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Classification of fire protection communications equipment. Communication system in fire protection garrisons. Signal intercom devices


conducting classes with the warning and communication service

TOPIC No. 6: Organization of communications and basic requirements for it. Work during a power outage of the city telephone network.

TIME: 360 min.

PLACE: Class

TARGET: Study the rules of communication, the operation of the fire control system during a power outage of the GTS

Study questions

1. Types and means of communication.

2. Communication rules.

3. Operation of the PSCh during a power outage of the GTS.

1. Communication according to its functional purpose is divided into the following types:

– notification connection, providing transmission and reception of fire messages;

– operational dispatch communication, ensuring the transmission of orders to State Fire Service units, timely dispatch of forces and means to extinguish fires, receipt of information from fire sites, transmission of information about fires officials, organizations and city services, receiving messages about department departures and communicating with fire trucks on the road, transmitting orders for the redeployment of equipment;

– communication in case of fire, ensuring clear and uninterrupted control of forces, their interaction and transmission of information from the fire scene, administrative and management communications, including all types of communications not related to the implementation of operational-tactical tasks;

– notification connection ensures the transmission of fire messages from applicants and automatic fire and security devices fire alarm at TsUS and PSCh.

The communication of the notification provides:

connection of the NCC with the city telephone exchange by incoming connecting lines designed specifically for receiving fire notifications. If there is an automatic telephone exchange in the city, communication between subscribers of this telephone exchange and the fire department is carried out via special connecting lines by dialing the two-digit number “01”, and with a manual telephone exchange - by the applicant transmitting the message “Fire”;

receiving notifications from electrical fire alarm equipment about the most important objects located in the area where the unit exits;

connection by direct wire lines of the central control center, PSO, PSCh with the most important objects of the city;

connection by direct wire lines of the control center with switchboards of internal affairs bodies and private security units to receive fire reports;

connection of applicants (GPS personnel equipped with radio communications) with the control center or fire control center via radio communication channels.

Operational dispatch communication provides:

direct telephone and radio communication between the central control center and garrison units' communication points;

radio communication between the central control center or central control center and fire trucks along the route;

direct telephone communication with life support services.

Fire communications is intended to control forces, ensure their interaction and exchange of information.

To control forces in a fire, communication is established between the RTP and the operational headquarters, the chief of logistics, the heads of combat areas and, if necessary, with fire trucks. Fire communications provide control over the work of units fire department and obtaining information from them about the situation during the fire.

To provide control, radio stations and loud-speaking installations of communication and lighting vehicles are used, as well as portable radio stations, field telephones and automatic telephone exchanges, radiotelephones, intercoms, and electric megaphones.

For interaction between combat areas (units) working on a fire, communication is established between the heads of combat areas (units). In this case, portable radio stations, field telephones, intercoms and communications devices are used.

If it is impossible to use communication means, control signals are used.

To ensure the transfer of information from the scene of a fire, a connection is established between the RTP, the operational headquarters and the control center (PSCh) using the city telephone network or radio stations of fire trucks, communication and lighting vehicles, and operational vehicles. At the same time, the exchange of information is ensured between the control center (PSCh) and the State Fire Service units located at the fire and en route, the transmission of messages about the situation and progress of fire extinguishing; call for additional forces and means; transfer of RTP requirements to life support services.

When using radio communications during a fire, the RTP is obliged to ensure that all subscribers comply with the rules of radio communication.

When the operational headquarters uses a subscriber telephone network, it is necessary to switch the subscriber's telephone line to the headquarters telephone set.

To ensure reliable communication during a fire in underground structures in conditions of shielding of radio waves, use the facility's telephone communications, loud-speaker warning installations, including megaphones, and mine rescue communication equipment. Administrative and management communications are intended to support the administrative and management activities of the State Border Service

For administrative and management communications, as a rule, urban, rural and departmental telephone networks communications and radio networks. If necessary, operational communications means can be used without prejudice to the implementation of operational-tactical tasks

2. Communication discipline is the precise and strict observance by GPS personnel of the established procedure for exchanging messages in wired and radio communication networks.

Communication discipline is achieved:

– knowledge and strict implementation by personnel of the rules: establishing communications, conducting negotiations and their registration, set out in this manual;

– strict compliance with the requirements set out in the documents regulating the operation of communication facilities;

– establishing effective control over the use of communication means for their intended purpose and negotiations.

A high level of communication discipline is ensured by well-organized control and strict adherence to messaging rules. Communication control functions are carried out by the garrison's control center.

Violations of communication discipline include:

– transfer of information that is not subject to disclosure;

– private negotiations;

– transfer of call signs more times than provided for in this Manual, negotiations with subscribers who have not indicated their call signs;

– disclosure of call signs and frequencies of working channels.

Communication checks are carried out in order to maintain technical means V constant readiness to action and monitoring the performance of duty by duty operators. Communication testing can be done by calling and answering a call or sending special messages. It can be bilateral or unilateral.

The effectiveness of communication control is achieved by the correct selection of personnel, those who carry it out, the use of carefully tested equipment for control, and the timely adoption of measures against violators of communication rules.

An official who receives a message about violations and communication discipline is obliged to immediately take measures to suppress the violation and conduct an investigation.

Messaging involves the transmission and reception of telephone messages, radiograms, telegrams, graphic and text images, signals, commands, etc.

Message exchanges should be brief. Conducting various kinds of private inquiries and private negotiations between subscribers is strictly prohibited.

The list of issues on which messages are exchanged in clear text is determined by the head of UGT1S (OG PS)

Establishing communication is carried out in the form: “Angara! I am Sokol, answer,” “Falcon! I am Angara! Receive!”

If it is necessary to transmit messages, the caller, after establishing communication, transmits it in the form: “Angara! I am Sokol, accept the message” (the text follows), “I am Sokol, receive!”. About reception (“the message is answered in the form: “Falcon! I am Angara” (the text of the message is repeated)), I am Angara, reception!”

The operator notifies about the end of the connection with the words: “End of connection.” The transmission of messages should be carried out slowly, clearly, and clearly. You must speak in a full voice, but do not shout, as shouting disrupts the clarity and precision of the transmission.

3. In the event of a power outage in the city network, the radiotelephone operator is obliged to:

1. Report the outage to the central control center of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

3. In the evening or at night, inform the responsible person on duty at the unit.

4. Connect the backup telephone set stored on the PSCh to the city telephone network.

5. Use a portable radio station or mobile radio station located on a firefighting vehicle included in the combat crew to transmit and exchange information with the Central Control Center of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

6. When the duty guard leaves on an “Alarm” signal, conduct radio exchange with the Central Control Center of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the duty guard using a portable radio station or mobile radio station located on a firefighting vehicle that is in reserve.

Lesson leader__________________________________________

7. Notification communication.

Topic 2. History of the formation and development of fire warning systems

11.Development fire communications in Russia.

12.Development of fire warning systems.

Topic 3. Basics of wired communication

13. The principle of wired communication.

14. Scheme of organizing wire communication in the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Topic 4. Basics of radio communication

15.Physical principle of radio communication.

16. Block diagram of the receiver, transmitter.

17.Advantages and disadvantages of radio communications. Maximum range of radio communications in the ultrashort wave range.

18. Main technical parameters of domestic and foreign radio stations.

19.Trunking communication systems.

Topic 5. Organization of communication during a fire

20.Communication discipline. Violations of communication discipline.

21.Connection check. Messaging rules. Transmitting messages when hearing is difficult. Evaluation of communication quality.

Topic 6. Organization of fire department dispatch service

22. Basic guidelines for the dispatch service.

23.Terms and definitions used in the dispatch service.

24.Organization of dispatch service. Tasks of dispatch service units.

25.Admission of radiotelephonists, dispatchers to independent work. Job responsibilities radiotelephone operator, dispatcher.

Topic 7. Contents of the work of a radiotelephone operator, dispatcher at the unit’s communication point

26. Actions of radiotelephonists, fire department dispatchers for security settlements and objects upon receipt of instructions from the Federal Border Guard Service Center for a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

27. Actions of radiotelephone operators, fire department dispatchers to protect populated areas and facilities when receiving fire reports from the Federal Border Guard Service Center for a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

28. Actions of radiotelephone operators, fire department dispatchers for the protection of populated areas and facilities when receiving messages about accidents, natural disasters from TsUKS FPS for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

29. Actions of radiotelephonists, fire department dispatchers for the protection of populated areas and objects upon receipt of alerts and signals civil defense from TsUKS FPS for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Topic 8. Modern and promising information and telecommunication technologies of the communication system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

30.Modern and promising domestic communication equipment.

31.Modern and promising foreign communication equipment.

32. Modern and promising information and telecommunication technologies of the communication system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

Topic 9. Basic information about automatic fire and fire alarm systems

33. Purpose and scope of automatic fire alarm (AFS) and security fire alarm (FS). Basic functions of fire, security and fire alarm systems.

34. Classification, purpose and scope of fire detectors (PI). Manual and automatic PI. Basic parameters of fire detectors (FI).

35. Types, composition, principle of action, specifications, operation of PI. Non-addressable, addressable and addressable analogue fire alarm systems.

36. Purpose and main functions, scope of application, control and control devices for fire departments.

37. Requirements for the premises of a fire post, with personnel on round-the-clock duty and power supply for fire alarm installations.

Topic 10. Basic information about automatic fire extinguishing installations

38. Classification, purpose, scope of fire extinguishing installations. Types and general information on the principle of operation of fire extinguishing installations.

39.Water and foam fire extinguishing installations. Main equipment of installations: control units, sprinklers, water feeders, dispensers, their design.

Topic 14. Fire extinguishers

56. Classification of fire extinguishers. Purpose, types, device, scope, designation structure.

57. The principle of operation and characteristics of portable and mobile fire extinguishers: water, air-foam, gas, powder, aerosol and combined.

58.Operation and Maintenance fire extinguishers.

Main literature

1. Sobur S.V. Fire extinguishers: Educational and reference manual. M.: Pozhkniga, 2006.

2. Terebnev V.V., Ulyanov N.I., Grachev V.A. Fire-technical weapons. Device and application. – Ekaterinburg: LLC Publishing House “Kalan”, 2007. – 325 p., ill.

3. Goldstein B.S., N.A. Sokolov, G.G. Yanovsky. Communication networks: Textbook for universities. St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2010.-400 p.

4. V.I. Zykov, A.V. Komandirov, A.B. Mosyagin, I.M. Teterin, Yu.V. Chekmarev. Automated control systems and communications. Textbook. – M.: Academy of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, 2006. – 665 p.

additional literature

5. Kachalov A.A. and etc. Fire water supply. M.: Stroyizdat, 1985.

6. Ivanov A.F. and others. Fire equipment, parts 1, 2. M.: Stroizdat, 1988.

7. Yakovenko Yu.F. etc. Operation fire equipment. Directory. M.: Stroyizdat, 1991.

8. Sobur S.V. Automatic fire extinguishing installations: Directory. 2nd ed., add. M.: Special equipment, 2002.

9. Sharovar F.I. Automated control systems and communications in fire protection.

Topic 1. Organization of communications in fire protection

1. The role of communications in fire protection.

2. Efficiency and reliability of communications.

3. Requirements for the deployment of fire departments.

4. Functional responsibilities officials managing units of the emergency communications service of the territorial garrison.

5. Communication system and its main elements.

6. Types of communication by functional purpose.

7. Notification communication.

8. Operational dispatch communication.

9. Communications during a fire. Scheme of organizing communications at a fire.

10.Administrative and management communications.

In particular, it is based on three indicators: the qualifications of firefighters and rescuers, the speed of response and high-quality communication between units, as well as between them and headquarters. Therefore, organizing communication during a fire is the most important criterion. The main purpose of communications is to transmit information about the start and location of a fire, control over ongoing activities related to extinguishing the source of fire, plus support units with newly available information.

Only communication unites the disparate units of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, coordinating their actions. At the same time, it can be used to streamline the interaction of the central console with parts, as well as with specialists who work individually. That is, all firefighters from different departments begin to work on the same team.

To provide information to units operating on a fire, use different systems communications. They are divided into stationary equipment or mobile modules. To these are added quality control devices and so on.

The central place is occupied by the so-called connecting component. Its task is to organize the receipt and transmission of information about disasters and fires that have occurred. Information can come from citizens via telephone or pressing a fire alarm button. And also from devices installed at facilities and responsible for fire safety the latter (various types of sensors).

All information is sent to two control panels simultaneously:

  • TsUS – communication system manager;
  • PSCh – fire department (territorial) communication point.

There are tasks that are set for these central points:

  1. The functions of transferring information between departments, governing bodies and officials are combined.
  2. There is a unification of technical means and forces that will provide all units with the required information. The technical means include transmitters and communication lines.
  3. Organization of maintenance and repair of connecting nodes, points and lines.
  4. Organization of technical and operational activities. For this there is a special normative documents. It is this that forms the basis for equipment performance checks.
  5. Organization of storage of received information during certain period established by the regulations. This is a common database in which the received information is further processed.

In this case, the connection performs additional functions:

  • receives and sends information about fire or disaster situations to higher authorities;
  • if a request has been received to send additional equipment, then the procedure is as follows - the request is immediately sent to a certain specialized authority;
  • exercises control over the units involved in extinguishing the fire;
  • exchanges operational information between crews and units classified as auxiliary;
  • communicates operational information to authorities, officials, and higher organizations.

Types of communication by their functionality

  1. TsUS or PSCh. It includes a telephone line, which is connected to city lines and PBX, respectively. It is necessary to connect with important city facilities. If a fire control system is used, then the station is additionally equipped with radio communications, alarms and other types of equipment that are used in fire control.
  2. PPP - moving points. These are mobile units that are transported to the scene of a fire. It is considered a temporary connection, but it is this type of connection between units and subunits that can be considered highly effective.
  3. PSO – detachment communication point. This type allows the management team, which manages the activities related to the elimination of the source of fire, to have direct communication with the units of the garrison. It is through it that commanders and headquarters receive reliable information from direct participants in firefighting located in the fire zone. If a fire is a situation that requires a lot of resources and effort, then the PSO connects the headquarters with the rear units and commanders of the motor transport services.

The procedure for organizing communications directly at objects where fires have been registered is also based on other types of communications. These are loudspeakers, small mobile radio communication installations. If necessary, vehicles with warning systems are delivered to the fire zone. More often they use field radio stations or telephones for several subscribers, megaphones, etc.

If it is not possible to use the above methods and equipment, then use signaling equipment, for example, spotlights or flashlights. Rarely, information is transmitted using messengers who run from unit to unit or travel on bicycles or motorcycles.

Administrative and managerial

The purpose of this type is managerial, which is based on control functions. For this purpose, a departmental telephone line is used. But today the ability to manage and control fire departments and garrisons has expanded. They began to use the Internet and mobile cellular communications.

But even in this case, there are requirements for the use of innovations. The latter should not interfere with the implementation operational activities related to firefighting. Therefore, even today, firefighters more often use radio communications or telephone wires. This means that mobile or portable stations are still in use.

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State Communications fire service The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is classified by purpose into the following main types:

Notification communication, providing transmission and reception of fire messages;

Operational dispatch communications, ensuring the transmission of orders to units, the timely dispatch of forces and means of fire departments and civil emergency situations to extinguish fires and eliminate the consequences of emergencies, receiving information from fire sites, transmitting information about fires to officials, organizations and city services, receiving messages about departures units and communication with fire trucks on the way, transmitting orders for the redeployment of equipment;

Communication at a fire or at the site of an emergency, ensuring clear and uninterrupted control of forces and assets, their interaction and transmission of information from the site of a fire and emergency;

Administrative and managerial communications, including all types of communications not related to the implementation of operational and tactical tasks.

The notification connection ensures the transmission of messages about fires, disasters and other types of emergencies from applicants and automatic fire and security fire alarm devices to the control center and fire control center.

The notification communication provides:

Connection of the central control center with the city telephone exchange by incoming connecting lines designed specifically for receiving notifications about fires and emergencies. If there is an automatic telephone exchange in the city, communication between subscribers of this telephone exchange and the fire department is carried out via special connecting lines by dialing the two-digit number “01”, and if there is a manual telephone exchange, the applicant transmits the message “Fire”;

Installation of electric fire alarm equipment in the fire department to receive notifications from the most important objects located in the area where the fire department exits;

Connection by direct wire lines of the central control center, PSO, PSCh with the most important objects of the city;

Connection by direct wire lines of the control center with switchboards of internal affairs bodies and private security units to receive fire reports;

Connection of applicants (fire department workers equipped with radio communication equipment) with the control center or fire control center via radio communication channels.

Operational dispatch communication provides:

Direct telephone and radio communication between the control center and communication points of units, detachments and fire stations;

Radio communication of the central control center or central control center with fire trucks, communication and lighting (communication) vehicles and operational vehicles of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations located along the route;

Telephone communication with city interaction services.

The operational dispatch telephone communication diagram is shown in Fig. 4.1.

Firefighting communications are designed to control forces and assets, ensure their interaction and exchange of information.

Administrative and management communications necessary to ensure the administrative and management activities of the State Border Service. For administrative and management communications, as a rule, city and departmental telephone communication networks and radio networks are used. If necessary, operational communications means can be used without compromising the performance of operational-tactical tasks.

Communications in the garrison are built on the basis of wired and radio communication networks by creating an extensive network of stationary and mobile communication nodes (points) equipped with communication means in accordance with their purpose. The main types of communication, depending on the methods of transmitting electrical signals and the nature of the information transmitted, include: telephone, telegraph and fax communications, data transmission and fire alarms.

When organizing communications in fire protection garrisons, stationary and mobile communication points are created. The stationary and mobile communication points of the fire brigade include:

Forces and Assets Control Center (CMC);

Detachment communication point (PSO);

Unit communication point (PSC);

Mobile communication point (MCP).

Firefighting communications are intended to control forces, ensure their interaction and exchange of information.

To control forces in a fire, communication is established between the RTP and the operational headquarters, the chief of logistics, the heads of combat areas and, if necessary, with fire trucks. Communications during a fire ensures management of the work of fire departments and obtains information from them about the situation during a fire.

To provide control, radio stations and loud-speaking installations of communication and lighting vehicles are used, as well as portable radio stations, field telephones and automatic telephone exchanges, radiotelephones, intercoms, and electric megaphones.

For interaction between combat areas (units) working on a fire, communication is established between the heads of combat areas (units). In this case, portable radio stations, field telephones, intercoms and communications devices are used.

If it is impossible to use communication means, control signals are used.

Topic 1.13. The meaning and types of combat planning.

Basic concepts and definitions.

Fire extinguishing plan- a document forecasting the situation and establishing the main issues of organizing extinguishing a developed fire in the organization (at the facility);

Fire extinguishing card- a document containing basic data about the organization (facility) and evacuation routes, allowing the RTP to quickly and correctly organize the actions of fire departments to rescue people and extinguish a fire;

Computer fire extinguishing plan- a software tool that ensures the effective performance of functions of managing the activities of fire departments in organizing fire extinguishing in an organization, built on the basis of the use of control theory, mathematical methods and information models, as well as high-performance means of collecting, recording, transmitting, storing and processing information;

Free fire development time- time interval from the moment of fire occurrence to the moment of supply fire extinguishing agents for its liquidation;

Fire development- increase in the geometric dimensions of the combustion zone, growth hazardous factors fire and increased secondary manifestations of fire hazards;

Fire water supply- a complex of engineering structures designed for the intake and transportation of water, storage of its reserves and use for fire fighting;

Rescue people in case of fire- actions to evacuate people who cannot independently leave the area where there is a possibility of exposure to dangerous fire factors or the supply of fire extinguishing agents hazardous to health is expected;

Evacuation of people in case of fire- the forced process of movement of people from the area where there is a possibility of exposure to dangerous fire factors;

Fire number (rank)- a conditional sign of the complexity of the fire, which determines in the departure schedule the necessary composition of fire department forces and means involved in extinguishing the fire;

Operational-tactical characteristics of the organization - information about the organization necessary to organize fire extinguishing;

System fire protection organizations- a set of organizational measures and technical means aimed at preventing exposure of people to dangerous fire factors and limiting material damage from it.

The importance of preliminary planning of combat operations in a fire.

An analysis of the fires that occurred in Russia shows that every day the alarm is sounded in fire departments about 1.5 thousand times, and about 7 thousand citizens find themselves face to face with fire. Russia has the most high level in the world, deaths and injuries in fires are more than 3 times higher than the average level in developed foreign countries.

In 1993, the number of fire deaths reached 13,692 people, and 11,557 people were injured. The number of fires and material damage from them - 332,719 fires and 204.2 billion rubles of damage in 1993.

By 2000, the number of fires increased by 2.6 times, and the damage from them increased by 3.5 - 4 times. At the same time, the number of people killed and injured in fires increased to 14 and 130 thousand people, respectively. This is due to the rapid development of science and technology, production using new synthetic materials, increased development of the chemical, oil and gas industries, in technological processes which is used a large number of fire and explosive substances and materials, increasing the built-up area of ​​industrial facilities, construction of high-rise public and residential buildings, carelessness and carelessness of citizens in handling fire.

Due to this great attention is devoted to improvement professional excellence rank and file and commanding staff of the State Border Guard Service, increasing their level of combat readiness, guaranteeing protection from fire of state and personal property of citizens, personal property of citizens and their lives.

The quality of fire extinguishing depends not only on the tactical training of the State Fire Service personnel, but also on the implementation of a set of official organizational measures for preliminary planning (forecasting) of combat operations by the management of fire departments.

Pre-planning military operations- this is a solution to a number of problems related to preparation for extinguishing a fire. The purpose of these events is the same - to do everything possible so that fire departments arrive at the scene of the fire and put extinguishing agents into action in minimum term. For it is not hours, but minutes and even seconds that can decide the outcome of a fire.

Reducing each of the terms is the daily task of GPS units and apparatus. For this purpose, as a result of calculations and analysis of combat operations, a number of activities are thought out and planned long before the fire, which ultimately make it possible to complete the combat mission in the shortest possible time and at a high level. professional level. The main activities for preliminary planning of military operations include:

1. Optimization of the deployment of fire departments.

2. Placement of fire fighting equipment and special equipment.

3. Interaction of GPS units with other services.

4. Creation of regional emergency rescue teams and strongholds for extinguishing large fires.

5. Drawing up and processing of operational documentation (schedule of visits, plan for attracting forces and means to extinguish fires, fire extinguishing plans and cards).


Preliminary planning of combat operations allows extinguishing means to be put into operation in the shortest possible time upon the arrival of units.

Of all the diversity operational documents services you have considered, developing plans for fighting large fires is essential.

The procedure for drawing up and testing fire extinguishing plans.

General requirements to the development of fire extinguishing plans.

Developing a fire extinguishing plan allows you to play out the development of a fire at the facility in a calm environment. Therefore, even before the fire, analyze and take into account the features possible situation, calculate the forces and means to extinguish the developed fire, determine the order of their rapid concentration, and develop standard combat operations schemes.

Fire extinguishing plans and fire extinguishing cards are intended for:

1. Determination by the manager (owner) of measures and procedures service personnel(workers) in case of fire.

2. Providing the fire extinguishing manager with information about the operational and tactical characteristics of the organization (facility), preliminary forecasting of the possible situation in the organization during a fire, planning the main (main) actions of fire departments to extinguish the fire.

3. Increasing theoretical and practical training of personnel (workers) of fire departments and their management bodies.

4. Information support when investigating (studying) a fire.

Firefighting plans allow for everything personnel study the facility more thoroughly from an operational-tactical perspective, and develop tactical skills in extinguishing fires at this facility during training and exercises among the commanding officers.