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Methodological manual internal fire water supply. On the requirements for internal fire-fighting water supply. Certain types of activities


UDC 614.842.62 (075.8)

BBK 38.96ya73

Published by decision of the Editorial and Publishing Council of the East Siberian State University of Technology and Management.


Head of the Fire Extinguishing and carrying out ASR» Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Buryatia

Head of Fire Station No. 3, State Institution “1st FPS Detachment for the Republic of Buryatia”

Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service


Water consumption for household needs settlements

Water consumption for industrial and domestic needs industrial facilities

Water consumption for fire extinguishing

Calculation of hydraulic resistance of water supply systems

Pressure loss along the length of the pipeline

Head loss due to local resistance

Hydraulic calculation water supply network first stage (from the water intake to the pressure tower according to Figure 1)

Hydraulic calculation of the water supply network of the second stage (from the pressure tower to populated areas and industrial facilities)

Fire fighting pump and hose systems

Classification of pumps and their use in fire fighting

Basic operating parameters of pumps

Characteristics centrifugal pumps

Pump operation on the network

Simplified formulas for determining pressure loss in pipes

Calculation of hose systems

Liquid leakage from fire nozzles

Fire jets

Continuous water jets

Vertical jets

Inclined jets

External and internal fire protection networks

Hydrant and fire hydrant water pressure standards for fire extinguishing

Pumping water using autopumps

Appendix 1. Tabular data for determining various parameters depending on certain conditions

Appendix 2. Examples of calculations for each section of the discipline under consideration " Fire water supply»

Appendix 3. Set of rules for fire-fighting water supply


In modern society, the role of water supply to populated areas and industrial enterprises, which are resolved jointly with the fire protection of these facilities.

Basic fire safety requirements provide for obtaining the necessary water flows with the required pressure during the estimated fire extinguishing time. The objective of the course is to study the regulatory requirements for external and internal fire water supply systems, which must comply with building codes and regulations.

During the learning process, each university student must develop production thinking, the ability to analyze, perceive information, set goals and choose ways to achieve it. It is good to know the methods, techniques and technical means and devices of fire-fighting water supply and skillfully apply them when examining projects and operating water supply systems.

According to the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the direction of bachelor's training 280700 “Technosphere Safety”, the discipline “Fire-fighting water supply” occupies a direct place in the block of special disciplines.


Fire water supply is given great attention when designing cities, industrial enterprises and other facilities National economy. However, independent fire water supply is very rarely arranged. Most often the requirements fire department included in the complex common tasks water supply to populated areas and industrial enterprises.

Basic regulatory requirements requirements for water supply (water supply structures and external networks) are set out in the building codes and regulations: SP 8.13130.2009 “Systems fire protection. Sources of external fire-fighting water supply. Fire safety requirements "dated 01/01/2001 FGU VNIPO EMERCOM of Russia and SP 10.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Internal fire water supply. Requirements fire safety» dated 01/01/2001 FGU VNIPO EMERCOM of Russia and SP 10.13130.200

Fire-fighting water supply to populated areas and industrial enterprises can be non-pipeline or piped. Non-plumbing involves the use primarily of natural water sources (rivers, lakes, ponds) or artificial water sources (wells, reservoirs, reservoirs, canals). For water supply, existing water pipelines are used by drawing water from hydrants with fire pumps.

Depending on the degree fire danger production and taking into account economic factor non-piped fire-fighting water supply is provided for enterprises with an area of ​​no more than 20 hectares and production category G and D with a water consumption for external fire extinguishing of 20 l/s or less, as well as for populated areas with a population of no more than 5 thousand people and for separately located public buildings.

For individual industrial buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance with a volume of no more than 2000 m3 with production facilities of category D, as well as for populated areas with a population of up to 50 people, when developing buildings up to two floors high, fire water supply may not be provided.


Based on the main provisions of the Technical Regulations and common sense, we will say that:

a) The quantity of water supplied must be sufficient for fire fighting purposes. This amount is usually set by regulations;

b) Water must be supplied to a fire with a certain pressure, depending on how the fire is extinguished and by what means the creation of the necessary pressure is achieved;

c) Water quality usually does not play any role, with the exception of heavy contamination with sand and impurities;

d) For fire-fighting purposes, there must always be an emergency supply of water in case of failure of water supply structures and water supply transport devices. This reserve must be calculated for a certain period of time during which it can be used;

e) The supply of water to extinguish a fire can be carried out either using mobile pumps or using a stationary pump;

f) The supply of water to extinguish a fire in a particular building must be carried out from the moment the combat forces of the fire brigades are deployed and depends on the size of the fire;

g) if the building has an internal fire-fighting water supply system, the pressure in the internal network at any time of the day or night must be sufficient to create the jets necessary for internal fire extinguishing purposes;

Obviously, to calculate the required amount of water, extinguishing costs, parameters of fire trunks, pumping units, etc. basic knowledge of hydraulics is required, knowledge regulatory documents in the field of fire safety, availability necessary information about the object, including special technical specifications.

The initial data when calculating internal fire water supply systems should include:

1. Technical conditions for connecting to the network

2. Functional fire hazard class of the building

3. Construction volume of the building

4. Fire resistance level

5. Structural fire hazard class

7. Architectural and construction drawings.

The list of initial data for developing an external fire water supply system is much wider, including climatic conditions, information about engineering and geological surveys, etc.

Hydraulic calculations fire protection systems similar to fountain calculations. A large number of works have been devoted to calculating the main parameters of fire-fighting water supply systems, including in our country. The main postulates based on the research results were formulated by Professor V.G. Lobachev “Fire-fighting water supply” 1950. In this book, in addition to formulas, you can find tabular results of research (tests), namely:

1. Dependence of the radius of action of the compact part of the jet, the pressure of the spray and the flow rate from it;

2. The radius of action of the jet depending on the angle of its inclination;

and many other useful information that you won’t find today.

Offered in this manual the algorithm is as follows:

1. Determine the number of design jets and the minimum flow rate;

2. Selecting the diameter of the fire nozzle outlet (i.e., spray);

3. Selection of the nominal diameter of the fire damper;

4. Selecting the length of fire hoses;

5. Placement of firefighters using the graphic-analytical method;

6. Construction of an axonometric diagram;

7. Calculation of the required water source pressure;

8. Selection of diaphragm, pressure regulators;

9. Calculation of pipeline diameters;

10. Calculation actual consumption water in the system;

11. Selection of pumping unit.

Estimated water consumption for external fire extinguishing depends on:

a) from the fire danger of buildings for various purposes (this especially applies to industrial facilities, the fire danger of which may vary significantly);

b) on the degree of fire resistance of buildings and the fire hazard of their building structures;

c) the volume of fire load and the number of fire-hazardous building structures;

In the letter of the Federal State Institution "Glavgosexpertiza of Russia" dated December 9, 2008 No. 14-2/2507 "On the development and approval of special technical conditions for the preparation project documentation to the object capital construction" notes cases of provision as part of project documentation for carrying out state examination special technical conditions without the basis for their need for development and explains that the need to develop and approve STU is necessary only if the reliability requirements established by regulatory documents are not sufficient for the development of design documentation for the facility.

At the same time, in accordance with Part 6 of Article 15 of the Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures, the compliance of design values ​​and characteristics with safety requirements can be justified in one of several following ways:

1) research results;

2) calculations and (or) tests performed using certified or otherwise approved methods;

3) modeling fire scenarios;

4) fire risk assessment;

In other words, in a room with a height of 20 meters or more, the flow from the fire nozzle, the pressure on the fire hydrant valve is determined on the basis of a standard hydraulic calculation, and the costs of external fire extinguishing of buildings are determined on the basis of the calculation of the combat operations of the fire department in accordance with the basic provisions of the discipline "Fire Tactics" .

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for the operation of internal fire-fighting water supply


Terms and Definitions

Technical requirements

1.General provisions 1.1 This methodological manual has been developed in accordance with Articles 45, 60, 62, 106 and 107 of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “ Technical regulations on fire safety requirements”, is a regulatory document on fire safety in the field of standardization of voluntary use and establishes fire safety requirements for internal fire water supply systems.

1.2 This manual applies to designed, operated and reconstructed internal fire water supply systems.

1.3 This manual does not apply to internal fire water supply:

buildings and structures designed according to special technical conditions;

enterprises producing or storing explosive and flammable combustible substances;

for extinguishing class D fires (according to GOST 27331-87), as well as chemically active substances and materials, including:

- reacting with a fire extinguishing agent with an explosion (organoaluminum compounds, alkali metals);

Decomposes when interacting with a fire extinguishing agent, releasing flammable gases (organolithium compounds, lead azide, aluminum, zinc, magnesium hydrides);

Interacting with a fire extinguishing agent with a strong exothermic effect (sulfuric acid, titanium chloride, thermite);

- spontaneously combustible substances (sodium hydrosulfite, etc.).

GOST 27331-87 Fire fighting equipment. Classification of fires GOST R 51844-2009 Fire fighting equipment. Fire cabinets. General technical requirements. Test methods




(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 3, 2002 N 731) Federal Law of August 8, 2001, N 128-FZ ON LICENSING



CODE OF RULES SP 10.13130.2009. Fire protection systems INTERNAL


3. Terms and definitions The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this manual:

3.1 internal fire water supply system (SNiP 2.04.01-85*): Set of pipelines and technical means providing water supply to fire hydrants.

3.2 ERW (fire hydrant) water yield: ERW (fire hydrant) flow rate.

3.3 height of the compact part of the jet: Conventional height (length) of a water jet flowing from a hand-held fire nozzle with a certain outlet diameter at a given pressure.

3.4 diaphragm: A washer with a certain internal diameter, installed at the outlet of a fire hydrant valve, to limit the pressure (flow) on a manual fire nozzle.

3.5 “dictating” fire hydrant: The highest located and/or remote fire hydrant from the water supply.

3.6 serviceability of the fire valve: The ability to manually move (without additional technical means) the valve shut-off element from one extreme position to another, the absence of leakage through the valve shut-off element or through the rod seal after several cycles of opening and closing the valve and compliance of the diameter of the diaphragms with the design data.

3.7 fire hydrant valve (NPB 154-2000): The shut-off valve, which is included in the fire hydrant kit, is installed in the internal fire water supply system and is designed to open the flow of water in the fire hydrant.

3.8 fire valve (GOST R 51844-2001): A set consisting of a valve installed on the internal fire water supply and equipped with a fire connection head, as well as a fire hose with a manual fire nozzle.

3.9 operability of the internal fire water supply system (ERW): Serviceability of fire hydrant valves, as well as the ability of the ERW to provide standard and design values ​​for water yield at minimum pressure in the main (external) network (or during the period of the day when in the building in which the ERW is tested, the highest water consumption according to the data of the relevant services is observed).

3.10 manual fire nozzle (NPB 177-99*): forming and directing continuous or sprayed jets of water, as well as (when installing a foam nozzle) jets of low-expansion air-mechanical foam when extinguishing fires.

3.11 combined ERW: ERW combined with a utility or industrial water supply system, or a water supply system for automatic fire extinguishing installations (hereinafter referred to as AUP).

3.12 specialized ERW: ERW that performs the function of only an internal fire-fighting water supply system.

3.13 hydropneumatic tank (hydropneumatic tank): A water feeder (sealed vessel), partially filled with the design volume of water (30 - 70% of the tank capacity) and located under overpressure compressed air, which automatically provides pressure in the ERV pipelines, as well as the calculated water flow required for the operation of the ERV fire hydrants until the main water supply (pumping unit) reaches operating mode.

3.14 pumping unit: Pumping unit with component equipment (piping elements and control system), mounted according to a specific scheme that ensures operation of the pump.

3.15 down: An ERW distribution pipeline through which water is supplied from top to bottom.

3.17 fire cabinet: A type of fire equipment designed to accommodate and ensure the safety of technical equipment used during a fire in accordance with GOST R 51844.

3.18 riser: An ERW distribution pipeline with fire hydrants placed on it, through which water is supplied from bottom to top.

4. Technical requirements 4.1 Fire water supply systems 4.1.1 For residential and public buildings, as well as administrative buildings of industrial enterprises, the need to install an internal fire water supply system, as well as the minimum water consumption for fire extinguishing should be determined in accordance with Table 1, and for industrial and warehouse buildings - in accordance with table 2.

The water consumption for fire extinguishing, depending on the height of the compact part of the jet and the diameter of the spray, should be specified according to Table 3. In this case, the simultaneous operation of fire hydrants and sprinkler or deluge installations should be taken into account.

4.1.2 Water flow and number of jets per internal fire extinguishing in public and industrial buildings(regardless of category) with a height of over 50 m and a volume of up to 50,000 m, 4 jets of 5 l/s each should be taken; for larger buildings - jets of 5 l/s each.

4.1.3 In industrial and warehouse buildings, for which, in accordance with Table 2, the need to install an internal fire water supply system has been established, the minimum water consumption for internal fire extinguishing, determined according to Table 2, should be increased:

when using frame elements made of unprotected steel structures in buildings of II and IV degrees of fire resistance, as well as from solid or laminated wood (including those subjected to fire retardant treatment) - by 5 l/s:

when using insulation from combustible materials in the enclosing structures of buildings of IV degree of fire resistance - by 5 l/s for buildings with a volume of up to 10 thousand m, with a volume of more than 10 thousand m additionally by 5 l/s for each subsequent full or incomplete 100 thousand. m volume.

The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to buildings for which, in accordance with Table 2, internal fire water supply is not required.

Water consumption for fire extinguishing depending on the height of the compact part of the jet and the diameter of the spray 4.1.4 In halls with a large number of people in the presence of combustible finishing, the number of jets for internal fire extinguishing should be taken one more than indicated in Table 1.

4.1.5 Internal fire water supply is not required to be provided:

a) in buildings and premises with a volume or height less than those indicated in tables 1 and 2;

b) in buildings secondary schools, except for boarding schools, including schools with assembly halls equipped with stationary film equipment, as well as in bathhouses;

c) in seasonal cinema buildings for any number of seats;

d) in industrial buildings in which the use of water can cause an explosion, fire, or spread of fire;

e) in industrial buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance categories G and D, regardless of their volume and in industrial buildings III- V degrees of fire resistance with a volume of no more than 5000 m categories G and D;

f) in production and administrative buildings of industrial enterprises, as well as in premises for storing vegetables and fruits and in refrigerators that are not equipped with drinking water or industrial water supply, for which fire extinguishing from containers (reservoirs, reservoirs) is provided;

g) in buildings storing roughage, pesticides and mineral fertilizers.

Note - It is allowed not to provide internal fire-fighting water supply in industrial buildings for the processing of agricultural products of category B, I and II degrees of fire resistance, with a volume of up to 5000 m3.

4.1.6 For parts of buildings of different number of floors or premises for different purposes, the need to install internal fire water supply and water consumption for fire extinguishing should be taken separately for each part of the building in accordance with 4.1.1 and 4.1.2.

In this case, the water consumption for internal fire extinguishing should be taken: for buildings that do not have fire walls - based on the total volume of the building; for buildings divided into parts by fire walls of types I and II - according to the volume of that part of the building where the greatest water consumption is required.

When connecting buildings of fire resistance degrees I and II with transitions made of fireproof materials and installing fire doors, the volume of the building is calculated for each building separately; in the absence of fire doors - according to the total volume of buildings and a more dangerous category.

4.1.7 Hydrostatic pressure in the fire-fighting water supply system at the level of the lowest located sanitary fixture should not exceed 0.45 MPa.

The hydrostatic pressure in the separate fire-fighting water supply system at the level of the lowest fire hydrant should not exceed 0.9 MPa.

When the design pressure in the fire-fighting water supply network exceeds 0 MPa, it is necessary to provide for the installation of a separate fire-fighting water supply network.

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I give a detailed description of it:

Design of water and foam automatic fire extinguishing systems / L. M. Meshman, S. G. Tsarichenko, V. A. Bylinkin, V. V. Aleshin, R. Yu. Gubin; Under general ed. N. P. Kopylova. - M.: VNIIPO EMERCOM of the Russian Federation, 2002. - 413 p.

The authors-compilers set themselves the task of concentrating a maximum of basic provisions in a small manual. large quantity regulatory documents related to design fire automatics.
Design standards for water and foam AUP are given. The features of the design of modular and robotic fire extinguishing installations, as well as fire control systems in relation to high-rise mechanized warehouses, are considered.
Particular attention is paid to a detailed presentation of the development rules terms of reference for design, the main provisions for the coordination and approval of this task are formulated. The content and procedure for preparing the working draft are specified in detail, including explanatory note.
The main volume of the educational manual and its annexes contain the necessary reference material, in particular terms and definitions, symbols, recommended normative and technical documentation and technical literature in relation to various types water and foam AUP, a list of manufacturers of water-foam AUP, examples of designing water and foam AUP, including calculations and drawings.
The main provisions of the current domestic regulatory and technical documentation in the field of water-foam AUP are described in detail.
An algorithm for hydraulic calculation of AUP hydraulic networks, irrigation intensity, specific flow rate, flow rate and pressure of the distribution pipeline section of water and foam AUP is described. An algorithm for calculating the specific consumption of water curtains created by general-purpose sprinklers is presented.
The educational and methodological manual complies with the main provisions of the current scientific and technical documentation in the field of fire control and can be useful for training employees of organizations designing automatic fire extinguishing installations. The manual may be of interest to business managers and engineering staff specializing in the field of automatic fire protection of facilities.
The author-compilers are grateful to JSC "Cosmi" and JSC "Engineering Center - Spetsavtomatika" for the submitted design materials, which are used in appendices 10-12 of this manual.

Section I. Norms and rules for the design of water and foam AUP
Section II. The procedure for developing a task for designing an automatic control system
Section III. The procedure for developing an AUP project
Section IV. Hydraulic calculation of water and foam fire extinguishing installations
Section V Coordination and general principles examination of AUP projects
Section VI. Regulatory documents, the requirements of which must be taken into account when developing a project for water and foam fire extinguishing installations
Annex 1. Terms and definitions in relation to water and foam AUP
Appendix 2. Legend And graphic symbols AUP and their elements
Appendix 3. Determination of specific fire load
Appendix 4. List of products subject to mandatory certification in the field of fire safety (fire safety equipment)
Appendix 5. Manufacturers of water and foam AUP products
Appendix 6. Technical means of water and foam AUP
Appendix 7. Directory of basic prices for design work on fire protection of facilities
Appendix 8. List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic fire extinguishing installations
Appendix 9. An example of calculating a sprinkler (drencher) distribution network of water and foam AUP
Appendix 10. An example of a working design for a water AUP
Appendix 11. An example of a technical specification for the development of a working design for a water AUP
Appendix 12. An example of a working design for a water control system for a rail warehouse

Don't be lazy to leave your comment on the book

UDC Internal fire-fighting water supply Educational method. allowance /
L.M. Meshman, V.A. Bylinkin, R.Yu. Gubin, E.Yu. Romanova
/ Under the general ed.
N.P. Kopylova.
- M VNIIPO, 2010.-496 p.
The educational and methodological manual contains the necessary reference material, in particular, terms and definitions, analysis of the effectiveness of ERV, classification and design of ERV, technical means of ERV, design, hydraulic calculations, testing methods for ERV, conventional graphic symbols.
The manual is intended for specialists from organizations involved in design and Maintenance internal fire water supply, managers and engineering personnel of enterprises specializing in the field of fire protection of facilities, experts in the field of fire protection, as well as for representatives of the Federal fire service supervising technical condition ERW.
IN educational manual The problems and reasons for the unsatisfactory performance of the internal fire water supply system (ERP) are considered. In relation to ERW, terms and definitions, the main provisions of regulatory documents are given, the physico-chemical properties and operational parameters of water and foam solutions are described. A classification of ERV is presented. The device, algorithm and operating modes of ERW are considered, design features and the principles of the layout of its technical means, standard diagrams are given, and the main technical parameters of ERW and its technical means are given. Analyzed existing methods testing ERW for performance during operation; a method for testing ERW for water loss, performance of pumping units and fire hydrants, approved
UGPN EMERCOM of Russia by letter dated May 15, 2007 No. 19-2-1000. The main provisions for testing ERW technical equipment are regulated. The main provisions for the design of ERW and the algorithm for its hydraulic calculation are presented.
During 2009, separate Fire Safety Standards (FSN) and separate Building codes and rules (SNiP) without their repeal, wholly or partially transformed into State standards Russia (GOST R) or in the Code of Rules (SP). Due to the fact that the validity of the original NPBs and SNiPs has not been suspended, and the ERW technical equipment that meets the requirements of these regulatory documents will still be in operation for quite a long time, the educational manual discusses the main provisions of both the new and the original regulatory documents. By doing design work and creating new samples fire equipment in case of discrepancy between the information given in GOST R and SP and the information contained in the NPB and SNiP, the requirements of GOST R and SP should be adhered to.
The authors thank JSC Engineering Center - Spetsavtomatika for the submitted design materials, which were used in the appendix. In this educational and methodological manual of the Federal State Institution VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia, 2010

CONTENTS TERMS AND DEFINITIONS.................................................................... ................................
.................................... 27
........................................................ ............... 55 2.1. Classification of ERW................................................... 55 2.2. Periods of ERW operation.................................................... 59 2.3. Routing of ERW pipelines.................................... 60 2.4. Methods of water supply to ERW................................... 67
............................................... 73 3.1. Nomenclature of technical means of ERW............... 73 3.2. Fire cabinets................................................... .... 76 3.3. Fire hydrants. 92 3.3.1. Fire hydrant device. 92 3.3.2. Fire hydrant valves................................... 93 3.3.3 Fire pressure hoses. 101 3.3.4. Manual fire nozzles................................... 114 3.3.5. Fire connection heads 3.4. In-house and primary fire extinguishing devices.................................................... 136 3.5. Locking devices. 147 3.6. Fire pumping installations 3.7. Fire tanks and reservoirs 3.7.1. General provisions 3.7.2. Fire tanks......................................... 180 3.7.3. Water tanks................................................... 193 3.7.4. Hydropneumatic installations......................... 200 3.8. Liquid flow alarms. 210 3.9. Manual fire call points................................... 213

3.10. Pipelines 3.10.1. Steel pipelines 3.10.2. Dry pipes........................................................ ......225 3.10.3. Features of designing plastic pipes. 227 3.10.4. Pipeline painting. 238
4. FIRE EXTINGUISHING AGENTS. 246 4.1. Water like fire extinguishing agent........................... 246 4.2. Foam solutions. 268 4.2.1. Classification of foaming agents 4.2.2. Area of ​​application of foams............................................. 277 4.2.3. The most important parameters of foams................................... 280 4.2.4. Main brands of foaming agents. PUMPING STATIONS
AND CONTROL STATION (FIRE STATION...292 5.1. Pumping stations.............................................. ...................292 5.2. Dispatch point (fire station 301
6. PARAMETERS AND BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR ERW 303 6.1. Requirements for ERW regulatory documents........ 303 6.2. Basic generalized provisions for the design of ERW.................................................................... 318 6.3. Painting of ERW technical equipment.................................... 337 6.4. Automatic ERW................................................................ ......... 339 6.4.1. Electrical control................................................... 339 6.4.2. Signaling................................................. ... 341 6.5. Options for the use and design of ERW................................................................. .......... 345
7. ALGORITHM OF HYDRAULIC CALCULATION 7.1. General provisions. 349 7.2. Number of design jets and minimum flow rate 351 7.3. The diameter of the fire nozzle outlet is 7.4. Valve nominal diameter

7.5. Fire hose length. 355 7.6. Graphic-analytical method for the layout of fire hydrants. 357 7.7. Axonometric diagram 7.8. Calculation of water source pressure................................... 366 7.9. Aperture selection. 377 7.10. Calculation of pipeline diameters. 380 7.11. Calculation of water consumption 7.12. Selection of pumping unit. 387 7.12.1. General provisions. 387 7.12.2. An example of choosing a pumping unit that supplies water from a fire reservoir. 388 7.12.3. An example of choosing a pumping unit that supplies water from the main network. 394
for performance......................................................... 399 8.2. Recommended test and inspection methods,
controlled parameters of ERW and its technical means 8.3. Basic provisions of the ERW testing methodology
for water loss and testing the functionality of fire hydrant valves....................................................416 8.4. Testing of pumping units...................................420 8.5. Testing a water tank. 420 8.6. Testing of hydropneumatic installation. 421 8.7. Testing of locking devices. 422 8.8. Testing of liquid flow indicators......422 8.9. Testing fire hoses 8.10. Pipeline testing......................................... 426

P R I L O G E A.
Conventional graphic symbols in relation to ERW.................................................... .......... APPENDIX B.
Methodology for testing internal fire-fighting water supply systems................................................... APPENDIX B.
Example of an ERW project...................... 495

vacuum suction lift, m Po - pressure environment, Pa
pressure at the pump inlet, Steam - density of the liquid medium, kg/m
- acceleration of free falls with (GOST Upper distribution of the pipeline network - distribution of the pipeline network, ensuring the supply of water to the fire hydrants along the descents.
Tank (vessel) capacity- volume of the internal cavity of the tank (vessel).
Internal main pipeline- ERW pipeline from the entrance of the external main into the building to the internal water supply.
Internal fire water supply (IFP) is a set of pipelines and technical means that ensure the supply of water to fire hydrants (SP 10.13130.2009 and according to SNiP Note (ed. In this section, the preposition by means that this definition of the term is partially borrowed from the specified regulatory document.
Water tank- a water feeder filled with a calculated volume of water under atmospheric pressure, automatically providing pressure in the ERW pipelines due to the piezometric height of the location above the fire hydrants, as well as the calculated
The vacuum suction height of the pump is a value determined by the dependence

water flow required to operate fire hydrants
ERW before the main water feeder of the pumping unit reaches operating mode (SP Water return of the ERW (fire hydrant) - ability
The ERW (fire hydrant) provides standard and/or design values ​​of flow rate, pressure and height of the compact part of the jet.
Air dry pipe- ERW pipeline, in standby mode filled with air under pressure.
Auxiliary connection head- a connecting head with dimensions that ensure closure with fire-fighting connecting heads, intended for testing (GOST R Building height - the difference in height between the elevation of the passage surface for fire engines and the top elevation of the roof.
Note (ed. The above definition does not correspond to any of different definitions, given in SNiP 21-01-97*, SNiP 31.01-2003, NPB 110-2003 and MGSN 3.01-96. This definition takes into account the fact that when designing an ERW for hydraulic calculations, it is necessary to know the maximum height to which water is supplied. In high-rise buildings with helipads, the fire extinguishing agent (water or foam solution) is supplied to the roof of the building. The height of the compact part of the jet is the conventional height (length) of the water jet flowing from a manual fire nozzle and maintaining its compactness
(SP Note (aut. The height of the compact part of the jet is taken equal to 0.8 of the height of the vertical jet.
High building- a building with a height of 50 m or more.
Note (ed. According to MGSN 4.19-2005, a high-rise building is a building with a height of bolem. A high-rise multifunctional building is a building with a height of bolem, which includes, in addition to residential premises, hotel rooms and premises for other functional purposes - administrative, cultural
tourism and leisure, service, healthcare, educational, economic, parking, etc.
(MGSN The tightness of the shutter is the property of the shutter to prevent gas or liquid exchange between the media separated by the shutter (GOST 9544-2005).
Hydropneumatic installation- a hydropneumatic tank or a set of pneumatic and hydropneumatic tanks equipped with devices for maintaining the appropriate excess pressure and volume of water in them (SP 5.13130.2009).
Hydropneumatic tank (hydropneumatic tank)- water feeder (sealed vessel, partially filled with the calculated volume of water (30-70
from the capacity of the tank) and under excess pressure of compressed air, automatically providing pressure in the ERW pipelines, as well as the calculated flow rate required for the operation of ERW fire hydrants until the main water supply (pumping unit) reaches operating mode
(SP Horizontal distribution of the pipeline network - distribution of the pipeline network, ensuring the supply of water to fire hydrants through horizontal outlets.
Horizontal bend- a horizontally located pipeline of the ERW network with vertical wiring, providing water supply to fire hydrants.
Pump pressure

where P -
pump pressure, Pa
to and R
pressure at the outlet and inlet to the pump, Steam - density of the liquid medium, kg/m
; k and n - speed of the liquid medium at the outlet and inlet to the pump, ms
- free fall acceleration and - height of the center of gravity of the cross-section of the outlet and inlet of the pump, m GOST Jet range (maximum at the outermost drops)
- maximum range of the jet, defined as the distance from the projection of the barrel nozzle onto the test site to the point where the extreme drops fall out of the jet GOST R Double roll of a fire hose - a hose folded in half and rolled from the middle to the ends (GOST R Standby mode (standby mode) - state readiness for use for the functional purpose of technical means of ERW or ERW in general.
Diesel pump unit- a pumping unit in which the driving engine is a diesel engine (GOST) The dictating fire hydrant is the highest located and/or the most distant fire hydrant from the water supply, that is, a fire hydrant, the hydraulic resistance of the pipeline network up to which has highest value compared to other fire hydrants.
Note (ed. In this teaching manual, the concept of a dictating fire hydrant refers to each of the highest fire hydrants of each riser.
Butterfly valve- a type of valve in which the locking or control element has the shape of a disk and moves perpendicular to the axis of the flow of the working medium (GOST R 52720-2007).

A control center is a special room at a facility with round-the-clock presence of on-duty personnel, equipped with devices for monitoring the condition of engineering equipment and safety equipment (including fire extinguishing systems).
Remote activation (start-up) of the pumping unit- turning on (starting) the installation manually from starting elements installed in the protected room or next to it, in the control room or at the fire station, at the protected structure or equipment or at fire hydrants (according to SP 5.13130.2009 and according to the NPB Permissible cavitation reserve - cavitation reserve, which ensures the operation of the pump without changing the main technical indicators (GOST 17398-72).
Gate valve:
a) industrial pipeline fittings in which the shut-off or regulating body moves the return
but progressively perpendicular to the axis of flow of the working medium (GOST 24856-81 has become invalid due to the introduction of GOST R b) a type of valve in which the locking or control element moves perpendicular to the axis of flow of the working medium (GOST R Note (ed. The authors adhere to the definition this term according to GOST R Shut-off device - a device designed to supply, regulate and shut off the flow of a fire extinguisher
substance (GOST Shut-off valve - a valve designed to shut off the flow of a working medium (GOST Shutter) a set of movable (spool, disk, wedge, gate, plunger, etc.) and stationary (seat) valve elements that form a flow area and a connection that prevents leakage working environment (GOST R52720-2007);
Note: By moving the movable and stationary elements of the valve, a change in the flow area and, accordingly, throughput is achieved.
b) industrial pipeline fittings in which the shut-off or control element is rotated around the axis, which is its own axis (according to GOST Notes (author GOST R 52720-2007 does not cancel the effect of GOST 24856-81, therefore the terminology given in both standards remains in force. The above two terms valve have different meanings. To avoid terminological misunderstandings, you should adhere to the definition of the term valve according to GOST R 52720-2007. If you mean industrial pipeline fittings, then you must adhere to the term disk valve.
Fire water supply zone- part of a fire compartment, one or more fire compartments in which independent pipelines, electrical communications and technical means of the ERW section are located (locking devices, control units, fire hydrants, pumping units, instruments, etc.).
Serviceability (operability) of the fire hydrant valve- maintaining the ability to manually move (without additional technical means) the valve shut-off element from one extreme position to another, the absence of leakage through the valve shut-off element or through the rod seal after several cycles of opening and closing the valve and compliance of the diameter of the diaphragms with the design data.
Cavitation reserve- value determined by the dependence

where Δ h - cavitation reserve, m R
- pressure at the pump inlet, Steam - density of the liquid medium, kg/m
; n - speed of the liquid medium at the pump inlet, ms R
- vapor pressure of the liquid medium, Pa g- free fall acceleration c2 (GOST Cavitation mode of the pump - operating mode of the pump under conditions of cavitation, causing a change in the main technical indicators (GOST Valve is unacceptable
vent il):
a) industrial pipeline fittings in which the shut-off or control element moves back and forth parallel to the axis of the flow of the working medium (GOST b) type of valve in which the shut-off or control element moves parallel to the axis of the flow of the working medium (GOST Note (ed. The authors adhere to the definition of this term according to GOST R Fire hydrant valve:
a) a shut-off valve installed in the internal fire water supply system and designed to open the flow of water in a fire hydrant (GOST R 51844-2001, GOST R b) a shut-off valve that is included in the fire hydrant kit and is designed to open the flow of water in a fire hydrant ( GOST R c) shut-off valve, which is included in the fire hydrant kit, is installed in the internal fire water supply system and is designed to open the flow of water in the fire hydrant (NPB Note (ed. All three definitions of a fire hydrant valve have the same meaning

Combined barrel - a barrel that forms both water jets and jets of aqueous solutions OV GOST R Cantilever pump - a pump whose working parts are located on the cantilever part of its shaft (GOST Hydropneumatic water filling coefficient