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Mahatma Gandhi: “No one can harm me without my consent.” A selection of quotes and statements from the thinker. Gandhi Mohandus K. “My faith in non-violence Some sayings of Mahatma Gandhi

    Usually, when I am in despair, I remember many episodes of history. Throughout the centuries, truth and love have always won. Yes, there have been many omnipotent tyrants in history, but in the end they all failed. Remember this in difficult moments of life.

    A small body, conditioned by the spirit and inspired by an unquenchable belief in its mission, can change the course of history.

    Overcome hatred with love, injustice with truth, violence with patience.

  1. At first they don't notice you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you. And then you win.
  2. Experience has taught me that if people do things against you, it will ultimately benefit you.

    Our ability to achieve unity in the face of existing diversity will be a great test for our civilization.

    Strength is in the absence of fear, not in the number of muscles on our body.

    It is a bad habit to assert that others think wrongly, but we think correctly, and that those who hold different views from us are enemies of the fatherland.

    The world is big enough to satisfy the needs of any person, but too small to satisfy human greed.

    The only way to live is to let others live. Mahatma Gandhi.

    What difference does it make for the dead, orphans and homeless people in the name of what tyranny and destruction are happening - in the name of totalitarianism or in the name of sacred democracy and liberalism?

    Victory achieved by force is equivalent to defeat - it is fleeting.

  3. There can be no two opinions about the fact that a person should be guided by reason, and not by the desire for wealth.
  4. If you want the world to change, become that change.

    If you encounter an enemy, conquer him with love.

    It may take a very long time before the law of love is included in the Constitutions of all countries.

    You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.

  5. Nationalism in my understanding means that my country must gain freedom, that if necessary, my entire country must die so that humanity can live.
  6. The newspaper is a great force, but just as an unchecked stream fills the banks and destroys crops, so the uncontrolled pen of a journalist serves only to destroy. If control comes from the outside, it turns out to be even more destructive than lack of control. Control is only beneficial when it comes from within.

    We will be destroyed by politics without principles, pleasures without conscience, wealth without work, knowledge without character, business without morals, science without humanity and prayer without sacrifice.

Mahatma Gandhi rightfully received the title of “Father of India”. He spoke out for the liberation of his native country from violence and independence from Great Britain. He fought injustice and cruelty through non-violence, for which the philosopher received worldwide recognition. Mahatma Gandhi comes from a family of traders and usurers. He received a law degree in London, but in his native India he failed to realize himself as a lawyer and went to South Africa, where he began to actively fight for the rights of Indians.

“Mahatma” translated from Hindi means “great soul”, “great teacher”.

Our greatness as a people lies not so much in the ability to build the world again - that is the myth of the atomic age - but in the ability to change ourselves.

All of humanity is one inseparable and indivisible family, and each of us is responsible for the misdeeds of everyone else.

My conviction is that no man loses freedom except through his own weakness.

Man is the master of his own destiny in the sense that he has the freedom to manage his freedom. But what this will lead to is unknown to man.

Man is a product of his own thoughts. What he thinks about is what he becomes

There is no truth in a person who cannot control his tongue.

I only look for the good in people. I myself am not without sin, and therefore I do not consider myself to have the right to focus on the mistakes of others.

Throughout my life I have extracted more benefit from my critic friends than from fans, especially if the criticism was expressed in polite and friendly language.

About life

Vow of brahmacharya. At the age of 37, Gandhi completely renounced property, stopped eating animal products, and lived by the principles of emotional calm and sexual abstinence.

If I didn't have a sense of humor, I would have committed suicide long ago.

The principle of "an eye for an eye" will make the whole world blind.

If you want a change in the future, become that change in the present.

The weak never forgives. Forgiveness is a characteristic of the strong.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

I know only one tyrant, and that is the quiet voice of conscience

Whatever you do in life will be insignificant. But it's very important that you do this.

Freedom is worthless if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

By educating a man, we are educating one man. By educating a woman, we are educating an entire family.
There are more important things to do in life than just increasing its pace.

Open disagreement is often a sign of forward movement.

A crack remains a crack, no matter how hard you try to repair it.

About religion

There are many definitions of God, for His manifestations are countless.

Fasting cannot cleanse a soul filled with dirty intentions.

Prayer is the key to tomorrow and the door bolt to yesterday

In prayer, it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.
For a person with an empty stomach, God is food.

I don't want to foresee the future, I care about the present. God did not give me control over the next moment.

About love

A coward is incapable of showing love; that is the prerogative of the brave.

If you encounter an enemy, conquer him with love.

Love never demands, it always gives. Love suffers without ever regretting it and never trying to avenge itself

God is love - this is the only truth that I fully recognize. Love is equal to God.

About ideals and beauty

True beauty lies in the purity of the heart.

The value of an ideal is that it moves away as we get closer to it.

To see true beauty, you only have to look back

As soon as you believe that you have achieved the ideal, further development stops and starts moving backwards.

About children and parents

Raising children begins at conception. The physical and spiritual state of the parents at the moment of conception is reflected on the child. Then, during pregnancy, the child is influenced by the mother's moods, her desires and character, as well as her lifestyle. After birth, the child begins to imitate his parents, and for many years his development depends entirely on them.

If we want to achieve real peace in the world, we must start with children.

For the sake of parents one should sacrifice happiness and all pleasures.

Wise sayings

The image of Gandhi is associated with a barefoot man, constantly dressed in rags. But he was not always like this, and in London he even took on the role of a dandy. In order to prove to himself and society that an Indian can also become a gentleman, while studying in England, Gandhi mastered the European style of clothing and took music and dance lessons.

The only way to live is to let others live.

Gram own experience is worth more than a ton of other people's instructions.

Spiritual relationships are much more valuable than physical ones. Physical relationships without spiritual ones are the same as a body without a soul.

A poet is one who has the power to awaken the goodness hidden in the human breast.

If you want the world to change, be that change

Live as if you will die tomorrow; study as if you will live forever.

Sanitation is more important than political freedom.

Truth is hard as a diamond and soft as a flower.

Strength does not depend on physical capabilities. Its source is indomitable will.

No one can harm me without my consent.

The rich should live easier so that the poor can simply survive.

Happiness is when what you think, say and do is in harmony

Without labor, gold, silver and copper would be worthless waste.

There is no need to expect rewards for your efforts, but every good deed will eventually bear fruit.

Once started, one cannot abandon it, unless it turns out to be morally unhealthy.

Overcome hatred with love, injustice with truth, violence with patience.

Gandhi raised money for the untouchables. Crowds of successful people lined up to give the preacher valuables. At the same time, Gandhi did not take a penny for himself and remained unmercenary. He traveled third class on trains, and when asked why that was, he always answered: “Because there is no fourth class.”

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869–1948) – one of the leaders of the Indian national liberation movement, its ideologist. His compatriots gave him the title Mahatma - “great soul” and consider him the “father of the nation.”

If you don't ask, you won't know.

Whoever claims that religion has nothing to do with politics does not know what religion is.

Grams of action are worth more than tons of prayer.

God pleases not the quantity, but the quality of our work.

Doing a scrupulously honest business is difficult, but it is possible... It is also true that honesty is incompatible with the accumulation of great wealth.

Live as if you will die tomorrow. Study as if you intend to live forever.

The source of strength is not in physical capabilities, but in unbending will.

The main goal of life is to live right, think right, act right. If you think only about the body, the soul withers.

There is no path to peace; peace is the way.

We shouldn't be speakers who don't listen. But there should not be listeners who do not speak.

One should always look for an opportunity to unite with that part of the enemy that knows what is fair.

Throughout my life, I have benefited more from my critic friends than from fans, especially when the criticism was expressed in polite and friendly language.

In order to contemplate the universal and omnipresent spirit of truth, one must be able to love the most despicable creature - oneself.

God has no religion.

Everyone who wants to know the Universe must listen to his inner voice. It is inside each of us.

The newspaper is a great force, but just as an unchecked stream fills the banks and destroys crops, so the uncontrolled pen of a journalist serves only to destroy. Control is only beneficial when it comes from within.

Birth and death are not two different states, but different aspects of one state.

Forgiving is more courageous than punishing. The weak cannot forgive. Forgiveness is a characteristic of the strong.

The only tyrant in the world that I agree to accept is a quiet voice coming from the depths of my soul.

It has always been a mystery to me: how people can respect themselves while humiliating people like themselves.

Don't listen to your friends when the friend inside of you says, “Do this.”

Find the goal, and the means will find themselves.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win.

Greatness is in trying to achieve a goal, not in achieving it.

Happiness is when your thoughts, words and actions are consistent with each other.

Honest disagreement is often a sign of success.

Fearlessness is essential for the development of other noble qualities. Is it possible to seek truth or carefully cherish love without courage?

The deceiver ultimately deceives himself.

Let us respect our opponents for the same honesty of motive that we claim ourselves.

A person is a person because he is capable of self-restraint, and remains a person only insofar as he does this in practice.

The ability to forgive is a characteristic of the strong. The weak never forgive.

Victory achieved by violence is tantamount to defeat, because it is short-lived.

God is love; this is the only truth that I wholeheartedly accept. Love is equal to God.

In matters of conscience, the law of the majority does not apply.

There are more important things to do in life than just increasing its pace.

In prayer, it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.

For a person with an empty stomach, God is food.

If you want the world to change, become that change.

If we want to achieve real peace in the world, we must start with children.

If you encounter an enemy, conquer him with love.

Life without love is death.

There is life only where there is love.

When you achieve self-control and learn to control your passions, you will forget what despair is.

Love and truth are two sides of the same coin.

Love never demands, it always gives. Love suffers without ever regretting it and never trying to avenge itself.

The world is big enough to satisfy the needs of any person, but too small to satisfy human greed.

Prayer is the key to tomorrow and the door bolt to yesterday.

If I didn't have a sense of humor, I would have committed suicide long ago.

There is no truth in a person who cannot control his tongue.

A “No” said with deep conviction is better than a “Yes” said only to please or, worse, to avoid problems.

The right to subject people to the most severe criticism is deserved by the one who has convinced them of his love for them, of the soundness of his judgments, who is sure that he will not be worried at all if people do not accept his ideas and do not use them. In other words, the critic needs the gift of a clear perception of the world and unlimited tolerance.

Freedom is worthless if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

Where there is no will, there is no love.

The value of an ideal is that it moves away as one approaches it.

I firmly believe that the world is built on love.

If you encounter an enemy, conquer him with love.
Mahatma Gandhi

I discovered that life exists in the midst of destruction and therefore there must be a law higher than the law of destruction. Only with such a law will society be built correctly and wisely, and life will be worth living. And if this is the law of life, then we must apply it in everyday life. Wherever a quarrel arises, wherever an opponent opposes you, conquer him with love. I spontaneously developed this in my life. This doesn't mean all my problems are solved. But I discovered that this law of love operates in a way that the law of destruction never did. In India we have seen a clear demonstration of the effect of this law on a very wide scale. I am not saying on this basis that nonviolence has necessarily penetrated all three hundred million people, but I am saying that it has penetrated more deeply than any other idea and in an incredibly short time. We were not all equally committed to nonviolence; and for the vast majority nonviolence was a matter of politics. But nevertheless, I want you to understand that the country has made phenomenal progress under the protection of the idea of ​​​​non-violence.

Sufficiently intense preparation is necessary for nonviolence to become integral part mentality. In everyday life it should be a path of discipline (although some may not like it), like the life of a soldier, for example. But I agree that as long as there is no strong sincere support from the mind, external compliance alone will only be a mask, harmful both for the person himself and for others. The perfection of the state is achieved only when the mind, body and speech are in harmony. But it is always an intense mental struggle. This is not to say that I am not capable of anger, for example, but in almost all cases I manage to control my feelings.

Whatever the result, there is always a conscious struggle within me for purposeful and continuous adherence to the law of non-violence. Such struggle makes a person strong for further struggle. Nonviolence is the weapon of the strong. For the weak, this can easily be hypocrisy. Fear and love are contradictory concepts. Love gives recklessly without thinking about what it receives in return. Love fights the whole world as if it were itself, and ultimately dominates all other feelings. My daily experience (and that of those who work with me) shows that every problem can be solved if we are determined to make the law of truth and non-violence the law of life. Truth and non-violence for me are sides of the same coin.

The law of love operates just as the law of gravity operates, whether we accept it or not. Just as a scientist works miracles by applying the law of nature in different ways, so a person who applies the law of love with the precision of a scientist can work even greater miracles. The power of non-violence is infinitely more subtle and wonderful than the material forces of nature, such as electricity. The people who discovered the law of love for us were greater scientists than any of our modern scientists. But our research is still insufficient, and therefore not everyone can see the achievements. This, at least, is the illusion (if it is an illusion) that helps me work. The more I work on this law, the more I feel joy in life, joy in the structure of our universe. It brings me peace and an explanation of those mysteries of nature that I am powerless to describe.