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Certificate of registration of a residential building. Lists of documents for sale, registration and registration of houses, apartments, plots of land, construction work. What are title documents and why are they needed?

You can buy real estate different ways. A person has the right to buy a ready-made building or build it himself. The latter method is most often resorted to if there is a summer cottage plot suitable for construction. However, people are often faced with ignorance of how to register ownership of a house built on your own land.

The procedure for carrying out actions is fixed by law. The manipulation must be performed in strict accordance with it. We will talk further about which authorities you will need to contact to carry out the procedure, the preparation of a package of documentation and the process of carrying out the action.

If a private house was built on a plot of land that was privatized, registration is carried out according to simplified diagram. However, this procedure is still quite lengthy. It requires awareness from the owner of the premises. All real estate located on the territory of the Russian Federation must be registered in the prescribed manner. Documents issued by authorized institutions act as confirmation of the implementation of the action.

In order for ownership of real estate on a plot of land to be registered, information about the property and its owner must be entered into a unified cadastral database. Only a detailed diagram will allow a person to obtain permission to fully use a residential building. If a citizen has not prepared documents for the premises owned by him, he will not be able to sell it, donate it, exchange it, or formally lease it. If the house was built by a person independently, without state registration the property will not officially exist.

To obtain permission to register a house on plot of land That's right, you need to figure out where to start the procedure. First of all, you need to contact the BTI. There will be the preparation of technical documents. This is a passport of the premises and a construction plan

Then in mandatory you need to register the house. To do this, you need to prepare an application and supplement it with a number of documents. Further actions to obtain ownership rights directly depend on whether there is permission to use the land for individual housing construction.

So, if the room is located on a garden or summer cottage, registration and entry into the cadastral database is optional. Registration will be carried out according to a simplified scheme. It will be enough to submit a declaration containing basic information about the construction. If the premises are located on land intended for individual housing construction, the first step is to register the house with the cadastral register. Documents confirming ownership will then be obtained.

What is necessary to register a house on a plot of land as a property?

When figuring out where to start registering ownership of a house after construction, it is first recommended to start preparing documents. There are quite a lot of papers required to legalize construction.

Document's name Peculiarities
Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation who is the owner Need original + copy
Receipt confirming payment of state duty Only a copy is required
Country house floor plan Can be obtained by contacting the BTI
Documentation confirming the availability of a building permit As an alternative, you can obtain documents on unauthorized construction
Cadastral and technical papers Plans and passport
Application for registration of ownership of a house in the village The document is drawn up on behalf of the owner of the premises
Certificate from a unified state database Confirms the owner of the premises
Title documents Deed of gift, will, contract of sale, rent, exchange, etc.

Putting the property into operation

With the help of recent changes made to the current legislation, it was established that in order to register ownership of a private house, documents confirming the availability of permission to put the premises into operation are required.

This means that first of all you need to contact the technical inventory bureau. In order for the papers to be completed, employees of the institution will have to be called to inspect the building and take measurements. Based on the information, it is compiled technical plan and building passport. Then the owner of the premises needs to submit an application to the local administration in order for the building located on a personal plot of land to be assigned an address. After this, the person receives a cadastral passport and plan. To complete them, you need previously received documents. After completing the above actions, you can count on the issuance of a permit to put a private house into operation and subsequently register ownership of it. To perform the manipulation, you must contact the same institution that issued the building permit.

The period within which it will be possible to obtain the document is clearly regulated. It cannot be more than 10 days.

If a transaction is concluded regarding a house built on a owned plot

If a plot of land is purchased and a private house is built on it, the right to the building must be registered. To do this, you will need to submit an application and documents confirming land ownership rights to the authorized body.

Rosreestr deals with such issues. You must contact the institution at the location of the property.

All property owners must be present during the title registration process. If one of them, for any reason, cannot personally visit the institution, it is necessary to use the help of a representative. However, a power of attorney will be required.

If a house with a plot of land was received by a person who was officially married at the time of purchase, the written consent of the second spouse will be required to register the property. Consent is given by the husband or wife and certified by a notary. If such actions are not carried out, the document will not have legal force. When buying a share in the premises of a person who is a co-owner of the house, you need to obtain written refusals from the other owners to purchase part of the property. If the action is not followed even after title has been completed, the transaction may be voided.

The building on the plot of land was erected without permission

If for any reason a person has not received permission to build a house, after its construction, the property must be legalized. The process is carried out in accordance with the norms of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. The manipulation is not very difficult. However, its implementation may take several months. A citizen must be prepared for significant financial costs and the involvement of a number of specialists. You can legalize construction on a plot of land using 1 of 3 options.

The list of which includes:

  • Take action through the court.
  • Contact the commission to suppress unauthorized construction and submit an application to save the house. The appeal will be considered and an appropriate decision will be made. If it is positive, the owner will receive the appropriate permit and other documents.
  • Obtaining a building permit retroactively. To do this, a person needs to contact authorized bodies and do not report that a private house has already been built. However, the delivery of the object in this situation is not carried out immediately, but after some time.

The choice of method depends on individual characteristics the situation.

Registration of a residential building on a land plot is carried out only after providing required package documents. One of the most important acts in in this case is technical plan of the structure. This rule registered in .

The technical plan is necessary in order to subsequently register the building with the cadastral register. The document is attached to the application for cadastral registration of the building and contains the information required for this.

The preparation of a technical plan for the structure is carried out by a cadastral engineer who has the appropriate qualification certificate. Most often, citizens apply to the department for documents land relations. The form for filling out the paper is carried out in accordance with.

To obtain a technical plan, a citizen must present the following documents:

  • owner's passport;
  • permission to put the facility into operation;
  • design documentation of the facility;
  • building permit;
  • title papers for land;
  • SNILS of the owner.

The cost of preparing a technical plan depends on a number of factors. First of all, it depends on the complexity of the necessary calculations and measures, on the location of the land plot, on the one who orders the service (for legal entities expensive). Cost calculation is established according to the calculations made and the prepared estimate.

Registering a house for cadastral registration

Started operating in 2016 new edition Federal Law-221 dated July 24, 2007, according to the provisions of which information about the construction is prescribed in the technical plan, taking into account the data provided by the customer, as well as construction permits and design documentation.

Previously, permission to construct a building was not required and it was enough to provide special declaration about the object. Now, without this document, registering an individual housing construction project for cadastral registration is impossible.

The process is running according to the following steps:

  1. The owner of a built house turns to a cadastral engineer to draw up a technical plan for the property.
  2. The finished plan is submitted to the cadastral chamber.
  3. The authority’s specialists check the received documents and, in the absence of errors or inaccuracies, the object is included in the all-Russian cadastre.
  4. The owner of the building receives a cadastral passport of the property.

The required package of documents can be submitted personally by the applicant, through a representative, through a special electronic document management system, or in the form of a postal item.

The cost of this procedure for citizens is 200 rubles, and for companies - 600 rubles. The procedure may take up to 18 calendar days.

Registration of ownership of a house

Example for registering a house on a plot

Ilya P. built a living space on his site and decided to act in accordance with the accepted procedure in order to formalize the construction and get all the rights to it.

When the man completed all the necessary steps and applied to Rosreestr to register the property, he was refused, since Ilya did not provide title documents for the land where the house is located, namely extract from the Unified State Register and certificate of state registration.

The applicant filed a complaint with the management of the department, explaining his position by saying that such documents should not have been submitted, since the ownership of the plot had already been previously registered in the manner prescribed by law. The management of Rosreestr explained to Ilya that everyone legal fact must be confirmed by an appropriate document. In particular, the fact that it is Ilya P. who is owner of the land plot, on which the house is built, must be documented.

As a result, the applicant collected everything Required documents, submitted them again and a month later received documentation confirming ownership of the residential building.


In conclusion, several conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Registration of a built house on your own site begins with the preparation of a technical plan of the structure.
  2. This document is drawn up by a cadastral specialist who has the appropriate qualifications.
  3. Cost of technical plan depends on the complexity of the required activities.
  4. Registration of a building for cadastral registration is also prerequisite object registration.
  5. A citizen acquires ownership of a building only after registering the building with Rosreestr in the prescribed manner.
  6. Registration process takes about 30 days, and the applicant is required to pay a state fee.

The most popular questions and answers to them regarding the registration of a house on a site

Question: Hello, my name is Tatyana, I applied to the Cadastral Chamber to register my house as personal property.

The documentation was submitted 3.5 months ago, but there is still no result on this issue.

When I asked an employee of the authority for clarification, it turned out that cadastral registration was suspended on indefinite term due to the fact that errors were discovered in the technical plan.

Tell me what I need to do now to go through the procedure of registering my house with the cadastral register and who will reimburse me cost of drawing up a technical plan, if it is compiled with violations?

Answer: Hello Tatiana. According to the provisions Federal Law-221 dated July 24, 2007, the cadastral authority can indeed suspend the procedure if inaccuracies are detected and errors in documentation. If this happens, the department employee is obliged to make a written decision within three months. If all the shortcomings are not corrected, the building may be refused cadastral registration.

In your case, the employee committed a violation of the deadline for suspending the decision. In addition, you should have been notified of this decision. Now you can challenge the current situation in court.

Concerning reimbursement of the cost of the technical plan, then here the performer is obliged to redo this document or return your money.

Despite the fact that in accordance with latest changes V current legislation a residential private house, if it was built on a privatized plot of land, can be registered as a property according to a simplified scheme; this procedure is quite lengthy and requires some knowledge from the owner.

All real estate in Russia is subject to mandatory state registration, as evidenced by documents issued by the responsible institution. The procedure for registering a private residential building built on a private plot of land involves entering into the unified state cadastral database all information about the property and its owner. Only after registration the owner receives legal right dispose of the house.

Without registration of ownership of his country house, built on a plot of land received for individual housing construction (IHC), the owner will not be able to sell, exchange, donate, or officially lease this property. In addition, if the house was not purchased, but built by the owner of the land, then without government registration this structure does not officially exist.

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Start of the procedure In order to correctly carry out the procedure for registering a private residential or non-residential building built on your own land, you need to know where to start. The first thing you need to do is go to the Technical Inventory Bureau. There you need to register technical documents

– passport and construction plan. After this, the structure must be registered with the cadastral register, for which you need to submit an application and the documents attached to it.

What you will need

To proceed to registering property rights, you must first prepare the following documents:Peculiarities
NameLand owner's passport
Original and copyApplication for registration of ownership of a house
On behalf of the land ownerTitle documents for the site
Agreement of privatization, exchange, purchase and sale, annuity, deed of gift, will, certificate of inheritance, etc.Construction permit documents
Or about unauthorized constructionCertificate from the unified state register database
Owner confirmationTechnical and cadastral documents
Passports and plansFloor plan of the building
Issued by the Bureau of Technical InventoryReceipt for payment of state duty

Make a copy

Commissioning According to the latest, to register ownership of a private house that was built by the owner on his personal plot of land, documents are needed that permit the building to be put into operation. This means that you should start with the Bureau of Technical Inventory.

The receipt of technical papers is preceded by a call from the Technical Inventory Bureau staff to inspect the building and take measurements. Based on this information, a technical plan and passport will be drawn up. After this, the owner should submit an application to the city administration to assign a personal address to the private house. The following is the procedure for obtaining cadastral passport and plan, for which you will need previously received documents.

Only after this can you obtain permission to put a private house into operation, followed by registration of ownership. It can be obtained from the same institution where permission to conduct was obtained. construction work. The period for receiving the document is no more than ten working days.

When concluding transactions

An important point is the need to register rights to a private house after purchasing a plot of land. To do this, you must submit an application and documents confirming the right to own the land to the Rosreestr office at the location of the property. At the same time, during registration, the personal presence of all co-owners is required. If someone cannot appear, then someone may attend instead confidant, with a power of attorney drawn up by a notary.

If the house was purchased during an officially registered marriage, then it is necessary to obtain the written consent of the second spouse for its registration. Such consent is drawn up by the spouse and certified by a notary. Without this, the document will not have legal force.

When purchasing a share of a plot with a house from a seller who is a co-owner, it is imperative to obtain written refusals from the remaining owners to purchase the part of the property being sold, otherwise, even after registration of ownership, such a transaction can be easily challenged and annulled.

If the construction is unauthorized

If, for some reason, the owner of the land did not receive permission to carry out construction work in a timely manner, then after the construction of a private house it will have to be legalized. This procedure, the order of which is regulated Town Planning Code Russian Federation, is not particularly complicated, but it can drag on for several months, and the financial costs, especially with the involvement of a specialist, will be very impressive.

To legalize a building on your land, you should choose the most suitable option from three:

  • Go to court;
  • Retroactively issue paperwork permitting construction. Obtain permission without informing that the house has already been built, and after a while hand over the object;
  • Contact the Commission for the Suppression of Unauthorized Construction and submit an application to save the house. If the decision is positive, the owner will be given everything necessary permissions and other documents.