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Features of in-depth study of physics.
The physics program for schools with in-depth theoretical study of the subject includes all the main course issues and the most important questions Programs of optional courses of high-level physics 8-11 classes.

Training in schools with in-depth study of physics has two steps: 8-9 and 10-11 classes.

The main goal of the first step is: deepening the main course content and strengthening of the applied direction at the second stage provides for a deepening and some expansion of educational material, familiarization with a wider range of technical and technological applications of studied theories, solving a large number of tasks of increased difficulty and performing creative tasks for self-use knowledge gained.

Teaching are carried out on the textbooks of the main course of physics ("Physics-10" G. Ya. Mikshev, B.B. Bukhovtsev, "Physics-11" of the same authors, "Physics-9" Kikoin I.K., Kikooin A.K. ) C use of materials for options for optional courses (facultative course of physics 9, Avt. O.F. Kabardin 1974 ed.), as well as special benefits for schools with in-depth study of physics (physics-10, edited by A.Apinsky).

In our lyceum, the enrollment is carried out from the 8th grade, but according to the curriculum, the in-depth study of physics is not possible due to the insufficiency of hours, so the in-depth study of physics is beginning with the 9th grade. In a class 10 program, we include a repeat-generalizing section, which outlines the necessary information from the course of mechanics (20 hours).

In the course of 10 classes, the laws of thermodynamics are studied on the basis of statistical representations, the concept of the statistical sense of the 2 law of thermodynamics is introduced;

A single approach is implemented in the course grade 11 in the study of oscillatory and wave processes; Geometric optics are studied as a special case of wave optics; The concept of the spectrum is the structuring idea of \u200b\u200bthis course of physicism, up to the study of atomic and nuclear spectra and the spectra of elementary particles; In the section "Quantum physics" four topics are highlighted: "Light quanta", "atom physics", "Physics of the atomic nucleus", "elementary particles".

The "Light Waves and Optical Instruments" section includes "Photometry" questions: "light stream", "The power of light", "lighting", "laws of illumination".

The course of physics with an in-depth study is much more fully fully as the main course, includes all fundamental physical theories:

When studying classical mechanics, much attention is paid to the principle of the relativity of Galilee and its development in the works of A. Einstein, the material is structured on the basis of the solution of direct and inverse problems of mechanics, the use of all three conservation laws in mechanics: the laws of preserving the pulse, the moment of impulse and energy;

When studying molecular physics, students receive ideas about the difference between dynamic and statistical patterns, the probability of the event and the probability of a state, about fluctuations, distribution as a method of setting the state of the system, acquainted with the distributions of Maxwell and Boltzman. The statistical approach is essential and when studying thermal phenomena and properties of the substance.

The Van der-Waals equation is introduced and its relationship with the properties of vapors and with the critical state of the substance is introduced.

In the topic "Electric field", along with standard questions in school textbooks, the Gauss Theorem is introduced into general: For an arbitrary system of point charges, located inside and outside the surface of an arbitrary shape, which allows you to calculate the fields of symmetrically distributed electrical charges (charged straight thread, cylinder, sphere, plane, flat condenser).

Ohm's law is considered for both homogeneous and inhomogeneous regimen of the chain. Entered, and is used to calculate the electrical circuits two Kirchhoff rules.

The topic "Magnetic field" introduces an expression for induction of the magnetic field of direct and circular currents, the solenoid, the forces of the ampere and Lorentz and on this basis are the actions of the cyclotron, plasma behavior in the setting "Tokamak", as well as flows of charged particles from space in the magnetic field of the Earth . The magnetic properties of para-, diaphra and ferromagnets, the domain structure of ferromagnets, hysteresis are considered in detail.

On the example of consideration of the force of the Lorentz's strength on free electrons in the conductor moving in a homogeneous magnetic field, the law of electromagnetic induction is introduced and then this law is generalized to all other cases and the Faraday law is given in the wording.

When presenting the topic "Electric Current in various media", classical electronic theory is used, but its disadvantages are noted and what results gives a quantum conductivity theory of metals. The mechanism of the occurrence of free carriers of an electric charge in solutions of electrolytes, gases, vacuum, semiconductors is analyzed.

When studying a quantum theory, special attention is paid to the experimental proof of the existence of photons (photoeff, the effect of componton, the biotrical effect); The ideas of quantization, corpuscular-wave dualism, the essence of the ratio of uncertainty are considered.

In the in-depth year of physics, acquaintance with the main directions of scientific and technical progress is more fully. Material with polytechnic content is studied by separate blocks: "Heat machines", "Optical instruments", "physical bases of electrical engineering."

The program with in-depth study provides for the wider use of mathematical knowledge of students. This feature is ensured by an increase in time for the study of mathematics. Sufficient mathematical training of students facilitates the inductive method of establishing the basic laws of nature on the basis of the experiment and the deductive way of obtaining consequences from fundamental theoretical provisions.

In classes with in-depth study of physics, attention has been strengthened to consider the phenomena of nature and environmental protection. At the same time, the integration of knowledge is inevitable not only from various sections of the course of physics, but also other sciences about nature: astronomy, chemistry, biology, etc.

The content of the in-depth courses of physics, a more complete reflection in it of fundamental physical theories allow, to the greater extent to the formation of a modern quantum-field physical picture of the world, mastering the ideas of closeness and corpuscular-wave dualism.

An important point in the formation of a scientific worldview is a clear show of the conditions and boundaries of the applicability of physical concepts, laws and theories. Showing borders of applicability physical laws It passes through the red thread through the entire course of the physics of an elevated level, ranging from the law of addition of speeds in kinematics and ending with the laws of nonlinear optics. In this regard, special attention is paid to the study of the methodological aspect of fundamental physical principles: conformity, symmetry, relativity and conservation.

Planning educational material in physics for grade 9.

5 hours a week, just 170 hours.

Basics of kinematics. (32 hours)

  1. General information about movement. Progressive movement tel. Material point.

  2. Position of bodies in space. The point of reference. Body coordinates. Reference system. Move.
3. Projects of the vector on coordinate axes and actions on them.

4. Tasks.

5. The polyline uniform movement. Speed.

6. Solving tasks.

7. Graphic representation of the movement.

8. Solving tasks.

9. Motion relativity. Loop-shaped motion of the planets.

10-11. Solving tasks.

12. Speed \u200b\u200bwith uneven motion.

13. Solving tasks.

14. Acceleration. Equal asked movement.

15-16. Solving tasks.

17. Move with equivalent movement.

18-19. Solving tasks.

20. Laboratory work "Determining the acceleration of the body with an equilibrium movement".

21. Solution of tasks.

22. Free drop body. Acceleration of gravity.

23. Solving tasks.

24. Test "The movement of bodies in a straight line."

25. Speed \u200b\u200bwith curvilinear movement. Acceleration with uniform movement around the circumference.

26. Period and frequency of body circulation. Movement on a rotating body.

27-28. Solving tasks.

29. Kinematic schemes.

30. Transfer number.

31. Solving tasks.

32. Examination "Basics of Kinematics".

Basics of speakers. (51 h)

33/1. Body and their environment. The first law of Newton.

34/2. Interaction tel. Acceleration of bodies when they interact.

35/3. Solving tasks.

36 / 4. Interaction of tel. Mass tel.

38/6. The second law of Newton.

39 / 7-40 / 8. Solving tasks.

41/9. The third law of Newton.

42/10. What do we learn from Newton's laws?

43/11. Solving tasks.

45/13. Solving tasks.

46/14. The test work "Newton's laws".

47/15. The law of global gravity.

48/16. Constant worldy gravity.

49/17. Solving tasks.

50/18. Gravity. Center of gravity.

51/19. Solving tasks.

52/20. Body weight weightlessness.

53/21. Body weight moving with acceleration.

54/22-56 / 24. Solving tasks.

57/25. Body movement under the action of gravity "vertical movement".

58/26-59 / 27. Solving tasks.

60/28. The body movement under the action of gravity "the body is thrown at an angle to the horizon."

61 / 29-63 / 31. Solving tasks.

64/32. Laboratory work "Studying the movement of the body abandoned horizontally."

65/33. Artificial satellites of the Earth. 1st, 2nd, 3rd cosmic speeds.

66/34-68 / 36. Solving tasks.

69/37. Forces of elasticity. Cause deformation motion.

70/38. Movement of bodies under the action of the force of elasticity.

71/39. Laboratory work "Determining Spring Stiffness".

72/40. Friction force friction rest.

73/41. Slip friction force.

74/42. Laboratory work "Determining the coefficient of slip friction".

75/43-76 / 44. Solving tasks.

77/45. Movement of bodies under the action of several strength.

78/46. Solving tasks.

79/47. Solving tasks to move related bodies.

80/48. Laboratory work "Studying the body's movement around the circumference under the action of elastic and gravity forces."

81/49-82 / 50. Solving tasks.

83/51. Examination "Basics of Dynamics".
Static elements. (8 h).

84/1. Equilibrium tel.

85/2. The moment of forces.

86/3. Solving tasks.

87/4. The condition of equilibrium solid body.

88/5. Solving tasks.

89/6. Stability tel. Types of equilibrium.

90/7. Laboratory work "Definition of the center of gravity of flat figures."

91/8. Laboratory work "Finishing the body equilibrium under the action of several forces."
Rotary traffic solid tel. (6 h)

92/1. Angular velocity.

93/2. Corner acceleration.

94/3. The main equation of rotational motion.

95/4. Moment of inertia.

96/5. Solving tasks.

97/6. Using the rotational movement in the technique.
Laws of conservation in the technique. (31 hours)
98/1. Strength and impulse.

99/2. The law of preserving the impulse.

100/3. Solving tasks.

101/4. Jet propulsion.

102/5. Successes in the development of space. The value of the work of K.E.Siolkovsky for astronautics.

103/6. Solving tasks.

104/7. Moment of impulse. The law of preservation of the moment of impulse.

105/8. Solving tasks.

106/9. Mechanical work.

107/10. The work performed by the forces attached to the body and change its speed.

108/11-109 / 12. Solving tasks.

110/13. Work of gravity.

111/14. Solving tasks.

112/15. The potential energy of the body to which the strength of gravity acts.

113/16. Solving tasks.

114/17. Work of elasticity.

115/18-117 / 20. Solving tasks.

118/21. The law of preserving complete mechanical energy.

119/22. Work of friction force and mechanical energy.

120/23. Solving tasks.

121/24. Laboratory work "Study of the Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy".

122/25. Power solving tasks.

123/26. Transformation of energy and use of machines.

124/27-125 / 28. Solving tasks.

126/29. Movement of fluid on pipes. Bernoulli law.

127/30. Kpd. mechanisms. Solving tasks.

128/31. Examination "The laws of preservation of impulses and energy".
Mechanical oscillations and waves. (18 hours)
129/1. Mechanical oscillations and waves. Body fluctuations on the spring.

130/2. Body energy in oscillatory motion.

131/3. Solving tasks.

132/4. Geometric model of oscillatory movement.

133/5. Solving tasks.

134/6 Mathematical pendulum.

135/7. Solving tasks.

136/8. Laboratory work "Determination of acceleration of free fall using a pendulum."

137/9. Free oscillations. Flowing oscillations.

138/10. Forced oscillations.

139/11. What is a wave?

140/12. Two types of waves.

141/13. Sound waves.

142 / 14-144 / 16. Solving tasks.

145/17. Mechanics and mechanization of production.

146/18. The test work "oscillations and waves".
Laboratory workshop (20 hours)

  1. Measuring body weight using weights and spring pendulum.

  2. Comparison of masses of interacting bodies.

  3. The study of the dependence of the acceleration from the current force and body weight when the body is rotated around the circle.

  4. Measurement of speed drop acceleration using the rotating disk.

  5. The study of the dependence of the force of elasticity from stretching deformation on a homemade device.

  6. Determination of the coefficient of sliding friction using the law of conservation and energy conversion.

  7. Studying a ball rolling.

  8. Comparison of the operation of the force of elasticity with a change in the kinetic energy of the body.

  9. Study of the law of preservation of the impulse with elastic strikes of the balls.

  10. Check the impulse conservation law on a homemade device.

  11. Check the law of conservation of mechanical energy.

  12. Study of the fluctuations of the spring pendulum.

  13. Study of the phenomenon of resonance, measuring the length of the sound wave and the speed of sound in the air by the method of resonance.

Excursion- (4 h)

Object: Central Manor Occupation. Electron Plant.
Planning training material in physics for grade 10.

(a week for 6 hours, for each topic 2 hours, only 204 hours).

Mechanics (20 hours).

1/1. Basic concepts and kinematics equations. Solving tasks.

2/2. Invariant and relative values \u200b\u200bin kinematics solving problems.

3/3. Inertial reference systems and laws of speakers. Solving tasks.

4/4. Principles of relativity. Solving tasks.

5/5. Neinercial reference systems. Solving tasks.

6/6. Statics. Solving tasks.

7/7. The main equation of the dynamics of the rotational movement of the solid body.

8/8. The law of preserving the impulse and moment of the impulse. Solving tasks.

9/9. Law of energy conservation. Solving tasks.

10/10. Laboratory work "Determining the moment of inertia ring."

Examination "Mechanics".
Basics of molecular coinetic theory. (44 hours)
11/1 axil positions of molecular kinetic theory. Dimensions and weight of molecules. Permanent Avogadro.

12/2. Experimental substantiation of molecular kinetic theory. Brownian motion. Perrin experience.

13/3. Dynamic and static patterns. Perfect gas in M.K.T. The main equation M.K.T.

14/4. Thermal equilibrium. Temperature. Measuring temperature. Absolute temperature. Temperature of the average kinetic energy of molecules.

15/5. Measurement of velocities molecules. Stern experience.

16/6. The equation of the state of the idealoto gas. Isoproces in gases.

17/7. Real gases. Gas properties and their application. Three aggregate states of the substance. Van der Waals equation.

18/8. Solving tasks ..

19/9. Laboratory work "Study of one of the isoprocesses." Test.

20/10. Saturated and unsaturated couples. Transformation of the substance.

21/11 Air humidity. Dew point. Hygrometer. Psychrometer.

22/12. The properties of the surface of the liquid. Surface energy. Surface tension.

23/13. Wetting. Capillary phenomena.

24/14. Crystal bodies. The anisotropy of crystals. Spatial grille. Symmetry of crystals. Elementary cell. Amorphous bodies. Polymorphism.

25/15. Experimental methods for studying the internal station of crystals.

26/16. Obtaining crystals and their application. Laboratory work "Observation of the growth of crystals from a solution."

27/17. Liquid crystals.

28/18. Mechanical properties of solid bodies. Laboratory work "Determination of the elastic modulus of rubber."

29/19. Application and accounting of deformation in the technique. The problem of creating materials with specified properties.

30/20. Solving tasks.

31/21. Examination "Fundamentals of molecular kinetic theory."

32/22. Generalizing lesson on the topic "Basics M.K.T.".
The basics of thermodynamics (16 hours).

33/1. Thermodynamic method. Internal energy and work in thermodynamics.

34/2. The first law of thermodynamics. Application of the first law of thermodynamics to various processes.

35/3. Solving tasks.

36/4. The heat capacity of gases, liquids and solids.

37/5. Irreversibility of thermal processes. 2 The law of thermodynamics and its statistical meaning.

38/6. The principle of action of thermal motors. Kpd. thermal motors.

39/7. Summarizing lesson. Heat engines in power engineering and transport. Refrigerators. The value of thermal power engineering B. national economy. Protection of Nature.

40/8. Solving tasks. Examination "Basics of thermodynamics".
Physical workshop (10 hours)

41-45 Lessons:

1. Check the equation of the state of the gas.

2. Definition of molar gas constant.

3. Observation of the Brownian movement.

4. Measurement of surface tension of water by separating droplets.

5. Study of the strength of elasticity during body deformation and measurement of the elastic modulus of steel.

6. Gas pressure measurement.

Electric field. (24 hours).
46/1. The law of conservation of an electric charge. The law of the coulon.

47/2. Electric field. Power characteristics of the electric field. Principle of superposition of fields.

48/3. Solving tasks.

49/4. Discreteness of electrical charge. Ioffe and Milliken experiment. Conductors in the electric field.

50/5. Gauss's theory and its use.

51/6. The operation of the electric field when moving the charge. Energy characteristics of the electric field. Measuring the difference in potentials.

52/7. The potential of the electric spot charge field. Communication between tension and potential difference. Equipotential surfaces.

53/8. Solving tasks.

54/9. Electrical capacity. Capacitors. Electric field energy.

55/10. Dielectrics. Polarization of dielectrics. The dielectric constant.

56/11. Application of dielectrics. Electric and ferroelectrics. Piezo effect.

57/12. Repeatedly generalizing lesson "Electrical field".

Examination "Electrical Field"
DC laws. (16 h).
58/1. The conditions for the existence of the electric field. Ohm law for the chain section. Calculation of electrical circuits with serial and parallel conductor connection.

59/2. Solving tasks. Laboratory work "Sequential and parallel conductor connection".

60/3. Measurement of current and voltage force. Calculation of shunt to ammeters and voltmeters. Laboratory work "Regulation of current force and voltage in DC circuits".

61/4. Specific resistant conductor. Work and power of DC. Laboratory work "Determination of the conductor resistance".

62/5. Electromotive force. Ohm law for full chain.

63/6. Solving tasks. Laboratory work "Definition of EDs and internal resistance of the current source. "

64/7. Kirchhoff rules.

65/8. Solving tasks. Examination "DC laws.
Magnetic field (16 hours).
66/1. Magnetic interaction of currents. Magnetic field current. Magnetic induction.

67/2. Magnetic induction lines. Magnetic stream. Laboratory work "Observation of the actions of the magnetic field on the current".

68/3. The power of the amp. Electrical instruments. Electric DC motors.

69/4. The actions of the magnetic field on a moving charge. Lorentz power. Applications of the force of Lorentz.

70/5. Solving tasks. Laboratory work "Measuring the operating parameters of an electromagnetic relay".

71/6. Magnetic properties of the substance. Magnetic information record.

72/7. The emergence of E.D.S. When driving a conductor with a current in a magnetic field.

73/8. Examination "Magnetic Field".
Electromagnetic induction. (12 hours).
74/1. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Laborate. The work "Study of electromagnetic induction."

75/2. The law of electromagnetic induction. Lenza rule. Vortex electric field.

76/3. Solving tasks. Electrodynamic microphone.

77/4. Self-induction. Inductance. Magnetic field energy.

78/5. The relativity of electrical and magnetic fields. The concept of an electromagnetic field. Transformation of the energy of the IPGNIT field. Electric DC generator.

79/6. Summarizing lesson: "Magnetic field", "Electromagnetic induction".
Electric current in various environments. (28 h).
80/1. Electric current in metals. The main provisions of the electronic theory.

81/2. The dependence of the resistance of metals on temperature. Superconductivity.

82/3. Electric current in semiconductors.

83/4. Electric current through contact semiconductors P and P-types. Semiconductor diode.

84/5. Transistor. The use of semiconductor devices.

85/6. Laboratory work "Detecting the dependence of the resistance of a semiconductor photoresistor from lighting."

86/7. Electric current in vacuum. Cathode-ray tube.

87/8. Electric current in solutions and melts of electrolytes. Electrolysis law. The use of electrolysis.

88/9. Solving tasks. Laboratory work "Determining Electron Charge".

89/10. Electric current in gases. Independent discharge in gases. Types of discharges.

90/11. Plasma. Technical use of plasma. M.G.D.-Generators.

91/12. Solving tasks by themes: "DC laws", "Electric current in various environments".

92/13. Solving tasks.

93/14. Test.
Physical workshop. (14h).

94-100 lessons.

1. Measurement of the capacitance of the capacitor using a galvanometer.

2. Measurement of dielectric constant.

3. Removing the volt-ampere characteristics of the semiconductor diode.

4. Increasing an ammeter measurement limit.

5. Increasing a voltmeter measurement limit.

6. Measurement of conductor resistance to the bridge method.

7. Determination of the inductance of the coil.

8. Determination of the temperature of the electrical lamp.

Excursion. (4 h).

Object: District substation.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Medium-Kushkah average comprehensive school»

Baltasinsky municipal Area Republic of Tatarstan


At the meeting of Moscow

Head ____________

Fazulianova G.V.

Protocol number ___ from

"____" ____________ 201 5


Deputy Director for UR

Mamykov l M.


Head teacher

Nikitin in B.

Order number from August 201 5


By subject PHYSICS

for grade 8

Compiler: Matveev O.N., Teacher of Physics,I sq. Categories

201 5

Explanatory note

This program was drawn up on the basis of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation" (dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-F3) and the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Education", the Federal Base Curriculum (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 09.03.04. No. 1312), The charter of the MBOU "Mid-Kushkachka SOSH", the main educational program of the main general formation of the MBOU "Mid-Kushketskaya SOSH", the provisions on working programs of training items MBOU "Middle-Kushkachka SOSH" (approved by the order of the School Director from 02.09.10 .№95) and It is designed to study the course in the amount of 70 academic hours at the rate of 2 hours per week, the program complies with the federal component of state-owned general education standards in physics (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia of 05.03.04. No. 1089).

The course of physics in the Primary General Education Program is structured on the basis of the consideration of various forms of motion of matter in their complication. Physics in the main school is studied at the level of consideration of the phenomenon of nature, acquaintance with the basic laws of physics and the application of these laws in the technique and everyday life.

The study of physics at the stage of primary general education is aimed at achieving the following goals:

the development of knowledge of mechanical phenomena, the values \u200b\u200bcharacterizing these phenomena, the laws with which they obey, the methods of scientific knowledge of nature and the formation on this basis the ideas about the physical picture of the world;

mastering the skills to conduct observations of natural phenomena, describe and summarize the results of observations, use simple measuring instruments to study physical phenomena, represent the results of observations or measurements using tables, graphs and identify empirical patterns on this basis, apply the knowledge gained to explain the various natural phenomena and processes. , principles of action of essential technical devices, to solve physical problems;

development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities, independence in the acquisition of new knowledge, in solving physical problems and fulfillment experimental studies using information technologies;

education of conviction in the possibility of the knowledge of the laws of nature, in the need for a reasonable use of the achievements of science and technologies for further development human society, respect for the creators of science and technology, relations to physics as an element of universal culture;

the use of knowledge gained and skills to solve the practical tasks of everyday life, ensuring their life, rational use and environmental protection.

Making competencies:

general education

The abilities independently and motivated to organize their cognitive activities (from the purpose of the target before receiving and evaluating the result);

The ability to use the elements of causal analysis, determine the essential characteristics of the object being studied, justify judgment, give definitions, try to give evidence;

The ability to evaluate and adjust their environmental behavior, to carry out environmental requirements in practical activities and everyday life.


Understand the role of science, strengthening the mutual influence of science and technology, to realize the interaction of a person with the environment, the possibility and methods of nature conservation;

Develop cognitive interests and intellectual abilities of students in the process of independent acquisition of physical knowledge using various sources of information;

Educate conviction in the positive role of physics in society, understanding the prospects for the development of energy, transport, means of communication, etc.;

Master the skills of safe use and applying knowledge gained in everyday life in solving practical tasks in everyday life, prevention of phenomena damage to human health and the environment.

A cooling system is recommended for studying the course using various technologies, forms, learning methods. The program is aimed at implementing personal-oriented, activity, problem-search approaches; The development of students in intellectual and practical activity. Considering the inhomogeneity of the class, the individual features and health status of children, the teacher, organizing the differentiated work of students in the physics class, can use a level approach in the selection of the tutorial content.

Forms current monitoring: test work, laboratory work, independent work, physical dictates, individual tasks, tests, oral polls.

For the organization of collective and individual observations of physical phenomena and processes, measurements of physical quantities and the establishment of laws, confirmation of theoretical conclusions The systematic formulation of demonstration experiments is necessary for the teacher, the implementation of laboratory work by students. The Working Program provides for the implementation of the practical part of the course: laboratory and test work.

The working program specifies the content of subjective topics of the educational standard, gives the allocation of study clocks on the courage partitions, the sequence of studying the sections of physics, taking into account the interdisciplinary and intrepresentative relations, the logic of the educational process, the age characteristics of students, determines the minimum set of demo experiments, laboratory work, calendar and thematic planning of the course .

8th grade

Heat phenomena (16 hours)

Heat movement. Thermometer. Communication of temperature with an average speed of movement of its molecules. Internal energy. Two ways to change internal energy: heat transfer and work. Types of heat transfer. Quantity of heat. Specific heat capacity of the substance. Specific heat combustion of fuel. The law of conservation of energy in mechanical and thermal processes.

Demonstrations. Changing body energy when performing work. Convection in liquid. Heat transfer by radiation. Comparison of specific heat-capacity of various substances.

Laboratory works. Comparison of the amount of heat when mixing the water of different temperatures. Measuring the specific heat capacity of the solid.

Changes in aggregate states of matter. (13 hours)

Aggregate states of the substance. Melting and harvesting tel. Melting temperature. Specific melting heat. Evaporation and condensation. Saturated steam. Relative humidity of air and its measurement. Psychrometer. Boiling. The dependence of the boiling point from pressure. Specific heat of vaporization. Explanation of changes in aggregate states based on molecular-kinetic representations. Energy conversion in thermal motors. Internal combustion engine. Steam turbine. Refrigerator. The efficiency of the thermal engine. Environmental problems of using thermal machines.

Demonstrations. Evaporation phenomenon. Boiling water. The dependence of the boiling point from pressure. Melting and crystallization of substances. Measuring air humidity with a psychrometer. The device of the four-stroke engine of internal combustion. The steam turbine device.

Electrical phenomena. (25 h)

Electrification tel. Two kind of electrical charges. Conductors, non-expenses (dielectrics) and semiconductors. The interaction of charged bodies. Electric field. The law of conservation of an electric charge. Electric charge delicacy. Electron. The structure of atoms.

Electricity. Galvanic elements and batteries. Electric current actions. Electric current direction. Electrical circuit. Electric current in metals. Electrical current carriers in semiconductors, gases and electrolytes. Semiconductor devices. Current power. Ammeter. Electrical voltage. Voltmeter. Electrical resistance. Ohm's law for a plot of an electrical circuit. Specific electrical resistance. Reostats. Sequential and parallel connections of conductors.

Work and current power. The amount of heat released by the conductor with the current. Incandescent lamp. Electric heating appliances. Electric meter. Calculation of electricity consumed by an electrical appliance. Short circuit. Fuse fuses.

Demonstrations. Electrification tel. Two kind of electrical charges. Device and action of electroscope. Conductors and insulators. Electrification through influence. Transfer of electrical charge from one body to another. DC sources. Drawing up an electrical circuit.

Laboratory works.Assembling the electrical circuit and measurement of current force in its various sections. Measurement of voltage at various sections of the electrical circuit. Regulation of current strength by a row. Measurement of resistance. Measuring the operation and power of the electric current in the lamp.

Electromagnetic phenomena. (5 h)

Magnetic current field. Electromagnets and their application. Permanent magnets. Magnetic field of land. Magnetic storms. The magnetic field action on the conductor with a current. Electric motor. Speaker and microphone.

Demonstrations. Ersted experience. Principle of operation of the microphone and loudspeaker.

Laboratory works.Build an electromagnet and testing of its action. Study of the electrical motor of DC (on the model).

Light phenomena. (8 h)

Sources of light. The rectilinear spread of light in a homogeneous environment. Reflection of light. The law of reflection. Flat mirror. Refraction of light. Lens. Focal length and optical strength lenses. Building images in lenses. Eye as an optical system. Defects of view. Optical devices.

Demonstrations. Sources of light. Straight spread of light. The law of reflection of light. Image in flat mirror. Refraction of light. The course of rays in collecting and scattering lenses. Obtaining images using lenses. Principle of operation of the projection apparatus. Model eye.

Laboratory works.. Measurement of the focal length of collecting lens. Getting images.

Final repetition (2 h)

Pupil preparation requirements

As a result of the study of physics, the student must

know / understand

the meaning of concepts: physical phenomenon, physical law, substance, interaction, electric field, magnetic field, atom, atomic core;

the meaning of physical quantities: internal energy, temperature, amount of heat, specific heat, air humidity, electrical charge, electric current, electrical voltage, electrical resistance, operation and power of electric current, focal length lens;

the meaning of physical laws: energy conservation in thermal processes, maintaining an electric charge, Ohm for a plot of an electrical circuit, joule-lazz, straight-line propagation of light, light reflection.

be able to

describe and explain physical phenomena: diffusion, thermal conductivity, convection, radiation, evaporation, condensation, boiling, melting, crystallization, electricalization of bodies, interaction of electrical charges, the interaction of magnets, magnetic field effect on current conductor, thermal effect current, refraction and dispersion of light;

use physical instruments and measuring instruments for measuring physical quantities: temperature, air humidity, current force, voltage, electrical resistance, operation and power of electric current;

represent measurement results using tables, graphs and identify on this basis empirical dependencies: The temperatures of the cooling body from time, current force from voltage on the chain section, an angle of reflection from the angle of the fall of light, the refractive angle from the angle of the fall of light;

express the results of measurements and calculations in units International system;

give examples of practical use of physical knowledge about thermal, electromagnetic and quantum phenomena;

solve the tasks of the application of studied physical laws;

self search for informationnatural science content using various sources (textual texts, reference and popular publications, computer databases, Internet resources), its processing and presentation in different forms (verbally, with graphs, mathematical symbols, drawings and structural schemes);

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activity and everyday life for:

ensuring safety in the process of using vehicles, electrical appliances, electronic technology;

monitoring the health of wiring in the apartment;


  1. Pyryshkin A.V. Physics. Grade 8: Tutorial for general educational institutions. - 2nd ed. -Drofa, 2008.
  2. Collection of tasks in physics. 7-9 CL. / Compiler V. I. Lukashik. - 7th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 3.
  3. Collection regulatory documents. Physics. / Sost. E. D. Dniprov, A. G. Arkadyev. - M.: Drop, 2007. -207 p.
  4. Lukashik V. I. Collection of school olympics in physics 7-11kl., Ed. Enlightenment, 2007.
  5. Cutting cards for individual work, ed. Teacher, Volgograd

Calendar-thematic planning

Grade 8, 2h. a week, 2015-2016 uch


Theme lesson








Topic 1. Thermal phenomena (16 hours)

Safety Instructions. Heat movement. Thermometer. Communication of body temperature at the speed of movement of molecules.

2 .09

Internal energy.


Two ways to change internal energy: work and heat transfer.

9 .09

Types of heat transfer. Treatment.


Types of heat transfer. Convection.

1 6 .09



Repeating the topic "Ways of heat transfer"

2 3 .09

R.Z. "Ways of heat transfer"


Quantity of heat. Specific heat capacity

30 . 09

Calculation of the amount of heat required for heating the body or released by it during cooling


Examples on the calculation of the amount of heat required for heating the body or the cooling

7 .10

Energy of fuel. Elimulous heat combustion of fuel.


L.R. №1 "Comparison of the amount of heat when mixing the water of different temperatures."

1 4 .10

L.R.№2 "Measurement of the specific heat capacity of a solid body"


The law of conservation and transformation of energy in mechanical and thermal processes. The presentation of the topic "Thermal phenomena"

2 1 .10

Examination number 1 "Heat transmission and work"


Topic2 "Changes in aggregate states of substance" (13h.)

Work on bugs. Placement and harvesting tel.

Melting temperature.


Specific heat melting

Melting graphics


Solving tasks.


Short term testing number 2 "Melting and hardening of crystalline bodies"


Work on errors. Evaporation. Energy absorption during evaporation and selection during condensation.


Air humidity.


Boiling. Boiling temperature.

The dependence of the boiling point from pressure. Specific heat steaming


R.Z. "Boil. Thermal heat of vaporization and condensation"

2 .12

Operation of gas and steam when expanding. DVS.Parrow turbine.


The efficiency of the thermal engine


R.Z. "Heat engines"


R.Z. "Heat phenomena" Preparation for control work


Examination number 3.« Changes in aggregate states of substance "»


Topic 3. Electrical phenomena (25 hours)

Work on errors. Electrification tel. Interaction of abnormal bodies. Two kind of electrical charges.




Electric field. Electric charge delicacy.


The structure of atoms. Extraction of electrical phenomena.


Electricity. Sources of current. Small test work number 4


Electric chain and its components.


Electric current in metals. Electrical current actions


Electric current direction. Current power. Units of current force.


Ammeter. Laboratory work number 3."The assembly of the electrical circuit and the measurement of current force in its time-personal sites."


Electrical voltage. Voltmeter.


Dependence of current force from voltage. Electrical resistance.


Ohma law for a plot of chain


R.Z. "Ohma law for a plot of chain"


Calculation of the resistance of the conductor. Purchase resistance. Examples for calculating the resistance of the conductor, current forces, voltage.


R.Z. "Calculation of conductor resistance" Short term testing number 5


Pereostati.l.r.№5 "Regulation of current strength by a row."


Sequential connection of conductors L.R.№4 "Measurement of voltage on various sections of an electrical circuit"


Parallel connection of conductors


Laboratory work number 6."Measurement of conduction resistance with an ammeter and voltmeter".


Electrical current operation. Electric current power.


Calculation of electricity consumed by household electrical appliances.


Laboratory work number 7.« Measurement of power and current operation inelectric lamp "


The amount of heat released by the conductor with the current. Incandescent lamp. Electric heating appliances. Short circuit. Fleece fuses


Repeating the topic "Electric phenomena"


Examination number 6."Electrical phenomena"


Topic 4. Electromagnetic phenomena (5 hours)

Work on errors. Magnetic current field.


Magnetic field coil with current. Electromagnets and their application.


Permanent magnets. Magnetic field of land L.R.№8


Magnetic field effect on conductor with current. L.№9

2 6.04

Repeating the topic "Electromagnetic Javing".Short term test number 7


Topic 5. Light phenomena (8 hours)

Work on errors. The lights of light. Straight spread of light.


Reflection of light. The law of reflection. Flat mirror.


Refraction of light.


Lens. Optical power lenses. Focal length lenses. Construction of images given by a thin lens.


Eye as an optical system. Optical devices.


Laboratory work number 10 "Getting an image with lenses"


Repeating the topic "Light phenomena"


Examination number 8 "Light phenomena"


Work on errors. Generalizing repetition


Final test work


Generalizing repetition


Approximate measuring materials for conducting

intermediate certification.

Part A.

1. The internal energy of the lead body will change if:

a) heavily hit the hammer on it;

b) raise it over the ground;

c) throw it horizontally;

d) Change it is impossible.

2. What type of heat transfer is observed when heating the room of water heating battery?

a) thermal conductivity;

b) convection;

c) radiation.

3. What physical value is indicated by the letter? And has the dimension of J / kg?

a) specific heat capacity;

4. In the process of boiling, the temperature of the liquid ...

a) increases;

b) does not change;

c) decreases;

d) there is no correct answer.

5. If the bodies are mutually repelled, then it means that they are charged ...

a) negatively;

b) variemen;

c) the same name;

d) positively.

6. Resistance is calculated by the formula:

a) r \u003d i / u; b) r \u003d u / i;

c) r \u003d u * i; d) the correct formula is not.

7. From what pole of the magnet over the magnetic fields?

a) from the northern; b) from southern;

c) from both poles; d) do not go out.

8.If electric charge moves, then around it exists:

a) only a magnetic field;

b) only an electric field;

c) and electric and magnetic field;

d) there is no field.

9. The angle between the incident and reflected rays is 60 degrees. What is the reflection angle?

a) 20 degrees; b) 30 degrees;

c) 60 degrees; c) 0 degrees.

10. What image is on the retina of a person's eye?

Part B.

11. What amount of heat need to inform the water weighing 1 kg to heat it from 10 ° to 20 ° C? Specific heat capacity of 4200 j / kg · ° C?

a) 21000 J; b) 4200 j;

c) 42000 J; d) 2100 J.

12. What the amount of heat is highlighted in the conductor resistance of 1 ohm for

30 seconds at current 4 a?

a) 1 j; b) 8 j

c) 120 J; d) 480 J.

13. Work performed by a current for 600 seconds is 15,000 J. What is the current power equal?

a) 15 W; b) 25 watts;

c) 150 W. d) 250 W.

14. Two conductor resistance R1 \u003d 100 Ohm and R2 \u003d 100 ohms are connected in parallel. What is their overall resistance?

a) 60 ohms; b) 250 ohms;

c) 50 ohms; d) 100.

15.Focus distance of collecting lens is 0.1 m. The optical power of this lens is:

a) 10 DPTR; b) 25 DPTR;

c) 1 DPTR; d) 4 DPTR.

Part S.

16.The heating of 3 liters of water from 180 ° C to 1000, the strategist pairs are admitted to water. Determine the mass of steam. (Specific heat of water vaporization 2.3 · 106 J / kg, specific heat capacity of 4200 j / kg · ° C, water density 1000 kg / m3).

a) 450 kg; b) 1 kg;

c) 5 kg; d) 0.45 kg.

17. Nonfoot in the iron conductor with a length of 100 cm and a cross section of 1 mm2 is 0.3 V. The resistivity of iron 0.1 ohms · mm2 / m. Calculate current strength in the steel conductor.
a) 10 A; b) 3 A;

c) 1 A; d) 0.3 A.

Option 2

Instructions for the execution of the final test.

Each task is given a few answers, of which only one right answer.

In the task, and select the correct answer and circle the number of the selected response. In the tasks in write down the formula and circle the number of the selected response number. In the tasks with circle the number of the selected response, and perform a detailed solution on separate sheets.

Part A.

1. Internal energy The bodies depends on:

a) mechanical body movement;

b) body temperature;

c) body shapes;

d) body volume.

2. What way is the most heat from the fire from the fire?

a) radiation;

b) convection;

c) thermal conductivity;

d) all three ways in the same way.

3. What physical value is denoted by the letter L and has the dimension of J / kg?

a) specific heat capacity;

b) the specific heat of fuel combustion;

c) specific melting heat;

d) the specific heat of the vaporization.

4. When melting a solid body its temperature ...

a) increases;

b) decreases;

c) does not change;

d) there is no correct answer.

5. If the charged bodies are mutually attracted, then they are charged ...

a) negatively;

b) variemen;

c) the same name;

d) positively.

6. The current is calculated by the formula:

a) i \u003d r / u; b) i \u003d u / r.

c) i \u003d u * r; d) the correct formula is not.

7. If there is an electric and magnetic field around the electric charge, then this charge:

a) moves;

b) immobile;

c) the presence of magnetic and electric fields does not depend on the state of the charge;

d) a magnetic and electric field cannot exist at the same time.

8. With a decrease in the current in the electromagnet circuit, the magnetic field ...
a) will increase; b) will decrease;

c) will not change; d) there is no correct answer.

9. The angle of falling the beam is 60 degrees. What are the amount of incidence angles and reflection?

a) 60 degrees; b) 90 degrees;

c) 120 degrees; d) 0 degrees.

10. What image turns out on the photofill in the camera?

a) enlarged, valid, inverted;

b) reduced, valid, inverted;

c) enlarged, imaginary, direct;

d) reduced, imaginary, direct.

Part B.

11. What amount of heat will be required to heat a piece of copper weighing 4kg from

25 O with up to 50 o C? Specific heat capacity of 400 J / kg · o S.

a) 8000 J; b) 4000 j;

c) 80,000 j; d) 40000 J.

12. Determine the energy consumption of a pocket flashlight in 120 seconds, if the voltage is 2.5 V, and the current is 0.2 A.

a) 1 J; b) 6 J;

c) 60 J; d) 10 J.

13. Calculate the value of the current strength in the winding of the electric iron, if when it turns on it into the network 220 V, it consumes the power of 880 W.

a) 0.25 A b) 4 A;

c) 2.5 A; d) 10 A.

14. Two conductor resistance R1 \u003d 150 Ohm and R2 \u003d 100 ohms are connected sequentially. What is their overall resistance?

a) 60 ohms; b) 250 ohms;

c) 50 ohms; d) 125 ohms.

15. The focal length of the collecting lens is 0.25 m. The optical power of this lens is:

a) 40 DPTR; b) 25 DPTR;

c) 1 DPTR; d) 4 DPTR.

Part S.

16. How much energy is extected during crystallization and cooling on the melting point 327 ° C to 27 from the lead plate size 2 · 5 · 10 cm? (Specific heat crystallization of lead 0.25 · 105 J / kg, specific water heat capacity 140 j / kg · ° C, lead density 11300 kg / m3).

a) 15 kJ; b) 2.5 kJ;

c) 25 kJ; d) 75 kJ.

17. Current power in steel conductor 140 cm long and cross-sectional area

0.2 mm2 is 250 mA. What is the voltage at the ends of this conductor? Specific resistance of steel 0.15 Ω MM2 / m
a) 1.5 V; b) 0.5 V;

c) 0.26 V; d) 3B.

VII- IX Classes

Explanatory note.

This program is drawn up to study the courses of physics at an elevated level.

It reflects the content course of the basic school physics (VII-IX classes). It takes into account the knowledge of the physics of the primary school students at an elevated level and, including the obligatory minimum content of physical education in the main school, allows you to raise the quality of education to a higher level.

The program is developed on the basis of the following regulatory documents: second-generation standards. Sample programs for academic subjects. Physics. 7-9 classes. Moscow "Enlightenment" 2011; Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education. Moscow "Enlightenment" 2011.

The program is designed for 381 hours: 7th grade-105 hours (3 hours per week), 8th grade - 140 hours (4 hours per week), grade 9-136 hours (4 hours per week).

Training in physics according to this program provides for the use of textbooks by N. S. Purysheva, N. E. Vazhevskaya physics Grade 7, grade 8, grade 9. Moscow Drop 2013-2014.

Targetsteaching physics at this stage of physical education are:

Development of interests and abilities of students based on the transfer of knowledge and experience in cognitive and creative activities;

Understanding the meaning of the basic concepts and laws of physics. Relationships between them;

Formation of students of ideas about the physical picture of the world.

Achieving these goals is ensured by the decision of the following tasks:

Acquaintance of students with the method of scientific knowledge and methods for researching objects and phenomena of nature;

Acquiring knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic and quantum phenomena, physical quantities characterizing these phenomena;

Formation of students to observe natural phenomena and perform experiments, laboratory work and experimental studies using measuring instruments widely used in practical life;

Mastering students with such common concepts as a natural phenomenon, an empirically established fact, a problem, a hypothesis, theoretical conclusion, the result of experimental verification;

Understanding students of the differences in scientific data from unverified information, the values \u200b\u200bof science to meet the household, industrial and cultural needs of a person.

The results of the development of the courses of physics.

Personal results of physics training in the main school are:
formation of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities of students;
The conviction of the possibility of knowledge of nature, in the need for a reasonable use of achievements of science and technology for the further development of human society, respect for the creators of science and technology, attitudes towards physics as an element of universal culture;
independence in the acquisition of new knowledge and practical skills;
readiness for the choice of life path in accordance with its own interests and opportunities;
Motivation of educational activities of schoolchildren based on a personally oriented approach;
Formation of value relationships to each other, teacher, discoveries and inventions, learning outcomes.
Metapermable results of physics training in the basic school are:
Mastering the skills of independent acquisition of new knowledge, organization of training activities, setting goals, planning, self-control and assessment of the results of their activities, the ability to foresee the possible results of their actions;
Understanding the differences between the initial facts and hypothesis for their explanation, theoretical models and real objects, mastering universal learning actions on examples of hypotheses to explain the known facts and experimental verification of the hypotheses advanced, the development of theoretical models of processes or phenomena;
The formation of skills to perceive, recycle and present information in verbal, figurative, symbolic forms, analyze and recycle the information obtained in accordance with the tasks set, allocate the main content of the text read, find answers to the questions raised and state it;

Acquisition of experience of independent search, analysis and selection of information using various sources and new information technologies to solve cognitive tasks;
The development of monologic and dialogic speech, the ability to express their thoughts and abilities to listen to the interlocutor, to understand his point of view, recognize the right of another person to another opinion;
development of techniques of actions in non-standard situations, mastering the heuristic methods to solve problems;
The formation of the skills to work in a group with the performance of various social roles, represent and defend their views and beliefs, to lead a discussion.
The general subject results of physics in the main school are:
knowledge of the nature of the most important physical phenomena of the world and understanding the meaning of physical laws that reveal the connection of studied phenomena;
The ability to use the methods of scientific studies of nature phenomena, conduct observations, plan and execute experiments, process the measurement results, represent the measurement results using tables, graphs and formulas, detect the relationship between physical quantities, explaining the results obtained and draw conclusions, assess the boundaries of measurement results.
The ability to apply theoretical knowledge of physics in practice, to solve the physical tasks for the use of the knowledge gained;
skills and skills to apply the knowledge gained to explain the principles of the principles of the most important technical devices, solving the practical tasks of everyday life, ensuring the safety of their life, rational environmental management and environmental protection;
The formation of convictions in the natural connection and the cognition of nature phenomena, in the objectivity of scientific knowledge, in the high value of the science in the development of the material and spiritual culture of people;
The development of theoretical thinking based on the formation of the skills to establish facts, distinguish between the causes and effects, to build models and put forward hypotheses, search and formulate evidence of hypotheses extended, output from experimental facts and theoretical models; physical laws;
Communicative ability to report on the results of its research, participate in the discussion, briefly and accurately answer questions, use reference literature and other sources of information.

Subject results Teaching physics in the main school are:
Understanding and ability to explain such physical phenomena as a free drop in bodies, fluctuations in the filament and spring pendulum, atmospheric pressure, swimming bodies, diffusion, large compressibility of gases, low compressibility of liquids and solid bodies, evaporation and melting processes of substance, cooling fluid, change internal body energy as a result of heat transfer or work of external forces, electrification bodies, heating conductor electrical current, electromagnetic induction, reflection and refraction of light, dispersion of light, the occurrence of a line spectrum of radiation;
skills measure distance, time interval, speed, acceleration, mass, power, pulse, operation of force, power, kinetic energy, potential energy, temperature, amount of heat, specific heat capacity of substance, specific heat of melting substance, air humidity, electric current, electric voltage, electrical charge, electrical resistance, focal length of collecting lens, optical lenses;
The possession of the experimental methods of research in the process of self-studying the dependence of the distance traveled from time to the time, the extension of the spring from the applied force, the force of gravity from body weight, the force of friction of the slip from the area of \u200b\u200bcontact of the bodies and the strength of normal pressure, the forces of the Archimedes from the volume of the water, the pendulum of the pendulum from its length, gas volume on pressure at a constant temperature, current force on the circuit area from electrical voltage, electrical resistance of the conductor from its length, cross-sectional area and material, direction of induction current from the conditions of its excitation, reflection angle from the angle of light;
Understanding the meaning of basic physical laws and the ability to apply them in practice: the laws of the dynamics of Newton, the law of world community, the laws of Pascal and Archimedea, the law of preserving the impulse, the law of energy conservation, the law of conservation of the electric charge, the Ohma law for the chain section, the law of Joule-Lenza;
Understanding the principles of action of machines, instruments and technical devices with which each person is constantly found in everyday life, and ways to ensure safety when using them;
Mastering the diverse methods of making calculations for finding an unknown value in accordance with the terms of the task based on the use of the laws of physics;
The ability to use the knowledge gained, skills and skills in everyday life (life, ecology, health protection, environmental protection, safety, etc.).

Basic course content.

VII Class

(105 hours, 3 hours a week)

    Physics and physical methods of studying nature. (6.hours)

What and how physics and astronomy are learning.

Physical phenomena. Observations and experiment. Hypothesis. Physical quantities. Units of quantities. Measurement of physical quantities. Physical instruments. The concept of measurement accuracy. Absolute error. Recording the result of direct measurement with the absolute error. Reducing measurement errors. Measurement of small values. Physical laws and borders of their applicability. Physics and technique. Relative error. Physical theory. Structural levels of matter: microworld, macromir, megamir.


Observation of physical phenomena: free fall of the bodies, the oscillations of the pendulum, the attraction of the steel bowl of the magnet, the luminescence of the thread of the electrical lamp.

Laboratory work and experiments.

1. Measurement of length, volume and body temperature.

2. Measurement of small bodies.

3. Determination of the price of the measuring instrument.

2. Mechanical phenomena(54 hours)

Mechanical movement and its types. The relativity of mechanical movement. Trajectory. Way. Uniform rectilinear movement. The speed of uniform straight movement.

Uneven rectilinear movement. Average speed. Equal asked movement. Acceleration. Free fall. Acceleration of gravity. Instant speed. The path passed by the body with an equilibrium movement.

The phenomenon of inertia. Interaction tel. Body mass, mass measurement with weights. Density of substance.

Force. Graphic image of forces. Measuring forces. Dynamometer. Addition of forces aimed at one straight. Equality. Addition of forces directed at an angle to each other. Newton's laws.

The power of elasticity. The law of a bitch. Gravity. Center of gravity. The law of global gravity. Body weight. Weightlessness. Pressure. Friction force. Types of friction forces.

Mechanical work. Power. Simple mechanisms. The condition of equilibrium lever. Gold rule mechanics. Apply simple mechanisms. Efficiency of the mechanisms.

Energy. Kinetic energy. Potential energy. The law of conservation of mechanical energy. Energy of rivers and winds.


    Uniform rectilinear movement.

    The dependence of the body movement trajectory from the choice of the reference body.

    Free drop body.

    Equal asked rectilinear movement.

    Simple mechanisms.

    The phenomenon of inertia.

    Comparison of mass bodies using equal departures.

    Measurement of strength for the deformation of the spring.

    Properties of friction force.

    Addition of forces.

    The phenomenon of weightlessness.

    Body equilibrium with axis of rotation.

    Simple mechanisms.

Laboratory work and experiments.

    Measurement of the speed of uniform movement.

    Study of uniform movement.

4. Measuring body weight.

5. Measurement of the density of the substance.

6. Measurement of fluid density.

7. Addition of forces directed along one straight line.

8. Investigation of the dependence of the friction force of slip from the area of \u200b\u200bcontact of the bodies and the forces of normal pressure.

9. Dynamometer graduation and measurement of forces.

10. Measurement of sliding friction force.

11. Measurement of the coefficient of slip friction.

12. Studying the condition of the lever equilibrium.

13. Measurement of efficiency when lifting the body on the inclined plane.

14. Measure the potential energy of the body.

15. Measure the potential energy of the elastic deformation of the spring.

16. Study of transformations of mechanical energy.

3. Mechanical oscillations and waves. Sound. (10hours)

Mechanical oscillations and their characteristics: amplitude, period, frequency of oscillations. Sound sources.

Mechanical waves. Wavelength. Sound waves. Sound speed. Sound volume. Tone height. Reflection of sound. Echo.

Mathematical pendulum. The period of oscillations of mathematical and spring pendulums. Timbre.


    Observation of fluctuations in tel.

    Observation of mechanical waves.

    Light phenomena(30 hours)

Sources of light. The law of rectilinear light propagation. Light beams and light rays. The formation of shadow and half. Solar eclipses.

Reflection of light. The law of reflection of light. Building images in a flat mirror. Periscope.

Refraction of light. Complete internal reflection. Lenses. Focal length lenses. Optical power lenses. Building an image given by the lens. Increase lenses.

Optical devices: projection apparatus, camera. Eye as an optical system. Normal vision, myopia, hyperopia. Points. Lupa.

Decomposition of white light in the spectrum. Addition of spectral colors. Colors tel.

Moon eclipses.

Mirror and diffuse reflection. Repeated reflection. Concave mirror. The use of concave mirrors.

Law of refraction of light. Fiber optics. Formula fine lenses.


    Straight spread of light.

    Reflection of light.

    Refraction of light.

    The course of rays in the collecting lens.

    Obtaining images using lenses.

    program Nikitina A.F. 6-9 classes. "Geography" Author program by geography. 6 -10 classes (I.V. Dushina). " Physics» Author program by physics for ...
  1. The working program on literature for 5 9 classes was developed on the basis of an exemplary program of basic general education in literature and complies with the federal component of the state educational standard of basic general education.

    Working programm
  2. Name of the curriculum (2)

    Approximate program

    ... program Basic general education by geography "Geography of Earth" (VI- VII Cl.); author program by ... approximate programs by physics for ... Prefictory preparation students 9 classes by Mathematics: general provisions, portfolio structure, programs ...

  3. The main educational program of the main general formation of MBOU SOSH No. 5

    Basic educational program

    A.I. Fominians. " Author's training and metodology complex by Teaching the basics of theatrical ... Physics Elective course for preforous preparation students 9 classes. Scientific experiences Bulkina T.G. 15 modified 1. Physics 8-9 Classes: Collection program ...

A basic level of

Explanatory note

Document status

An exemplary physics program is based on the federal component. state Standard Medium (full) general education at the base level.

The exemplary program specifies the content of the subject matter of the educational standard at the base level; gives an exemplary distribution of the study clocks on the sections of the course and the recommended sequence of studying the sections of physics, taking into account the interdisciplinary and domestic relations, the logic of the educational process, the age characteristics of students; determines the minimum set of experiments shown by the teacher in the classroom, laboratory and practical workperformed by students.

The approximate program is a guide for compiling author curriculum and textbooks. It defines an invariant (mandatory) part of the training course, outside of which the possibility of copyright is the choice of the variation component of the content of education. At the same time, the authors of curricula and textbooks can offer their own approach in part of the structuring of educational material, determining the mediocreness of the study of this material, as well as ways to form a system of knowledge, skills and methods of activity, development and socialization of students. Thus, the approximate program contributes to the preservation of a single educational space, without saying the creative initiative of teachers and authors of textbooks, and provides ample opportunities for the implementation of various approaches to building a training course.

Document structure

The approximate program includes three sections: explanatory note; main content; demand to the level of graduates.

general characteristics Training subject

Physics as a science of the most general laws Nature, acting as a training subject in school, makes a significant contribution to the knowledge system of the world around the world. She reveals the role of science in the economic and cultural development of society, contributes to the formation of a modern scientific worldview. To solve the problems of forming the foundations of the scientific worldview, the development of intellectual abilities and cognitive interests of schoolchildren in the process of studying physics, the focus should be focused not to transfer the amount of prepared knowledge, but to meet the methods of scientific knowledge of the surrounding world, setting problems requiring students independent activities to resolve them. The humanitarian meaning of physics as an integral part of the general education is that it is arming schoolchildren scientific method of knowledge allowing you to receive objective knowledge of the environment.

Knowledge of physical laws is necessary for studying chemistry, biology, physical geography, technology, OBZh.

The physics course in an exemplary medium (full) general education program is structured based on physical theories: mechanics, molecular physics, electrodynamics, electromagnetic oscillations and waves, quantum physics.

The peculiarity of the subject of "physics" in the educational school curriculum is the fact that mastering the basic physical concepts and laws at the base level has become necessary almost every person in modern life.

Objectives of studying physics

The study of physics in the middle (full) educational institutions at the base level is aimed at achieving the following centers:

    mastering knowledge On fundamental physical laws and principles underlying the modern physical picture of the world; the most important discoveries in the field of physics that have increasing the impact on the development of equipment and technology; methods of scientific knowledge of nature;

    mastering skillsconduct observations, plan and implement experiments, put forward hypothesis and build models, apply the knowledge gained in physics to explain the various physical phenomena and properties of substances; practical use of physical knowledge; evaluate the accuracy of natural science information;

    developmentcognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities in the process of acquiring knowledge and skills in physics using various sources of information and modern information technologies;

    educationconviction in the possibility of knowledge of the laws of nature; use of physics achievements for the benefit of the development of human civilization; the need for cooperation in the process of joint fulfillment of tasks, respect for the opinion of the opponent when discussing the problems of natural science content; preparedness for the moral and ethical assessment of the use of scientific achievements, the senses of responsibility for environmental protection;

    use of acquired knowledge and skillsto solve the practical tasks of everyday life, ensuring the safety of their own life, rational nature management and the economy of the environment.

Place of subject in federal basis curriculum

According to the federal basis curriculum for educational institutions Russian Federation For compulsory study of physics, at the stage of basic general education, at least 36 hours are given at the rate of 1 hour per week. At the same time, it is assumed to build a course in the form of a sequence of thematic blocks with alternating material.

The approximate program is designed for one student once a month of training sessions.

General education skills, skills and ways of activity

The exemplary program provides for the formation of schoolchildren with general educational skills and skills, universal ways of activity and key competencies. Priorities for the school course of physics at the stage of basic general education is:

    cognitive activity:

    • use for the knowledge of the surrounding world of various punishable methods: observation, measurement, experiment, modeling;

      the formation of the ability to distinguish facts, hypothesis, causes, effects, evidence, laws, theory;

      mastering adequate ways to solve theoretical and experimental tasks;

      acquisition of the experience of extending the hypotheses to explain the known facts and experimental verification of the hypotheses extended;

    information and communicative activities:

    possession of monologic and dialogic speech. The ability to understand the point of view of the interlocutor and recognize the rights to another opinion;

    use to solve cognitive and communicative tasks of various sources of information;

    reflective activity:

    ownership skills of control and evaluation of their activities, the ability to anticipate the possible results of their actions;

    organization of training activities: setting goals, planning, determination of the optimal relationship between the goal and means.

Results of learning

The mandatory results of the study of the course "Physics" are given in the section "Requirement for graduate preparation level", which fully complies with the standard. Requirements are aimed at implementing activity and personal-oriented approaches; The development of students in intellectual and pratic activities4 is mastered by the knowledge and skills necessary in everyday life, allowing to navigate the surrounding world, meaningful to preserve the environment and their own health.

Rubric "Know / Understand" includes requirements for educational material, which is absorbed and reproduced by students. Graduates must understand the meaning of the studied physical concepts, physical quantities and laws.

Category "To be able" includes requirements based on more complex activities, including creative: to describe and explain the physical phenomena and properties of bodies, distinguish between hypotheses from scientific theories, draw conclusions on the basis of experimental data, bring examples of practical use of knowledge gained, perceive and Independently evaluate the information contained in the media, the Internet, popular science articles.

In the heading "use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activity and everyday life", the requirements that go beyond the framework of the educational process and aimed at solving a variety of vital tasks are presented.


Physics and methods of scientific knowledge

Physics - Science of Nature. Scientific methods of knowledge of the surrounding world and their differences from other methods of knowledge. The role of experiment and theory in the process of knowledge of nature. Modeling physical phenomena and processes. Scientific hypotheses. Physical laws. Physical theories. The boundaries of the applicability of physical laws and theories. Principle of conformity. The main elements of the physical picture of the world.


Mechanical movement and its types. The relativity of mechanical movement. Straight equivalent movement. The principle of relativity of Galilee. Laws of speakers. Worldwide. Laws of conservation in mechanics. The predictive force of the laws of classical mechanics. The use of the laws of mechanics to explain the movement of celestial bodies and for the development of space research. The boundaries of the applicability of classical mechanics.


    The dependence of the trajectory from the selection of the report system

    Falling bodies in the air and in vacuo

    Phenomenon inertia

    Comparison of masses of interacting bodies

    Second Newton Law

    Measuring forces

    Addition of power

    Dependence of the force of elasticity from deformation

    Friction force

    Equilibrium conditions for power

    Jet propulsion

    Transition of potential energy to kinetic and back

Laboratory works

    The study of body movement under the action of constant strength

    Studying the movement of bodies around the circumference under the action of gravity and elasticity

    Research of elastic and inelastic clashes

    Preservation of mechanical energy when the body moves under the action of gravity and elasticity

    Comparison of workforce with a change in the kinetic energy of the body

Molecular physics

The occurrence of the atomistic hypothesis of the structure of the substance and its experimental evidence. The absolute temperature as a measure of the average kinetic energy of the thermal motion of the particles of the substance. Model of perfect gas. Gas pressure. The equation of the state of the ideal gas. The structure and properties of liquids and solids.

The laws of thermodynamics. Order and chaos. Irreversibility of thermal processes. Heat engines and environmental protection.


    Mechanical model of Brownian movement

    Changing the gas pressure with a change in temperature at a constant volume

    Changing the volume of gas with a change in temperature at constant pressure

    Changing the volume of gas with a change in pressure at a constant temperature

    Boiling water under reduced pressure

    Psychrometer and hygrometer

    Phenomenon of surface tension of fluid

    Crystal and amorphous bodies

    Volume models of the structure of crystals

    Models of thermal engines

Laboratory works

    Measuring the importance of air

    Measuring the specific heat of melting ice

    Measurement of surface tension of fluid


Elementary electric charge. The law of conservation of an electric charge. Electric field. Electricity. Ohm law for full chain. Magnetic current field. Plasma. Magnetic field effect on moving charged particles. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. The relationship of electrical and magnetic fields. Free electromagnetic oscillations. Electromagnetic field.

Electromagnetic waves. Wave properties of light. Various types of electromagnetic radiation and their practical application.

Laws of the spread of light. Optical devices.



    Conductors in the electric field

    Dielectrics in the electric field

    Energy charged condenser

    Electrical measuring instruments

    Magnetic interaction of currents

    Deviation of an electron beam by a magnetic field

    Magnetic recording sound

    Dependence of EMF induction on the rate of change of magnetic flux

    Free electromagnetic oscillations

    Oscillogram of alternating current


    Radiation and reception of electromagnetic waves

    Reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves

    Interference light

    Diffraction of light

    Obtaining spectrum using prism

    Obtaining spectrum using a diffraction lattice

    Polarization of light

    Rectilinear distribution, reflection and refraction of light

    Optical devices

Laboratory works

    Measurement of electrical resistance with an ohmmeter

    Measurement of EMF and Internal Source Resistance Source

    Measuring elementary charge

    Magnetic induction measurement

    Determination of the spectral boundaries of the sensitivity of the human eye

    Measuring glass refraction indicator

Quantum physics and elements of astrophysics

Planck hypothesis about quanta. Photo effect. Background. Debriel hypothesis about the wave properties of particles. Corpuscular wave dualism. The ratio of the uncertainty of Heisenberg.

Planetary atom model. Quantum postulates boron. Lasers.

The structure of the atomic nucleus. Nuclear power. The mass defect and the binding energy of Yara. Nuclear energy. Influence ionizing radiation on living organisms. Dose radiation. The law of radioactive decay. Elementary particles. Fundamental interactions

Solar system. Stars and sources of their energy. Galaxy. Spatial scales of the observed universe. Modern ideas about the origin and evolution of the sun and stars. The structure and evolution of the universe.



    Line spectra of radiation

    Counter of ionizing particles

Laboratory works

    Observation of bar spectra

Requirement for graduate training

As a result of studying physics at the basic level, the student must

know / understand:

    The meaning of the concepts: physical phenomenon, hypothesis, law, theory, substance, interaction, electromagnetic field, wave, phonon, atom, atomic kernel, ionizing radiation, planet, star, solar system, galaxy, universe;

    The meaning of physical quantities: speed, acceleration, mass, strength, impulse, work, mechanical energy, internal energy, absolute temperature, average kinetic energy particles of substance, amount of heat, elementary electrical charge;

    The meaning of physical laws: classical mechanics, global, energy, pulse and electric charge, thermodynamics, electromagnetic induction, photoelectric effect;

    Contribution of Russian and foreign scientistshaving the greatest impact on the development of physics;

be able to:

    Describe and explain physical phenomena and properties of tel:the movement of the celestial bodies and artificial satellites of the Earth; properties of gases, liquids and solids; electromagnetic induction, propagation of electromagnetic waves; wave properties of light; radiation and absorption of light light atoms; Photo effect;

    Differhypotheses from scientific theories; draw out based on experimental data; give examples showing that observations and experiment are the basis for nomination of hypotheses and theories, allow you to check the truth of theoretical conclusions; The physical theory makes it possible to explain the famous phenomena of nature and scientific facts, to predict still unknown phenomena;

    Conduct examples of practical use of physical knowledge:the laws of mechanics, thermodynamics and electrodynamics in the energy sector; various types of electromagnetic emissions for the development of radio and telecommunications, quantum physics in the creation of nuclear power, lasers;

    Perceive and on the basis of instructed knowledge independently evaluateinformation contained in media reports, Internet, popular science articles;

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activity and everyday life for:

    Ensuring life safety in the process of using vehicles, household electrical appliances, radio and telecommunication means;

    Estimates of the effect on the human body and other environmental pollution organisms;

    Rational environmental management and environmental protection.

Physics planning, grade 10, 1 hour per week

Tutorial Gentendestein L.E. and Dick Yu.I. "Physics-10"

Theme lesson

Requirements for level

preparation of students

Physics and methods of knowledge of the world

Modern physical picture of the world

What is the scientific method of knowledge? What and how physics is studying

Know the meaning of concepts: physical phenomenon, hypothesis, law, theory; The contribution of Russian and foreign scientists to the development of physics. Be able to distinguish hypotheses from scientific theories; To be able to give examples showing that: observations and experiment are the basis for hypotheses and theories

Reference system. Trajectory, path, movement The main characteristics of the movement of the body

The main task of the mechanic. Reference system. Material point. Trajectory, Path, Move

Straight uniform traffic


























Second Newton Law














































Friction force













Jet propulsion



































Theme lesson






















































{!LANG-48b824de53761dc382542011df40de5a!} {!LANG-506ea970550bd54845b4b540fbf839df!}{!LANG-e5e2da9ba6ce189c84e4245226c96675!}












{!LANG-8f15d21421b5af4032e61927832d3b8f!} {!LANG-70a70487af5fdaac8d6d32dbbd5b5708!}























































































































{!LANG-168e60cf16ced191037fe1a855e8434f!} {!LANG-19e4864ce52bbc305efe1fcebb502579!}







Interference light

{!LANG-b66b3784cd562e1fa7e9aa9665a3215e!} {!LANG-fe0bc63e05652fe8950dc3397c45e10b!}{!LANG-6b0d7766ec70843cefd611ca9a8d4f36!}


Diffraction of light













































