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Full text of the spring anti-terrorist package and its essence. What is the Spring Law Spring Terrorism Law Demotivator

The Yarovaya Package is one of the most ambitious documents adopted by the State Duma in recent years. Some of its provisions have already been reflected in normative acts, the beginning of another one - in the summer of 2018.

What is the “Yarovaya law” when the most controversial part of the resonant initiative, concerning the storage of information about telephone conversations and personal correspondence of Russians, comes into force?

Authors of amendments

The sensational package of amendments submitted by the media was named after one of the authors - State Duma deputy Irina Yarovaya, who participated in the development of such legislative initiatives as criminal prosecution for defamation, toughening of sanctions for violations of the rules for holding rallies, "the law on foreign media agents."

Senator Viktor Ozerov worked on the amendments together with Yarovaya. At that time, both parliamentarians headed the security committees: Yarovaya - in the lower chamber, Ozerov - in the upper one. Four legislators were already co-sponsored by the voting procedure: Alexey Pushkov and Nadezhda Gerasimova were added to the list of initiators.

The anti-terrorist "Yarovaya law" - what is it?

In simple words, "Yarovaya package" is two federal laws containing amendments to regulations(designed, as conceived by the authors, to prevent manifestations of terrorism):

  • No. 374-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Countering Terrorism "and certain legislative acts Russian Federation in terms of establishing additional measures countering terrorism and ensuring public safety"Dated 06/07/2016;
  • No. 375-FZ "On Amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation in terms of establishing additional measures to counter terrorism and ensure public safety", dated 06.07.2016.

What innovations does the Yarovaya law contain?

The essence of the amendments

The first document (No. 374-FZ) amended the laws on the FSB, foreign intelligence, on weapons, the Housing Code and many other acts. Its provisions expanded the powers of the security forces, toughened responsibility for extremism, rules of postage, and cargo clearance.

So, in new edition Law No. 35-FZ "On Countering Terrorism" dated 06.03.2006:

  • Article 5 supplemented a new part (4.1) on the creation of anti-terrorist commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the decisions of which are binding;
  • introduced article 5.2, clarifying the actions and powers local authorities to combat extremism and terrorism;
  • Article 11 includes part 5, which expands the grounds for introducing the CTO regime.

The same law amended the RF Housing Code, and with them a ban:

  • disseminate religious teachings in premises intended for housing (with the exception of conducting rituals and ceremonies) (part 3 of article 17);
  • on the activity of missionaries, if it is aimed at committing extremist actions, threatening others, etc. (part 3.2 of article 22).

Changes to the law on communications

Innovations in the Law No. 126-FZ "On Communications" dated 07.07.2003 and their essence for cellular operators and Internet service providers is the established requirement to store user messages (voice and text messages), photos, videos, etc., transmitted in them, as well as information about the telephone conversation or correspondence of subscribers. The storage location is within the country. Conditions - traffic volume and storage period - are developed by the Cabinet of Ministers.

The storage period for message content is up to six months. Information about their dispatch, delivery, processing, etc. should be kept in the storage for longer:

  • three years - information about calls from mobile subscribers;
  • one year - data on e-mail correspondence of Russians.

The introduced clause 1 of part 1.1 of article 64 of the law on telecom operators obliges them to provide special services with information about the telephone conversations of their customers. A similar requirement, but already relatively hidden from the general public, the Internet activity of Russians, contains a new clause (3.1) of Article 10.1 of Law No. 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and the Protection of Information" dated July 27, 2006. And clause 4.1 obliges domain owners, providers and all those falling under the concept of "organizer of information dissemination" to transfer encryption keys to the security forces to decode user messages.

Failure to comply with the requirement of the security authorities will result in a fine. What will be its size, is specified by the part 2.1 introduced in Article 13.31 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  • from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles will be paid by citizens;
  • from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles - officials;
  • from 800,000 to 1 million rubles - companies.

Amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Another normative act included in the "Yarovaya package" - Law No. 375 added to the list of criminal offenses:

  • failure to inform law enforcement officers about a terrorist crime (committed, ongoing or planned). The harshest sanction for this is imprisonment for 12 months. A citizen who has not informed about such an act committed by his spouse or close relative will not be held liable;
  • international terrorism with a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

In the updated version of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the list of crimes for which criminal liability comes from the age of 14:

  • participation in a terrorist organization and its activities (respectively, part 2 of article 205.4 and part 2 of article 205.5);
  • training with the development of skills for use in planned terrorist activities (Article 205.3);
  • failure to report a crime (Article 205.6);
  • an act of international terrorism (Article 361).

When does the “Yarovaya law” come into force?

V " Russian newspaper»The official text of the Yarovaya Law was published on July 8, 2016. From July 20 of the same year, the main part of the innovations began to work, including changes in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

July 1, 2018 is the day specified in the Federal Law when Irina Yarovaya's law comes into force regarding the requirement to store data on remote communication of Russians. However, now the Government of the Russian Federation is discussing the possibility of postponing the entry into force of the law for several months. This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich. The need for a postponement is associated with the development of bylaws that will determine the volumes and periods of data storage under this law.

According to the "Big Four" of cellular operators, the organization of a message store alone will require more than 2.2 trillion rubles. Ultimately, the costs of companies will lead to a sharp increase in tariffs. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications allowed an increase in the cost of services cellular communication three times.

Article 1.

Introduce into the Federal Law of March 6, 2006 N 35-FZ "On Countering Terrorism" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N11, Art. 1146; N 31, Art. 3452; 2008, N 45, Art. 5149; N 52 , art.6227; 2009, No. 1, article 29; 2010, No. 31, article 4166; 2011, No. 1, article 16; No. 19, article 2713; No. 46, article 6407; 2013, No. 30 4041; No 44, Art 5641; 2014, No 19, Art 2335; No 23, Art 2930; No 26, Art 3385; 2015, No 1, Art 58) the following changes:

1) in article 5:

a) part 2 shall be supplemented with clause 5 as follows:

"5) establishes the order of interaction federal bodies executive power, bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies local government, individuals and legal entities when checking information about the threat of committing a terrorist act, as well as informing counter-terrorism subjects about the identified threat of committing a terrorist act. ";

b) in part 4, the fourth and fifth sentences shall be deleted;

c) supplement with part 4 1 as follows:

"4 1. In order to ensure coordination of the activities of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies in the prevention of terrorism, as well as to minimize and eliminate the consequences of its manifestations, by decision of the President of the Russian Federation, bodies consisting of representatives territorial bodies of federal executive bodies, bodies of state power of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other persons.To implement the decisions of these bodies, acts (joint acts) of these bodies may be issued, representatives of which are part of the corresponding body. are binding on state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, organizations, officials and citizens in the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation. e or violation of these decisions entails liability provided for by federal laws or laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. If the administrative responsibility for these actions is not established by federal law, it may be established by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation. ";

d) in part 5 the words "part 4" shall be replaced by the words "parts 4 and 4 1";

2) supplement with article 5 2 as follows:

"Article 5 2. Powers of local self-government bodies in the field of countering terrorism

Local self-government bodies in resolving issues local significance on participation in the prevention of terrorism, as well as in minimizing and (or) eliminating the consequences of its manifestations:

1) develop and implement municipal programs in the field of terrorism prevention, as well as minimization and (or) elimination of the consequences of its manifestations;

2) organize and conduct in municipalities outreach activities to clarify the nature of terrorism and its public danger, as well as on the formation of citizens' rejection of the ideology of terrorism, including through the distribution of information materials, printed materials, explanatory work and other events;

3) participate in measures to prevent terrorism, as well as to minimize and (or) eliminate the consequences of its manifestations, organized by federal executive bodies and (or) executive bodies of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

4) ensure the fulfillment of the requirements for anti-terrorist security of objects located in municipal property or administered by local governments;

5) send proposals on issues of participation in the prevention of terrorism, as well as in minimizing and (or) eliminating the consequences of its manifestations to the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

6) exercise other powers to resolve issues of local importance to participate in the prevention of terrorism, as well as in minimizing and (or) eliminating the consequences of its manifestations. ";

3) Article 11 shall be supplemented with part 5 of the following content:

"5. The legal regime of a counter-terrorist operation may be introduced in order to suppress and disclose a crime provided for in Article 206, part four of Article 211 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and (or) a crime associated with the implementation of terrorist activities, provided for in Articles 277, 278, 279, 360 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as terrorist crimes), minimizing its consequences and protecting the vital interests of the individual, society and the state. In these cases, when introducing legal regime counter-terrorist operation, the provisions provided for by this Article and Articles 12 - 19 of this Federal Law shall apply. ";

4) Part 1 of Article 12 shall be stated in the following wording:

"1. A counter-terrorist operation is carried out to suppress a terrorist act and crimes of a terrorist nature, if a decision is made to carry it out in the manner prescribed by this article.";

5) in Article 24:

a) in part 1 the words "282 1 - 282 3 and 360" shall be replaced by the words "282 1 - 282 3, 360 and 361";

b) in part 2 the words "282 1 - 282 3 and 360" shall be replaced with the words "282 1 - 282 3, 360 and 361".

Article 2.

Introduce into the Federal Law of April 3, 1995 N 40-FZ "On the Federal Security Service" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, N 15, Art. 1269; 2000, N 1, Art. 9; 2003, N 27, Art. 2700; 2006, No. 17, Art. 1779; 2016, No. 1, Art. 88) the following changes:

1) in part five of Article 14, the second sentence shall be excluded;

2) in Article 15:

a) supplement with a new part four as follows:

"The federal executive body in the field of security has the right to receive gratuitously from state bodies and state non-budgetary funds information systems and (or) databases necessary for the performance of the duties assigned to it, including by obtaining the possibility of remote access to them, except for cases when federal laws prohibit the transfer of such systems and (or ) databases to authorities federal service security. ";

Article 3

Introduce into the Federal Law of August 12, 1995 N 144-FZ "On operational-search activity" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, N 33, Art. 3349; 1999, N 2, Art. 233; 2000, N 1, Art. 8; 2001, N 13, Art. 1140; 2003, N 2, Art. 167; N 27, Art. 2700; 2005, N 49, Art. 5128; 2007, N 31, Art. 4008; 2008, N 52 , Art.6235; 2013, N 51, Art.6689) the following changes:

1) in article 6:

a) part one shall be supplemented with clause 15 as follows:

"15. Obtaining computer information.";

b) part four after the words "with the removal of information from technical communication channels," add the words "with the receipt of computer information,";

2) in Article 8:

a) the first paragraph of the second part after the words "operational-search measures" shall be supplemented with the words "(including obtaining computer information)";

b) in the part of the tenth digit "8 - 11", replace with the digits "8 - 11, 15".

Article 4

Article 6 of the Federal Law of January 10, 1996 N 5-FZ "On Foreign Intelligence" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 3, Art. 143; 2011, N 50, Art. 7366) shall be supplemented with part three of the following content:

"Service foreign intelligence The Russian Federation has the right to receive, on a gratuitous basis, from state bodies and state extra-budgetary funds information systems and (or) databases necessary to fulfill the duties assigned to it, including by obtaining the possibility of remote access to them, except for cases when federal laws establish a ban to transfer such systems and (or) databases to foreign intelligence agencies. "

Article 5.

Part eight of Article 25 6 of the Federal Law of August 15, 1996 N 114-FZ "On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 34, Art. 4029; 2003, N 2, Art. . 159; 2006, No. 31, Art. 3420; 2010, No. 21, Art. 2524; 2011, No. 13, Art. 1689; No. 17, Art. 2321; 2012, No. 53, Art. 7628; 2013, No. 27 , Art. 3477; N 30, Art. 4036; N 52, Art. 6955; 2014, N 16, Art. 1828; 2015, N 1, Art. 75; N 48, Art. 6709) after the words "religious ties and contacts "supplemented with words" (with the exception of professional religious activities, including missionary activities, under a labor or civil law contract with religious organizations). "

Article 6.

Introduce into the Federal Law of December 13, 1996 N 150-FZ "On Weapons" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 51, Art. 5681; 2011, N 1, Art. 10; N 50, Art. 7351; 2012, 29, Art. 3993) the following changes:

1) part two of Article 1 shall be stated in the following wording:

"Weapons do not include items certified as products of household and for industrial purposes, sports equipment that are structurally similar to weapons (hereinafter - products structurally similar to weapons). Products that are structurally similar to firearms should not contain main parts. firearms.";

2) part six of Article 16 shall be stated in the following wording:

"In the production of firearms of limited destruction, gas weapons, signal weapons, pneumatic weapons and products structurally similar to weapons, it is prohibited to use the main parts of military hand-held small arms and service firearms, including those removed from the register in state paramilitary organizations, as well as written off. ".

Article 7.

Clause 8 of Article 105 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, N 12, Art. 1383; 2004, N 35, Art. 3607; 2005, N 1, Art. 25; 2007, N 49, Art. 6075) to read as follows:

"8. Requirements for the automated information system for air transportation, for the databases that are part of it, for the information and telecommunications network that ensures the operation of the specified automated information system, to its operator, as well as measures to protect the information contained in it, and the procedure for its functioning are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the federal executive body authorized in the field of transport, in agreement with the body ensuring coordination of the activities of federal executive bodies in countering terrorism. "

Article 8.

Introduce into the Federal Law of September 26, 1997 N 125-FZ "On freedom of conscience and on religious associations" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, N 39, Art. 4465; 2000, N 14, Art. 1430; 2002, N 12 , Art.1093; N 30, Art.3029; 2003, N 50, Art.4855; 2004, N 27, Art.2711; 2006, N 29, Art.3122; 2008, N 9, Art.813; N 30 , art. 3616; 2010, N 49, art. 6424; 2011, N 27, art. 3880; 2013, N 23, art. 2877; N 27, art. 3472, 3477; 2014, N 43, art. 5800; 2015, No. 1, Art. 58; No. 14, Art. 2020; No. 17, Art. 2478; No. 29, Art. 4387; No. 48, Art. 6707; 2016, No. 14, Art. 1906) the following changes:

1) the second paragraph of clause 2 of Article 13 after the words "and other religious activities," shall be supplemented with the words "missionary activity cannot be carried out on his behalf";

2) Clause 3 of Article 17 shall be stated in the following wording:

"3. Literature, printed, audio and video materials produced by a religious organization, as well as distributed as part of missionary activities on its behalf, must be labeled with the official full name of this religious organization.";

3) Clause 2 of Article 20 shall be stated in the following wording:

"2. Religious organizations have exclusive right invite foreign citizens to carry out professional religious activities, including missionary activities, under a labor or civil law agreement with these organizations. ";

4) supplement with Chapter III 1 as follows:

"Chapter III 1. Missionary activity

Article 24 1. Missionary content

1. Missionary activity for the purposes of this Federal Law is recognized as the activity of a religious association aimed at disseminating information about its doctrine among persons who are not participants (members, followers) of this religious association, in order to involve these persons in the composition of participants (members, followers) of a religious associations, carried out directly by religious associations or their authorized citizens and (or) legal entities publicly, with the help of mass media, information and telecommunication network "Internet" or other legal means.

2. Missionary activity of a religious association is carried out without hindrance:

in places of worship, buildings and structures, as well as on land plots on which such buildings and structures are located;

in buildings and structures belonging to religious organizations on the basis of ownership or provided to them on other property rights for the implementation of their statutory activities, as well as on land plots on which such buildings and structures are located;

in premises belonging to religious organizations on the basis of ownership or provided to them on other property rights for the implementation of their statutory activities, as well as on land plots on which buildings with appropriate premises are located, in agreement with the owners of such buildings;

in premises, buildings, structures and land plots owned by property rights or granted under other property rights to organizations created by religious organizations;

on land plots owned by religious organizations on the basis of ownership or granted to them on other property rights;

in places of pilgrimage;

in cemeteries and crematoria;

in the premises educational organizations historically used for religious purposes.

3. It is not allowed to carry out missionary activities in residential premises, except for the cases provided for by Part 2 of Article 16 of this Federal Law.

4. It is prohibited for a religious association to disseminate information about its beliefs in premises, buildings and structures belonging to another religious association, as well as on land plots where such buildings and structures are located, without the written consent of the governing body of the relevant religious association.

Article 24 2. The procedure for carrying out missionary activities

1. Citizens carrying out missionary activities on behalf of a religious group are required to have a decision with them general meeting a religious group on the granting of appropriate powers to them, indicating the details of a written confirmation of receipt and registration of a notice on the creation and commencement of activities of the specified religious group, issued by the territorial body of the federal body state registration.

2. Missionary activity on behalf of a religious organization may be carried out by the head of a religious organization, a member of its collegial body and (or) a clergyman of a religious organization.

ave carry out missionary activities on behalf of a religious organization if they have a document issued governing body religious organization and confirming the authority to carry out missionary activities on behalf of the religious organization. V this document the details of the document confirming the fact of making a record about the religious organization in a single State Register legal entities and issued by the federal state registration authority or its territorial authority.

These rules do not apply to missionary activities provided for by paragraph 2 of Article 24 1 of this Federal Law.

3. Foreign citizens and persons without rhetoric of the Russian Federation have the right to carry out missionary activities.

on behalf of a religious group - only on the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the territorial body the federal state registration body, which issued a written confirmation of receipt and registration of the notification of the creation and commencement of the activity of the said religious group, in the presence of the document specified in paragraph 1 of this article;

on behalf of a religious organization - only on the territory of the subject or the territories of the subjects of the Russian Federation in accordance with the territorial sphere of activity of the said religious organization in the presence of the document specified in paragraph 2 of this article.

4. Foreign citizens who entered the territory of the Russian Federation at the invitation of a religious organization in accordance with Article 20 of this Federal Law have the right to carry out missionary activities only on behalf of the said religious organization on the territory of the subject or the territories of the subjects of the Russian Federation in accordance with the territorial sphere of its activity, if the document specified in paragraph 2 of this article.

5. It is not allowed to carry out missionary activities on behalf of a religious association, the goals and actions of which are contrary to the law, including which was liquidated by a court decision, or whose activities were suspended or prohibited in the manner and on the grounds provided for by this Federal Law, the Federal Law of July 25 2002 N 114-FZ "On Countering Extremist Activity" or Federal Law of March 6, 2006 N 35-FZ "On Countering Terrorism", as well as by individuals specified in clauses 3 and 4 of Article 9 of this Federal Law.

6. It is not allowed to carry out missionary activities, the goals and actions of which are aimed at:

violation of public safety and public order;

carrying out extremist activities;

coercion to destroy the family;

encroachment on the person, rights and freedoms of citizens;

causing damage to the morality and health of citizens established in accordance with the law, including the use of narcotic and psychotropic drugs in connection with their religious activities, hypnosis, commission of depraved and other illegal actions;

inducement to suicide or to refuse for religious reasons from rendering medical care persons who are in a condition dangerous to life and health;

obstruction of compulsory education;

forcing members and followers of a religious association and other persons to alienate their property in favor of a religious association;

obstruction by the threat of harm to life, health, property, if there is a danger of its real execution, or the use of violent influence, by others illegal actions withdrawal of a citizen from a religious association;

encouraging citizens to refuse to fulfill their civic obligations established by law and to commit other illegal actions.

7. In the case of carrying out missionary activity, provided for in paragraphs 5, 6 of this article, the religious association is responsible for the missionary activity carried out on its behalf by persons authorized by it. "

Article 9

Introduce the following changes to the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 176-FZ "On Postal Communication" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 29, Art. 3697; 2011, N 50, Art. 7351):

1) in Article 17:

a) supplement with a new part three as follows:

"Operators of postal services, within the limits of their competence, are obliged to take measures to prevent postal items items and substances specified in Article 22 of this Federal Law. For these purposes, X-ray television, radioscopic installations, stationary, portable and hand-held metal detectors, gas analysis and chemical equipment, as well as other devices that ensure the detection of weapons, explosives or other devices, objects and substances, in respect of which a ban or restriction has been established, can be used. " ;

2) in paragraph "a" of the first part of Article 22 the words "as well as the main parts of firearms" shall be replaced by the words "the main parts of firearms, as well as explosives and other devices posing a danger to the life and health of people."

Article 10.

Introduce into the Federal Law of August 7, 2001 N 115-FZ "On Counteracting the Legalization (Laundering) of Criminally Obtained Incomes and the Financing of Terrorism" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, N 33, Art. 3418; 2002, N 30, Art. 3029; No. 44, Art. 4296; 2004, No. 31, Art. 3224; 2006, No. 31, Art. 3452; 2007, No. 31, Art. 3993, 4011; 2010, No. 30, Art. 4007; No. 31, art.4166; 2011, no. 46, art. 6406; 2012, no. 30, art. 4172; 2013, no. 26, art. 3207; no. 44, art. 5641; no. 52, art. 6968; 2014, no. 19, Articles 2315, 2335; No. 30, Articles 4214; 2015, No. 1, Articles 37, 58; No. 27, Articles 3950, 4001; 2016, No. 1, Article 44) the following changes:

1) in the fourth paragraph of Article 3:

a) the words "279 and 360" shall be replaced by the words "279, 360 and 361";

b) after the words "the Russian Federation, or" supplement with the words "for financing or other material support of the person in order to commit at least one of these crimes, or ";

2) in article 6:

a) in paragraph 2 1:

in subparagraph 5 the words "282 3 and 360" shall be replaced with the words "282 3, 360 and 361";

b) in paragraph 2 2:

in subparagraph 2 the words "282 3 and 360" shall be replaced with the words "282 3, 360 and 361";

in subparagraph 4 the words "282 3 and 360" shall be replaced with the words "282 3, 360 and 361";

in subparagraph 8 the words "282 3 and 360" shall be replaced by the words "282 3, 360 and 361".

Article 11.

Introduce into the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 1, Art. 1; N 30, Art. 3029; N 44, Art. 4295; 2003, N 27, Art. 2700, 2708, 2717; No. 46, Art. 4434; No. 50, Art. 4847, 4855; 2004, No. 31, Art. 3229; No. 34, Art. 3529, 3533; 2005, No. 1, Art. 9, 13, 45; No. 10, Art. 763; N 13, Art. 1075, 1077; N 19, Art. 1752; N 27, Art. 2719, 2721; N 30, Art. 3104, 3131; N 50, Art. 5247; 2006, N 1, article 10; No. 10, article 1067; No. 12, article 1234; No. 17, article 1776; No. 18, article 1907; No. 19, article 2066; No. 23, article 2380; No. 31, article 3420, 3438, 3452; N 43, Art. 4412; N 45, Art. 4641; N 50, Art. 5279; N 52, Art. 5498; 2007, N 1, Art. 21, 29; N 16, Art. 1825; N 20, Art. 2367; N 26, Art. 3089; N 30, Art. 3755; N 31, Art. 4007, 4008; N 41, Art. 4845; N 43, Art. 5084; N 46, Art. 5553; 2008, No. 18, Art. 1941; No. 20, Art. 2251; No. 30, Art. 3604; No. 49, Art. 5745, 5748; No. 52, Art. 6235, 6236; 2009, No. 7, Art. 777; N 23, Art. 2759; N 26, Art. 3120, 3122, 3132; N 29, Art. 3597, 3642; N 30, Art. 3739; N 45, Art. 5265; 48, Art. 5711,5724; No. 52, art. 6412; 2010, N 1, Art. 1; No. 21, Art. 2525; 23, Art. 2790; No. 27, Art. 3416; No. 30, Art. 4002, 4006, 4007; 31, Art. 4158, 4164, 4193, 4195, 4206, 4207, 4208; 41, Art. 5192; 49, Art. 6409; 2011, N 1, Art. 10, 23, 54; N 7, Art. 901; 15, Art. 2039; N 17, Art. 2310; 19, Art. 2715; 23, Art. 3260; No. 27, Art. 3873; 29, Art. 4284, 4289, 4290; No. 30, Art. 4573, 4585, 4590, 4598, 4600, 4601, 4605; N 45, Art. 6334; 46, Art. 6406; 48, Art. 6728; 49, Art. 7025, 7061; N 50, Art. 7342, 7345, 7346, 7351, 7352, 7355, 7362, 7366; 2012, N 6, Art. 621; N 10, art. 1166; 15, Art. 1724; 18, Art. 2126, 2128; 19, Art. 2278, 2281; No. 24, Art. 3069, 3082; No. 25, Art. 3268; 29, Art. 3996; 31, Art. 4320, 4322, 4330; 47, Art. 6402, 6403; 49, Art. 6757; 53, Art. 7577, 7602, 7640; 2013, N 14, Art. 1651, 1658, 1666; 19, Art. 2323, 2325; No. 26, Art. 3207, 3208, 3209; No. 27, Art. 3454, 3470; No. 30, Art. 4025, 4026, 4029, 4030, 4031, 4032, 4034, 4036, 4040, 4044, 4078, 4082; 31, Art. 4191; 43, Art. 5443, 5444, 5445, 5452; 44, Art. 5624, 5643; 48, Art. 6161, 6165; 49, Art. 6327, 6341; 51, Art. 6683, 6685, 6695; No. 52, art. 6961, 6980, 6986, 7002; 2014, N 6, Art. 559, 566; 11, Art. 1092, 1096; N 14, art. 1562; 19, Art. 2302, 2306, 2310, 2324, 2325, 2326, 2327, 2330, 2333, 2335; No. 26, Art. 3366, 3379; No. 30, Art. 4211, 4218, 4228, 4233, 4248, 4256, 4259, 4264, 4278; N 42, Art. 5615; 43, Art. 5799; 48, Art. 6636, 6638, 6642, 6643, 6651; No. 52, art. 7541, 7550, 7557; 2015, N 1, Art. 29, 67, 74, 83, 85; N 10, art. 1405, 1416; 13, Art. 1811; N 14, art. 2021; 18, Art. 2614, 2619, 2620; No. 21, Art. 2981; No. 24, Art. 3370; No. 27, Art. 3945; 29, Art. 4346, 4359, 4374, 4376, 4391; 41, Art. 5629, 5637; 44, Art. 6046; N 45, Art. 6205, 6208; 48, Art. 6706, 6710; 51, Art. 7249, 7250; 2016, N 1, Art. 11, 28, 59, 63, 84; N 10, art. 1323; 11, Art. 1481, 1491, 1493; 18, Art. 2509, 2514; 23, Art. 3285) the following changes:

1) in article 5.26:

a) the second paragraph of part 1 shall be supplemented with the words "; for legal entities - from one hundred thousand to one million rubles";

b) supplement with parts 3-5 of the following content:

"3. Carrying out activities by a religious organization without specifying its official full name, including the release or distribution of literature, printed, audio and video materials without marking with the indicated name or with incomplete or knowingly false marking, within the framework of missionary activities, -

entails overlapping administrative fine in the amount of thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles with confiscation of literature, printed, audio and video materials.

4. Carrying out missionary activities in violation of the requirements of the legislation on freedom of conscience, freedom of religion and on religious associations -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five thousand to fifty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from one hundred thousand to one million rubles.

5. The violation provided for in part 4 of this article, committed foreign citizen or a stateless person -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles from administrative expulsion outside the Russian Federation or without it. ";

2) supplement with Article 11.14 3 as follows:

"Article 11.14 3. Failure to fulfill obligations, provided by law about transport and forwarding activities

1. Violation of the duty of the freight forwarder to verify the accuracy of the client's required documents and information (data), information on the properties of the cargo, on the conditions of its carriage and other information necessary for the performance of the obligations provided for by the contract of transport expedition -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three thousand to five thousand rubles; on officials- from twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles; on individual entrepreneurs- from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from fifty thousand to one hundred thousand rubles.

2. Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for by part 1 of this article -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five thousand rubles; for officials - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles; for individual entrepreneurs - from fifty thousand to seventy thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to ninety days; for legal entities - from one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to ninety days.

Note. Per administrative offenses provided for by this article, persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity, bear administrative responsibility as legal entities. ";

3) in Article 13.6:

a) add the name after the words "communication means" with the words "or uncertified coding (encryption) means";

b) the first paragraph after the words "communication means" shall be supplemented with the words "or uncertified coding (encryption) means when transmitting messages in the information and telecommunication network" Internet ";

4) Article 13.15 shall be supplemented with part 7 of the following content:

"7. The use of mass media, as well as information and telecommunication networks for the disclosure of information constituting a state or other secret specially protected by law, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on legal entities in the amount of four hundred thousand to one million rubles. ";

5) in Article 13.30:

a) the name should be supplemented with the words ", or the operator's failure to comply with the established procedure for identifying subscribers";

b) in the first paragraph, the words "either failure to submit" shall be replaced with the words "or failure to submit", after the words "with the subscriber of the agreement," shall be supplemented with the words "or the operator's failure to comply with the established procedure for identifying subscribers,";

6) in Article 13.31:

a) in the second paragraph of part 2 the words "from three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles" shall be replaced by the words "from eight hundred thousand to one million rubles";

b) supplement with part 2 1 as follows:

"2 1. Failure by the organizer of the dissemination of information on the Internet" to provide the federal executive body in the field of security with the information necessary for decoding received, transmitted, delivered and (or) processed electronic messages -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three thousand to five thousand rubles; for officials - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from eight hundred thousand to one million rubles. ";

7) in part 1 of article 15.27 1 the words "279 and 360 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, or" replace with the words "279, 360 and 361 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, or for financing or other material support of a person in order to commit at least one of the specified crimes, either ";

8) in part 1 of article 23.1 after the words "article 11.7 1" add the words ", part 2 of article 11.14 3", the words "parts 2 and 3 of article 13.31" replace the words "parts 2-3 of article 13.31";

9) in Article 23.36:

a) in part 1 the words "by articles 11.14 2, 11.15," shall be replaced by the words "by article 11.14 2, by part 1 of article 11.14 3, by article 11.15,";

b) in part 2:

paragraph 1 after the numbers "11.14 2," shall be supplemented with the words "part 1 of article 11.14 3, articles";

clause 2 after the words "by part 2 of article 11.14," shall be supplemented with the words "by part 1 of article 11.14 3,";

clause 3 after the words "by part 2 of article 11.14," shall be supplemented with the words "by part 1 of article 11.14 3,";

paragraph 4 after the words "part 3 of article 11.14," shall be supplemented with the words "part 1 of article 11.14 3,";

10) in part 2 of article 28.3:

a) paragraph 1 after the figures "5.22," add the figures "5.26,";

b) clause 44 after the words "article 11.7 1," add the words "part 2 of article 11.14 3,";

c) in clause 56 the words "by parts 2 and 3 of article 13.31" shall be replaced by the words "by parts 2-3 of article 13.31".

Article 12.

Introduce the following amendments to the Federal Law of June 30, 2003 N 87-FZ "On Freight Forwarding Activities" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 27, Art. 2701):

1) clause 5 of Article 3 shall be declared invalidated;

2) in article 4:

"1. The forwarder is obliged to provide services in accordance with the contract of transport forwarding. When concluding the contract of transport legal entity, acting as a party to the transport forwarding agreement), and then reflect it in the agreement. It is not allowed to enter such information into the transport forwarding agreement without checking its reliability. ";

b) Clause 4 shall be stated in the following edition:

"4. When accepting the cargo, the forwarder is obliged to check the accuracy of the necessary documents submitted by the client, as well as information on the properties of the cargo, on the conditions of its carriage and other information necessary for the forwarder to fulfill the obligations stipulated by the freight forwarding agreement, and then issue the forwarding document to the client and submit to the client originals of contracts concluded by the forwarder in accordance with the contract of transport forwarding on behalf of the client on the basis of the power of attorney issued by him. ";

3) in clause 1 of Article 6 the words "of the Russian Federation and this Federal Law" shall be replaced by the words "of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law and other federal laws".

Article 13

Introduce into the Federal Law of July 7, 2003 N 126-FZ "On Communications" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 28, Art. 2895; 2006, N 31, Art. 3452; 2007, N 7, Art. 835; 2010, N 7, Art. 705; N 31, Art. 4190; 2012, N 31, Art. 4328; N 53, Art. 7578; 2013, N 48, Art. 6162; 2014, N 19, Art. 2302; 30, Art. 4273; N 49, Art. 6928; 2015, N 29, Art. 4383; 2016, N 15, Art. 2066) the following changes:

1) paragraph 1 of Article 46 shall be supplemented with the following paragraph:

"stop, upon receipt of an appropriate request from the body carrying out operational-search activities, the provision of communication services in case of non-confirmation within fifteen days of the compliance of the personal data of actual users with the information stated in the subscription agreements.";

2) in Article 64:

a) clause 1 shall be stated in the following edition:

"1. Telecommunications operators are obliged to store on the territory of the Russian Federation:

1) information on the facts of reception, transmission, delivery and (or) processing of voice information, text messages, images, sounds, video or other messages of users of communication services - within three years from the date of completion of such actions;

2) text messages from users of communication services, voice information, images, sounds, video, and other messages from users of communication services - up to six months from the end of their reception, transmission, delivery and (or) processing. The procedure, terms and volume of storage of the information specified in this subparagraph shall be established by the Government of the Russian Federation. ";

b) add clause 1 1 as follows:

"1 1. Telecom operators are obliged to provide authorized government bodies carrying out operational-search activities or ensuring the security of the Russian Federation, the specified information, information about the users of communication services and the communication services provided to them and other information necessary to fulfill the tasks assigned to these bodies, in cases established by federal laws. ".

Article 14.

Introduce the following changes to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 1, Art. 14; 2008, N 30, Art. 3616; 2014, N 30, Art. 4218):

1) Part 3 of Article 17 shall be stated in the following wording:

"3. Accommodation in residential premises is not allowed industrial production, as well as carrying out missionary activities in residential premises, except for the cases provided for by Article 16 of the Federal Law of September 26, 1997 N 125-FZ "On freedom of conscience and on religious associations."

2) Article 22 shall be supplemented with part 3 2 as follows:

"3 2. Transfer of living quarters to non-residential premises in order to carry out religious activities is not allowed. ".

Article 15.

Introduce into Article 10 1 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 31, Art. 3448; 2014, N 19, Art. 2302 ) the following changes:

1) paragraph 3 shall be stated in the following edition:

"3. The organizer of the dissemination of information on the Internet is obliged to store on the territory of the Russian Federation:

1) information on the facts of reception, transmission, delivery and (or) processing of voice information, written text, images, sounds, video or other electronic messages of Internet users and information about these users within one year from the end of the implementation of such actions;

2) text messages of Internet users, voice information, images, sounds, video and other electronic messages of Internet users up to six months from the end of their reception, transmission, delivery and (or) processing. The procedure, terms and volume of storage of the information specified in this subparagraph shall be established by the Government of the Russian Federation. ";

2) add clause 3 1 as follows:

"3 1. The organizer of the dissemination of information on the Internet" shall be obliged to provide the information specified in paragraph 3 of this article to the authorized state bodies carrying out operational-search activities or ensuring the security of the Russian Federation, in cases established by federal laws. ";

3) add clause 4 1 as follows:

"4 1. The organizer of the dissemination of information on the Internet" is obliged to use additional encryption of electronic messages for the reception, transmission, delivery and (or) processing of electronic messages of Internet users and (or) when providing Internet users with the possibility of additional coding electronic messages to submit to the federal executive authority in the field of security the information necessary for decoding received, transmitted, delivered and (or) processed electronic messages. ".

Article 16

Article 4 of the Federal Law of February 9, 2007 N 16-FZ "On transport security"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 7, Art. 837; 2011, N 30, Art. 4590; 2014, N 6, Art. 566) add part 7 of the following content:

"7. The order of interaction between federal executive bodies, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, constituent entities transport infrastructure and carriers when checking information about the threat of an act of unlawful interference at a transport infrastructure facility and (or) vehicle established by the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the federal executive body performing the functions of developing public policy and legal regulation in the field of transport, coordinated with the federal executive body in the field of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation and the federal executive body in charge of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of internal affairs. "

Article 17.

To amend paragraph 3 of Article 1 of the Federal Law of December 27, 2009 N 345-FZ "On the territorial jurisdiction of district (naval) military courts" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, N 52, Art. 6421; 2014, N 26, Art. 3360) the following changes:

1) in the second paragraph the words "the second - the ninth, the eleventh and the twelfth" shall be replaced by the words "the second, sixth, seventh and ninth";

2) add the following paragraph:

"The jurisdiction of the Privolzhsky District Military Court extends to the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation specified in paragraphs three through five, eight, eleven and twelve of clause 1 of this article."

Article 18.

Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 21, 2011 N 256-FZ "On the safety of objects of the fuel and energy complex" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 30, Art. 4604) shall be supplemented with part 5 of the following content:

"5. The procedure for interaction of federal executive authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and subjects of the fuel and energy complex when checking information about the threat of an act of unlawful interference at the facility of the fuel and energy complex is established by the Government of the Russian Federation."

Article 19.

1. This Federal Law shall enter into force on July 20, 2016, with the exception of provisions for which this article sets a different date for their entry into force.

2. Paragraph four of subparagraph "a" of paragraph 2 of Article 13 and paragraph four of paragraph 1 of Article 15 of this Federal Law shall enter into force on July 1, 2018.

President of Russian Federation

V. Putin

Published according to the text of Federal Law N 374-FZ, posted on the Official Internet Portal legal information by the address:

The President instructed the government to try to minimize possible costs in its implementation

Russian President Vladimir Putin

Moscow. July 7. website - Russian President Vladimir Putin signed amendments to anti-terrorist legislation proposed by Deputy Irina Yarovaya and Senator Viktor Ozerov, presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov told reporters

"The President signed a package of documents, amendments to the law on counter-terrorism measures," he told reporters on Thursday.

Along with this package, a list of instructions to the government was signed, which instructed the cabinet of ministers to very clearly monitor the implementation of this law in order to minimize possible risks associated with financial expenses, using domestic equipment for storing information and so on, Peskov continued.

According to him, if necessary, the government can come up with initiatives "to adopt appropriate acts that would minimize these risks."

"To put it simply, the government will strictly monitor how this law is implemented, and if some really undesirable manifestations are revealed, it will take appropriate measures on behalf of the president," the president's press secretary explained.

In June, the State Duma and the Federation Council approved an "anti-terrorist package" of amendments that criminalize an international terrorist act and punish public calls for the violent overthrow of government and attacks on embassies. A new corpus delicti is also introduced - failure to report a terrorist crime.

Another package law obliges operators and Internet companies to store text messages, voice information, images, sounds, videos, and other electronic messages of users for up to six months. Telecom operators will also have to store information on the facts of receiving, transmitting, delivering messages and calls (so-called metadata) for three years, Internet companies - for a year.

The exact timing, storage order and other details of the implementation of the law will be determined by the government. Amendments on metadata should come into force as early as July 20 of this year, on the content of calls and correspondence - from July 1, 2018.

Megafon previously estimated the cost of creating data centers for the implementation of the law at more than 230 billion rubles, MTS said that the costs would amount to "trillions of rubles." According to estimates working group"Communication and information Technology expert council under the government and PJSC Rostelecom, the operation of data centers, data storage and additional equipment of the network will cost 949 billion rubles a year.

Operators and Internet companies have repeatedly stated that the market lacks a range of solutions to implement the initiative. The companies also previously reported that the implementation of the law will reduce the tax base for income tax due to the potential costs of purchasing equipment.

After the amendments were approved by the Federation Council, mobile operators reported that they did not exclude a 2-3-fold increase in prices for communication services as a result of compliance with the relevant bill.

", Were introduced by Deputy Irina Yarovaya and Senator Viktor Ozerov for consideration in the lower house of parliament on April 7, 2016. The initiative was criticized by human rights activists - the Human Rights Council under the President found in the document "a number of norms that unreasonably expand the operation of criminal legislation." Telecom operators stated that the provision of the law on the storage of all subscribers' messages for three years cannot be met technically and economically - this will lead to the collapse of the industry.

Nevertheless, on May 13, the "Yarovaya package" passed the first reading, and on the final day of the work of the Duma of the sixth convocation on June 24, it was adopted immediately in the second and third.

One of the laws introduces two new articles into the Criminal Code. Actions committed outside Russia to violate the peaceful coexistence of states and peoples or directed against the interests of the Russian Federation, endangering the life, health and inviolability of citizens of the Russian Federation, will now be qualified under Article 361 of the Criminal Code (act of international terrorism). Such acts will be punished with imprisonment for a term of 10 to life. The financing of international terrorism and the involvement of minors in such actions will entail punishment from 5 to 10 years in prison, and if as a result of this, people died - from 15 to 20 years.

Moreover, the norms of the Criminal Procedure Code on legal proceedings outside the Russian Federation. Now Russian investigators can operate abroad within the framework of the domestic Criminal Procedure Code and the Criminal Code, without first submitting a request to the local competent authorities, that is, in fact, without their knowledge.

Also, under Article 205.6 of the Criminal Code, those who do not report people who are preparing, committing or have committed terrorist crimes, as well as hostage-taking (Article 206), hijacking of an aircraft or a train (Article 211), violent seizure of power will be punished (Art. 278). In addition, the list of crimes for failure to report which it is proposed to punish includes encroachment on the life of a statesman (Article 277), illegal handling of nuclear materials (Article 220), organization of an illegal armed group and participation in it (Article 208) , armed insurrection (Art. 279) and an act of international terrorism. They will be punished with a fine of up to 100 thousand rubles, or forced labor for up to one year, or imprisonment for the same period.

The HRC raised the most questions precisely new article about non-reporting. V expert opinion human rights activists say that the authors of the draft law, in fact, did not give any legal and criminological grounds for this initiative, “in fact in question on the criminalization of inaction ”. The set of crimes, according to the HRC, is chosen arbitrarily, and the note that close relatives of criminals are not covered by the article reduces its effectiveness to zero.

The Yarovaya Package increases the punishment for all terrorism-related crimes. Increased minimum terms for a terrorist act (10 years), aiding terrorists (15 years), participation in a terrorist organization (10 years), propaganda of terrorism on the Internet (5 years). Age threshold of liability for terrorist crimes and a number of articles of the Criminal Code, including those on mass riots, was reduced to 14 years. It also introduces criminal liability for “involvement in mass riots»- imprisonment for a term of 5 to 10 years.

Penalties under extremist articles of the Criminal Code are being tightened. The original version of the law intended to leave imprisonment as the only punishment under such articles, but in the end the initiative was softened, and in most cases the possibility of a fine remained. Now, according to Part 1 of Art. 282 of the Criminal Code (incitement to hatred or enmity) may be punished with a fine of 300-500 thousand rubles, forced labor or imprisonment for up to 5 years. The article on "inclinations to extremism" in the final version of the bill was excluded from the text.

In addition, amendments to the federal law"On Communications" introduces the obligation for telecom operators to store all subscriber data on the reception and transmission of information for six months. This means that all calls, messages, images - all information exchange will be saved. Initially, it was planned to set a shelf life of three years, but experts and market participants in the communications market said that this is associated with huge costs and technical difficulties, so the time was cut significantly. Also, according to the amendment to the "Yarovaya package" of the deputy Elena Mizulina, "organizers of information dissemination" must now provide supervisory authorities keys to decrypt encrypted messages in messengers such as Telegram.

At the very last moment, the authors excluded from the draft laws the most controversial initiatives on deprivation of citizenship for terrorism and prohibiting leaving the country for people who are suspected of extremism by the FSB and who have been warned.

Director information and analytical center "SOVA" Alexander Verkhovsky June 22, the day when The State Duma originally planned to consider the bills of Ozerov and Yarovaya,

The essence of the Yarovaya law (package) in 2020. What areas does it cover? In 2007, a package of bills was adopted, which was named "Yarovaya".

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In this regard, the concept of the essence of this package remains relevant today.

What is it in simple words

The Yarovaya package is two bills that were developed to prevent the development of extremist organizations.

It includes 2 Federal Laws:

This package provides for amendments to the Federal legislation, which can be divided into several parts:

  • expanding the powers of security authorities;
  • introduction of new requirements for telecom operators and Internet providers;
  • introduction of requirements for postal services and forwarding carriers;
  • strengthening the regulation of religious missionary activity.

After the adoption of the bill, all of the above areas were reformed in accordance with the new legislation.

Questions that arise

This bill was adopted quite recently, so a lot of questions arise around it.

The most important of them are the following:

  1. What areas does it cover?
  2. In what time frame will it be implemented?
  3. Compliance with the package of laws regulations Russian Federation and world resolutions.


Yarovaya's law caused a lot of discussions. Many specialists assumed the difficulties of further rendering in their field.

Mobile operators have faced the biggest difficulties to date, since the obligation to store messages transmitted by subscribers for three years requires a special organization from the technical side.

In this regard, amendments were made to the bill, according to which the storage of data, information transmitted by customers should be provided not for 3 years, but for 6 months.

This will make it possible to fulfill the requirements of the state within the framework of this law in relation to work mobile operators quite affordable.

In addition, it is worth noting that the initial draft of the Yarovaya package of laws provided for the deprivation of citizenship of persons who served in foreign states, but they contradicted the current one. In this regard, amendments were made to exclude these points.

When the Yarovaya law comes into force

In most of the areas that are affected by the package of laws referred to as "Yarovaya", it has already entered into force.

But as mentioned above, for mobile operators, ensuring the implementation of this law provides for the provision of a technical base.

It takes a lot of time to develop and introduce it. In this regard, the industry received a reprieve.

In the initial version, the law was supposed to come into force on July 1, 2020, but even during this period, mobile companies did not manage to create a special technical base.

It was mentioned above about the possibility of making amendments to the law. They also take time to develop and adopt. In this regard, the entry into force of the law will be postponed for this period.

Mobile operators will be able to equip their communications with special technical equipment in order to comply with this legislation.

But it is worth noting that these edits are so far only in the project. If they are not developed and introduced, then the operators will not receive any further deferral.

They will be obliged to fulfill the conditions set - that is, to save messages transmitted by their subscribers to each other, from July 1, 2020.

Working conditions

The package of laws "Yarovaya" provides for changes in the working conditions of certain areas. These include:

  1. Transport sector.
  2. Communication sphere.
  3. Religious sphere.

For transport companies

The package of laws "Yarovaya" provides for changes in the activities of transport companies.

They are included in this project in order to prevent the interaction of transport companies with extremist organizations. According to the law, the company is charged with the responsibility of verifying its customers.

Before concluding a contract, the freight forwarder is obliged to check individual or a legal company with which you intend to cooperate, using basic details or personal data.

If the person is verified, then the forwarder can conclude a deal with him. Another clause of the law provides that the freight forwarder must not only be documented about the cargo being transported, but also make sure that it actually conforms to the papers.

Thus, the activities of forwarding companies are not particularly expanding, they are simply charged with several additional requirements.

For telecom operators

The communications industry today consists of mobile operators and Internet providers.

The application of the Yarovaya law in relation to them is based on the possibility of monitoring and identifying knowingly dangerous individuals.

Speaking in simple words, the government provides that using the means of communication, members of terrorist organizations can communicate with each other. You can identify this by checking their dialogues.

Thus, law enforcement agencies, having a suspect, are able to check his calls, including recordings of conversations and messages sent to other subscribers, in order to prove his involvement in the crime.

The introduction of the law provides for changes simultaneously for several entities:

Of all the areas, as mentioned above, it is this one that provides for a large amount of costs and work to ensure the assigned tasks.

Part of the funds for this is provided by the budget, but they may not be enough, therefore, the probability of an increase in the cost of communication services is foreseen.

It is also worth noting that the introduction of the Yarovaya law in this area may lead to a violation international law... How this happens, we will consider later in the article.

It is worth noting that the package of laws will affect not only communication services, but changes are also envisaged in the work of instant messengers and social networks.

All companies that have previously encrypted data will have to provide full access to them law enforcement.

On countering terrorism

As part of the fight against terrorism, the Yarovaya bill provides for strengthening the coordination of actions between law enforcement agencies.

This normative act allows to increase the level of information content of law enforcement officers. In this regard, it becomes possible to prevent terrorist acts.

About missionary work

No less excitement was caused by the adoption of the Yarovaya package in the religious sphere. As you know, missionaries have a great impact on society.

In this regard, their activities, according to the authors of the law, should be strictly controlled by the state. In fact, the bill does not prohibit the activities of various religious communities.

But the introduction of certain norms provides that they simply will not be able to implement it.

As you know, a number of religious trends hold their meetings and teachings not in specially designated places, but simply in residential buildings.

The Yarovaya Law provides for a ban on missionary activities in residential premises. The only exception is the conduct of religious ceremonies.

Moreover, all religious organizations operating on the territory of the Russian Federation must be registered. Missionaries must obtain authorization documents for the performance of the activity.

Video: the Yarovaya package and the rise in the cost of the Internet

If the rules stipulated by the Yarovaya package of laws are violated, then this regulation provides for fines of up to 1 million rubles.

If a missionary organization has a foreign origin, and its leader is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, then it is closed, and the leader is deported.

Does it contradict the Constitution

Certain mistakes were made in the development of the Yarovaya bills. Some of them were corrected by the introduced amendments, but a number of points still go against the Constitution.

Of these, the following aspects can be noted:

Article of the constitution Position Contradictions of the law "Yarovaya"
A citizen of the Russian Federation cannot be deprived of the right citizenship or the right to change it Provides for a voluntary refusal Russian citizenship persons working in foreign countries (this clause was canceled due to a contradiction in the constitution)
Art. 6, h. 2 A citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to double citizenship and protection of rights for each of them A person who has 2 citizenships is obliged to make a choice in favor of one of them (this paragraph was canceled due to a contradiction with the Constitution)
Everyone has the right to confidentiality of communication (correspondence, negotiations, etc.), it is limited only by a court decision Mobile operators and Internet providers are obliged to provide law enforcement agencies with access to the data of their subscribers' dialogues
Collection, storage and dissemination of information about a person's life without his consent is not allowed Companies providing communication services are required to keep messages and records of phone calls for six months

From the data indicated in the table, we can conclude that the text of the Yarovaya law is contrary to the Constitution.

But relying on, which stipulates that the state is obliged to ensure the protection of freedom of rights, as well as the safety of its citizens and taking into account the fact that this package of laws is adopted with the aim of combating terrorist organizations The Federation Council ruled that these regulations comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

But at the same time, its compliance with international legal standards... The introduction of the Yarovaya law is a contradiction to the European legal framework.