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Specialized housing stock: concept and types. Residential premises of a specialized housing stock How the contract is drawn up and terminated

Specialized housing stock includes premises that are provided from the state or municipal housing stock according to certain rules provided for by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Types of premises of specialized housing stock

Residential premises of specialized housing stock include:

  1. service living quarters;
  2. residential premises in dormitories;
  3. residential premises of a flexible stock;
  4. residential premises in social service houses for citizens;
  5. residential premises for temporary settlement of internally displaced persons;
  6. living quarters for temporary settlement of refugees;
  7. living quarters for social protection individual categories citizens;
  8. residential premises for orphans and children left without parental care.

Residential premises can be classified as a specialized housing stock only by order or federal body executive power(for public housing), or local authority authorities (for municipal housing). But if residential premises are assigned to ministries and departments, then the procedure for including such premises in a specialized housing stock may also be regulated regulations these ministries and departments.

Housing classified as a specialized housing stock can be used for its intended purpose only after a decision by the relevant authority. Such residential premises must be suitable for citizens to live in and be well equipped.

At the same time, residential premises cannot be classified as a specialized housing stock if they are occupied under a contract social hiring, a rental agreement for housing located in state or municipal property of a housing stock for commercial use, a lease agreement, and also, the premises have an encumbrance of rights.

Rules for classifying residential premises as specialized housing stock

Each type of residential premises has its own rules for classifying them as specialized housing stock. Let's look at these rules in more detail.

Service living quarters

Service residential premises include only individual apartments. Separate rooms in apartments in which other owners and (or) tenants live cannot be service housing. IN apartment building Both all residential premises and some of them can be used as service premises.

Only citizens who have an employment relationship with the authorities can live in the service residential premises of a specialized housing stock state power, local government, state or municipal enterprises and institutions.

Residential premises in dormitories

Dormitories include purpose-built or converted houses or parts of houses that have rooms with furniture and other necessary items.

Citizens can temporarily reside in residential premises in dormitories during the period of their work, service or training. There must be at least 6 square meters per person living in a dormitory. m of living space.

So, for example, an employee government agency who does not have residential premises at his place of service, and members of his family are provided with official residential premises (when he is transferred to a new duty station in another locality) or living quarters in a dormitory.

Residential premises of the maneuverable fund

Residential premises of the maneuverable stock include premises intended for temporary accommodation:

  • citizens living under social rental contracts in houses subject to major repairs;
  • citizens whose only living quarters have become uninhabitable as a result of emergency circumstances;
  • citizens who have lost their only residential premises acquired through a loan or targeted loan, as a result of foreclosure on them.

Residential premises of the flexible fund are provided to citizens at a rate of at least 6 square meters. m of living space per person.

Living quarters in social service buildings

Social service houses include specially constructed or converted buildings, equipped with everything necessary to ensure the life and safety of citizens. They have special premises for carrying out medical, psychological and social activities, as well as labor activities.

These residential premises are inhabited by citizens who are provided with social services and are recognized as needing special social protection.

Residential premises of this type are provided to citizens of these categories under free use agreements.

Residential premises for temporary accommodation of internally displaced persons and refugees

Such premises are under the operational management of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and are provided to internally displaced persons and refugees on a first-come, first-served basis at a rate of no less than 6 square meters. m of living space per person.

Residential premises for orphans and children without parental care

Such residential premises are provided to persons of this category who have reached the age of 18 years under lease agreements for specialized residential premises. The provision of housing is carried out by local authorities.

1. Residential premises of a specialized housing stock (hereinafter referred to as specialized residential premises) include:

1) service residential premises;

2) living quarters in dormitories;

3) residential premises of the maneuverable fund;

4) residential premises in houses of the social service system for citizens;

5) residential premises of the fund for temporary settlement of internally displaced persons;

6) residential premises of the fund for temporary settlement of persons recognized as refugees;

7) residential premises for social protection of certain categories of citizens;

8) residential premises for orphans and children without parental care, persons from among orphans and children without parental care.

2. Residential premises of state and municipal housing funds are used as specialized residential premises. The use of residential premises as specialized residential premises is permitted only after such premises are classified as a specialized housing stock in compliance with the requirements and in the manner established by the authorized Government Russian Federation federal executive body, except for cases established by federal laws. The inclusion of residential premises in a specialized housing stock with the assignment of such premises to a certain type of specialized residential premises and the exclusion of residential premises from the specified stock are carried out on the basis of decisions of the body that manages the state or municipal housing stock.

3. Specialized residential premises are not subject to alienation, transfer for rent, or lease, with the exception of the transfer of such premises under lease agreements provided for in this section.

Comments to Art. 92 Housing Code of the Russian Federation

1. The commented article provides a list of residential premises of specialized housing stock. As you can see, the residential premises in this fund are intended for the residence of various categories of citizens due to the fact that they do not have housing in this locality. Their move-in is carried out on various grounds, provided for by this section of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, but all of them are intended for temporary residence of citizens.

The housing stock, which is classified as specialized, has a special regime for the use of residential premises.

2. Service residential premises are provided to citizens due to the nature labor relations. Separate apartments are provided for office residential premises. As a residential premises of a specialized housing stock, it must be included in the number of official ones by an act of a state authority or local government body. The number of office premises includes vacant residential premises, i.e. not encumbered by the right of use. This is due to the fact that the change legal regime The use of residential premises is possible only with the consent of all parties to the agreement on the basis of which citizens use this premises. Premises encumbered with the right of use may be included in the number of official premises with the consent of citizens (tenants) living in it. The exclusion of premises from the list of official premises is also carried out on the basis of a decision of a state authority or local government body.

Service residential premises must be well-equipped in relation to the conditions of a given locality, meet established sanitary and technical rules and norms (see commentary to Article 15 of the LC). At the same time, the legislation does not provide that office residential premises are provided within the limits of the housing provision norm.

3. Built or converted residential buildings are provided for use as a dormitory. Dormitories as a specialized housing stock are registered with the relevant government authority or local government body. Only after registration can a residential building be used as a dormitory.

Living space in the dormitory is provided in an amount of at least 6 square meters. m of living space per person. Families should be provided with isolated living quarters.

4. The maneuver fund is formed by state authorities or local governments mainly for the temporary residence of citizens resettled in connection with the major repairs of a residential building, which cannot be carried out without the resettlement of the citizens living in it. Separate houses must be provided for the use of residential premises as flexible premises. It would be wrong to place residential premises in which citizens displaced due to temporary residence major repairs, in houses where owners of residential premises and citizens live under social tenancy agreements.

5. Residential premises in specialized housing stock in houses of the social service system are provided by the body by whose decision they were created. Acceptance of a residential building by the social protection system into operation is carried out by the state acceptance committee With mandatory participation representatives of social protection authorities.

In the houses of the social service system, premises are allocated for the placement of premises for treatment and preventive purposes and other similar purposes.

Social protection authorities keep records of citizens to provide them with living quarters in social service houses. Citizens who are provided with such residential premises enter into a rental agreement for residential premises in the building of the social service system.

6. Residential premises for temporary settlement, in accordance with housing legislation, also refer to specialized residential premises.

According to the Regulations on the housing arrangement of forced migrants in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 8, 2000 N 845, the housing stock for temporary settlement of forced migrants is a set of residential premises (residential buildings, apartments, dormitories and other residential premises) intended for temporary residence on the territory of the Russian Federation of persons recognized in the prescribed manner as forced migrants, during the period of validity of the forced migrant status (hereinafter referred to as the housing stock for temporary settlement, residential premises for temporary settlement).

The formation of such a housing stock is carried out taking into account the General Scheme of Settlement on the Territory of the Russian Federation and other urban planning documentation, as well as the need to regulate migration flows through the acquisition, construction or rental of residential premises.

The formation of a housing stock for temporary settlement is carried out at the expense of federal budget allocated for the implementation of the Federal Migration Program, as well as funds received from other legal sources.

Residential premises for temporary settlement, with the exception of rented ones, are federal property and are under the operational management of the relevant territorial body Ministry of Federal, National and migration policy RF.

Residential premises for temporary settlement are subject to registration in the federal property register.

7. Similar to the housing stock for internally displaced persons, a specialized housing stock is being formed for the temporary settlement of persons recognized as refugees. Its formation is carried out on the basis of the Regulations on the housing stock for temporary settlement of persons recognized as refugees and its use, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 9, 2001 N 275.

8. A fund of specialized residential premises for the social protection of certain categories of citizens should be formed depending on which category of citizens needs such protection. But if you pay attention to the fact that these citizens do not need any social services, then, most likely, residential premises that do not have special requirements will be used for this type of housing stock.

9. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2006 N 42, the Rules for classifying residential premises as a specialized housing stock were approved, which establish the procedure and requirements for classifying residential premises of state and municipal housing funds as a specialized housing stock. The assignment of residential premises to a specialized housing stock is not allowed if the residential premises are occupied under social tenancy agreements, rental of residential premises, state or municipally owned housing stock for commercial use, lease, and also if there are encumbrances on the rights to this property.

10. Specialized housing stock is created:

The Government of the Russian Federation - in public housing buildings owned by the Russian Federation;

By state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - in public housing buildings owned by the constituent entities of the Federation;

Local government bodies - in municipal housing stock buildings.

The use of a residential premises as a specialized one is permitted after its registration with the above authorities as a specialized one. During registration, the compliance of a residential building with the requirements for this type of specialized housing stock is checked. If the requirements for residential buildings specialized housing stock, registration of residential buildings and residential premises is not carried out and, accordingly, residential premises cannot be used as specialized ones. Registration of a residential building as a specialized one must be certified by issuance by the relevant government body or local government body special document (registration certificate). The exclusion of premises from the specialized housing stock is carried out by the relevant government body or local government body.

11. The legislation of the Russian Federation has introduced restrictions on the use of residential premises of specialized housing stock. These premises are not subject to lease or commercial lease, or privatization. These restrictions are established for state authorities, local governments, as well as legal entities whose economic management or operational management is a specialized housing stock. Restrictions on the use of specialized residential premises are also established for tenants (see commentary to Article 100 of the Housing Code).

Specialized housing stock is a set of premises that are intended for residence of certain categories of citizens and are provided from the state or municipal housing stock according to certain rules (clause 2, part 3, article 19 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). Specialized housing stock includes the following types residential premises (part 1 of article 92 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation):

1) service residential premises;

2) living quarters in dormitories;

3) residential premises of the maneuverable fund;

4) residential premises in houses of the social service system for citizens;

5) residential premises of the fund for temporary settlement of internally displaced persons;

6) residential premises of the fund for temporary settlement of persons recognized as refugees;

7) residential premises for social protection of certain categories of citizens;

8) residential premises for orphans and children without parental care, persons from among orphans and children without parental care.

Moreover, such premises must be classified as a specialized housing stock by order of either the federal executive body (if the housing is state-owned) or the local government body (if the housing is municipal) and can be used for its intended purpose only after that (Part 2 of Article 92 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation; clause 12, Rules for classifying residential premises as a specialized housing stock, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2006 N 42).

The classification of residential premises as a specialized housing stock is not allowed if they are occupied under social tenancy agreements, rental of residential premises, state or municipally owned housing stock for commercial use, lease, and also if they have encumbrances on the rights to this property.

Residential premises classified as a specialized housing stock must be suitable for permanent residence of citizens, well-equipped in relation to the conditions of the relevant locality (clause 3 and Rules No. 42).

The procedure for including residential premises in a specialized housing stock or excluding them from it may also be regulated by regulations of the ministries and departments to which these residential premises are assigned (clause 5, Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 28, 2013 N 64n).

Applied to various types of residential premises of a specialized housing stock, the rules for classifying residential premises as this fund are as follows.

1. Service living quarters

Office residential premises are intended for the residence of citizens due to the nature of their labor relations with state authorities, local governments, state or municipal enterprises and institutions.

Service housing includes separate apartments. At the same time, in an apartment building, all or part of the residential premises can be used as service premises. It is not allowed to allocate separate rooms for official housing in apartments in which other owners and (or) tenants of residential premises live (Article 93 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation; clause 5 of Rules No. 42).

For example, employees Investigative Committee are provided with living quarters by providing them with, among other things, office living quarters (Part 22, Article 35 of the Law of December 28, 2010 N 403-FZ).

2. Living quarters in dormitories

Residential premises in dormitories are intended for temporary residence of citizens during the period of their work, service or training.

Dormitories include houses or parts of houses specially built or converted for these purposes, premises equipped with furniture and other items necessary for living. There must be at least 6 square meters per person living in a dormitory. m of living space (Article 94 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation; clause 6 of Rules No. 42).

For example, to a police officer who does not have residential premises in the locality at the place of service, and members of his family living together with him may be provided with official residential premises (when an employee is transferred to a new duty station in another locality) or residential premises in a dormitory (Article 8 of the Law of July 19 .2011 N 247-FZ).

3. Residential premises of the maneuverable fund

The residential premises of this fund are used for temporary accommodation of citizens living under social tenancy agreements in houses subject to major repairs or reconstruction; citizens whose only residential premises have become unsuitable for living as a result of emergency circumstances, as well as citizens who have lost their only residential premises acquired through a loan or targeted loan as a result of foreclosure on them.

Residential premises of the flexible fund are also provided to citizens at a rate of at least 6 square meters. m of living space per person (Article 95 of the RF Housing Code; clause 7 of Rules No. 42).

4. Houses of the social service system and residential premises for the social protection of certain categories of citizens

The residential premises in them are intended for citizens who are recipients social services and are recognized as in need of social services and special social protection.

Houses of the social service system include specially constructed or converted buildings equipped with the equipment necessary to ensure the life and safety of citizens. They provide special premises for carrying out medical, psychological and social activities, as well as feasible work activities.

The provision of residential premises for the social protection of certain categories of citizens is carried out under free use agreements (

In this article we will talk about the concept of specialized housing stock, its types and purposes. To whom and on what principles are premises from SZhF given? Inclusion of housing in the SHF and exclusion from it. Residential tenancy agreement – ​​features of signing and termination.

from the article you will learn:

Section 4 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation is entirely devoted to the description of such a concept as specialized housing stock (SHF). Premises of this type are available to many organizations and are used by a significant number of people. They have their own specifics of operation. It is regulated by a separate block of legislative and regulatory acts.

Basic concepts and types of specialized housing stock

Specialized housing is a housing stock that is designed to accommodate certain categories of citizens. Its owner may be the state or a municipality. Citizens move into premises belonging to this category, subject to signing a social tenancy agreement.

The list of premises included in the specialized housing stock has changed several times. We list those types that are prescribed in the current edition of the Housing Code.

1. Office premises. Citizens working in government agencies, local governments and various state unitary enterprises move into this housing. Citizens who have been appointed to their posts either in accordance with appointment or through the election procedure can apply for the issuance of official housing.

Is a person required to provide official housing? How is it provided and how is it released? These issues are considered separately in each specific case and are described in federal laws and other regulations.

For example, in the case of people in the military profession, 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel” is decisive. In accordance with it, contract employees who arrive at a new place of duty with their family must receive official housing for three months.

2. Dormitories. This type of specialized housing stock is designed to accommodate the following citizens:

  • students and pupils;
  • workers and employees;
  • other people who arrived in another city for study or employment.

The dormitories can accommodate both single people and young families.

3. Maneuver fund. It is needed for temporary accommodation of citizens in several cases:

  • if their house is being reconstructed or undergoing major repairs;
  • in case of loss of living space during debt collection, if it was previously purchased with money loaned from a bank or other borrower.

Count on placement in specialized housing stock in in this case only those citizens whose selected housing was the only one can;

  • if the housing has become unsuitable for further use. The unsuitable living space must also be the only available place of residence.

4. Houses that are used for social services for citizens. Such housing is provided to the elderly and people with disabilities. Usually it consists of specialized boarding houses.

5. Housing for internally displaced persons. Those who left permanent place citizens of the Russian Federation can count on settling in a specialized housing stock. To do this, they need to obtain forced migrant status.

6. Housing for refugees. Refugees, unlike forced migrants, are citizens of other countries. Otherwise, housing is provided to them according to similar rules.

7. Dwellings used for social protection of certain categories of people. This type SHF is used for the resettlement of citizens who need special social protection.

8. Housing for orphans and children left without parental care.

Rules for including housing in a specialized housing stock

By law, premises can be included in or excluded from the SLF only by decision authorized body, which manages state or municipal housing. To obtain the status of a specialized housing fund, the following documents are required from the applicant:

  • a statement indicating the desired type of SLF. It usually takes about 1 month to process the application;
  • a document confirming ownership, economic management or operational management of living space;
  • a conclusion confirming the compliance of the premises in question with all existing requirements;
  • technical certificate of the premises.

Grounds for providing specialized residential premises

The decision to move into a specialized housing stock is made by the owners of these objects or persons who have received the appropriate authority from them. For this purpose, a social tenancy agreement is signed. A different procedure applies only to those who need social protection. They receive living space under a free use agreement.

Housing space from SZhF is given only to people who really need it and who have nowhere else to live in this city. This works a little differently only in cases of moving into a flexible fund and issuing living space to those who are in dire need of social protection. The list of people who can move into SZhF is strictly limited.

Everything related to the SZhF cannot be rented out to other tenants, either in whole or in part. Alienation of these square meters is also not permitted.

Exclusion of premises from specialized housing stock

IN in some cases It may be necessary to remove living space from the SZhF. For example, this often happens to military personnel. If such a tenant decides to stay in the city in an apartment previously allocated to him, then its status as a specialized housing stock will limit his capabilities. Exclusion from the SLF is carried out by the same bodies that grant the premises this status.

The procedure will differ depending on the set of documents provided. In the example under consideration with a military man, the papers will be as follows:

  • application for withdrawal;
  • a photocopy of the rental agreement or warrant;
  • signed contract or photocopy work book;
  • a certificate stating that the applicant does not own any other living space;
  • the employer’s consent to exclude the living space from the specialized housing stock.

This is a list of documents for general case, in specific situations additional paperwork may be required. If a positive decision is made on the application, a corresponding resolution is drawn up. When removing residential space from the SZhF, no requirements are imposed on it.

Rental agreement for specialized residential premises

Two parties are involved in the execution of the contract - the owner (or the one whom he authorized to perform his functions) and the citizen settling in. Accommodation in a residential area is paid; stay in it has the status of temporary. A citizen is prohibited from exchanging the received living space or renting it out to someone else. A sample agreement is established by the Government.

The rental agreement for residential premises of a specialized housing stock is signed in each case for a specific period. It depends on the category of living space provided. For example, for service apartments, the contract is valid until the end of the relationship with the employer.

You can terminate the rental agreement at any time before the end of the period specified in it, if both parties agree to this. If a citizen does not fulfill his duties, the owner can contact the court. In such a situation, the agreement may be forcibly terminated.

Attached files

  • Rental agreement for residential premises in a dormitory.docx
  • Standard contract hiring office accommodation.docx
  • Standard rental contract for office residential premises in a dormitory.jpg
  • Standard rental agreement for office premises.jpg

Despite the fact that the new Housing Code of the Russian Federation does not provide a clear legal definition of the term “specialized housing stock”, the law assigns this concept whole section(19 Housing Code of the Russian Federation) in order to somehow regulate life situations associated with such objects. In life, there is a specificity of people living in premises of this type, and therefore there is a need for a legally regulated procedure.

Types of residential premises of a specialized fund

In legislation, the definition of this term is formulated by an exhaustive listing of the types of premises that are classified as special housing stock. Historically, this list has changed, but currently, according to the law, the following are classified as specialized residential premises:

  • (for example, service apartments for military personnel, officials, teachers, doctors, etc.);
  • (for example, housing into which it is proposed to move in connection with the reconstruction or major repairs of a house, for more details see Article 95 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation);
  • housing in (for example, homes for the disabled, the elderly, children without parents);
  • housing fund for temporary settlement of internally displaced persons and persons recognized as refugees;
  • residential premises for social protection of certain categories of citizens (for example, large families, disabled spouses, etc. For more details, see Art. 188 Housing Code of the Russian Federation);
  • , persons from among orphans and children left without parental care.

All these types of housing have two common features:

  • it can only relate to state or municipal property and not to any entity cannot create a specialized housing stock;
  • exists general order recognition of any premises as specialized.

Features of residential premises of a specialized fund

Service residential premises: definition, features of hiring, documents required for this, social hiring, possibility of privatization

What is the home of the social service system for the population, what categories of citizens can live there, what rights are preserved when moving to such a house - these and other questions are covered in the article

How to get housing for an orphan, what documents are needed for registration, what are the rules and conditions for obtaining subsidized housing, can an orphan be evicted - these and other questions on this topic are covered in the article

Allocation of housing from the flexible stock in the event of forced resettlement of citizens is provided housing code

Refugees and forced migrants have different legal status. However, both of them can apply for the use of residential premises

Rules for including housing in a specialized housing stock

On January 26, 2006, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 42, which set out the rules according to which premises can belong to a specialized housing stock (SHF). In Art. 92 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation defines the procedural conditions for classifying a premises as a housing estate.

The basic rules are:

  • Inclusion or exclusion of a premises from the SHF can only be carried out on the basis of a decision of a special body managing state or municipal housing.
  • In order for such a decision to be made, the applicant provides the following documents to the relevant authorities:
    • an application to classify the relevant housing as any type of SZhF premises (usually it is considered within a month);
    • title deed or economic management, operational management the premises in question;
    • technical passport of the premises;
    • a conclusion that the housing in question meets all the requirements.

Results of the application consideration

When a decision is made to include the premises in the SZhF, the information is communicated to the applicant and to the federal authorities. registration service. And in case of refusal, the applicant is informed.

Refusal usually occurs when the premises do not meet the requirements that are placed on it.

There are two types of requirements for such residential premises: general for any residential premises of the residential premises and special ones (depending on the type of premises of the residential premises).

Use of housing as SHF premises

The use of housing as premises of the Social Life Fund is allowed only if it is recognized as such and classified as one of the premises of this fund.

It is worth noting that all premises of the SZhF for temporary residence and the Housing Code of the Russian Federation state that under no circumstances these premises can be transferred for rent (the state or municipality provides such premises only under social tenancy agreements) and are not subject to alienation. Article 93 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation defines the purposes of using the residential premises of the housing estate.

Exclusion of premises from specialized housing stock

There are situations when, on the contrary, it is necessary to exclude a premises from the SHF (for example, a military serviceman remains to live in the city, and an apartment in the status of a SHF premises limits his capabilities). In such cases the actions are the same as when including the premises in the SZhF, only the list of documents will be slightly different:

  • statement,
  • a copy of the order or rental agreement,
  • an employment contract or a certified copy of the work record book,
  • extract from the house register,
  • certificate confirming the absence of other housing owned by the applicant,
  • the employer's consent to exclude the premises from the SLF.

In each individual case, you may also need some other additional documents, but the main list is like this.

If everything meets the requirements, then, as a rule, the request is granted, and the decision of the relevant authorities is formalized by a resolution.

In contrast to the inclusion and exclusion of premises from the SLF, the rules do not contain any specific requirements.

On the privatization of SZhF premises

SZhF premises belong to the state or municipality and are subject to state accounting. The Housing Code of the Russian Federation provides for a certain procedure for the provision and release of such residential premises. Typically, such premises are used under a lease agreement and persons who occupy the premises of the SZhF do not have the right to privatize it, exchange it, rent it out, move in temporary residents, etc.

However, the privatization law (Article 4) states that the owners of the housing stock, to whom the service residential premises of the SZhF are assigned, can make decisions about these premises on the basis of the right of operational management or management.

They mainly seek to privatize office premises or housing in dormitories. To privatize such housing, the tenant must provide the following documents to the municipal department:

  1. application for privatization of official housing (it must be signed by all family members who have the right to privatize the premises in question);
  2. identification documents of the applicant, his family members, confirming relationship;
  3. certificate of registration at the place of residence or stay of the applicant and his family members (family relationships are indicated);
  4. if there is a warrant for official housing;
  5. rental agreement for office premises;
  6. an extract from the Unified State Register on the rights to the applicant or his family’s existing or existing real estate in the Russian Federation;
  7. a copy of the work record book or a document that confirms work experience in the organization that provided housing;
  8. if available: a copy of the pension certificate and combat veteran.

An application for privatization is considered for about two months (up to sixty calendar days), based on the results of consideration of the submitted documentation, a decision is made and either a privatization agreement is concluded with the applicant, or a notice of refusal is given.

Various reasons may serve as grounds for refusal to privatize such housing: lack of Russian citizenship persons who participate in privatization already own real estate, lack of confirmation of the right to use housing on the terms of official hiring, providing incorrect information or an incomplete package of documents, etc.