by 45 mm) – four pieces.
  • Your old passport.
  • Paid receipt (state fee for changing a passport).

As for the time frame for obtaining a passport, it usually takes about ten days when you contact the passport office at your place of registration.

Changing a foreign passport after marriage

This document does not require urgent exchange due to a change of surname. But you never know when you will need it, so it’s better not to wait until the last minute.

Where can I change my passport?

The document is changed at OVIR. And the replacement period can range from a week to a month.

Required documents to change your passport

  • Statement. It indicates the old surname and the time/place of its change. The application is written in two copies and certified at your place of work (study). If there is no work, the original work book, certificate of emergency or pension certificate is provided.
  • New Russian passport. Plus copies of all pages with notes.
  • Certificate of Russian citizenship, if citizenship was acquired after September 1, 1992.
  • Paid receipt (state fee for a new document).
  • Your old passport.
  • Color photographs (45 by 35 mm) – four pieces, on a light background.

Do I need to change my compulsory medical insurance if my last name has changed?

Of course, there is no point in delaying the exchange of this document, given the unpredictability of life. Health can fail at any moment, and in getting medical care If there is no insurance policy, it will be denied.

Where can I change my medical policy?

As a rule, the policy exchange is carried out in:

  • The insurance company that provided the policy.
  • District clinic.
  • At the employer's.

The fastest and easiest way is through the clinic. The document production period can take up to two months.

Necessary documents for changing a medical policy

  • New Russian passport.
  • Paper version of the policy.
  • Policy (plastic card).

Procedure for replacing a driver's license when changing your last name

When changing your last name driver's license it is not necessary to change, since it has its own certain period actions. There are no fines or sanctions for driving with a license in your maiden name. If you often have to travel to other cities, or drive a car purchased and registered after marriage, that is, with a new surname, you can make a copy of the marriage certificate and have it certified by a notary to take with you and present to an employee if necessary Traffic police, in order to avoid misunderstandings.
When your driver's license expires, you need to get a new license - that's when you need to apply Required documents so that your new last name is included in the new driver’s license.

Where can I change my driver's license?

The change of document is carried out at the MREO or traffic police department at the place of residence. It will take about two months to change your license.

Required documents to change your driver's license

  • New Russian passport.
  • Old driver's license.
  • Marriage certificate (don't forget a photocopy).
  • Driver card.
  • Paid receipt (state fee for the document).
  • A certificate from a doctor (under your new name) stating that you can drive vehicle this category. Certificate form - No. 083/U-89.

Speaking about the power of attorney for the car and license plates, it should be noted that it is not necessary to change these documents after changing your last name. It will be enough to make changes to the PTS and change the vehicle registration certificate. And do not forget, as noted above, to carry with you a notarized photocopy of the marriage certificate.

Replacement of pension certificate after marriage

This document, in addition to work, may be needed in the most unexpected situation. And with the old surname, it will, of course, be invalid.

Where can I change my pension certificate?

  • In the HR department at work, provided that you were working at the time of marriage.
  • IN pension fund, in all other cases.

The document production period is up to three months.

Required documents to change your pension certificate

  • Application according to the established form.
  • New Russian passport.
  • Old pension certificate.

How to change the TIN after changing your last name?

IN this document Only the last name is changed, the number remains the same.

Where can I change my TIN?

The document is changed at the tax office at the immediate place of registration. Production time is about ten days.

Required documents for changing TIN

  • An application on a tax service form indicating the reason for changing the document.
  • Russian Federation passport.
  • Old Taxpayer Identification Number.

Changing bank cards and accounts after marriage

To change cards and accounts (and this is a mandatory process), you should contact a bank branch to change your database.

Where can I change bank cards?

  • At the appropriate bank.
  • From the employer (if the card is a salary card).

Necessary documents for changing bank cards and accounts

  • Statement.
  • Russian passport (plus a copy).
  • Marriage certificate (plus a copy).
  • Old map.

New name and changes in employment status - what to say at work?

One of the documents whose change is the easiest process. Replacement of the document is carried out in the personnel department at work and is a quick change to the book if you have a new passport and marriage certificate.

Changing personal account after marriage

These changes are necessary if you live in a municipal apartment and your status as a responsible tenant.

Where can I change my personal account?

The change is carried out at the housing office, at your place of registration.

Required documents to change personal account

  • Statement.
  • Russian Federation passport.
  • Copy and original of marriage certificate.
  • Renewal of a contract for the provision of utility services

Do I need to change my diploma and certificate when changing my last name?

It is clear that there is no need to change the education diploma you have already received. But provided that you are still studying, the graduate student certificate, grade book, as well as student and library cards are subject to replacement.

Where can I change my education documents?

  • Department of Postgraduate Studies of the Faculty.
  • The educational part of the university.

Required documents

A copy of the marriage certificate (when replacing tickets and record books).

To change a graduate student's certificate:

  • An application that must be certified by the supervisor and the head of the department.
  • Marriage certificate (copy).
  • New passport (copy).

Change of surname and property documents

Do you own an apartment, car or cottage? In principle, documents confirming your ownership are not subject to mandatory replacement. Usually, in the case of a property transaction, presenting a marriage document is sufficient. But, according to lawyers, it is better to change all property documents in order to avoid problems in the future.
And, of course, you should remember your email address, new business cards, passes and other little things.