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Social action report dupe presentation. Presentation on the topic “Team of young firefighters. "My little friend"

Route "Christmas tree" - this work is carried out in December and January. Objects of observation - New Year trees in schools, clubs, palaces and cultural centers, kindergartens, other institutions, apartments and residential buildings. A few weeks before the New Year holidays, the DUP headquarters holds small conversations with children - future guests - about the rules of behavior at the holiday. When installing Christmas trees sentinels check compliance with the rules fire safety. The work and duty of DUP members during the New Year holiday is organized according to a special plan, which provides for a duty schedule, monitoring the condition of fire extinguishing equipment and the behavior of children at the Christmas tree. Instructions on his duties are being developed for the guard. Posts posted in schools check the availability and serviceability of fire extinguishing equipment, telephones, and monitor compliance with fire safety rules. In the event of a fire, immediately report it to the fire brigade and help adults, on their instructions, extinguish the fire and evacuate children.

The problem of fires is acute not only in our country, but also in the city. The main factor influencing the increase in fires is human. To change a person's attitude towards this problem, it is necessary to change his attitude towards fire safety.

The most favorable age for learning fire safety rules is childhood. That is why it is important to study fire safety rules at school, since the acquired knowledge and attentive attitude to compliance issues fire safety standards and rules that children will carry throughout their lives. It is necessary to develop skills in students safe behavior and actions during fires. And for this it is necessary to develop practical skills during training training evacuations from the school building, conducting excursions to fire stations, etc. Theoretical information and practical skills acquired at school will help the child apply and expand knowledge and skills of safe behavior in Everyday life. This plan was developed due to the fact that issues of life safety, health and life protection, compliance with fire safety rules and regulations are becoming increasingly important in modern society. The safety of students and the safety of their life is one of the main aspects of the educational and educational activities of student and teaching communities today.

In order to improve the life safety of children at the orphanage, a work plan “DUP” was developed, which ensures continuity educational process– vacation periods are used for excursions and competitions practical classes. Enrollment of students into the squad is free. Anyone who shows desire and interest can practice, but, most importantly, without medical contraindications.




about the work of the young fire brigade “Agents 01” on fire safety prevention

in MKOU "Children's home-school No. 95"

2013-2014 academic year

Work on fire safety education of children in the municipal educational institution “Orphanage-School No. 95” was carried out according to a school-wide program in accordance with Federal law“On fire safety”, Charter of the All-Russian Voluntary Firefighting Society.

Preventive work to instill fire safety skills in pupils was carried out with the aim of: preserving the life and health of children,increasing the level of knowledge of pupils on fire safety and involving them in organizing the promotion of fire-safe behavior among pupils and the population in the microdistrict. Therefore, before those who work with children in the region fire prevention, the main tasks are:


1. Training in the basics of fire safety.

2. Training in first aid skills first aid.

3. Training in the skills to act correctly in an extreme situation.

4. Familiarization with the features of using special fire extinguishing agents.


1. Development of children’s organizational abilities in the process of preventive work on fire safety.

2. Developing the ability to anticipate and avoid the possibility of a fire.

3. Development of memory, attention and creativity.


1. Formation of an active life position, a sense of responsibility for a collective cause, and discipline.

2. Formation of skills for careful handling of fire.

3. Fostering tolerant relationships.

4. Implementation of preventive work on fire safety among children.

Purposeful and systematically carried out work contributed to the diversified development of the pupils’ personality and the involvement of children in socially significant activities.

A squad of young firefighters “Agents 01” was created at the school; it included pupils of the 6th and 7th grades, in the amount of 10 people.

Work on the prevention of PPD was carried out in close cooperation with teachers, educators, educators additional education, doctors, safety inspector.

According to the work plan, competitions, relay races, propaganda teams, excursions to fire department, theatrical performances, exhibitions of drawings, prepared presentations, designed stands, reminders. We repeatedly published leaflets and a booklet “ Useful tips from the Ministry of Emergency Situations" on fire safety in a school, district, city.

During the academic year the following events were held: cool watch in grades 5–7 “Don’t joke with fire”; game program for students in grades 1-4 on fire safety.In preparation for the events, visual aids and aids were selected (posters, slides, short videos, various layouts, fire-fighting equipment).

Under the leadership of Berestova N.A. detachment "Young Firefighters 01" studied the history of creation and development fire department, the fundamentals of fire prevention, established the procedure for action in case of fire and primary fire extinguishing means, provision of first aid to victims, the role and place of public fire fighting units in ensuring fire safety, collecting material on the history of the fire department and its veterans.

In order to familiarize students with modern means of fighting fires and other emergency situations the squad visited the fire stationNo. 13, "11th detachment of the Federal fire service in the Kemerovo region" and at its base educational and training sessions on fire-applied sports were held, as well as preventive work on fire safety among the pupils of the "Orphanage - School No. 95", where the children showed their knowledge and skills.

Thus, the work on students’ assimilation of the rules of safety rules and safe behavior helps in social development, in developing a special view of the world around them.

Thanks to the efforts and dedication of the students, the results of their educational activities improved (Vika Grekhova, Nastya Krachkovskaya, Tamara Makarova, Sasha Lysak), the children began to take their health more seriously, their attitude towards physical training changed, the number of people attending sports sections and clubs increased (Vova Kupriyashchenko and Absolyamova Marina – engaged in fencing; Moiseeva Snezhana and Chibisova Alina – rhythmic gymnastics). Children who attend the squad of young firefighters tried themselves as presenters, exhibition leaders, and tour guides, which contributed to the development of such qualities as punctuality, responsibility, mutual assistance, independence, and respect for each other. Enough attention was paid to developing the children's creative abilities, imagination, and invention. Together with the children, we came up with interesting tasks, competitions, made crosswords, puzzles, and charades, which contributed to the development of logical thinking and cognitive interest. The team of young firefighters differs from others in their cohesion and friendliness.

The result of the activities of the “Agent 01” detachment are well-deserved city and regional awards: diplomas, certificates, and valuable gifts.

The team of the MKOU “Orphanage-School No. 95” has its own emblem, its own motto. In general, the work of the DUP for the academic year can be considered satisfactory. Fire department employees provided great assistance and assistance in the work of young firefighters.No. 13, “11th detachment of the Federal Fire Service for the Kemerovo Region”

I believe that in the next academic year it is necessary to create another group of pupils (from 10-12 years old), in order to carry out preparatory preventive work on PPB.

The procedure for creating and organizing the activities of a squad of young firefighters.

DYUPs are organized on the basis of schools, orphanages, boarding schools, institutions of additional education, in health institutions and camps.

The squad of young firefighters is built like any squad in Soviet times: from units and detachments. Its members can be schoolchildren from 10-17 years old.

The link includes 3-5 members;

2 units or more constitute a detachment;

The detachment includes no more than 4 units;

2 or more units constitute a squad;

The number of units in the DUP may be unlimited.

DUP commanders are elected to general meeting units and detachments

The uniform of Dyupovtsev is usually chosen independently (caps, badges, chevrons, certificates);

Music “March of Young Firemen” lyrics by Boyko, music by Vasilkovsky.

How DUPs are usually created:

In each grade from 5th to 11th, units are created from which units are formed along parallel lines, and from the units a squad is formed.

You can create a DUP in another way: on the basis of one class in parallel, create a DUP detachment, which in turn will be combined with other detachments into a squad.

You can create a DUP squad based on one class, which will carry out necessary work on fire prevention in schools and neighborhoods.

Organization of work in the squad of young firefighters.

Responsibilities between squad members can be distributed as follows:

Fire station - one person on duty for the whole day who monitors fire protection regime At school;

Fire patrol - consists of several members, inspects the territory of the school and neighborhood;

Editorial Board - responsible for the production of leaflets, newspapers, lightning, leaflets, etc.

Propaganda team - prepare theatrical performances, oral magazines, etc. on fire safety topics;

Sports section – prepares and conducts competitions in fire and rescue sports;

Technical and other clubs - making crafts, models from natural, waste and other materials.

Main directions in working with DUP (recommendations for DUP leaders).

1. Training in fire safety rules and actions in case of fire.

2. Study primary funds fire extinguishing and familiarization with fire equipment, communications equipment, automatic fire extinguishing systems, fire alarms.

3. Involvement in mass awareness-raising work to prevent fires from children playing pranks with fire and fire-fighting preventive work in schools, kindergartens, out-of-school institutions, residential buildings using technical means propaganda, wall newspapers, photomontages, lightning, etc.

4. Conducting classes and competitions in fire-applied sports, fire-fighting competitions, olympiads, quizzes, rallies, organizing propaganda teams, children's film lectures, participation in excursions, hikes. raids, military sports games and youth festivals.

5. Visiting fire-technical schools, exhibitions, museums, memorial places telling about the exploits of firefighters, collecting new materials about the history and people of the fire department and voluntary fire organizations, creating exhibitions of military glory at school museums, organizing meetings with honored workers and veterans of the fire department security and voluntary firefighting societies, champions and masters of firefighting sports, setting up a guard of honor at monuments and obelisks of fallen firefighters.

6. Development of children's technical creativity, organization of fire-technical modeling clubs.

Work plan for the young fire brigade.

Report of the squad of young firefighters.

Approximate regulations on squads of young firefighters.

Training program for members of young fire brigades (YUP)


Math lesson notes with multimedia application

UMK " Primary School XXI century", textbook Rudnitskaya V. N., Yudacheva T. V. Mathematics: 2nd grade: textbook for students of general education institutions: in 2 hours. Part 1 - M. Ventana - Graf, 2009

Fadeeva Tatyana Viktorovna

Municipal educational institution gymnasium No. 15


Subject: Multiply by 4.

Class: 2nd grade.

Level: base

Lesson type: introduction of new material

Target: ensure that students know the specific meaning of multiplication 4;

Tasks: learn to write and multiply the number 4;

improve the ability to solve multiplication problems;

develop intelligence, logical thinking, attention, memory, independence;

promote the development of students and enhance their cognitive activity;

cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, hard work, and develop interest in the subject.

Methods and techniques used: explanatory - illustrative;

verbal - logical;

Equipment: projector, computer, textbook “Mathematics: 2nd grade: textbook for students of general education institutions: in 2 hours. Part 1 / V. N. Rudnitskaya, T. V. Yudacheva - M.: Ventana - Graf, 2009.

During the classes:

Org. moment.

U.-Hello guys.

Today we have guests in class, let's get to know them. But that’s not all the guests. And who is it, we will find out by solving the riddle (slide 1)

I confess, brothers, boldly:

I'm some kind of weirdo!

Whatever I do -

I'm doing everything wrong!

That's right, this is Dunno. - How did you guess that it was him?

No matter what he does, everything is wrong with him.

Do you remember where Dunno lives?

In Flower City

Right. He will now show us his house, but first we will help him count.

Oral counting (slide 2)

(On the board there are inverted tablets of the tabular case of multiplication 3. The teacher clicks the mouse, an example appears, the children answer. That's right - teacher clicks, 1 child at the board turns over the signs)

What do these examples remind you of?

Multiplication table 3

Are the examples arranged correctly?

Let's put them in order (2 people at the board rearrange the signs)

What are numbers called when multiplied?

Multiplier, multiplier, product

– What do numbers mean when multiplying?

The first factor is the number that is added, and the second factor is the number of times the addend is repeated.

What is the pattern of the multipliers?

The first factor does not change, but the second increases by 1.

But, guys, Dunno never reached the house, there turns out to be another example

Can we solve it?

We don't know the multiplication table 4

What is needed for this?

Make a table. (slide 3)

- Let's make a table with our friend and help him get to his house .

New material

- All residents of Flower Town drove cars.

U.- Dunno put the car in the garage and wondered how many wheels 4 cars have. (slide 4)

U.- Let's count orally. How can you count all the wheels?

D.- Fold by 4.

U.- Let's do the math. (the teacher clicks the mouse, the cars appear in order)

U.-. Is it convenient to write examples like this? What is the best way to write it down?

D.- Using multiplication instead of addition

- True, why?

- The result increases by 4

Write 4*4=16 in a notebook

(After the last example 4*9=36 is written down, We return to Dunno)

Guys, now can we help Dunno get home?

Yes (slide 5)


Dunno also worked with us, bent down and found a calculator (slide 6)

Our friend wondered, what is it for?

For the account

That's right, let's count examples No. 4 on p. 95 with him

4 Working with the textbook.

Guys, what do you think, will there be different answers or not?

The same

Why, what property of multiplication do you know?

The product does not change when the factors are changed

Let's check

Together with Dunno, we compiled the multiplication table, and now let’s help our friend use the table to solve examples No. 6 on p. 95 (solving examples in a chain)

5 Problem solving .

Dunno had a lot of friends and when he went into his house, he saw that his friend Syrupchik, who really loved sparkling water, had left a gift for him


Dunno was tormented by thirst, he really wanted to drink. But the soda bottles were special - they would only open when they were counted.

6. Lesson summary.

What did you study? (slide 8)

I found out…

I was surprised...

I thought...

I remembered…

U.- Dunno and his friends say goodbye to you. The lesson is over. Thank you!

7. D/Z No. 11 p.96

Resources used:

Mathematics: 2nd grade: textbook for students / V. N. Rudnitskaya, T. V. Yudacheva - M. Ventana - Graf, 2009

Mathematics: 2nd grade: teaching methods / Rudnitskaya V. N., Yudacheva T. V. - M. Ventana - Graf, 2010

01 It is known that without fire protection, not a single state, not a single city, village, or any locality. A fire is a terrible disaster for any of us. And at this moment the most the right person in the world - this is a fireman. Our phone number is 01 It’s not for nothing that it’s the first on the list. But God grant that you never need this phone in your life.

Organization of the work of the youth fire brigade Among assistant firefighters, squads of young firefighters occupy an important place. In the squad, the guys get acquainted with technical equipment firefighters, practice fire extinguishing skills, participate in competitions professional sports firefighters, conduct educational work among children and their peers. Being a young firefighter means always being ready to help, save people, and take part in improving life around you.

Creation of a squad of young firefighters Goals of the DUP: Conducting explanatory and mass propaganda work among children and adolescents to prevent fires caused by children; instilling in children courage, citizenship, resourcefulness, and careful attitude towards other people’s and their own property; collectivism and creativity; development of their physical strength and endurance; work on vocational guidance for schoolchildren

Tasks of the Children's and Youth Party Distribution of leaflets, posters and other visual educational materials on fire safety among the population by young firefighters; Carrying out with children younger age conversations on the inadmissibility of playing with fire; Participation in patrols to protect buildings, summer cottages, buildings and structures, forests and parks, residential premises and warehouses from fires; Monitoring the maintenance of fire extinguishing equipment in good condition Call fire service in case of fire detection; Participation in the protection of property evacuated from burning buildings.

The main directions of work with DUP 1. Study of the causes of fire 2. Training in fire safety rules 3. Actions in the event of a fire 4. Involvement in mass awareness-raising work to prevent fires caused by children, and preventive work at school. 5. Conducting fire safety classes, excursions, sports games, and competitions.

Sample activities of the youth fire department during the school year 1. Goals and objectives of the squad of young firefighters 2. Historical background on the development of the fire department 3. Causes of fires 4. Pranks of children with fire 5. Fire safety regime at school 6. Fire safety regime in homes 7. Fire safety regime in a children's health camp 8. The struggle for the harvest is everyone's business 9. The cause of fires in the forest 10. Primary means of extinguishing fires 11. First health care 12. Behavior in case of fire 13. Applied sports of firefighters 14. Fire equipment and fire-fighting equipment

List of additional topics of classes for training members of the Youth Party for Youth under the program “young rescuer in fire-fighting and medical training 1. Fire extinguishing 2. Rescue of people in case of fire and self-preservation 3. First aid equipment 4. First aid for wounds and bleeding 5. First aid medical care for bruises, dislocations and sprains 6. Methods of applying splints 7. First aid in case of accidents On these topics, classes are conducted jointly with rescue service employees and using its special equipment and training facilities. The form of classes is group, the methods of conducting classes are story-conversation, demonstration, training.

The squad corner should display all the work of young firefighters; permanent sections combine well with rotating ones. The team’s monthly work plan should be located in the most visible and accessible place; squad tasks; duties of its members; its area of ​​action. It is best if different units or individual members of the squad are responsible for each section in the corner