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Preparation of other reporting forms. Accounting (financial) reporting. List of documents for delivery

Accounting (financial) reporting.

Accounting (financial) reporting is a system of interrelated indicators that provide information to users about the property and financial position of the organization and financial results its activities for a certain reporting period.

According to the Accounting Law, accounting (financial) statements must give a reliable picture of the financial position of an economic entity as of the reporting date, the financial result of its activities and movements cash for the reporting period, necessary for users of these reports to make economic decisions. Accounting (financial) statements must be prepared on the basis of data contained in registers accounting.

Currently, the organization prepares annual accounting (financial) statements, unless otherwise established by other federal laws, regulations legal acts organs government regulation accounting. Annual accounting (financial) statements are prepared for the reporting year.

Interim accounting (financial) statements are prepared by an organization in cases where the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of state accounting regulatory bodies, contracts, constituent documents economic entity, the decisions of the owner of the economic entity establish the obligation to represent it. Interim accounting (financial) statements are prepared for a reporting period that is less than the reporting year.

Accounting (financial) statements must include performance indicators of all divisions of the organization, including its branches and representative offices, regardless of their location.

Accounting (financial) statements are prepared in Russian currency and are considered compiled after a paper copy is signed by the head of the organization. In the event of publication of accounting (financial) statements that are subject to mandatory audit, such accounting (financial) statements must be published together with the auditor's report. A regime cannot be established in relation to accounting (financial) statements trade secret.

In accordance with the Accounting Law, the annual accounting (financial) statements consist of the Balance Sheet, the Statement of Financial Results and appendices thereto, and the annual accounting (financial) statements non-profit organization consists of a Balance Sheet, a Report on intended use tools and applications to them. The composition of interim accounting (financial) statements is established by federal standards.

The reporting period for annual accounting (financial) statements (reporting year) is the calendar year - from January 1 to December 31 inclusive, with the exception of cases of creation, reorganization and liquidation of a legal entity.

The first reporting year is the period from the date state registration organization until December 31 of the same calendar year inclusive. If the state registration of an organization, with the exception of credit organization, made after September 30, the first reporting year is the period from the date of state registration to December 31 of the calendar year following the year of its state registration, inclusive.

The reporting period for interim accounting (financial) statements is the period from January 1 to the reporting date of the period for which the interim accounting (financial) statements are prepared, inclusive. The first reporting period for interim accounting (financial) statements is the period from the date of state registration of the organization to the reporting date of the period for which the interim accounting (financial) statements are prepared, inclusive.

The date on which accounting (financial) statements are prepared (reporting date) is the last calendar day of the reporting period, with the exception of cases of reorganization and liquidation of a legal entity.

According to the requirements of the Accounting Law, organizations required to prepare accounting (financial) statements, with the exception of public sector organizations and the Bank of Russia, submit one legal copy of the annual accounting (financial) statements to the state statistics body at the place of state registration.

A mandatory copy of the prepared annual accounting (financial) statements is submitted no later than three months after the end of the reporting period. When submitting a legal copy of the compiled annual accounting (financial) statements, which are subject to mandatory audit, the auditor's report on it is submitted along with such statements no later than 10 business days from the day following the date of the auditor's report, but no later than December 31 of the year following the reporting one year.

Legal copies of accounting (financial) statements together with audit reports constitute a state information resource. Interested persons are provided with access to the specified state information resource, except for cases when, in the interests of preserving state secrets such access should be limited.

According to the Regulations on Accounting and Reporting, organizations prepare financial statements for the month, quarter, year on an accrual basis from the beginning of the year, while monthly and quarterly financial statements are interim. Information monthly reporting used within the organization itself for purposes operational control and analysis of current economic activity.

Methodology for assessing main items financial statements was discussed above.

Interim reporting includes Balance Sheet and Statement of financial results, however, organizations can independently supplement the composition of the statements by including the content of explanations to the statements in both tabular and text form, which are proposed for completion by the Ministry of Finance of Russia in order No. 66n dated July 2, 2010. At the same time, the financial statements must satisfy the basic requirements for them: provide a complete and reliable picture of the property and financial position of the organization and its changes, as well as the financial results of its activities; include performance indicators structural divisions; be signed by the head of the organization and the chief accountant (accounting specialist). In addition, the content and forms of reporting must be applied consistently from one reporting period to another and data must be provided for at least three years - the reporting year and the two preceding ones.

Interim reporting is prepared and presented tax authorities within 30 days after the end of the quarter, annual reporting - within 90 days after the end of the year.

The annual financial statements of organizations are open to interested external users. For organizations created in the form of public joint stock companies, as well as for banks, exchanges, investment funds and insurance organizations, reporting is public, i.e. published in economic periodicals.

Accounting statements are not only the “crown” of accounting work in an organization for the reporting period, it at the same time serves information base for carrying out financial analysis, for example, from credit institutions. The “cornerstone” of the accounting statements of any organization is the balance sheet - an information model of the state of the organization’s property and its sources as of a certain date.

According to the requirements of the Accounting Law, accounting and storage of accounting documents are organized by the head of the organization. Individual entrepreneurs and persons involved private practice, organize their own accounting and storage of accounting documents.

As for the storage periods for documents, primary accounting documents, accounting registers, accounting (financial) statements, audit reports on them are subject to storage by an economic entity for periods established in accordance with the rules for organizing state archival affairs, but not less than five years after reporting year.

Accounting policy documents, standards developed by the organization itself, tools that ensure the reproduction of electronic documents, as well as authentication electronic signature, are subject to storage by the organization for at least five years after the year in which they were used for the preparation of accounting (financial) statements for the last time.

The organization must provide safe conditions storage of accounting documents and their protection from changes. When changing the head of an organization, the transfer of accounting documents to the organization must be ensured. The procedure for transferring accounting documents is determined by the organization independently.

The head of the organization is obliged to entrust accounting maintenance to the chief accountant or other official or enter into an agreement for the provision of accounting services. The head of a credit institution is obliged to entrust accounting to the chief accountant. The head of a small and medium-sized business entity, as well as the head of a non-profit organization that has the right to use simplified methods of accounting, including simplified accounting (financial) reporting, may take over the accounting.

In modern economic conditions, high demands are placed on chief accountants of organizations. So, chief accountants in public joint stock companies, insurance organizations and non-governmental pension funds, joint-stock investment funds, management companies of mutual investment funds, in other economic entities, securities which are admitted to circulation at organized auctions, in government bodies off-budget funds, management bodies of state territorial extra-budgetary funds must have higher education; work experience related to accounting, preparation of accounting (financial) statements or auditing activities, at least three years out of the last five calendar years, and in the absence higher education in the field of accounting and auditing - at least five years out of the last seven calendar years.

The chief accountant of an organization is appointed and dismissed by the head of the organization. The chief accountant reports directly to the head of the organization. He peseta responsibility for the formation of accounting and tax policies, maintaining accounting and tax accounting, timely submission of complete and reliable financial statements. TO responsibilities The chief accountant also includes ensuring compliance of ongoing business operations with the legislation of the Russian Federation, control over the movement of property and the fulfillment of obligations. Simultaneously chief accountant endowed rights: requirements documentation business transactions, submissions to accounting necessary documents and information, signatures of monetary and settlement documents, which in the absence of his signature are considered invalid.

The manager signs an order (instruction) on the accounting policy of the organization, which reflects the following aspects of the organization of accounting discussed in the previous paragraphs:

  • - a working chart of accounts, containing the accounts used in the organization, necessary for maintaining synthetic and analytical accounting;
  • - forms of primary accounting documents used to formalize business transactions, accounting registers, as well as forms of documents for internal accounting reporting;
  • - methods for assessing assets and liabilities;
  • - procedure and timing of inventory of assets and liabilities;
  • - document flow rules and technology for processing accounting information;
  • - the procedure for monitoring business transactions, as well as other decisions necessary for organizing accounting.

Thus, the basic principles of accounting organization are defined by law and are implemented in the practical activities of organizations in accordance with the order and accounting policies.

Economic and financial activities Each enterprise must be accompanied by timely and complete accounting. The result of accounting transactions is reflected in accounting accounts financial condition of the company. A consolidated document summarizing the value of assets and liabilities, profits and losses, debts and overpayments is the accounting and financial statements of an organization. Let's take a closer look at the technology for preparing financial statements.

First stage

The first stage of preparing financial and accounting statements is to carry out mandatory preliminary work:

  1. Checking primary documents:
    • Availability: both paper and electronic documents must be properly grouped. The procedure is determined by the company’s “Regulations on Document Flow”;
    • correctness of design: availability mandatory details, lack of erasures and corrections;
    • timeliness and completeness of reflection of all documents and transactions on accounts. This is the main condition for reliable accounting.
  2. Checking funds:
    • correspondence of accounting data and the actual amount of money in the cash register;
    • compliance of bank statements and accounting data for current accounts;
    • reconciliation, if any, of different securities.
  3. Reconciliation with counterparties:
    • check whether counterparties’ data on the status of settlements coincides with accounting data;
    • preparation of reconciliation reports;
    • Conducting a reconciliation of the status of settlements with the budget.
  4. Inventory of fixed assets and intangible assets:
    • checking the availability and condition of fixed assets on the balance sheet. Drawing up an inventory sheet according to the INV-1 form. If discrepancies are identified, then the comparison sheet of form INV-18 is filled out;
    • Similarly, discrepancies between accounting data and the actual state of affairs in relation to intangible assets are revealed:

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It is important that these steps must also be done separate units, branches and representative offices of the organization, since the financial statements of the parent company include indicators for all divisions.

Organizations that have been inactive for a year must still draw up financial statements reflecting zero turnover.

Second stage

The second stage, after checking all the obligations and property of the company, it is necessary to make accounting adjustments in connection with identified inconsistencies, as well as correct errors.

At the same moment, a decision is made on the need to revaluate inventories, fixed assets, and intangible assets, and the necessary accounting operations are performed. They also calculate and form reserves for doubtful debts and reserves for vacation pay:

Final stages

The third stage, after the completeness, reliability and timeliness of recording all transactions of the reporting period have been established, the accounting accounts are closed and the balance sheet is reformed.

Fourth, final stage consists of transferring data from accounting and analytical registers into financial and accounting reporting forms.

Composition of financial statements

When preparing financial statements, an organization must be guided by the standard PBU 4/99, which establishes that the final financial and accounting statements consist of:

  1. Balance Sheet;
  2. Financial results report;
  3. Statement of changes in equity;
  4. Cash flow statement;
  5. Report on the intended use of funds;
  6. Explanations to financial and accounting statements;
  7. An audit report on the reliability of reporting, if the organization’s activities are subject to mandatory audit.

An important condition is the obligation provided for in paragraph 10 of Article III of PBU 4/99 to provide data for the two previous years in the listed forms. In this case, the data must be comparable, in otherwise Either information correction or detailed explanations are required.

When deciding on the level of detail of reporting items, you need to be guided by the criterion of materiality of indicators established in the company’s accounting policy for the current reporting period.

It is also recommended to pay attention when filling out reporting forms to the fact that within them there are control ratios of various indicators. Their correctness signals to the inspection authorities that the company’s reporting, including tax returns, compiled without distortion. If the control ratios are not met, the tax authorities will request explanations about the identified discrepancies.

The example shows the relationship between balance sheet items and the property tax return:

Deadlines for preparing financial and accounting reports

To prepare financial and accounting statements for the reporting period legal entities three months are allotted after its completion. According to paragraphs 12 and 13 of Article III of PBU 4/99, the reporting period is equal to one calendar year, and the reporting date is December 31. On this day, all indicators of the organization’s activities are recorded.

Also, standard 4/99 stipulates the need for monthly summing up of the enterprise’s work by drawing up a balance sheet and profit and loss statement. Submit interim financial statements to government bodies no need. As a rule, such reporting is required by owners, investors, and when conducting auctions or tenders.

Further use of financial statements

Recorded in the annual financial statements financial condition The company, as well as the results of work during the year calculated in the Profit and Loss Statement, serve as basic information for further management analysis.

From the set of reports and the compiled Report for the founders, the owners draw conclusions about the profitability of the business, adopt long-term development strategies and develop tactical decisions.

1. Legal regulation of financial statements

Main regulatory documents regulating the procedure for generating reporting information and its reflection in reporting, presentation, etc. are:

Federal Law-402 “On Accounting”;

PBU 4/99 “Accounting statements of an organization”;

Regulations on accounting and reporting in the Russian Federation (Order 34n);

Concept for the development of accounting and reporting in the Russian Federation for the medium term (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2004 No. 180).

PBU 1/2008 " Accounting policy organizations."

2. Concept and classification of financial statements

Accounting statements- This unified system data on the property and financial position of the organization and the results of its economic activities. Reporting is prepared on the basis of accounting data in established forms (Article 2 of the Law on Accounting, paragraph 2, paragraph 4 of PBU 4/99).

Accounting (financial) statements must provide a reliable picture of the financial position of an economic entity as of the reporting date, the financial result of its activities and cash flows for the reporting period, which is necessary for users of these statements to make economic decisions (clause 13.1 of the Federal Law “On Accounting”). (Characteristics of interested users are given in lecture No. 1).

Responsibility for organizing accounting in organizations, as well as for compliance with the law when carrying out business transactions, lies with the heads of the organization (Article 6 of the Law on Accounting). At the same time, the chief accountant, within the framework of accounting legislation, reports directly to the head of the organization and is responsible for the formation of accounting policies, accounting, and timely submission of complete and reliable financial statements.

When preparing and presenting financial statements, you must be guided by the Accounting Law. accounting, Accounting Regulations (PBU) and other regulatory documents.

In accordance with the Concept of Development of Accounting and Reporting, there are different the following types reporting:

individual accounting statements – formed by individual business entities (clause 13.11 of the Federal Law “On Accounting” In relation to accounting (financial) statements a trade secret regime cannot be established). Individual accounting statements as an element of the accounting method perform two functions: information and control. On the one hand, it characterizes the financial position and financial results of the activities of an economic entity. On the other hand, it provides systematic control over the correctness and accuracy of accounting data at the end of each accounting cycle. In this regard, all business entities must prepare individual financial statements for each reporting period. Individual accounting statements are intended to identify the final financial result of the activity of an economic entity - net profit (loss) and distribute it among the owners; submissions to supervisory authorities; identifying signs of bankruptcy of business entities; formation of a single state base statistical observation and macroeconomic indicators; use in the management of a business entity, legal proceedings and taxation. It can also be used for other purposes (Concept for the development of accounting, clause 2.1);

consolidated financial statements– formed by a group of interrelated organizations (Concept for the development of accounting, clause 2.1). Consolidated financial statements as a type of accounting statements are intended to characterize the financial position and financial results of the activities of a group of business entities based on control relationships. Consolidated financial statements are performed solely information function and is presented to interested external users (Concept for the development of accounting, clause 2.1);

management (internal) reporting– is formed on the same principles as individual and consolidated reporting, is used for making management decisions, and is not mandatory. In this regard, the content, frequency, timing, forms and procedure for its preparation are determined independently by the business entity. In accordance with Federal Law 402, internal reporting is a trade secret;

tax reporting (tax returns) - is formed according to accounting data in accordance with the requirements of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Tax reporting (tax returns) is intended for fiscal goals and is required for drawing up by business entities, the range of which is established by tax legislation.

Accounting financial statements according to the timing of preparation can be annual and intermediate.

Annual accounting financial statements are prepared based on the results of the reporting year.

Monthly and quarterly reporting is interim and is compiled on an accrual basis from the beginning of the reporting year.

Let's consider the procedure for preparing financial statements of Rosproduct LLC. To arrive at the final form of the annual financial report, it is necessary to carry out step-by-step and labor-intensive work. During the year, the organization keeps records of economic activities, generating information in accounting registers, statements, journals, orders, machine diagrams, printouts, etc.

Rosproduct LLC uses an automated form of accounting, which allows you to automatically generate accounting entries, frees up the company's accountants from performing simple technical functions, allows you to quickly and timely receive information about the state of the company's assets, generate various standard and regulated reports, and provides more opportunities to monitor and analyze business activities.

Based on the needs and scale of its production and management, the company chose an automated accounting form using the 1C: Enterprise program, version 7.7. This program is universal system to automate accounting.

The use of an automated form of accounting in Rosproduct LLC fully complies with the tasks of enterprise management, as it provides:

high accuracy of accounting data;

efficiency of accounting data;

increasing the productivity of accounting workers, freeing them from performing simple technical functions and providing greater opportunity to monitor and analyze business activities;

linking all types of accounting and planning, since they use the same information media.

The accounting automation system "1-C Enterprise" is designed for preparing and recording financial and economic documents, accumulating information about events business transactions on accounting accounts, obtaining internal and external reporting of the enterprise. The cash book, the book of purchases and sales are also maintained using the 1-C Enterprise computer program.

The most commonly used is the balance sheet, which contains for each account information about the balances at the beginning and end of the period and debit and credit turnover for a specified period, as well as the account journal, which contains a tabular representation of the turnover between accounts for a certain selected period.

In addition, the program allows you to create regulated reports - these are accounting and tax reports intended for submission to tax authorities and various funds (tax returns, balance sheet, profit and loss statement, etc.).

According to Federal Law“On Accounting” dated November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ, at the end of the reporting period, the results of economic activities are presented in the form of financial statements.

In accordance with the instructions on the scope of financial reporting forms, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2000 No. 4n, small businesses can use a shortened version of the preparation of financial reporting. In this regard, Rosproduct LLC, being a small business entity, generates only two forms of financial statements:

  • 1. Balance sheet (form No. 1);
  • 2. Profit and loss statement (form No. 2);

The balance sheet is compiled on the basis of data on the debit and credit of synthetic accounts and subaccounts at the beginning and end of the period, taken from the General Ledger.

In the 1C: Enterprise program, accounting and tax reports are intended for submission to the tax authorities and various funds (in particular the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Statement) are contained in the “Regulated Reports” menu.

Let's look at each form in detail.

The title part of the balance sheet (Form No. 1) (Appendix 1) indicates:

  • · reporting date;
  • · name of the company (Rosproduct LLC);
  • · INN "Rosproduct" LLC;
  • · Statistics codes;
  • · Actual address of the company;

The balance sheet consists of five sections. All assets of the organization are divided into non-current and current. The liabilities side of the balance sheet shows the capital and reserves of Rosproduct LLC, its long-term and short-term liabilities.

Section I “Non-current assets”:

Line 110 indicates residual value intangible assets, that is, the cost reduced by the amount of accrued depreciation.

Line 120 reflects the residual value of fixed assets.

Section II “Current assets”:

Line 210 records the total amount of inventories and costs of Rosproduct LLC. Their decoding is given in the following lines:

  • - line 211 “Raw materials, supplies and other similar values” indicates the amount of balances in account 10 “Materials”;
  • - in line 214 " finished products and goods for resale” - balance on accounts 41 “Goods” and 43 “Finished products”;

Line 215 “Goods shipped” shows the cost of products accounted for in account 45 “Goods shipped”.

The cost of the remaining inventories, which was not included in any of the previous decoding lines, is indicated on the line “Other inventories and costs”.

Line 220 includes the debit balance of account 19 “Value added tax on purchased assets.”

Line 240 reflects short-term accounts receivable. Debts of buyers and customers are highlighted in a separate analytical line.

Balances on accounts 50, 51 are indicated on line 260 “Cash”.

Section III “Capital and Reserves”:

Line 410 indicates the amount authorized capital LLC "Rosproduct"

Retained earnings (uncovered loss) of previous years and the reporting year are shown as a total amount in line 470.

Rosproduct LLC has no long-term obligations, therefore Section IV does not form.

Section V “Short-term liabilities”:

Line 620 of the section indicates the total amount accounts payable, and decryption is carried out on lines 621-628.

The balance sheet is signed by the head of Rosproduct LLC and the chief accountant.

The profit and loss statement characterizes the financial results of Rosproduct LLC for the reporting period.

The income statement consists of the following sections:

1) Income and expenses from ordinary activities.

In line 010 “Proceeds (net) from the sale of goods, products, works, services (less value added tax, excise taxes and other similar payments)" show the amount of the company's income, determined by subtracting the credit turnover in the subaccount "Revenue account No. 90 "Sales" from the debit turnover in the subaccounts "VAT", "Excise taxes" of the same account.

Line 020 “Cost of goods, products, works sold” indicates the cost of products, the proceeds from the sale of which were included in the previous line. In accounting, this amount is debited to account 90 subaccount “Cost of sales”.

The indicator of line 029 “Gross profit” is determined as the difference between the first two lines.

Information on the costs of Rosproduct LLC, which are associated with the sale of products, is reflected in line 030 “Commercial expenses”. These include expenses recorded on the credit of account 44 “Sales expenses”.

In line 040 “Administrative expenses” enter the amount of costs that were reflected in the credit of account 26 “General business expenses”.

Line 050 “Profit (loss) from sales” shows the financial result for the usual activities of Rosproduct LLC. To do this, you need to subtract the value of lines 030 and 040 from the value of line 029.

2) Other income and expenses.

The following lines disclose the data recorded in account 91 “Other income and expenses”.

Other income, which is reflected in line 090 “Other income”, includes proceeds from the sale of fixed assets.

Other expenses (line 100) include expenses associated with the sale and other write-offs of fixed assets.

  • 3) Profit (loss) before tax, line 140 is filled in by subtracting line 100 “Other expenses” from line 050 “Profit (loss) from sales” and adding 090 “Other income”.
  • 4) Net profit (loss) of the reporting period (line 190).

Determined by subtracting from line 140 “Profit (loss) before tax” line 150 “Current income tax”.

Rosproduct LLC does not fill out the allowance section “Decoding of individual profits and losses”, since it is a small enterprise.

Starting from 2011, annual financial statements are presented according to new rules - they are established by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n. The main “benefits” for small enterprises are preserved.

Recommended samples of these forms are given in Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 22, 2003 No. 67n (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 67n). However, by order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n, the forms of financial statements have already been approved, which should replace the current ones. However, they can only be used with reports for 2011. At the same time, small businesses will be able to form new reporting according to a simplified scheme. Thus, in the balance sheet and profit and loss statement, they will be able to include indicators only for groups of items (without detailing by item). And explanations for the balance sheet and profit and loss account will have to be provided only in the case where, without knowledge of the relevant information by interested users, it is impossible to assess the financial position of the organization or the financial results of its activities.

Rosproduct LLC submitted its quarterly financial statements using new forms.

So, to summarize the above, we can conclude that the annual financial statements of Rosproduct LLC consist of: balance sheet (form No. 1), profit and loss statement (form No. 2).

Accounting financial statements- a unified system of data on the property and financial position of the organization and the results of its economic activities, compiled on the basis of accounting data for the reporting period in established forms.

Data contained in primary documents are accepted or not accepted for accounting by written order of the head of the organization. An accounting object is reflected or not reflected in accounting and financial statements on the basis of a written order from the head of the organization. Thus, the head of an economic entity bears sole responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of financial information. Accounting financial statements must provide a reliable picture of the financial position of an economic entity as of the reporting date. Statements as of the same date also disclose information about the financial results of operations and cash flows for the reporting period. Accounting statements are prepared by each economic entity for the reporting year (unless otherwise provided regulations).

In accordance with the Federal Law, accounting financial statements are divided into 2 types:

1) annual reporting;

2) interim reporting (prepared for a period of less than 1 year).

Interim reporting is not strictly certain deadlines, therefore in mandatory Only the annual one is compiled. Reporting should include performance indicators of all divisions of the organization, regardless of their location. A trade secret regime cannot be established in relation to financial statements, i.e. the information contained in the reporting is open and can be presented to all interested users.

Accounting statements are considered prepared after they are signed by the manager. A number of organizations are required to publish reports in the media (before July 1).

Accounting financial statements consists of from the balance sheet, income statement and appendix thereto. If the composition of the statements is not established by regulations, then all organizations prepare financial statements and provide them to users in the following composition:

1. Balance sheet.
2. Report on financial results.
3.Report on changes in capital. Statement of changes in capital - in the context of 3 reporting periods, reveals the change in each element of the organization's equity capital and the reasons for these changes.
4.Cash flow report. Cash flow statement - reveals the balances of cash and non-cash money (in total) at the beginning and end of the reporting period, as well as positive and negative cash flows in the context of 3 types of activities (current activities, financial activities, investment activities).
5.Report on the targeted use of funds (compiled only by those organizations that received targeted funding or state aid during the reporting period).
6.Explanatory note(in the absence significant changes in the activities of the organization, an explanatory note may not be drawn up). Explanatory note - in free form contains a text, tabular or numerical description of the most significant changes in the activities of the organization, which allows you to correctly interpret the information contained in the reporting.
7. Audit report (drawed up by audit organizations and in it they express their professional opinion on the reliability of the information contained in the financial statements of an economic entity.

IN general view The content of all reporting forms can be presented in the form of 5 elements:

assets - funds or resources of an organization resulting from past events and future economic benefits, controlled by the enterprise;

· obligations and debts of the organization, which are the results of past events, the repayment of which will lead to an outflow of resources;

· equity(SC=Assets-Liabilities);

· income;

· expenses.

All reporting forms disclose the relevant indicators as of the reporting date for 3 reporting periods.

Balance sheet - main form reporting in the Russian Federation, disclosing the property and financial position of the organization. All indicators are combined into 5 sections:

I. Assets:
1.non-current assets;
2.current assets.

II. Liabilities:
3. capital and reserves;
4.long-term liabilities;
5.short-term liabilities.

Reporting date of provision financial reporting is December 31, for interim reporting - the date provided for by the Federal Law or other regulatory documents. The reporting period is the period from January 1 to December 31 inclusive, and for newly created organizations:

1) from the date of state registration to December 31 of this year, if the organization was created before September 31;

2) from the date of state registration to December 31 of the following year, if the organization was created after September 30.

Before reporting, preparatory work is carried out, which includes:

· 1. Carrying out an inventory and reflecting its results on accounts;

· 2.Closing accounts:

· 2.1 accounts of auxiliary production (account 23);

· 2.2. Collection and distribution accounts (SC25,26,97);

· 2.3.accounts service industries(sch29);

· 2.4. financial and performance accounts (account 90, 91, 99).