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Job description for cashier of a trade organization. Job description of a cashier. Drawing up a job description for a cashier

We present to your attention a typical example job description cashier, sample 2019/2020. A person with primary vocational education without requirements for work experience or secondary (full) education can be appointed to this position. general education And special training according to the established program without presenting requirements for work experience. Don’t forget, each cashier’s instructions are issued in person against a receipt.

The following provides typical information about the knowledge that a cashier should have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

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1. General provisions

1. The cashier belongs to the category of technical performers.

2. Qualification requirements: initial vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary (complete) general education and special training according to an established program without presenting requirements for work experience.

3. The cashier is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by the director of the organization.

4. The cashier must know:

- resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher and other bodies relating to the conduct of cash transactions;

— forms of cash and bank documents;

— rules for acceptance, issuance, accounting and storage cash And securities;

— the procedure for processing incoming and outgoing documents;

— balance limits cash on hand established for the organization;

— rules for ensuring their safety;

— the procedure for maintaining a cash book and preparing cash reports;

— rules for operating electronic computer equipment;

— legislation on labor and labor protection Russian Federation;

- internal rules labor regulations;

— rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation And fire protection.

5. In his work, the cashier is guided by:

current legislation;

— internal regulations employer;

employment contract and this job description.

6. The cashier reports to __________.

7. During the absence of the cashier (vacation, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and obligations for which he is responsible.

2. Job responsibilities of the cashier

1.1 Carry out operations for receiving, accounting and issuing funds.

1.2 Receives funds in accordance with established rules for the payment of salaries, bonuses and other expenses.

1.3 Transfers funds to collectors.

1.4 Maintains a cash book based on incoming and outgoing documents.

1.5 Prepares cash reports.

1.6 Monitors the operation of cash register equipment.

1.7 Monitors the safety of the cash register tape.

3. Cashier rights

The cashier has the right:

1. Get acquainted with the new provisions adopted by management relating to its work.

2. Make suggestions regarding improvement of the production process.

3. Request from structural divisions organizations and independent specialists the necessary information necessary for the execution job responsibilities.

4. Demand from the management of the organization proper working conditions and compliance with the provisions provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

4. Cashier's responsibility

The cashier is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper execution or failure to fulfill their official duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits established labor legislation Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil law Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage organizations within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. For using the property and funds of the enterprise in interests contrary to the interests of the founders.

Cashier job description - sample 2019/2020. Job responsibilities of a cashier, rights of a cashier, responsibility of a cashier.

Job description not included in the list of documents that must be at the enterprise in mandatory. However, it is very important document, which determines the functions of employees, the procedure for their appointment and dismissal, rights, responsibilities and other conditions accompanying labor activity employees of the organization.


Why do you need a cashier job description?

This document is necessary for several reasons: in addition to its main purpose - regulating official functionality, it allows management to effectively manage subordinates and serves as evidence in resolving disputes and conflicts in judicial procedure(both on one and the other side). That is why it is necessary to carefully and clearly describe the responsibilities of a particular employee, avoid inaccuracies and duplication, and also take into account the length of the working day and avoid double interpretation of the wording.

Rules for drawing up job descriptions

There is no such thing in the law as a cashier’s job description; accordingly, there is no single sample of it. Organizations have the right to independently develop job descriptions for employees or write them (with minimal adjustments) according to common templates.

A job description always contains several sections, the main ones: “ General provisions» “Responsibilities”, “Rights”, “Responsibility”, but sometimes this list is supplemented with other items, such as “Signature authority”, “Other conditions”, etc.

The document must be certified by the signature of the cashier himself, the head of the department (chief accountant, head of the personnel department, etc.), as well as the director of the enterprise.

The cashier's signature will indicate that he has familiarized himself with the functions assigned to him, agrees with them and understands the responsibility that lies with him.
It is not necessary to certify the job description with a seal, since it relates to internal documentation enterprises.

Drawing up a job description for a cashier


  • First, at the top of the document in the middle you need to indicate its name.
  • Then in the upper right part you need to leave a few lines for approval of the job description by the director of the company.
  • Here you should enter his position, name of the organization, last name, first name, patronymic, leave a signature line with a transcript and put the date the document was compiled.

General provisions

  • In the first section, entitled “General Provisions,” you should indicate which category of employees the cashier belongs to (specialist, technical staff, worker, etc.) and the grounds for starting to perform labor functions (order, director’s order, etc.).
  • Then you need to enter the cashier’s immediate supervisor (without writing specific names) and the requirements for the level of education, length of service and experience, without which the employee cannot be allowed to work.
  • After this, in the same section you need to list all the laws, acts, regulations and documents with which the cashier must be familiar, as well as knowledge cash register and rules for handling it.
  • The employee who will replace him during the period of absence from the workplace is also entered here (also without specifying specific names).
  • In conclusion, this section should indicate what regulatory documents the cashier is guided in the performance of work duties (usually these are the charter, orders and instructions of management, legislative acts etc.).

Job responsibilities of a cashier

The second section records the functions that are assigned to the cashier. This section should be given special attention and should be described carefully, in detail and accurately, taking into account the fact that the cashier is the financially responsible person.

It is important that the list of responsibilities fits into working hours employee.

Cashier rights

In the “Rights” section, you need to describe in detail the powers and initiatives of the cashier, which he can use in order to perform his work as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Cashier Responsibility

The “Responsibility” section establishes specific violations for which the cashier may be subject to disciplinary punishment. It is important that they comply with the law and Labor Code RF.

Working conditions

The “Working Conditions” should indicate how the working conditions are regulated, as well as some specific features (for example, business trips, shift schedule, part-time, etc.).

At the end, the instructions must be agreed upon with the employee, responsible for compliance with the rules and regulations prescribed in this document. Here you should enter his position, name of the company, last name, first name, patronymic, as well as put a signature and give it a transcript.

Similarly, just below you should indicate information about the cashier: his last name, first name, patronymic (in full), position, company name, passport details, signature and date of review of the document.

Below is the job title instructions for the position of “accountant-cashier”. You can copy the instructions for further editing. If the current job description is not exactly what you were looking for, look at other job descriptions in the “Accountant Job Descriptions” section.

Carefully read the job description for items of responsibilities where specific areas are indicated. Remember that each job description is compiled for a specific organization, which, quite possibly, is engaged in a completely different type of activity than yours.

Job description of an accountant - cashier

(Full name)

Director of the enterprise
(institutions, organizations)

Job description of an accountant - cashier

1.1. This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of an accountant-cashier.
1.2. The accountant-cashier belongs to the category of specialists, is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order of the General Director on the recommendation of the Chief Accountant.
1.3. The accountant-cashier reports directly to the Chief Accountant.
1.4. An accountant-cashier must know:
1.4.1. legislative acts, regulations, instructions, orders, guidelines, methodological and regulatory materials on the organization and accounting of cash transactions and the preparation of cash register reports, including the Law of the Russian Federation of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ “On the use of cash register equipment when making cash payments and (or) settlements using payment cards”; Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2001 No. 1050-U “On establishing size limit cash settlements in the Russian Federation between legal entities one transaction"; The procedure for conducting cash transactions in the Russian Federation”, approved by decision of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on September 22, 1993 No. 40;
1.4.2. registration of cash transactions in accordance with standard interdepartmental forms of primary accounting documentation for enterprises and organizations, which are approved by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation in agreement with Central Bank the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;
1.4.3. organization of document flow for accounting of cash transactions;
1.4.4. procedure for receiving, issuing and storing cash; rules for determining the solvency of bank notes and coins of the Bank of Russia;
1.4.5. means of computer technology, communications and communication and the possibility of their use for performing accounting and computing work and analyzing economic and financial activities enterprises;
1.4.6. economics, labor organization and management;
1.4.7. labor legislation;
1.5. During the period of temporary absence of the accountant-cashier, his duties are assigned to the Deputy Chief Accountant by order of the Executive Director.

2.1. Performs work on organizing and recording cash transactions.
2.2. Complies with laws and regulations, performs work on receiving, issuing and storing cash.
2.3. Maintains primary documentation for receiving and issuing cash.
2.4. Manages the payment of wages to the Company's employees on the basis of statements;
2.5. Provides control over primary documentation on cash transactions and prepares them for counting processing.
2.6. Before opening the cash register and metal cabinets (safes), checks the safety of locks, doors, window bars and seals, and the serviceability of the security alarm system.
2.7. Receives cash according to cash receipt orders signed by the Chief Accountant or a person authorized to do so by written order of the Executive Director.
2.8. Issues cash from cash registers according to cash receipts orders or properly executed other documents (pay slips (settlement and payment), applications for the issuance of money, accounts, etc.) with a stamp on these documents with the expense details cash order. Documents for the issuance of money must be signed by the General Director, the Chief Accountant of the Company or persons authorized to do so.
2.9. Makes entries in the cash book immediately after receiving or issuing money for each order or other document replacing it.
2.10. Every day at the end of the working day, he calculates the results of transactions for the day, displays the balance of money in the cash register for the next date and transfers to the accounting department as a report a second tear-off sheet (a copy of the entries in the cash book for the day) with incoming and outgoing cash documents against a receipt in the cash book.
2.11. Takes part in conducting inventories and reconciliation with the tax office and extra-budgetary funds.
2.12. Organizes accounting of property, liabilities and business transactions, incoming fixed assets, inventory and cash, timely reflection on accounts accounting operations related to their movement.
2.13. He is a financially responsible person and, after issuing an order to hire him, is obliged to familiarize himself with the procedure for conducting cash transactions in the Russian Federation and enter into an agreement on full financial responsibility.
2.14. He has no right to entrust the performance of work assigned to him to other persons, except in cases of temporary incapacity for work or leave by order of management.
2.15. Ensures safety primary documents for cash transactions.
2.16. Ensures the safety of funds in the cash register, cash registers and other material assets.
2.17. Systematically improves his qualifications at courses and seminars on accounting;

The accountant-cashier has the right:
3.1. Take part in the discussion of issues included in his functional responsibilities.
3.2. Make suggestions and comments on how to improve activities in the assigned area of ​​work.
3.3. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the accountant-cashier.

4.1. The accountant-cashier, in accordance with the current legislation on the financial liability of workers and employees, bears full financial liability for the safety of all valuables accepted by him and for damage caused to the Company both as a result of intentional actions and as a result of negligent or dishonest attitude towards his functional duties - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. The accountant-cashier is also responsible, within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, for:
4.2.1. Inaccurate information about the status of fulfillment of received tasks and instructions, violation of deadlines for their execution. 4.2.2. Failure to comply with orders and instructions General Director and the Executive Director of the enterprise, instructions and tasks from the Chief Accountant.
4.2.3. Violation of internal labor regulations, rules fire safety and safety precautions established in the Company.

A person with a secondary vocational (economic) education with at least one year of work experience in the specialty or a higher specialized education with at least six months of work experience in the specialty is appointed to the position of accountant-cashier.

I have read the instructions: ______________ /____________
(signature) (full name)

"__"___________ ____ G.

The job description of a cashier is developed to regulate the relationship between employee and employer. The document contains a list of functional responsibilities, items related to the rights, working conditions, and responsibilities of the employee. Below standard form can be used when drawing up a job description for a cashier-operator, cashier trading floor, cashier in a bank, store, supermarket, enterprise, etc.

Sample of a typical job description for a cashier

I. General provisions

1. The cashier belongs to the category of technical performers (employees).

2. The basis for appointment to the position of cashier or dismissal from it is the order of the director of the organization.

3. The Cashier reports directly to the Senior Cashier/Director.

4. A person with at least secondary vocational education and at least one year of work experience is appointed to the position of cashier.

5. The cashier must know:

  • methods of working with cash registers;
  • regulatory documents, regulations, instructions, orders related to the conduct of cash transactions;
  • established forms of cash and banking documents;
  • norms of turnover of funds, inventory items;
  • rules for processing incoming and outgoing documents;
  • limits on cash balances in the cash register, requirements for ensuring their safety;
  • standards for maintaining a cash book and preparing cash reports;
  • rules for serving visitors to the trading floor established by the organization;
  • rules for handling cash registers and computer equipment;
  • labor legislation;
  • Internal labor regulations, labor protection standards, safety regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene, fire protection.

6. During the cashier’s absence, his rights, functional duties, and responsibilities are transferred to someone else official, as reported in the organization order.

7. The cashier is guided in his activities by:

  • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • orders and instructions from management;
  • Internal labor regulations, Charter and other regulations of the company;
  • this job description.

II. Job responsibilities of a cashier

The cashier is assigned the following functional responsibilities:

1. Perform operations to record funds received from customers using a cash register.

2. Form the total purchase amount for each customer according to the indicator of the cash register or using a counting device and inform him about this.

3. Receive money from the buyer for purchased goods in an amount equal to the amount communicated to him or indicated in the price tag, in accordance with the following sequence:

  • name the amount of money transferred to the cashier and place the received funds in the buyer’s field of view, separately from other money;
  • issue a check using a cash register;
  • name the amount of change required to be given to the buyer, place the money received from the buyer in the cash register and give him the change along with the check (paper bills and coins are handed over at the same time).

4. Hand over money received from customers from the cash register at the end of the shift (at a different time, if necessary) to the senior cashier.

5. Handle cash with care, avoid intentional contamination or damage.

6. Provide polite customer service and monitor compliance with trade rules. Take measures to eliminate and prevent queues.

7. Contribute to:

  • safety of cash placed in the cash register and other material assets;
  • uninterrupted operation of the cash register, being at the workplace at the appointed time;
  • termination or liquidation conflict situations.

8. Treat visitors to the sales area and employees of the organization kindly, and set a personal example of quality service. The cashier must be attentive, patient, and polite.

9. Follow labor and labor regulations production discipline, labor protection standards, industrial sanitation and hygiene, fire protection, civil defense.

III. Rights

The cashier has the right:

1. Leave yours workplace only with the consent of the senior cashier.

2. Take measures to prevent conflict situations and their causes.

3. Put forward proposals to improve your work for consideration by management.

4. Send demands to management to create the necessary conditions for the performance of their official duties and rights.

5. Make decisions independently within your own competence.

7. Draw management’s attention to shortcomings in the organization’s activities.

8. Do not begin to perform official duties without ensuring proper working conditions and safety.

IV. Responsibility

The cashier is responsible for:

1. Causing material damage to the organization, its employees, contractors, and customers.

2. Improper performance of one’s official duties.

3. Violation of deadlines for the execution of work operations or failure to comply with the provisions of instructions, orders, instructions.

4. Providing customers and employees of the organization with false information.

5. Disclosure confidential information, personal data.

6. Violation of provisions labor discipline, internal labor regulations, fire protection, safety regulations.

V. Working conditions

1. The cashier’s working conditions are determined by:

  • orders, instructions from the management of the organization;
  • requirements of current sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • safety rules, internal labor regulations;
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation.




1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the cashier “________” (hereinafter referred to as the “Organization”).

1.2. The cashier is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order of the Head of the Organization.

1.3. The cashier reports directly to the __________ Organization.

1.4. A person with ________ professional education and ____ years of experience in the specialty is appointed to the position of cashier (without presenting requirements for work experience).

1.5. The cashier must know:

Regulatory legal acts, regulations, instructions, other guidance materials and documents on conducting cash transactions;

Forms of cash and bank documents;

Rules for the acceptance, issuance, accounting and storage of funds and securities;

The procedure for processing incoming and outgoing documents;

Limits on cash balances established for the enterprise, rules for ensuring their safety;

The procedure for maintaining a cash book and preparing cash reports;

Fundamentals of labor organization;

Rules for the operation of computer equipment;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations;

Labor protection rules and regulations.

1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the cashier, his duties are assigned to ____________.


2.1. The cashier carries out:

Operations for the reception, accounting, issuance and storage of funds and securities with mandatory compliance with the rules ensuring their safety.

Receipt of funds and securities in bank institutions according to documents drawn up in accordance with the established procedure for payment to workers and employees wages, bonuses, travel allowances and other expenses.

Maintaining a cash book based on incoming and outgoing documents, reconciling the actual availability of cash and securities with the book balance.

Drawing up an inventory of old banknotes, as well as relevant documents for their transfer to bank institutions for the purpose of replacing them with new ones.

Transfer of funds to collectors in accordance with the established procedure.

Preparation of cash reports.


The cashier has the right:

3.1. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the cashier.

3.2. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities within the competence of the cashier.


The cashier is responsible for:

4.1. Failure to fulfill one's functional duties.

4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the work.

4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the Head of the Organization.

4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Organization and its employees.

4.5. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.


5.1. The cashier's working hours are determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the Organization.

5.2. Due to production needs, the cashier is required to go on business trips (including local ones).

This job description has been developed in accordance with _________ __________________________________________________________________________. (name, number and date of document)

AGREED BY: Legal Adviser ____________ ___________________ (signature) (Full name)

"___"__________ ___ G.

I have read the instructions: _____________ ___________________ (signature) (full name)