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How to open a business in Canada. Small business ideas abroad. Life of Russians in Canada: pros and cons Is life good in Canada?

In recent years, the dream of opening your own business has become not just an obsession, but also the meaning of life for most enterprising citizens in all corners of the planet. And if in their homeland they are faced with many sometimes insurmountable obstacles and bureaucratic formalities, then what can we say about abroad, where not only the laws, but also the language are incomprehensible. This conclusion in most cases, however, can be considered a fallacy. To open a business in Canada, for example, you need to draw up a business plan and prove the financial benefit of your idea for the selected region. If everything goes well, help from the state will not be long in coming. But first you need to study all the legal and organizational subtleties.

Business registration procedure

The main advantage of doing business in this country is the absence of complex bureaucratic barriers. The local government is interested in the presence of foreign investors, and therefore creates all conditions for their comfortable existence.

All companies here can be divided into two types:

  • federal - which can operate throughout the state;
  • provincial - have the right to carry out their activities only in a certain province.

From idea to implementation, an entrepreneur will have to go through several stages:

  1. Drawing up a business plan.
  2. Choosing an organizational form.
  3. Formation of capital for a successful start.
  4. Search for a title.
  5. Decor insurance policy for your future enterprise.

In addition, immigrants should remember to fulfill a number of conditions that will allow them to obtain entrepreneur status:

To open an office for your own business in Canada, you will have to follow the following procedure:

  1. Submission of a package of documents to the Ministry of Industry. This takes no more than a day thanks to the electronic submission of the application. Over the next 5 days, the future company is assigned a special number.
  2. Registration of a unique name.
  3. Transfer of data about the newly created company to the State Revenue Agency, where within one day it receives its income tax number.
  4. If the company's turnover exceeds 30 thousand CAD per quarter, then it is necessary to register as a VAT payer.

Do not forget that some types of activities may require a license.

Purchasing an existing business

In order not to burden themselves with the legal intricacies of the process described above, many prefer to buy a business in Canada already in finished form. This method can be called the simplest and fastest. But it can only be considered successful if you are sure that the deal will really be profitable. To do this, get answers to the following questions:

  • why the previous owner is selling his company;
  • how long has it existed;
  • what condition the company is in at the time of sale;
  • profitability;
  • Are her documents in order?

Carefully study the prices for the same enterprises on the local market, check whether the business has any debts and whether its property is under arrest. Carefully study your competitors and the company's existing clients. Be sure to have lawyers review all documentation.

Documents for registration

Pay special attention to the package of papers that you need to prepare. To register a business you will need:

  1. National passport with apostille.
  2. Copies of documents that can confirm that you have managed companies in your home country for the previous two years. All of them must be translated and apostilled.
  3. Confirmation of residence in Canada.
  4. Evidence that you have the amount required to open the account.
  5. Completed registration form.
  6. Printed results of your search for a unique company name.

It may also happen that authorized body may request additional documents. You also need to be prepared for this.

Things to do in Canada

Many businessmen choose to open ethnic businesses and serve clients in communities made up of fellow migrants. But this option can hardly be called the most successful. In a foreign country, it is always more profitable to focus on the needs of its inhabitants.

Among small and medium-sized businesses in Canada, services of various types are in demand:

  • car servicing;
  • legal support;
  • accounting services;
  • financial assistance;
  • real estate transactions.

Activities such as teaching at home and repairs are also in great demand. household appliances, nanny or nurse services.

In addition, Canada is one of those countries that actively uses modern technologies for small and medium businesses. And for those who are afraid to start their own business in a foreign country, they can buy a ready-made business model and follow the so-called franchising route, which, by the way, is very popular here.

Licenses, permits and taxes

Please note that a number of activities in Canada will require a license or permit. These include:

  • healthcare;
  • safety;
  • Food.

If your enterprise will be located within settlement, then you need to apply for such a document to your local municipality. And if you decide to organize a business away from residential areas, then the application must be submitted to the regional office.

Concerning tax legislation, then experts rate Canada as the country with the lowest burden in this matter among all the G7 states.

What awaits entrepreneurs:

  • corporate income tax rate – 15% on federal level, 11-16% in provincial;
  • VAT – federal rate is 5%, provincial – 7-10%;
  • income tax - up to 45.3 thousand CAD (33.4 thousand USD) - 15%, and over 200 thousand CAD (147 400 USD) - 33%. The gradation of the rate suggests another 20.5, 26, 29% based on the level of income. In general, the range of rates is from 15 to 33%.

However, these indicators may differ in different provinces, and may also be directly dependent on the size of the business and types of activities.

Lending to foreign entrepreneurs

Since the Canadian government does its best to support foreign investors, loan programs are also quite accessible to entrepreneurs. For example, you have the opportunity to choose one of the following loans:

  1. The Canada Small Business Financing. If the company’s income is up to 5 million Canadian dollars (3 million 685 thousand USD), you can count on a loan of 250 thousand CAD (184 thousand USD) for up to 10 years at a rate of 2-3% per annum. Only agricultural companies and religious organizations cannot take advantage of such an offer.
  2. Businessmen who are under 29 years of age can take part in the program to assist young entrepreneurs.
  3. The Canada Immigrant Investor Program. As part of this project, immigrant investors can receive assistance from their compatriots living in Canadian territory in legal status.

Leasing companies, as well as some banks in the country, do not refuse to work with visitors. Nevertheless, with all the diversity in the choice of lenders, experts still recommend resorting to this method of accumulating start-up capital, such as a loan, as a last resort.

Features inherent in some territories

It is no secret that the Canadian state consists of provinces, which, in turn, are divided into districts and counties.

Each provincial government has signed an agreement with federal body authorities, on the basis of which they can choose their own business immigrants.

This means that in different parts State requirements for candidates will sound completely different. Perhaps the only common feature is the requirement to reside and conduct business only in the region where registration was completed. This is not only a condition for participation in a particular program, but also a necessary step on the path to obtaining permanent residence.

We cannot ignore the fact that all territories differ from each other in their preferences. So, for example, the province of Alberta considers mainly those investors who have management experience in agriculture. But only those who are fluent in French.

If you plan to rely on your compatriots who have moved here, then you should create a Russian-language business in Toronto. After all, this is where the largest number of immigrants from the CIS countries are concentrated.

Do I need a business visa?

The Canadian state is not visa-free for residents of the post-Soviet space. Only those who have citizenship or permanent residence, say, of the United States, will be able to enter here without special permission. For everyone else, in order to one day begin the process of registering their company in the Land of the Maple Leaf, they will have to request a visa stamp from the Canadian consulate. Although you will have to get it in any case, regardless of the purpose of the visit.

Features of visa permits

Canadian immigration legislation distinguishes several types of visa stamps:

  • Immigrant Investor Venture Capital Pilot Program or investor visa to Canada. Permits under this program are issued starting in 2020. To date, the project has been suspended, but not closed. The country's authorities periodically open this opportunity to businessmen if there is a need for an influx of additional foreign investment. You can monitor the status of the program on the Canadian government website.
  • Start-up Visa - designed to introduce innovative developments that can generate profits and create jobs in the country. Five people can apply for such a visa at once if each of them owns at least 10% of the company’s shares, which in total should be more than 50%.
  • Visa stamp for self-employed persons. Most often, cultural figures, athletes, and entrepreneurs in the farming sector fall into this category.

Preparation of documents

The most important stage is the preparation of documents. We remind you that for each type of visa the package of documents will have a certain set. The application for submission to the consulate can be found on the same Canadian government website.

The main package of documents should include:

  1. Visa application form. It must be filled out on the specified portal, printed and signed.

    First, make sure that you have filled out all the fields. IN otherwise the application will not be accepted. Try to avoid abbreviations and abbreviated names. Provide only reliable information. The language for entering information is English or French.

  2. A copy of a foreign passport.
  3. A covering letter in which you must detail the purpose and program of the visit.
  4. Birth certificate.
  5. Marriage certificate.
  6. Certificate of no criminal record.
  7. Photo.
  8. Receipt for payment of the duty.

If you are interested in a Start-up business visa to Canada, then you will have to attach documents confirming:

  1. Participation in a specific program.
  2. Invitation from the sponsor.
  3. Confirmation of paid housing and travel.
  4. Availability of funds to stay in the country.
  5. Confirmation from the sponsor of his willingness to invest money in your project.

If you were able to become a participant in any program, a document from the relevant municipality will become mandatory - confirmation that your future company will be supported federal government or by the authorities of a particular province.


In most cases, to obtain a business category visa, you will have to attach an invitation from the Canadian side to the package of papers. Such a paper is drawn up by a sponsor or representative of an organization that undertakes to support your project.

The document must contain:

  1. Name of the receiving party.
  2. Legal or actual address.
  3. Description of the purpose of the visit.
  4. The route of the invitee around the country.
  5. His residential address.
  6. Indications as to who will pay for the visitor's stay in Canada


Please note that insurance is usually required for a tourist or visitor visa. In the case of long-term permits, the policy is not even listed in the list of required documents.

But, given the flight distance and the high cost of the trip in general, it is, of course, better to insure yourself against troubles that may happen to you on the way to Canada.

As for your stay in the country, as soon as you begin to legalize your status, you will be required to complete the necessary insurance documents, which will allow you to receive medical care on Canadian soil.

How long is a Canadian business visa valid?

The process of obtaining a business visa permit for the Land of the Maple Leaf is not that simple. But the big advantage of this type of stamp is its validity period. Typically a business visa is issued for a period of three years.

After this period of time and upon fulfillment of all obligations undertaken, the migrant will be able to apply for permanent residence. After another 5 years as a permanent resident, he will be eligible to apply for citizenship.

How long does it take to obtain a visa and what is its cost?

Do not forget that a business visa is a long-term permit, and therefore its processing may take a long period of time. You need to submit your application so that you have approximately 7-10 months left before your trip. Delays in issuing the stamp may occur if additional documents are required. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the type of program in which the applicant will undergo. Participation in federal projects usually takes longer to be reviewed and approved than in provincial ones.

As for the cost of stamp design, today it can hardly be called low. Submitting a package of papers for any of the specified categories will cost 1,540 CAD (1,141 USD). When contacting Visa Center this amount could increase significantly.

Immigration programs

Business immigration to Canada in 2020 is more accessible for those who are of some economic interest to the country. For this purpose, the government proposed whole list professions whose holders can receive a “green light” when submitting an application. Separate programs have been developed for those who intend to run their own business or act as an investor.

Programs at the federal level

What is encouraging when moving to Canada is the fact that if you managed to achieve success in your homeland, then here - where no one interferes, but, on the contrary, they provide all kinds of assistance - you will be even more able to succeed. In addition, the requirements for business candidates are less stringent than for those enrolled in the Skilled Worker program.

Federal support for migrants is provided in three areas:

  • Self-employed (private practice);
  • Entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs);
  • Investors (investors).

Each program requires a specific set of requirements. So, for example, in order to migrate to Canada as a self-employed person, you must prove that your project will be profitable and will benefit the country’s economy.

Provincial level programs

In addition to the fact that the applicant can take advantage of the chance and receive support at the state level, he can become a participant in one of the projects proposed by the authorities of a particular province.

Emigration under provincial programs is somewhat faster - in about 7-10 months the candidate will already be able to receive Required documents and move to a new place of residence.

Today there are about 15 programs at the provincial level. Each of them differs in the amount of capital invested. But the requirement for candidates to speak a foreign language is not always mandatory, which greatly simplifies the whole process. The most popular are programs from the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia.

To summarize, it should be emphasized once again that the preliminary stage of preparation, in which all the intricacies of business migration to a given state should be studied, is the most important in the entire process. Dedicate to him greatest number time so that all subsequent efforts bring the expected result.

Migration to Canada: Video

And finally, the most interesting thing is the restriction of travel abroad for debtors. It is the status of the debtor that is easiest to “forget” when getting ready for your next vacation abroad. The reason may be overdue loans, unpaid housing and communal services receipts, alimony or fines from the traffic police. Any of these debts may threaten to restrict travel abroad in 2020; we recommend finding out information about the existence of debt using a trusted service

I came to Canada at the age of 17 - my mother was accepted under the professional immigration program. At first I lived and studied in Montreal, and after university I got a job in federal ministry transport and moved to Ottawa, our small and relatively calm capital.

In my first days in Canada, what struck me most was the feeling of relaxation, calm and safety - everyone is doing their own thing, and at the same time, as a rule, people are friendly and welcoming to each other.

After Moscow, I was pleasantly surprised by the lack of crowds on the streets and in transport, but here, rather, it’s a matter of the size of the city - the population of Montreal is about two million, with the suburbs - four million. Over time, Montreal began to seem like a huge city, especially after moving to semi-rural Ottawa.

Now I work as an analyst in the maritime transport security department (the usual English expression “policy analyst” is difficult to translate into Russian). A government job is considered good and stable, with decent insurance and the protection of strong unions. At the same time, in commercial structures you can earn more - for example, lawyers and programmers in the civil service clearly lose in wages, but gain in working conditions.


Changing jobs within a given ministry or moving between different government organizations is relatively easy, so you can have time to work on a lot of interesting topics and problems - security, immigration, big construction projects, laws and all kinds of codes. I like this: you can specialize in one area, or you can concentrate on skills that are applicable to almost any ministry, and change jobs every two to five years.

If we talk about salaries in Canada, the spread is quite large - it all depends on the profession. In the service sector you can earn 25-40 thousand per year; medical workers, teachers and civil servants earn from 50 thousand to 120 thousand (except for doctors - doctors work and earn a lot here).

Programmers, as a rule, get good jobs; more than 100 thousand a year is not at all uncommon.

Since Canada has a progressive tax scale, the difference in income is significantly smoothed out: with an income of 25 thousand, no income tax is taken at all, and with a salary of more than 100 thousand, almost half is taken. It should be noted that all these figures are in Canadian dollars (the Canadian dollar is approximately 0.80 US dollars).

Prices for food and clothing are slightly higher than in the US. I estimate that the average family of four spends between 1k and 2k a month on groceries. The cost of renting housing varies greatly depending on the city. In Ottawa, a three-room apartment (with two bedrooms) can be rented for 1.2-1.5 thousand; an apartment or a larger house - from 1.5 thousand and above. Heating, gas, electricity can be included in the rental apartment building. In townhouses and detached houses, this all costs $100-200 per month. Homeowners have a ton of additional expenses: home insurance, property taxes, repairs, and so on.


Newcomers often have a hard time getting used to the idea of ​​a sales tax: it's different in each province (5% federal component plus provincial) - in Ontario, for example, it's 13%. The tax does not apply to food and some other purchases. But when buying household products, clothing and other things, you need to mentally add tax to the amount on the price tag so as not to experience shock at the checkout when it turns out that you need to pay more than you expected.

About my Russian origin strangers guess mainly by name - there is nothing typically Russian in my appearance or accent (and those who native language French, people usually mistake me for an Anglophone). Occasionally they assume that I am from somewhere in Eastern Europe.

When it comes to my country of origin, it usually comes down to a small set of stereotypes like vodka and cold winter, although in Canada the winter is much colder and snowier than in the European part of Russia.

Many Canadians have either visited Russia in the past as tourists or would like to visit. One of my favorite friends at work, a Chinese man from Hong Kong, calls me exclusively “comrade” - he’s probably mocking me.

In general, “Russians” (people who speak Russian, of any ethnic origin and from different countries) are treated approximately the same as everyone else - the way each individual deserves it.


Russians arriving in Canada are usually amazed by the large number of all kinds of living creatures coexisting with people. In Montreal, these are mainly “urban” animals and birds: squirrels, raccoons, skunks, ducks and geese. In less populated areas, deer, foxes, coyotes, and bears are added. By the way, there are a terrible number of geese: they have to be driven away from the beaches, otherwise the entire space will be filled with foul-smelling traces of goose activity. But at the beginning of summer, you can endlessly photograph broods of fluffy goslings, which are protected by proud parents.

Montreal, like all large Canadian cities, is full of ethnic and cultural diversity - this can be seen in the population, restaurants, music and so on. At the same time, Montreal is also a bilingual city, located in the French-speaking province of Quebec, which creates a lot of different difficulties and allows you to have interesting conversations in a mixture of two languages. The older generation, as a rule, speaks comfortably only in one of the official languages; middle-aged people can almost always communicate in both.

Young people and teenagers speak both English and French fluently, often mixing both languages ​​in every sentence. This organic Montreal dialect is incomprehensible to other Canadians.


Once again about winter: we must clearly understand that Canada in winter and Canada in summer are completely different countries. The harsh, humid continental climate forces people to regularly fight for survival. In winter, frosts of 25 degrees are not uncommon, which in itself is not so bad, but with high humidity and strong wind It's almost impossible to bear. The wind blows all winter; there are few pleasant windless winter days with five degrees below zero and sunshine during the season.

There are much more unpleasant surprises like freezing rain, sharp drops in temperature, and snow squalls.

Snow often falls 30-50 cm per day, and by the end of winter there is practically nowhere to put it. But summer is usually hot and also humid. The most decent season is autumn: it’s beautiful and the weather is good, the only thing that spoils the mood is the thought of the impending winter.

Russians are increasingly thinking about the possibilities of living abroad, choosing countries with developed economies and a high standard of living. The choice often falls on Canada, which is considered an attractive destination for immigration. Comparison of Russia and Canada, why do Russians go for permanent residence to the country of the “maple leaf”?

Canada: people's lives and features of the country

Standard of living

Canada attracts immigrants as top performing country social development. Compared to Americans, Canadians live longer education system Canada is superior to Japan. According to UN statistics for 2018, Canada ranked 12th among other countries in the world according to a group of criteria including:

  • environmental situation,
  • standard of living,
  • art and culture,
  • crime level,
  • life expectancy,
  • income,
  • education.

Norway and Switzerland led the list, the United States of America came in 13th place, and Russia came in 49th place.

In 2018, life expectancy for men in Canada was 80.4 years, for women - 84.6 years.

System medical care considered free in Canada. But if you don't have a health insurance card, the cost of medical services may be prohibitive. So, 10 minutes of appointment due to acute respiratory infections will cost $65.

Also with medicine. My parents always said this: having cancer in Canada is wonderful (don't think badly). They really have the latest equipment, good care and wonderful specialists. But a simple flu may not even be noticed. You go to the doctor with constant headaches, he prescribes you a regular painkiller and that’s it. You will never be asked to undergo a more detailed check.


Climate and ecology

Canada is not a very warm country. Summer temperatures reach +4 °C in the northern islands and +21 °C in the south. The January temperature in the southern part of Canada is +4 °C, and in the northern part -35 °C. Such weather conditions correspond to subarctic and temperate climates.

Cold. And it's cold here almost 9 months of the year. I don’t know how others cope with the cold, and perhaps for you it’s not even a problem at all. Only somewhere in mid-December do people begin en masse to ask for the end of this damned winter, which seems to never end. And here for the first time I felt the effect of the phrase “blown away by the wind” in reality. But Toronto is still a southern city. And I can say that now I’m just in terrible anticipation of the coming winter.


Much attention is paid to environmental protection and federal regulation of biotechnological products. the main objective passed laws- in ensuring security environment and human health.


French Canadians, descendants of the first settlers, were discriminated against after Canada came under British jurisdiction in 1763. Massive discrimination against French Canadians began in 1867 and was expressed in legal, economic, social, and judicial inequality.

Today's Canada has chosen a policy of tolerance and multiculturalism. This is due to the experience of past disagreements between English and French Canadians, the influx of immigrants and the intensified struggle for the rights of historical national minorities.

As of 2018, approximately 22% of the population is French Canadian, most of whom live in the province of Quebec. Anglo-Canadians make up 58% of the country's total population.

The first and most noticeable thing is, of course, the multiculture of Canada, and especially Toronto. In no other city in the world will you meet so many nationalities. For me at first it was really a shock. I especially remember my first trips to public transport and my feelings after such an encounter with a mixture of cultures. I've traveled a lot, but I've never seen such diversity anywhere.


Video: French Canadians and English Canadians


Over 70% of Canadians live in houses rather than apartments. This encourages respect for private property and a measured lifestyle. Much attention is paid to comfort, which is reflected in the condition of the roads, the cleanliness of the streets, which are decorated for the holidays no worse than houses. Canadians do not tend to spend time preparing food by ordering ready-made meals.

The level of security in a country is assessed by the fact that its residents do not lock their houses and cars. And reports of attacks on people here are extremely rare. Canadian families are more likely to consist of people of similar social status and age. Until the age of 30, women work equally with men, and then after giving birth they remain with the children, sometimes switching to part-time work. There are frequent cases of births of the same age - this is how women reduce the time they spend at home. Among married couples with children, divorce is rare.

Russians in Canada: features of life

Number of Russians, increase

In 1951, there were 188 thousand Russian-speaking residents in Canada, with a total population of 14 million people. In 1971, the figure decreased - 160 thousand out of a population of 21 million. In 1991, 32–35 thousand Canadians spoke Russian, but the number of immigrants from the Russian Federation and the USSR amounted to 100 thousand people. Thus, there is a decline in Russian-speaking citizens in Canada, which is associated with their further migration to other states. Now in Canada there are about 500 thousand immigrants from Russia and the USSR. Every year about 10 thousand people enter the country from the CIS.

Who is moving to Canada

The first Russian settlers belonged to the wave of Harbin immigration. They left Chinese territory. These people are distinguished by their commitment to monarchism and a negative attitude towards socialism. The second wave consists of migrants from the 70s and 80s who emigrated from the USSR. A new wave of immigrants poured from capitalism into Russian version. These settlers differ from the previous ones in their worldview and nostalgia for the Soviet Union.

Russian diaspora and Russian societies

Due to the fact that Russians migrated to Canada for various reasons, have differences in political and ideological preferences, they are heterogeneous, and do not strive to unite with “their own people” - a certain degree of detachment, aggravated by age differences, remains unresolved.

There have been repeated attempts by immigrants to create a full-fledged Russian diaspora. And yet it was not possible to assemble any significant backbone and unite people around it. Many old-timers reason in this way: “they didn’t help us, why on earth should we help in adaptation?” Therefore, it is more appropriate to talk about the existence of disparate Russian-speaking communities. Orthodox churches in Canada often become the center of attraction, where even atheists come to informal meetings.

Russian societies and their websites:

  • Russian Montreal;
  • Russian-speaking community of Canada;
  • Russian Ottawa;
  • Russian Winnipeg;
  • Russian Humanitarian House.

In communities they provide legal assistance, teach children the Russian language, literature and organize cultural events. The Humanitarian House helps with filling out documents and opening accounts.

How do Russians adapt to new living conditions?

At first, the “honeymoon” begins - a period when everything is pleasant. According to a Russian woman who migrated to Quebec with her family, they began to resolve current issues, enrolled in language courses, and the children quickly adapted. After 3 months, the euphoria ended, and longing for Russian and rejection of Canadian began. A year later, this shock period ended and the family settled into a new way of life.

Despite the fact that my parents lived there for quite a long time and left there at a relatively young age (27–28), it was difficult for them to integrate into society. Yes, they had many friends and acquaintances with whom they spent time, but according to them, there was no soulfulness. And one more important factor (of course, in the States this is more pronounced): you will never feel like “your person” there. It's my opinion.


Video: how language adaptation works

Where do Russian emigrants work?

Effectiveness in finding a job depends on initial conditions: education, language proficiency and work experience. Foreign diplomas are considered along with Canadian documents. But this does not apply to all specialties. Thus, an applicant with a doctorate in physics can obtain a professorship at a local university. But the economist will be out of luck. Simple starting positions: supermarket salesperson, real estate employment, construction work, trucking, or police work. These professions do not require special theoretical knowledge.

It all depends on the type of work. You can get a job in a factory, bakery, pizza delivery and other jobs that don’t require special mental input. If we consider a more familiar job, similar to what we had before the move, you either need to be completely lucky (there are people like that too), or understand in time the principles of work of local HR departments and recruiters.


The average salary in Canada is C$1,500–4,000 per month. To be noticed as a specialist, you need to know the language well and do quality work. A police officer in Vancouver (first 5 years of work) earns $30 per hour. According to Maclean's magazine, annual income amounts:

  • plumbing - over $69,000;
  • roofer in Montreal - $67,282;
  • roofer in Regina - $49,498;
  • taxi driver in Vancouver - $25,332;
  • taxi driver in Toronto - $47,424;
  • realtor in Toronto - over $61,000;
  • realtor in Vancouver - 87694 S;
  • hairdresser in Ottawa - $45,902.

An assessment of income would be incomplete without an assessment of the level of costs. You will have to spend $400 on housing and communal services, and $130 per month on subway travel. Call a plumber once - $400.

You need a language, preferably two. English and French. It's difficult with engineers in Quebec; to have the right to call yourself an engineer, you need to join the Order of Engineers. Those. either study from 0, or pass/retake subjects and pass exams (difficult). Persistent immigrants sometimes succeed. In general, engineers are in demand. The attitude towards Russians is good; our team is full of all sorts of immigrants. But you have to work hard. Your career will depend on your knowledge of the language. If you have knowledge, you will have a career. No knowledge - workshop and hard work for minimum wage.

Curious traveler

Video: how to get a job as a police officer

Places of residence of immigrants

Immigrants prefer to live in major cities. About 180,000 Russian-speaking visitors are in Toronto, and 90,000 in Quebec. Many go to Ottawa, Montreal, and Vancouver. Some settle in areas densely populated by immigrants from Russia and the CIS, where you can find Russian shops, schools and restaurants:

  • in Toronto - at the intersection of Steeles and Bathurst streets;
  • in Ottawa - Britannia, Kanata, Mechanicsville;
  • in Montreal, Russians settle in Côte-des-Neiges and Notre-Dame-de-Grâce.

Living conditions also directly depend on your financial capabilities. That is, for the majority, from the opportunity to find a well-paid permanent job. But, when you have already looked around a little here, you can look for housing to suit your taste and wallet. There are different options. The layout is different. There are both small and spacious apartments. At home. There is no such standard choice as in the USSR. Convenience is also greatly influenced by the ethnic composition of neighbors and the area. Yes, a lot of everything. I can definitely say that I miss old architecture, of which there is a lot in Russia.

Our Almaty friends who live here rented an apartment for us. When a one-bedroom apartment in their building became available, they let us know and we sent all the necessary documents by email. We lived with them for the first month before moving.


Russian pensioners in Canada

Old age pensions begin to be paid at age 65. In this case, income and work experience are not taken into account. The main condition is staying in the country as a resident for 10 years. Retirees who worked in low-paid jobs can also apply for an additional pension each year.

In addition to the old age pension, there are other types of accruals in Canada:

  • CPP - pension payments to employees under 60 years of age (disability, loss of parents, disability, funeral benefits). Calculated based on average annual income;
  • RRSP (own Pension Fund) – funds are contributed to this program annually in the amount of no more than 18% of the previous year’s income;
  • pensions from government agencies and enterprises are paid to widowed spouses if the employer has an appropriate program.

In Canada, with its declared state pension age of 65 (decided to increase to 67), Canadians can actually start receiving a pension at ages ranging from 60 to 70 years. At the age of 70, a Canadian must begin receiving a pension; until the age of 70, a pension may not be received. Canadians are free to choose at what age they want to retire on their government pension! For example, a Canadian started working early and by age 60 has accumulated enough years to reach the maximum state pension by age 60 and does not want/cannot work anymore. No problem - he will be paid a pension at age 60. Plus, it is very likely that he has personal savings and/or a corporate pension. %BF%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%8E-%D0%B2-%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0 %B5-%D0%B8-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BC%D1%83-%D0%BF%D0%B5%D0%BD/

How are Russians and Ukrainians treated?

Being descendants of immigrants, Canadians calmly and without negativity perceive people from different countries. In the case of citizens of the CIS or the former USSR, they often do not see national differences and call everyone, including Moldovans, Kazakhs and representatives of other nationalities, Russians.

It is worth noting that there are large Ukrainian communities in this country, which does not allow Ukrainians and Russians to be mixed in the Canadian consciousness.

In 2001, immigrants from Ukraine occupied third place in the list of the most common ethnic groups. Later they were pushed back one point by the Chinese. Ukrainians have political power and promote their interests much more successfully than Russians - the public organization “Congress of Ukrainians of Canada” still operates, representing their interests. Many members of the ethnic Ukrainian group have achieved success in politics. Thus, William Gavrilyak won elections for mayor of Edmonton three times, Edward Stelmakh became prime minister, and Gnatyshyn’s career is most impressive - he was the governor general of the country.

Russians in Canada have a reputation for being stern, taciturn, unsmiling people who sometimes drink vodka. The attitude towards employment is normal - employers perceive Russians as calm and hardworking.

Video: attitude towards Russians in Canada

Russia or Canada: comparison by standard of living, social security

  • consume more oil - according to the CIA World Factbook, a Canadian uses an average of 2.8116 gallons per day, while a Russian only uses 0.8437 gallons;
  • according to WHO, they spend 5.3 times more on healthcare;
  • consume 2.2 times more electricity;
  • earn 2.4 times more;
  • 4.49% easier to find a job;
  • 51.65% less likely to die in infancy;
  • have a reduced (63.64%) likelihood of becoming infected with HIV;
  • live 15 years longer (average indicator);
  • They rest more often, because the duration of their free time is 14.43% higher. While the average Russian works 2,016 hours a year, a Canadian works only 1,725 ​​hours.

In 2010, the American magazine Newsweek ranked the top 100 countries with the best performance for ordinary citizens. The following criteria were taken for evaluation: quality of life, healthcare, education, political environment, economic development. Judging by these data, the standard of living and social guarantees in Canada it surpasses the Russian one many times over.

Chances of immigration, is it realistic to leave?

Whatever country you are leaving from (Russia, Ukraine or Belarus), you should assess the chances in advance. Your ability to move increases significantly if you are eligible for the Federal Skilled Worker program. To immigrate this way, you need to have a specialty included in the list of in-demand professions and a minimum of one year of work experience, which will give additional points for emigrating from Russia.

Table: some specialties included in the list in 2018

You can immigrate to Canada under the Federal Skilled Trades program. Specialties in the following categories are considered:

  • electricity, industry, construction;
  • equipment operation;
  • agriculture, resource extraction;
  • public utilities;
  • cooks;
  • bakers and butchers.

Video: personal experience of moving a Ukrainian couple

Table: the pros and cons of life in Canada through the eyes of Russians

Where is it better to live: in the USA or Canada

Immigrants make their choice in favor of the United States or Canada, weighing the pros and cons, as well as choosing the most attractive lifestyle. Canada is preferred by lovers of peace of mind. Life in this country has its own measured pace, and couples with children are more likely to enjoy it. On the other hand, there are many fans of immigration to the United States, who are attracted by a more promising labor market.

In Canada, after three years of residence you receive citizenship and become a free person. You can live in Canada, you can go to work in the States (this is quite simple for maple leaf citizens), you can generally go to all four directions with the ability to return back at any time. In the States you need to spend much more time on this.

Facts in favor of choosing Canada:

  • social security is higher than in the USA;
  • life in Canada can be combined with work in the USA;
  • a friendly society, a calmer and more measured pace of life;
  • there is less crime than in the USA;
  • high quality of life;
  • real estate is cheaper than in the USA;
  • universal healthcare, in contrast to the United States, where some of the population does not have health insurance and access to care.

Facts in favor of choosing the USA:

  • salaries are an order of magnitude higher than in Canada;
  • moving to the USA is suitable for ambitious people; it is easier to find a job and build a career here;
  • high level life;
  • in comparison with Canada, lower prices for goods and services;
  • high quality of medicine due to the fact that it is paid;
  • taxes are lower than in Canada.

If you easily adapt to new places, speak English or French well, and have experience working in in-demand fields, you can think about moving to Canada for permanent residence.

The Maple Leaf State has long been recognized by the world community as one of the most suitable and comfortable places to live. Even taking into account the rather reserved northern character of the Canadians themselves, who are accustomed to carefully weighing their decisions and are very modest in showing emotions, we can say that emigrants are welcome here. Moreover, 90% of the country's residents can talk about their overseas roots; this makes life in Canada much easier for new arrivals, which has its pros and cons in terms of adaptation and assimilation with local population useful to study in advance.

Standard of living

Opportunity to become a full member of society in new country becomes real only if a number of conditions presupposed by the legalization process on its territory are met. But even more important is the so-called habituation, which is certainly accompanied by a change in habits, way of thinking, taking on new obligations, in most cases, even the need to adapt to completely new culinary preferences. Knowledge of the basic aspects of life in new conditions will allow you to smooth out all the bumps along this path.


The medical system in this country can be considered developed and of high quality. But it’s not always possible to use its services and not everyone is able to use it for free. Financing of this area is directly dependent on insurance contributions from citizens. This means that you get medical service without insurance contract Not sure it's going to happen. Even in the most emergency cases it will be quite expensive.

The price of the issue largely depends on the region in which the policy will be purchased. So, say, residents of the province of Saskatchewan can get it almost free, but in British Columbia it will cost about 130 local dollars every month for a family of three.

On the other hand, medicine in Canada has become more accessible to migrants. To receive the coveted Health Card (as the insurance policy is called here), you must live in the country legally for at least three months. Until this moment, you will have to try not to get sick.

Do not forget that insurance, as a rule, does not cover the following services:

  • emergency medical care;
  • dentist work;
  • beauty treatments and massages;
  • consultation with a homeopathic doctor.

This means that they will have to be paid additionally, which can result in a rather hefty bill.


The first problem that unprepared migrants face is which bin to throw their garbage into. There is a separate container for each type of waste - cardboard, glass, plastic, food waste and so on. This approach certainly ensures the preservation of a good environmental situation.

It is worth noting that environmental issues are paid here special meaning. The main objective of local government policy is to ensure the safety of the environment and the health of citizens. Officially, environmental policy in Canada is represented by the activities of the Green Party, the main indicator of the successful course of which is the life expectancy of the local population.

overdue loans, unpaid housing and communal services receipts, alimony or fines from the traffic police. Any of these debts may threaten to restrict travel abroad in 2018; we recommend finding out information about the presence of debt using the proven service nevylet.rf

Some interesting facts about Canada's natural potential:

  • 50% of Canadian land is covered by forests, in total this is 10% of the world's forest fund;
  • 70% are undeveloped territories, which in global terms is 20% of all wild land untouched by humans;
  • the main source of fresh water is the Great Lakes;
  • Canada is one of the first countries to sign the Kyoto Treaty, which regulates greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.

In addition, as part of the Kyoto Treaty, the Canadian authorities obliged all industrial enterprises report annually on the amount of gases emitted into the atmosphere. Today, Canada is rapidly moving toward hybrid vehicles and renewable energy.

Despite the fact that this state can be called an industrial power, the question is whether, from the standpoint of life in a healthy ecological environment will receive only a positive response. The government is doing everything to ensure the preservation of the environment.

We cannot ignore the local reserves and natural parks that are part of this policy. Most of the provinces here have zones of high significance, which are not just protected areas, but also places that are most protected from human influence and presence.

Education system

An undeniable advantage of local education is the pleasant ratio of quality and price.

To become a specialist in any field, you will have to pay much less here than in neighboring America, but diplomas are valued just as highly as those obtained, say, in Britain.

It is noteworthy that at the legislative level the education system in Canada does not exist as such, but in its structure it is very similar to the American or British one. Its structure assumes that each province has the authority at its own discretion to organize the educational process and everything connected with it.

At the same time, the authorities are very favorable towards foreign students, for which in 2020 some advantages were introduced for applicants from abroad when applying for a Canadian visa.


The first thing that worries migrants is the opportunity to ensure an adequate standard of living, which will be guaranteed by a well-paid job. Like many other powers, Canada welcomes the influx foreign specialists highly qualified. For this purpose, special lists of professions most in demand in the country were created. The holder of such a specialty must confirm his education, work experience and knowledge of one of the state languages. Having fulfilled all these conditions, he gets the opportunity to enter the country using an expedited visa - Express Entry.

The most pressing areas of employment today remain:

  • restaurant and hotel;
  • mining;
  • aircraft manufacturing;
  • oil refining;
  • medicine;
  • construction;

In terms of income level, the average Canadian earns about 4 thousand Canadian dollars per month. At the same time, a minimum wage limit has been officially established. It is represented in every province different indicators, which range from C$10.7 to C$13.6 per hour. Doctors, engineers and mechanics of all fields, and software developers make good money in this country.

Crime level

In this country you can really feel protected: crime is practically reduced to zero. If any murders occur, it is on a domestic basis in a state of passion. Theft is also present, but here they don’t steal everything that’s bad from under their noses. In the suburbs, houses are not even always surrounded by a fence. Careless owners may well leave their gardening tools on the lawn overnight, and no one will take them. People here don’t even think about this.

If thefts do happen, the houses of rich people appear in police chronicles. Thieves usually go after jewelry, paintings, and antiques. But in large cities they cannot cope with the theft of bicycles.

Gun sales in Canada are under special supervision. But for bribery you can seriously pay and even spend the night in a police station.

The salaries of police officers, teachers and officials are quite enough to prevent such an oversight.

We must admit that getting drugs here will not be difficult. However, this does not affect the crime rate in any way, but rather the number of visits to hospitals. According to statistics, a Canadian schoolchild first tries to smoke marijuana at the age of 12-15 years. In this regard, when moving to Canada with a teenager, take the time to have a preventive conversation with him regarding drug addiction.


Attracting foreign businessmen to Canadian territory is actively supported by government programs, various business associations and a developed system of consulting and lending.

Registering a company here is cheaper than in America, and the tax on profits received can be called the lowest in the whole world. Policy local authorities aims to populate Canada's vast territories with economically active businessmen who will contribute to the development of the region. For those who have firmly decided to move to Canada, it would be a good idea to know everything about the country, in particular, everything about the peculiarities of doing business in this territory:

  • no minimum threshold authorized capital future enterprise;
  • the businessman’s liability for the obligations of the company he created only within the limits of his financial share;
  • unlimited life of the company;
  • the enterprise is managed by a board of directors, most of whom must have Canadian citizenship;
  • a mandatory procedure is to undergo an annual audit.

To move for business reasons, you can participate in one of the provincial migrant programs or apply to move under a federal business development project.

Weather and climatic conditions

If we take into account geographical position country, we can say with confidence that the climate here is not very warm. In the northern islands the air temperature is summer period does not exceed 4 degrees Celsius above zero, and in the south reaches a maximum of 21 degrees with a positive mark.

Winter is quite severe: – 35 degrees in the northern regions, +4 in the southern regions. An exception is the city of Vancouver, which is surrounded on all sides by mountains, which allows summer temperatures to reach 30 degrees above zero, and in winter not to fall below it.

In general, the Canadian climate can be called harsh. Cold prevails here for almost 9 months of the year. And local residents know firsthand what “carried away by the wind” means.

Is it expensive to live in Canada?

Many people are interested in how ordinary people live in Canada. The cost of a basic food package, rental housing or a car are what worries migrants during their first stay in the country. All this must be studied before the moving process is launched, so that it does not turn out that the lion's share of income is spent on providing basic needs, leaving no funds for leisure, recreation and a normal lifestyle.

Real estate

Housing is traditionally the most expensive in the capital and other large cities. Moreover, each province has the privilege to independently regulate real estate prices and taxes on them. At the same time, prices in most cases remain lower than Russian capital indicators. So, for example, an apartment in Montreal can be purchased at an average price of 5,200 Canadian dollars per 1 square meter, and in Vancouver - from 10 thousand per 1 sq. m. meter.

Renting real estate is also quite feasible. The average price of an apartment is 400-500 local dollars. In this case, the cost of housing is determined by the city and the number of bedrooms. In Toronto, one bedroom with a living room will cost from 1300 Canadian dollars in the outskirts and up to 2500 in the center, and in a condominium the price will increase by 20%.

You can, of course, save money and rent a studio apartment. But we should not forget that, according to local laws, if there is a child in your family, then he should have a separate bedroom. Otherwise, both the landlord and the tenant will have to pay a fine.

In order to buy a home on credit, it is enough to have 5% of the amount; the rest can be financed with borrowed funds. At the same time, Canadians prefer to buy two apartments at once - they live in one themselves, and rent out the second, thereby repaying the loan or credit agreement.

Driving and fines

It goes without saying that everyone must decide for themselves whether it is good to live in Canada. And the opinion of those who have already gone through the first stages of legalization and adaptation is largely shaped by the opportunity to arrange their way of life, at least no worse than it was in their homeland. So, let’s say, if you had a car before emigrating, you would really like not to have to use public transport in your new life.

According to Canadian laws, if you have already acquired 2 years of driving experience in your country, you can obtain a Canadian license by first passing a theoretical and practical test.

Beginners have a longer way to go. After studying at a driver's school and passing a theoretical exam, the future car owner receives a license of category L - Learner. He can drive on their basis only if a driver over 25 years of age with driving experience sits next to him in the passenger seat. Driving onto highways is prohibited.

After a year of such driving, the driver receives the right to take a practical exam, the successful completion of which provides him with a license of category N - New driver. They allow you to drive independently, but carry only one passenger. After two years of using such a document, you will have to pass another practical exam, after which you can receive a full-fledged certificate.

As for the cars themselves, we can say that Canadians love to express themselves through their vehicle. Auto repair shops are always loaded with orders for tuning and improvement. When it comes to car brands, Canadians give preference to the Japanese and representatives of the American automobile industry, which is due to the resistance of both to the harsh Canadian climate.

Canadians are polite when driving. The police are very strict about compliance with traffic rules. They especially don’t like people here who talk while driving. mobile phone. This can result in a fine of $480 in local currency.

Russians are immediately visible here - sharp maneuvers, fast driving, speeding. Canadians themselves are very careful on the road and try to follow the rules. But the least amount of effort is shown in observing speed limits and abstaining from alcohol while driving. In this case, the norm is 0.8 ppm for experienced drivers and 0.0 ppm for those who have not yet turned 21 years old. Penalty for exceeding this indicator– 1 thousand Canadian dollars, deprivation of rights for 2 years and mandatory completion of the back on track program.

Taxes and additional subsidies

The population of Canada in 2020 is about 36 million people. Thanks to effective government policies, the state has all the capabilities to provide them with a decent standard of living and wages, loyal tax system.

It is important to note that 80% of the Canadian budget comes from taxes. Moreover, each Canadian on average gives 20-30% of his income to the state. Every resident of the country is required to make contributions, regardless of whether he is an employee, entrepreneur, migrant or resident.

All taxes can be divided into:

  • straight;
  • indirect;
  • for wages;
  • for social protection of the population.

The main part of the entire taxation system is income tax and consumption tax (5-7%). Tax return submitted by a resident of the country no later than April 30 of the year following the reporting year. Another mandatory contribution– real estate tax, which is 1-2% of its value.

Only certain categories of citizens can take advantage of benefits and subsidies:

  • low-income families;
  • pensioners;
  • families in which there are elderly people in their care;
  • persons who previously used paid medicine;
  • disabled people;
  • parents who pay for their children’s education in universities and colleges;
  • unemployed.

Important: Canada is one of the few countries that does not have an inheritance tax.


The price level for food and household items here is quite affordable for every resident. An average family of three can spend about 300 Canadian dollars a week on food. The highest rates are recorded in Alberta and British Columbia, but the minimum is typical for Quebec and Manitoba.

It's safe to say that social system Canada is one of the most humane. The state provides assistance to all those who find themselves in a difficult situation or whose expenses may exceed their income; By the way, this attitude allows us to control the crime rate in the country.

Unemployment payments

This support is provided for those who work less than 15 hours a week and receive less than $113 local dollars. The amount of assistance and the duration of its receipt directly depends on the amount of wages and the rate of increase in unemployment.

The maximum assistance for the unemployed is $339 Canadian per week. The following cannot count on such benefits:

  • pensioners;
  • entrepreneurs;
  • fired by at will employees;
  • those who were fired for violating labor discipline.

Child benefits

Families whose income does not exceed the average or low level and who have children under 18 years of age can receive such assistance. The benefit amount is calculated based on total income families for 1 year.

The maximum possible payment is $489 in local currency per child. The amount increases depending on the number of minor children. This category also includes single-parent families in which children are raised by only one parent.


Pension benefits in Canada are paid by the following organizations:

  • Pension Fund - makes payments to all Canadian citizens over 65 years of age, regardless of whether they continue to work or have retired;
  • The Calm Old Age Foundation also provides support to people over 65 years of age. The amount of the payment depends on the number of years lived in Canada. Those who have spent more than 40 years here since their 18th birthday can count on the full amount
  • “Additional pension” - this fund makes payments to recipients of the “Quiet Old Age” pension if the recipient’s income level is too low;
  • The “Aid for Spouse” fund – pays citizens from 60 to 64 years of age if the second spouse receives the “Quiet Old Age” pension and an additional pension. Widows and widowers can also count on such a payment.

A pension in Canada is also provided for immigrants. In addition, this category of residents can receive the so-called Welfare benefit. Its size is determined in such a way that the recipient can rent inexpensive housing, buy food, and undergo the necessary treatment. In general, the amount of the benefit can be equated to the income of a family with one worker.

Diasporas in Canada

Of great importance in the process of adaptation to new conditions can be the understanding that you are not alone here, that there are at least a couple of people nearby who can provide support not so much materially as morally. It is for this purpose that emigrants prefer to unite into entire communities, which serve as a kind of oasis of their native culture, traditions, as well as a reliable shoulder for newcomers.

Russian diaspora

The main problem that migrants face is the language environment. Each region in this country has its own linguistic traditions, although there are two official languages.

And although the Russian diaspora in Canada is represented by a large number of migrants, you rarely see Russian speech here. Moreover, it is of particular interest to unite into one large community The Russians did not show this, which resulted in the existence of several small associations.

Numerous videos that can be found on the Internet tell about the life of Russians in Canada. Viewing several of them will not only be interesting, but also useful for all those who face a difficult stage of integration into local society.

Most often they are formed on the basis Orthodox church in a specific area. The main communities include the following:

  • Russian Montreal;
  • Russian Ottawa;
  • Russian-speaking community of Canada;
  • Russian Humanitarian House;
  • Russian Winnipeg.

Within the framework of such associations, you can not only receive legal assistance, but also teach your child, who was born on Canadian soil, the Russian language, and take part in cultural events.

Answering the question of how Russians live in Canada, we can say that at the initial stage, like newlyweds on their honeymoon, that is, they like everything. After three months, this state turns into rejection and rejection of everything Canadian, accompanied by a burning homesickness. After a year, migrants usually get involved and begin to lead a lifestyle that is more typical for a given region.

What Russians don’t like about Canada is the lack of warmth. You can make friends and acquaintances, but you still can’t find people to whom you can pour out your soul, as a Russian person is used to doing.

Ukrainian communities

Today, the Canadian state is the third power in the world in terms of population with Ukrainian roots. There are just over a million Ukrainians. Speaking about which city is the center of concentration of Ukrainians in North America, we can generally distinguish three main provinces: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta.

Despite the fact that most Ukrainians live in the eastern regions of Canada, their concentration, and, accordingly, their cultural and social significance is higher in the West.

In general, the residence of the Ukrainian community in Canada can be represented as follows:

ProfessionSalary (in thousands of Canadian dollars for 1 year)
Restaurant director40
Hotel administrator40-45
Economistsfrom 60
Architectsfrom 60
Social workers62
Construction Project Manager70
Sales Managers72
Lawyers, advocates, notaries80
Head of Financial Sectorfrom 120

Life in Canada became especially attractive for Ukrainians after the outbreak of the political crisis and hostilities in Ukraine. Moreover, the Canadian government has expressed its readiness to assist in every possible way those who decide to settle on its territory, although the visa regime for Ukrainians to this country has not yet been abolished.

Belarusians in Canada

As for immigrants from Belarus, their number on Canadian territory is very small. Moreover, most Canadians have never heard of such a country. This is due to the fact that residents of the republic most often choose the nearby one as a country for emigration. Russian Federation, Ukraine and Poland.

Very few people dare to travel long distances. Nevertheless, the Belarusian diaspora exists in Canada. It was concentrated mainly in Toronto and Montreal, and the center united former citizens Belarus, has become Orthodox Church, on the basis of which all kinds of events and meetings of former compatriots take place.

Where is the best place to settle in Canada?

The question most often asked by immigrants is where is the best place to live in Canada? Of course, it is very difficult to give a universal answer that would satisfy the expectations of all desperate travelers. Let's present only the most popular cities:

In any case, the choice of place of residence should be determined by the level of expected income. After all, life in Toronto promises not only high salaries, but also high housing prices. Therefore, you should very carefully correlate your desires and capabilities.

Where is it better - in Canada or in the USA?

It is almost impossible to answer this question unambiguously. It all depends on the personal preferences of those who decide to move. Canada is voted for by those who value peace of mind more. Life here flows very calmly, which is why it is usually chosen by couples with children. But the United States attracts with great promising opportunities to realize oneself professionally.

If we look at it from the standpoint of legalization, obtaining Canadian citizenship can be much faster and easier. The table presents the main facts that speak in favor of a particular country:

Social security is higher than in AmericaHigher salary level
Friendly population, slower pace of lifeIt’s easier to achieve career success and find a job here
Low crime rateHigh quality of life
High quality of lifeMore low cost goods and services
Cheaper real estateHigh quality medicine
More affordable medicineMore suitable country to satisfy professional ambitions

In a word, remembering that it is good where we are not, we should carefully weigh the pros and cons before going overseas in search of a better life.

Migration to Canada: Video

And finally, the most interesting thing is the restriction of travel abroad for debtors. It is the status of the debtor that is easiest to “forget” when getting ready for your next vacation abroad. The reason may be overdue loans, unpaid housing and communal services receipts, alimony or fines from the traffic police. Any of these debts may threaten to restrict travel abroad in 2020; we recommend finding out information about the presence of debt using the proven service nevylet.rf

Starting from scratch in Canada is not scary. The country creates favorable conditions for starting and developing a business not only for its citizens, but also for foreigners. Therefore, it is much easier for an entrepreneur in Canada than in the CIS. The ZagraNitsa portal tells whether it is possible to open a business in Toronto or Vancouver in three days, what activities are prohibited for foreigners in Canada, and where a businessman should start

Canada is a country with political and economic stability and a low crime rate. It is not surprising that it attracts foreign businessmen. However, the main trump card is the absence of bureaucratic red tape, thanks to which you can open your own business in less than a week, or even in a few hours.

Opening a company in Canada is quite easy and quick. This takes from one to five days depending on the urgency of the case and the province. The fastest way to obtain licensing is through a lawyer or a firm that provides similar services. The price, depending on the conditions, can range from $1,500 to $5,000. Running a business is also easy, especially if you enlist the help of a local lawyer and accountant. Tax office loyal to the first mistakes, such as being late in filing a return or failing to pay taxes. You will be asked to fix errors in certain period, but without sanctions

The backbone of Canada's economy is industry and services. It is the latter that employs almost three quarters of the country's population. Despite the fact that Canada does not have “pilgrimage” places like Big Ben or the Eiffel Tower, one of the main sources of income for the average resident is tourism: the industry provides 309,000 jobs. Manufacturing is also actively developing: Canada exports cars, aircraft, chemicals, plastics, and various equipment.

Photo: Shutterstock

One of the strongest industrial sectors is wood processing. 10% of Canada's area is covered by forests, and therefore a significant share of exports is fertilizers, wood pulp and timber. Crude oil is also mined and produced here. natural gas, electricity, aluminum. At the same time, people from other countries who want to open their business in Canada most often choose Toronto, as well as Vancouver and Ontario. Toronto is the economic, financial and cultural center of the state.

Where to begin

A foreigner who has decided to open his own business in Canada, in addition to a well-written business plan, needs to decide what form the enterprise will take.

The following forms of business are possible in Canada:

  • Federal. These businesses can do business throughout the country. However, 25% of their directors must be local.
  • Provincial. These companies conduct business exclusively within the province where they are registered. In the regions of British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Quebec, there are no restrictions on the citizenship of directors, but a local agent is required. The remaining provinces require 25% of Canadian leaders, and Saskatcheon requires a majority.
  • EPC (Extra-Provincial Corporation) is a company registered outside the province. Such enterprises operate on the basis of a license that allows them to conduct business in the region. For their establishment, the nationality of the directors is not important.

Photo: Shutterstock

The form of ownership also differs:

  • Corporation - partners bear separate liability.
  • General Partnership - with collective responsibility of partners.
  • Sole Proprietorship is a private enterprise.

Online, through a lawyer or in person?

A significant advantage of doing business in Canada is that government websites have all the information, so a novice entrepreneur will not be at a loss. Requirements for doing business in different provinces are available here. Here you can check the uniqueness of the company name (the procedure is paid!) and find out where to apply for a registration form. You can also start registering a company at the federal level online.

As experts note, doing business in Canada does not require your presence in the country. It is enough to hire a lawyer and an accountant who legally specialize in starting a business. After analyzing the client’s situation and goals, they will offer the best solutions.

Photo: Shutterstock

If you still want to be present in Canada, you need to take care of legally for this. You can apply for a business visa: it is great for starting your own business, holding meetings, and market research. But there is a nuance - a visa does not allow you to stay in the country for a long time.

There are also special work permits - open (for all types of activities) or closed (work allowed in only one company). And of course, best option, which provides maximum freedom of action - registration for permanent residence.

Restrictions for foreigners

Even in such a hospitable country as Canada, there are areas of activity where foreigners are not allowed or where they are subject to increased requirements.

Evgeniy Dankanych, lawyer at the Law Office of Eugene Dankanych:

Any Foreign citizens can register a company in Canada: there are no requirements for what country a person is from. But there are restrictions on types of activities: trade securities, legal, financial and auditing services, medical practice, real estate trading, brokerage services, etc. Only residents and citizens of Canada can engage in these types of licensed activities

Taxes, lending

There is a business lending system in Canada for foreigners too! But before you contact the bank, you need to study government loyalty programs. If you meet all the requirements, you can take advantage of a special support program for businessmen under 29 years of age. Or, for example, get a loan under the small business financing program - provided that the company's annual profit does not exceed $5 million. The state can provide up to $250,000 for 10 years at 2–3% per annum. But here, too, there are restrictions and pitfalls: for example, agricultural enterprises and religious organizations cannot apply for a loan.

As for lending itself, any bank looks at the history of the company, its turnover and income, the availability of equipment and real estate. As experts note, all this will happen together credit history, on the basis of which the bank provides funds in a certain amount.

The loan rate can be from 2% per annum and higher - the percentage depends on the risks.

Business taxation in Canada is private. It all depends on the province where you are doing business and what you do. The most lenient rates are for small businesses.

Evgeniy Dankanych, lawyer at the Law Office of Eugene Dankanych:

Taxes in Canada are quite complex. Depending on the type of activity, as well as the amount of income, the payer falls into one or another tax basket. The higher the income, the higher the tax rate. If the profit is more than a million dollars, corporate tax can reach 45%

As you can see, Canada is not just formally interested in new entrepreneurs, but also assists them in every possible way. You can open your business through the government online service in just a few hours, and at the first mistakes (for example, filling out a declaration), instead of sanctions, they will explain to you how best to proceed in this situation. The difficulty is that each province has its own requirements for doing business, and the main task of an entrepreneur is to carefully study them. But in Canada there are many government programs for the development of small businesses. They provide not only step-by-step consultations, but also loans that even foreigners can apply for.