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Certificate of safekeeping. Acts on acceptance and transfer of goods and services - basic rules for drafting. Legal addresses and bank details of the parties

Represents important document an established sample that describes the characteristics of the goods received or transferred. The cost of the product must be specified in the act. Without similar document indispensable for entrepreneurs whose activities are related to trade or supply of goods.

Definition of the act of acceptance and transfer of goods

An act of acceptance and transfer of goods is a document that is drawn up to confirm the fact of transfer of goods from one person to another. Typically used when moving products under a storage or commission agreement.

Usually, when selling, an invoice drawn up according to a certain sample is sufficient. If the contract provides for the drawing up and signing of an act, it will not be possible to do without it according to the law.

An act is a two-sided document that must be drawn up in more than one copy:

  • One of them must be permanently kept by the trading organization that purchased the products.
  • The second is from a company that sells and supplies goods.

Video: what is the act of accepting the transfer of goods and its features

Mandatory details that must be in the act

Russian legislation does not approve a specific form of the goods acceptance certificate, but there is data that must be included in it:

  • The name of the document and the address of its preparation.
  • Formation date.
  • Detailed information about the parties who enter into the transaction - passport details, full name, TIN, citizenship, registration address and contact numbers.
  • The entire range ( full list) goods that are subject to transfer under the contract, indicating their quantity.
  • Data on the quality characteristics of the product and possible defects, if any.
  • The contract number, which is registered in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation and serves as the basis for drawing up the specified document.
  • total cost goods.
  • Possible claims.
  • Signatures of the parties and seals of both organizations.

If any defects in the product were discovered after its receipt, the receiving party may demand full compensation for the damage or return the similar product to the supplier and replace it with a new one. To do this, you will need to send a letter of claim indicating product defects.

Even during transfer and transportation, goods may be lost. The recipient should definitely take care of such a case and indicate in the contract a clause on compensation for losses in the event of an unpleasant situation. IN otherwise get cash It will not work for lost goods.

The acceptance certificate can be drawn up not only for a whole batch, but also for a single product. Often both parties decide on a certain frequency of drawing up the document.

Certificate of acceptance and transfer of goods to the buyer

federal Service State statistics back in August 1999 approved the basic form of the act of acceptance and transfer of goods to the buyer. In addition to the basic design requirements indicated above, the document must include:

  • The serial number of the act itself;
  • OKPO (all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations) and OKUD (all-Russian classifier management documentation);
  • Types of activities according to OKPO and OKUD;
  • Final product indicators.

The conditions for storing and transporting goods must be specified in the document. This will avoid the occurrence of controversial situations in the event of loss or damage to products.

Certificate of acceptance and transfer of goods for storage

When concluding a custody agreement, a number of requirements will be required: additional documents, including the act of acceptance and transfer of goods for storage. This is a document that, upon the actual transfer of inventory items for storage specialized organization. When signing the act, responsibility for the safety of the product is automatically transferred to the custodian for the entire term of the contract.

Transferring products for storage is also possible using a regular delivery note. Only it must contain clauses stating that the goods have been transferred for temporary maintenance. Russian legislation does not regulate a specific form of the act.

In order to take into account goods received for storage:

  • The MX-1 form is used.
  • The acceptance certificate must be drawn up within the framework of a previously concluded agreement.
  • The number of copies of the act is specified separately for each specific case.

If the products have already been actually transferred for storage, the act should be drawn up immediately - within one hour and in triplicate.

In some cases, the MX-1 form may have other names such as:

  • Certificate of Responsible Storage.
  • An act of transfer of goods for storage.
  • Certificate of transfer of goods and materials and acceptance and transfer to the warehouse.

It is important to know that all these documents are prepared in the same way.

The deed in the unified form MX-1 must be drawn up by the depositor and signed by the custodian, that is, the receiving party. Warehouse employees must be present when registering. It is advisable that the warehouse manager be on site.

Storage can be professional or domestic. The latter is often spontaneous in nature, which requires the prompt conclusion of a transaction that was not planned in advance. To category professional storage perishable products enter.

Immediately before drawing up and signing the act, you will need to draw up a storage agreement. It specifies the number of tranches for the transfer of goods and the quantity of goods that are planned to be transferred.

Unlike the act of acceptance and transfer of goods, this document has its own design features and rules of execution. As for the requirements for basic information about organizations and the structure of the document, they are no different in in this case.

The act of acceptance and transfer of services is an addition to a pre-drafted agreement. The contract must include the following information:

  • Form of the act, terms of its preparation and signing.
  • List of responsible persons who have the right to sign.
  • Basic requirements for the content of the act.

The document must reflect the types and costs of work or services performed. Unified form this act does not exist. The only exception may be construction and installation services for which it is designed standard form KS-2. The act of acceptance of the transfer of services provided can be written in any form, but it must contain the following data:

  • Detailed information about the contractor and customer.
  • Period of service provision.
  • Details of the parties' representatives.
  • The total cost of the services provided.
  • Summary information table.
  • A document that confirms the legality of the actions of the representatives of the parties.
  • Positions, signatures and seals of the parties.

The absence of some points may lead to the cancellation of the act, as it will be considered invalid. By agreement of the parties, the document may include additional items and requirements.

The acceptance certificate must be drawn up and signed by the party providing the services. Only then is the document sent to the customer for signature. One copy must remain with the contractor, and the second with the customer, so that in case of an emergency conflict situation they could resolve the dispute through official means.

The act of acceptance and transfer of services provided is a legal document, the preparation of which must adhere to certain requirements and standards.

As for the form of the act, it can be independently determined by both parties. Sometimes a ready-made form is contained in an appendix to the contract. Experts recommend making a reference in the agreement itself to the document attached to it, that is, the appendix.

If the requirements for the content of the act have not been agreed upon, it can be drawn up in any form. But a list of services, information about their volume and other data must be present.

Any act of acceptance and transfer (of goods, on safekeeping, services) must be correctly drafted so that no disputes arise regarding the rights and obligations of the parties.

Secure storage is due to the imposed obligations of the supplier of the goods to its recipient in ensuring the conditions of safety of the delivered products.

This measure is applied when the seller delivers an item of purchase that is not satisfactory in quality to the buyer, who has expressed his desire to arrange for its return or replacement. What are the nuances of the procedure, and how can it be formalized?

Responsible storage

Essence of the event The procedure for accepting goods for safekeeping is regulated by regulations legal act

, clarifying the conditions under which it can be realized. The operation is formalized when the buyer refuses to accept the product due to the characteristics of the delivered object not meeting the stated parameters, or for personal reasons of the recipient.

The essence of the procedure is to impose obligations on the buyer to preserve products for which they have not yet paid money, and to provide the supplier with conditions for returning the goods in appropriate condition.

Since in the current situation storage is an unforeseen circumstance, it is carried out on non-contractual terms. This position indicates the gratuitous nature of the service. Expenses incurred in the course of its provision are not subject to compensation. Due to the current circumstances, it is not possible to draw up a standard storage agreement in such a situation, therefore obligations are recorded through an act of transfer for safekeeping, a sample of which can be found on the Internet.

Why is the procedure necessary?

In the event of an unfavorable combination of circumstances due to the need to return the goods, it is transferred by deed to storage if the seller is not able to immediately pick it up. The reason for his slowness may be:

    • transportation problems;
    • lack of funds or time to organize return delivery;
    • unavailability of the seller's warehouse to accept the goods back.

In such situations, it is important to draw up a deed of storage. According to it, the parties to the original agreement come to an agreement that the goods to be returned until their transfer is required will be in the warehouse of the buyer, who assumes the responsibility to ensure appropriate storage of the products and their safety.

The law defines the buyer’s right to return the goods after concluding a transaction and fulfilling the seller’s obligations to deliver the item purchased only if it maintains its quantitative and qualitative characteristics.

After registering the goods for storage, the recipient must ensure the safety of its quantitative and qualitative indicators. The seller undertakes to vacate the buyer's warehouse no later than the deadlines established by agreement between the parties.

If the supplier does not meet the deadlines, then he needs to negotiate with the recipient about their extension. The buyer has the right not to agree to such an offer and dispose of the goods at his own discretion. If it is returned to the supplier, they must be compensated for all costs incurred by the recipient for transportation.

in a person acting on the basis, hereinafter referred to as " The keeper", on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of, hereinafter referred to as " Client", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", have concluded genuine contract, further " Agreement”, about the following:


1.1. The subject of this Agreement is the acceptance and storage in a warehouse owned by the Keeper of goods on the terms specified in this agreement, hereinafter referred to as the Goods.

1.2. The storage of goods is carried out by the Custodian in a secure premises located at the address: . At this warehouse, the Keeper is obliged to accept the Goods for storage and release them on the following days and hours.


2.1. For storage of goods, the Client pays the Custodian a fee in the amount of rubles per sq.m. including VAT per month based on the occupied space. Cost of organizing loading and unloading operations: rubles per 1 ton, or rubles per m3 (for one operation).

2.2. Payment for the services provided by the Custodian is carried out by the Client per month during banking days on the basis of issued invoices. Within days from the moment of payment of the invoice, the Custodian issues a certificate of completion of work and issues an invoice.

2.3. The amount of remuneration includes all expenses of the Custodian related to the fulfillment of its obligations under this agreement.


3.1. The client is obliged:

3.1.1. Check the quantity and quality of Goods transferred for storage;

3.1.2. Transfer the goods to the Custodian according to the goods acceptance certificate (Appendix No. to the agreement).

3.1.3. Pay for the Custodian's services in the manner prescribed by Section 2 of this agreement.

3.2. The custodian is obliged:

3.2.1. Comply with the storage conditions for goods provided for in clause 1.2 of this Agreement.

3.2.2. Exclude the possibility of transferring goods transferred for storage to other persons without the Client’s permission.

3.2.3. Keep records and provide upon request to the Client reports on the quantity of stored goods.

3.2.4. Eliminate the possibility of third parties having access to stored goods.

3.2.5. If necessary, organize round-the-clock reception of goods for an additional fee.

3.2.6. The custodian ensures proper protection of the goods.

3.2.7. Organize loading and unloading operations when accepting goods for storage, as well as when issuing goods by order of the Client to third parties.

3.2.8. Issue to in full or partial goods to the Client upon request. Issue in full is carried out in the absence of debt on invoices for the services of the Custodian.

3.2.9. Upon written instructions from the Client, transfer the specified quantity of goods to third parties.

3.2.10. The Custodian is obliged to provide the Client with the opportunity to check, inspect and count the stored goods.

3.3. The custodian has no right to use the goods transferred to him for storage.


4.1. Acceptance of goods by the Keeper from the Client and delivery of goods by the Keeper to the Client (third parties) is carried out by an authorized employee of the Keeper.

4.2. When accepting goods for safekeeping, a certificate of acceptance and transfer of goods storage is drawn up in 2 copies, one copy for each of the parties.

4.3. Issuance of goods by the Custodian to a third party or representative of the Client is carried out upon presentation administrative document(invoice, power of attorney) issued by the Client.


5.1. The keeper is responsible for loss, shortage or damage to goods accepted for storage.

5.2. The Custodian is obliged to compensate the Client for losses caused to the Client by loss, shortage or damage to the goods.

5.3. If one of the Parties discovers loss, shortage or damage to the goods (including deterioration in the quality of the goods), the Party that discovered them must immediately notify the other Party about this. Based on the results of a joint inspection of the goods, the Parties draw up a report in which they indicate:

  • quantity of lost (damaged or missing) goods;
  • the estimated (sale) value of the lost (damaged or missing) goods and is accepted by the parties as the amount to be reimbursed by the Keeper in accordance with this paragraph.
The Custodian is obliged, within days from the date of drawing up the act, to pay the Client the amount specified in the act.

5.4. The custodian has the right to use as security for obligations under this agreement the retention of goods transferred for storage in the event of non-fulfillment or improper execution The client's obligations under this agreement.

5.5. The liability of the Parties in other cases is determined in accordance with current legislation RF.


6.1. Neither Party is liable to the other Party for failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement due to force majeure circumstances, i.e. extraordinary and unpreventable circumstances under given conditions, including declared or actual war, civil unrest, epidemics, blockade, embargo, fires, earthquakes, floods and other natural natural disasters, as well as the publication of acts of government bodies.

6.2. A certificate issued by the relevant chamber of commerce and industry or other competent authority is sufficient evidence of the existence and duration of force majeure.

6.3. A Party that fails to fulfill its obligation due to force majeure must immediately notify the other Party of such circumstances and their impact on the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement.

6.4. If force majeure circumstances persist for consecutive months, this Agreement may be terminated by either Party by sending written notice to the other Party.


7.1. All disputes or disagreements arising between the Parties under this Agreement or in connection with it shall be resolved through negotiations between the Parties.

7.2. If it is impossible to resolve disagreements through negotiations, they are subject to consideration in arbitration court d. in accordance with the legislation Russian Federation in order.


8.1. Any changes and additions to this Agreement are valid only if they are drawn up in in writing and signed by both Parties.

8.2. This Agreement may be terminated by the Client in unilaterally in case of cancellation of the Custodian's documents giving him the right to carry out temporary storage activities.

8.3. Early dissolution The contract may take place by agreement of the parties, or on the grounds provided for by law Russian Federation.

8.4. The Party that decides to terminate this Agreement must send written notice of its intention to terminate this Agreement to the other Party no later than days before the expected moment of termination of this Agreement.


9.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of signing and is valid until 2020.

9.2. If any of the Parties changes the legal address, name, bank details, etc., it is obliged to notify the other Party in writing within days, and the letter must indicate that it is an integral part of this Agreement.

9.4. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one copy for each of the Parties.

9.5. All documents transmitted by the parties by fax are valid until the parties receive the originals.

9.6. If, no later than days before the end of the contract, neither party declares in writing that they do not want to extend this contract, the contract is automatically extended each time for the same period.


The keeper

Client Legal address: Postal address: INN: KPP: Bank: Cash/account: Correspondent/account: BIC:

In the current activities of any company, a situation may arise in which it becomes necessary to transfer property for temporary storage to another enterprise. In this case, a special document is created - an act of acceptance of the transfer for safekeeping.


What is included in the concept of “responsible storage”

In general, in Russian legislation there is no such term. In practice, it is understood as the transfer of inventory assets from one person to another (individual or legal) for any period of time under full financial liability for a fee. The storage location is usually a warehouse or other premises intended for this purpose (for example, a hangar, garage, base, etc.).

What goods can be transferred for safekeeping

Since the acceptance of inventory items for storage under responsibility is a professional entrepreneurial activity, not strictly regulated by law, the list of goods is always determined individually. Typically, any products, equipment, machinery, vehicles, etc. are accepted for storage, that is, everything except perishable food products.

Why is the act needed, its meaning

The role of the act of acceptance and transfer for safekeeping is quite simple - it certifies the fact that the company’s property has passed into other hands for a certain period of time. The document consolidates the validity of a previously concluded agreement, in other words, it serves as confirmation of the fulfillment of one of the fundamental conditions of the contractual relationship.

From the moment the act is signed, all responsibility for the safety of the property passes to the party that accepted it.

If the product is damaged in any way, it is partially or completely lost, on the basis of this act, in the future it will be possible to file a claim in court to recover the damage caused.

If the inventory items are returned in full and within the established period, then it will be necessary to draw up a new act indicating this.

At what point is the document created?

The act is always drawn up immediately at the time of acceptance and transfer of inventory items. This is the date that must be put on the document. The act is usually filled out by a representative of the receiving company.

How to form an act, features of the form

If you are studying this material, which means that you are almost certainly tasked with creating an act of acceptance and transfer for safekeeping. Before giving you a detailed understanding of the document, we will provide general information that is relevant to all such papers.

Firstly, keep in mind that today the unified forms have been cancelled, that is, almost any acts can now be written in any form. Of course, if the management of your organization has established a requirement for the formation of this act according to the template in force within the company, you should make the document according to its type. It is also permissible to draw up an act according to the previously mandatory sample - form MX-1 - this option frees you from the need to fully think through the structure and content of the document. In addition, at your discretion and depending on the circumstances, you can expand it or, on the contrary, remove unnecessary rows and tables from it. It is good if the type of form (standard or not) is indicated in the local papers of the enterprise.

Secondly, you can take a regular sheet of any format convenient for you for the act - preferably A4 or A5, or company letterhead. You can fill out the document manually or enter necessary information on the computer, in this case, if you chose the second method, after final formation, print out the act - this is necessary so that those present at the acceptance and transfer of inventory items for safekeeping can sign their autographs under it.

Make the deed in two copies - give one of them to the representative of the company from which you accepted the property, keep the second one for yourself. It will be useful if a claim is made against you for damage or loss of goods. If necessary, you can duplicate the act, just be sure to certify all copies with the necessary signatures.

Enter information about the act in a special accounting journal - it should be in every organization that provides services for storing other people's property. Keep the document for the period established by law or for the period specified in accounting policy your company.

Sample acceptance certificate for safekeeping

Finally we come to the main part of our article - the example. We took the previously generally used form MX-1 as a basis. It must be said that although this document is not particularly difficult, it has some subtleties and nuances that are worth focusing on. Using our recommendations and based on the sample presented below, you can easily create your own act.

  • At the beginning of the document, write the name and address of the company that takes inventory items for safekeeping,
  • then the name structural unit, where the received property will be located.
  • Next, in the same way, enter information about the organization that is temporarily parting with its property.
  • On the right side of the sign, indicate the OKPO codes of both companies, give a link to the agreement under which you are acting (note the number and date of its conclusion).
  • After this, also number and date the act itself.

Then comes the main block. Here the fact of acceptance and transfer of property is automatically recorded; you only need to enter the exact name of the storage location and the period during which it should be carried out. In the plate below, indicate the identification characteristics of the accepted values ​​(name, quantity, cost, etc.).

But on the reverse side of the form, summarize: how many inventory items were accepted and for what amount. Certify the document with the necessary signatures, indicating the positions and full names of the responsible persons.