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A sample of an employee's vacation application. Vacation application - samples for different occasions. Vacation application form

Article 114 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation guarantees all employees that they will be provided with rest, you should know what an employee can count on, and how to correctly write a vacation application so as not to get rejected by the superiors.

You can go on vacation for the first time only after 6 months of continuous work with a specific employer. However, the employer is not obliged to give it immediately. Therefore, in the event of an industrial need with a "well-deserved rest" will have to be postponed.

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With a fairly good and trusting relationship between the parties to the employment contract, you can go on vacation without having completed the prescribed six months. But this depends only on the head of the organization and is his right, not an obligation.

Further, legal rest is given at the time agreed by the parties, but strictly according to the schedule. You can move away from the schedule only by making changes there or also in good relations with the director of the company.

All working citizens can count on a minimum vacation of 28 days annually. "Advanced" businesses that value their employees can set them a longer basic annual paid rest. This is most often reflected in local acts: collective or labor agreements.

If you wish, you can divide the vacation, however, part of it must be at least 14 days. The other part can be taken as you like, even every other day, one day at a time.

How to write a vacation application?

The law does not provide for a strictly established application form.

However, it is accepted by the rules of clerical work that the following information should be present in the application:

  • Who is it addressed to (name of employer).
  • From whom it is written.
  • The very name of the document ("statement").
  • Summary of the point: annual paid leave or unpaid leave wages etc.
  • The time period for which the vacation is required.
  • Date.
  • Signature and its decryption.

The Labor Code does not specify a clear period of time when exactly and for how many days before the leave you need to write an application. Most often, employers require the employee to give him two weeks' notice of vacation.

It is logical that the need for a vacation without pay is difficult to predict, if it is required during events that depend little on us. This is the birth of a child or the death of a close relative. In these cases, an application for its provision can be written immediately as needed.

And, most importantly, a vacation application is usually written in the personnel department. Most organizations develop their own sample, which should only be substituted with your data.

Sample application for the next paid vacation:

Director (head) ______ _____________________________

(name of company)


_____________________________ (FULL NAME)


I ask you to provide me with annual paid leave in accordance with the vacation schedule (you can omit it) for a period of _____ calendar days from "___"

20__ until "___" ____________ 20__.

"____" ______________ 20___ _______________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

Additional paid vacation

Information about additional holidays that the company pays for can be found in Art. 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The purposes of this (additional) leave may differ from each other. These include, for example, compensation for the adverse effects of certain factors (climatic, occupational, industrial). At the same time, the right to existence has the purpose of vacation in the form of incentives and rewards for employees for work in a certain field of activity.

In addition to the mandatory prerequisites for the provision, which are listed in Part 1 of Art. 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (harmful and dangerous working conditions: irregular working hours; special character work; work in conditions Far north), such leave should also be established at the employer's good will. This must be legally (documented) secured.

Unpaid leave

The name speaks for itself: the employee goes to rest at his own expense, losing for this period of time average earnings... This type of vacation can be granted to a citizen as in mandatory, and with the permission of the head of the organization.

Mandatory cases of granting leave without pay are listed in Labor Code. The persons who are given such leave include: participants in the Great Patriotic War, old-age pensioners, parents, wives (husbands) of military personnel and other security organizations, like the armed forces (Ministry of Emergencies, police), listed in Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, people with disabilities, workers who have a child, a wedding, or a close relative has died.

However, the list of such cases is open, since the article allows for the possibility of granting leave without preserving average earnings in other cases listed in the code or other laws.

Several days on account of the main vacation

The law allows you to take a few days on account of the main vacation. Sometimes the employee needs it, and sometimes the employer requires it. In any case, you can share your vacation. It is important to remember that part of the vacation should not be less than 14 days, otherwise it will take place.

To get several days of paid vacation, you just need to write a statement in which you indicate the exact number of days of rest.

After signing the application, the employee has legal right to rest in the number of days provided by the employer.

An example of an application for the transfer of vacation:

Director (head) ______


(Full name) _____________________________ (name of organization)

from ___________________________

(position) _____________________________ (full name)

application for the postponement of vacation.

I _______ (full name) ____ was provided with annual paid leave from _________ 20__ to __________ 20__. However, for ___ days from the indicated vacation from ________ 20__ to __________ 20__, I was ill (s), which is confirmed by a certificate of incapacity for work issued by ____ (by whom) ____ _____ (when) _____.

Based on this and in accordance with par. 2 h. 1 tbsp. 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, I ask you to postpone the remaining ____ days of the main vacation to the next date ____________ 20__.

Appendix: certificate of incapacity for work issued by __ (by whom) ___ ___ (when) __.

"____" _____________ 20___ _______________ _______________

(signature) (full name)

Note: often the transfer of vacation is carried out in case of illness during it, however, the application can be written later. And you can "walk" the vacation later.

The employer simply publishes new order on vacation or makes an order to postpone vacation, stating there the reasons for such a postponement.

Study leave application

can be both paid and unpaid... It all depends on the level of education, the form of training and what kind of education this education is for the employee. For example, you can get a second degree only at your own expense. Those. the employer will not pay for the vacation.

The number of vacation days provided also depends on the level of education (secondary / higher) and the course where the student is studying.

To receive an educational leave, you need to write an application in the personnel department, to which you must attach a certificate-call from the educational institution. After that, the order is printed. The duration of the student's "leave" is set in accordance with the certificate-call provided by the student-employee.

When the vacation is over, the student takes a confirmation certificate from his educational institution and comes to work with it. If he does not pass the session, such a certificate will not be provided to him and this may not very well affect his work. He may be forced to return the money for the vacation.

Sample statement:

Director (head) ______ _____________________________ (full name) _____________________________ (name of organization)

from ___________________________


_____________________________ (FULL NAME)


Please provide me study leave with retention for the period from _____________ 20___ to _______________ 20__.

Appendix: certificate - call No. ______ dated _________ 20__.

"_____" ________________ 20___ _______________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, like the Constitution of the Russian Federation, proclaims the right of every employee to rest and leisure, including the right to periodic vacations.

The procedure for using the employee's right to rest, as well as the specifics of providing such rest, is regulated by labor legislation, which is mandatory for every employer located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In order to exercise his right to vacation, whether it is basic or additional, paid or unpaid, the employee must have the grounds listed in the law. If there are grounds, his application is signed and an order is issued, thanks to which the worker can safely go to rest.

Every employee working on an official basis has the right to apply for annual leave. To do this, it is necessary to draw up and submit an appropriate application to the employer in advance. The company's management considers the document only if it is drawn up correctly.

The current legislation of the Russian Federation is not provided for uniform form to fill out an application for the provision of annual paid leave, therefore, it is permissible to draw up an application in free form or on the company's letterhead. Paper can be printed or written.

The following information must be indicated in the application:

  • full company name;
  • Full name of the head or general director firms;
  • document's name;
  • FULL NAME, structural subdivision and the position of the employee;
  • main part. Contains text requesting the provision of annual basic paid leave. It is important to take into account that the appeal indicates the desired rest period - from what date the rest is required and in what number of calendar days, as well as the type - paid or not;
  • Date of preparation;
  • employee signature.

In some cases, the employer may provide additional paid days off. This requires the presence of such circumstances:

  • implementation labor activity on hazardous production or in the northern region of the country;
  • work in a specific area - health care, metallurgy, the Ministry of Emergencies, power supply, municipality, construction, professional sports;
  • the minor age of the employee;
  • disability.

In addition, the military and members of the judiciary can apply for additional paid leave.

In most cases, the length of the annual leave is 28 calendar days. For workers in some areas of activity, this period may be increased.

Note! When writing an application, the date of the end of the vacation time is not indicated. It is necessary to indicate the number of calendar days during which the employee plans to be absent from the workplace, and the first vacation day.

The employee has the right to apply for the provision of rest in in full or half of it.

In some companies, management creates a vacation schedule in advance. At the same time, the preferences of employees are taken into account whenever possible.

Example of a statement:

Do I need to write an application if there is a vacation schedule

If there is a clear schedule in which the sequence of granting annual leave is scheduled, the employee does not need to write an application. The schedule has already set the start date for the rest, the employer knows it, there is no need for the employee to notify the employer. On the contrary, in such a situation, the employer must provide the employee with information about when his rest begins - this must be done in writing 2 weeks before the start of the rest.

When it is necessary to write an application for an annual vacation:

  1. if there is no T-7 schedule;
  2. if the rest is not provided according to the schedule;
  3. if the employee was hired in the current year and was not included in the schedule.

Application deadline

It is important to note that if you have a vacation schedule, drawing up an application is an optional step. In such situations, the employer independently notifies the employee about the upcoming vacation. In accordance with Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, he must do this 2 weeks before the start of the holiday.

If the company does not provide for a vacation schedule, the application is completed within the time period set by the employer. The document can be drawn up both at the beginning of the year, and several weeks before the start of the vacation time. Additional time is needed to find a replacement during the absence of the main employee.

Features of unpaid leave

Sometimes circumstances may arise in connection with the appearance of which the employee will need rest, the period of which does not correspond to the established schedule. In this case, the employee can qualify for unpaid days off. The form for drawing up the corresponding application is almost similar to the standard situation, however, it is explained that unpaid leave is required. The only difference is in the main body of the document. This is an indication of the reason why the employee needs time off.

V this case allowed. It is important to note that this is only possible with the consent of the employer. To obtain approval, it is necessary to indicate a valid reason for the emergence of the need of this nature.

The statement written by the employee serves as the basis for drawing up, on the basis of which an entry is made in the personal T-2 card.

Design sample 2017 - 2018

Questions and answers

Question 1: To whom should the application be addressed if it is written on vacation of the CEO of the company by decision general meeting participants?

Answer: The document must be addressed to the chairman of the general meeting of founders, if the decision to leave the general director is made by the general meeting.

Question 2: The employee submitted the application 1 day before the start of the annual rest. The order with the payment of vacation pay was made 1 day before the start of the vacation. What liability is provided for the employer for violation of the terms of payment of vacation pay?

Answer: The organization and the director who signed the documents can be involved in administrative responsibility in the form of a fine under Part 6 of Article 5.27 of the Administrative Code. The fine for the organization is from 30 thousand. up to 50 thousand. rub., for official- from 10 thousand. up to 20 thousand. rub. Plus, the employee needs to be compensated for the delay in the payment of vacation pay.

This is a document drawn up by an officially employed employee to receive an annual vacation. Based on this, the employer provides a period for which a person is released from labor duties. There are several types of vacation, drawing up an application for which provides for a number of nuances. To quickly resolve the issue, you need to know how the document is drawn up.

Caring for a child up to 1.5 years old and up to 3 years old

According to the law, the employee is obliged to draw up a statement on the need for parental leave within two weeks after the expiration of the maternity leave, which includes 14 days before and after childbirth.

The document is signed personally by the parent granting the exemption from work. Exemption from work for caring for newborns is provided for both men and women.

The document will be accepted by the employer if:

  • birth certificate of a child;
  • certificates that the second parent has not received an exemption from work for the same purposes;
  • a certificate of guardianship (if the parents will not take care of the baby).

The documents are provided to the employer or employees of the HR department in the original. Parents and unemployed relatives planning to stay with the baby can get leave to care for a child under the age of 1.5 years. In this case, the period when the person worked in the organization is not taken into account. The request is considered even if the employee has been working for only a few months.

During the absence of a person, they do not have the right to fire him. Also, the employer cannot provide him with another position. If the request is made by a relative who does not have a job, or a student, the document is considered at the department social protection at the registration address.

After the closure of the sick leave for childbirth, the countdown of the days of rest begins. In the absence of a formalized decree, the document must be submitted within two years after the birth of the baby. The release period officially ends when the child turns 1.5 years old. The allowance is not refundable if the document is submitted after the child reaches this age. To avoid this, an application for caring for a child under 3 years old is submitted.

The document is drawn up by analogy with the previous one, but a different period is indicated. The form is provided by the HR department or superiors. After that, the employer draws up an order for calculating benefits, a copy of which is available in the accounting department. Payments are made on its basis.

Head of LLC "Central"

Zakharchenko A.S.

from the seller

Maksimova A. Yu.


I am asking for parental leave from October 7 _____. Please assign me monthly allowance... I attach to the application (documents and certificates are listed).

Date: 06.09 ._____ Signature: Maksimova A. Yu.

For 1.2 or 3 days on account of vacation (not according to schedule)

This option is rarely used, since in most cases it is easier for an employee to agree on a day off with the employer personally. But this method is not entirely legal, so sometimes the bosses require you to issue a request for one or more days off on account of the vacation. In this case, a standard document form is drawn up.

In it, the employee must indicate:

  • agreement to postpone the weekend from future vacation;
  • the reason for this decision;
  • the number of days off required.

After that, the request is reviewed by the employer, signed and submitted as a copy to the accounting department, where payment for the weekend is made out on its basis. The management reduces the duration of compulsory rest. The number of days is usually limited to three days off. Sometimes this period is increased depending on the situation.

The paper is compiled according to the following pattern:

Head of LLC "Central"

Zakharchenko A.S.

from the seller

Maksimova A. Yu.


I am asking for a three-day leave to solve personal problems for the period from October 7 to October 10 _____.

Without pay (at own expense)

According to the law, each employee has the right to receive exemption from work for family circumstances for a period of:

  • up to five days - to all employees;
  • up to fourteen days - for employees of retirement age;
  • up to thirty-five days - to combat veterans;
  • up to sixty days - for employees with disabilities.

The document is drawn up according to a standard sample. The authorities have the right to demand a certificate that would confirm the reason for the need to obtain a vacation. In their absence, unpaid rest will not be provided. If during this period the employee does not appear at work, this will be recorded as absenteeism, and he will have to face administrative proceedings up to and including dismissal.

The employer independently decides whether to grant exemption from work to the employee, if the reason does not apply, for example: to family circumstances. The employee draws up a document in a standard form. The text is formatted in any form.

After drawing up the application, an order is issued, which indicates the number of days of rest and the fact that they are not paid. The employee must sign the document confirming that he / she has read the contents of the document. After that, the order is approved and the employee can officially use his vacation during the specified period.

The bosses are not allowed to send staff on unpaid rest in order to save money Money... This is subject to a fine and administrative liability.

Sample document:

Head of LLC "Central"

Zakharchenko A.S.

from the seller

Maksimova A. Yu.


Please provide unpaid leave for the period from October 7 _____ to October 12 _____ to solve personal problems.

Date: 05.10 ._____ Signature: Maksimova A. Yu.

For the previously worked time

It is possible to get time off for the time that an employee worked in advance only if there is overwork on schedule. Usually in small enterprises this situation is not documented.

But if the organization is large, you should act according to the following scheme:

  • contact your superiors with a request to be released from work for the previously worked time;
  • agree on working days that the employee will work in excess of the norm before receiving a release from work;
  • write and approve the application.

The document is drawn up according to common standard... It is important to accurately indicate the number of days by date, days of weekends and working days. Then an order is drawn up, on the basis of which the employee's work schedule is changed.

An employee can also work instead of a colleague by exchanging days off with him. This is documented without fail.

Sample document:

Head of LLC "Central"

Zakharchenko A.S.

from the seller

Maksimova A. Yu.


I ask you to provide leave for the previously worked time from 7 to 10 October _____ for the period from 16 to 19 October _____.

Date: 05.10 ._____ Signature: Maksimova A. Yu.

With the subsequent dismissal of their own free will

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that an employee has the right to go on vacation and quit immediately after it. The employer has the right to refuse this request in whole or in part. In this case, the employee is compensated for the unused rest before dismissal.

An employee is not eligible for an exemption if he is dismissed by order of the employer for any wrongdoing. If an employee leaves for on their own, he must apply no later than 2 weeks before dismissal. He can submit the request earlier, if necessary, indicating the desired date of dismissal.

The request can be made while the employee is on vacation. A person is not obliged to notify his superiors about the upcoming dismissal before going on vacation if it lasts more than two weeks. The employee has the right not to use it, but to demand compensation in the form of cash.

If an employee wrote a request to leave after returning to work, the supervisor may legal grounds require him to work a two-week period before signing the application.

Rest days can be partially used - in this case, compensation is also due for the unused amount.

The document is drawn up according to the following sample:

Head of LLC "Central"

Zakharchenko A.S.

from the seller

Maksimova A. Yu.


I am asking for leave with subsequent dismissal for the period from October 3 _____ to October 31 _____.

Date: 25.09 .____ Signature: Maksimova A. Yu.

Maternity (maternity leave)

Maternity leave is not included in the exemption from childcare. The request to obtain it has the following differences:

  • granted for a period of 140 days (70 days before and after childbirth);
  • granted for a period of 194 days (in case of simultaneous birth of more than one child);
  • provided for a period of 156 days (in case of complications during childbirth).

The rest period is not revised if the woman has a delay, or if the delivery occurred ahead of time.

The application is drawn up in a standard form, after which it is given to the employer. Together with the document, sick leave... This document is drawn up in the antenatal clinic after the thirtieth week of pregnancy. The form indicates the desire to receive maternity benefits. After that, the employer signs the paper, entering the date from which the rest period begins.

Obtaining an exemption from work due to pregnancy is a legal right of every woman, in which she cannot be denied, subject to the necessary conditions. A woman has the opportunity to give up rest, while continuing to carry out her duties at work.


Head of LLC "Central"

Zakharchenko A.S.

from the seller

Maksimova A. Yu.


Please provide maternity leave from October 7, 2018 to February 24, 2019.

Date: 19.09.2018 Signature: Maksimova A. Yu.

Annual paid, regular vacation (according to the schedule)

Annual paid leave is granted to each employee who has worked in the organization for more than six months. The standard duration is twenty-eight days. But it can vary depending on the conditions on which the employment contract was drawn up.

The application for the rest according to the schedule is submitted two weeks in advance. The document is drawn up according to standard scheme, but it must indicate:

  • start and end date of the desired rest period;
  • type of release from work;
  • reason (if the request is made urgently).

Payment for vacation is charged no later than three days before its start. If the request was submitted no more than four days before its start, payment will not be calculated until the start of the vacation period, since the accounting department will not have time to check the order. In this case, when drawing up the document, the employee must indicate that he is not against the accrual of funds with a delay.

If necessary, rest days are divided into several parts. To do this, the person in the form indicates their number and duration, limiting them to specific dates.


Head of LLC "Central"

Zakharchenko A.S.

from the seller

Maksimova A. Yu.


Date: 06.10 ._____ Signature: Maksimova A. Yu.

Application for vacation of the CEO to the founders

The CEO has annual leave with the standard number of days specified in the articles of association of the enterprise or organization. He is also required to draw up a statement before going on vacation.

The director does not receive rest if the document is not approved by all the founders of the production. Without agreement with them, the director has no right to independently set a date.

The application is not drawn up only in one case - when the director is at the same time the only founder. In this case, he informs the accounting department of the planned period of absence from the workplace, after which the information is entered into the list of annual paid vacations. However, the order is still drawn up and the director's signature is required for its approval.

How to write an application for vacation compensation?

Every employee who has worked for at least six months in his position has the right to receive compensation for unused days.

Compensation is provided in the form of cash if the employee:

  • worked for a whole year without rest;
  • used only a part of the provided days;
  • did not have time to use them before dismissal.

When making a request, it is indicated for what period compensation is required, as well as for what reason the rest days are not used. The paper is transferred first to the head, and then to the accounting department, where the size is calculated on its basis assigned to an employee compensation.

Employees cannot receive compensation:

  • pregnant;
  • under the age of majority;
  • working at hazardous to health production.

The employer has the right to refuse the employee by appointing him days of rest. But if there are unused days at the time of dismissal financial compensation is required.

A sample of drawing up an application for compensation for unused vacation is available in the photo:

Registration of leave according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: vacation is a certain period when a person is released from his work duties. Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that this is the right of every person who has worked in a certain company for more than six months.

In the Labor Code, in addition to the annual leave, there are other types of leave:

  • additional - assigned to people working at enterprises of particular complexity or in difficult conditions;
  • educational - provided to people with a certificate from an educational institution;
  • maternity - issued to women for a certain period before pregnancy and after childbirth;
  • childcare - assigned to parents for a period of one and a half to three years after the end of the maternity period;
  • free - provided to employees for solving family problems.

In the Basic Law of the Russian Federation, the duration of each type is regulated by paragraph 5 of article 37. Annual rest is paid in the amount of one wage. If necessary, the rest period is postponed.

The procedure for granting exemption from work on schedule is drawn up in accordance with Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The employee retains:

  • place of work;
  • the position in which he is listed;
  • the size of the salary.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that an employee has the right to receive exemption from work, regardless of the basis on which he works: permanently, temporarily, or part-time.

In order to approve the request, the employer may additionally require:

  • certificate confirming disability due to pregnancy;
  • a certificate confirming that the session has begun at the university.

The request goes through two instances: the director and the accounting department. It is not allowed to submit a document to the accounting department without the director's signature.

A common template is a form to fill out

The application is drawn up according to the following principle:

  • in the upper right corner, the head of the document is drawn up (the dative case is used to indicate the data and initials of the head, in whose name the statement is drawn up, and the genitive - to indicate your own data and initials);
  • under the heading in the middle of the sheet, the heading with a capital letter (Application) is indicated;
  • under the heading, a text is drawn up in free form, where the employee asks to provide him with the required number of days without work, indicating his type and reason, after which he indicates the period for which he needs rest;
  • the date of compilation is indicated in the lower right corner and the signature is put (next to the signature is the surname and initials).

Form - Application Template

Every employed citizen has the right to annual paid leave. Minimum duration rest is 28 calendar days, but in some areas of activity are provided extra days(for example, in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other structures).

According to Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the vacation schedule must be drawn up at least 2 weeks before the beginning of the year, and for the same time before the start of the vacation, each of the employees must be notified of this under their signature. After that, employees need to write an application for the next paid vacation, which is signed by the head.

When is the application for paid vacation written?

Contrary to popular belief, giving an employee two weeks' notice of annual leave should the leaders of the organization or personnel officers, and not vice versa. The document template is usually present in the HR department.

The whole procedure looks like this:

  1. The citizen who is entitled to leave is notified and sent to the HR department. In it, you can write a statement, which is the basis for registration. The order, in turn, is made by the head and transferred to the accounting department for calculating vacation pay.
  2. At least three days before the start of the rest, the employee is paid money for the time worked and the upcoming time. The amount can be calculated independently using the formula for calculating vacation pay.

If desired, any employee has the right to take. In this case, it is enough to write one statement with a similar wording. You can also resign during the rest, while the days of compulsory work will be included in the vacation days, if the director appoints it.

Let's consider an example: Lavrentyev O.N. took a vacation from 10.04.2018 to 24.04.2018, that is, for two weeks. On April 15, he decided to quit and submitted a corresponding application to the head. He assigned him to detention for two weeks. After the end of the rest, Lavrentiev will be obliged to work for another 5 days, since the course of the warning period begins on the day following the date of filing the application for resignation.

There are other types of leave that also require applications:

  • Training... Given on the basis of a certificate from an educational institution. The duration depends on the session.
  • Without pay... It is given to all employees upon marriage, marriage, childbirth or death of a relative. Duration - up to 5 days. For selected categories employees set an increased number of days of unpaid rest.
  • Hospital for pregnancy and childbirth... Sometimes it is also called vacation. To obtain, it is enough to provide the employer medical certificate and a statement at 30 weeks of gestation. The standard duration is 140 calendar days, but in case of complications the sick leave is increased according to the norms of Art. 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Holiday to care for the child... For a year and a half after the birth of a baby, a woman has a childcare allowance.

Important: pregnant women cannot be involved in work at night, a convenient schedule is established for them. For the rest of the employees, the working hours are regulated labor contract and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, while produced in increased sizes in comparison with daytime hours (Article 154 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How to write a vacation application correctly?

To correctly write an application for annual paid leave, it is enough to use the following recommendations:

  1. In the upper right corner, information about the manager to whom the application is sent: full name, position. Also, the position and name of the vacationer and the name of the enterprise are entered here.
  2. Below (in the middle of the sheet) a "statement" is written with a small letter and without a dot after the word.
  3. After that, the wording is indicated: “I ask you to provide me with an annual paid vacation with (date) duration (how many calendar days).
  4. A number and signature are added at the end.

Sample application for annual paid leave

Important: if an employee wants to go on vacation outside the schedule, he must first coordinate this with the team and the manager. It is allowed to change dates of rest with other employees, but provided that it does not interfere production process and the director agrees to such concessions.

Summing up

All employees are granted annual paid vacations in accordance with pre-established schedules, and they can be divided into parts of at least 14 calendar days.

Without a properly drawn up application, it will not be possible to go on vacation - it is the basis for creating an order for the manager and calculating vacation pay, therefore it is very important to draw up it correctly and submit it to the HR department in a timely manner.

Vacation application- This is a document that contains the employee's request for leave.

How to write a vacation application correctly

A vacation application is written on a sheet of A4 paper or typed on a computer. This document has the same form and structure as a regular statement:

  1. Document header.
    Placed in the upper right corner of the sheet. It indicates the position, organization name, surname and initials of the head to whom the application is addressed - in the dative case, as well as the position and name of the compiler - in the genitive case.
  2. Document title.
    In the middle of the sheet, under the heading, the name of the document is written - Application.
  3. The text of the statement.
    This is followed directly by the text of the application, which is drawn up in any form. It must contain the request for leave, the period and the reason (if necessary).
  4. Date and signature.
    In the lower left corner of the sheet, the date of the compilation of the document is put and next to the signature of the compiler.

Vacation Application Samples

On the basis of a written application for a vacation, a corresponding order is issued.