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Healthy recipes for children - healthy eating. Healthy eating for children: recipes for delicious and healthy dishes. Children's recipes for every day dishes

A young growing body especially needs a balanced menu. The process of getting used to a healthy diet is long and not the easiest, but it is important to adapt the child to a proper diet from childhood and limit his consumption of harmful foods that have no value for the body

What is healthy children's nutrition? What should be on a child's menu?

  • as many fresh fruits, berries and vegetables as possible,
  • light vegetable broths,
  • baked, boiled dishes,
  • products that can meet the daily needs of a growing body for proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and fats.

In addition, it is important:

  • lack of crackers and chips in the diet,
  • minimum fried foods, refusal of processed foods (canned food, semi-finished products, etc.),
  • eating sugar and flour in small quantities or avoiding them,
  • a clear diet, frequent intake of food into the body in small portions.

It is important to teach an older child to read the ingredients of products and identify harmful components. Even “harmless” supposedly natural products with a shelf life of six months and cookies contain palm oil, preservatives and other “chemicals”. Therefore, it is better to cook and bake yourself. Instead of buying a damp “product” with margarine for tea, bake healthy oatmeal cookies, make a delicate pudding, porridge with berries or stew. Let your baby eat homemade and healthy food!

Healthy eating for children under 3 years old

The menu of a child under 3 years old should include the following products in a certain quantity.

The main thing in a baby’s nutrition is mother’s milk, which allows the baby to receive all the nutrients and necessary elements. After a year of feeding, the quality of lactation decreases. There is less milk, and providing the baby with all the necessary substances becomes a problematic task. At this stage, complementary foods are introduced.

First, dishes are chosen for the child from products that cannot cause allergic reactions and at the same time bring invaluable benefits to the body. Vegetables are a source of phytoncides, organic acids, minerals, and vitamins.

  • Potatoes satisfy the need for vitamin C, PP, B, K, phosphorus and iron. Eating root vegetables helps improve digestion and strengthen the heart and blood vessels.
  • Cauliflower is rich in... It is easily digestible, so it can be given to your baby without fear.
  • Beets contain anthocyanins, which have a positive effect on the digestive organs and vascular walls.
  • Pumpkin is rich in beta-carotene, which is beneficial for healthy eyes and mucous membranes.

Complementary feeding from vegetables is introduced from six months in the form of puree. The first portions should be 60-100 g.

Fruits are a source of vitamins C, A, folic acid, ballast substances and pectins. Fresh fruits help strengthen digestion and immunity. It is better to start complementary feeding with hypoallergenic, non-acidic fruits: pears, bananas, apples. Fruit puree is introduced into the diet from 6 months, starting with 1 tsp. spoons.

Sweets are good only in moderation. In fact, sugar provides the supply of substances that are energetically important for a growing body. However, it can cause allergic reactions, especially in those children who are prone to diathesis. Therefore, if you need to give your child something sweet, it is better to limit yourself to fresh or dried fruits and berries. You can give your baby mousses made from semolina and fruit, or porridge.

Meals in kindergarten

In kindergarten, the diet is the same for everyone. The menu is compiled by qualified teachers who teach children traditional “adult” food. The guys eat porridge, jelly, and soups. All vitamins are supplied in the required amount, nutrition is balanced. At the same time, if a child cannot tolerate any product or it is not indicated for him, this issue can be resolved in the garden individually by talking with teachers.

The menu in the kindergarten is designed for age. Children under 3 years old receive about 1500 kcal per day, older children - 1900 kcal.

Food for children 3-7 years old

Menu for children preschool age should prepare his muscles and brain for the physical and mental stress of school.

Pediatricians highlight several principles of the correct menu for children from 3 to 7 years old.

  • Since preschool children do not like to sit still, they need energy sources - carbohydrates. These substances contain fruits, whole grains and cereals. By eating these dishes for breakfast, your child will be active all day.
  • Protein is important for a growing baby - construction material fabrics. This element is found in beans and many other foods. For normal development, the body must receive proteins.
  • Energy balance is important. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be supplied in a ratio of 30/20/50%. In case of serious violation of the “golden rule” proper nutrition metabolism changes.
  • The daily calorie content of the menu for preschool children is 2000 kcal. 25% of the daily norm is eaten for breakfast, 35-40% for lunch, 15% for afternoon snack, 20-25% for dinner.
  • The menu should be varied. A preschool child is in an active growth phase, and during this period it is important to fully provide him with vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

It is advisable for parents to prepare all products from natural products grown in environmentally friendly areas, and not to buy “canned chemicals” in the store.

Meals for children 7-14 years old

The menu for children 7-14 years old is gradually approaching the adult menu. During the period of continuous growth and adolescence, it is important to provide the child with adequate calorie nutrition. But we must take into account that spicy and fatty foods will not bring any benefit, while the natural taste of dishes and minimal heat treatment of products can nourish a growing body. Dishes and snacks must contain minimal amount pepper and salt. Dishes for children 7-14 years old are stewed, steamed, boiled. Salads are cut finely.

Adolescence is the time for gastritis. It is important to monitor the regularity of your child’s meals so that he does not endure 6 lessons at school without food, but has lunch with everyone. Children are given fruits and nuts as a snack during breaks. There must be water in a schoolchild's backpack. You need to drink 1.5 liters per day.

Meals for children 14-18 years old

Senior school age– it’s time for psycho-emotional stress and exams. During this period, it is important to include in the diet foods that stimulate the body’s intellectual and energy resources: oatmeal with fruit, vegetables, nuts, whole grain bread. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition during exams - food should contain a large number of vitamin B, which strengthens the functions of the nervous system. Vegetables and fruits are consumed 3-4 times a day, no less.

Before exams, it is necessary to replenish the supply of vitamins, since vitamin deficiency occurs in the spring, and the amounts useful substances not enough for the normal functioning of the body.

Healthy nutrition for children includes high-quality fresh foods. As the child develops and his chewing apparatus strengthens, liquid food is replaced by solid food, and the menu becomes varied.

Nutrition of a child is the key to his full development. From birth, parents lay the foundation for children's health. Food for children should be healthy, tasty and nutritious. For the proper formation of all systems of the child’s body and bone skeleton, a complete diet is needed.

Nutrition rules

Food for children from the first days of life should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the body and digestive system. Dishes should contain a maximum of nutrients that are easily digestible.

Breakfast is hearty and nutritious. The afternoon snack is lighter. Lunch provides the maximum amount of nutrients. Dinner for a child is approximately equivalent to breakfast in terms of calories.

Food should be warm so that it is better digested. Fatty and fried foods are completely excluded from the children's diet. You should not overfeed your child or force him to eat.

For proper functioning of the digestive system, the entire daily diet is divided into 4-5 meals. The main products in a child's diet are: meat and fish, eggs, fermented milk products, cottage cheese, cereals, vegetables and fruits, bread.

Proteins fats carbohydrates

Food for children should be balanced. Protein is essential for bone formation and mental development. Its deficiency reduces immunity, mental and physical activity. Animal protein contains substances that are essential for the child’s body and are responsible for hematopoiesis and the structure of bone tissue.

A moderate amount of fats should be present in a child’s daily diet, as they are sources of vitamins A and D. They, in turn, improve immunity and have a positive effect on growth and development. Vegetable and animal fats should make up about 15% of the daily diet.

Carbohydrates provide energy and energy for the whole day. Their amount should not exceed 30% of the diet, as excess leads to excess weight. If a child has a stomach ache after eating, it is necessary to exclude complex carbohydrates in the form of legumes, potatoes and baked goods.


The food intake for a child is from 1300 to 2000 calories per day. The diet should have a balance of vitamins and nutrients. Be sure to include fruits and vegetables in the menu.

The main vitamins in a child’s diet are A and D. They are responsible for mental and physical development. Vitamin A maintains normal skin color and is involved in the formation of good vision. It is found in products such as:

  • Pumpkin.
  • Apricots.
  • Bell pepper.
  • Sea ​​buckthorn.

Vitamin D is beneficial from birth. It is involved in bone formation and improves calcium absorption. It contains:

  • Chicken yolk.
  • Butter.
  • Oily fish and cod liver.

Vitamin C protects the body from exposure to microbes and improves immunity. It improves the absorption and absorption of iron. Contained in rose hips, currants, cauliflower.

Vitamin B is important for the circulatory system. It is responsible for the functioning of the brain. Contained in pork and beef liver, cereals.


When telling children about food, you need to do it as simply as possible. Every parent knows about the benefits of products. Calcium is responsible for the development of the bone skeleton. Dairy products should be in every child's diet:

Must be in the daily diet butter. If a child does not want to eat cottage cheese or drink milk, recipes for dishes that require these products will come to the rescue. Children will enjoy casseroles and desserts, supplemented with fresh berries and fruits.

Bakery products

Not only children, but also adults love baking. Experts recommend whole grain bread, as it has a positive effect on intestinal function. It is not recommended to feed children freshly baked pastries.

Pasta must be made from durum wheat. An excellent solution would be homemade noodles made with your own hands.

Fruits and vegetables, cereals

Food for children should be varied and healthy. Fruits and vegetables are included in the diet all year round. The daily norm is about 250 grams. Fresh fruits and berries are a source of vitamins and microelements.

Freshly squeezed juices, both from fruits and vegetables, are healthy and nutritious. If it is not possible to prepare them yourself, choose a product intended for baby food. The norm of juice per day is no more than one glass.

Porridge will be an excellent source of fiber, along with fruits and vegetables. They improve intestinal function and give you energy for the whole day. If parents do not know what their child can eat, then porridge is the best solution. The most useful are:

  • Pearl barley.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Rice.
  • Millet.
  • Wheat.

Porridges can be prepared as monocomponents or by combining several types of cereals together.

Nutrition for children per year

Transfer of a child from breast milk or mixtures on simple food begins at 6-7 months from birth. From now on, parents have the important mission of preparing a children's menu. Child's food per year must be balanced and contain useful vitamins and minerals.

Breakfast must include porridge. Delicious and healthy recipe:

  1. Grate a small piece of zucchini and half an apple on a fine grater.
  2. A glass of rolled oats is poured into the multicooker bowl and filled with water. Then add zucchini and apple.
  3. The porridge is cooked at the required level. Before serving, add a small piece of butter.

For lunch, children are recommended to have vegetable soups cooked in water or meat broth. From the age of 8 months you can feed your baby purees. It's very easy to make by making soup. This puree will be healthy and nutritious.

You can prepare fish cutlets for your baby for dinner:

  1. The fish fillet is minced in a meat grinder or crushed in a blender.
  2. The carrots boiled in advance are peeled and finely chopped.
  3. Soak two slices of bread in milk or water.
  4. All components are combined, cutlets are formed and steamed.

Baby food requires parents to carefully select products for preparing dishes. After overeating, your child may experience pain after eating, so it is important to monitor the portion size.

Example of a daily menu

The child's diet is divided into 4-5 equal meals. Parents often wonder how to diversify the menu and what to cook. An approximate list of dishes will help solve this issue:

You cannot force a child to eat, this has a bad effect on intestinal function. For digestion of food, 25 minutes are allocated for breakfast and dinner, and about 30 minutes for lunch. While eating, nothing should distract the child.

A balanced, healthy diet is the key to the proper development of a child. Parents should set an example for their children to behave at the table and instill the right habits.

A person’s health depends to a very large extent on what he eats. It is food that can increase immunity, performance, quality of life and push back the barrier of old age. But only proper nutrition can cope with all this.

The daily diet must be balanced. This means that it must include all the substances necessary for the body: fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

In order for nutrition to be complete, it is necessary to observe the approximate ratio of its components per day:

  • proteins – up to 20%,
  • fats – up to 25%,
  • carbohydrates – 50-60%.

At physical work or playing sports, protein consumption should be increased to 40% of the daily diet.

Here are a few “postulates”, or recipes for further correct actions, without which we cannot talk about proper nutrition.

  1. In order to have good health, you need to eat fruits and vegetables every day: they contain sufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements. In addition, their fiber can increase the body’s metabolism, cleanse it of toxins and is useful for the functioning of the digestive tract. It is advisable to consume vegetables, fruits, and berries raw.
  2. About drinks: it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean filtered water per day. And various juices, teas, compotes and other liquid foods should make up another 1 liter.
  3. And what is very important: with proper nutrition, dishes must be prepared correctly. If you boil, steam, or bake foods, your diet will become healthy. And when frying, if it cannot be avoided, you should use olive oil, and the process should not be long. In any case, you should not allow food to be overcooked, because then the food will not be tasty and healthy.
  4. The most healthy diet is varied. In order for the body not to get used to the same food and to receive the full amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins, it is necessary to diversify the diet.
  5. Healthy eating - 3-5 meals a day. If it is not possible to have a full meal, for example, due to work schedule, then the food should be prepared at home in advance. This diet will prevent you from overeating, which will have a positive effect on your health. For proper psychological well-being, you can arrange “rest days” from healthy food 1-2 times a month to relieve the nervous system.
  6. And it is important to chew every piece of food thoroughly while eating so as not to spoil your stomach and overall health. You need to chew at least 20 times. As they say, he who chews long lives long. And no recipes will help if the person himself does not help himself.

From the table you can see which products should be preferred and which ones should be rejected.

This information and the list of recommendations below will help you create simple recipes proper nutrition for every day and on holidays.

What foods contain the necessary proteins?Fish and seafood, dairy and fermented milk products, poultry, lean meat, egg whites.
What foods contain healthy complex carbohydrates?Rice, buckwheat, durum wheat pasta, legumes, cereals, wholemeal bread.
Products containing fiberVegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, grains.
Foods containing healthy vegetable fats and omega-3 fatty acidsFish, vegetable oils, dried porcini mushrooms, lentils, potatoes, garlic.
Products containing harmful animal fatsFatty meats, fatty dairy products.
Harmful foods and drinksSausage, hot dogs, fatty meats, margarine, baked goods, alcohol, lemonade, smoked meats, mayonnaise, fast food, all sweets, energy drinks.

Sample menu for the day

You can create recipes for healthy dishes yourself based on our sample menu.

  • For breakfast, you can eat egg whites cooked in the microwave or in a frying pan, but without the yolks. Then - oatmeal or any other, drink a glass of low-fat milk or yogurt.
  • Lunch should be hearty: main courses can be prepared with great variety. For example, boiled rice or buckwheat, durum wheat pasta, chicken or turkey fillet. A salad of fresh vegetables would be nice.
  • The afternoon snack is light; any fruit or vegetables will do.
  • For dinner, you can make a vinaigrette or vegetable stew, boil or steam fish.

Every housewife is rich in recipes for proper nutrition for every day. But over time they are forgotten. Maybe our selection will help you remember something forgotten or give you new ones culinary recipes? And the housewife will not rack her brains over what to cook today to make it tasty and healthy.

What can you cook for breakfast?

Simple recipes for proper nutrition are very easy to learn. You just need to either remember what you have forgotten, or take something new into your piggy bank.

The main thing is to want to comprehend this new thing

  • Low-fat milk – 1 l
  • Corn grits - 1 tbsp.
  • Oil drain.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sugar tastes

Rinse the cereal, place it in a slow cooker, add butter, salt, and sugar. Pour in the milk and cook in the “Porridge with milk” mode until the end of cooking.

Delicious and healthy dishes for lunch

  • Carrots – 2-3 pcs.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Potatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.
  • A pinch of salt, curry, dry ginger
  • Cream - 200 ml
  • Decoction of vegetables or meat - 3 tbsp.

Chop the onion and simmer in oil until soft and transparent. Wash the carrots and after peeling, cut into small pieces.

Peel the potatoes and cut them the same way.

Cook vegetables in broth until soft. Add spices, salt and fried onions to them.

Remove the pan from the heat and let the vegetables drain. Then use a blender to puree and add cream. Put it back on the fire and let it boil. This tasty and healthy dish can warm up a fall or winter day with its cozy color.

Bulgarians love him dearly, although he is cold. It is low in calories but quite filling. You can prepare it in a few minutes. What is the name of this mysterious “stranger”? This is famous

soup "Tator"

  • Medium fresh cucumber – 2 pcs.
  • Low-fat kefir – 1 tbsp.
  • Garlic – 1 clove
  • Ground walnuts - 2 tsp.
  • Finely chopped greens (cilantro, parsley) - 1 tbsp. l.

Peel the cucumbers, cut into fine cubes or slices. Pour kefir, add finely chopped garlic and nuts, herbs, lightly salt. Mix all the ingredients and let the dish sit for five minutes to fully release the flavors of the spices. If it turns out thick, then before eating it would be a good idea to add ice or very cold water.

Both for lunch and dinner - always good!

Healthy eating recipes do not always involve expensive food - this is why they are especially valuable. Sometimes, from ordinary products purchased at the supermarket, you can prepare a real masterpiece that can become your signature dish.

  • Buckwheat - 1.5 tbsp. (300 ml)
  • Dried porcini mushrooms – 0.5 tbsp.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Olive or sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Celery (dry root) – 1 tsp.
  • Salt to taste

Wash dry mushrooms in warm water. If necessary, chop it. Pour into a saucepan. Pour in three glasses of water and leave overnight.

Remove the mushrooms and place in a sieve. But do not pour out the water, but heat it over medium heat, do not boil.

Pour buckwheat and mushrooms into a saucepan, add celery, salt, and pour mushroom infusion. The liquid should be 4-5 cm higher than the cereal. Cook the buckwheat at high boil for 10 minutes, then 10 minutes over low heat.

Finely chop the onion and quickly fry in oil until golden brown.

When the buckwheat is cooked, you need to add the fried onion to it without stirring. Wrap the pan to keep the buckwheat warm (15-20 minutes). Before serving, buckwheat should be carefully mixed with onion. This tasty dish will go well with freshly squeezed orange juice.

  • Boiled rice – 150 g,
  • Peas (canned) and corn - half a cup each,
  • Sardines (canned) – 190 g,
  • Cucumber, green onion, parsley
  • Pepper and salt to taste

Slice the cucumber nicely. Divide the sardines into small pieces and mix with rice. Chop the parsley and green onions nice and finely. Mix all ingredients.

  • Hard cheese 150 g
  • Corn (canned, canned)
  • Raisins - a handful
  • Garlic - clove
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. homemade mayonnaise

Cut the cheese into cubes, add corn. Chop the garlic and add to the cheese and corn. Pour boiling water over the raisins, steam for about five minutes, then drain the water and add the raisins to the salad. Season the salad with homemade mayonnaise and serve!

Recipes for children

For children in childhood and adolescence, tasty, and even more so healthy, food is especially important. During this period, his growth is very active, he grows and builds muscle mass, all his organs develop, including the formation of a skeleton.
Children and teenagers should eat at least four times a day. Recipes for proper nutrition for children should be special.

Of course, not all children can eat in the morning, so breakfast for a child should be light and enjoyable. The optimal breakfast for a child can be porridge, cottage cheese, omelettes with various tasty additives. The child should have a snack before lunch. If he does not have lunch at school, parents should give him nuts, fruits, a sandwich with cheese or boiled meat, and juice.

A healthy lunch for a child after he comes home from school must consist of soup, meat or fish with a side dish. It can be boiled or stewed vegetables, legumes, durum wheat pasta or mashed potatoes.

Your child's dinner must be hot. It can be fish or lean meat with a side dish of vegetables or rice.

Of course, children need milk protein; the norm for a schoolchild is two glasses of milk, yogurt or kefir per day.

Potatoes – 4 pcs.

Greens - 50 g

Minced meat – 200 g

Egg- 1 PC

Crushed crackers - 3 tsp.

A pinch of salt, black pepper.

Break an egg into the minced meat, add breadcrumbs, add salt and pepper. Knead the minced meat until smooth and form into balls approximately the size of a walnut.

Peel the potatoes and cut into small pieces. Place potatoes in two liters of boiling water and cook for about 15 minutes, adding salt first. Place the meatballs into the broth and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.

Remove the pan from the heat and let the soup simmer for 10 minutes. It should be served with fresh herbs.

Delicious recipes for holiday can become favorites for both adults and children.

Prunes in batter

Prunes - 10 pcs.

Sour cream – 30 g

One egg white

Oil drain. - for lubrication

Flour – 2 tbsp. l.

Sugar - to taste

Soak the prunes. When it becomes soft, remove the seeds. Mix flour with sugar and sour cream. Beat the whites into a foam and carefully, using upward movements, add them to the mixture. Grease the frying pan with oil, then place the prepared and dried prunes on it. After this, carefully pour the batter into it and place the pan in the oven to bake until golden brown.

Proper nutrition is the key to family health

The rules of healthy eating need to be constantly practiced - they are not as complicated as they might seem.

This should become a good habit, not a weekly diet.

Moreover, all that is required from you is the desire to prepare healthy and tasty food from healthy products, but cook it correctly. And it's not difficult. We must not forget that the health of your loved ones depends on you. Have fun cooking delicious and healthy food!

Below is a very useful video about how to eat healthy.

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Healthy nutrition of a child is the key to his proper development. For example, fast food contains a lot of cholesterol, which is known to impair blood circulation in the body and reduce mental activity. And fish, thanks to its beneficial substances, increases attention and improves brain activity. That's why will help him develop spiritually and study better.

And if a child gets used to eating right from childhood, then in adulthood he will adhere to the principles of healthy eating.

Basics of healthy eating for children

A healthy diet for children should include the “right” fats, proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, fiber and minerals.

You cannot give the same dishes throughout the day; the child’s diet should be varied. Children who receive meat, vegetables, fruits, grains, and fermented milk products every day have greater efficiency and attentiveness at school.

The most important meal for children is breakfast, because it is he who charges them with energy for the whole day. Healthy food for children for breakfast is various porridges with milk: buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina. You can give your child an omelet or boiled eggs. Instead of a sausage sandwich, give your baby a sandwich with butter and cheese, yogurt, and a couple of apples.

At lunchtime, after returning from school, be sure to feed your child the first dish. This will relieve him of digestive problems. Cook compote or prepare freshly squeezed juice. Give your children as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible.

A nutritious dinner is also important for a healthy diet for children. It could be meat or fish with a side dish of vegetables.

A healthy diet for children should include cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt a couple of times a week.

Sometimes you can give your child a chocolate bar or a piece of sausage, while explaining to him why these products are unhealthy foods and should not be eaten often.

Healthy food recipes for children

  • Soup or broth. To cook them, you need to take lean chicken or turkey, after removing the skin from them. It is better to drain the first broth, and in the second you can cook soup: add vegetables after half an hour, and at the end of cooking - herbs. To improve the taste, add bay leaves and allspice to the soup while cooking. There are children who do not eat regular soup, but enjoy pureed soup.
  • An alternative to fatty cutlets can be meatballs, which are browned in a frying pan and then stewed in a saucepan. Prepare minced veal, add boiled rice, an egg, a little salt, lightly fry the onion and carrots, mix everything and form small meatballs. Fry the meatballs, then make a cream sauce using the remaining fat in the pan: add a little flour and add milk. Pour this sauce over the meatballs, add a little boiled water, spices and herbs. Meatballs should be simmered over low heat for about 20 minutes.
  • For dessert, you can make a fruit salad with yogurt. Sometimes you can top the fruit with ice cream instead of yogurt. Any seasonal berries and fruits are suitable for fruit salad.

Prepare meals for your child with love and imagination, and he will be happy to eat healthy food.

1 lemon cookie.

Sour cream (100 g).
Butter (100 g).
Chicken egg (1 pc.).
Sugar (1 cup. Lemon (0.5 pcs.).
Baking soda (0.5 teaspoon).
Wheat flour (2.5 cups. Preparation:
Wonderful homemade cookies with the taste and aroma of lemon. It's very easy and quick to prepare. Involve your children in this activity. They will really enjoy squeezing out different shapes from the dough. To make these cookies we need soft butter. Place it in a bowl and add sugar. Mix well.

Add sour cream and egg to the butter and sugar. Grate the zest of half a lemon and squeeze out the juice. Sprinkle soda on the juice, it will foam. Mix all these ingredients well. And finally, add the last ingredient - flour. I want to say right away: there are different flours. It took me about 2.5 cups, but I may need more. Place the dough in the cold for an hour.

Take the dough out of the refrigerator. Take a piece at a time, roll it out and cut out different shapes with cookie cutters. Only if the dough sticks to your hands after refrigeration, add flour and the problem will be solved. The recipe is so simple that even a novice cook can handle it. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes. You'll get a whole pan of cookies, so everyone will be happy.

2 banana pudding.

Banana (4 pcs.).
Semolina (0.5 cups. Milk (1 cup. Chicken egg (2 pcs.).

So, at the initial stage, mix milk and eggs. This can be done by hand or using a blender.
Add semolina to the resulting mixture and beat thoroughly again. After this, peel the bananas, cut them into circles and place them in a baking dish. Pour the resulting mixture over the bananas and place in a double boiler for 40 minutes. Even if you forget you're making pudding, the steamer will turn itself off and prevent that delicious dish from going wrong.

When the pudding is ready, remove it from the steamer and let it cool slightly. In this case, the liquid formed during the cooking process and released at the edges of the dish will be absorbed back. After this, the pudding can be cut into pieces and served. It can be either lukewarm or at room temperature. In any case, you will get exceptional pleasure from this dish. Attention! Just in case you noticed, this dish is prepared without adding sugar, but the bananas compensate for the lack of it, and the pudding turns out very sweet and amazingly aromatic.

3 "Economy" cutlets.

500 g minced meat.
1 tbsp. Oatmeal (small).
0.5 tbsp. Milk.
2 eggs.
1 medium onion.
2 cloves of garlic.
Salt and pepper to taste.

The minced meat is ready. I chopped the onion for juiciness. If you don't like it, you can grind it in a blender. Cut two potatoes into cubes. We form a flat cake from the minced meat (it’s better not round, but oval, I later adapted. We put 3-4 cubes of potatoes (I’m alone, but big. We wrap the potatoes in minced meat (the edges need to be sealed well so that the cutlet doesn’t open later. From this amount - You get more than 20 cutlets with minced meat (depending on the size and depending on how many potatoes you put inside. Fry the cutlets for a while. In butter until golden brown (do not roll them in flour. Only if you stew them on the stove, then add them in a saucepan, if like me - in the oven, then put the cutlets in the form.

Preparing the gravy:
Any gravy you like will do. I prepared my gravy like this (all “by eye”: from the pan where the cutlets were fried, I poured out almost all the oil, and in the remaining oil I fried half a head of onion, then poured in more than half a glass of water. While the onion was stewing, I poured it into a separate glass half of cold water, added 1 tbsp. flour, stirred well so that there are no lumps. Then added 1 tbsp. sour cream. onion.
Stirred, salted, added half a bouillon cube.

Then it seemed to me that there was not enough water, so I added more water, let it simmer for 5 minutes and poured it into the mold on top of the cutlets. Place in the oven. Bake at 180-200 s. After a while, I turned the cutlets over so that the top was now covered in gravy. There was such an aroma in the apartment that the children asked me, “Mom, what are you cooking?” The cutlets are ready, you can eat them! Just a warning - don't swallow your tongue!

4 pumpkin pancakes.

200 g pumpkin (puree).
2 pcs. chicken eggs.
200 g flour.
4 tbsp. l. sugar.
30-40 g butter.
200 ml cow's milk.
10 g baking powder.
A pinch of salt.
Honey to taste (for serving).

In the fall, it's time to bake not just pancakes, but pumpkin pancakes! They turn out to be a very beautiful color, delicate and porous. The good thing about the pakeiki is that they are fried in a dry frying pan without oil, so they are absolutely non-greasy and healthy. Pumpkin pancakes will be a great breakfast for both children and adults.
To prepare the puree, cut the pumpkin into pieces and bake in the oven for softness at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Grind the pumpkin in a blender. I got this puree, but you can puree the puree in a blender a little longer and it will be more homogeneous. Puree requires 200 g.

Beat eggs with sugar (the amount of sugar can be reduced if the pumpkin is very sweet. Add a pinch of salt. Add pumpkin puree and melted butter to the egg mixture. Beat. Add milk. Add sifted flour mixed with baking powder. Beat. The dough should be thicker than for pancakes and more liquid than for pancakes. Fry the pancakes in a dry frying pan (with a non-stick coating) over low heat. When the bottom is fried, carefully turn the pancakes over. Serve the pancakes with honey, chocolate, jam or maple syrup.

5 cough drops for children - we make them ourselves!

Honey - 250-300 g.
Ground ginger - 1 teaspoon.

Mix honey and ginger, put on very low heat and cook for 1.5-2 hours. To prevent honey from “running away”, stir it constantly. Cook until a drop that falls on the table surface begins to solidify.
Cool the mixture by pouring it onto a flat surface, and then chop it into pieces, or immediately pour it into silicone molds for candy or ice. To make the candies easy to get out, grease the molds with vegetable oil.

You can add 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice or a decoction of licorice root to the mixture. You can make lollipops. 3-4 lollipops a day - and you won’t notice how your child will get better. Moreover, everything is made by my mother’s hands and does not contain preservatives or dyes! Send your recipes to the proposed news?

Healthy breakfast recipes for children. Children's breakfasts

The beginning of the school year always brings a lot of worries to parents. One of the most pressing questions is what and how to feed a child who is going to school? On this occasion, we offer you to use a selection of recipes for children's breakfasts from Gastronom. Also take note of the basic commandments of a tasty and healthy student breakfast.

First of all, a child's breakfast should be such that the child eats it. It is no secret that in many children (and adults too) the stomach “wakes up” much later than the rest of the body. So why start the day with stress? Offer your child a breakfast that he will probably eat: porridge or a sandwich, a soft-boiled egg or an omelet, or even just a healthy and satisfying drink.

Select dishes for children's breakfast so that the child does not remember about food until the next meal. Nutritionists believe that protein foods keep you feeling full the longest. And these are dairy products, eggs, lean meat. Supplement them with “healthy” carbohydrates, fiber and vitamins from fruits and berries, and your children’s breakfast will be satisfying and healthy.

Take into account the characteristics of your child, listen to his wishes. Then the morning will be good, and the school day will be successful!

The only thing you need to figure out is which indoor plants to choose for the nursery. First you need to take into account the age of the baby. If he is still just a baby and has not even learned to walk, then flowering ones that the baby will admire, such as violets or chrysanthemums, are perfect.

When he begins to walk, he will explore everything he can reach. And children explore almost everything through their mouths, and when they reach for leaves and flowers, they may want to try what they taste like. At this time, try to place flowers higher in the children's room and choose non-poisonous plants.

If the child is older, then he will want to feel like a little naturalist. He may express a desire to independently care for flowers in order to grow and replant them himself. Here it is advisable to choose those species that quickly take root, easily take root in the ground and bloom soon. Then the baby will see the result of his work and his interest will not disappear.

When choosing indoor flowers for the nursery, pay attention to their beneficial features, safety and smell. Some plants or their pollen can cause allergies, others are poisonous, and the pungent smell of others can disturb a child even during sleep.

Another important point- flower pot. In a children's room it will become another decoration, so it may well be bright and colorful. If the flower will stand on the windowsill, do not buy heavy pots, opt for plastic options. After all, a child can accidentally turn it over and get injured. And, conversely, if it stands on the floor, then a heavy, stable ceramic pot will be just right. In addition, you can decorate it with your own hands along with the baby. This moment of creativity will only increase the child's attachment to the plant.

Recipes for children 3 years old. Photo recipes "For children from 3 to 7 years old"

Very often, parents think that feeding correctly and in a balanced manner is only necessary until the age of 3, but this opinion is wrong. It is necessary to feed a child correctly at any age. The further growth and development of the child will depend on nutrition.

Considering that a child at this age is very active and spends a lot of energy, he needs to replenish this energy with food. Necessary food products for children 3 - 7 years old can be divided into “daily” and “non-daily”. For example, meat, milk, bread, fruits, vegetables, butter and sugar should be given every day. It is enough to give eggs, cheese, fish and cottage cheese 1-3 times a week. Taking these features into account, you can plan in advance meals for children for the week ahead.

At the age of 3 years, parents usually identify the child as kindergarten, Where strict regime day. And to make it easier for the child to enter into it, it is necessary to adhere to a diet and sleep regime at home. You should also teach your child to eat fish, pureed meat, potato dishes and porridge. These products are most often used in children's institutions. But fruits, vegetables (fresh) and dairy (fermented milk) products are provided there in insufficient quantities, so at home at dinner the child must fill this gap.

Children at this age should be fed 4 times a day at certain times:
Breakfast - at 8-9 am
Lunch - at 12-13 o'clock.
Afternoon snack - at 16-17 pm
Dinner - at 18-19 pm.

This regime should also be followed on weekends so that the child does not lose track of the basic rhythm. If a child is not given food at his usual time, then he should at least maintain a time interval of 3-4 hours between meals. This does not mean that in the interim there is no need to give anything at all. If necessary, the child can drink water, juices, not too sweet tea, fruits and berries. But sweets and baked goods are not advisable as a snack.
This section contains our family recipes, suitable for children aged 3 years and older.

Video The most delicious and healthy dishes for children | The best recipes from

Healthy dietary supplements for children from iHerb. Vitamin D preparations

Ergolciferol and cholecalciferol are indispensable for a growing organism. Vitamin D3, which is produced by sun exposure, can be obtained from food. But residents of the northern regions suffer from a serious deficiency, which leads to problems with calcium metabolism. The bones are the first to suffer from this; children develop rickets and osteoporosis.

When choosing drugs with cholecalciferol, you need to pay attention to several factors. Vitamin D is classified as fat-soluble, so the drops or contents of gelatin capsules must be oil-based. If the drops are made with water, it means that chemicals have been added to them for better absorption of the vitamin. Such drugs can cause allergies.

An equally important point is concentration. If the child is still small, you should choose drops. They allow you to adjust the daily dosage, decreasing or increasing as necessary.

This category contains the best monovitamin preparations that will help maintain or cure D3 levels in the body. Let's look at the best representatives of dietary supplements with vitamin D for children on iHerb.

Ddrops, Liquid Vitamin D3 for Children, 400 IU

The drug is made on the basis of oil. The dietary supplement was developed specifically for infants. Giving a healthy supplement to a baby is simple: you need to drop the liquid on the nipple before feeding or on the pacifier, and then give it to the baby. Each drop contains 400 IU, which is the daily dose recommended by pediatricians. The oily liquid is bottled in 2.5 ml bottles with a convenient dispenser.

  • just 1 drop per day;
  • enough for 90 days;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • does not contain dyes or flavors;
  • tasteless.
  • not all mothers noticed the effect.

Zahler, D3 Drops, Microdrops for Infants, Mild Coconut Flavor

Another good one food supplement for the little ones. The drops are made from coconut oil, so cholecalciferol is well absorbed. The drug can be dripped onto the pacifier or nipple during feeding. The dietary supplement formula was developed specifically for babies and their sensitive digestive system. Each drop contains 400 IU of cholecalciferol. The drops are available in 15 ml darkened glass bottles, which is enough for 10 months.

  • large volume at a favorable price;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • based on vegetable oil;
  • only 1 drop per day;
  • coconut flavor;
  • Can be given to both infants and older children.

The reviews are extremely positive; commentators did not notice any serious shortcomings.

Carlson Labs, Children's Vitamin D3 Super Daily

A well-known manufacturer of dietary supplements produces high-quality monovitamins with vitamin D for children. The basis of the drug is vegetable oil in which cholecalciferol is dissolved. This allows the vitamin to be properly absorbed. The baby needs only 1 drop per day; it is applied to the nipple or pacifier or to a clean finger. D3 is contained in an easily digestible form and does not cause allergies or bloating. Each drop contains 400 IU. The drug is available in 10.3 ml bottles. This is approximately 356 drops.

  • enough for a year;
  • just a drop a day;
  • oil based;
  • profitable price;
  • suitable for newborns.
  • may cause the child to become overexcited.

Do you want your child to develop properly and grow up healthy? Include healthy foods in his diet that will strengthen the body and saturate it with vitamins. They make delicious soups, casseroles, salads, appetizers, desserts and drinks. Every day you can delight a young gourmet with a new, original, and most importantly, healthy dish. So, what products are considered by doctors to be the most beneficial for a child’s body?

Top 10 healthy foods for children

Sea fish. The product contains fluorine, iodine, B vitamins, protein, iron, polyunsaturated fatty acids. These components are necessary for the normal development of the cardiovascular system, brain, and visual organs. A child's daily diet should include about 70 g of fish. It is advisable to choose not very fatty varieties: cod, pike perch, sea bass, hake. Prepare dishes for children only from fresh fish. During the freezing process, fish loses some of its beneficial qualities. For children 2-3 years old, give boiled fish. Baked or stewed fish can be included in the diet of children 4-6 years old. While cooking, carefully pick through the food to remove all the bones.
Meat. Include lean meats in your children's diet - veal, rabbit, turkey. From 7-8 months, you can start preparing meat puree for your baby or choose ready-made meat puree in the store. From 5-6 years of age, you can include lean pork, beef, veal and rabbit in your diet. It is an excellent source of B vitamins, zinc, iron and protein. For small children, meat is served boiled or stewed. From 5-6 years old it is acceptable to cook meat dishes in the oven. But regarding meat broths, a large number of disagreements arose in medical circles. There are studies that indicate that broth contains many active substances that enhance the production of enzymes. This creates additional stress on children's digestive organs. A child should eat at least 100 g of meat per day.
Cereals. Every day the baby becomes more and more active, so his body needs to be replenished with energy. And the best choice would be cereals. Rice contains B vitamins, amino acids, carbohydrates, and potassium. Do you want to strengthen your child’s body and enhance its protective functions? Include whole grain wheat dishes in your menu. For example, bread or cookies. Buckwheat is very useful for children. It contains fiber, carbohydrates, vegetable protein, and mineral components. And for breakfast, offer your baby oatmeal, rich in zinc, iodine, magnesium and carotene.
Dairy products. The children's menu must include milk, yogurt, kefir and cottage cheese. The baby should eat 50 g of low-fat homemade cottage cheese and 1/2 liter of milk per day. Prepare cheesecakes and casseroles for him 2-3 times a week. Fermented milk products contain animal fats and calcium. These components have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The benefits of kefir are invaluable for children, because the product is very nutritious and “charges” young tomboys with energy.
Eggs. Give this product to children only in boiled form. Do not feed them raw eggs, which may contain infections and bacteria. It is better to buy eggs at the market, from a trusted owner. What are the benefits of eggs? It has everything a growing body needs: zinc, protein, vitamins A and B, amino acids, minerals, phosphatides. The child should eat 1 egg per day. It is advisable to give it for breakfast - the beneficial components will be absorbed as much as possible.
Liver. The offal contains vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on mucous membranes, skin, eyes and the immune system. Chicken liver is rich in copper, magnesium, and calcium. Be sure to include it in your child’s diet if he suffers from anemia. Children should be given liver in the form of liver pate. Children do not really like the smell and taste of this product, so when preparing dishes from it you will have to show all your culinary skills.
Nuts. The product is rich in vegetable fats, which, unlike animals, do not contain harmful cholesterol. Nuts also contain fatty acids, which children’s bodies are still learning to produce. They are necessary for good fat metabolism. Include hazelnuts, pine and walnuts.
Water. Children should drink as much water as their body requires. You can't limit them in this. Especially it concerns summer period. Give preference to clean filtered water. Water balance is not restored by sweet juice or tea. Give your child natural juice 1-2 times a day. Prepare it yourself. You can't buy real juice in a store.
Fruits. Children should eat fruit every day. They contain beta-kerotene, vitamins and fiber.

Types and benefits of fruits for children:

Apricot. The fruit is rich in zinc, folic acid, vitamin A, calcium;
- banana. This is a real champion in potassium content. It also contains vitamins E and C in small amounts;
- orange and lemon are leaders in vitamin C content. They are simply irreplaceable in the autumn-winter period, when the immune system weakens;
- blue grapes are rich in anthocyanin, which helps prevent colds;
- grapefruit is an excellent source of fiber and vitamin C;
- persimmon is rich in vitamin A, carotenoids and fiber;
- apples contain pectin. This substance removes arsenic and lead from the body. The fruit also contains fiber, which lowers cholesterol levels. vitamins A, B and C, iron. An apple is a natural trainer for children's gums and teeth.

Vegetables. How are vegetables good for children? They contain mineral components, water, vitamins, magnesium, calcium, carotene, etc. It is better to give vegetables to children raw. Boiled or baked vegetables lose some of their nutrients. What vegetables are good for children? Cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets... Feel free to give your baby all the vegetables that grow in your region. You can make vegetable puree, casserole, salad. However, children often refuse to eat vegetables, so you need to get a little “magic” with the preparation of dishes. Make an animal’s face out of vegetable circles, and a forest or sea out of stripes. Combine vegetables with other foods - your child will be more willing to eat them.

Educational games for children online will definitely appeal to kids, because they have so much enthusiasm and funny characters. While having fun, the child will not even understand that he is developing creatively, training thinking, logic, learning to count, and distinguish between color sizes. These games also promote the understanding of good and evil, they teach you to recognize living and nonliving objects. These are positive toys with which parents do not have to worry that their child will be exposed to negative influence. Favorite cartoon characters are certainly present in the plots and this only makes the fun better, becoming recognizable and more attractive. With Masha or Dora, the kids will look for objects and collect coins, stars and hearts. To do this, you need to be vigilant and observant so as not to miss a single detail and collect all the necessary elements. This will replenish your game account with points and direct you to a new task.
Children's educational games online will teach toddlers letters for free, and to make memorization more interesting, you need to find them in the city where they live. This is another additional task for attentiveness, which diversifies the gameplay. The letters are so cunning that they disguise themselves as the background color of the trees, in the clouds and near the house. Some pretended to be a fence, others swing on tree branches and merge with its green foliage. At the bottom of the screen you see which letters have already been found and which are yet to be found. Unfound ones are marked in yellow to make it easier for players to find missing items. Thus, while having fun, you can randomly click on all the letters, but to remember the alphabet, try to look for them in order. This will complicate the task, but it will be easier to remember the alphabet, which will be useful at school. Together with the bee, it’s great to train your memory and attentiveness by tracing which hive it hid in. The process of this educational online game for children is the same as in the game about thimbles, when the ball is hidden under one of them, then there is a chaotic movement and the player must guess where the object is hidden. In order not to miss the house with the bee, watch very closely how it changes its position on the playing field. Together with the cat, children will go through several math lessons, learning addition and subtraction, multiplication and division of simple and two-digit numbers.

  • Geranium (pelargonium) – thanks to essential oils, this plant acts as an antiseptic and helps destroy various microbes in the room. However, you should be careful when approaching varieties of fragrant geranium, as its leaves emit a strong odor when touched, which can cause allergies in a child.

  • Peperomia is the closest relative of our plantain; this plant also has the ability to kill harmful microflora in the air.


  • Rosemary is an excellent antiseptic that destroys pathogenic bacteria and makes breathing easier. This plant is recommended to be placed in the nursery of children suffering from frequent respiratory diseases.


  • Hibiscus (Chinese rose) - these plants have long been used to decorate children's rooms. It grows quickly and well, decoratively all year round, in the warm season it is decorated with beautiful flowers. Feng Shui attributes good energy to this plant, useful for people.


  • Abutilon (indoor maple) is the closest relative of hibiscus, indoor maple is a very delicate plant with velvety leaves. It also has excellent energy and blooms beautifully, but unlike Hibiscus it requires more careful care.


  • Fern is a good natural filter that helps maintain humidity in the room.


  • Reed (cyperus) - this plant is capable of evaporating a huge amount of moisture through its leaves, maintaining the microclimate in the room. This effect is enhanced if the plant stands in water and does not lack it. In addition, elegant cyperus umbrellas can decorate any interior. If there is an aquarium in the nursery, you can also place Cyperus in it.

  • Gesneriaceae (Usambara violet (Saintpaulia), gloxinia, colleria, streptocarpus) - plants of this family have beautiful fleecy leaves and bloom very elegantly. In addition, caring for them is not difficult, they are easily propagated by leaf cuttings and may well become the first plant that your child will care for.


  • Kalanchoe is a plant with dense leaves and numerous children on the edges of the leaves, everyone knows. However, there are many types and all of them are medicinal to a greater or lesser extent. A plant that can be used to treat minor scratches will come in handy in your child’s room.


  • Palm tree is a large plant that can decorate a corner of a nursery. However, its narrow leaves can hurt a child's palm if the child tries to pull the leaf. Therefore, it should be placed in the room of older children.