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Exam tickets for testing knowledge of workers' labor protection. Tests for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements Examination tickets for labor protection for workers

Right answers to labor protection issues (to test knowledge of workers) allocated in italics.

1. What types of labor protection should be carried out in the organization (GOST 12.004-9 P.7)?
1) Introductory scoring on labor protection, primary instruction in the workplace, repeated, unscheduled, targeted instructions.
2) Introductory instruction on labor protection, primary, repeated and unscheduled instructors in the workplace.
3) Primary instruction in the workplace, repeated, unscheduled, target instructions.

2. Select the correct sequence of actions when a fire is detected: (PPR RF P.71)
1) Start the evacuation of people, call the phone 01, check the inclusion of automatic fire extinguishing tools, start salvation material values.
2) Call by calling 01, to start evacuating people and salvation of material values, check the inclusion of automatic fire extinguishing tools.
3) Call by calling 01, adopt the emergency measures to evacuate people and steam fire.

3. How to provide first aid in arterial bleeding in the affected (poppie)?
1) impose a gulling bandage.
2) impose harness above the location of damage.
3) impose a warming compress, to ensure peace.

4. What a distance should be from the place of production of electric welding and gas flame work Before explosive materials and equipment (gas cylinders, gas generators) (P.9.1.3 SNiP 12-03-2001)?
1) at least 5 m;
2) at least 7 m;
3) at least 10 m;
4) at least 15 m;
5) at least 20 m.

5. What should be applied when working with anxal staircase at an altitude of more than 1.3 m (p.2.3.7 Pot R M 012-2000)?
1) The safety belt is applied, attached to the construction of the structure or staircase, provided that it is secured to a construction or other design.
2) It is necessary to apply a rescue belt attached to the construction of the structure or staircase, provided that it is fixed to the construction or other design.
3) to apply rescue ropeattached to the design of the structure or staircase provided it is fixed to a construction or other design.

6. Who is allowed to fulfill the work to which additional labor safety requirements are imposed (SNiP 12-03-2001 clause 4.12.)?
1) persons who do not have contraindications by age and sex who have passed a medical examination and recognized by suitable for the performance of these works that have been trained in safe methods and techniques of work, instructing for labor protection, internship in the workplace, checking knowledge of labor protection claims;
2) persons who have passed a medical examination, which has been trained safe methods and work techniques;
3) persons who have been trained in safe methods and work techniques, instructing for labor protection, internship in the workplace, checking knowledge of labor protection claims.

7. What document must be issued to the performance of dangerous production factors, the occurrence of which is not associated with the nature of the work performed (SNiP 12-03-2001 clause 4.11)?
1) act-tolerance in three copies;
2) outfit to admission in two copies;
3) Outfit to admission for arbitrary form in two copies;
4) permission of a higher organization;
5) the consent of the management of the current enterprise;
6) resolution of the general contracting organization.

8. With which the minimum oxygen content is allowed on the capacity without respiratory protection (gas masks) (p.6.8. Mountain type)?
1) not lower than 10% voluminous
2) not lower than 15% voluminous
3) not lower than 18% voluminous
4) not lower than 20% voluminous

9. What should be done primarily when a person is defeated by electric shock (poppp)?
1) to free the affected electric current
2) to start resuscitation of the victim
3) to drag the victim for clothes at least 8 meters from the place of touch with a wire of the Earth or from the equipment being stressed
4) Call an ambulance

10. What are the responsibilities in the field of labor protection assigned to the employee (TK RF Article 214)?
1) comply with labor protection requirements; correctly apply the means of individual and collective protection;
2) immediately notify its immediate or higher-level leader about any life-threatening and health situation, about every production accident, about the deterioration of their health, including signs of professional disease (poisoning);
3) to undergo mandatory for him medical inspections;
4) to undergo training in safe methods and techniques to fulfill work, first aid for accidents at work, integrating on labor protection, and internship in the workplace, testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements;
5) All answers are true.

11. With what number of employees should the instruction be developed that determines the personnel on the evacuation of people in the fire? (PPR RF p.12)?

1) more than 50 people.
2) more than 10 people.
3) more than 150 people.
4) more than 200 people.
5) more than 250 people.

12. In what sequence should assist the victim, which is unconscious, if the breath and cardiac activity (MI PPP) ceased?
1) Outer massage of the heart, the release of the respiratory tract, artificial ventilation of the lungs.
2) Artificial ventilation of the lungs, the outer massage of the heart, the release of the respiratory tract.
3) Artificial respiration, outdoor (indirect) Heart massage.

13. What are the dimensions of the border of hazardous areas near the moving parts of machines and equipment, if there are no other elevated requirements in the passport or the manufacturer's instructions? The boundaries of hazardous zones are installed within (clause 7.2.9 SNiP 12-03-2001)?
1) 2.5 m;
2) 4 m;
3) 5 m;
4) 7.5 m;
5) 10 m.

14. At what distances, workplaces and passages to their temporary inventory fences are in height (paragraph 2.1.13 Pot R M 012-2000)?
1) They are fencing at an altitude of 1.3 m and more and at a distance less than 2 m from the circuit of the difference in height in accordance with the requirements of GOST.
2) are fencing at an altitude of 1.5 m and more and at a distance of less than 2 m from the circuit of the difference in height in accordance with the requirements of GOST.
3) They are fencing at an altitude of 1.3 m and more and at a distance of less than 1.5 m from the difference in the height of the height in accordance with the requirements of GOST.

15. What are the responsibility leaders of contracting organizations (Hundred 025)?
1) only for their safety
2) for the security of contract workers
3) for the actions and safety of their employees
4) for fulfilling all requirements production security

16. Each employee of a contractual organization, allowed to produce work on the territory of the Customer, should:
1) observe the labor discipline established by the contracting organization and customer requirements;
2) take measures to immediately eliminate the causes and conditions that impede or impede normal production (incident, accidents), creating a threat to life and health working, and immediately report the incident to the immediate supervisor and the administration of the Customer;
3) contain your workplace, Equipment, tools and devices in order, cleanliness and good condition, as well as abide by the cleanliness and order at the Customer's production area.
4) all listed correctly.

17. Name the necessary preparation activities technological equipment to carry out fireworks (p.415 of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation)?
1) technological equipment need to rinse
2) technological equipment need to disappear, rinse, clean, free from fire-free substances and disable from existing communications
3) Technological equipment must be disabled from existing communications

18. How it is allowed to develop the ground in close proximity to the existing underground communications (SNiP 12-04-2002 p.5.1.5.)?
1) allowed using earthmoving equipment
2) allowed by drum tools
3) It is allowed only with the help of a shovel, without the help of shock tools.

19. Each employee has the right to (TC RF Article 219):
1) workplace that meets labor protection requirements;
2) compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents;
3) refusal to perform work in case of danger to his life;
4) the provision of personal and collective protection at the expense of the employer;
5) all answers are true

20. With any number of people who are at the same time on the floors of buildings and structures, the plans of the evacuation of people should be highlighted in prominent places (RFP in Russia P.7)?
1) more than 5 people.
2) more than 10 people.
3) more than 15 people.
4) more than 20 people.
5) more than 25 people.

21. How to render the first medical care in charge of carbon monoxide (MPOPP)?
1) lead to a feeling with the help of ammonia
2) the victim must be immediately taken out of the room on fresh air, in the absence of consciousness it is necessary to conduct resuscitation actions, call a doctor
3) the victim must be immediately taken out of the room on fresh air, give a sniffing alcohol, after a person comes to himself, give him hot tea

22. What are the fences at the boundaries of the zones of potentially hazardous production factors (§ 4.10 SNiP 12-03-2001)?
1) signal fences;
2) signal fences and safety signs;
3) Safety protective;
4) security-protective;
5) rack fences.

23. What measures are envisaged in the work project for preventing the risk of falling employees from a height (paragraph 1.26 Pot R M 012-2000)?
1) reduction of overgrowth works.
2) The priority device of constant enclosing structures.
3) temporary enclosing structures.
4) Places and methods for fastening the safety ropes and safety belts.
5) Forming means.
6) ways and means of raising workers to work sites or places of production work.
7) Carrying devices.
8) everything is true.

24. Employees of the contract organization are prohibited: (Hundred 025- 2013):
1) to conduct and allow unauthorized persons to the territory of deposits and customer facilities
2) violate the route of vehicles agreed with the customer
3) bring and store firearms, cold and other weapons at the facilities and deposits of the Customer
4) hide information on obtaining production Injury from the direct supervisor and authorized persons of the employer;
5) bring with them or use alcoholic beverages, narcotic, toxic substances, come or be located on the territory of the objects, the deposits of the Customer or the territory allotted by the Customer to perform the work of the contractor in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication
6) true specified in paragraph 1-3
7) all listed right

25. It is prohibited to operate equipment, mechanisms, tools: (P.8.4. Hundred 025)
1) in a faulty state;
2) with defective safety devices (blocking, protective, fixing and signaling devices, devices);
3) with exceeding the operating parameters above passport;
4) all listed correctly.

26. On portable staircases and stepladers allowed to perform work: P7.4.31. SNiP 12-03-2001
1) about and over rotating working machines, conveyors
2) Using manual machines
3) gas and electric welding
4) Wiring tension and maintenance at the height of heavy parts
5) all listed is not true

27. When it is unacceptable to break, finding and consuming substances causing alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication (paragraph 16.1. One hundred 025)?
1) During the stay of employees in the territory of the customer's objects
2) during intervacht recreation
3) during a period of internet holiday in the watch settlements
4) in residential towns and hostels
5) True, listed in p.1,3,4.

28. When performing what works, employees are issued for free certified special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment (TK RF Article 221)?
1) work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions.
2) works performed in singular temperature conditions.
3) work related to pollution.
4) all listed.

29. How should the alert of people about fire (123-ФЗ Article 84)?
1) By feeding sound or light signals into all rooms of the building with a constant or temporary stay of people.
2) By broadcasting specially designed texts about the need for evacuation and evacuation paths.
3) by switching on evacuation (emergency) lighting.
4) any of the listed methods or their combination.

30. What includes first aid for wounds (typpep)?
1) overlay tight bandage on the wound
2) stopping bleeding and protection of wounds from further damage and infection in it by overlaying a sterile dressing
3) Wound Processing and Bandage Overlay

31. In which case, workplaces and passages to them should be fenced with protective fences in accordance with GOST 12.4.059-89 (clause 6.2.16 SNiP 12-03-2001)?
1) when the heights of 1.0 m or more and a distance of less than 3 m from the lpad of height
2) when the heights are heights more than 1.3 m and at a distance less than 2 m from the lpack of height
3) when the height difference is 0.8 m or more and a distance of less than 2.5 m from the height of the difference
4) when the heights of 1.3 m or more and a distance of less than 4 m from the difference
5) when the height difference is 1.5 m and more and a distance of less than 3 m from the circuit of the difference

32. What funds belong to the means of individual protection against falling from height (p. 4 sweat rm 012-2000)?
1) Safety belts.
2) Safety semi-automatic supervisory devices type PWR-2
3) Cattakers with vertical rope or other devices.
4) Safety ropes.
5) Construction helmets.
6) everything is true.

33. Employees of the contract organization are prohibited: (Hundred 025-025):
1) produce any work at the deposit and customer facility before receiving an act-tolerance
2) smoking out of allotted places
3) Perform an increased danger at the currently operating facilities without registration of outfit, incl. - in the absence of a person responsible for the safe production of work;
4) all listed correctly.

34. Is it possible to operate equipment when protective devices and devices malfunction (one hundred 025)?
1) can be compliance with additional safety requirements
2) It is possible, with the permission of the supervision organs
3) prohibited
4) at the discretion of the responsible for the operation of equipment

35. It is possible to take warning signs and connect equipment to energy sources to the full completion of all works on the equipment (clause 7.1.6. Snip 12-03-2001)?
1) can, but only in the presence of a person responsible for the production of work
2) It is possible if the equipment is connected to a short period of time to check the quality of work performed
3) It is forbidden to full performance
4) It is allowed if these actions do not interfere with the performance of work

36. In which case is not allowed to carry out any work at the height (paragraph 1.33 Pot PM 012-2000)?
1) in open places at wind speed 15 m / s and more
2) in open places at wind speed 20 m / s and more
3) in open places at wind speed 10 m / s and more

37. Is the employer obliged to inform workers about the compensation for their compensation for work with harmful working conditions (Art. 212 TKRF)?
1) No.
2) yes.
3) is obliged if the employee has not reached the age of 18.

38. How many people can at the same time be indoors with one evacuation output (PPR RF p.25)?
1) no more than 100 people.
2) no more than 50 people.
3) no more than 200 people.

39. What should be done when stopping a heart (MPOPP)?
1) Conduct a heart massage at the same time with artificial respiration 1 inhale 15 pressure.
2) Conduct a heart massage at the same time with an artificial respiration of 2 breaths, 15 pressure.
3) Conduct a heart massage at the same time with an artificial breath of 2 inhales, 30 pressure.

40. Where are the places of temporary or constant finding of people? Must be beyond dangerous zones, including (clause 4.9, 4.10 SNiP 12-03-2001):
1) zones of permanent hazardous industrial factors;
2) zones of potentially hazardous production factors;
3) dangerous zones mentioned in PP. 12).

41. What work refers to work at the height (p.1.1 Pot R M 012-2000)?
1) less than 2 m from non-limited drops at an altitude of 1.3 m or more, if the device is not possible, the operation of the work fences should be performed using a safety belt and safety rope.
2) less than 1 m from non-fired drops at an altitude of 1.5 m or more, if the device is impossible, the operation of the work fences should be performed using a safety belt and safety rope.
3) less than 2 m from non-fired drops at an altitude of 1.5 m or more, if the device is impossible, the operation of the work fences should be performed using a safety belt and safety rope.
4) less than 1.5 m from non-limited drops at an altitude of 1.5 m or more, if the device is impossible, the operation of the work fences should be performed using a safety belt and safety rope.

42. How should the employee arrive in the occurrence of conditions representing the immediate threat to the life and health of people (paragraph 5.8. Snip 12-03-2001)?
1) report this to a higher manager and continue to work until the order is received about its termination
2) Ensure your own security and continue to work
3) stop work immediately
4) call the emergency response service

43. Is it possible to raise the lifting crane unreliable filling load (Pot PM 007-98)?
1) You can, if there are no people nearby
2) can be compliance with additional security requirements
3) prohibited
4) Under the supervision of a specialist in supervision of the safe operation of lifting facilities

44. In which case is not allowed to carry out any work at the height (paragraph 1.33 Pot PM 012-2000)?
1) when ice and thunderstorm
2) when rain
3) when fog, excluding visibility within the front of the work
4) When working with structures with large sailboat work on their installation (dismantling) must be discontinued at wind speed 10 m / s and more
5) all listed correctly.
6) Right, indicated in paragraph 1, 3-5

45. On which depth is allowed to dig a trench without installing fasteners in the presence of groundwater (p.5.2.4. Snip 12-04-2002)?
1) not more than 0.5 m
2) not more than 1.0 m
3) not more than 1.25 m
4) not more than 1.5 m

46. \u200b\u200bWho conducts induction training on labor protection (p. 2.1.2 Resolution 1-29 of paragraph 2.1.2)?
1) The immediate leader of the work, which has passed in the prescribed manner, training for labor protection and the verification of knowledge of labor protection claims.
2) Specialist in labor protection or an employee, whom the order of the employer is entrusted with labor protection.

47. Who carries personal responsibility For providing fire safety in the organization (69-FZ Article 37)?
1) Head of the Organization.
2) Organization Fire Safety Engineer.
3) Organization's labor protection service led by its leader.
4) heads of divisions (sites).

48. What should be done to provide first aid to the victim during the damage of the spine (MPOPP)?
1) Put the victim on the back on the soft surface.
2) Put the victim on the back on a flat solid surface.
3) Put the victims of the stomach, turn the head.

49. What should have the means of wigging, the work flooring is located at an altitude of 1.3 m and more from the surface of the Earth or overlap (paragraph 2.2.6 Pot R M 012-2000)?
1) must have a cross-country and onboard fence.
2) must have a temporary fence.
3) must have periodile fences and are equipped with adjustable supports.

50. Without which device is not allowed to operate the helmets of construction (GOST 12.4.087-84 p.2.2)?
1) without a woolen grade;
2) without a premium;
3) without a selection belt;
4) With a width of a visor not more than 60 mm.

51. Which document is issued when carrying out gas supplies (type of Mountains 1.11)?
1) Permission to produce gas hazardous work.
2) Outfigure-tolerance for the production of gas-hazardous work.
3) resolution and outfit for the production of gas hazardous work.
4) Outfit tolerance for the production of increased danger.

52. At what speed of wind are prohibited, work on the installation-dismantling of structures conducted at the height (PM RM 012-2000 p.2.2.58)?
1) 10 m / s and more
2) 15 m / s and more
3) 25 m / s and more
4) 20 m / s and more

53. It is not allowed to approximate people to those who are not fencing the current-generating parts of the VL 6 sq.: (Table 1.1. Pot PM 016-2001)
1) not less than 0.5 m
2) not less than 1.0 m
3) not less than 0.6 m
4) at least 1.2 m

54. How it is necessary to move people with the help of a lifting crane (paragraph9.5.19 (g) of PB 10-382-00)?
1. A special basket must be equipped, in which protective devices will be provided, preventing the possibility of losing people.
2. The movement of people should be carried out at a height of no more than 2.0 meters from the surface of the Earth
3. Moving people or cargo with people who are prohibited on it.
4. Only in a specially equipped crate in compliance with the necessary safety requirements.

55. Who conducts primary labor protection instruction in the workplace (clause 2.1.3 Resolution 1-29 of paragraph 2.1.2)?

3) Chairman (member) of the Committee on the Protection of the Enterprise.

56. Is allowed to use gaskets when performing gas flame work in tanks, wells and other closed containers (clause 9.2.11 SNiP 12-03-2001)?
1) permitted;
2) is resolved in the presence of exhaust ventilation;
3) is resolved in the presence of an emergency exit;
4) no more than 10 minutes are allowed;
5) Not allowed.

57. What activities are included in the project's work project to ensure protection against elikom defeat (p.1.29 Pot R M 012-2000)?
1) instructions on the choice of trails and determining the voltage of temporal power and lighting power grids, the protective parts and the location of the introductory systems and the instruments.
2) guidelines for the grounding of metal parts EL. Equipment and the execution of grounding contours.
3) additional protective measures in the work of work with increased danger and especially dangerous work.
4) everything is true.

58. What number of performers should include a brigade performing gas-bladeed work (type of P.5.2)?
1) at least 3 people.
2) at least 2 people.
3) in accordance with the "list of gas-hazardous work."
4) Depending on the volume of planned gas supplies.

59. What should be worn on the worker, descending into the container (p.6.6.5 SNiP 12-03-91)?
1) Filtering gas mask, rescue belt.
2) Respirator, signal rescue rope.
3) Hose gas mask, rescue belt with alarm rescue rope.
4) Oxygen-insulating gas mask, hose gas mask.

60. Not allowed by the approximation of lifting machines to the voltage is not fencing the current-carrying parts of the VL 6 sq .: (Table 1.1. Pot PM 016-2001)
1) not less than 0.5 m
2) not less than 1.0 m
3) not less than 0.6 m
4) at least 1.2 m

61. What are the requirements for drivers to provide transport security? (p.3.5 STB-034)
1) Drivers should not have medical contraindications, be under the influence of alcohol, narcotic substances or medical drugs, must be rested
2) Drivers should go to the line in sleep and indispensable
3) Drivers must pass industrial safety training
4) Drivers must have the appropriate work performed and must pass on industrial safety

62. Who conducts an unscheduled and target labor protection instruction (p. 2.1.3 Resolution 1-29 of paragraph 2.1.2)?
1) The immediate leader of the work, which has passed in the prescribed manner, training for labor protection and the verification of knowledge of labor protection claims.
2) Specialist in labor protection or an employee who is entrusted with an employer order for labor protection
3) Chairman (member) of the Committee on the Protection of the Enterprise.

63. What is the frequency of practical training in the evacuation of people in the event of a fire established by the rules of fire regime in the Russian Federation (PPR in Russia, paragraph 12)?
1) at least once every three months.
2) at least once in half of the year.
3) at least once every nine months.
4) at least once a year.

64. How to provide first medical care for chemical burns (MPOPP)?
1) rinse abundantly under the jet of cold water before the ambulance arrival.
2) Process the edges of the wound with a tincture of iodine, impose a sterile bandage.
3) Rinse hydrogen peroxide, impose a sterile bandage.

65. Whether the work is allowed to perform additional requirements for labor safety, employees to the passage of training in safe methods and work techniques (clause 4.12 SNiP 12-03-2001)?
1) are not allowed;
2) are allowed under the supervision of an experienced worker;
3) allowed according to the order of the administration;
4) are allowed under the supervision of the administration;
5) allowed when performing conditions 1) and 2).

66. What is installed when examining forests (p.2.2.42 Pot R M 012-2000)?
1) the presence or absence of defects and damage to the structural elements of forests affecting their strength and stability.
2) strength and sustainability of forests.
3) The presence of the necessary fences.
4) Forest suitability for further work.
5) everything is true.

67. In which case, the performers are obliged to stop work (paragraph 6.6.4 SNiP 12-03-91)?
1) When a dangerous situation occurs.
2) at the request of the head of the workshop responsible for the work, the head of the shift.
3) when harmful gases appear, and continue them only after providing jobs by ventilation or applying the necessary personal protective equipment.
4) at the request of representatives of inspecting bodies.
5) In all the above cases.

68. Movement of vehicles, construction and installation and excavation mechanisms of a contract organization with raised up bodies, arrows, buckets ... (one hundred 025)
1) permitted
2) prohibited
3) is allowed when coordinating the customer.

69. To avoid access of persons who are not related to work in dangerous zones, Before work, it is necessary: \u200b\u200b... (one hundred 025)
1) Install protective or signal fences
2) Install Safety Signs and Achlags
3) all listed right

70. What should be the height of the transported cargo under bridges and overpass (pm.2.41.3 Pot PM 007-98)?
1) not more than 3.5 m
2) not more than 4.0 m
3) not more than 3.8 m
4) no more than 5.0 m

71. What time frames are re-briefing with employees of the organization (Resolution 1-29 p. 2.1.5)?
1) at least once every six months
2) at least once a year
3) at least once every two years
4) at least once every three years

72. Which of the listed belongs to dangerous factors Fire (123-ФЗ Article 9)?
1) Only elevated ambient temperature, flames and sparks, thermal flow
2) decrease in visibility in smoke and reduced oxygen concentration
3) Increased concentration of toxic combustion products and thermal decomposition
4) All listed fire factors are dangerous

73. To which categories, depending on the nature of the application, the means of protecting the working, according to GOST 12.4.011-89 "means of protection of working" and, depending on the nature of their use, the funds are divided:
1) Fall protection products from height;
2) electric shock protection means;
3) collective and individual protection products;
4) face protection tools;
5) Eye protection means.

74. At what speed of the wind is not allowed to perform work at height with structures with large sailboats (p.1.33 sweat rm 012-2000)?
1) 10m / s and more
2) 8m / s and more
3) 12m / s and more
4) 11m / s and more
5) 15m / s and more

75. It is allowed to find people in the displacement zone by lifting and transport equipment (pm.1.21.1 Pot PM 007-98)?
1) only the foundation of vehicles is allowed.
2) is allowed in the production necessity
3) Stropholders are allowed
4) Do not find people and movement of vehicles

76. Which height should have a plot of construction and installation work on the territory of the organization?
1) not less than 1.5 m
2) not less than 2 m
3) not less than 1.6 m
4) at least 1.2 m

77. What group by email Safety must have workers (sroper, sign toll, machinery engineer) producing work near LEP (Pot PM 016-2001 17.3.3)?
1) 1st group
2) 2nd group
3) 3rd group
4) not regulated

78. What should be the minimum distance from the injection of the pit to the extracted soil when carrying out earthworks (paragraph 5.3.2 SNiP 12-04-2002)?
1) more than 0.75 m
2) more than 0.3 m
3) more than 0.5 m
4) more than 1.0 m

79. What employees undergo compulsory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (TK RF Article 213)?
1) Workers engaged in hard work.
2) Employees employed in works with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions.
3) Employees engaged in the work related to traffic movement.
4) All listed employees.

80. How is the elimination of the conditions for the formation of a combustible environment (123-ФЗ Article 49)?
1) the use of non-combustible substances and materials.
2) using the safest ways to place combustible substances and materials, as well as materials, the interaction of which with each other leads to the formation of a combustible medium.
3) maintaining safe concentrations in the oxidant environment and (or) combustible substances or decrease in the concentration of the oxidant in a combustible medium in the protected amount.
4) installation of fire-hazard equipment in separate rooms or on open areas.
5) Any method from the specified or population makes it possible to exclude the conditions for the formation of a combustible environment.

81. What is the first aid to be affected by frostbite (MPOPP)?
1) Put the frostbed limbs in warm water or clapboard.
2) rub frostbed limbs.
3) It is necessary to cover the damaged limbs with heat insulating bandage or blankets.

82. Under what conditions it is forbidden to transfer material on stretchers in accordance with paragraph 8.1.8 SNiP:
1) exceeding the cargo;
2) on stairs and stepladers;
3) on the flooring;
4) by fasteners with a slope of 15 °;
5) bulk cargo.

83. What should be taken in the work of work at a height in part of security in the presence of electrical networks and other engineering systems in the area of \u200b\u200bworks (P.6.2.42 Pot R M 012-2000)?
1) must be disabled.
2) must be shorted.
3) Equipment and pipelines are exempt from explosive, combustible and harmful substances.
4) True 1 and 2.
5) True 2 and 3.
6) everything is true.

84. What a means of communication is prohibited to use the driver during the movement of the vehicle (p. 3.6.20 STB 034)?
1) only by mobile phone
2) only by a pager
3) only the communicator
4) communication tools that are not equipped technical deviceallowing you to negotiate without the use of hands.
5) any means of communication

85. To one employee is prohibited to transfer manual cargo weighing more: (p. 6.12.5 Pot PM 007-98)
1) 40 kg
2) 50 kg
3) 80 kg
4) 75 kg

86. At what height it is necessary to check the reliability of the lines of the mounted elements (p. 8.3.4. Snip 12-04-2002)?
1) at an altitude of 20-30 cm
2) at an altitude of 1 m
3) at an altitude of 80 cm from the floor

87. Name security measures in the work of work near the working excavator (SNiP 12-04-2002 p.5.3.4.)?
1) During the operation of the excavator, it is not allowed to produce other work on the side of the face and to be workers within the radius of the excavator plus 2 m.
2) when the excavator is working, it is allowed to produce other work on the side of the face and be workers within the radius of the excavator action. Knowledge of knowledge on the 5 electrical safety admission group

Tests for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements

Practical work â„– 1

1. on indefinite term.

4 . Any of the above.

1. All employed.

2. Persons under the age of 18.

5. Persons under the age of 18; workers employed with harmful and dangerous working conditions; Workers with an abnormal working day.

3. What time do special training on labor protection and verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements under admission to the work of employees of workers' professions?

1. During the first month.

2. During the quarter.

3. During the trial period.

1. Procedure for checking the serviceability of equipment, devices and tools, fences, alarms, blocking and other devices, protective grounding, ventilation, local lighting, etc.

2. List of basic possible emergency situations and the causes of their causing; actions of employees in case of accidents and emergencies; Action of first aid to victims during injury, poisoning and other health damage.

3. Methods and techniques for safe operation, the use of equipment, vehicles, lifting mechanisms, fixtures and tools; Requirements for safe handling of source materials (raw materials, blanks, semi-finished products); instructions on the safe content of the workplace; actions aimed at preventing emergency situations; Requirements for the use of personal protective equipment of employees

5. Terms of investigation of accidents, as a result of which disability, the victim did not come immediately:

2. In the course of 15 calendar days from the date of receipt of the application of the affected or his trustee.

3. In the course of 3 calendar days from the date of receipt of the application of the affected or his trustee.

4.. in the course of 1 calendar day from the date of receipt of the application of the affected or his trustee.

6. Permissible standards of lifting and displacement of weights manually constantly during the working shift for women:

2. 7kg.

7. Responsibilities of an employee in the field of labor protection:

1. Comply with the requirements of labor protection.

2. Correctly apply personal protective equipment.

3. Pass mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations.

4. Comply with the requirements of labor protection, correctly apply the means of individual and collective protection, to undergo compulsory preliminary and medical examinations, to undergo training in safe methods and acceptance of work.

5. Comply with labor protection requirements, correctly apply personal protective equipment, undergo compulsory preliminary and medical examinations, undergo training in safe methods and acceptance of work.

Practical work #1

Question number

Correct answer

Practical work number 2

When a contract is considered to be concluded indefinitely?

2. If the employee continues to work after the expiration of the employment contract concluded for a certain period.

3. If the employment contract is concluded for a certain period in the absence of sufficient reason.

2. What is the duration of the main annual paid leave for persons younger than 18 years.

1. 30 calendar days in the summer.

3. 30 business days.

3. What training should workers working professions within a month after admission to work?

1. For labor protection.

3. Fire safety.

4. For labor protection and rendering of prefigure.

5. For the provision of prefigure aid and fire safety.

4. How to register an introductory labor protection instruction?

2. In the logging journal, a work document, a personal learning card.

3. In the logging log, a job document, in a personal training card, with a mandatory signature of the instructed and instructors.

5. What are the deadlines for storing documents of investigating accidents in production?

2. 45 years.

4. Effigly.

6. How is the accident that happened in the organization's territory with employees of third-party organizations is investigated?

1. It is investigated by the Commission who formed and headed by an employer of a third-party organization, with the participation of representatives of the Organization, followed by this territory.

2. It is investigated by the Commission formed and headed by the employer, an accident occurred on whose territory, with the participation of representatives of the employer of a third-party organization.

3. It is investigated by the Commission formed by the employer, whose territory an accident occurred, headed by a representative of an employer of a third-party organization.

4. It is investigated by the Commission who formed and headed by an employer of a third-party organization, without the participation of representatives of the organization, behind which this territory is enshrined.

7. What are the types of administrative responsibility for violation of labor protection requirements.

1. Warning.

2. Administrative penalty.

3. Disqualification or administrative arrest.

4. All of the above views.

Practical work # 2.

Question number

Correct answer

Practical work number 3

1. When the right to use leave for the first year of work arises?

After 11 months of work in this organization.

After 6 months of work in this organization.

By agreement of the parties before the expiration of six months of work.

In accordance with the production necessity.

After 6 months of work and by agreement of the parties before the expiration of the six months of work.

By decision of the employer.

Not more than five years.

No more than a year.

At the discretion of the employer.

3. What cases are an extraordinary testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements of employees of organizations regardless of the period of the previous inspection?

When introducing new or making changes and additions to current legislative and other regulatory legal actscontaining labor protection requirements.

At the entrance to the operation of new equipment and changes in technological processes requiring additional knowledge to protect workers.

When appropriate or transferring employees to another job, if new responsibilities require additional knowledge of labor protection (before the commencement of their official duties).

At the request of officials of federal labor inspection, other state supervision and control bodies, as well as federal executive bodies and executive bodies of subjects Russian Federation In the field of occupational safety, local governments, as well as an employer (or an authorized person) in establishing security violations and labor protection.

After the accidents and accident occurring occurred, as well as when identifying repeated violations by employees of the organization of the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

For a break in work in this position more than one year.

4. Who is obliged to undergo special training for labor protection and verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements in the organization?

All accepted workers.

Department leaders (chiefs and deputy heads of departments, plots , shops, masters, etc.).

Heads of the organization and specialists (director, deputy director , chief engineer, main energy, etc.).

Working staff.

5. What are the timing of the investigation of accidents (including group), as a result of which one or more victims received light health damage?

Within 15 calendar days from the day the misfortune has happened.

6. How are the optimal norms of lifting and moving weights manually when alternating with another work for women?

7. What time is the administrative suspension of the organization's activities?

For 30 days.

Up to 90 days.

For 1 year

Practical work number 3.

Question number

Correct answer

Practical work number 4

1. Who is required to undergo preliminary medical examinations upon admission to work?

All employed.

Persons under the age of 18.

Employees accepted on work with harmful and dangerous working conditions.

Persons under the age of 18 and employees taken to work with harmful and dangerous working conditions.

Persons aged 18; workers who work with harmful and dangerous working conditions; workers with an abnormal working day.

2. What age is the conclusion of an employment contract?

With persons who have reached the age of 16, 15 years old - in case of obtaining general education or leaving a general educational institution, 14 years old - with the consent of one parent.

3. How long, the employee who did not pass the knowledge of the knowledge of labor protection claims is obliged to undergo a re-check?

No later than 3 months.

No later than one month.

At the discretion of the head.

4. Does the introductory instruction on labor protection with employees about entering work?

Head of the division.

Head of personnel.

Labor protection specialist.

Specialist in labor protection or an employee who is entrusted with the order.

Chief Engineer.

5. How payments to disability for inconsistencies in the accident associated with production.

Depending on the experience of the work.

In the event of the guilt of the victim, payment is not made.

6. How to investigate a hidden accident?

Regardless of the statute of the validity of the accident, the investigation is carried out by the State Labor Inspector with the involvement of a trade unionascular labor inspector, and if necessary, a representative of another state supervision body.

Investigation to be subject to accidents with a period of not more than 3 years. The examination is carried out by the state inspector of labor.

The investigation is carried out regardless of the statute of limitations on the prescription of the state inspector of labor by the employer of the organization.

7. In fact, the administrative suspension of the organization's activities is applied?

Threats of people's lives.

Threats to the health of people.

Causing harm to the environment.

All of the above.

Practical work number 4.

Question number

Correct answer

Practical work number 5

1. What age is the conclusion of an employment contract?

With persons who have reached the age of 16.

With persons who have reached the age of 18.

With persons who have reached the age of 15.

With persons who have reached the age of 16, 15 years old - in case of obtaining general education or leaving the general education institution, 14 - with the consent of one parent.

2. What is the duration of overtime for each employee?

Every day no more than 2 hours.

Not more than 120 hours per year.

Not more than four hours a week.

Not more than 4 hours for two days in a row and 120 hours per year.

3. How does the knowledge of labor protection claims in the organization?

1. The organization of the organization.

2 Commission for testing knowledge of labor protection claims appointed by the order.

4. When the introductory instruction on labor protection and organization is carried out?

1. For a break in work more than 60 days.

2. When making a job.

3. Labor protection specialist.

4. At the request of the labor inspector.

5. How is the wines of the insured when determining the size of monthly insurance payments?

The wines of the insured is not taken into account.

The wines of the insured is taken into account not more than 25%

In the event of the fault of the insured monthly insurance, payment is not made.

6. What is the investigation of an accident that occurred in an organization or not an object controlled by territorial in the organization or at the facility, controlled by the territorial body of the federal executive body, performing functions to control and supervision in industrial safety?

Produced by the Commission formed and headed by the head of the relevant territorial body performing functions for control and supervision in the field of industrial safety with the participation of representatives of organizations.

It is conducted by the Commission who formed by the head of organizations, is headed by a representative of the relevant territorial body of an industrial safety control and supervision.

It is conducted by the Commission formed and headed by the head of organizations with the participation of representatives of the relevant territorial body of an industrial safety monitoring and supervision.

7.And size administrative fine On officials for violation of labor protection?

From 5 to 10 minimum sizes wage.

From 5 to 100 minimum wages.

3, from one thousand to five thousand rubles.

Practical work number 5.

Question number

Correct answer

Practical work number 6

1. What works do the use of labor of persons under the age of 18 are prohibited?

On work with harmful, dangerous and heavy working conditions, on underground work.

On overtime and night work.

In the work, the execution of which can harm their health and moral development.

2. When the contract is considered to be concluded indefinitely?

If the contract is not specified.

If the employee continues to work after the expiration of the employment contract concluded for a certain period.

If the employment contract is concluded for a certain period in the absence of reason sufficient to that.


3. Does the introductory instruction on labor protection with workers when entering work?

Head of the division.

Head of personnel.

Labor protection specialist.

An employee who ordered these responsibilities to the order.

Specialist in labor protection or employee who is assigned to these duties.

Chief Engineer.

4. How does the knowledge of labor protection claims in the organization?

Head of the organization.

Commission for the verification of knowledge of labor protection claims appointed by the order.

Labor protection specialist.

Head of the Organization of the United Nations Society and a representative of the elected trade union organ.

5. This is responsible for the objectivity of the conclusions and decisions taken by the results of the investigations of accidents.


Members of the Accident Investigation Commission.

Chairman of the Accident Investigation Commission.

6. What is investigated by an accident at work, which happened to the employee, aimed at fulfilling work towards another employer and who worked there under his leadership and control?

It is investigated by the Commission formed and headed by the employer who has an accident.

Is investigated by the Commission formed and the employer sending an employee.

7. How the size of the administrative fine on legal entities For violation of labor protection requirements?

From 50 to 100 minimum wages.

From thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles.

Up to 30 thousand minimalwage size.

Practical work number 6.

Question number

Correct answer

Practical work number 7

Weekly no more than 2 hours

No more than 120 hours per year

No more than four hours a week

Not more than 4 hours for two days in a row and 120 hours per year

2. For how long is the urgent employment contract?

No more than five years

No more than a year

At the discretion of the employer.

3. When is the introductory instruction on labor protection in the organization?

When breaking at work more than 60 days

When making a job

When breaking from one division of the organization to another

At the request of the labor inspector

4. What training should employees of workers professions take place within a month after admission to work?

For labor protection

For first prefigure

Fire safety

Fire safety and labor protection

5. How is the investigation into industrial accidents?

Act of the form H-1

Act of arbitrary form

Protocols of the survey of victim and witnesses

6.What can be part of the commission to investigate the causes of an accident?

1. Specialist for labor protection, representative of the trade union organization or another authorized by the body of the authority, the main specialists of the organization, the head of the unit, where the victim worked.

2. Right specialists of the organization

3. The heads of the organization, the head of the division where the victim worked

4. The development of the organization, a specialist in labor protection, a representative of a trade union organization or another authorized by the authority

7. What is the term of disqualification of an individual for violation of labor protection requirements?

From 1 to three

From 1 year to 5 years

Practical work number 7.

Question number

Correct answer

Practical work number 8

What is the duration of working time a week?


2.36 hours

3.In dependence on the production necessity

2. In which cases, the test does not install when receiving?

If the condition is not specified in the labor contract

For persons younger than 18 years and pregnant women

For those who graduated educational institution and for the first time entering the specialty

For persons invited to work in order of translation or coming to work on the competition

In all of the above cases

For persons who have experience in this profession (specialty) at least 30 years

3. Who is exempt from passing from the passage of the introductory instruction on the protection when making a job in the organization?

General Director, Director

Labor protection specialist

No one

Heads of divisions

Commanded faces

Training Educational Institutions Passing In Organization Production Practice

Working part-time

4. What time frame is special training on labor protection and the verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements in the obsession of official duties upon admission to the work of managers and specialists?

For the first month

During the quarter

Before the conclusion of the employment contract

5. What are the compensation for the accident at work and professional disease?

Monthly insurance payments, Payment for additional costs associated with damage to the health of the insured, on its medical, social and professional rehabilitation.

One-time regulating payment.

Temporary disability allowance for the entire period before his recovery or establishing a rack of professional disability.

All the above compensation.

6. Who is being investigated by an accident that occurred as a result of a crash of a vehicle?

It is investigated by the relevant state authority of supervision and control, with the obligatory participation in the work of the Commission of the representative of the organization, whose employee is the victim.

It is investigated by the Commission formed by the employer with the obligatory use of the investigation materials conducted by the relevant state supervisory and control authority.

It is investigated by the Commission formed by the employer with a mandatory investigation of the investigation materials conducted by the corresponding participation of the State Inspector for Labor.

7. Who is implementing state control Observation of employers' labor protection employers?

The procurator of the Russian Federation.

Federal labor inspectorate.

Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and atomic supervision.

All the above mentioned.

Practical work # 8.

Question number

Correct answer

Practical work number 9.

1. One month.

2. From one to three months.

4. It may not exceed three months, and for managers of organizations, chief accountants and their deputies - six months.

2. When does an employment contract come into force?

1. From the date of its signing.


3. How is the registration of an introductory labor protection instruction?

1. In the logging log.

2. With the logging journal insertion, a job document, a personal training card.

3. In the logging journal, a job document, a personal learning card, with a mandatory signature of the instructed and instructors.

1. No less often than once a year.

2. No less often than once every three years.

3. At the discretion of the head of the organization.

5. What are the timing of storage of materials of the investigation professional diseases?

1. Five years.

3. 75 years.

6. Who is investigated and taken into account an accident that happened to the employee when performing part-time work?

1. It is investigated and taken into account by the main place of work, the investigative materials are sent at the place of work on part-time.

2. It is investigated and taken into account at the place where part-time work was carried out, and the Commission held an investigation informs about the results of the investigation and the findings of the employer at the place of the principal work of the victim.

7. Who carries out public control over the employers of labor protection requirements?

1. Federal labor inspectorate.

2. Association professional unions.

3. Committees (commission) on labor protection of the organization.

4. Federal labor inspectorate and association of trade unions.

5. Associations of trade unions and committees (commission) on the protection of the organization.

Practical work number 9.

Question number

Correct answer

Practical work number 10

1. What documents should be issued when admitting work?

1. Labor contract.

2. Order of the employer about employment.

3. Order of the employer about employment on the basis of the concluded employment contract.

2. When is the right to use vacation for the first year of work?

3. By agreement of the parties before the expiration of six months of work.

5. After 6 months of work and by agreement of the parties before the expiration of six months of work.

6. By decision of the employer.

3. When is the primary instruction on labor protection in the workplace?

1. For a month.

2. After internship.

3. Before the start of independent work.

4. During the test period.

5. Before the start of production activities.

4. What is the frequency of training of workers of workers professions to be the first prefigure?

1. Not less than once a quarter.

2. At less often once a year.

3. It is less randed once every three years.

5. What are the timing of the investigation of occupational diseases?

1. In the course of 10 days from the date of receipt of the notice to establish the final diagnosis of the professional disease.

2. In the course of the month from the date of receipt of the careball.

3. In the course of 10 days from the date of publication of the order for the establishment of the Commission for the Investigation of Profile District.

6. How the accident is investigated (including group), as a result of which one or more victims received severe health damage, or an accident (including group) with fatal exodus?

1. In the commission, the commission formed by the employer, whose chairman is the state inspector of labor.

2. Alarmed by the Commission formed and Headed by the Employer.

7. What applies to the means of collective protection?

1. Ventilation, air conditioning, heating systems.

2. Production safety, protective grounding.

3. Signal colors and signal markup.

4. Fencing, blocking, signal devices.

5. All of the above.

Practical work number 10

Question number

Correct answer

Practical work number 11

1. How is the division of annual paid vacation?

1.Translate one part of the vacation provided may not be less than 14 calendar days.

2.The long part of one part of the vacation provided can be less than 6 business days.

3. According to the Agreement of the Parties.

2. When an agreement is considered to be concluded indefinitely?

2. If the employee continues to work after the expiration of the employment contract concluded indefinitely.

3. If the employment contract was concluded for a certain period in the absence of sufficient reason.

4All the above cases.

3. What are the timing of repeated briefing on labor protection in the workplace with employees?

1. Not less than once every three months.

2. At less often once every six months.

3. Once a year.

4. How should employees of workers professions be held for a month after arrival at work?

1.Abe the labor protection.

3. Fire safety.

4. In labor protection and the first prefiguration assistance.

5. In the provision of trial aid and fire safety.

6. Fire safety and labor protection.

5. What is the professional disease that has arisen from a worker when performing part-time work?

1. The commission is shaped, formed by the employer, where the case of a professional disease occurred.

2. The commissioned by the Commission formed by the employer at a permanent place of work, with the obligatory participation of the representative of the organization in which the victim of part-time was worked.

6. How are the deadlines for the investigation of accidents (including group), as a result of which one or more victims received easy damage to health?


2. Within 15 calendar days from the day of the formation of the Investigation Commission.

4. Within 15 working days from the date of the formation of the Investigation Commission.

5. In the course of 3 working days from the day the accident has happened.

7. How are the classification of harmful and dangerous production factors?

1. Physical, chemical, biological.

2. Physical, chemical, biological, psychophysical.

3. Psychophysical.


Practical work number 11

Question number

Correct answer

Practical work number 12

1. What is the duration of the main annual paid leave for persons younger than 18 years?

1. 30 calendar days in the summer.

2. 31 Calendar Day at a convenient time for them.

3. 30 business days.

4. 31 calendar day according to vacation schedule.

1. With persons who have reached the age of 16.

2. With persons who have reached the age of 18.

3. With persons who have reached the age of 15.

4. With persons who have reached the age of 16, 15 years old - in the event of general education or leaving the general educational institution, 14 years old - with the consent of one parent.

3. What are the timing of repeated briefing on labor protection in the workplace with employees serving increased danger equipment?

1. Once a month.

2. Once every three months.

3. Once every six months.

4. In what cases is an extraordinary testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements of employees of organizations independent of the period of the previous inspection?

1. When conducting new or amendments and additions to existing legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements.

2. When commissioning new equipment and changes in technological processes requiring additional knowledge to protect workers.

3. When appointing or translating workers to another job, if new responsibilities require additional knowledge of labor protection (before the commencement of their official duties).

4. At the request of officials of the Federal Labor Inspection, other state supervision and control bodies, as well as federal executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection, local governments, as well as an employer (or the person authorized) in establishing violations of labor protection requirements and insufficient knowledge of safety and labor protection requirements.

5. After the accidents and accidents occurred, as well as when identifying repeated violations by employees of the organization of the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

7. All of the above cases.

5. Who is being investigated by a professional disease that emerged from an employee aimed at working into another organization?

1. It is investigated by the Commission formed by the employer, where the case of a professional disease occurred, with the participation of a representative of an organization who sent an employee.

2. It is investigated by the Commission formed by the employer who sent the employee with the participation of the representative of the organization in which the employee was sent.

6. Who is responsible for the objectivity of conclusions and decisions, enjoyable on the results of accident investigations conducted?

1. Employer.

2. Members of the Accident Investigation Commission.

3. Chairman of the Accident Investigation Commission.

7. What factors determine the danger of harmful substances?

2. Class of danger.

3. MPC and hazard class.

Practical work number 12.

Question number

Correct answer

Practical work number 13

1. What are the work of women's work for?

1. On work with harmful, dangerous and difficult conditions.

2. For overgrown and night work.

3. On all the above works.

1. indefinitely.

2. For a certain period (urgent)

3. Civil law agreement.

4. Any of the above.

3. What time frame is special training for labor protection and verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements in the scope of official duties when entering the work of managers and specialists?

1. During the first month.

2. During the quarter.

3. Before the conclusion of the employment contract.

What kind of labor protection instructions are held before the start of production activities?

1. Primary instruction in the workplace.

2. Introductory instruction.

3. Introductory briefing and primary briefing in the workplace.

5. Who is verified by knowledge of labor protection requirements in the organization?

1. Head of the Organization.

2. Commission for the verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements, appointments by order.

3. Labor protection specialist.

4. Head of the Organization in conjunction with a specialist in labor protection and a representative of the elected trade union organ.

6. How is professional diseases are investigated?

1. It is investigated by the Commission formed and headed by the employer, with the obligatory participation of the representative of the Health Institution.

2. It is investigated by the Commission formed by the employer headed by the Chief Physician of the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

3. It is investigated by the Commission formed and headed by the Chief Physician of the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, with the obligatory participation of the representative of the organization.

7. What are the benefits and compensation for work in harmful working conditions?

1. Additional vacation And a shorter working day.

2. Preferential pension.

3. Additional vacation, reduced working day and preferential pension.

4. Supplements 4-24% of the tariff rate or open salary.

5. Additional vacation, shortfied working day, preferential pension, surcharges 4-24% of the tariff rate or open salary.

Right answers to test â„–13 +

Practical work number 13.

Question number

Correct answer

Practical work number 14

3. For those who have graduated from the educational institution and for the first time for those who come to work on obtaining a specialty.

4. For those invited to work in order of translation or coming to work on the competition.

6. For persons who have experience in this profession for at least 30 years.

2. For how long is the urgent employment contract?

1. Not more than five years.

2. No more than a year.

3. At the discretion of the employer.

3. What is the frequency of training for workers of the working professions to provide first medical care?

2. No less often once a year.

4. Who is released from taking care of labor protection in the workplace?

1. Director.

2. Labor protection specialist.

3. Employees performing work on the terms of the employment contract concluded for up to two months.

4. Employees performing part-time work.

5. Workers who are not related to operation, service, testing, commissioning and repair of equipment, the use of electrified or other tools, storage and use of raw materials and materials.

6. Workers not related to work in hazardous and harmful working conditions.

5. For how long, the employee did not pass the knowledge of the knowledge of labor protection requirements in training is obliged to take a re-verification?

1. No later than three months.

2. No later than one month.

3. At the discretion of the head.

6. Who is being investigated by accidents with students or students of educational institutions undergoing production practices in the organization under the guidance and control of the representative of the educational institution?

7. Due to what funds employees take educational preliminary and periodic medical examinations?

1. At the expense of the employer.

2. At your own expense.

3. Preliminary - at your own expense, periodic - due to the employer.

Practical work 14.

Question number

Correct answer

Practical work number 15

1. From the date of its signing.

2. From the date of the actual assumption of the employee to work.

3. From the day of a certain employment contract.

4. In all the above cases.

2. What duration seems to be vacation without salary to work disabled?

1. Up to 14 calendar days.

2. Up to 35 calendar days.

3. Up to 60 calendar days.

3. Who is exempt from internship in the workplace?

1. An employee who has experience in specialty at least 3 years.

2. An employee, turning from one unit to another, if the nature of its work and the type of equipment on which he worked earlier did not change.

3. An employee who has experience in a specialty at least 3 years or an employee, passing from one unit to another, if the nature of its work and the type of equipment on which he worked earlier does not change.

4. An employee changing the qualification of the discharge required to perform this work.

4. What time frames are special training for labor protection and the knowledge of labor protection claims upon admission to the work of workers of the working professions?

1. For the first month.

2. During the quarter.

3. During the trial period.

5. What is the investigation of accidents with students or students of educational institutions, passing productive practices in the organization under the guidance and control of the employer?

1. It is conducted by the Commission formed and headed by the head of the educational institution, with the obligatory participation of representatives of the organization.

2. Conducted by the Commission formed and Headed by this Employer, with the obligatory participation of representatives of the educational institution.

3. Conducted by the Commission formed by the employer, is headed by a representative of an educational institution.

6. What are the timing of the investigation of occupational diseases?

1. Within 10 days from the date of receipt of the notice to establish the final diagnosis of a professional disease.

2. During the month from the date of receipt of the careball.

3. Within 10 days from the date of receipt of the order for the establishment of the Commission for the Investigation of Profile Care.

7. What is the frequency of medical examinations?

1. Once a year.

3. Depending on the degree of harmfulness and danger, the employer determines the frequency, but at least once every two years.

4. Once every two years.

Right answers to test â„–15 +

Practical work â„–15

Question number

Correct answer

Practical work number 16

1. For how long is the urgent employment contract?

No more than five years

No more than a year

At the discretion of the employer

2. What disciplinary recovery is provided for the disciplinary act?

Note, reprimand, dismissal on appropriate grounds

Note, reprimand, strict reprimand, dismissal on appropriate grounds

Note, reprimand, strict reprimand

3. What are the timing of the internship by the employee?

Up to 10 shim

From 2 to 14 shifts

One month

4. What training should employees of professions take place within a month after admission to work?

For labor protection

For first prefigure

Fire safety

On labor protection and assistance

For trial aid and fire safety

Fire safety and labor protection

5. Who is being investigated by an accident that happened in the organization or at the facility, controlled by the territorial body of the federal executive authority, performing functions to control and supervision in the field of industrial safety?

It is conducted by the Commission formed and headed by the head of the appropriate function to control and supervise industrial safety with the participation of representatives of the organization.

Manufactured by the Commission formed by the Head of the Organization, headed by a representative of the relevant territorial body of an industrial safety monitoring and supervision

Manufactured by the Commission formed and headed by the head of the Organization with the participation of representatives of the relevant territorial body of an industrial safety monitoring and supervision

6. What are the timing of an accident investigation (including group), as a result of which one or more victims received severe health damage, or an accident (including group) with fatal exodus.

Within 3 calendar days from the date of the formation of the Investigation Commission.

Within 15 calendar days from the day of the formation of the Investigation Commission.

Within 15 calendar days from the day the accident occurred.

Within 15 working days from the day of the formation of the Investigation Commission.

Within 3 working days from the date of the formation of the Investigation Commission.

7. What is the area for one workplace of the user PCP with a VPT on the basis of an electronic tube (CRT)?

6 square meters m.

Practical work number 16.

Question number

Correct answer

Practical work number 17

1. When is it forbidden to involve overtime and night work?

Pregnant women

Workers under the age of 18


All above are named

Pregnant women and workers under the age of 18

2. What documents should be issued when taking a job?


























Question number

Correct answer




No more than 120 hours per year













For the first month

During the quarter












Question number

Correct answer










In all the above cases.























Question number

Correct answer


















For labor protection

For first prefigure

Fire safety



Fire safety and labor protection











At the discretion of the employer



Question number

Correct answer





{!LANG-b34d99ac1daa7bf0e853f752e82ddb64!} {!LANG-864fe359db2747b510b976fdff510d21!}{!LANG-aaf2e9d5a8e6d70fdf5914578a769454!}












1. Head of the Organization.


3. Labor protection specialist.

4. Head of the Organization in conjunction with a specialist in labor protection and a representative of the elected trade union organ.












Question number

Correct answer








6. By decision of the employer.









{!LANG-f25d3bc5e28d1d332d7196a1eac3094a!} {!LANG-f39db97fb210077e71cd5bc705576ea5!}{!LANG-9bc2ab6bc144cb512b769b6a9497a1a3!}













{!LANG-fb9ccef163afe62118873573608632e1!} {!LANG-3540f56716a62d3dc6ecb818f90a2370!}{!LANG-4b0da45f45e36ea9f0e4c45a8fad09a2!}








Question number

Correct answer


























1. Five years.

3. 75 years.






Question number

Correct answer



1. From the date of its signing.

2. From the date of the actual assumption of the employee to work.


4. In all the above cases.


1. All employed.

2. Persons under the age of 18.









1. {!LANG-0fb2e4318be3e531a507723f51926494!}.



{!LANG-3f1a7157cf6ee75256f3c5709084992b!} {!LANG-5f527e974b3f6193d2ca3e0ac393edbb!}








3. Conducted by the Commission formed by the employer, is headed by a representative of an educational institution.








Question number

Correct answer











4. {!LANG-9bdb73c37e35e501663fdbdb10192d35!}







2. {!LANG-e6a29b3a84e78c60df8673590d584c32!}









3. Conducted by the Commission formed by the employer, is headed by a representative of an educational institution.






Question number

Correct answer


























Within 15 working days from the day of the formation of the Investigation Commission.










Question number

Correct answer



















No later than one month.



Within 3 calendar days from the date of the formation of the Investigation Commission.



Within 15 working days from the day of the formation of the Investigation Commission.









Question number

Correct answer


































Question number

Correct answer



















1. The organization of the organization.


3. Labor protection specialist.

4. Head of the Organization in conjunction with a specialist in labor protection and a representative of the elected trade union organ.








2. 85 {!LANG-08b72da8924247a9b470b07323462637!}


Question number

Correct answer



1. One month.


3. At the discretion of the employer.


























Question number

Correct answer















































































































































Head of the division.








Head of the division.









{!LANG-094984fd55ff74c2d670c79d7da30551!} {!LANG-6f212218df73dea0d454e19014d85887!}{!LANG-ecb76432e3cc6b287a6d0810284128db!}




{!LANG-8d7941655840cbae8ca18882fb76d5dd!} {!LANG-6746bb287475e837e2b3226e63496a52!}{!LANG-07af5b56af247d6f31ca97f4c4544dd6!}





{!LANG-136a5c08f41201452fa885e48070bba8!} {!LANG-36592f4904786dca9bffbc3b7586d327!}{!LANG-ad6fab4da39fc1a4735a9ac993b17a87!}
























































































{!LANG-45aaa7c59b7a2772e3b4aedbb338b319!} {!LANG-6d5fdadd17b7337d947515cfef47e7f0!}{!LANG-769cca02bf22438b941fc197c3280ba2!}































{!LANG-ed0ccb77b650809cd9c4d4c15a872c07!} {!LANG-b9357265cd0f2c541a98455b6c6ff6f6!}{!LANG-174012b3805568144aed4979e597e342!}








































{!LANG-13686c83c412d0b932455b5596ddc6b0!} {!LANG-caad8beaaeb8ab2a68b07e4767d19520!}{!LANG-d454ffd696d3612ada5f65e1f92288d1!}
























{!LANG-3c6a77db1a3fb842fd278d5477dd9247!} {!LANG-114a5f71b16f68104776b3e3d3f06697!}{!LANG-2808e80de7a688f76ae451626fb5170f!}





























































{!LANG-9565a8378a4d35908a86387a1b2b8c51!} {!LANG-5bc58b84ce2959f79df996a9cd5dfd3d!}{!LANG-f2e7f42f00e3266fe198c2e7b69f3076!}





































{!LANG-e04ab4c9a98b11f6ca705851faececc1!} {!LANG-8a3c76571fbef5891b4fcf6cf2d36421!}{!LANG-8bf59e3882e12869c3db48233af2820f!}


{!LANG-f2746fee50f5d87690fa369d92c557a0!} {!LANG-f1cf7dcc8ad3c9091bfecf17e182f1d1!}{!LANG-2e264b8b0b03701250f77820241d620a!}








{!LANG-b5c193f90a482e0f1170966ba8219b25!} {!LANG-46b0104650bd7e5d7f182965f6072c1d!}{!LANG-8d90ad7b3bdbbc77928cce597ee10cb1!}








































1. {!LANG-152261168ff853a0e425c289c392ac72!}




2. {!LANG-76aa85cdedafafa538a9732e5b2a3e6b!}




3. {!LANG-60ac02367be7a472f93c9e18929f90ba!}








{!LANG-eb4b57bd545122a3236d106ef5fde2ca!} {!LANG-2feef532008a9ef0af5198611e5ac1f3!}{!LANG-361fa9e69467ae62552491b6e58e5ef8!}

{!LANG-5b8a06177af422f1fe2b8220b6de0a37!} {!LANG-6c5f6f05b8674f52ca00679dbb6cf1b3!}{!LANG-d42d22fd563910070400073dd5741b35!}






  • {!LANG-f6b3090d85e2530c952faf8e04fc1dad!}
  • {!LANG-894e47a9ec5907e959cad75e9f870141!}






  • {!LANG-b0d66bbae34c6d5504883cbdf822378b!}




{!LANG-d988bb8e05f63dcd1c3b132211841756!} . {!LANG-14458375cb2e18c9d5022a8136dd13a5!}


{!LANG-0864e889fcbd33fd9a363d373b5a4de2!} allocated in italics.

{!LANG-db2402209c7505c29ca1ba676f884f6c!} {!LANG-b7ed11299b35dee892f6baf72b0dc362!}{!LANG-cc8a2923b8a0857bae168d60c41a3eae!}

{!LANG-5713ad5a682e8c9d0ff48a25aa5b3dad!} {!LANG-110c102353bc6f94dcd4ffcafc5bb30e!}{!LANG-df1dedde9a3a77777639a784b5d07ecc!}



{!LANG-61228b92b167094afe45768200c74fe5!} {!LANG-8e51fde928a2844387edfe57910e6a7e!}{!LANG-e7140b8edfde217a45824f03e27f1d9f!}



1) to free the affected electric current
2) to start resuscitation of the victim
3) to drag the victim for clothes at least 8 meters from the place of touch with a wire of the Earth or from the equipment being stressed
4) Call an ambulance

{!LANG-fb55b8e8d327f08be5e3873ba3431da3!} {!LANG-2dad3b34b0d779134adcc36860d61ba5!}{!LANG-5cb8a74c55e111b7289ecbc138d94a60!}

{!LANG-cdae956aa5f27341546183a873268333!} {!LANG-062d568ae38f3e75d9980807cd9a95f1!}{!LANG-b30f0aaf81a6cb230bb2f88c72ea5f21!}

1) Introductory scoring on labor protection, primary instruction in the workplace, repeated, unscheduled, targeted instructions.
2) Introductory instruction on labor protection, primary, repeated and unscheduled instructors in the workplace.
3) Primary instruction in the workplace, repeated, unscheduled, target instructions.


5) All answers are true.

{!LANG-97705624bb0003d822d2432e0a645a11!} {!LANG-3c4f9e1180be7eebedda3ae365328eb3!}{!LANG-dff05ea98a0f365b489c341dfde46356!}
{!LANG-59ea2260e438b73633e5d97c876aaa46!} {!LANG-5636d06a4c7c75eaf4bbf4786539802d!}{!LANG-80b6d0b232d7bc42d827c366bc428752!}

{!LANG-345db13b2df600fc36c39c17ce444800!} {!LANG-2ea570d346e1a6d1782009825a228a46!}{!LANG-04c3f5c4ea0ece86e9f3669fc4c61aaf!}

1) Put the frostbed limbs in warm water or clapboard.
2) rub frostbed limbs.
3) It is necessary to cover the damaged limbs with heat insulating bandage or blankets.





{!LANG-484bf7c74f31d40cc114cd94c37a140c!} {!LANG-09955a8a800136979dd76928f4247ff6!}{!LANG-626e77974426b262bfc165c3b2891804!}


1) impose a gulling bandage.
2) impose harness above the location of damage.
3) impose a warming compress, to ensure peace.


{!LANG-35269f46ae029105633c8293f4f592e2!} {!LANG-2ddf85ea5cecd39e7f99aabebd457d94!}{!LANG-378d496a687610c7ff66a2515763aafd!}





1) lead to a feeling with the help of ammonia
2) the victim must be immediately taken out of the room on fresh air, in the absence of consciousness it is necessary to conduct resuscitation actions, call a doctor
3) the victim must be immediately taken out of the room on fresh air, give a sniffing alcohol, after a person comes to himself, give him hot tea

{!LANG-e391033f1af1d23d2006a3ca6bcf6a0c!} {!LANG-e779a0e4db2666bb52bb9099f1ad7459!}{!LANG-60ba5a9bdd358728453ebf3255d26ab0!}


1) at least once every six months
2) at least once a year
3) at least once every two years
4) at least once every three years






{!LANG-b118886eac9000e7b6ad54758f6f7791!} {!LANG-da469637ca5a48c6f680708cecbdfc0a!}{!LANG-7452584d1c1cf2289973ac9ce9b299a3!}

{!LANG-ae4d23c0b3a0f9d1bfa2a3b0a1474ccc!} {!LANG-fbf04f0aa53b71acddf04aa9b93902f2!}{!LANG-934c5923dcc220bb0ed56bea8852db7f!}



{!LANG-e0c346ab9010b522327c78500f9a2890!} {!LANG-bcb756e63c10a8830066c48caab0e847!}{!LANG-4c26eaa6f80d31b45653c78d94646233!}




1) workplace that meets labor protection requirements;
2) compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents;
3) refusal to perform work in case of danger to his life;
4) the provision of personal and collective protection at the expense of the employer;
5) all answers are true

1) Workers engaged in hard work.
2) Employees employed in works with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions.
3) Employees engaged in the work related to traffic movement.
4) All listed employees.










{!LANG-ac36dc966c6d46bf5730e2b6f7b03582!} {!LANG-bcb0c8a940c8b3c059c649ff4328cd86!}{!LANG-a4ca70cafcdba190dd41d91819b82f49!}


1) overlay tight bandage on the wound
2) stopping bleeding and protection of wounds from further damage and infection in it by overlaying a sterile dressing
3) Wound Processing and Bandage Overlay


1) work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions.
2) works performed in singular temperature conditions.
3) work related to pollution.
4) all listed.

{!LANG-7379d4c9f7b6f36b486025b632662043!} {!LANG-1b64a704de90dc8a377c1a497cc31ce8!}{!LANG-05670718c8bd3fb3edea0e7e43f87fa8!}
{!LANG-54965bea17d17c168cb1ff29c7298a60!} {!LANG-a7112a4658ad99786510b4ddfa440a18!}{!LANG-98d2af746ba16f756c52e3668292b668!} {!LANG-2d53f1b19e18912eff9c7a0510bf4492!}{!LANG-0fd356537e386d6fe52ee6da205fcfda!} {!LANG-4db3e1d06e749d2440c084ee74bb74c4!}{!LANG-07f74e12063271233d540dcf961228c0!}
{!LANG-3bff9bb85dd33e8a507fa4d2a944cb2f!} {!LANG-73a9cce52fcca4038fa56bb52eff833f!}{!LANG-d4be9c8f57b9de5aaf9f4f1aa1bca614!}

{!LANG-f5f5bc4536dd8c849da4b0f77ec59ecf!} {!LANG-36de9d032c0b6c66b03c035935a74dcd!}{!LANG-82eb42fde2aee7563b1676f7e86ea2b1!}


2) Process the edges of the wound with a tincture of iodine, impose a sterile bandage.
3) Rinse hydrogen peroxide, impose a sterile bandage.



{!LANG-70bfbf3e6de68b2d4f3317033fbbf8d9!} {!LANG-013ca1f887e8355c2e78dffae84c769e!}{!LANG-3c05e971a29d6874c925dc73a7fa287a!}
{!LANG-6467b746a2d5d31bd8d5137f8d7598ce!} {!LANG-bc6321b831ef56205f20f872852553fc!}{!LANG-19f4f53d6c606cf7106fd319563c3055!}


