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World science research on longevity. Secrets of longevity. Peace of mind for centenarians

The main problem of gerontology was formulated back in the thirties of the XX century by academician A.A. Bogomolets is a study of the aging of the body in order to prevent its premature senile decay. Russian scientists have found that a person retains the ability to be active and adapt as long as he receives the appropriate load to which he must respond. In modern science of old age, the central place is occupied by the concrete-practical task of maintaining a person's life at a certain stable level, extending the terms of individual life, changing the timing of the onset of disabled old age and the very nature of aging. In the modern world, a person, having reached the age of 70-80 years, stands on the threshold of the biological time limit determined by species, hereditary and individual properties.

The more important is the study of the facts and factors of human longevity and longevity, that is, over 90 years of age.

When studying the phenomenon of longevity and analyzing natural-ecological, climatic factors, scientists point out the special importance of high mountains, since it is in mountainous regions that long-livers are most often found. Three mountainous places are known on the globe, famous for their long-livers: the Caucasus, Vilkambamba in South America, Hunza in the Himalayas (Pakistan).

The importance of physiomorphological features is noted. Long-livers are, as a rule, thin active people, lovers of fresh air, they do not have senile ailments, organic diseases. Life ends naturally.

Of particular importance as a factor opposing involution as a whole and contributing to the active longevity of a person is his creative activity.

High creative potential during the period of gerontogenesis is due to a number of factors, including psychological ones, which operate throughout the entire life path of a person. Among the most typical characteristics of creative people is the breadth of their interests. Individuals engaged in creative work mobilize various functions, include them in the general structure of the intellect as a holistic formation that stably resists the aging process. Creativity presupposes the unity of the personality and the subject of activity, expressed to the maximum extent. A creative personality is oriented towards a contribution that is useful not to individual groups, but to society as a whole, and the larger the personality, the more expressed its orientation towards the future, towards social progress.

To a certain extent, creative activity acts as a factor of not only psychological and social, but also biological longevity.

There would be more old people among us who live in the Caucasus, where longevity exists as a normal everyday phenomenon. There is a book by Paula Garb called "Long Livers", in which she uses the data of G.V. Starovoitova and their own research. The following phenomena attract attention:

    old people, including those over 90, talk daily with relatives and closest neighbors, at least once a week meet with their friends. The purpose of most conversations between young people and middle-aged people with old people is to get advice on important issues of modern life;

    old people in Abkhazia are highly respected, which strengthens such a pronounced sense of their own dignity;

    striving to be healthy, lack of the habit of complaining about illness, lack of interest in illness (it is known that self-esteem of the possibilities of one's own death is a product of depression or other emotional complications);

    the old people of Abkhazia do not have signs of depression, which is often the cause of senile insanity;

    variety of interests, desire to live life to the fullest;

    these are people with a special sense of humor, the desire to always be surrounded by other people;

    centenarians tend to perceive everything that happens in their life as the result of their own actions, and not some external forces.

17) Aging (gerontogenesis) is a genetically normative process of psychophysiological changes, characterized by the fading of most functions.

The main age-related feature is the onset of physical weakness in old age. Old people are not able to endure long-term and intense physical and nervous stress, the working capacity of tissues and organs is lost. Doctors talk about aging of the cardiovascular, immune, endocrine and other vital systems of the body. All changes in the body are individual. B.G. Ananiev pointed out that speech-thinking functions oppose the general aging process and undergo changes much later than other psychophysiological functions.

In general, studies highlight the influence of personality traits on the aging process of an individual. Difficulties in assimilating new things in old people are largely compensated for by associative thinking, using special mnemonic techniques formed in life experience. The ability to form judgments is a species function of a person, and it is preserved for the longest time in the elderly.

When considering different typologies, it is important to keep in mind that these classifications are always relative, since in real life, "pure" psychological types are rare. The typology serves as an orientation, a basis for a specific work.

A. Tolstykh distinguishes that in old age there is a change in personality and the picture of measurements is overly saturated with a diverse set of qualities that are rarely found in one person. Therefore, there is a need to consider different typologies of old age. I. Kon gives his classification of types of old age depending on the nature of the activity, with which it is filled.

1. The first type is active, creative old age.

People parted with professional work and continued to participate in public life, live full-blooded life, not feeling any inferiority.

2. The second type of old age is also distinguished by good social and psychological fitness, but the energy of these people is directed mainly towards organizing their own lives - material well-being, rest, entertainment and self-education, for which there was no time before.

3. The third type, in which women predominate, finds the main application of power in the family. They have no time to be depressed or bored, but their life satisfaction is usually lower than that of the first two types.

4. The fourth type - people whose meaning of life has become health care, which stimulates a fairly diverse form of activity and gives a certain moral satisfaction. However, these people tend to exaggerate the importance of their actual and perceived illnesses.

I. Kon considers all these 4 types of old age psychologically happy and notices that there is and negative types of development:

· Aggressive old grumblers, dissatisfied with the state of the aggressive world, criticizing everyone except themselves.

• disappointment in yourself and your own life, lonely and sad losers. They blame themselves for real and perceived missed opportunities.

Psychiatrist E.S. Averbukh distinguishes two extreme types in their own attitude to their old age. Some do not feel and do not even realize their age for a long time, therefore they become “young” in their behavior, sometimes losing their sense of proportion; others, as it were, overestimate their old age, begin to overly take care of themselves, ahead of time and more than is required, protect themselves from life's anxieties.

Other domestic psychiatrists conditionally distinguish three types of old age:

· "Happy" old age is characterized by serenity, wise enlightenment of the world perception and worldview, contemplation, restraint and self-control.

· "Unhappy" old age is caused by an increase in the level of personal anxiety, anxious imagination about their physical health. Also characteristic are a tendency to frequent doubts and fears about an insignificant reason, lack of confidence in oneself, in the future, the loss of the former and the absence of any other meaning in life, reflections on the approaching death.

· "Psychopathological old age" is manifested by age-related organic disorders of the psyche, personality and behavior. There is a decrease in the adaptive capabilities of the psychopathic personality with the frequent development of various maladaptive reactions.

A.I. Antsiferova, Russian psychologist, distinguish two types, differing from each other in the level of activity, strategies for coping with difficulties, attitude to the world and to oneself, life satisfaction.

Representatives of the first type courageously, without any special emotional disturbances go through retirement. They are highly active, which is associated with a positive attitude towards the future. Often these people perceive the attitude as liberation from social restrictions, prescriptions and stereotypes of the working period. Engaging in a new business, establishing friendly contacts, maintaining the ability to control your environment, generate satisfaction with life and increase its duration.

For representatives of the second type a passive attitude towards life develops, it becomes alienated from the environment, the circle of their interests narrows and the indicators of the intelligence test decrease. They lose self-respect and experience a heavy sense of uselessness. Such people are going through their late age hard, do not fight for themselves, plunge into the past and, being physically healthy, quickly grow decrepit.

Foreign psychologists were also involved in the development of a typology of aging.

F. Giese suggested 3 types of old people and old age:

· Old man - negative, denying any signs of old age.

An extroverted old man, who recognizes the onset of old age, but comes to this recognition through external influence and by observing the surrounding reality, especially in connection with retirement (observation of young people who have grown up, disagreement with her in views and interests, death of loved ones, changes in the situation in family).

· Introverted type, acutely experiencing the aging process. Dullness appears in relation to new interests, revival of memories of the past, weakening of emotions, a desire for peace.

English scientist D.B. Bromley suggests five strategies for coping with old age. These five types emerged from a study of forty well-adapted and thirty poorly adapted subjects:

1. Constructive strategy.

Characterizes a mature personality, well integrated, who enjoys life created by close and intimate relationships with others. Such people are patient, flexible, aware of themselves, their achievements, opportunities and prospects. They accept the facts of old age, including retirement and, ultimately, death. Representatives of this type retain the ability to enjoy food, work, play and can still be sexually active.

2. "Dependent type".

The second strategy is also socially acceptable, but tends to be passive and dependent. The individual is well integrated, but relies on other people to provide him financially and expects emotional support from others. He is satisfied with retirement, freedom from work, understands his personal qualities well, combines feelings of general satisfaction with life with a tendency to over-optimism, impracticality.

3. "Defensive type".

Less constructive model of adaptation to old age. Such people are exaggerated emotionally restrained, somewhat straightforward in their actions and habits. They prefer to be self-sufficient, reluctantly accept help from other people. They avoid expressing their own opinion, hardly share their life or family problems, refuse to help, proving to themselves that they are independent. Their attitude towards old age is pessimistic. They see no advantage in old age and are jealous of young people. These people are very reluctant and only under pressure from others leave their professional work. They sometimes take a defensive position in relation to the whole family, which is expressed in avoiding the manifestation of their claims and complaints against the family. The defense mechanism they use against the fear of death and deprivation is activity "through force" - a constant replenishment of external actions.

4. "Hostile".

People of this type are aggressive, explosive, suspicious, have a tendency to shift their own claims to others and blame them for all their failures. They are not very realistic in assessing reality. Mistrust makes them withdrawn and avoid contact with other people. They drive away the thought of retirement, because, like people with a defensive attitude, they use mechanisms to release tension through activity, with burden. These people do not perceive their old age, with despair they think about the progressive loss of strength. This is combined with hostility towards young people sometimes with the transfer of this attitude to the whole world.

5. Self-hating.

This type differs from the previous one in that aggression is directed at oneself. Such people criticize and despise their own lives. They are passive, sometimes depressed, lacking in initiative. They are pessimistic, do not believe that they can affect their lives, feel like a victim of circumstances. People of this type are well aware of the facts of aging, but they do not envy the young. They do not rebel against their own old age, but only meekly accept everything that fate sends. Death does not bother them, they perceive it as a deliverance from suffering.

In the field of health, new research is often emerging. They usually focus on looking for factors that negatively affect human health. We already know that red meat and smoking can trigger cancer and heart disease, and frequent sun exposure can lead to melanoma. We also know how the effects of chronic stress affect our health.

Fortunately, there are studies that address the positive aspects of our being. From these experiments, we learn what can be adjusted in our life in order to live happily ever after. Here are some unexpected things that are associated with longevity.


If you are optimistic about life, it means that you are not afraid to face difficulties with a smile. We hasten to congratulate you on a nice bonus. You are not just a cheerful and cheerful person. You will almost certainly live longer than your pessimistic friends. As researchers from the University of Illinois have found, optimism affects both health in general and life expectancy in particular. The experiment found that in the category of the most optimistic women, the proportion of premature deaths from cardiovascular diseases was 38 percent less. The risk of death from cancer among optimists is reduced by 16 percent. Fortunately, optimism is a quality that can be developed over time.

Do you have children

This is a huge bonus for all parents. Even if you are tired of raising little pranksters, and your health is worn out, do not regret your status. In the end, you will receive a tangible reward: having children will help you live longer. According to a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health, mothers live on average one and a half years longer than childless women. Remember that adult children will take care of you in old age and will add years to your life with their attention. Plus, being a parent will keep you socially active.


The same model works here as with the optimists and pessimists. If you have super happy people in your company, chances are they will take the longevity championship. As it turned out, happiness has a huge impact on the physical condition of the human body and brain function. In fact, there is a biological explanation for this relationship. The areas of the brain that are responsible for the formation of happiness also keep inflammation and blood vessels under control.


We all know very well that laughter prolongs life. This claim has a ton of scientific evidence. For example, a recent study from the University of Maryland found that laughter lowers the risk of heart disease. When we laugh, the heart, lungs and muscles receive more oxygen. This act completely relaxes the muscles and stimulates blood circulation. Laughter also improves the immune system and relieves pain.


We know that physical activity is the key to a long, healthy life. Most of the time, however, we see running, cycling, swimming and fitness as our primary activities. But what do you say when you find out that the main sport of centenarians is badminton? The study, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, examined the habits of over 80,000 participants. When all the volunteers were categorized, it turned out that the premature mortality rate among badminton players was almost half that of those who did not play any sports. What other sports will protect you from heart attacks? Swimming will reduce the risk of early death by 28 percent and aerobics by 27 percent. Curiously, joggers did not have any advantages over those who did not practice physical activity at all. Is it time to pick up a badminton racket?


If it's rainy outside the window, there is nothing better than staying at home and reading your favorite book, sitting in a comfortable armchair. Hot drinks and a cozy blanket, in addition to a fascinating romance, create a unique and carefree weekend atmosphere. You don't need to rush anywhere, isn't that happiness? Next time, don't even think about feeling remorse, because the book is good for your health. According to research by Yale University staff, the benefits of reading are diminished by holding a magazine, newspaper, or tablet. Which means it's time to go to the library.

Japanese diet

Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun are convinced minimalists when it comes to interiors, clothing or food. The traditional Japanese diet consists of fresh vegetables and fish. On the tables of the people of Japan, you will not find an abundance of meat products and saturated fats. There are several other reasons why there are so many centenarians in Japan. Health care is well developed in the country and the cult of the family is actively supported. Older members of the community want to stay active and take part in various social activities.

Living close to nature

If you want to live long, run away from the city's concrete boxes as soon as possible. Scientists have found that living in close proximity to green spaces, rivers, lakes and seas has beneficial effects on our health and well-being. According to statistics, women in the most scenic green areas live 12 percent longer than those who do not enjoy a beautiful view from the window. According to scientists, life in nature contains undeniable health benefits. There is cleaner air and less chance of stress.

Hot chilli

The following news will make spicy food lovers rejoice. One scientific study showed that gourmets who prefer to eat spicy foods have a 13 percent reduction in their risk of premature death. Researchers aren't entirely sure how chili peppers are able to prolong people's lives, but they have several theories. One of the assumptions is based on the fact that spicy food helps to lose excess weight, as well as reduces appetite. Indeed, hot peppers cannot be eaten quickly, and you will need a lot of cold water.

Higher education

Get out your old dusty diploma and proudly show it to your friends. Higher education leads you to a healthier and longer life. According to scientists, smart and successful people have more power and control over their own lives.

Friends on social networks

In order to live longer, you should not pointlessly scroll through the feed of messages on a social network. Use the power of the Internet to your advantage: join interest groups and look for like-minded people. Communicating effectively with your online friends can help you recharge yourself with positive emotions. Scientists have found that people with a large number of online friends live longer on average.

Be high

According to British scientists who examined human remains on an archaeological expedition in the north-east of England, tall people have a chance to live longer. This was shown by a comparative analysis of the bones. Well, short people will have to focus on other factors of longevity.


The following news will reassure all avid coffee lovers.

For many years we have been taught that caffeine is unhealthy. However, in fact, in small doses, it leads to an increase in life expectancy. This was shown by a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

As a result of a study conducted on the effect of a healthy lifestyle on its duration, it was found that just four bad habits can shorten your life by as much as 12 years. And these habits are characteristic of many residents of large, and not so, cities, in other things, quite a lot of people can boast of their presence. First, smoking. Second, alcohol abuse. Further, the lack of physical activity. And finally - insufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits against the background of constant overeating.

But you can refuse the negative influence of these factors on your own and at any time. Try to remember and apply in life a few simple tips recommended by the researchers who conducted the experiment, and your life will be long and happy. Plus, you will look younger and feel healthier.

1. Be healthy

Watch your health, do not forget to visit specialists for the purpose of prophylaxis. Remember that many diseases are easier to treat at an early stage, and some diseases are generally treatable only at the very beginning of their development.

2. Don't eat too much

If you want to live to be 100 years or more, then no matter what time you eat or how much food is on your plate, you should leave a little undernourished.

Japanese scientists have conducted a study that proved that people who not only did not overeat, but stopped eating at a time when they still did not feel full, when hunger disappeared by about 80%, became centenarians.

And you should also give up snacks on the go and consume food slowly, thereby avoiding the appearance of unnecessary stress and the development of a number of diseases of the digestive system.

At the same time, American researchers came to the conclusion that reducing the amount of food consumed helps to slow down the aging process. Since in their study it was proved that limiting the calories consumed by a person leads to a decrease in the activity of the thyroid gland to produce hormones that slow down the metabolism and accelerate the aging process of the whole body.

3. Rejoice and have fun

You can extend your life for three whole years if you enjoy having sex 2-3 times a week. It's no secret that at one time you can burn no less calories than you would burn half an hour doing physical exercises in a fitness club, or even more. In addition, sex will help you maintain normal blood pressure, protect your heart, support your immune system, etc.

4. Give up the TV

Too many studies have been carried out on the topic of the influence of television so that every modern viewer does not know that excessive stay in front of the screen negatively affects the entire body as a whole and the organs of hearing and vision, as well as the cardiovascular system in particular.

The result of only one of them says that viewers who spent more than 4 hours a day in front of a TV screen were 46% more likely to die from any disease than people who spent no more than 2 hours a day at the screen. It's also worth noting that every hour you spend in front of the TV increases the overall chance of death by 11%, and the chance of dying from cardiovascular disease by 18%.

5. Sunbathe in the shade

By protecting yourself from excessive ultraviolet radiation, you reduce the likelihood of skin cancer, as well as prevent the appearance of wrinkles and burns. As a result, you will look younger than people who do not limit their stay in direct sunlight.

6. Meet and chat

According to the data obtained as a result of the study, it has been proved that single people are more at risk of getting cardiovascular diseases, and also more often fall into a depressive state than their non-lonely peers.

7. Don't drink a lot of alcohol.

Scientists have shown that drinking more than three servings of the drink a day negatively affects health, while a small amount can have a positive effect.

8. Eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible

Consuming more than 3 servings of fruits and vegetables per day is essential to maintain your health. A smaller amount can lead to negative consequences. The benefits of vegetables and fruits are known, if not to everyone, then to many for sure. Rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, they can reduce the likelihood of heart disease by 76% and reduce inflammation. Vegetables and fruits can affect the likelihood of developing breast cancer. And they help the skin stay toned, smooth and wrinkle-free, which will certainly make you look younger.

9. More physical exercise

Movement is life, and not only life, but also youth. One study has shown that repeating exercise daily helps our bodies stay young. So running every day can extend your life by 4 years. It is easy to explain such an effectiveness of regular exercise, the fact is that with physical exertion, metabolism improves, nutrition and brain function improve, and the heart muscle is also trained. All these factors combine to help you live longer. The study also showed that even walking daily can significantly reduce the likelihood of heart problems.

How to live longer?

I am sure that almost everyone has thought at least once about how long he is destined to live in this crazy, but wonderful world, and the logical result of such reflections is the desire to prolong life as long as possible. Of course, there are exceptions such as suicidal-paranoid subcultures ( all sorts of emo, goths and others like them) or just people in a difficult situation, so that every new day is not a joy for them ... But I really hope that even they will sooner or later feel the real taste of life, and this is where this article will be very useful.

So, not only ordinary people like me, but also serious scientists are thinking about the secrets of longevity. News about research in the field of life extension appears in the media quite regularly, and I decided to combine them into one article, which will be periodically supplemented in case of data on new important discoveries. (all news are duplicated in the corresponding section on our blog).

Looking ahead, I will say that often fresh discoveries run counter to previously existing ideas about longevity and health, and sometimes some newest research contradicts others ... So until all scientists on Earth come to a common opinion, we just have to closely follow their research, analyze and independently draw preliminary conclusions on how to become a long-liver.

The structure of the article will be as follows: in the first part, we will collect data on such ways to live longer, which are realizable already at the present time, often on our own ( current recommendations for healthy lifestyle), and in the second - promising developments of scientists, which are very likely to be available in the future to all people ( maybe even I will find something of this in my lifetime…).

Let's first just list the factors that certainly contribute to longevity, and then dwell on each of them in detail.

So, let's start with the scientific research of a group of health professionals from Sweden who conducted a large-scale study on the factors that influence life expectancy. The result of their work was the definition of four main points that ... and so everyone has long known ... But nevertheless, the scientists concretized some points, and once again confirmed the need for a healthy lifestyle. So, what will allow a person to live long:

1. Complete rejection of cigarettes, cigarettes, cigars ... in short, from smoking in general.

2. Regular physical education. Here they made an important clarification that the required weekly minimum is 150 minutes. Agree that two and a half hours a week ( not a day!) Is not difficult at all, even for a lazy or very busy person.

3. Limit alcohol consumption. It has long been a well-known truth - "you need to drink in moderation", but many ( mostly men) happily claim that everyone has their own measure and grunt to oblivion. Here, the Swedish specialists are also great, they have concretized the safe alcohol dose, it is no more than 14 alcohol units per week, one alcohol unit is equal to 30 grams of vodka, so those who prefer other drinks need to observe the equivalent.

4. Balanced diet... It is balanced, that is, without newfangled imbalances, either in the protein or in the carbohydrate component.

The conclusions of scientists from the Tre Kronor country are confirmed by their colleagues from the USA and Germany. They argue that non-smokers, moderate drinkers and weight-watchers live 7 years longer on average. And those who completely gave up alcohol, do not smoke and do not overeat live for 11 years in the case of men and 12 years in the case of women longer than people susceptible to these bad habits. Agree that plus 11 years to a healthy life is an excellent result for such an uncomplicated method as giving up tobacco, alcohol and excess food!

And, although Swedish scientists call the four factors listed above the main ones, they can, even need to be supplemented with a number of important conditions that contribute to longevity.

5. Moderate nutrition and therapeutic fasting. There are a number of detailed and lengthy experiments ( e.g. research in the USA over several decades), which lead to the conclusion that fasting prolongs life!

6. Healthy sleep. We also cannot fail to mention the numerous studies that have found that sleep ( and its quality and duration) directly affects longevity.

7. Correct, that is, a positive psychological attitude. It seriously affects life expectancy! In other words, those who really want to live live longer. This aspect also has a rationale, for example, it is confirmed by researchers from the American Columbia University.

Let's consider each of the points in more detail.

Smoking. I think absolutely everyone knows about the need to quit smoking. The lethal harm of nicotine has been proven for a long time and more than once, it is a pity that many smokers come to realize this only at a very mature age, when it is already difficult for the body to recover; but still, the health of people who quit smoking, even after thirty years of experience, improves significantly. Here I operate not only with scientific research ( conducted at the National Cancer Institute in Maryland, USA), but also the real life experience of many of my comrades who quit smoking already in their fifths.

The researchers at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland ranked smoking as the biggest addiction to lifespan. By their reckoning, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day will shorten your life by seven years! However, the harmful effects of exposure to tobacco on the body can be neutralized over time by simply quitting smoking.

Agree that real life extension is a good reason to finally quit smoking. And, as it turned out, most of the smokers can do this without much difficulty! This is confirmed by genetics, who claim that in Russia about 82% of people have a special mutation of the DBH gene, which really makes it easy to give up an addiction! Think about it - as much as 82 percent !!! It is very likely that you are in this group, so feel free to quit smoking, the body itself will help.

I recommend reading two articles that have long been on our blog about common myths about smoking and the dangers of smoking ( the material in those articles was completely borrowed, - it was too lazy to retype obvious things in my own words). And be sure to check out the tips from ex-smokers in the article "How to Quit Smoking"!

Physical activity... Everyone is well aware of the benefits of physical education from childhood, but not everyone applies this knowledge in practice. However, there are already more than one study revealing the relationship between longevity and physical activity. In addition to the Swedes mentioned at the beginning of the article, Californian scientists came to the same conclusion ( UCLA School of Medicine), and the effect of physical education on life expectancy was recorded by monitoring the length of telomeres ( such parts of chromosomes), that is, this is a real scientific research, and not general phrases such as "Sport is life." They recommend doing at least 30 minutes a day of exercises, which is slightly more than the minimum duration recommended by the Scandinavians, but even a busy person can also do it. Moreover, we are talking about simple exercises, that is, there is no need to trudge to an expensive gym after work and squeeze out the rest of your strength.

Recommendation of the World Health Organization ( WHO) for those who do not want to die prematurely - 150 minutes of walking at a brisk pace or 75 minutes of jogging per week. In this case, the load is not given in one go, it is advised to divide it into three days. This corresponds to the above-mentioned research, and, I repeat, that such a volume of physical education is within the power of even a very busy person.

There are opinions of some experts that the load should be increased several times both in duration and in intensity, for example, the result of the work of Australian scientists ( For 30 years, 200,000 people with different lifestyles were monitored) also unequivocally confirms that physical activity significantly reduces the risk of premature, but it should last an hour a day. Now a whole hour is already of great importance, here really not everyone has so much free time. But experts from the homeland of the kangaroo say it could be just a walk in the fresh air, so for many there is a great option to get to or from work on their own feet, thereby not only extending their lives, but also saving on travel costs.

Although, knowing ( by oneself) the power of human laziness, I am sure that most will prefer the recommendation of Swedish specialists and limit themselves to 150 minutes of physical education per week ( about 22 minutes a day). In addition, in their study, Australians concluded that sleep is also a factor significantly influencing longevity.

McMaster University of Canada recommends physical activity according to 30 minutes five days a week to prolong life and avoid problems with the cardiovascular system. Moreover, according to researchers, it is not at all necessary to go to the gym, pool or go jogging! The activity can include vigorous walking to / from work or even cleaning the apartment. Thus, with just 150 minutes of exercise per week, you will reduce your risk of premature death by 28%. And if you increase the time of physical activity to 750 minutes per week, then your chances of living a long time increase by 36%.

Concerning the severity, or rather the intensity of such exercises, there is interesting data. For example, a joint team of American specialists from several different institutions states the following important point: even one intense training ( that is, "endurance") literally starts the mechanism of repairing damaged DNA. The significant effect of hard training on life expectancy is confirmed by researchers at the Australian Center for Chronic Disease Prevention at James Cook University, which claims that doing hard exercise for 30% of total weekly training time reduced mortality by 9-13 percent!

Summing up this information, we can draw the following conclusion: if you want to live longer, then spend about 30 minutes a day on physical education, while trying to make every third lesson a little more intense. Naturally, the concept of heavy intensive training is very individual for each person, for someone half an hour of a hard circuit training will not be enough, and for someone, jogging at a pace higher than jogging will work out all the systems of the body to the fullest! After all, our goal is not getting into the Olympic team, but health and longevity, so listen to your well-being, be persistent, but careful and then you will get the desired result.

Alcohol. Alcohol abuse destroys internal organs and significantly shortens life, on average for 20 years (the result of many years of research by scientists from the German university town of Greifswald and Lübeck). Especially terrible is female alcoholism ( women with alcoholism progress 4–5 years faster than men ...). In addition, due to the stress of dealing with alcoholics, their family members also do not have to rely on longevity ...

But only a few are campaigning for a complete and categorical rejection of alcohol, and more often there is information even about the benefits of moderate use. The benefits of wine are usually discussed, such as in a study by Harvard scientists who claim that red wine can slow aging and even regain youthfulness thanks to the antioxidant resveratrol's action on the longevity gene SIRT1. However, after I published the article "Secrets of Longevity", information appeared that German scientists tested drugs in which the main active ingredient was this same resveratrol and it did not have any positive effect on the human body ... I would not be surprised if through for some time, other specialists will conduct another study and again begin to assert the benefits of this antioxidant. ( But this is just an example of the fact that the article is "live", that is, I periodically monitor news about longevity and make adjustments to the material provided to your attention! So check out our blog - there are a lot of interesting things here and everything is fair!))

And their compatriots from the University of Texas conducted a study ( observed 1,800 people aged 55 to 65 for 20 years) and made such a strange conclusion for many: a complete rejection of alcohol is not at all so useful, it turned out that those who drank moderately lived the longest! This information is also confirmed by comrades from the international British-Australian group of researchers, who declare that small doses of alcohol are really useful, but only in adulthood ( women over 65 and men aged 50 to 64).

At the University of California ( San Diego, USA) 25 years of observing the elderly and found that a small amount of natural alcoholic beverages prevents the development of senile dementia, in general, moderately drinking grandparents have a risk of Alzheimer's disease three times less than their teetotal peers.

Thus, alcohol can still be beneficial if the amount is within reasonable limits. There are recommendations from Australian scientists from the University of New South Wales regarding a relatively safe level of alcohol. They say that it is not necessary to drink more than two "drinks", that is, 20 grams ( not milliliters) alcohol, and since the alcohol content in different drinks is different, respectively, the stronger they are, the lower the safe dose. For example, for wine ( not fortified) it will be only 200 ml. ( 2 times 100 ml.), and for vodka, brandy - about 60 milliliters ( even a little less, about 57 ml.).

Balanced, i.e. healthy diet... This is, of course, a separate topic for a long article, but we have an overview here, so we will postpone detailed recommendations and a thorough analysis for the future ( Who am I kidding? for a very, very uncertain distant futureoh, lazy laziness ...). In the meantime, let's go through the scientific research confirming the importance of proper nutrition for a long life. American nutritionists echo the Scandinavian comrades, confirming the above conclusions about alcohol and food. They identified five bad habits that accelerate aging. (accordingly, rejection of them prolongs youth and, as a result, life): 1) alcohol abuse, 2) semi-finished products, 3) fast food, 4) excessive sugar consumption, 5) irregular meals.

It must be said that in recent years, a lot of new research has appeared that destroys the ideas of healthy and balanced food that have developed over the years. For example, the low-fat craze has been shown to be harmful. (You can read more in our article "Eat and Lose Weight"), and mono-diets generally cause serious damage to the body. A number of scientific works carried out independently of each other unequivocally say that food must be balanced, proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities. There are also specific recommendations regarding nutrient sources ( different groups of scientists from the USA and Italy): increasing the proportion of plant foods can reduce the risk of early death and can prolong life by as much as 30%. But we are by no means talking about vegetarianism !!! Animal protein should be present in a healthy diet, just not as much as plant protein. In addition, one of the best sources of vital polyunsaturated fatty acids ( on everyone's lips, for example Omega-3) is a fish, the regular consumption of which really prolongs life ( this was found out in Boston by scientists from the Harvard School of Public Health, who have been observing the elderly for 16 years).

I found another study that points to the importance of proper nutrition for those who decide to become a long-liver, but it's a little strange. First, the main point: all food is divided into two categories, one during digestion produces acids, and the second - alkalis. Since "acidic" foods are toxic and contribute to early aging, they must be avoided. Everything seems to be great, and sounds quite "scientific" ... however, here is a group of foods that should be avoided: these are those that contain a lot carbohydrates, sugar, chocolate, caffeine, white flour, meat, artificial sweeteners, chips, fries, margarine, hydrogenated oils, soybean oil and milk, fried foods, processed grains, processed foods, and oysters... With the latter, I, like most Russians, have no problems at all - I do not use oysters in large quantities. There are no questions about fried food, chips and other obviously unhealthy food in large quantities. But what does the phrase "processed food" mean ??? Here, either the observation results are incorrectly formatted, or they are ardent fans of the raw food diet ( no, they don't hamster cheese, but raw food). So, perhaps, we will bypass these scientists, and we will perceive the information, as they say, simply for “general development”.

Moderation in food... Not only nutritional balance and quality of food are important, but also moderation in its use. This is evidenced, albeit indirectly, since they were not carried out in humans, observations of mice ( at the American University of Brigham Young a). There is a large study by Japanese scientists in which they concluded that intermittent fasting (" fasting days») Can prolong life. It is important that fasting should be reasonable, no long-term rigid diets that deplete the body! On other days, food should be balanced. In addition, researchers in the UK believe that fasting has another beneficial effect ( long life bonus) - it makes a person smarter and more inventive.

And here is a recommendation from a specialized scientific institution: National Institute on Aging ( located in the USA) directly says that in order to increase life expectancy and improve its quality, it is necessary to reduce the amount of food consumed! In any case, observation of experimental animals ( the most diverse, from worms to monkeys), which have been going on since the 1930s, show that reducing the daily diet by 30% leads to a more active and longer life.

Scientists from the University of Edinburgh ( Scotland) came to the conclusion that every extra kilogram of weight will take away two whole months of your life!

Researchers at Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health have found that if you control how your mitochondria work in your cells, you can live longer and get sick less often. Scientists offer two options that will help achieve such an effect: either there is less ( which confirms the importance of this item on our list), or apply genetic manipulation ( we reveal this kind of possibilities of modern science in the second part of the article).

Healthy sleep. The conclusions of American researchers, to which I referred above, are confirmed by British scientists ( they came to the conclusion that sleeping less than 6 and more than 8 hours is equally unhealthy). Another discovery ( made at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in the USA) confirms that the work of the immune system is directly subordinated to the biological clock, that is, various sleep disorders will necessarily lead to health problems. What is longevity without good health?

In general, this topic is very extensive, so we specially prepared an interesting and detailed article "Healthy sleep", where we are trying to find out the required duration of sleep and the conditions for it to be full ( what to sleep on, in what position and other moments).

Psychological attitude. If you are still in doubt, then doctors who have been observing 6,000 patients for 29 years have come to the unequivocal conclusion that optimists live much longer! In addition, two studies ( the first is in the USA, the second is from the UK) unequivocally say that various stresses and experiences literally undermine mental health in 10 years, and too anxious women spend as much as 5 years of their lives on negative thoughts, while admitting that as a result they feel deteriorating health, in turn, positive-minded people have good immunity and are much less likely to get sick ( I think the Norwegian scientists who have examined 53,000 women can be trusted)! And there is scientifically substantiated data confirming the effect of stress on life expectancy, even at the genetic level ( Collaboration between Indiana University and Scripps Institute). Do you need more arguments to understand the importance of a positive attitude in life?

Maybe you will be convinced by a study by the University of Nijmegen ( Netherlands), which was held in nursing homes. It turned out that elderly people who fell into apathy, lost interest in everything that was happening had a 64% greater chance of dying before their optimistic peers.

What can you say about the fact that depression literally wears out the body and accelerates aging! This was confirmed at the Free University of Amsterdam ( Netherlands) - it turns out that mental anguish and constant blues shorten telomeres, that is, special sections of DNA that protect the entire molecule from damage. The shorter these sections, the shorter a person's life!

Before moving on to the second part, where promising scientific developments for prolonging longevity are collected, let's see what this science says about how long a person can live. And the prospects are very good here. Some time ago, there was an opinion that the limit of the duration of human life had already been reached, but then scientists changed their minds and at first the researchers called the period at 115 years, then at 125, and recently scientists did not dare to name the limit of possible longevity at all. So it makes sense to slightly change your lifestyle, because such a chance is simply stupid to miss!

A good mood, a sense of humor, a passion for some hobby, according to scientists, really prolongs life. For example, as a result of a large study at Yale University, it was found that reading as little as three hours a week can live on average 17% longer than those who do not read at all, and older people who read even more intensively have a higher life expectancy. by as much as 23%.

Many pessimistic comrades think that old age, especially when it is far beyond a hundred-year-old border, is useless ... like, well, what is the use of being so “ancient”. I am not one of those, and I think that you can enjoy life and spend it fully until the very last day. In order not to seem idiotic, I will give you real examples. The Japanese found out that in older age groups women who are over ... 90 years old feel the happiest! How about a 94-year-old Belgian and a 95-year-old Finn who run 100 meters in competitions, or an American who made a parachute jump on her 102nd birthday? And a resident of Thailand, who even 119 years of age is not an obstacle for an active lifestyle and everyday fishing trips? Believe me, there are many more similar examples of a fulfilling life at a very old age! So stop moping, let's make ourselves a synopsis " How to become a long-liver"And we start to implement it!

And now a little fiction, which may become reality very soon.

Already existing substances, which, in the opinion of British gerontologists, are capable of prolonging life, are entered into a special database. In electronic form, it is available to any user and contains information on more than four hundred different connections.

E. Malysheva, who is “omnipresent” in health issues, in her program named three cheap and readily available medical preparations, which, according to the TV presenter and her colleagues, will definitely make it possible to live up to 120 years. Of course, I will list these medicines, but this is only for informational purposes, but by no means advisory information. So, the miracle cure is: metformin ( treats diabetes), acetylsalicylic acid ( yes, the same, well-known ordinary aspirin), statins ( drugs against cholesterol plaques).

At the German University of Johannes Gutenberg Mainz, they were able to find a molecule ( TERRA in RNA), which is able to restore too short telomeres, and they, more precisely, their length, in turn ( according to most modern scientists) are responsible for human aging. Perhaps. a technique will soon be developed for artificially lengthening these critical DNA regions.

Various groups of researchers from the University of California and Case Western Reserve University have established that the KLF and Drp1 proteins affect life span. The mechanisms of action of these proteins differ from each other, but over time their content in the body decreases, so the efforts of scientists are aimed at finding ways to restore these important components to normal levels in order to significantly slow down aging.

In addition to developing general recommendations, scientists are constantly trying to create drugs, the reception of which would at once solve all health problems and remove questions about longevity. To do this, for example, they use gut bacteria that slow down aging ( scientists from Baylor College of Medicine and the University of Texas Health Center) or they are trying to create a drug based on a special gene isolated from centenarians ( it, according to the researchers, guarantees its wearer life up to 110 years and more). Or find a new direction in RNA research aimed at prolonging life while maintaining good health ( in any case, the employees from Harvard, so far on worms, have received excellent results in this direction).

In general, according to the most recent data, a person begins to age after 39 years - it is from this age that the first signs of a decrease in mental and physical activity begin to appear. This is due to a decrease in the level of production of a substance called "myelin", which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. But scientists are working to create a drug that can stop this natural aging process in the body.

It seems quite reasonably that the genetic direction in the fight against aging is the most demanded in the scientific community. There is even a real example of a voluntary experiment on one desperate lady ( American Liz Parrish) in the use of the latest gene drugs. Moreover, the result of such an extremely dangerous experiment is still very surprising and super hopeful! At the time of the beginning of the experiment in 2015, Elizabeth was 44 years old, and after the completion of the first stage, this brave woman had a rejuvenation of the body systems for ... 20 years !!!

In addition, the CRISPR gene editing method is being actively developed, which allows making the necessary changes to the desired genes within a few weeks, up to their complete shutdown. This method has already been successfully applied in China, where the PD-1 gene, which is “ immunity switch"And now there should be no loopholes for cancer cells in the immune systems of these patients. It is clear that this unique method of treatment will allow you to get rid of the most serious diseases and live much longer.

American scientists say that a technology is almost ready to remove mutated DNA from mitochondria, which will reverse aging ( hopefully not like the Benjamin Button story). In particular, successful work was done at the Houston Methodist Research Institute (USA) to combat such a terrible genetic disease as "progeria", that is, premature aging ( people with this diagnosis rarely live longer than 13 years ...). With the help of RNA therapy, doctors managed to lengthen telomeres ( ends of chromosomes), which extended the life of the cells. Scientists intend to improve their methodology and successfully fight early aging with the help of full-fledged clinical treatment.

Experiments on cell reprogramming are being successfully carried out. Researchers have learned to “turn on” certain genes that return adult cells to their original “young settings”, which should significantly slow down the aging process.

The process of cleansing the body from old cells seems to be no less promising. American biologists with the help of a special drug were able to help the immune system of mice to rid organisms of old cells, the result was an increase in their life expectancy by as much as 35%. Independently of them and with the help of another drug, the Dutch-American group also successfully cleared mouse organisms from aging cells, which gave scientists reason to believe that rejuvenation is possible in this way, although they, unlike their colleagues, do not give any roughly achievable percentage of longevity.

There are substances already known to science, a detailed study of which reveals their ability to influence longevity. For example, such a polymer with the dissonant name "spermidine", as it turned out, really helps to prolong the life of experimental mice by 25% if they took the drug from birth, and by 10% if the substance was added to the diet of an adult animal. Scientists intend to conduct research on humans in the near future to confirm their findings and actively begin to apply the obtained data in practice.

There are also some frightening experiments, direct for fans of the vampire theme. And in the first ( Californian company Alkahest) and in the second ( also Americans, but from the University of California at Berkeley) research suggests that transfusing old mice ... young human blood promoted brain rejuvenation.

In Israel, scientists examined a group of men who crossed the 100-year milestone and found that they have a mutation in one gene, as a result of which cells absorb less growth hormone, which allows them to increase their lifespan by 10 years. Now scientific minds are solving the problem of creating a substance that could transfer such a beneficial mutation to a person, if they succeed, then the possibility of prolonging life with the help of medications will become a reality.

Recently, the phrase "stem cells" has not been heard except from a teapot ... Science has pinned great hopes on them in the field of human health. There are some very encouraging experiments as well. For example, Australian and American scientists conducted such a study: a group of elderly people, whose average age was 76 years, were given drugs with stem cells from young donors 20–45 years old, as a result of which aging slowed down in the control group! A more time-consuming and complex study was conducted on mice: hypothalamic stem cells were transplanted into aging mice ( small area of ​​the brain) from newborn mice and, as a result, old rodents lived 15% longer than usual!

Russian scientists also do not stand aside from the study of the possibility of prolonging life. For example, in Primorye ( Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry. G.B. Elyakova) are developing drugs from ... sea urchins, which, as our researchers hope, will successfully combat age-related changes, as well as treat a number of complex diseases (coronary heart disease, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes, atherosclerosis, chronic inflammatory lung diseases).

As you can see, the scientific world is doing its best to learn the secrets of longevity, although it is still lucky ( or not, these are dangerous experiments) mainly to mice and worms. But in many works, scientists are already seriously declaring their readiness to begin researching their newest methods on real people. Well, as they say - wait and see ...

Psychological resilience and self-control of centenarians

In the process of long evolution, not only a long-lived man was formed, but what is most interesting was the community of people with a special psychology, traditions and forms of behavior developed over the centuries, contributing to overcoming the impact of stress factors. The achievements of modern medicine in conditions of high social protection of citizens of developed countries are already available to support healthy longevity. The number of Japanese people who have crossed the 100-year age limit has reached a record high - now there are 36,276 people in the country. But how to protect a person from strong stress and environmental stress today remains a problem for at least a century. Analysis of the behavior of people in the oases of longevity in the Caucasus, Cuba, Ecuador suggests ways to solve the problem of long-term survival in modern conditions, without becoming dependent on medicine and advertising. Since the largest group of super-long-livers (339 people over the age of 120 according to the 1970 census) was in the Caucasus, and in Cuba with a population of just over 11 million, there are currently three thousand people who have turned one hundred years old, their path historical development is instructive. Two different climatic zones, incomparable power systems. Cubans smoke and drink a lot of coffee, and are active in sex for the rest of their lives. Abkhazians are ascetic and restrained. Let's pay attention to the psychological stability and self-control of the centenarians of these places. With differences in the food system, climate, family traditions, there is something in common, characteristic of centenarians, something that has been formed over the centuries-old history that can be analyzed. Cuban centenarians are cheerful and still continue to work as best they can. Psychologists, using special tests among the rural population of Abkhazia, have established that centenarians tend to consider everything that happens in their life as the result of their own actions, and not of any external forces. People of this type are found most often among physically and mentally healthy old people. Note that Abkhaz centenarians are proud of their restraint - petty quarrels and abuse are seen as unnecessary irritation and a waste of time. According to the study, most long-livers in Cuba started their working life early and continued it into old age. They moderately used medicines for ailments, moved a lot and maintained strong family relationships. It is family well-being and emotional stability that reduce the likelihood of depression, which negatively affects health and life expectancy. Cuban researchers made such conclusions based on the results of surveys of 270 Havanese who have crossed the 100-year milestone, said Alberto Fernandez Seco, a spokesman for the Cuban Ministry of Health. Therefore, it is possible that candidates for centenarians are individuals who take responsibility for everything that happens to them. life, and feeling themselves masters of their own destiny.

Genome influence

Modern medicine has entered the molecular age. Cells and the amazing 46 chromosomes that make up the human genome have become the main objects of research in the study of disease and the issue of longevity. The reason for this is that for a long time the genome was considered a determining factor in all aspects: predisposition to disease, character, preferences and even longevity. Meanwhile, there is a growing body of research that suggests that although the genome determines the makings of a person, his development is influenced by the environment. The interaction of genes and environment has now fully become an area for scientific study in order to determine the relationship between innate and acquired qualities.

So what effect does the genome have on longevity? An August 31, 2006 New York Times article reflects the difficulty in predicting life expectancy from a genetic perspective: “86-year-old Josephine Tizauro lives in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Despite her age, she is in good health, meets with her friends, goes to church and still drives. Her twin sister, on the other hand, suffers from urinary incontinence, is blind and underwent joint surgery. Even geriatricians were impressed by this example. Indeed, these two women have the same genetic makeup, they are from the same family, they live in the same place, but their health is the opposite. "

After a period of hegemony of the theory "everything is inherent in genetics", according to which some people, thanks to their genetics, can eat what they want, drink, smoke and live as long as others, the concept of past years is partially returning, from the point of view of which longevity is determined by the environment, nutrition, physical activity, psychological stability and health care.

However, some congenital predisposition to longevity still exists - members of individual families are distinguished by impressive longevity, but this is a small part. James Vaupel, executive officer of the Max Planck Institute in Germany, also says: "Heredity determines a person's complexion, but not his life expectancy."

We are faced with a phenomenon. Even the presence of good health in one person does not guarantee him a longer life expectancy than a person with weaker health.

Professor Kaare Christensen from Denmark is studying the transmission of diseases. In his opinion, we can determine that obesity and smoking shorten a person's life, but his longevity is impossible to predict. Some genetic changes increase the risk of cancer or Alzheimer's disease, but the only genetic factor that may be associated with life expectancy is the length of telomeres, the ends of a chromosome that shorten with each increase in cell number.

Kaare Christensen and her colleagues studied the genomes of 20,000 twins born between 1966 and 2006. in Finland, Norway and Sweden. The statistics of their research showed that the genome has even less influence than was previously thought, and is not a determining factor in longevity.

Another study on cancer susceptibility examined 4,500 twins in Scandinavian countries. As a result, it turned out that only breast, prostate and colorectal cancers are hereditary.

Robert Hoover of the US National Cancer Institute wrote: "Prior to these studies, scientists had the right to think that the genome affects diseases, but now this theory must be questioned."

There is still a long way to go to understand the factors that determine life expectancy. Genetics, environment ... In ancient China, it was believed that virtuous people can bestow a long life on their children, and sages live long. This cannot satisfy any modern expert, at least it is in line with epidemiological data on the relationship between stress and cancer. The rest is yet to be discovered.

Free radicals and biological aging

Images or models of DNA, RNA, and protein molecules are often presented as rigid, static structures like bridges; in fact, they are unstable, long, chain-like structures of thousands of molecules that break down rather easily into links. Inside the cell, they are constantly attacked by other molecules - some of them are common products of cellular metabolism. others are substances that pollute the environment, in particular lead. Thus, new molecules are constantly being formed in the cell, replacing the damaged ones. In the process of metabolism, molecules of a special kind are formed, which are called free radicals. They have a strong tendency to bond with other molecules. Sometimes cells produce free radicals to facilitate the metabolic process, and they appear most often during those reactions that consume oxygen to "burn" carbohydrates and proceed with the release of energy. Sometimes free radicals arise by chance when oxygen, which is always present in the cell and has a high activity, combines with the molecules of the cell. According to Alex Comfort, a free radical is a highly reactive chemical agent, ready to combine with anything. " As a result, uncontrolled free radicals can seriously damage cell membranes, as well as DNA and RNA molecules. This circumstance makes them the main determining factor in biological aging. One of the ways to fight aging, in which free radicals are to blame, is the use of so-called antioxidants.

One of the most active antioxidant research programs has been conducted by the food packaging industry to find a cure for the harmful effects of free radicals on long-lasting foods that have been exposed to atmospheric oxygen. The most common antioxidant in the United States is called BHT; it is produced annually by the food industry in huge quantities. On all labels of cereals, chewing gum, margarine, soda, potato flakes and other food products, you can find the inscription: "Added VNT for preservation." Currently, BHT and other antioxidants can be seen as one way to prolong life - provided that safer antioxidants are found.

Another way to prevent aging caused by free radicals is through a variety of diets. According to Harman, especially unsaturated lipids, which are rich in oils and plant products, participate in free radical reactions and thus can contribute to accelerated aging. By feeding mice higher doses of unsaturated lipids or increasing the percentage of such fats in their food, Harmen sought to shorten the life span of animals. Vitamin E is also a defense against free radicals. “Aging is caused by an oxidative process,” says Dr. A. Tappel of the University of California, Davis, “and since vitamin E is a natural antioxidant, it can be used to counteract this process. in organism". Although the scientist himself has not yet been able to prove that additional doses of vitamin E contribute to the prolongation of the life of mice or rats, he demonstrated that insufficient content of this vitamin in their diet definitely shortens the life of these animals. He also studied the composition of the food of many Americans and came to the conclusion that it is deficient in many ways, including insufficient vitamin E. Tappel belongs to the following words: “Since the biochemistry of vitamin E deficiency and the aging process ... run in parallel, obviously, that one should pay attention to the lack of vitamin E in humans ... Optimizing the intake of vitamin E can slow down the aging process. " Tappel also points out that food should contain a sufficient amount of vitamin C - it acts synergistically, contributing to a more effective removal of free radicals with vitamin E. The same Harmen assures that due to various amendments in our food, namely by reducing unsaturated fats in the sum of calories from 20 to 1% and the consumption of sufficient amounts of vitamins E and C, can be achieved by adhering to the correct diet, prolonging life. He is convinced that this approach to the diet of older people can have a significant positive effect. "Free radicals" diets, Harman concludes, offer us "the prospect of extending lifespan beyond 85 years, as well as the possibility for a significant number of people to live much longer than 100 years."

Aeroions, health and longevity

It is clear that, first of all, a person needs clean air, then pure thoughts, and only then water and food. Apparently, the high saturation of the air of Abkhazia with light negative ions is directly related to intensive recovery and the formation of sources of healthy longevity. The air contains a wide variety of ions. The atmospheric ions themselves are subdivided in size into light, intermediate, heavy (Langevin ions) and ultra-heavy. Heavy, as a rule, are formed due to the adhesion of the lungs to particles of dust, smog. In the lower layers of the atmosphere, the main ionizers are active substances, in the upper layers, solar and cosmic rays (due to them, 7 times more ions are formed at an altitude of 4 km, and 150 times more ions at an altitude of 15 km than at the Earth's surface). The natural concentration of air ions near the earth's surface is approximately 1000 ions in 1 cm3 of air. The ion-forming value of the long-wave UV is insignificant (the whole of the short-wave is absorbed at an altitude of 20-40 km). It was found that the industrial cities of Russia are under a kind of "hood". Deionization of air was also observed when measuring in residential and industrial premises 0-60 ion / cm3, and in the air of the city 30-500 ion / cm3. And only in the mountains of Abkhazia (where there are most long-livers), the number of negative air ions remained about 20,000 in 1 cubic cm of air, in the sea air - 2,000, in the green massif of central Russia - 200-1000, and in industrial premises only 10-20 .How harmful deionization of air is evidenced by the following data:

It was found that periods of decreased incidence of lung diseases, including exacerbations of bronchial asthma, gastrointestinal tract organs and a number of others, coincide with periods of increased concentration of light ions in the atmospheric air, and vice versa.

Simple experiments have shown: the higher the concentration of light ions, the cleaner the air. The activities of "civilized humanity", the development of industries with the appearance of gigantic "smogs" led to a sharp decrease in the amount of light ions in the air, especially negative ones.

Numerous studies have shown: at a normal concentration of air ions, the incidence of diseases decreases by 20-30%, in particular, the incidence of acute respiratory infections is reduced by 2-3 times, and the use of artificial ionization devices at a number of printing industry enterprises has led to a decrease in the incidence by 60% and has reduced dust content many times premises.

Negative air ionization can have not only an anti-infectious, but also a detoxifying effect in a number of infectious processes. It has been shown that air ionization accelerates the death of staphylococci suspended in a water droplet.

Geographic factor

In the 70s, much attention of gerontologists all over the world was paid to the long-livers of the Caucasus. Until 71, statements about a large number of Abkhazians, Georgians, Dagestanis and other highlanders of the Caucasus who had reached 110, 120 and even 150 years were skeptical. But in 1971, areas of longevity were discovered both in the Himalayas and in the mountainous regions of Ecuador. This led to opinions about the special influence on the health of the mountain climate and the special way of life of the highlanders, which gives them the skills of physical endurance. There have been attempts to link the longevity of the highlanders with the peculiarities of their diet. 42% of all persons over a hundred years old live in the Caucasus, the level of longevity is especially high in Abkhazia and Azerbaijan. The indigenous population of these regions has a natural, historically increased concentration of long-term people, called the phenomenon of group longevity, which arose and became entrenched, that is, it has been traced for quite a long time. So, two regions of the Caucasus with a high level of longevity, two ethnic groups - Abkhazians and Azerbaijanis, belonging to different races of the Caucasus (Azerbaijanis - to the Caspian type, and Abkhazians - to the Pontic type), living in different natural and ecological conditions and significantly differing by lifestyle, nutrition, family organization.

In the south of Ecuador, in the province of Loya, there is a small town of Vilcabamba, which has gained world fame thanks to its long-livers. For the first time, the world learned about the amazing valley in 1971, when the French magazine "Pari-match" published data known only to local doctors, providing them with 17 photographs of the oldest residents. And they drew attention to this area and the high-mountain village of Vilcabamba, located at an altitude of 1500 m above sea level, primarily due to the results of the population census, which showed that there is a rather high percentage of centenarians at the age of 100-130 years. Then 628 inhabitants of the village were examined, all the inhabitants of which usually live for more than a hundred years. They were diagnosed with absolutely no heart disease, and only in small quantities - other diseases. How do the inhabitants of Vilcabamba explain the secret of longevity themselves? First of all, they are practically unfamiliar with modern civilization, not one of them has seen a single doctor in his life. They live, like their ancestors, - in the sun, they get up with it and go to bed. They work all day on the nearby tobacco and coffee plantations. Nowadays, gerontologists often visit this province to find out the secrets of the valley of happy longevity. The percentage of the elderly population is four times higher than in other parts of Ecuador. The ninety inhabitants of Vilcabamba are over a hundred years old, and these elders are in excellent health and look much younger than their years. London gerontologist D. Davis described his meeting with a local named David. He watched as this cheerful old man worked in the field, loosening the soil on the tobacco plantation with a hoe. Knowing about the longevity of his fellow countrymen, the English scientist was ready to give him a maximum of 80 years, but in reality David was already 120. Another phenomenon: Mikael Caprio is a man in his prime, with barely silvered gray temples. He looks no more than 60, and according to documents, he is 123 years old.

Most of the territory of Abkhazia (about 75%) is occupied by the spurs of the Main ridge, bordering Abkhazia from the north - the Gagra, Bzybsky, Abkhaz and Kodori ridges. In the mountains and the sea there are temporary local ionizers - such as thunderstorms, dust and snow storms, waterfalls, mountain rivers, surf. As a result of all these processes, one or another concentration of air ions is established in the environment, represented mainly by negatively charged oxygen molecules and positively charged carbon dioxide molecules with their water shells. air ionization suddenly rises sharply, then it returns to normal. The reason for this phenomenon has not been established, but even in this mountainous area, centenarians breathe, like their ancestors, with clean ionized air. In other mountain valleys of Ecuador, outbreaks of air ionization were not observed.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that people in mountainous regions have been living traditionally for thousands of years without changing their habits. For centuries, the mountains have protected them from slavery, wars, epidemics and social upheavals. Over a long period, a special way of life and the foundations of the vital activity of the human body have developed, passed on from generation to generation. In these regions, there is a natural, historically increased concentration of centenarians, evolving under conditions of a stable external habitat. Over the centuries-old history, forms of behavior have developed that contribute to overcoming the impact of stress factors. As a result, high psychological stability and self-control. Confirmation of the above is the fact that long-livers of mountainous regions are only representatives of the indigenous population, in whose life, physiology and consciousness the origins of longevity were laid long ago. It is known that there are Russian settlements in Azerbaijan, where immigrants from Russia have been living for 200 years. It would seem that these Russians have long become Caucasians. No! The percentage of centenarians among Russians is 7.2, and among Azerbaijanis - 62.4 percent.

Nutrition and longevity

The peculiarities of the traditional stereotype of nutrition of centenarians make a certain contribution to the mechanism of formation of regional longevity. The food of the Abkhaz and Azerbaijanis is low in calories. The high content of peculiar fermented milk products in it ensures the similarity of the intestinal microflora of long-livers and healthy children. It should be noted and the high content of plant products in the diet, and, consequently, ballast substances (fiber). High consumption of hot spices from red pepper containing capsaicin, which helps to normalize lipid metabolism, lower blood pressure, blood clotting, and is involved in thermoregulation. The peculiarities of the amino acid composition of the food of long-livers are also of particular importance. Amino acids, whose role in longevity has been experimentally proven, is a fivefold deficiency of tryptophan. In Azerbaijanis, there is a true decrease in tryptophan in the diet, and in Abkhazians - a relative one (due to the high content of tryptophan antagonists).

The food of the inhabitants of Abkhazia and Azerbaijan, noted for their longevity, has an increased content of tyrosine. As you know, the increased content of tyrosine in food increases the life of animals. There is a lot of tyrosine in red pepper, adjika. The food of long-livers has a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and the most biologically valuable linoleic acid (due to the high consumption of corn and sunflower oils). Long-livers' food contains little cholesterol, all vitamins are in high concentrations, enriched with natural antioxidants. This is achieved due to the relatively low consumption of fats, the optimal ratio of polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids, high consumption of vitamin E, etc. The Abkhazian nutrition system is characterized by: high consumption of corn 2-3 times a day, beans, dairy products, low consumption sugar, fish, butter and vegetable oil, widespread and widespread use of hot spices. When studying the nutrition of long-livers of Abkhazia, it was found that the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in their diet was 1: 0.8: 3, its daily caloric content was low - 2013 kcal. The food of the Abkhaz centenarians was low in sugar, salt and meat. At the same time, they consumed a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits, lactic acid products. Thus, their diet contained enough vitamins, microelements and ballast substances (fiber, pectin). Such a diet well "adapts" the human body to the conditions of a given climatic zone (high air temperature, significant changes in air temperature, high humidity): basic metabolism at the level the lower limit of the norm, the optimal species composition of the intestinal microflora is preserved, the work of the thermoregulation apparatus is highly differentiated - all this is the traits of the phenotype of the inhabitant of Abkhazia, induced by the climatic-geographical factor, formed by the food system. For example, the nutritional system of the peoples inhabiting the modern territory of Azerbaijan, Abkhazia, and Kazakhstan is characterized by a preference for sour milk products as a source of protein .. This group of products is a protein characterized by a maximum high content of the amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine. It is these amino acids, through the central mechanisms of thermoregulation, that determine the body's ability to quickly and reliably adapt to changes in ambient temperature, which is very important for the population of these regions.

The inhabitants of Vilcabamba, a high valley in Ecuador, known for their longevity, have a rather meager menu. The main dish is a soup made from millet, corn, beans, potatoes and some other plant tubers. Sugar is used only unrefined and in small quantities. A weekly portion of meat does not exceed 300 grams per person. There is also a small portion of fat and milk, which is used mainly for making cheeses. The climate in the valley is mild, with unusual constancy, in contrast to the climate of Abkhazia with significant temperature changes. Therefore, the traditional food of the Abkhazians has a different amino acid composition, which is characteristic of dairy products.

The difference in the amino acid composition of the food of centenarians in different climatic zones gives grounds to conclude that the nutritional system was formed by the habitat and determines the impact on longevity of the quality of traditional products.

The overwhelming majority of Cuba's centenarians engaged in active physical labor in their youth. Their daily diet consisted of fish, chicken, eggs, vegetables and fruits. At the same time, they cooked all the dishes / and are still preparing them / with a minimum amount of salt and hot spices. Long-livers of Cuba lead a strict but not ascetic life. They are not addicted to alcohol, but they love coffee and cigars, consuming them in large quantities. Another confirmation of the fact that there is no "magic" diet of health improvement and life alone cannot be prolonged

Ethnopsychological factor

In the late 70s, an ethnographer by profession, Galina Starovoitova studied the phenomenon of longevity in the Caucasus. She put forward the hypothesis of the "ethnopsychological" origin of this phenomenon, trying to show that longevity is determined not by genes or diet and lifestyle, but by a special psychology and traditions that give the most honorable role in society to deep elders. In the Abkhaz culture, there are many forms of behavior developed over the centuries that help to overcome the impact of stress factors. Of great importance is the participation in the rituals of the life path and, in general, in events significant for a person, a significant number of people - relatives, neighbors, acquaintances. Similar forms of behavior exist among other peoples of the Caucasus. But in Abkhazia, attention is drawn to the scale of moral and material support, mutual assistance of relatives and neighbors in situations of vital changes - weddings or funerals. The inhabitants of the Caucasus almost completely lack the feelings of insecurity and anxiety associated with the expectation of unwanted changes in the social status of the old man as his age increases. Aging and the associated possible negative changes in the physical nature do not lead to depressive states of the psyche of the elderly, which, apparently, has a direct connection with the phenomenon of longevity. The socio-psychological factors of the phenomenon of longevity in Abkhazia and Azerbaijan include: the geronto-critical nature of the traditional ethnic culture (customs, councils of elders), the preservation of a social role for old people in the family, rural community, the psychological comfort of the elderly, due to the high degree of their inclusion in family affairs, his village. People of this age are respected in the Caucasus. Old people are invited to family celebrations, where they are given a place of honor. They try to protect them from stress, do not offend and do not forget, provide the best living conditions, food, care. The fact of aging is, as it were, concealed among Azerbaijanis, among centenarians there is a very low level of anxiety (up to anosognosia and denial of the very fact of aging), high social adaptation, and broad emotional connections. The attitude of Azerbaijani centenarians to their age is characterized by the fact that 80% of the surveyed centenarians considered their age not very large. Long-livers have a psychological defense against the realization of the fact of aging and the inevitability of death, which is determined by character traits, a low level of anxiety, contact, and flexibility of mental reactions. In connection with these psychological characteristics of centenarians, one should recall the statement of Gufelaid, who wrote in 1653 that "among the influences shortening life, fear, sadness, despondency, envy, and hatred occupy a predominant place."

The long-livers of Abkhazia and Azerbaijan are benevolent, willingly make contact, they do not have the old people's appeal to the distant past, they are not hypochondriacal. Speaking about the state of the volitional sphere in centenarians, it is necessary to emphasize their low level of aspirations. Almost all centenarians throughout their lives preferred tranquility and peaceful resolution of conflicts. The volitional process in centenarians does not have high tension and is mainly aimed at maintaining their personal and social status quo.

Family organization in Abkhazia and Azerbaijan is different and is associated with the specifics of marriages, excluding inbreeding in Abkhazia and, on the contrary, high inbreeding in Azerbaijan. Abkhazians have a strict ban on marriages between relatives and residents of the same village, exogamy is more pronounced. Marriage ties in Azerbaijan are mainly limited to a circle of people of the same nationality and are concluded between all related groups. The parents of many of the centenarians examined by us were related to each other. It should be noted the high importance of love for centenarians (meaning love in the form of sexual relations). They rate her even higher than the young. Long-livers men of Abkhazia and Azerbaijan marry late - at 35-40 years old, women - at 20-25 years old. If the massive longevity of the Abkhaz cannot be explained only by favorable climatic and natural conditions, there must be other reasons. For example, one of such reasons is called late marriages, which are traditional for Abkhazians, and, accordingly, the late birth of children. There are numerous stories about the birth of children from 80 - 90-year-old elders and about 50-60-year-old mothers of babies. Research by scientists has shown that Abkhaz men really rarely got married before the age of 30. For example, the long-livers of the village of Dzhgerda decided to part with the free life of a bachelor only by the age of 35-38. The brides were, of course, younger, but even about them it was difficult to say "jumped out in marriage" at 24-29 years old (and this is the average age of women getting married), you must agree that a person is already capable of maturely evaluating his actions.