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Preferential terms. Social benefits The procedure for registration of social benefits

The living conditions and opportunities of each person are not always equal. There are categories of citizens who are deprived of the benefits of life available to other categories. In order to level the opportunities of citizens and improve the standard of living, in a modern state, a number of privileges established by law have been developed, which are called benefits. Not all people know about them, and not everyone uses them, due to their ignorance. Let's try to figure out what benefits are and how to use them.

What are social benefits

To improve the quality of life of the vulnerable layers of the population, the government has developed and introduced social benefits. They give relief to citizens in the following areas:

  • transport;
  • housing;
  • medicine;
  • pensions;
  • taxation.

In other words, social benefits are discounts or preferences, the allocation of additional rights when providing to different categories of citizens public services... The list of benefits is not the same for all groups; the least protected segments of the population are entitled to receive more privileges.

What are the benefits

The benefits themselves are implemented as additional rights and payments (benefits, priority in social programs, etc.) and full (partial) exemption from mandatory payments(utility bills, tax payments, etc.).

The provision of benefits depends on the presence of one of the criteria:

  • low income
  • retirement age
  • the presence of merits to the Fatherland
  • presence of parents
  • disability
  • having many children.

Moreover, the grounds for obtaining social benefits just two:

  1. Low income. This basis includes all socially unprotected segments of the population.
  2. Special Merits. On this basis, benefits are provided to Heroes of the Russian Federation, USSR, Socialist Labor, and holders of the Order of Glory. At the same time, citizens of the former republics of the USSR will not be able to receive benefits in the Russian Federation.

Important! Only citizens of the Russian Federation can count on benefits.

How benefits are distributed

The types of social benefits differ not in their structure, but in the categories of citizens to whom they are provided. Today, the privileged category of citizens is:

  • participants in the Second World War and other hostilities, as well as their families;
  • disabled people and labor veterans;
  • persons awarded with state awards;
  • home front workers;
  • donors;
  • mothers with many children or fathers;
  • poor citizens;
  • civil servants;
  • children under the age of 16;
  • pensioners;
  • concentration camp prisoners;
  • persons who received radiation as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl and other nuclear power plants;
  • the politically repressed and their relatives;
  • unemployed.

Note! For each category of citizens, the list of privileges is different; the least protected segments of the population are endowed with large benefits.

Types of benefits

A privileged group of citizens can count on the following types of social benefits:

Pension payments

A pension is a benefit that is provided to all citizens of Russia upon the onset of a certain age or the onset of circumstances necessary for its payment. Have the right to receive a pension:

  • Citizens of retirement age, regardless of whether they work or not;
  • Servicemen who left the service due to seniority;
  • Disabled people;
  • Citizens who have lost their breadwinner.

The payment of pensions is regulated by the Federal Law of 17.07.1999 No. 178-FZ "On State social assistance". The pension is indexed annually, so as of August 2019, the minimum pension is 8,846 rubles. In addition to the pension itself, there is lump sum payment to singing, is paid annually, but the payout is not stable. Also, the size of the pension depends significantly on age, length of service, disability and category of the pensioner. Also, the amount of the pension depends on the region of residence. So the maximum pensions are provided for residents of the Far Eastern Federal District.

Housing benefits

Housing benefits are regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. So, on the basis of Article 160 of the RF LC, certain categories of citizens have the right to compensation for utilities and housing costs. The compensation procedure is determined by Federal laws, as well as local laws subjects of the Russian Federation.

Note! Compensation for utility bills is included in the family's gross income.

So, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the amount of payment for utility bills should not exceed 22% of the total family income. If this figure is higher, and at the same time a family without debts pays utility bills, then such a family has the right to compensation in the form cash payment to pay housing bills.

Under article 159 of the RF LC, citizens whose income in aggregate is less living wage for each family member, and also if the amount of payments is higher than the minimum allowable share of these payments in the total family income, they are entitled to subsidies for housing and utilities. Subsidies reduce the amount of rent in proportion to the size of the subsistence level in the region. Such subsidies are provided by law to: large families, WWII veterans, military and civil servants, honorary donors, victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and MAYAK, single mothers, orphans, disabled people and pensioners.

Travel benefits

Travel allowances provide for partial or full compensation for travel to public transport... At the same time, public transport includes travel both in trams, trolleybuses, and in electric trains, trains and airplanes.

Travel benefits can be obtained by:

  • pensioners;
  • heroes of labor and their close relatives;
  • WWII veterans;
  • disabled people;
  • victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the LIGHTHOUSE;
  • residents Far north travel discount.
  • children under 7 years old

Medical Benefits

According to the legislation, medicine in Russia is free and accessible to everyone. But some categories of citizens are eligible for benefits and subsidies, such as free medicines, benefits for paid medical services, prosthetics of teeth and limbs, reimbursement of expenses incurred for treatment, child benefits. These categories include:

  • Disabled people;
  • Pensioners;
  • Medical workers;
  • Participants of the Second World War and other hostilities;
  • Children under 18.

Tax incentives

Certain categories of citizens on the basis of Article 56 Tax Code RF have the right to be paid in a smaller amount or to cancel at all tax levies... This is formalized either in the form of tax deductions, or in the form of cancellation of an article in tax return generally.

So the tax deduction applies to personal income tax if the parents are dependent on minor child, as well as up to 24 years old if the child is a full-time student of an educational institution. Also, a tax deduction occurs if during the tax period there was a purchase of a single housing (mortgage is paid), used paid medical services, received a paid education.

Disabled persons of groups 1 and 2, persons with disabilities since childhood, people receiving a pension for the loss of a breadwinner, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and participants in hostilities are completely exempted from property tax.

Important! Vehicle tax exemptions are available for one vehicle only

Who compensates for benefits

All of the benefits listed above are provided based on both federal and regional laws. Regional benefits are developed based on the geographic, climatic, socio-economic characteristics of the region. Otherwise, they cannot contradict federal programs. Also, subsidies in regional programs are financed from the regional budget. So, for example, one of the federal subsidies is maternal family capital for 2 children, it is paid from the federal budget. But in a number of regions of the country there is an additional maternal capital, which pay extra to the federal already from the funds of the region.

Where and how to get benefits

In order to receive benefits, you must first find out what social benefits are entitled to and determine whether you are a privileged group of citizens. After that, you need to collect all the necessary documents. To receive a certain benefit, the list of documents is your own. Next, you need to contact the nearest branch of the MFC and submit documents. Also, all this can be done through the website of the State Service.

The main list of documents that you may need to receive social benefits:

  • application for benefits;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • birth or death certificate (depending on the type of benefit);
  • SNILS and INN;
  • certificate of the number of family members;
  • divorce certificate;
  • certificate confirming the fact of cohabitation with the child;
  • certificate confirming income;
  • various certificates: pensioner, disabled person, large family;
  • documents establishing guardianship or guardianship;
  • certificate of disability.

Social policy directly affects the quality and standard of living of the population. The support of citizens from the state is expressed in different forms: provision of household, utility or transport services on preferential terms, payment of monetary compensation, assistance in kind, etc.

Often one-time material help, small compensation payments and benefits are all that a disabled person can count on or old man in addition to retirement benefits.

The question of what are social benefits is faced by every citizen endowed with a special status of a federal or regional beneficiary.

Who has benefits

In order to qualify for state support, the applicant must have Russian citizenship, low monthly income, documents confirming his social status.

  • families with children, the number of which exceeds 3 (this privileged category of citizens enjoys not only a wide range of social support measures, but also the priority right to receive them);
  • families with a disabled child;
  • persons who have reached retirement age;
  • citizens with special services to the state;
  • persons engaged in labor activities in non-standard conditions, etc.

The list of those who have benefits also includes such categories of citizens as: participants in the Second World War, veterans of the DB, juvenile prisoners of concentration camps.

Approved for federal level dividing the list of preferential professions into two parts, allowing you to receive pension support. It consists of professions from different industries: forestry, textile and mining industries, Agriculture and transport, aviation, etc.

The lists of preferential professions include employees fire service, penitentiary system, doctors, teachers, creative workers.

These lists are guided by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation when considering the grounds for assigning an early pension to applicants. The legislation does not prohibit the reduction of the retirement age by a double amount, if there are grounds for that (when privileged professions coincide with life circumstances, for example, raising a disabled child or living within the northern territories).

Types of benefits

The types of benefits that can be obtained from the state include:

  • pension (early appointment of payments, support in cases of loss of a breadwinner, registration of disability);
  • tax (cancellation of tax, deductions, preferential taxation systems);
  • housing;
  • communal;
  • social (social support measures addressed to all categories of beneficiaries; for example, a widespread social benefit - the monetary equivalent of utility benefits);
  • medical (free medicines, health improvement of citizens, etc.).

The classification of benefits can also be carried out by addressees, the duration of the provision of state support (at a time or on an ongoing basis).

Citizens pay taxes on property, transport, income received, the right to hunt and fish, use land plot etc. Therefore, a special place among the provided social support measures is occupied by tax social preferential programs (NSL).

It is important for taxpayers to understand that all types of social benefits are declarative in nature and are not provided by default. For their registration, it is necessary to find out what and when to submit documents, accompanying them with an appropriate statement.

The circle of citizens eligible for medical support is wide. Special rules for medical care are established for such beneficiaries as:

  • holders of special services to the state;
  • professional categories of citizens (employees of law enforcement agencies, workers of various types of industry, etc.);
  • persons in need of special care from the state (disabled people, orphans, parents with many children, etc.);
  • citizens entitled to compensation due to the fact that they have suffered from the effects of the consequences emergencies(among those who are granted benefits are Chernobyl victims, members of special risk units, etc.).

Preferential conditions for the provision of medical care are divided into extraordinary (priority) medical care and the preservation of the right to it upon retirement. These measures do not require additional funding.

A separate type of state support is the provision of medicines to citizens on preferential terms. To obtain them, you must prove your belonging to the category of those in need of treatment, present documents confirming your identity and diagnosis.

Lists of those who belong to this kind beneficiaries are conducted in medical institutions on an ongoing basis.

Concessional lending

Short-term lending on favorable terms is not limited to mortgages for participants in state programs. Entrepreneurs, agricultural producers and other commodity producers can count on receiving funds.

Commercial banks, together with relevant ministries, regularly run programs for concessional lending on special terms. This step allows you to support small and medium-sized businesses (both beginners and already established ones). Every year the state authorities keep registers of potential borrowers in each area.


The preferential tariffs associated with the transportation of various products across the state border are diverse. They are often provided as part of the Customs Union.

When transporting property, it is mandatory to submit a declaration (for example, for exemption from excise duty), submission of documents of title to things, confirming their legal receipt.

Among those who are entitled to benefits, there are citizens who have decided to return to the Russian Federation within the framework of the program on voluntary resettlement compatriots, refugees, diplomatic workers, etc.

Reduced fare

The right to preferential use of any type of transport is assigned to citizens at the federal and local levels, depending on which category they belong to. WWII veterans, disabled people, children younger age can count on permanent transportation benefits. Northerners have the right to travel once a year to the place of rest and back.

The establishment of reduced fares on public transport for the rest of the categories belongs to the powers of the regional authorities, which can expand this list to include labor veterans, students, etc.

Preferential mortgage

Apply for loans for improvement housing conditions on preferential terms, participants can federal programs on the provision of state support in the form of state housing certificates, subsidies, etc.

The advantages of home loans on favorable terms include: a small down payment, an interest rate lower than in other offers, a long period of loan repayment without penalties for early loan repayment, etc.


Pension as a type of state support prevails in the system of social support measures. The main benefit is its early appointment for the categories of citizens established by federal legislation, including those who have worked for a long time in difficult and dangerous working conditions, disabled people, mothers with many children, etc. You can also apply for a reduction in staff benefits for the unemployed.

To find out what are the benefits for citizens who receive a pension, regardless of the reasons for its payment, you need to contact the local offices of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.


In an extensive taxation system, tax incentives are designed to help the state achieve a number of social goals: to support various segments of the population, the economy, start-up entrepreneurs, etc. individuals and legal. The funds received as a result of registration of benefits, citizens can use at their discretion.

Citizens will receive information about what benefits exist, who is entitled to benefits in the field of taxation, using the Internet portals of the regional Federal Tax Service.

How to get benefits

To receive a benefit, the applicant must make sure that he belongs to any category of citizens who are applying for state aid.

Having received such confirmation in the form of a certificate or certificate, you should contact the appropriate authority for advice and find out how to calculate the benefits.

The collection of documents may take a long time (for example, when receiving the cash equivalent of benefits for paying for housing and communal services, you will have to provide receipts, a certificate of division of accounts, etc.).

It is worth choosing in advance the current account to which the transfers will be received, find out if a service agreement has been concluded between the bank in which the applicant is serviced and the budgetary organization.

Information on how to get benefits can be found in multifunctional centers for the provision of public services to citizens.

How to apply for benefits

If you need to make registration of benefits, it is worth preparing documents and in writing with the presentation of originals, if possible and copies, contact local authority authorities.

The latest information on how to apply for benefits can always be found on information boards or Internet portals of the relevant federal and regional departments.

Benefits are the provision of benefits to someone, partial exemption from the implementation of established rules, duties, or facilitation of the conditions for their implementation.
Social benefits - granted specific categories citizens, advantages in the use of public consumption funds, partial exemption from the fulfillment of the norms established by law or facilitation of the conditions for their fulfillment. (The national income is split into a consumption fund and an accumulation fund).
Benefits fulfill important social functions:
a means of achieving social equality in society (benefits for large families, women, minors, disabled people);
a way of encouraging citizens for special services to the state and society (benefits to some workers and employees, for the disabled and participants in the Great Patriotic War, for the families of dead servicemen);
compensation for special conditions of activity in the interests of the state and society (miners, railway workers, military personnel, citizens exposed to radiation, etc.);
a means of stimulating activities (for combining work with training, etc.).
The basis for obtaining social benefits are Federal laws, laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Presidential decrees, Government decrees, instructions and other regulations. The financial support for the provision of benefits depends on the level of adoption of the normative act.
The main federal laws, in accordance with which the privileged categories of citizens are entitled to them, are:
"On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" dated November 24, 1995, No. 181;
"O government benefits citizens with children "dated 05.19.95, No. 81 (with amendments and additions);
"On additional guarantees for children - orphans and children left without parental care" dated 10.12.95, No. 195;
"On social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the catastrophe on Chernobyl nuclear power plant"(As amended on 11.12.96, No. 149);
"On Veterans" (as amended on 02.01.2000, No. 40) and others;
Legislative acts establish certain benefits and determine the categories of the population to which the benefits apply.
Here are the categories of citizens eligible for benefits:
disabled people;
participants in the Great Patriotic War and other hostilities, members of their families;
labor veterans;
citizens awarded with state awards;
citizens exposed to radiation;
former juvenile prisoners of fascism;
rehabilitated citizens and their relatives;
large families
In addition to the listed categories of citizens, servicemen, judges, prosecutors, investigators, employees of the FSB, customs, tax police, police and others have the right to receive benefits.
Most benefits are granted on a categorical basis. For example, let's take a category like children. Children in their first two years of life are entitled to free special dairy products. Children under three years of age should receive free prescription drugs. Children from large families under the age of 6 receive free prescription drugs, free admission to museums, parks of culture and recreation. They are also provided free of charge with school and sports uniforms for the entire period of study (in accordance with the norms) or they are compensated for their costs. Children of single mothers receive monthly allowance up to 16 years old (for a student up to 18 years old) in the amount of 140% of the minimum wage.
Among the beneficiaries, you can see such a category as social workers. In accordance with the law "On social services for elderly citizens and disabled people" dated 02.08.95, No. 122, social workers working in state and municipal institutions social services for the population, have the right:
for free preventive examination and examination upon admission to work and free dispensary observation;
advanced training at the expense of the employer;
free receipt of living space and housing and communal services when living in rural areas.
Social workers should be provided with special clothing, footwear or compensated for the cost of their purchase; when performing duties, they must be served out of turn; they have the right to priority installation of an apartment telephone and free travel on public transport.
Social benefits for various categories of the population are provided in the field of employment and labor relations, in the field social security and service, preferential taxation.
In the field of employment:
in employment: refugees have the primary right to get a job, internally displaced persons; former military personnel; persons released from places of deprivation of liberty; youth after graduation from universities; single mothers with a disabled child and other categories of the population;
preferential working conditions are provided (for example, for pregnant women);
when organizing and remunerating labor: a list of industries, workshops, professions and positions with harmful working conditions, work in which gives the right to additional leave and shorter working hours (miners, medical workers, etc.);
preferential holidays (teachers, medical workers, pilots, sailors);
benefits at the place of work ( different kinds insurance, maintenance, provision).
In the field of social security and services:
pension provision: lists of industries, jobs, professions that give the right to receive an old-age pension on preferential terms (for length of service) - miners, pilots, military, teaching staff, etc .;
medical service, provision of free and partially paid drugs - participants and disabled people of the Second World War, disabled people, labor veterans;
housing and communal services: a housing subsidy is due to those whose payment for services exceeds 22% of the total family income; provision of additional living space to certain categories of the population; 50% payment for housing, services, telephone, radio;
system of preferential prices (shops and departments).
Preferential taxation: relief on the payment of income tax, tax on real estate, land tax and others.
According to Russian legislation, benefits are provided to 2/3 of the country's population. There are about 150 types of them, and they cover about 68% of the country's population (almost 100 million people).
The system of social benefits is built on equalizing principles. In the context of the implementation of market reforms, the system turned out to be ineffective, although the need for them, due to the increase in the level of poverty, increased significantly. The current system of social benefits has limited opportunities to redistribute resources in favor of the most needy citizens.
As a result, it is planned to reform the system of social benefits and thereby achieve the following goals:
rational use budget funds by means of their targeted, targeted redistribution in favor of those in greatest need;
replacement of some benefits in kind with monetary compensations (for example, benefits for paying for housing and communal services, travel on public transport);
bringing social obligations of the state in line with financial and economic opportunities.
So, it is supposed to divide the categories of beneficiaries into three groups. Different measures will be applied to each social protection compensating for the abolition of most of the benefits established by law.
The first group consists of citizens who, for special services to the Russian Federation, are expected to maintain the provision of benefits, regardless of the average per capita income of recipients. TO
this group includes: Heroes of the Russian Federation and the USSR, full holders of the Order of Glory, disabled people and participants in the Second World War, persons who became disabled as a result of protection constitutional order and law and order, persons who participated in the elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
When replacing in-kind benefits with compensations, it is necessary to develop a mechanism for indexing compensations taking into account inflation or an increase in the cost of relevant services. Funding from FB funds.
The second group - citizens who are planned to provide social protection measures depending on their average per capita income and the size of the subsistence minimum, established in the subject of the Russian Federation. This group includes low-income citizens, labor veterans, disabled people and some others.
In-kind benefits are supposed to first be replaced by compensations, and in the future, their social protection is carried out on the basis of the law on state social assistance.
Financing at the expense of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
The third group - persons using benefits on a professional basis. These include military personnel, police officers, tax police, customs officials, judges and many others. Financing of professional benefits should be carried out at the expense of funds allocated for the maintenance of the relevant ministries, departments and organizations.
In order to transfer benefits (for housing, utilities and telephones) into the form of remuneration and monetary allowance a draft federal law "On the transfer to monetary form some social benefits and amendments and additions to legislative acts RF ".
Thus, the provision of social benefits will be based on a differentiated approach. Categories of beneficiaries will be divided into three groups. Various social protection measures will be applied as the basis for assignment to a particular group: preservation of benefits, replacement of benefits with compensation, the principle of targeting, increasing wages and monetary allowances for certain categories of beneficiaries.
Questions and tasks for self-control:
What do you understand by social assistance?
In accordance with which federal law is social assistance provided?
What is the principle behind the provision of social assistance?
What types of social assistance are there?
Who do you think can be the recipient of state social assistance?
Name the sources of state social assistance.
How often can social assistance be provided.
reveal the mechanism of receiving social assistance.
What are Social Benefits?
What social functions do social benefits perform?
What is the basis for receiving benefits?
List the main federal laws under which social benefits are provided.
Name the categories of citizens eligible for benefits.
How are benefits provided?
In what areas are benefits provided? Give examples.
In your opinion, is it necessary to reform the system of benefits and why?

In order to improve the standard of living of various strata of the population in need of this, the state is constantly developing a system of additional benefits for these strata. This system covers various areas public services received by almost all citizens: urban transport, medicine, payments to retirees, taxation. These benefits are called benefits.

What are benefits and why are they needed?

The essence of the privilege is to provide any discount, additional rights, facilitate the implementation various commitments up to complete liberation from them.

Not all citizens have the right to receive benefits, but only certain categories of them, first of all, those in particular need.

Here the so-called leveling principle is manifested, using which the state seeks to reduce the gap between social strata in the field of providing material benefits and the level and quality of life that depends on this.

Typically need additional support persons who, due to any circumstances, are unable to provide themselves with material benefits in full in order to achieve at least an average standard of living.

  1. pensioners;
  2. people with disabilities(with a disability);
  3. parents raising their children alone;
  4. large families;
  5. poor individual citizens and families;
  6. children under the age of 16;
  7. war veterans;
  8. labor veterans, etc.

The implementation of the provision of benefits can be carried out in different forms:

  • periodic payments of benefits and allowances;
  • reduction of expenses for various social needs by compensating part of the costs;
  • financial in-kind assistance.

Benefits can be both tangible and intangible

In general, the developed and constantly improved set of measures to protect and support the population pursues the following goals:

  1. Stimulation and encouragement of various activities (working students, young families, military personnel and civil servants).
  2. Material expression of gratitude of the country as a whole to its citizens who deserve it (war veterans, labor veterans, combatants).
  3. Ensuring a balance between different segments of the population (people with disabilities, poor families, single-parent families, minor citizens).
  4. Encouraging citizens who bring special benefits to the state (military personnel, etc.)
  5. Under the social contract, the citizen is obliged to carry out the actions required of him, and the state is obliged to provide him with assistance.
  6. According to the program of social adaptation, the state is obliged to help the citizen cope with difficult life situations.

Benefits in their natural representation can be replaced by monetary compensation equal to them in value. This process is called benefit monetization.

Social support of citizens has a legislative basis. V regulations rules for the appointment, registration and payment of benefits are spelled out, a list of privileged categories of citizens, principles for calculating monetary amounts are provided. The main document in this area is the federal law No. 178-ФЗ dated July 17, 1999 "On State Social Assistance".

Types of benefits and their classification

Social support measures, as benefits are officially called, fall into two broad categories: regional and federal. This division is based on the source of the provision of benefits.

The establishment and payment of regional benefits are the responsibility of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Their territorial distribution is limited to the territory of a specific subject. Regional beneficiaries include:

  • persons subjected to political repression;
  • disabled people;
  • single poor citizens and families;
  • labor veterans, etc.

Regional coverage benefits include benefits, subsidies, and comprehensive social services. The regions of the Russian Federation establish benefits without agreement with the Government of the Russian Federation.

Federal social support measures funded federal budget and are valid throughout the country regardless of the subject. The list of federal beneficiaries is more extensive, it includes:

  1. combatants;
  2. participants in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and victims of this accident;
  3. victims of fascism;
  4. war veterans and invalids;
  5. honorary donors;
  6. persons with disabilities;
  7. persons belonging to a certain risk group, etc.

Federal beneficiaries are entitled to a number of medical and transport benefits, compensation for housing and communal services, payments of various kinds. The list of citizens eligible for federal social support is regulated at the state level and can only be edited by the highest state authorities.

There are federal and regional benefits in one direction, but a citizen has the right to use only one of these types of support.

Pension payments

Most of the population applies for pension payments

Most of the country's population claims for pension payments. These are groups of different ages who receive an old-age pension, a disability pension, and a seniority pension.

The privileges of pensioners at the federal level are in the areas of taxation, medical care, payment for utility bills. Some regional benefits are added to these.

In the area of ​​paying taxes, pensioners who are entitled to benefits are exempt from paying contributions for real estate they own. Transport tax may be partially downgraded, this privilege applies only to one vehicle owned by an individual.

The land tax can also be reduced. Regional authorities establish and quantify these privileges.

Pensioners are given the opportunity to receive a tax deduction when buying an apartment or house.

They can also receive compensation for the costs of housing and communal services, provided that these costs are exceeded by more than 22% of their total income.

Housing benefits

Housing benefits can range from housing benefits to housing benefits

The list of housing benefits is quite diverse. It applies to services such as:

  • payment for housing and communal services;
  • buying a home on credit;
  • provision of housing, etc.

Many housing benefits have restrictions on the amount, area of ​​housing and other conditions of provision.

Citizens with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation, full qualifiers of the Order of Glory, members of their families are exempted from paying for housing.

The following can apply for the right to subsidize:

  1. citizens whose expenses on housing and communal services exceed their total income by more than 22%;
  2. citizens who moved from the Far North.
  3. Utilities compensation is available for:
  4. pensioners;
  5. military personnel and their families;
  6. employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, etc.

Benefits can be provided in partial form, that is, for example, when exemption from housing fees, utilities the beneficiary continues to pay.

Travel benefits

Travel benefits are also provided for schoolchildren

  • minors;
  • full-time students of secondary and higher educational institutions;
  • single parents;
  • large families;
  • disabled people;
  • labor veterans;
  • combat veterans, etc.

The authorities of each constituent entity of the Russian Federation can expand this list as necessary in accordance with the current legislation.

Travel benefits can be expressed in different ways. For some categories of beneficiaries, travel by public transport (city and intercity) is completely free, some pay half the cost of the ticket.

There is also a single social ticket, the purchase of which costs a certain amount, but by purchasing it you can make free trips on various types of transport, thus saving money.

Medical Benefits

Medical benefits also include free distribution of preferential drugs to patients.

Medicine provides its services on preferential terms to many citizens. This includes:

  1. disabled people;
  2. invalids and veterans of the Second World War;
  3. combat veterans;
  4. Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation;
  5. orphans;
  6. large families;
  7. single parents, etc.

Healthcare benefits are different for different categories of beneficiaries. So, veterans and disabled people are provided with emergency medical care and compensation for payment of medical services, large families and children under three years old - a discount (depending on the region).

Also, for these categories, there is an opportunity to purchase medicines free of charge in pharmacies. The list of drugs is compiled at the level higher bodies state power and is annually edited.

Tax incentives

Tax incentives range from deferred tax payments to exemption from taxation of certain types of objects

Tax incentives are advantages that enable citizens who receive them to spend less money by paying tax payments of various kinds.

Tax legislation provides for various types of benefits in this area:

  • exemption - exemption from taxation of certain objects;
  • tax credit - a reduction in the tax contribution paid by a fraction of the total amount;
  • exemption - a reduction in the tax rate or tax salary, deferral from payment of contributions, payment by installments, refund of previously paid tax payments, offset of previously paid tax contributions.

The same groups are eligible for tax benefits, which are also provided with the above types of preferential security.

How to apply for benefits

What is the procedure for registering benefits?

To apply for various types of benefits, you must visit different authorities depending on the type of social support you want and its level, as well as the category of the individual in need.

Social benefits (in the field of medical services, payment of travel on public transport and housing and communal services) are issued in the regional social security and protection bodies or local municipalities.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation deals with the provision of pension benefits. Tax concessions are drawn up by committees and inspectorates of the Federal Tax Service at the regional level.

The maximum processing time for any social support privilege is 30 days.

To apply for social assistance, you need to collect a certain package of documents, depending on its type:

  1. in any case - an application for a benefit;
  2. a document confirming the identity of the applicant;
  3. a document confirming the right to receive this type of benefits (pension certificate, certificates of family composition, disability, certificate of labor or military activity, etc.);
  4. Tax Registration Certificate (TIN);
  5. income certificates;
  6. certificate of ownership of real estate / vehicle passport / certificate of absence of arrears in payment for utility bills, etc.

Eligibility for certain types of benefits is required to be confirmed annually.

Thus, having basic information about what benefits a person is entitled to in accordance with his social status, he can significantly improve his financial situation by contacting the appropriate authorities for obtaining benefits.

In the next video you will learn about existing types benefits in the Russian Federation:

May 28, 2017 Content manager

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