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The rights of the child

Children's rights are a set of principles that are enshrined in Russian and international legal acts. Both at the global and national levels, there are a large number of acts that determine the status of persons under the age of majority.

Each of the acts is aimed at protecting the rights and interests of children, as well as preserving the freedoms guaranteed for them. Let's consider some of the nuances associated with how such legal relations are regulated in Russia and how the rights of minors are ensured.

Legislative regulation of the issue in the Russian Federation

Children's rights in the Russian Federation are determined by a number of legal acts. In particular, there are several main ones that operate on the territory of Russia. First of all, we are talking about.

For Russian law, this document acts as a fundamental one and is used to regulate all emerging legal issues. In addition to this document, it is worth highlighting the Family Code of the Russian Federation and the Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

The presidential decree, according to which the ombudsman is engaged in activities, is also considered an important document in the Russian Federation. And lastly, the international principles adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1959 operate on the territory of the state. Within the framework of these acts, the following issues are regulated:

  • concerning the equality of all young citizens, without regard to gender, race, language, skin color, as well as nationality and social origin;
  • regarding the provision of social support to children;
  • to create full-fledged living conditions, all-round development;
  • ensuring the safety of the dignity of minor citizens, their rights and freedoms guaranteed by the state;
  • concerning obtaining a name, surname and patronymic.

This is not the end of the enumeration of the rights of the child established by law. There are other points that are definitely worth mentioning. Let's consider the basic rights in more detail.

The rights of a minor citizen in Russia

A minor child has certain rights, the observance of which is guaranteed by the state. Every right is protected by law. The list of children's rights includes the following rights to:


All the listed rights of the child are protected by current legislation and are strictly observed by all citizens of the state. In case of violation of the established provisions, the person who committed such an act is punished in a manner prescribed by law.