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We sign high-quality documents. Slash before signature - how to understand it? Inserting a handwritten signature with typewritten text

A signature authenticates a document and makes it valid. An incorrect signature can lead to a challenge in court and cause many other troubles. Entrepreneurs should know the basic rules for document approval in order to avoid getting into unpleasant situations when a document may be declared unenforceable.

  • Who has the right to sign important documentation, and can this right be delegated to others?
  • How to place your signature in accordance with the rules of office work?
  • What if several people must sign at once?

Signature required

All economic life organization is accompanied by written documentation. Charters, reports, declarations, contracts and other documents have legal force if they are made in writing, and evidence of writing is the presence on the documents of the signature of the parties or responsible persons having the necessary authority.

Who has signing authority?

Who has the right to sign a document must be clearly stated in the relevant regulations, which can be:

  • constituent documents organizations;
  • job description;
  • local regulations;
  • order;
  • order;
  • power of attorney.

Absolute right of signature(without a power of attorney or other special justification) is owned by a manager, that is, a director or chairman of the board. Its data must be contained in the state register (Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs).

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! If, when registering an enterprise, the manager gives the right to sign without a power of attorney along with himself to another person or persons, this information is also entered into the register.

IP one for all

An individual entrepreneur who has the right to perform the functions of a chief accountant can put his signature not only on documents requiring a director’s visa, but also sign in the column “ chief accountant", for example, in a bill of lading.

Signature by proxy

Power of attorney is a written document that delegates certain powers. In our case, this is the transfer of the right to sign. This can only be issued by a person who has this right unconditionally according to the constituent data, that is, most often, a representative of the management.

The format of the power of attorney and the format of the document being signed must match. For example, if a transaction that requires notarization is signed under a power of attorney, then the power of attorney must also be notarized.

If you strictly follow the rules, then the document must contain an indication of the signatory’s right to act on behalf of the organization: a signature based on the constituent documents, an order or instruction from management, a power of attorney.

PLEASE NOTE! If the power of attorney is issued on behalf of legal entity, then it must be issued by the director or another person specified in the constituent documents.

Who should sign the document if the director is absent?

If the person with the absolute right to sign is for any reason absent from his/her workplace at the time the signature is required, this option should be provided in advance. There are several ways to resolve this situation:

  1. Provide in the constituent documents the possibility of signature for the deputy director or another official.
  2. Issue a power of attorney for signature by an authorized person (you can do this immediately for a long period, for example, for a year).
  3. Issue an order or instruction for the right to sign a specific document (one-time option).
  4. Use in cases where it does not contradict the law.

Signed by I.O.

If the document is signed by the acting director or his deputy, the right to sign is delegated to him on the basis of the above documents. At the same time, there is no need to indicate “acting” in the signature itself; according to GOST rules, only the name of the position is required, which for the employee who temporarily assumed management responsibilities remained the same. This must be indicated when the document is endorsed. It is also unacceptable to use a slash and the use of the preposition “for” before the signature.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Documents signed by the acting official in violation of the design of this detail (with the letters “i.o”, slash or preposition “for”) cannot be notarized, they can be challenged in court.

In the place of the director - the signature of the acting director

If on the form the position of director is in the place intended for signature, and the person signing is acting, then you need to cross out the printed phrase and enter the name of the real position of the signatory. The same should be done if the surname and initials of the absent manager are printed. Corrections are made in handwritten form.

What cannot be a facsimile?

An imprint of a sample signature, which is so easy to give to any employee and therefore very convenient to use, cannot be left on all documents. Legal grounds prohibited from putting a signature that does not require “live” participation authorized person, on the following documents:

  • related to bank payments;
  • various statements;
  • personnel papers;
  • declarations;
  • invoices;
  • cash documents;
  • contracts that need to be registered;
  • powers of attorney.

You can leave facsimile signature when exchanging documents within the framework of one contract, if:

  • a contract signed in the usual way provides for this possibility;
  • There is an agreement between the partners on the use of facsimile clichés.

Such papers may be commercial offers, letters, acts, specifications, etc.

How is the “signature” requisite completed?

It would seem that what could be simpler - to put your signature? Meanwhile, this is as serious a requisite as the name of the organization and its banking attributes. Therefore, the correctness of its execution must coincide with the requirements for office work.

Signature elements

The signature as a prop consists of three parts.

  1. Job title must be indicated in full form in accordance with . If the signature is not on official letterhead, then the name of the organization must be added to the title of the position. It is written with a capital letter. This element is located on the left edge of the document.
  2. Personal signature- what is commonly called painting. To her special requirements no: it can be either a stroke or a surname with one or more initials. According to unspoken rules, at least one letter from the first name and three from the surname must be clear from the stroke.
  3. Full name– initials and surname. It must completely match the passport data, right down to the dots in the letter e, if they are present on the identity card. Placed at the level of the last line of the signature.

Signature location

The signature is inseparable from the text of the document. If the text ends at the bottom of the page, then the signature cannot be transferred to a separate sheet if there is no other text on the sheet besides it. It is customary to move at least the last paragraph, while not forgetting about the correct page numbering.

If several signatures are provided, then they are located one below the other in descending order of the nomenclature importance of the positions.

NOTE! If members of the commission sign, then it is necessary to indicate not their actual positions, but their role in the commission (“Chairman”, “Member of the commission”). But they need to be arranged in order of subordination.

IOF or Full Name?

The order of placement of initials - before or after the surname - is determined by Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated 03.03.2003 N 65-st and the Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation “Requirements for the preparation of documents. GOST R 6.30-2003".

According to these regulations, initials after last name are placed in the following cases:

  • when addressing a document to an individual(for example, A.P. Koroleva);
  • when declaring or imposing a resolution when specifying the executor (for example, “The order is entrusted to I.I. Romanov”).

If the signature is a requisite, then initials are placed before the surname. There is a dot after the initials; they are not separated from the surname by a space.

Stamp on signature

Optional for some forms entrepreneurial activity, for example, for individual entrepreneurs. But for most documents, the presence of a seal will certify their authenticity. Its use is subject to mandatory requirements that must be observed.

  1. A seal cannot be placed before a signature, especially on a blank sheet of paper.
  2. If the document is drawn up on a special form, then the seal is placed in the place provided for this, printed with the letters M.P. (“place of printing”).
  3. In other cases, the seal is placed next to the signature; it is allowed (but not required) to overlap part of the seal with the edge personal signature. The stroke cannot be completely covered up, since its authenticity must be verifiable.
  1. Check your counterparty's signature credentials, especially if this is your first experience of written cooperation.
  2. Check not only the identity of the signatory and the authenticity of the authorizing document, but also its validity period.
  3. If a document consists of several pages, then each sheet should be signed, and not just the end of the document. You can flash the document and sign each place of the firmware.
  4. The constituent documents must provide for the procedure for notifying partners about the transfer of signing authority by management to other persons.

as a document requisite, it is the main means of individualizing the performer and confirming his free will when accepting obligations of a civil law nature.

The presence of a signature is prerequisite recognition of the legal significance of the document.

In forensic science, a signature is defined as an identification sign of a specific person, the attributes of which are personal and handwritten. It is these qualities that distinguish a signature from facsimile, computer and other images of it. A signature is the implementation of a specially formed signature handwriting, which, like ordinary handwriting, has the properties of individuality, stability, and selective variability. Thanks to these properties, with the help of forensic handwriting examination, it is possible to identify the executor of the signature, as well as to establish the conditions for its execution.

Handwriting can reflect the state of a person at the time of signing a document (illness, alcohol or drug intoxication, stress). This is important for establishing the ability (inability) of a person to understand the meaning of his actions or to guide them when committing civil acts. This property of handwriting as selective variability makes it possible to establish under the influence of what “confounding factors” (unusual conditions) this or that manuscript was completed. This helps to clarify the existence of the main condition of the transaction - expression of the will to complete it (Article 158 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In the absence of free will, the transaction will be declared invalid (Articles 177, 179 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). For the same reason, a handwritten signature cannot be replaced by its counterparts.

According to the way the documents - objects of inspection are divided into traditional and electronic, signatures as one of the main details should also be differentiated into traditional (handwritten) and non-traditional. The latter, in turn, are considered separately as obtained technically and electronically. digital signatures(EDS) 367 . The examination of the signature should begin by determining its type, i.e. assigning a signature to one of the specified categories.

The vast majority of signatures - the objects of judicial inspection in the civil process - are handwritten, which are the most

reliable requisites for establishing the reliability of the document and its authenticity. In forensic science, a distinction is made between so-called “technical” and “handwritten” forgeries of a “traditional” signature, each with its own informative features.

Methods of technical forgery of signatures are divided into two main groups: 1) applying a signature to a document by tracing one of the copies of the original signature (redrawing or copying), 2) applying an image of the original signature to the document (using a cliche facsimile, digital technologies etc.).

Signs indicating technical forgery of the original signature using traditional methods (clause 1) are discussed in some detail in other works, including by the author.

Relatively recently in expert practice appeared new way imitating a signature using “plotters” or “plotters”. As a result of a comprehensive study by specialists (handwriting expert, technical documentarian and specialist in the field computer equipment) the fact of simulating signatures made using data computer technology, can be installed.

American and Canadian companies have developed another version of the device for computer copying of handwritten signatures and texts - the “robotic arm”. So far in our expert practice there have been no cases of using such achievements of scientific and technological progress in illegal activities. However, one cannot but agree with N.A.

Ivanov is that it is necessary to work proactively and conduct serious research to develop methods for establishing the fact of computer forgery of handwritten objects.

Handwritten forgeries of signatures are the execution of a signature on behalf of another person with imitation of his original signatures. The execution of a signature by one person in imitation of the original signature of another person is carried out with the aim of ensuring the closest resemblance to the original.

In criminology there is a distinction the following types imitation: “by eye”, from memory, with preliminary training. In relation to each of them, signs have been developed that help, during examination, to reasonably doubt the

authenticity of the signature and assume its execution by imitation.

During the inspection, the discovery of relevant signs in the signature on the disputed document gives reason to doubt its authenticity. However, one cannot go beyond doubt during the examination, because... Such signs, as a rule, are ambiguous and appear not only in signatures made with imitation. They have diagnostic value in establishing unusual conditions for the execution of a signature and are not exclusively symptomatic of forgery.

Verifying doubts about the authenticity of a disputed signature is facilitated by comparative analysis if the subject of inspection has at his disposal other documents containing signatures made on behalf of the same person, and their origin is not in doubt. Typically, documents of this kind later serve as samples of the signature handwriting of the person on whose behalf the signature on the disputed document is assigned when a forensic handwriting examination is ordered.

As objects of inspection from an identification standpoint, analogues of signatures - images obtained using cliche facsimiles or digital technologies - are not very informative.

A signature imprint can be applied to a document using a special cliche that accurately reproduces the combination of signature strokes (facsimile). The facsimile is applied with stamp inks and is a relief cliche. As a rule, a facsimile image of a signature is used by management personnel of organizations and financial services enterprises that have to sign large number documents, or signatures of persons who are often absent from the workplace are required.

The law (Clause 2 of Article 160 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) allows the use of facsimile reproduction of a signature using mechanical or other copying means when making transactions in cases and in the manner specified provided for by law, and by agreement of the parties. However, replacing a handwritten signature with a fax one is not always acceptable. Thus, a bill of exchange will be “considered genuine if it bears a signature made in the own hand by the person who drew it up or assumed the obligation.” It is prohibited by regulations to apply an image of a signature using a facsimile or other copying methods on powers of attorney, payment documents, and other documents that have financial consequences (with the exception of cases of signing documents by visually impaired persons when carrying out credit institution operations).

This limitation is due to the following: firstly, it is almost impossible to establish that the signature image was applied directly by the person on whose behalf the document was signed, and, secondly, a facsimile can be specially made for the purpose of falsifying the document. IN judicial practice There are lawsuits in which signatures on documents made using facsimiles are disputed (in this case, the party denies the fact of signing).

The signature image can be applied using digital technology (the original signature is scanned, entered into the document being produced, and then this document printed on a color printer). Such signature images are characterized by the characteristics of printing devices, which were discussed above in relation to the inspection of seals. Therefore, during the examination, it is important, focusing on the signs developed by criminologists, first of all, to determine the method of making the signature. Then, the regulatory admissibility of this signature analogue is checked. If there are difficulties in establishing the method of applying a signature, a specialist may be involved in the inspection or a forensic technical examination of the document may be assigned.

Any paper becomes an official document after a signature appears on it. This detail is of great importance in office work and reporting. The signature can be handwritten or electronic, and different requirements apply. What is included in the “Signature” requisite and how to properly format it in different situations, this article will tell you.

It would seem, what is the difficulty in simply signing a document? If we're talking about about the typographical form of some report, there is generally a special field for signatures. But there are actually a lot of nuances, and the “Signature” prop requires a serious and careful approach. After all, if used incorrectly, severe legal consequences. Let's figure out how to correctly sign various official documents.

Place matters

Designing a Signature prop always starts with choosing the right place for it. Usually it is always located below the text, at the very end of the form. This is because to sign a paper means to certify what it says. Here is a typical example of the “Signature” attribute, when the head of the company signed an official letter to the partners:

Please note that to add a signature, you need to indent 3 line spacing from the text. Since the powers of different officials to sign certain documents differ, it is customary to indicate the position of the person who signed it before the signature. Official rights and responsibilities are determined by the constituent documents and internal regulations of the organization:

  • orders;
  • regulations;
  • instructions.

Sometimes there may be several autographs, then they are located one below the other in accordance with the hierarchy of the persons who signed them.

The interval between such autographs is usually one line. If, for example, an agreement or reconciliation report is signed by officials of two organizations, then their autographs with all the accompanying data are located on the same line on different edges of the form. In this case, the autograph itself is located one line below the job title along with a transcript.

It is very important to remember that it is the text that needs to be signed, so it is strictly forbidden to separate its certification from the main document and place this detail on a separate sheet. If there is not enough space, the entire last paragraph of what is written on the paper is transferred to another sheet. The pages must be numbered. From the edges of the document, this attribute is usually located in the center, but in some cases (usually in letterhead) it may be offset to the left edge.

Props composition

The “Signature” attribute always includes the following data, there are only three of them:

  1. The job title of the person who assigned it.
  2. The signature itself.
  3. Initials and surname as a transcript.

Before signing, you must indicate the position, indenting the left margin of the document, and the transcript is done after:

General Director of VESNA LLC S.P. IVANOV Ivanov

When using an organization's letterhead, the name of the company does not need to be duplicated and only the position of the signatory is indicated. Regardless of this circumstance, the position is always indicated with a capital letter. This does not depend on whether the text ends with a period, a table, or some kind of diagrams and diagrams. The job title must match staffing table. If this is neglected, the entire document may be declared invalid, since it indicates a non-existent position, and therefore the person occupying it.

Between the job title and the transcript, you need to leave enough space for the most extensive autograph.

Appearance and content

There are no requirements for the personal signature itself, and there cannot be. Each person signs as he sees fit and convenient. Of course, ideally, any squiggle should contain hints of the first letters of the last name and first name, but this is not necessary. Moreover, usually citizens in power try to make their autograph as individual and complex as possible, so that it is more difficult to forge. There is no need to put a period after the autograph. But the decoding must correspond to the passport data. This is especially true for such interchangeable letters as “e” and “e”.


If there are a lot of documents in the organization that require a management visa, then for such “flow” papers in large companies It is customary to use a facsimile, that is, a substitute for a personal autograph. The imprint is placed on letters and claims, as well as internal documents. This issue is not regulated in any way by law, so it is advisable to avoid putting facsimiles on reports and contracts, that is, on those papers that have important legal significance.

As for the document flow under an already signed agreement, due to Article 160 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation regulating written form conclusion of transactions, in cases provided for by laws, other legal acts or by agreement of the parties, the use of facsimile reproduction of a personal signature using mechanical or other copying means is permitted. That is, such a condition must be written down in the contract itself. Otherwise, tax authorities may reject all documents signed in this way for tax purposes.

Third party signatures

Sometimes the manager is not there, a facsimile cannot be used, and a document needs to be certified urgently. It would seem that for such purposes the director has a deputy or even several. But he may not have the right to sign, unless this is specifically stated. If documents such as an employment contract or constituent documents do not state the right of the deputy to certify official papers when going on a business trip or vacation, the director must delegate this right by a separate order indicating the exact position and person.

If such a position is indicated in the papers before the autograph, it cannot be abbreviated. For example, the following option would be incorrect:

First Deputy Director of VESNA LLC VASIN G.D. Vasin

You just need to write it like this:

First Deputy General Director of VESNA LLC VASIN G.D. Vasin

If it is customary in the company, then the phrase “ general manager" can be capitalized. Both options are acceptable. There is also no need to shorten other job titles when certifying official documents.

Separately, it is necessary to note the practice that has developed in some organizations. In the absence the right person, for example, a director, another person, for example a secretary, can sign the paper for him, putting his personal autograph, and placing a slash in front of the position, something like this:

/General Director of VESNA LLC VASIN S.P. Ivanov

But such a slash is unacceptable! Also, you cannot use the preposition “for” before a position. Only the person whose details are indicated on the form has the right to sign. If signed by another person, the paper will be invalid. Moreover, this option will not be certified by any notary, and it can be easily challenged in court. Therefore, it is advisable to prevent such situations, as well as corrections of this important detail.

The function of a signature in a broad sense is to certify by a person the content of what is written, as well as to protect what is written from falsification. As for official documents, the meaning of the handwritten surname, according to paragraph 1 of Article 160 Civil Code RF, consists of sealing a document expressing the content of the transaction in in writing. Under the deal in in this case refers to any “actions of citizens and legal entities aimed at establishing, changing and terminating civil rights and duties (Article 153 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, the signature gives the document legal force, confirms its authenticity, and also allows you to identify the person who signed it.

What is included in the signature props

The signature details in official papers must comply with the requirements that are currently regulated by GOST R 6.30-2003. Subsequently, this standard will be replaced by GOST R 7.0.97-2016, which comes into force on July 1, 2018. So, according to the current GOST, the signature details include:

  • job title of the person signing;
  • his handwritten signature;
  • transcript (initials, surname).

Listed above are the basic components of this requisite, which may vary depending on the form on which it is affixed. If this is a non-corporate form, then the name of the organization is added to the details. If an official’s form is used, then the name of the position indicating the organization is excluded.

How to sign correctly

Clause 3.22 of Gosstandart R 6.30-2003 contains some instructions in this regard. For example, it is permissible to center the job title of the person signing in relation to the longest line. In cases where autographs of several officials are required, they are located one below the other according to the hierarchy of positions. If these persons occupy equal positions, their signatures are placed at the same level. This is where the GOST regulations end.

At the same time, in practice the question often arises: what ink and pens should be used to sign official papers? If we are not talking about separate banking forms, then a single legal requirement does not exist. However, it is recommended to give preference ballpoint pen with blue or purple ink. This will provide external signs of the original, while an autograph made with a black (especially gel) pen can be regarded as a photocopy.

Where to sign for the performer

Another requisite that involves a handwritten signature is a mark on the execution of the document and its sending to the file. A mark is placed when the question described in the text has been resolved or a written answer has been received.

The presence of this requisite means that the work is completed and the paper needs to be filed. The mark of execution is accompanied by an indication of the date and number of the document confirming this.

In the absence of such, you should leave brief information about the execution, the words “To the point”; number of the file in which the document will be stored (clause 3.28 of GOST R 6.30-2003).

In both cases, the mark is signed by the executor (developer) of the document or the head of the structural unit. The props should be located on the left side of the bottom field.