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The employee complains to the labor inspectorate. The principle of operation of the labor inspection. How to file a complaint and what we expect from it

Complaint to the state labor inspectorate. Based on the employment contract concluded between the complainant and the LLC, the complainant was hired. The General Director allows himself constant unfounded rude statements and insults towards the complainant, degrading his dignity, as well as insults regarding his duties. As a result of another conflict and gross insults towards the complainant from General Director he was forced under pressure to write a letter of resignation due to at will. The complainant requests that measures be taken by the management of the LLC to eliminate violations of the law.

IN State inspection labor in _______
from ______________

Based on the employment contract concluded between me, __________________, and the Limited Liability Company "____________", I was hired as a waitress.
The General Director of the Company is __________________.
Based on Art. 3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, everyone has equal opportunities to exercise their labor rights.
No one can be limited in labor rights and freedoms or receive any advantages, regardless of gender, race, skin color, nationality, language, origin, property, family, social and official position, age, place of residence, attitude to religion, political beliefs, membership or non-membership of public associations, as well as other circumstances not related to business qualities employee.
Establishing differences, exceptions, preferences, as well as limiting the rights of employees, which are determined by the inherent this species labor requirements established by federal law, or due to the special care of the state for persons in need of increased social and legal protection.
However, in violation current legislation The General Director of the Company ___________________ allows himself constant unfounded rude statements and insults addressed to me, degrading my dignity, as well as insults regarding the duties I perform.
In accordance with Art. 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to comply with labor legislation and other regulations legal acts, containing norms labor law, local regulations, conditions of the collective agreement, agreements and employment contracts.
As a result of another conflict and gross insults addressed to me by the General Director, in ___________ year I was forced under pressure _________________ to write a letter of resignation of my own free will. At the same time, the manager warned me that if I refused to write said statement, he will find everything possible ways fire me for some reason.
Based on Art. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee has the right to terminate employment contract by notifying the employer about this in writing no later than two weeks, unless another period is established by this Code or other federal law. The specified period begins the next day after the employer receives the employee’s resignation letter.
Article 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees every citizen of the Russian Federation the right to work in conditions that meet safety and hygiene requirements, to remuneration for work without any discrimination and not lower than that established by federal law minimum size wages.
Due to the fact that currently I have no other source of income other than the salary received as a result of working at _______________ LLC, I decided to withdraw the statement I wrote and do my best to resolve the conflict with the management.
____________ year, I turned to __________________ and wrote a statement in which I indicated that I was withdrawing my resignation letter and asking not to terminate the employment contract I had concluded.
However, the head of the organization, once again rude and insulting me, refused to accept my application and said that I would not work in the organization.
According to Art. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, before the expiration of the notice of dismissal, the employee has the right to withdraw his application at any time. Dismissal in this case is not carried out unless another employee is invited in his place in writing, who, in accordance with this Code and other federal laws, cannot be denied an employment contract.
Consequently, it remains unclear on what basis they are refusing to cancel my application and continue working.
I consider this refusal to be unfounded and without any legal basis.
For my part I am in full I perform the duties assigned to me in accordance with the terms of the employment contract and current legislation.
Based on Art. 3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, persons who believe that they have been subjected to discrimination in the sphere of labor have the right to apply to the court for restoration of violated rights, compensation material damage and compensation for moral damage.
The actions of the administration of LLC "_________________" are unfounded and contradict the norms of current legislation.
Based on Art. 419 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation persons guilty of violation labor legislation and other acts containing labor law norms are subject to disciplinary and financial liability in the manner established by this Code and other federal laws, and are also subject to civil, administrative and criminal liability in the manner established by federal laws.
IN in this case the head of LLC "_______________" significantly violates my rights provided for both by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the norms of labor legislation, which is unacceptable and this violation requires an appropriate response from labor inspection.
In accordance with clause 9 of the Regulations on the Federal Labor Inspectorate, State labor inspectors have the right:
1) freely, at any time of the day, with a standard identification card, visit organizations of any organizational and legal form for the purpose of conducting an inspection;
2) carry out inspections and investigations into the causes of violations of the law in accordance with the established procedure Russian Federation on labor and labor protection;
3) request and receive free of charge from managers and other officials of organizations and bodies executive branch, organs local government, employers (their representatives) documents, explanations, information necessary to exercise their powers;
4) present to employers (their representatives) mandatory orders to eliminate violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor and labor protection, to restore the violated rights of citizens with proposals to bring those responsible for these violations to justice disciplinary liability or removing them from office in accordance with the established procedure;
5) attract to administrative responsibility in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, persons guilty of violating the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor and labor protection;
6) based on the results of inspections, transfer materials on facts of violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor and labor protection to law enforcement agencies to bring the perpetrators to criminal liability, as well as file claims in court.
Thus, since, on the part of the management of LLC "______________", there is a violation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and failure to comply with laws in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, -

Take measures against the management of ____________ LLC to eliminate violations of the law.
ABOUT the decision taken Please notify me within the time limit established by law.

"" ___________ year

The phrase “labor inspection” has become as common in the Russian language during the crisis as “non-payments”, “wage delays”, “loan defaults”, “mass layoffs”. These concepts not only thoroughly entered our vocabulary, but became a cruel reality that most had to face head-on. What questions arise for an illegally fired person who has been deprived of salary or vacation?... “What to do?! Who should I complain to?!” The crisis taught people to answer these questions independently and to act independently: to go to. Read about how this organization can help in our material.

Correctly state

The total number of employees who were idle due to the fault of the administration, who worked part-time working hours, as well as those who were granted leave on the initiative of management, amounted to 1 million 646 thousand people. These are official data from the Ministry of Health and Social Development based on the results of June 2009. For employees who continue to work normally, not everything is going smoothly either: wage debts amount to millions of rubles. If at the beginning of the crisis everyone expected the situation to normalize, now workers offended by management are going to labor inspectorates to fight for their rights. And one of the components of success in cooperation with the inspection is a well-formed appeal.

The rules are simple. The application must set out in free form specific facts of infringement of labor rights or information about alleged violations. Under written request You must sign, indicate your last name, first name, patronymic, as well as information about your place of residence, work or study. Applications that do not contain this information will be considered anonymous by the inspectorate and will not be considered, notes labor law specialist Ekaterina Surgutskova:
- Often applicants do not want to disclose information about themselves because they are afraid that the fact of contacting the inspectorate will become known to the employer. And for those who want to defend their rights, but remain working in the same organization, this is extremely undesirable - why incur the wrath of management? However, there is nothing to fear: according to Article 358 Labor Code The duty of state labor inspectors is to maintain absolute confidentiality of the source of any complaint or statement on the basis of which an inspection is carried out.

Complaint and everything necessary documents(employment contract, pay slip, any other important papers) the applicant can send by registered mail or bring to the inspectorate in person. In the latter case, the civil servant who accepted the document is obliged to put a number and signature on the second copy, which will remain in the applicant’s hands.

Applications are considered within one month from the date of receipt, and those that do not require additional study and verification of the application are considered immediately, but no longer than 15 days.
In certain cases, the Labor Code establishes special period consideration of the complaint by the labor inspectorate. For example, if an employee who is a member of a trade union was deprived of his job, but the employer did not agree on the dismissal with this organization, the inspectorate will consider reinstating the employee at work within 10 days from the date of receipt of the application (Article 373 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In cases where it is necessary to carry out a special check, study additional materials or taking other measures, the deadlines may, as an exception, be extended, but not more than by one month - and the inspector is obliged to inform the applicant about this. What happens after the application has been reviewed by the inspectorate and an inspection has been ordered?

Mechanism of action

The labor inspectorate can visit any company once every two years. This scheduled inspection. Most of the audits that happen in organizations now are unscheduled. They are carried out on the initiative of company employees or other government agencies(for example, the prosecutor's office). An unscheduled inspection can be carried out by civil servants at any time, even if a planned event has recently ended.

When a labor inspector pays a visit to an organization to check a specific application of an employee, the inspector does not have the right to demand from the employer documents that are not related to the subject of the inspection and to seize the original documents (Article 8 of Law No. 134-FZ). But the civil servant is obliged to examine documents that refute or prove the violations indicated in the complaints of employees. Although sometimes this is associated with some difficulties, noted Mikhail Malyuga, acting. Head of the State Labor Inspectorate of Moscow:
- In the work of the inspectorate, there are cases of obstruction of inspections. Our employees are sometimes refused to provide any information - even after a written request. In such cases, we have to turn to the internal affairs bodies or the prosecutor's office for assistance.
Inspectors also turn to the Ministry of Internal Affairs if they are not allowed even to the threshold of the organization that is supposed to be inspected. The audit will still take place, but in the presence of the police or representatives of the prosecutor's office. And an employee who obstructs the passage of inspectors may be fined. If it is the manager himself, the fine will be from one to two thousand rubles. Any other employee, for example, a security guard or secretary, will pay less - from five hundred to a thousand rubles (clause 1 of article 19.4 of the Administrative Code).

In accordance with Article 9 of Law N 134-FZ, based on the results of each inspection, a report on the conduct of the event is drawn up in two copies, one of which is handed over to the employer or his representative. The act states full list documentation examined by the inspector, as well as signs of violations in it. For each case of non-compliance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the inspector issues an order to eliminate the error. The civil servant also indicates the period during which the enterprise is obliged to eliminate the violation and report compliance with the order to the labor inspectorate. At the same time, the employer is given a notice of non-compliance with the order - a document explaining what needs to be corrected and how, as well as the consequences for failure to comply with the order.

Lawyer Ekaterina Surgutskova notes that the labor inspectorate has the right to bring the director of an enterprise to administrative responsibility, and even disqualify:
- The inspection may bring the head of the company to administrative liability if his actions fall under the conditions of Articles 5.27 (Part 1) - 5.34 and 5.44 of the Code of administrative offenses: for violation of labor laws. To do this, the inspector draws up a protocol, which must indicate: who issued the penalty, to whom (full name, average salary, home address), what was established as a result of the inspection, and an explanation for the violations. After this, a decision is made to appoint administrative penalty(fine from 5 to 50 minimum wages). If the money doesn't come, it will bailiffs, since the resolution of the labor inspectorate is executive document(Clause 6 of Article 7 of the Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”).

But if the violation falls under Articles 19.4 (Part 1) - 19.7, 5.27 (Part 2), 5.42 (Part 1, 2), the court will prosecute. And the consequences here are much more significant - up to the disqualification of the manager for three years. In addition, the inspectorate will go to court if the company does not comply with the order - does not pay all the money owed to employees, does not reinstate those illegally dismissed. It is there that they will decide how much to collect from the company in order to correct all violations.
The actions of inspectorate officials and the decisions they make may be appealed by the employer or his representative to a higher inspectorate official, in Federal service for labor and employment or to court. However, given the current state of affairs in labor relations, in 99% of cases inspectors come to check for specific obvious violations, and it is much easier for an employer to comply with the instructions of civil servants than to litigate a case that is obviously lost.

I. Piskun

The prosecutor's office took up wage arrears

The Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is considering the issue of tightening liability for non-payment of wages (Article 145.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). As reported by the Investigative Committee at the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, at present, in order to prosecute a person who does not pay wages under this article, law enforcement agencies it is necessary to prove his personal interest in this matter. The prosecutor's office proposed to punish defaulters regardless of their motives.
“During the investigation of criminal cases regarding non-payment of wages, there are often cases where managers deliberately, out of personal interest, do not pay wages", the department reported. At the same time, enterprises often have cash, but management directs them to business development or other purposes.

Federal Law No. 134 of 2001 establishes the procedure for the Labor Inspectorate to conduct inspections of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. Employer inspections can be scheduled or unscheduled. A complaint received from a citizen to the Labor Inspectorate against an employer related to a violation of his labor rights is the basis for unscheduled inspection.

The state inspector issues an order to conduct an unscheduled inspection. This document contains information:

  • number and date of the order;
  • name of the inspection body;
  • position and information about the inspector who came to inspect the enterprise;
  • name and legal address companies where the inspector came to inspect;
  • inspection purposes;
  • legal basis for verification;
  • date and end of the inspection.

If the order states that the inspection includes measures to comply with labor laws, this means that the inspector is carrying out due diligence companies. The decision on the scope of activities carried out is made by the head of the authorized body.

In order to establish the illegality of an employer’s actions towards a specific employee or a group of persons, it is necessary to study the documents of the enterprise. For example, checking whether an employee was late and, in connection with this, a penalty imposed on him, can be understood by analyzing the Internal Rules labor regulations organizations that have set start and end times for the working day.

Often workers want to keep their name secret when contacting the Labor Inspectorate, since they continue to work at the enterprise or company against whose management they filed a complaint. Article 358 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows labor inspectors to maintain the anonymity of a report by hiding information about the source of the complaint. Labor inspectors, arriving at an enterprise, request all documentation related to compliance with the labor rights of employees legal entity.

The employer cannot ignore the requirements official. If the head of the company refuses to provide the inspector with documents related to the subject of the complaint, his action may be regarded as an obstacle to ongoing measures to monitor compliance with labor laws. This entails liability under 19.4 article of the Code of Administrative Offenses, fine – up to 2000 rubles. But the employer has the right to be present during the inspection and get acquainted with its results.

Based on the results of inspection activities, the inspector draws up a document. This is an act of the established form, in the preamble of which mandatory information about the place, time, and date of the inspection event is reflected, in addition, information about the persons present at the inspection on the part of the employer is indicated. The report reflects the result of the inspection. If a guilty act on the part of the employer is revealed, the measure of his responsibility must be recorded in the act. For example, for violation of the procedure for storing employee work books, a personnel employee appointed to the position by the head of the enterprise is responsible.

If a personnel employee is absent, then responsibility is shifted to the manager. Administrative punishment based on the results of the inspection, the employer may be subject to a fine and guilty person holding a specific position in the enterprise. If no violations were identified as a result of the inspection, this is noted in the document.

Currently, many workers turn to the labor inspectorate if they have the idea that their rights have been violated. There can be quite a lot of reasons for applying: this is the attitude of immediate management, and non-payment of bonuses based on work results, and certification of workplaces, and illegal dismissal. But what should an employer do?

Negotiate with the employee

Many employers take a principled position and do not enter into negotiations with employees. As a result, the case comes to court, fundamental disputes arise with employees, negative consequences may also include checks. Therefore, it is important to understand what the employee’s claims are, what the consequences may be for the company and for the employee himself.

Consider the employee’s appeal to the labor dispute commission

Commissions for labor disputes at enterprises (institutions, organizations) are created on the initiative of employees and (or) the employer. As a rule, in practice, the initiator of the creation of such a commission is the elected trade union body, and in its absence, the council of the labor collective.

Commissions are created from an equal number of representatives of employees and the employer.

Employee representatives to the labor dispute commission are elected by the general meeting (conference) of the organization’s employees or are delegated representative body employees, followed by approval at a general meeting (conference) of employees of the organization.

Any employees can be elected as members of the commission, regardless of trade union membership, position held, or work performed. The procedure for electing the commission is determined by the meeting (conference) of workers. Voting on the decision general meeting(conferences) can be open or secret. The meeting (conference) also establishes the number of votes required to elect a commission (simple or qualified majority).

By decision of the general meeting of employees, labor dispute commissions can be formed in the structural divisions of the organization. These commissions are formed and operate on the same basis as the commissions on labor disputes of the organization. In labor dispute commissions structural divisions organizations may consider individual labor disputes within the powers of these divisions.

An employee may appeal to the labor dispute commission within three months from the day he learned or should have learned about a violation of his rights. If the established deadline is missed for valid reasons, the labor dispute commission may restore it and resolve the dispute on the merits. Such a commission can resolve a dispute within the company without going to the labor inspectorate website.

Interaction with the labor inspectorate as part of the inspection

Having received an employee’s appeal through the service, the labor inspectorate, depending on the facts and information contained in it, organizes a documentary or on-site inspection. If violations are confirmed, it issues an order to the employer to correct them and imposes a fine on him. In this regard, it is necessary to prepare for the inspection: prepare and assemble the necessary documents, develop local acts, if it is possible to resolve the conflict with the employee. This will avoid both inspection and penalties. Based on the results of the inspection, a report is drawn up. If facts of violation of labor rights are confirmed, the head of the employing organization is issued an order to eliminate the identified violations (Article 357 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

But accordingly, the presence similar act does not mean 100% accountability. Any non-normative act can be appealed in court.

Appealing the decision of the labor inspectorate to a higher authority

An employer who does not agree with the issued order has the right, within fifteen days from the date of receipt, to submit it to the head of Rostrud or his territorial body their objections in writing, attaching to them documents confirming the validity of such objections, or their certified copies (Part 12 of Article 16 Federal Law dated December 26, 2008 No. 294-FZ “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs when implementing state control(supervision) and municipal control").

Appealing the decision of the labor inspectorate in court

An employer who does not agree with the results of an inspection conducted by the labor inspectorate always has the right to go to court to protect his rights. However, in these cases, according to Art. 231 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, filing a complaint is not a basis for failure by the employer (his representative) to comply with decisions government inspector labor.

However, a fair question arises:

Which court should I apply for protection to?

When appealing a decision administrative body on bringing a legal entity to administrative liability for violation of labor law standards should be taken into account Definition Constitutional Court dated July 11, 2006 No. 262-O, which takes into account the following feature of this type of cases: they are not subject to jurisdiction arbitration court, if committed by an entrepreneur (organization) administrative act not related to implementation entrepreneurial activity. Most courts find that labor relations do not relate to entrepreneurial activity, therefore these cases are within the jurisdiction of the court general jurisdiction. Thus, it is necessary to apply to a court of general jurisdiction.

In conclusion, it should be noted that, unfortunately, many companies choose a confrontational position. However, such a position is not constructive and cannot solve the problems that arise during the interaction between the employee and the employer.

The employer is not inclined to pamper his subordinates with gentleness and respectful treatment, and sometimes acts in a completely dictatorial manner. An offended sense of justice requires a way out, and it can be extremely unexpected.

An employee of one of the private companies, Alexey, outraged by salary delays, nagging from his superiors and unfair dismissal, took revenge on his boss with creativity and scope.

He created profiles on the dating site of several social networks, posted there the boss’s personal information and photographs, and provided his real place of work and contact numbers. To make things even more painful, the offended employee announced his former boss’s non-traditional sexual orientation and even attached some videos, supposedly as proof.

He probably went too far in his desire to annoy his hated boss. The idea, of course, is brilliant: revenge is sophisticated, does not require costs, the target is struck inevitably and swiftly.

Alexey anticipated that the news would spread across the networks instantly, the boss would turn to the administration of the networks and sites with a demand to block fake accounts and urgently delete records. The administration, as usual, will react with a delay, and all this time the rumor will be buzzing, nerves will be wasted, reputation will suffer, and friends and acquaintances will stay away.

All this is true, but the boomerang can return to the author of the revenge action if his involvement can be proven. He shouldn't hope that they won't look too hard.

They will, and how! They will attract specialists, determine IP addresses, restore correspondence on social networks, and take any other measures. And if the author is identified and his guilt is proven, then this trick could cost him dearly.

He cannot escape a lawsuit for his honor, dignity and business reputation, demanding compensation for all types of damage caused. It won't seem enough! So was it worth starting all this without thinking about the consequences?

If the employer is wrong, it is, of course, not good to let him get away with it. But breaking the law in this case is categorically not recommended, because it is more expensive for yourself.

Industrial conflicts can be of all kinds. And sometimes employees come across such that the management grabs their heads, and the employer often allows himself too much, having finances, connections and administrative resources.

A hired worker goes to work, needing money, and does not have strong defenders behind him. He is vulnerable, and in a conflict with the employer he is most often the injured party. Finding himself in a stalemate, a person does not know where to turn, while in the Russian Federation there are government agencies that he can count on.

Where do we complain and for what reasons?

A conflict with an employer is sometimes so serious that it cannot be resolved peacefully. This is where third-party assistants, especially those in authority, come in handy. These are the labor inspectorate, the prosecutor's office and the court.

These are the main reasons why people go there.

  • The employer does not want to enter into an employment contract with the employee.
  • Pays money "in black".
  • Delays wages or underpays.
  • There is a delay in paying sick leave or vacation pay.
  • Fires illegally.
  • Delays settlement and delivery work book upon dismissal.
  • Otherwise, it violates the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How to file a complaint and what we expect from it

Whatever authority the employee applies to, he does so in in writing. The text of the document must clearly and clearly state the facts, indicate dates and attach evidence, in paper or electronic form. If you contact Rostrud, you can use the portal “Onlineinspection.rf”, it allows you to track the fate of the request.

Anonymous messages are not accepted; you must provide your personal information and contact information.. Every complaint must be answered.

If you contact the labor inspectorate, the answer will be a visit of inspectors to the enterprise. They will appear within a month and check the facts. The same period is given to the employees of the prosecutor's office; they, for their part, first check and then react.

The court, as the last resort, considers the employee’s claim against the employer. It can be submitted until 3 months have elapsed from the date of violation. All evidence is attached to the case, including the results of previously taken measures. Both the prosecutor's office and Rostrud present to the court the evidence they have collected in the case, presented as the results of an audit.

The employee hopes that the employer will be ordered to correct the violation. For example, reinstatement at work, pay off everything you owe, and so on.

Working in the dark today can be dangerous

If a person agrees to receive a salary in an envelope, then he puts himself in an obviously losing position. The employer gets over him almost unlimited power: If he wants, he will start paying less or not pay at all. It will be very difficult to prove that you were not paid for your work. There are no documents, none of my colleagues will come as witnesses.

The only effective way is to contact the tax office, or at least intimidate the employer. If the tax authorities receive a complaint, they will begin checking the employer no later than in a month. However, in this case, not only the owner of the enterprise, but also the complainant himself may suffer.

The tax office is interested in deductions from wages, which should be sent to it. And here questions may arise for the employee. Did he know that the employer does not make deductions from his salary and does not pay taxes?

If he knew, he had to do it himself. If he didn’t know, then the bribes are cleared from him, and all the blame falls on the employer.

Based on the results of the audit, tax authorities may come to the conclusion that the employee was in collusion with his employer, and both deliberately did not pay taxes. The consequences for both will be sad: Art. 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - for the employer, and for the employee - Art. 198, as amended in April 2018.

It says that if a citizen did not pay personal income tax and did not indicate income in the declaration, then he will have to pay, in addition to the tax, a fine and penalties. The fine will be 100-300 thousand rubles, the violator faces either forced labor, or arrest for six months, or imprisonment for up to 1 year - at the choice of the court.

What does a complaint give, and is it worth complaining?

Statistics show that every 5th employee in Russia faces arbitrariness on the part of the employer. The most popular violations are dismissals, layoffs, and delayed wages. It is widely practiced to work without a contract, or the contract specifies minimum rates, and additional payments are made unofficially, in envelopes.

Most complaints were recorded in major cities. Firstly, there are more jobs there, so people have less fear of losing their source of income. Residents of megacities are more informed about their rights, and it is easier for them to decide to take active action.

In small towns and in the provinces there is less work, where people are afraid of losing their job and suffer harassment. And there is little hope for justice here, “everything is captured.”

If there is a trade union functioning at the enterprise, then the best thing to do is to contact them. Trade unions have a wide range of methods of influencing management, the only trouble is that there are too few trade union organizations today.

Most complaints still concern wages. But it is difficult to win money litigation against a legally competent employer. IN official documents only “correct” data, no witnesses. And judges do not particularly trust those who were fired earlier, since an insulted person can slander the offender.

It is also difficult to prove the illegality of dismissal, especially when the employee was forced to write a statement of his own free will. It is a little easier to spot violations during staff reductions.

It must be said frankly that employers do not unfairly fire and oppress everyone. Those who fall under the administrative skating rink are primarily violators of routine, those who like to gossip on the sidelines, and not very loyal employees. Sometimes it is a person’s own fault for incurring the wrath of management.

How should an employee behave with an employer?

The line of behavior should be calm, restrained, and friendly. You must constantly monitor your actions, starting from the moment you join the staff.

  1. You should not agree to work without drawing up a contract, or to accept payment according to gray schemes. In this case, you immediately find yourself in the risk zone.
  2. If you are still involved in the schemes, then check with the accounting department whether the company transfers contributions and taxes in the proper amount. If not, then pay the personal income tax yourself, this will protect you from tax claims when violations are revealed.
  3. When entering into conflict with an employer, rely only on yourself. Remember that none of those employees who expressed sympathy and encouragement for you will stand next to you against management.
  4. Supervisory authorities are obliged to respond to your complaint, but they need solid evidence. When getting involved in a war with your superiors, take care of collecting documents, videos and photos confirming that you are right.
  5. If you are a non-conflict and impressionable person, then it is cheaper for you to silently look for another job. But if you are active, passionate and convinced that you are right, then fight! Just make sure that the pursuit of justice does not push you beyond the laws of the Russian Federation.