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How is labor intensity determined? Labor intensity is the cost of working time to produce a unit of product. Production labor intensity. Full labor intensity. Labor savings. What is “labor intensity”

The indicator of labor productivity - labor intensity - is the sum of the costs of living labor to produce a unit of output. To determine the labor intensity of a unit of production, the costs of the entire production are divided by the volume of products produced for a certain period.

For the purpose of labor planning and analysis, the labor intensity of individual operations, products, and works is calculated.

Technological labor intensity (Tm) is determined by the labor costs of the main workers. pieceworkers and time workers. It is calculated for production operations, parts, assemblies and finished products.

Maintenance labor intensity (To) represents the labor costs of auxiliary workers in the main workshops and all workers in auxiliary workshops and departments involved in servicing production. Its calculation is made for each operation, product, or in proportion to the technological complexity of the products.

Production labor intensity (TP) consists of technological and maintenance labor intensity, i.e. These are the labor costs of main and auxiliary workers to complete a unit of work.

The labor intensity of management (T) consists of the labor costs of managers, specialists, and employees. One part of such costs, which is directly related to the manufacture of products, is directly allocated to these products, the other part of the costs, which is not directly related to the manufacture of products, is allocated to them in proportion to production labor intensity.

The total labor intensity of products (Tp) reflects all labor costs for the manufacture of each product and their entire amount. It is determined by the formula:

Tp = Tt+To+Tu = Tpr+Tu.

There are normative, planned and actual labor intensity.

Standard labor intensity is calculated on the basis of current labor standards: time standards, production standards, service time standards and headcount standards. It is used to determine the total labor costs required for both manufacturing individual products, and for the implementation of the entire production program.

The planned labor intensity differs from the standard by the amount of reduction in labor costs planned in the current period due to the implementation of organizational and technical measures.

Actual labor intensity is the sum of completed labor costs for the volume of products produced or the volume of work performed

Labor intensity – This is the amount of labor required to produce a unit of output. Labor intensity is a characteristic of labor costs (spending labor force).

Natural (t, m, m3, pcs., etc.) and cost indicators are used as measures of the quantity of manufactured products.

Output is determined per main worker, per worker and per employed worker.

When determining output per one main worker the quantity of products produced is divided by the number of main workers.

If the output per one is calculated worker, the quantity of products produced is divided by the total number of main and auxiliary workers.

To determine output per one working the number of products produced is divided by the number of total industrial production personnel:

Where IN– production of products; TO– the amount of products produced during the period in natural or cost terms; H– number of employees (main workers, main and auxiliary, industrial and production personnel).

The labor intensity of products, as well as production, can be calculated in different ways. There are technological, production and total labor intensity.

Technological complexity of products are found by dividing the labor costs of the main workers by the amount of products they produce.

Production labor intensity of products calculated by dividing the labor costs of main and auxiliary workers by the number of products produced.

Full labor intensity determined by dividing the labor costs of industrial production personnel by the number of products produced:

Where T– labor intensity of products; 3 tr– labor costs various categories workers for production; IN– volume of products produced.

At oil refineries, the number of workers is calculated according to the deployment staff, the labor intensity of the program and according to staffing points. accountants, etc., are subject to rationing. The number of personnel employed in such work can be calculated using the program labor intensity method (see page 207), discussed above. For a more in-depth study of the use of equipment, the specified coefficients are determined not only by workshop, plant, but also by groups of leading equipment. Such an analysis makes it possible to develop measures aimed at increasing production efficiency. They may consist, for example, in the removal of unloaded equipment, in reducing the labor intensity of the program on overloaded leading equipment, which will increase the power utilization factor in the workshop and plant as a whole. General plant calculation production capacity is based on calculations of workshop capacity. The final data of these calculations are summarized in a summary table (Table 9). It gives full list all workshops for which capacity calculations were made; the production capacity of each of them is indicated at the beginning of the accounting year as a percentage of the program; equipment or areas that determine the production capacity of the workshop are indicated, and given brief description the most important indicators (size of area and amount of equipment, total progressive labor intensity of the program). A similar table is compiled based on calculations of production capacity at the end of the year. Below are two circuit diagrams mechanized calculation of production capacity. In Fig. 1 shows a diagram of such a calculation on counting and punching machines complete with an EV80-ZM electronic computer, used at some Moscow factories: the Frezer instrumental plant named after. M.I. Kalinin, instrumental "Caliber", automobile plant named after Lenin Komsomol. The stages of calculation according to this scheme are as follows: / stage - determination of the progressive complexity of the detailed product program; // stage - determining the labor intensity of the product program by equipment groups; /// stage - determining the production capabilities of groups of equipment; Stage IV - determination of equipment load factor; V - determination of production volume, taking into account the accepted power. them. CM. Kirov, electromechanical named after. Vladimir Ilyich, Presnensky Machine-Building. This scheme has the following calculation stages: / stage - determining the complexity of the product program using equipment codes; // stage - determining the actual operating time of equipment groups; /// stage - definition production capabilities groups of equipment and identifying the production capacity of the workshop. Calculation of the labor intensity of the machine shop program is given in Table. 38. Calculation of the labor intensity of a machine shop program A group of costs that have little dependence on the labor intensity of the program, for example, depreciation charges for technological equipment, fixtures included in fixed assets, should be analyzed in conjunction with indicators of the number of shifts of equipment load. Costs for current repairs equipment depend more on the category of complexity of equipment repair and the frequency of its implementation, therefore, when analyzing, it is necessary to determine the influence of these factors on the deviation of actual costs from those established according to the plan (Table 2.62). Calculation of tariff wage funds - FT of enterprise divisions can be carried out by incremental and analytical methods. In the first case, they proceed from the basic fund and the increase in production volume. In the second, the value of FT is determined on the basis of the labor intensity of the production program or the corresponding objective organizational and technical characteristics of production units.

Reducing the labor intensity of production and increasing labor productivity; Determining the labor intensity of oil refining products is a complex process and is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, labor intensity is determined for individual technological installations, i.e., all labor costs for the enterprise are distributed between installations, with the exception of costs not directly related to the production of products (outsourced services and other industrial work). At the second stage, similarly to determining cost, the labor intensity of individual products is calculated. Within the installation, all labor costs are attributed to the target product. The complexity of the final product is determined by sequential calculation of the complexity of the production of semi-finished products, including mixing, in accordance with technological scheme. employees of design, technological and research departments in fulfilling and exceeding plans and tasks for the creation and acceleration of the introduction into production of new products, improving technical economic indicators and quality of products; reducing the labor intensity of production and releasing the number of workers based on improving technology and improving labor organization; saving material resources, introducing low-waste and non-waste technology.

Thus, when forming a wage fund based on net production, wages become a function of three components of the cumulative growth of production efficiency: changes in material, capital and labor intensity of production.

The number of workers employed in regulated work is determined by the standard labor intensity of production, and in non-standardized work - by workplace based on service standards or state standards.

Unlike photographs of a working day, timekeeping is used to study the costs of operational time only. Depending on the purpose of timing, they study either the operation as a whole or individual work techniques, all elements of which are constantly repeated in a certain sequence.

Timing is carried out in order to obtain initial data:

To design time standards for manual and machine-made elements,

To establish operating time standards for surgery,

To establish time standards accompanied by improvement technological process implementation of standardized work and organization of labor workplace,

To study and implement advanced techniques and methods of work, etc.

To design technically sound standards, timing is carried out according to labor methods. For each technique, the starting and ending fixing points are established, which represent the moments of the beginning and end of their implementation, that is, the boundaries of the action.

The number of observations during timing is set depending on the required accuracy of the norms (the permissible relative value of the error of the arithmetic mean values ​​of the timing series) and the stability coefficient of the series.

Processing the results of timing observations includes technological and mathematical analysis of timing series.

Technological analysis is the study of data from each time series in order to determine the feasibility of storing in them certain time measurements obtained during observations. Thus, measurements that are the result of errors by the performer, observer, or caused by a violation of technology, the procedure for servicing the workplace, etc. should be excluded from the time series.

In the mathematical analysis of timing series, the average duration of time spent for each row is calculated and the actual stability coefficient of the timing series and the work operation as a whole is determined.

Phototiming (photo accounting) is used to simultaneously determine the structure of time and duration individual elements production operation.

Photo timekeeping is a combination of workday photography and timekeeping. It differs from photography of a working day by a smaller division of the operation into elements, and from timekeeping in that not only the duration of operational time is recorded, but also other categories of working time expenditure.

Analytical - calculation methods of labor standardization provide for the calculation of standards based on standard materials. These methods provide the necessary degree of validity of norms at significantly lower prices compared to research methods costs of collecting initial information.

Standards are differentiated by types of production, types of work (metalwork, welding, machine tools, etc.) and are established for labor techniques, complexes labor practices, labor actions and labor movements. Availability of large normative material allows you to calculate a technically sound standard of time for an operation

T = T op + T about + T pt + T from + T from,

Where T op– technically justified standard of operating time, T about– standard time for servicing the workplace, T Fri– standard time for the non-overlapping part of technological breaks, That- time limit for rest and personal needs, T of– norm of preparatory-final time.

4. Labor productivity, its essence and measurement. Factors influencing labor productivity. The effectiveness of accelerating the growth rate of labor productivity.

Labor productivity is the most important indicator of labor efficiency and the level of production - economic activity enterprises. The higher the labor productivity, the lower the labor costs for producing a unit of product or work and the lower its cost.

Labor productivity reflects the costs of total labor: living and past, embodied in the means of production. The main component of total labor costs is the cost of living labor, which creates material wealth. Labor productivity is the efficiency of people's production activities, expressed by the ratio of labor costs and the amount of material goods produced. Labor productivity is measured by the quantity of products in physical, monetary or conventional terms for a certain period (hour, shift, year) or the time spent on producing a unit of product.

An increase in labor productivity occurs as a result of the fact that the share of living labor costs decreases, and the share of past labor increases so that the total costs of production decrease. Increasing labor productivity is an objective economic law.

The productivity of social labor as a whole is distinguished by national economy, local or group in an industry, sub-industry, individual in an enterprise, in a team, in a workplace.

The productivity of social labor is determined by dividing national income by the number of workers employed in all sectors of material production.

To determine local and individual labor productivity, the following indicators can be used: product output and product labor intensity.

Product output per unit of time is determined by the formula


Where Q– volume of products produced, T- labor time costs.

Labor intensity is calculated using the formula

t = T / Q.

When determining labor productivity, five methods are used: natural, conditionally natural, index, labor and cost.

The natural method is used where homogeneous products are produced and homogeneous work is performed. Labor productivity in in this case is determined by dividing the output in natural units (tons, pieces, square meters) by the number of employees.

With the conditional-natural method, labor productivity is determined by dividing the number of conventional units of production by the number of workers. All types of products are conditionally reduced to one through reduction coefficients determined by the ratio of labor intensity of individual types of products.

The essence of the index method is to determine the labor productivity growth index by weighing labor productivity indicators by certain species work as a percentage of the share of the contingent involved in their implementation.

Measuring labor productivity using the labor method involves using the labor intensity indicator as a product meter. The volume of production is determined in standard hours by multiplying the volume of production in physical terms by the standard time for producing a unit of product. The labor method requires the use of scientifically based time standards.

The cost method involves measuring production and labor productivity in monetary terms. It is used for enterprises producing heterogeneous products. The complexity of the cost method lies in choosing the most appropriate method for calculating production volume in monetary terms for specific conditions.

Labor productivity of network workers railways and departments is measured in conventionally natural units - the number of tonne-kilometers produced per one employee of the operational contingent engaged in transportation, and is calculated using the formulas

P t networks, roads = Σ (Pl) gr / H sp = (Σ R gr l + K Σ R p l) / H sp,

P t dept. roads = Σ (Pl) gr / Ch sp = (Σ (P l) p + K Σ P p l) / Ch sp,

Where Σ (Pl) gr– freight turnover, reduced tonnage – kilometers,

Σ R gr l– freight turnover, tariff tonnage – kilometers,

Σ R p l– passenger turnover, passenger – kilometers,

TO– reduction coefficient for passenger turnover,

Ch sp – average number of workers employed in transportation, people,

Σ (P l) p– freight turnover of the railway department, operational tonnage – kilometers.

The indicators used to measure the labor productivity of employees of individual railway enterprises are given in Table 1.1.

The complexity of a single job is expenditure of working time of performers to perform the work in question in man-days (man-hours).

It could be:




Regulatory the amount of labor intensity of any work is determined by multiplying the volume of work by the standard labor costs of the unit of measurement of work in accordance with the RSN, SNiP or other regulatory documents.

Planned the amount of labor intensity of any work can be determined:

1. Multiplying the volume of the corresponding work by the planned labor intensity of the unit of measurement of this work. Moreover, the planned labor intensity is calculated on the basis of normative or actual, taking into account the implementation of organizational and technological measures that ensure a reduction in working time costs.

2. Through the physical volume of work and planned labor productivity in physical terms for similar work.

3. Through the volume of work in value terms and the planned labor productivity in value terms for similar work.

Actual labor intensity of work is the total expenditure of working time of performers when performing this work. Calculation of actual labor intensity is carried out according to the actual work time sheets of performers.

The complexity of building a facility is the total cost of working time necessary to perform all the work provided for in the estimate and organizational technological documentation(for example, scaffolding, formwork, vibration, etc.) for the construction of the object in question.

Labor intensity is measured in man-days (man-hours) and, in general case represents the time in which one worker could complete these works (build an object).

For example, the standard labor intensity for the construction of a 60-apartment residential building is 4,250 man-days. This means that one worker could, having completed all the work, build this object in 4250 work shifts (days).

Labor intensity (as an indicator) can be:




To determine the value normative labor intensity of construction of the facility it is necessary:

Know the entire range and scope of construction and installation work that needs to be performed;

Using the standards of the RSN (or other) regulatory documents, determine the labor intensity of each work;

Determine the difficulty of the work of the preparatory period, sanitary and electrical work, installation work technological equipment and other specialized works;

Sum up the labor intensity of all work.

Planned labor intensity calculated taking into account the implementation of organizational and technical measures when developing construction schedules.

Actual labor intensity construction of an object is the total actual labor costs of all participants in the creation of construction products who participated in the creation of these products.

The actual labor intensity of the construction of an object is, as a rule, determined according to the time sheets actually worked by each employee.

What resources are needed to build the facility? On the basis of what documents is it established that a construction project needs the required amount of material resources and the time frame within which these resources must be put into action and delivered to the site? construction site?

The material and technical resources necessary for the construction of the facility and, accordingly, the implementation of decisions on the calendar plan for the construction of the facility include:

Expenses of working time of construction workers (labor intensity);

Computer time consumption;

Estimated cost (financial resources);

Materials, structures, products (material resources);

Energy resources (heat, water, electricity, oxygen, acitelen, propane, butane, fuels and lubricants, etc.).

The need for material and technical resources for each job and for the entire facility in general can be determined:

According to approved regulatory documents, and primarily according to collections of resource estimate standards(RSN) of the Republic of Belarus for relevant structures and work;

Based on factual, statistical data;

Taking into account the norms for writing off material resources;

Experienced way.

All calculations are summarized in the appropriate tables (statements, sets, applications, etc.).

Deadlines, when these resources are needed (laying in the case, supplying materials to the construction site), they are established (accepted) according to the calendar plan developed for the construction of the object in question.

Execution Duration individual works, duration of construction of objects: types, methods of calculation (definition), standard value of the reserve, standard distribution estimated cost

In construction practice, all work can be divided into::

Manual, when the duration of their execution will depend solely on the number of performers (for example, manually excavating trenches for foundations);

Mechanized, when the duration of their implementation will depend mainly on the productivity and number of machines (for example, digging a pit with an excavator).

Duration execution handmade can be determined through labor intensity, number of workers and shifts. The relationship between duration, labor intensity, number of workers and shifts is expressed by the formula:

where is labor intensity i-that work (person-hour, person-day),

Number of workers per shift performing i-that job

k- shift work.

When calculating the duration of work, where the leading element is a machine or mechanism, the cost of machine time is used. The relationship between the cost of machine time, shifts and the number of machines and mechanisms is expressed by the formula:


where is the cost of machine time (machine-hours, machine-cm.),

Number of machines and mechanisms employed per shift in the work performed (pcs.),

k- shift work,

Execution Duration i-that mechanized work.

The duration of a set of works can be determined in the following ways:

1. Through the volume of work in physical terms, the normative, actual or planned labor productivity of a worker of this specialty in physical terms, the number of workers and work shifts.

t = V/N*n*B v (3)

where: V - volume of work in natural meters;

B v _ normative, actual or planned labor productivity (output) of a worker in this specialty in natural measures.

2. Through the volume of work in cost measures, the standard, actual or planned labor productivity (output) of a worker in this specialty in cost measures, the number of workers and work shifts.

The formula for determining the duration of work in this case is:

T = C/N*n*B c (4)

where: C - volume of work in cost meters;

N is the number of workers scheduled to perform the work in question per shift;

n is the accepted shift of work;

B с _ standard, actual or planned labor productivity (output) of a worker in this specialty in cost terms.

Indicator of duration of construction of a facility- one of the most important indicators used at the stage of competition for a construction contract, for planning activities, for analyzing results economic activity construction organization and for other calculations.

The duration of construction of the facility, depending on the time factor, can be:




The main governing document regulating the organization of construction was SNiP 3.01.01-85* (currently TCP 1 “Organization construction production"), according to which, before the construction of facilities begins, a PIC, PPR, and POR must be developed.

Who, first of all, should have information about the standard duration of construction of the proposed facility?

This information is needed first of all to the customer, regardless of the form of ownership. Having such information, the customer, long before the start of construction, can first of all clearly imagine the total duration of construction of the facility and link the expected duration with its main activity, will be able to imagine the nature of the proposed development cash and, accordingly, manage financial resources wisely.

The basis of the definition the standard duration of construction of facilities lies normative document- “SNiP 1.04.03-85*. Standards for construction duration and backlog in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures. - Enter. 1991-01-01.- M.: TsNIIOMTP, Submitted: Change No. 1, 2000-01-01. -Mn. NIAP "Stroyekonomika", 1991. Currently, republican standards for the duration of TCP 45-1.03-122-2008 are being developed.

The standard duration of construction of an object is determined more accurately during the development, taking into account the features of space-planning and design solutions, binding conditions and other factors design and estimate documentation as part of the PIC (construction organization project).

“Duration standards………” allow all interested organizations to obtain (have) the following necessary information:

1. The total standard duration of construction of the facility, including the duration of the preparatory period, the construction of the above-ground part, the period of installation of technological equipment, etc.

2. Standard distribution (development) of the estimated cost of construction and installation works with a cumulative total from the beginning of construction to completion.

3. The standard value of the reserve depending on the deadline for delivery of the object.

Standard value the backlog for the construction of an object, the start of construction of which is expected in the planned year, is the amount of work expressed in cost terms that should be completed on the object in question before the end of the planned year.

For example, if it is known that the standard duration of construction of a facility is 12 months, and commissioning is scheduled for September of the next year after the planned year, then the start of construction of the groundwork facility should be no earlier than October of the planned year

To construct a schedule for the standard development of the cost of construction and installation work, it is necessary to use in the recommended “Duration Norms...” percentage data for the development of funds with an accrual total, given by month or quarter.

Information about the standard duration of construction of an object is also necessary for the general contractor, since when participating in tenders or developing a calendar plan for the construction of an object, he does not have the right to ignore the standard terms of construction of the object, especially since the customer, as a rule, indicates the recommended ones when announcing tenders regulatory deadlines for the construction of the facility.

Planned duration construction of any facility can be determined only on the basis of the developed construction calendar plan (schedule). The planned duration of construction of the facility should not be longer than the normative one, and should satisfy the wishes of the customers, unless this contradicts the normative requirements.

Actual duration construction of an object is the duration of construction of an object from the start of the preparatory period to the signing of the act of acceptance of the object into operation. The actual duration of the completed project is usually entered in state register, should be accumulated in a data bank on objects in a construction organization and used in analyzing the results of the organization’s economic activities.

The categories of labor costs, labor intensity and labor productivity are often found in scientific and practical activities to express economic indicators of efficiency (optimization) decisions made. Understanding the significance of these categories for analyzing the effectiveness of the tasks being solved in the field of technosphere security, let us consider their substantive essence and interrelation in more detail.

Labor costs

What is labor costs? In economics, labor costs refer to the number of units of personnel labor required to complete a job. They are usually measured in man-hours, man-days, man-months, or man-something else. Labor costs can be planned or actual, and are used to calculate the completion date of a project (conceived solution), financial costs for its implementation, and efficiency analysis.

Actual labor costs are the amount of work already completed in the project.

Planned labor costs are the planned amount of work in the project.

Sometimes there are problems when estimating planned labor costs. This is because the productivity of different employees can vary significantly. Therefore, in the case where it is not known who will perform a specific task, it is very difficult to estimate labor costs in absolute units. But using the average indicator of employee productivity, you can avoid (partially or completely) the noted problems.

Let's look at how labor costs are determined in man-hours and in rubles/hour. The formula for calculating labor costs in man-hours is as follows:

Hh = N * T, (1.31)

where Hh – man-hours;

N – number of employees;

T is the actual time spent on performing the work.

From the formula it turns out that 100 man-hours are the hours worked by a team of 20 people in 5 hours, or of 50 people in 2 hours, or the work of one employee in 100 hours.

This unit of measurement is also used in calculating the working time utilization factor, the formula of which is as follows:

K = Tfo / Ttr (1.32)

where K is the coefficient of use of working time by one labor unit;

TFO – actual man-hours worked;

Ttr – maximum possible (required) man-hours worked.

The formula for calculating the cost of a man-hour per employee is as follows:

C = ZP / RF, ……………………………..(1.33)

where C is the cost of a man-hour;

ZP – wages of one employee per month (net);

RF – number of working hours per month. This last value (RF) does not include hours: vacations (annual, additional, at your own expense, etc.); breaks (for lunch, as well as longer breaks due to plant downtime); shift changes; strikes, rallies, etc.; temporary absences from work (telephone calls not related to work, smoking breaks, etc.).

An example of calculating the cost of a man-hour. Let’s say an employee works for a month, 8 hours a day. Wages it for this period is 30,000 rubles. In this calendar month he worked 21 days (in fact). The cost of an employee's man-hour will be: 30,000: 19: 8 = 197.4 (rubles/hour).

There is also such a thing as standard labor costs (man-hours), the formula of which is determined according to the same scheme as ordinary man-hours. The difference is that a certain work has a standard time and labor units involved (this also includes the standard cost of work for 1 hour of a certain activity).

There are several main ways to calculate labor cost standards for a company:


Factor rationing;

Photo of the working day;

Microelement rationing.

Let's consider each of them separately and focus on the most optimal method in terms of labor intensity and accuracy.

Benchmarking (English: Benchmarking, Bench - judge's bench, judge's place; marking - mark, stamp, branding, mark) is an assessment and comparison of how certain processes are performed at other enterprises in your industry. Usually they consider the most successful companies on the market and calculate their own standard for each industry. To calculate such standards, it is necessary to collect small amounts of information only on market leaders, but the accuracy of such standards will be low, because business volumes, the specifics of each specific company, etc. are not taken into account.

The workday photography method involves an auditor or HR employee recording every action of an employee throughout the entire workday and measuring the duration of its completion. This method is very labor-intensive and not always effective. For example, it is not always suitable for calculating accounting standards.

Microelement rationing is one of the most accurate ways to determine standards. In this case, each process is divided into elementary components, and then the time spent on completing these elements is measured. But despite its advantages in accuracy, this method requires a lot of labor.

The factorial normalization method gives the most accurate results and is not too difficult to use. In this case, to calculate the required number of employees, various factors affecting labor costs and the result of the process are taken into account. To do this, the activities of the department are divided into sections, for each of which labor costs are estimated. Then, for each of the processes (tasks), the factors that most strongly influence the timing and complexity of their implementation are identified.

Using standard values labor costs, you can determine the labor costs for a particular type of work.

So, we can say that labor costs are a measure of work. Or, as it is now fashionable to say, KPI of work volume. KPI is an abbreviation for Key Performance Indicator. Translated as “key performance indicator”, in practice Russian companies The combination "key performance indicator" is often used.

Labor costs are a component in determining labor intensity.

Labor intensity

Labor intensity is the amount of working time spent on producing a unit of product (performed service, work). Reducing labor intensity is an indicator of increased efficiency.

Labor intensity is inversely proportional to the labor productivity indicator (the number of products produced per unit of working time). Therefore, an increase in labor productivity is an indicator of increased efficiency.

The amount of labor intensity is influenced by many different reasons, but among them the main ones can be identified: the level of personnel qualifications, the degree technical equipment production, complexity of manufacturing goods, degree of automation and working conditions. Now let's move on to how labor intensity is determined.

The formula for calculating labor intensity is next view:

Tr = Tz / W, (1.34)

where Tr – labor intensity (person – hour / piece (ton, m 3, etc.);

Tk - labor costs (man-hour) - usually measured in man-hours;

W - volume of production (work performed, service provided) (pieces, ton, m 3, etc.).

Considering formula (3.4) in relation to labor costs, we can say that labor costs are a component value in determining labor intensity.

It is convenient to calculate labor intensity in next order:

1. First, the amount of time worked by the workers of the enterprise is determined. billing period. The source of data for calculating actual time spent can be the primary accounting documentation, in particular, time sheets for each site or workshop. Based on these data, it is convenient to calculate the total amount of man-hours for calendar period throughout all areas of the enterprise.

2. Now let’s calculate the cost of goods produced in the reporting period. To do this, we will again use primary accounting documents. The type of document depends on the specifics of the enterprise itself. After this, the ratio of the amount of time spent, expressed in man-hours, to the cost of goods produced by the enterprise is calculated. The result of the calculation will be the desired coefficient of labor intensity of the product.

Depending on what is included in the costs, labor intensity can be of several types. Let's look at each of them.

Technological labor intensity (Ttechn.). The calculation formula includes the labor of only those workers who directly produce goods (perform work, provide a service):

Ttechn. =Тpwr.+Tdiv., (1.35)

where Tpov is the labor costs of temporary workers;

Tsdel. – labor costs of piece workers.

Labor intensity of maintenance (Tobsl). This indicator takes into account working hours employees serving production.

Production labor intensity, the formula of which is as follows:

Etc. = Ttechn. + Tobsl, (1.36)

where is Ttechn. - technological complexity;

Tobsl. - labor intensity of maintenance.

Labor intensity of management (Tupr.). It includes the labor of specialists, technical workers, managers, etc.

Total complexity, the formula of which is:

Tpol. = Ttechn. + Tobsl. + Tupr., (1.37)

where is Tupr. - complexity of management.

Labor productivity

Labor productivity is a measure (measurement) of labor efficiency. Increased productivity is an indicator of increased efficiency.

Labor productivity is measured by the amount of products (work performed, services provided) produced by an employee per unit of time. Labor productivity is the reciprocal of labor intensity, measured by the amount of time spent on a unit of output.

Mainly three types of labor productivity are considered: Actual labor productivity; available labor productivity; potential labor productivity.

Actual labor productivity (output) is inversely proportional to labor intensity and is determined from directly observed data using the formula:

Where is the actual output of products in units of measurement of a given type of product (pieces, ton, m 3, etc.);

Actual costs of living labor in time units (man-hours, etc.).

Available labor productivity is calculated value, which shows how many products can be produced under current conditions (for example, on existing equipment from available materials) if all downtime and delays are reduced to zero. Available labor productivity is determined by the formula:

where is the maximum achievable output in current conditions in units of measurement of a given type of product (available output);

The minimum required living labor costs in current conditions in units of time (available labor intensity).

Potential labor productivity is a calculated value that shows how much product can be produced within the theoretically achievable data natural conditions at a given level of development of civilization (for example, from the best materials available on the market using advanced technologies and installing the most modern equipment available on the market) if all downtime and delays are reduced to zero. Potential labor productivity is determined by the formula:

where is the maximum achievable output in given natural conditions at a given level of development of civilization in units of measurement of a given type of product (potential output);

The minimum required in given natural conditions at a given level of development of civilization is the cost of living labor in units of time (potential labor intensity).

What is the labor intensity formula and why do you need to calculate this indicator? This ratio is important for several reasons: it shows how efficiently the enterprise operates, and also serves as the basis for developing a production plan for the next reporting period and allows you to manage resources more efficiently.

What is “labor intensity”

The term “labor intensity” usually refers to the ratio of resources and time spent on their production. Typically measured in man-hours. Sometimes the word “production” is used as a synonym for the concept. Calculating this coefficient allows you to achieve the following goals:

  1. Calculate how much labor and time is needed to create a unit of finished product.
  2. Identify in which areas resources are being used productively and in which areas need optimization.
  3. Identify weak links in the technological process.
  4. Determine whether there is room to improve productivity.

The term “labor intensity” usually refers to the ratio of resources and time spent on their production.

Formula for calculating labor intensity

How to calculate labor intensity? To do this, you need to use the following formula: the working time for producing a certain number of products divided by the number of goods manufactured. Let's look at the formula and calculation example in more detail.

  1. To begin the calculation, you need to establish the exact amount of time that was used to produce a certain volume of products. This information is taken from time sheets. From of this document the number of man-hours is identified - units corresponding to one hour of working time of one person.
    To calculate the number of man-hours, you need to add up all the hours worked by all employees. Let’s say that an enterprise employs 5 people, their working day is 8 hours. For one shift the number of man-hours is 40 (5 people x 8 hours), for working week- 40 x 5 = 200.
  2. Next, you need to determine the total cost of all goods produced (services provided, etc.) during the specified time. This number must also be taken from the documentation.
  3. To calculate labor intensity, you need to divide the number of man-hours (first point) by the total cost of goods or services (second point). The resulting value is the labor intensity of a unit of production.

Let's look at the calculations using a specific example. During an 8-hour working day, 5 employees produced 100 units of goods, costing 80 rubles per unit. We count step by step.

  1. Number of man-hours: 5 people x 8 hours = 40 man-hours.
  2. The total cost of all products: 100 units of product x 80 = 8,000 rubles.
  3. Product labor intensity coefficient: 40 / 8,000 = 0.005.

How to interpret the ratio

Now you know how to find the labor intensity factor.

  1. The lower the value of the labor intensity coefficient, the higher the labor productivity.
  2. This indicator needs to be monitored over time - it should decrease, that is, labor productivity should increase. If it takes less time to produce the same volume of products, it means the technological process has been optimized and the professional skills of workers have improved.
  3. If, on the contrary, the value of the indicator has increased, you need to find the reason that complicates production. These could be problems with equipment, new raw materials, a new employee, or even a general decrease in motivation in the workforce.
  4. You need to compare the coefficient value not only with previous values, but also with planned ones. That is, based on the data obtained, you need to prepare a plan and include in it an equal or slightly reduced value of labor intensity for a similar reporting period.

What affects labor intensity?

On value this indicator influenced by a very significant number of factors. To competently analyze the data obtained, you need to know and take into account all influencing factors.

On every separate production This is our own list, but the most common are:

  1. Professionalism of the employees.
  2. Streamlined technological process, comfortable working conditions.
  3. Timely supply of raw materials.
  4. No problems with infrastructure and communications (no power outages, access roads are cleared, etc.).
  5. Motivation of workers, mood in the team and decent wages.

Why is specific labor intensity calculated?

Specific labor intensity is a value showing how much time is spent on producing one unit of product (good, service). Let's look at how this coefficient is calculated. It is inversely proportional to labor productivity and is calculated by dividing the number of workers by the amount of work in monetary terms.

Example: 5 workers produced 100 units of product in 1 shift at 80 rubles per unit. We already know that the labor intensity coefficient will be equal to 0.005. What value will the specific labor intensity get? 5 / 8,000 = 0.000625.

Is it possible to calculate labor intensity for a production program?

The complexity of the production program is an important factor, which will show how many man-hours will have to be spent to complete the entire production plan. It can be either planned - that is, calculated before the start of the program, or final - to estimate how many man-hours it took to produce a given amount of products in fact.

It is not difficult to calculate this coefficient - you need to multiply the amount of production provided for by the plan by the time spent (in man-hours) to produce one unit of goods. For example, production program involves the production of 1000 units of products, at a cost of 2.5 man-hours per unit. 1000 x 2.5 = 2500 man-hours.

Economists distinguish several types of labor intensity.

Types of labor intensity

Above are the two most common types of output in practice: production and specific. However, economists identify several more types of labor intensity:

  1. Technological labor intensity implies an assessment of the time costs of all workers.
  2. Maintenance - on the contrary, shows how much time was spent on auxiliary workers.
  3. Production - is the sum of the values ​​of technological labor intensity and maintenance, that is, the time costs of main and auxiliary workers.
  4. Management - records the time spent by process managers.
  5. Construction of an object is a special case of labor intensity, it shows how many man-hours will be spent on the entire process of constructing the object.

How to calculate labor costs

Labor costs are the entire amount of money payable to employees for the reporting period. The formula for labor costs is quite simple. Necessary average annual number employees multiplied by the average salary of one employee.

As an example, let’s calculate monthly labor costs for an enterprise with 15 employees and an average salary of 27 thousand rubles. 15 x 27,000 = 405 thousand rubles. If you need to get the value for the year, then the monthly costs need to be multiplied by 12: 405,000 x 12 = 4,860,000 rubles.

How to optimize labor intensity

The main result of the calculation of output should be the analysis, which will show which components of the technological process need to be improved. Of course, for everyone separate enterprise Optimization paths will be different, but in general the following options can be mentioned:

  • increasing the professionalism of employees, retraining;
  • implementation modern technologies and innovation;
  • improving logistics;
  • analysis and improvement of the technological process;
  • use of higher quality raw materials.