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Prime Crime is new for thieves. He is called the main thief of Russia. He quietly did very high-profile cases. Up a criminal career

Big changes await the criminal world in Russia: the former dangerous bandit and thief in law Ilya Georgievich Simonia, aka Makho, is gaining strength and authority again after many years of oblivion. Now the criminal is 62 years old, he is healthy, energetic and intends to gain control over Siberia. He has not forgotten how a little more than 25 years ago he controlled the entire Irkutsk region, and his worst enemies took away the precious title, power and authority. But now that most of them have been killed, he is recruiting supporters to return to his previous position.

Maho's worst enemies

Ilya Simonia is a thief-like person known throughout Siberia. The Georgian juvenile criminal received the coveted title of thief in law even before he came of age and still strictly follows the criminal code. The main of his postulates: not to have a family (it is important not to have weaknesses and pressure points), and under no circumstances cooperate with law enforcement agencies. Makho respected the laws of thieves so much that he was once again hidden behind bars only because he did not go to check in with the district police officer.

But even this did not help him retain the title of a real thief in law. Back in 1993, the two most powerful persons of the underworld, Yaponchik and Ded Khasan, deprived Maho of his former authority due to a serious conflict in which many other bandits were involved.

According to the Crime Portal "Prime Crime", the beginning of a fierce conflict between Ivankov and Simonia was laid back in the 80s, when both criminals spent their next term in Tulun prison.

Each of the thieves' authorities had supporters behind their backs, which consisted mainly of active prisoners and already released bandits. Ivankov was the first to stir up the conflict, calling Makho's group "lavrushniki" because, in his opinion, Simony's supporters were buying themselves the title of "thief in law" for money. The situation became more complicated after Yaponchik refused to publicly recognize the high-profile thieves' title of Maho himself. Ivankov believed that a person who was previously a Komsomol member and committed a murder for hire cannot become a real thief in law.

Simony did not like to remain in debt, so he tried to organize a conspiracy against Yaponchik, the purpose of which was to publicly deprive Ivankov of the thieves' title and the subsequent murder. As long as Makho and Yaponchik were in prison, the prison walls held back the conflict. But in the early 90s, both authorities were released.

In addition to personal joint claims, Makho and Yaponchik had one general subject claims - Irkutsk region (one of the largest regions in all of Russia). Simonia chose the city of Irkutsk as the place of his activity and immediately set about recruiting local organized crime groups, regardless of their size and ideas. The main goal was to attract as many supporters as possible who recognized the authority and title of the thief of Maho. With such a powerful and numerous group, Maho tried in every possible way to prevent Yaponchik, who also crowned his entourage.

Time of war

Yaponchik was aware of most of the key steps of Maho, therefore he took a serious step: he crowned Fighter (Sergei Boytsov) and Alexander Moiseev (Masu) as thieves in law. Simonia, realizing how strong the competition between the three united thieves in law is, initiates a thieves' gathering in Tbilisi in 1990. In a trumped-up case at a meeting, Masya is deprived of his thief's title and sentenced to death. A few days after this gathering, Alexander Moiseev will be blown up in a car by an anti-tank mine of such power that only an examination will be able to recognize a person by the remains.

To say that Ivankov was furious is to say nothing. He decides that it is time to end the conflict and sends the zones a message or "run", where he argues why Maho has no right to be called a thief in law and must be eliminated. In parallel with this, Yaponchik organizes several unsuccessful assassination attempts on his enemy.

Makho, realizing that the case smelled fried, decides to seek support from the Moscow bandits. And even, it would seem, it gets. But this does not make Simony any easier, and he also decides to turn to the St. Petersburg criminals, but to no avail.

Since too many reputable bandits were involved in the conflict between Yaponchik and Makho to bring the matter to naught, in December 1993, a thieves' gathering again gathered in one of the coolest Moscow restaurants. Contrary to Maho's expectations, the case at the meeting takes a turn against him. The authoritative thief in law grandfather Khasan supported Yaponchik's proposal to deprive Makho of the thieves' title. Georgian Simonia immediately got into a fight with Hasan, but was quickly restrained by other members of the gathering. Almost no one supported Maho in the thieves' vote, and he was forced to leave the restaurant in disgrace.

After weighing all the pros and cons, Maho realized that his only way to save his life was to go into a lull. Immediately after Simonia was de-crowned, his entire group lost its authority in the Irkutsk region and the protection of the common fund. From that moment on, Tyurik, a newly-made thief in law, who was crowned by Yaponchik himself shortly before the overthrow of Makho, became the main stalker in the Irkutsk region.

The only hope for strengthening the positions of Simonia, who lay at the bottom, remained his longtime supporter - the thief in law Scott Tbilissky (Paat Gudashauri). But in the spring of 1994 he was shot from a Kalashnikov machine gun by Yaponchik's men. Thus, the latter wanted to avenge Maho for the death of his friend Masi. A little later in the summer in Sochi, an attempt was made on the car in which Simonya VAZ 2109 was driving. The unidentified persons put the tire on the road and began fiercely shooting at the skidding car. The driver died on the spot from many bullet wounds, and Maho somehow miraculously managed to get out of the shelling and hide.

In view of such a fierce assassination attempt, Simonia decides to hide in the city on the Neva, but he still does not lose hope of retaining power in the Irkutsk region, even remotely. For this, Maho periodically sends a few henchmen to Irkutsk for a new recruitment. But after his comrades-in-arms, crime bosses, are shot in their own home, Maho's ambitious hopes die.

Step back

After a series of failures, Maho falls to the bottom, and for many years the criminal community does not receive news about him. It is only known that in 1997 Simonia decides to visit her former patrimony - Irkutsk, but local authorities and former associates meet him very coldly. The thief somehow needs to live, so he creates a new gang, consisting of petty criminals, and personally goes out on the high road, robbing trucks of truckers. Here, luck again shows Makho's back, and he falls into the hands of the police.

After serving a little over a year for petty robbery and having made certain conclusions in prison, Ilya Simonia understood that he would not be able to return his previous title in Irkutsk, and then he decided to go to Moscow. But it was in this region that his sworn enemies were as strong as possible, so Mahi's attempts to regain the title of thief in law were unsuccessful.

In a little over ten years of silence, in 2009 Ilya Simonia appears for the first time since he was de-crowned in the official news bulletins. As it turned out, the Georgian criminal element put together a small gang of thieves-purse-makers and robbed the cars of women on the Leningradskoe highway. At the same time, the organized criminal group was quickly caught, all the criminals were detained and received rather large prison sentences. Oddly enough, Maho got off the easiest, since in these cases with car thefts he passed as a driver. The result was 5 years in prison, and that was only because Simonia by that time was already a recidivist thief.

Shortly before Makho and his group were detained in the north by the white-stone, approximately in the same area of ​​the capital, Simonia's sworn enemy, Yaponchik, received a gunshot wound, from which he would later die. On July 28, Vyacheslav Ivankov was leaving the Thai Elephant establishment, and there he was shot in the groin area. Yaponchik was immediately hospitalized, for more than a month the doctors fought for his life. But already at the beginning of autumn, the thief in law suffered clinical death, after which he died from acute peritonitis. Note that the murder of Ivankov is still an unsolved and mysterious case today. It practically lacks leads for investigators and indicates too large a circle of suspects, the main of whom is Ilya Simonia.

From the point of view of the investigation, everything converged on this issue: the long-term enmity between two authoritative thieves in law, and the crime scene (north of Moscow), and even the hired murder that Maho allegedly committed a long time ago. Investigators in the case of Yaponchik's murder tried many times to cooperate with the Georgian criminal, but Simonia too strongly honored the thieves' laws to agree to at least some kind of cooperation with the investigation. He also refused to give any testimony after he was transported from Tyumen to Moscow especially for the Yaponchik case. But here, too, Maho remained true to his principles.

Maho's curse

At the time of 2013, while Ilya Simonia was still in places not so remote, he received another great news for himself: his second sworn enemy Ded Hasan left this world, and in the same way as Yaponchik. At the beginning of winter, Aslan Usoyan was going to have lunch at his favorite Moscow restaurant “Old Phaeton”, but this was not destined to come true, since at the entrance to the institution he was shot by an unknown killer. This crime also remains unsolved to this day. Investigators would be happy to bring Simony back to him, but he had a reinforced concrete prison alibi.

Maho had every reason to count on the return of the thief's title to himself, since his worst enemies are dead and there will be no one to oppose his goals so fiercely. However, here a new character appears on the main stage - Shakro Molodoy (Zakhary Kalashov). He gathered under his auspices many brigades, common fund and behaved in a manner appropriate to the leader. Shakro did not see any point in helping Simony to regain the title of thief in law, however, he did not openly hinder him, publicly maintaining neutrality.

But if such a phenomenon as the "Curse of Maho" took place in the world, then in the case of Shakro it again revealed itself. Before Kalashov had time to spread his wings, he was hidden in a strict regime colony for 10 years under the article “Extortion”. One way or another, all the enemies of Simonia left this world and the investigation can only guess whether he had anything to do with this or not.

As for Maho himself, he is currently at large, has not retired from criminal cases, will not fall into the hands of law enforcement agencies and does not get into high-profile cases. Perhaps his life as a thief would have continued in this way, until in the fall it became known that the Sukhumi thieves clan became interested in the person of Simonia. At the moment, he is considered the most powerful in all of Russia.

V criminal world A significant event took place in Russia: 62-year-old Ilya Simonia, known in criminal circles as Maho, was returned to the title of a thief. This happened 26 years after Maho was uncrowned by powerful enemies - (Yaponchik) and (Ded Hasan). The authority that once controlled the Irkutsk region became an exile and spent many years in oblivion. But his once formidable enemies, one after another, went to the next world - perhaps not without the participation of Maho - and he not only regained the title of thieves, but also found strong allies. And this means that in the criminal world of Siberia, a large redistribution may begin. I recalled the story of the main apostate of the thieves' world, full of drama.

Sworn enemies

Ilya Simonia, nicknamed Maho, is a big figure in the criminal world of Russia. Since he received his title of thieves at the age of 16 (!!!), Simonia strictly followed the thieves' code, never abandoned his criminal lifestyle and often ended up behind bars. One of his many criminal cases in 2017, the Georgian authority received only because he evaded administrative supervision - he did not report to the police at his place of residence on a monthly basis. Thus, Maho made problems, but did not break his main principle: do not make any contact with.

However, being the real authority of the "old school", Maho for 26 years - since the distant 1993 - was deprived of the thief's title. The reason for this was his conflict with thieves in law Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik) and Aslan Usoyan (Ded Khasan), perhaps the most influential figures in the underworld of the former USSR. According to the Prime Crime news agency, the conflict between Makho and Yaponchik began in the Irkutsk region in the late 1980s, when they were both serving sentences in the Tulun prison.

Each of the thieves stood at the head of their own group of prisoners, and a conflict arose between the parties over time. Yaponchik blamed the Caucasian authorities for buying thieves' titles for money, and contemptuously called them "lavrushniki". And Makho, in his opinion, could not be a thief in law at all, because even before his arrest he was a member of the Komsomol and committed murder for hire, which is contrary to the thieves' code. Makho, however, paid his opponent in the same coin: he began to incite his supporters among the prisoners so that they would not recognize Yaponchik as a thief in law.

By the beginning of the 90s, both authorities were at large - but only in order to start a fierce war for the Irkutsk region, one of the largest regions of Russia. Makho himself settled in Irkutsk and began to consolidate local organized criminal groups (OPGs) around him. The criminals reached out to him and his entourage, as to the carriers of the thieves' idea. Makho also managed to unite the Irkutsk thieves' common fund under his auspices and give the titles of thieves to several representatives of the underworld of the Irkutsk region. At the same time, the Georgian group under the leadership of Makho opposed in every possible way that Yaponchik crowned his supporters - potential competitors in the struggle for the region.

Killer time

Further events developed in the spirit of the dashing 90s: in the summer of 1990, Yaponchik declared (Fighter) and (Masya) thieves in law. The response to this was a thieves' meeting convened in Tbilisi at the suggestion of Makho: at it Masya was stripped of the thief's title and sentenced to death. On June 12, 1991, the car of Yaponchik's henchman was blown up by an anti-tank mine - its pieces were scattered 100 meters from the epicenter of the explosion.

In response to this, in November 1991, Yaponchik sent a "run" (thief's message) to the zones, in which he announced that Makho was not a thief in law and had to be liquidated. Then the Georgian authority hastened to enlist the support of the Moscow underworld, after which Yaponchik was allegedly asked to stop attacking his opponent. However, given the enormous influence of the enemy, Makho did not feel calmer from the support from Moscow - and he tried to enlist the support of the criminals of St. Petersburg. But in the northern capital, the thief in law was advised to finally resolve his issue in Moscow.

For this, in December 1993, a large thieves' meeting took place in one of the capital's restaurants. True, the events on it began to develop not in favor of Makho: Ded Khasan supported Yaponchik and announced to the Georgian authority that from that moment on he was no longer a thief in law. In response, Maho pounced on Hasan with his fists and promised to get even with him. But almost no one supported the de-crowned thief at the meeting. After this story, Maho realized that his business was bad, and hastened to "lay low." The exile's entourage quickly lost power in the Irkutsk region, and the thief-in-law Tyurik, who had recently been crowned Yaponchik, became its supervisor.

One of the last influential supporters of Makho in Irkutsk was the thief in law Paat Gudashauri (Scott Tbilissky). On June 10, 1994, the killers shot him with a Kalashnikov assault rifle. It happened three years after Masya was blown up by an anti-tank mine: probably Yaponchik's supporters took revenge for this death. And at the end of August of the same year in Sochi, a VAZ-2109 car in which Makho was traveling was shot: the driver died, and the thief survived only by a miracle. Then he decided to hide in St. Petersburg, from where he sometimes sent his "governors" to Irkutsk. But this scheme did not work: in March 1996, Makho's envoys, crime bosses David Khmiadashvili and Bakuri Kalandadze, were shot in their Irkutsk apartment.

Went into denial

Since the mid-90s, little has been heard about Maho in the criminal world. As "Prime Crime" notes, in April 1997, the authority suddenly decided to visit Irkutsk, which had become his own, - however, the former honor was out of the question. Once the main thief of the region, Maho put together his own gang, personally went out on the high road and began robbing truckers at night. True, this hunt for trucks was short-lived: on August 8, the former thief in law was caught by operatives.

At the beginning of the 2000s, Makho switched from Siberia to the capital region, where he tried with all his might to regain the title of thieves. But the duet of Yaponchik and Ded Khasan blocked any of his attempts. And in September 2009, the name of 52-year-old Makho got into crime reports for the first time in many years: he was detained in the north of Moscow. As it turned out, the authority created a gang of borsetochniks who robbed the cars of lonely women drivers who parked on the side of the Leningradskoye Highway. At the same time, Maho himself played the role of a driver in the gang. It is because of this fact that the term of the former thief turned out to be rather soft: he received five years.

Frame: NTV

Meanwhile, just a month before the arrest of Makho in the same place in the north of Moscow, his worst enemy Yaponchik was mortally wounded. On July 28, 2009, the killer fired a bullet into the belly of a thief in law from a sniper rifle when Yaponchik was leaving the Thai Elephant restaurant on Khoroshevskoye Shosse. It was not possible to save the authority: in September he suffered clinical death, then was put into a drug-induced sleep and died in October. The murder of Yaponchik still remains one of the main unsolved crimes in history. modern Russia- but Maho was suspected of involvement in him from the very beginning.

Everything converged: the northern part of the city, the old feud and even the murder for hire, which Maho once committed. In the fall of 2009, investigators tried to interrogate him in the case of an attempt on Yaponchik's life - but the former thief, as always, refused. Nor did he give samples of sweat-salivary secretions, which the detectives wanted to compare with those found at the Thai Elephant. In July 2012, Moscow investigators again tried to work with Makho in the investigation of the Yaponchik case: for this, the former thief was even convoyed to the capital from the Tyumen colony. But he did not help in the investigation.

Big redistribution

Meanwhile, while Maho was serving his term, his second sworn enemy did not become. In January 2013, at the entrance to the Old Phaeton restaurant on Povarskaya Street, an unknown killer shot 76-year-old Ded Khasan. As in the case of the murder of Yaponchik, this crime still remains unsolved. It would seem that the enemies are dead, which means that Maho can regain his thieves' title. However, the new leader of the Russian underworld was (Shakro Molodoy), a supporter of Ded Khasan. And although Kalashov did not directly oppose Maho returning his title, he did not particularly strive to help him in this.

What is curious about Maho's story, however, is that all of his opponents ended up badly in one way or another. So Shakro did not last long as the king of criminal Russia: in March 2018, he received 9 years and 10 months in a colony. strict regime for extortion. As for Maho, all these years he has been quietly engaged in his criminal affairs, now finding himself in the field of view of law enforcement agencies, now going into the shadows. But in the fall of 2019, the Sukhumi thieves' clan - perhaps the most powerful of the existing ones - suddenly became interested in his fate.

The Sukhumites gathered in Italy a thieves 'gathering, which was organized by (Sukhumsky) - the leader of the thieves' clan. It was also attended by crime bosses from the European environment Dzhangveladze and Maho himself. The participants in the meeting called all the representatives of the criminal world who were related to the history of the former thief. And this time none of the interviewed authorities objected to Maho returning his title of thieves.

Shakro Molodoy did not object either. The only one who spoke out against was Shakro's Moscow successor, Badri Koguashvili (Kutaissky), but his opinion was ignored by the majority. So, after more than a quarter of a century, Ilya Simonia, nicknamed Maho, again became a thief in law and found powerful allies. Now, as Prime Crime notes, Makho in the Irkutsk region will inevitably have a conflict of interest with Tyurik. This, in turn, can lead to a change in the balance of power in the criminal world of this region, and possibly the entire country.

Feedback from the department "":

If you witnessed important event, if you have news or an idea for a material, write to this address: [email protected]

That he was not detained together with thieves "in law" in Karlovy Vary, but he had the imprudence to use the words "nonsense", "commercial" and "Prime Crime" in one sentence, and this is already a matter of our prestige and professional honor.

On what does Tatulyan "rely" himself, calling our information "nonsense", and what in these documents so discouraged the TV channel "Russia" that forced to remove the plot prepared on the basis of our material from the air? We read carefully:

“The Police Department for Foreigners of the Regional Police Directorate of the Karlovy Vary Region, on the basis of a request received from May 15, 2017, informs that on May 13, 2017, during the control of residence in Karlovy Vary, no restriction of personal freedom was applied to Ruben Tatulyan, nor is any criminal or other proceedings ".

In fact, the report of the Czech police not only does not refute our information, but fully confirms it. Translated from the clerical language into an understandable one, it turns out that on May 13, 2017, the police identified Tatulyan and checked the legality of his presence in Karlovy Vary, and then released him for lack of claims against him. How it is possible to carry out these measures with an Armenian diplomat without being detained by the police remains a mystery.

At the same time, Tatulyan is modestly silent about why and under what circumstances the police needed to “control his residence” on May 13 and in Karlovy Vary, and the journalist who interviewed himself was probably ashamed to ask.

As you can see, the message does not say that Tatulyan was not detained at all. About this, he added on his own behalf in an interview, playing the general meaning of the document in a light favorable to him. As in the well-known cartoon: "The elephant is bad, the help is good!"

If Robson were just an illiterate Caucasian, and not an assistant to a State Duma deputy, moreover, previously convicted, I could still believe that he does not know the difference between "arrest" and "detention." But taking into account the lawyer, who "was already in the police" the next day, this is not a free interpretation. legal concepts, but a blatant lie.

So where is the "nonsense" and "inconsistency with reality"? Did we write about the restriction of freedom and some kind of proceedings, the absence of which is "pressed" by Tatulyan? That's why he and a diplomatic passport, so that the freedom of the detainee is not limited. What complaints can there be against a diplomat? Another question: with what Armenian "diplomatic mission" was the director of the Sochi water park in the Czech Republic?

In general, like any manager of a sanatorium, Robson always has some kind of "dumb" passport ready. So, according to the NCB of Interpol, in December 2004 Tatulyan, who had previously bore the name Karakeyan, was arrested at the Los Angeles international airport with a stolen passport of a Slovenian citizen.

Also, Tatulyan does not miss an opportunity to "trump" another with his "crust", especially when they poke him in the nose with his belonging to a crime, as if the assistant to a State Duma deputy is a priori holier than the Pope. Could have been more modest.

And so everyone knows that because of such a "assistant" fellow parliamentarians look at the three-time Olympic champion, albeit from the bottom up, but very askance. The members of the United Russia Duma faction are hardly delighted with the fact that the name of one of its members is increasingly associated not with great sports victories, but with “Robson” and the “May Day” organized criminal group.

Especially for Ruben Tatulyan, who is not embarrassed to publish his lawsuits against other publications, I would like to remind that Prime Crime news agency has been an officially registered media outlet in Russia since 2006. Despite his indignation, in fact, nothing prevents Tatulyan from suing us - we draw information from competent sources and are ready to answer for every written word, and he himself has provided a reason for a response.

Why would a "large employer", whose legality of the origin of the initial capital have yet to be established, suddenly "feel sorry that journalists work for money"? Is the worker unworthy of his food, or is the work of a journalist less important than anyone else? To tell the truth, if there are journalists in the world who do not work for money, it is mainly with us. Regarding the "commercial component" that Tatulyan speaks about, I officially declare: for eleven years, "Prime Crime" has not written a single ordered article and has not received a penny of royalties from third parties. If someone refutes my words, I am ready to step down.

As for the interest in Tatulyan, Ruben Albertovich, of course, is disingenuous, saying that he “knows little” which of his incarnations he owes the attention of “Prime Crime”. A philanthropist, diplomat, investor, deputy assistant, president of the federation ... “I am who I am,” says Robson. “What's the big deal,” said the rabbi, “who is not who he is”? The bottom line is that knowing full well who he is, Robson hides his true face under the masks of those who he is not or is in the last place. Neither the commercial, nor the sports, nor the diplomatic "component" of Tatulyan, especially, his nationality has nothing to do with it. Everyone who is related to the world of thieves and is sitting with thieves at the same table interests us to the same extent, regardless of what "lyan" ends with his surname.

Sincerely yours,
Victoria GEFTER

2) Viktor Ryzhenkov (Petrovich), 3) Ruben Tatulyan (Robson), 5) Aslan Usoyan (Ded Khasan), 6) Huseyn Huseynov (Kolya Huseyn), Sochi

  • March 24th, 2015, 07:50 pm

As it became known to the Prime Crime news agency, a large-scale police operation was carried out in Crimea last weekend, as a result of which three thieves in law ended up behind bars at once. Two titled people risk staying there for a long time, and the third will be escorted out of Russia upon the expiration of the administrative arrest.

According to our information, the first to whom the operatives came to was a Crimean old-timer, 53-year-old thief "in law" Kamo Safaryan, who settled in Yalta long before the return of Crimea to Russia. A search was conducted at his place of residence, which brought disappointing results for him in the form of two pistols. A similar find, namely a submachine gun, was made at the 40-year-old crowned Chechen Gilani Aliyev, known as Gilani Sedoy, against whom a criminal case was previously opened for possession of an especially large dose of amphetamine. As for 41-year-old Kakhaber Oragvelidze, better known as Kakha Tbilissky, who was also raided, but unarmed, he was arrested for petty hooliganism for 10 days.

Contrary to the previously reported information about the suspension of thieves' powers, Gilani, Kamo, and especially Kakha, still perceive him as a thief, until, allegedly, the issue is finally closed during his personal meeting with the mass of thieves who made that decision. What, you can't say, for example, about Vlad Sharap, (with whom, by the way, the same Gilani had friction in the prison of Verkhneuralsk), a corresponding run over him in prison recently took place after the names of Tsirkach, Caesar, Zhora, Zabava and Tolik.

  • August 31st, 2013, 11:22 am

Follow the updates of the Prime Crime news agency's photo archive on Instagram / primecrime

  • July 20th, 2013, 10:32 am

  • July 16th, 2013, 09:21 pm

  • July 16th, 2013, 09:15 pm

Unexpected evidence appeared in the case of the murder of crime boss Aslan Usoyan, better known as Ded Khasan. NTV.Ru: news, video, programs of the NTV channel

  • September 14th, 2009, 07:09 pm

  • March 11th, 2008, 12:56 pm

As became known IA "Prime Crime", February 18, 2008 Judge Presnensky district court Moscow, Alexander Shipikov considered the case of 48-year-old "thief in law" Ziyautdin Abdulkhalikov, nicknamed Zyava, who was accused of illegal storage drugs.

During judicial trial the defendant was found guilty of committing a crime under Part 2 of Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 5 years 6 months with serving in a colony general regime and payment of a fine in the amount of 50 thousand rubles. The verdict of the Presnensky court has not yet entered into legal force since Abdulkhalikov's lawyers appealed against him in accordance with the procedure established by law.

As already reported " Prime Prime"Dagestan" thief in law "Ziyautdin Abdulkhalikov was detained at a" thieves' "meeting in one of the capital's restaurants on August 11 last year by officers of the Organized Crime Control Department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow. Prime Crime "reported in the press service of the Organized Crime Control Department of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow Region.

In the metropolitan area, Jejja has already been involved in criminal liability for a similar crime exactly three years ago. On March 11, 2005, Walter was detained on Dmitrovskoye Highway as a result of a joint operation by officers from ORB No. 2 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Organized Crime Control Department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow. More than 20 g of marijuana was found and seized from the thief in law who was in a state of drug intoxication. A recognizance not to leave was chosen as a preventive measure against Dzhedzhey, and soon he received 9 months of suspended sentence.

A native of the Ilori village of the Ochamchira region of Abkhazia, Valiko Dzhedzheya is a "thief in law" of the older generation, however, like most Caucasian authorities, along with traditional criminals, he does not hesitate to engage in commerce. It is known, for example, that Walter was in charge of a number of criminal gangs involved in theft from cars at gas stations. However, this is far from the main source of income for the criminal general, who, according to operational data, owns a number of restaurant and gambling businesses registered with close relatives.

Since the mid-90s, Jedzheya has firmly established itself in the Pacific Rim region. Thanks to his authority and extensive connections in the underworld, he organized a well-functioning drug supply channel on Sakhalin. In spite of the owner of everything Of the Far East, "thief in law" Evgeny Vasin, nicknamed Jem, Walter was in close contact with the Sakhalin authorities Alexander Aksenov, nicknamed Aksen and Vasily Naumov, nicknamed Yakut.

After the unsuccessful attempt on Jem's life in 1999, Yakut, who organized it, was outlawed at a thieves' meeting. Despite this, Walter continued to maintain friendly and business relationship, about which Vasin soon became aware. Unworthy, according to Jem, Walter's behavior was the reason for convening an extraordinary meeting, where the question of depriving him of his "thief" status was raised. In the face of his colleagues, Jedzheya managed to defend his crown, but lost the respect of a number of "thieves". In fact, the “young wolves” Tengiz Korsagia, nicknamed Tengo and Mamuka Apakia-Zherzdev, nicknamed Mamuka, remain the “thieves in law” closest to Dzhedzhei to this day. In 2002, fearing further development conflict, Walter leaves Sakhalin in the care of his successor, "thief in law" Chiro Shonia, and finally moves to Moscow.

Regarding the recent detention of Dzheglov, a law enforcement source said that, despite the fact that in the previous case, Walter managed to avoid real punishment, this time the Moscow region operatives, in the words of the unforgettable Zheglov, "will try to get him a pick in his hands or a saw, healed he, in their opinion, is in the city ... "

Thief in law Gela Kardava

The criminal world is replete with stories about how people from the very bottom of society won the respect of the criminal community, and not always by force and bloody showdowns, but sometimes, on the contrary, by balanced decisions and the ability to fairly resolve conflicts. However, there are also cases when the achieved authority, expressed in the title of "thief in law", is lost - and it is much more difficult to return it than any "secular" position. Gela Kardava (or Gela Galsky, as he is called in criminal circles) had to face this.

Georgian, by his ethnic origin, Gela Raminovich Kardava was born in a small locality Nabakevi; the Inguri river flowing there delimits Georgia and Abkhazia, and the village, where the future crime boss comes from, is on the Abkhaz side. However, in 1974 (under the Union), when Kardava was born, it did not have of particular importance- and in 1991, when the “Indestructible” was divided into separate states, young and who had not graduated from anything except school, Gela had already left for the Russian Federation.

Russia then seemed to young Caucasians as a place where you can easily rip off big money and go unpunished. To a certain extent, this was the case: there was a redistribution of property and spheres of influence, a whole galaxy of new influential persons of the thieves' world quickly appeared, and the reformed law enforcement agencies were not always interested in zealously fighting some illegal cases ...

Thieves in law: bottom left: Bashir Nalgiev (Blind), Gia Dangadze (Ferzula), Gela Kardava, Roman Barbakadze (Belt); top left: Irakli Pipia (Ika Sukhumsky) and Mamuka Kvizhinadze (Mamuka Kutaissky), 1999, Sochi (photo: Prime Crime)

A recent schoolboy Gela Kardava, instead of working, rushed into crime. Robbery and robbery became for him the case that he was engaged in for several years - without a single case of being brought to justice before the law. And in 1996 his "coronation" took place in Moscow - the title of "thief in law" to Kardava was given to him by his namesake and compatriot, Vakhtang Kardava from Sukhumi. By the way, in 2008 another Kardava, Gizo, who is Gela's younger brother, received a similar title.

Deprivation of the title of thieves

Actually, many further incidents in the life of Gela Kardava are connected with the title of "lawyer". In 2013, the first accusation of Gela Galsky was that he, using his status, with his associates "crowns" new thieves in law, but not in justice, but for financial reward... Indeed, there is information that at foreign meetings, Kardava and some other persons carried out "coronations" - only there are no certain facts about the commercial component of these distributions of titles. In addition, Kardava “uncrowned” Badri Kutaissky, the thief in law, who nevertheless managed to later return his “crown” - but for Gela, this story of “decrowning” played a very negative role.

Thieves in law: Vladimir Tyurin (Tyurik), Aslan Usoyan (Ded Khasan), crime boss Gafur Rakhimov, thief in law Gia Dangadze (Ferzula), Vakhtang Kardava (Vakho), Alik Minalyan (Alik Sochinsky), Artem Demurov (Artyusha)

The fact is that Gela Galsky has been a member of Ded Khasan's group for many years in a row. If in the post-Soviet criminal world there were some, relatively speaking, "royal throne" - it would probably be occupied by this very person: the most influential person among the thieves' community. But Ded Hasan was killed - and a showdown began between clans and groups: many tried to denigrate competitors. So, in the same 2013, in Istanbul (where Kardava was in the status of a deported), a beating took place right in a hotel restaurant - people from another Georgian criminal group filed claims against Gela Galsky and his associates. Kardava was indeed beaten, and he only escaped by fleeing, which is considered very shameful among thieves.

On the left, thieves in law: Alexander Kushnerov (Sasha Kushner), Vladimir Zhurakovsky (Vova Pukhly) and Gela Kardava

As a result, in 2015, Shakro Molodoy (a highly respected person among the criminals) and several other old thieves in law deprived Gela Galsky of the status of a thief in law. Gela himself did not want to admit this - and all subsequent years he was actively engaged in finding associates from among the "thieves in law" who would restore him to his status. Perhaps Gia Kutaissky, an authoritative person, whom Kardava financially helped in a difficult period of his biography, would have put in a word for him. But this did not happen, because the removal of the title from Gela Galsky was considered valid and irrevocable. In addition, the thieves began to look askance at Kardava due to the fact that he was in contact with Vadik Krasnodarsky, a man suspected of spending money from the common fund (this is a serious accusation, the shadow of which can automatically fall on all the embezzlers of the embezzler).

Subsequently, several people from the "crowned" Gela, under the threat of loss of authority and forced "decoroning", themselves renounced their titles.

Gela Kardava's first conviction

In parallel with defending the title of thieves, Gela Kardava was forced to solve his problems with law enforcement several countries. Moreover, these problems were connected not with thieves' activities, but with forging documents and attempts to travel with fake passports.

On the left, thieves in law: Andrei Kazakov (Chile), Gizo Kardava, Georgy Zarandia (Gia Galsky) and Gela Kardava

In 2013, he was deported from the Russian Federation - by a court decision to Moscow, where he was detained for the first time with forged documents. The period during which Kardava was not supposed to attend The Russian Federation, expired only in 2018, but de facto Gela Kardava was seen in Russian cities. Whether he entered with other forged passports or settled the entry issues in some other way is unknown.

Kardava spent quite a lot of time in Turkey, where he conducted the "coronation" ceremonies. And 2017 was marked for him with a new case, again about a fake passport (in the name of Oleg Golomba from Simferopol), but now in Ukraine. The court sentenced Gela Kardava to a ban on entry to Ukraine for 5 years and deported everything to the same Turkey.

On the left, thieves in law: Andrey Kazakov (Chile), David Gazzaev (Dato Osetin) and Gela Kardava

But this story is not at all trivial - a whole special unit of the KORD “hunted” the Georgian and, in the end, Gela was detained, after which the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine himself made a loud statement about him. Allegedly, the criminal authority was in Ukraine, cooperating with the special services of the Russian Federation as a secret agent, and this is a very serious statement against the background of the political conflict between these two countries (of course, Kardava did not confirm this). But most of all, the imagination is struck by the detail that as many as 42 kilograms of gold and 4 million 800 thousand dollars in cash were found at the detainee in Kardava's restaurant!

And so, in 2018, a new drama unfolded with “fake” documents: this time in Belarus. Kardava was detained with forged documents when trying to cross the border - at the Minsk airport, with tickets for a plane leaving for Turkey. And this time, it seems, he will no longer be able to avoid jail - the Minsk court sentenced Gela Galsky to 3 years in prison, and even the petition in this case was rejected.

The killers also attempted to kill Oleg Shishkanov (Shishkan), one of the main authorities in the Moscow region. He became famous for his diplomatic ability and ability to solve the most difficult issues, deftly manipulating the interests of enemies and allies. Sly and cautious, Shishkan did not intervene in the thieves' war of the 2000s, and later completely disappeared from sight. However, recently they started talking about him as the new leader of the criminal Russia ...

Term for someone else's sins

The biography of Oleg Shishkanov, who was born on July 19, 1964 in Ramenskoye near Moscow, was unremarkable until his adulthood: an ordinary family, no particular academic success, after graduating from school he was preparing to serve in the army. But these plans were thwarted by two events. Firstly, in his free time, Shishkanov met with representatives of the local criminals: their "lessons" to the young man were much more interesting than school subjects. One of his teachers was Stanislav Tskhvitaria (Khurtsilava): although he was not a thief in law, he was well versed in all the intricacies of the thieves' case and the "professional" code of lawyers.

And in 1982, the second fateful event for Shishkanov took place, which made the residents of Ramenskoye shudder: a local resident was brutally raped and killed. the name of Oleg Shishkanov became known when he was tied in the company of two suspects in this crime - hardened repeat offenders. After the details were made public, it turned out that the crime was simply off scale in terms of the level of cruelty: after the abuse and reprisal of the victim, the criminals, hoping to cover their tracks, burned her body.

The 18-year-old Shishkanov had an unblemished reputation, and two other suspects had already made several trips under various articles of the RSFSR Criminal Code. Therefore, they were threatened with extremely harsh terms, not excluding the capital punishment - death penalty... But the repeat offenders got out of the water: Shishkanov took all the blame for what they had done. On court hearings he shattered the entire line of accusation, claiming that he acted alone. Taking into account the previously "clean" of crimes biography of the defendant, the court sentenced him to ten years in prison. This term became the first and only one for the future thief in law.

Fate threw Shishkanov in different colonies. The first refuge of the convict was Dubravlag, a correctional labor colony (ITK) No. 1, located in the Mordovian village of Yavas. Shishkanov did not have any problems behind bars because of a specific article: those whom he successfully fenced off before justice raised their prison connections and provided the benefactor with authoritative patrons. Inveterate prisoners immediately tested the strength of the recruit, appointing him to look after the colony. The Shishkanov test was successful. There, he made acquaintance with his fellow countryman, the Ramensky authority named Zhigun.

During his stay in the famous "Vladimir Central" Shishkan met and became friends with the convicted thief in law (Shakro Molodoy) - the future leader of the Russian underworld. Later, influential patrons were found at Shishkan and in the T-4 prison in the city of Chistopol in the Republic of Tatarstan, where he was transferred in 1986. The severity of the charge did not imply parole, but Shishkanov did not really strive for freedom: he liked to comprehend the basics of thieves' life and follow its code, for example, rebelling against the demands of the jailers. For this, the obstinate prisoner repeatedly suffered from the leadership of the colonies, but at the same time his authority in the prison environment grew. Shishkanov was released on November 25, 1991 and went straight from prison to his hometown of Ramenskoye.

Up a criminal career

In the capital region, Shishkanov was already expected by thieves in law, who had heard about his feat in relation to accomplices, and about the unyielding character shown during the prison ten years. Here Zhigun tried, who was released earlier than his friend and thoroughly prepared the ground for his arrival at home. Two authorities were especially impressed with the prowess of Shishkan - Makharbek Kargaev (Ruslan) and Valery Dlugach (Globus). They became the "godfathers" of Shishkan, who received the nickname Shishkan Ramensky. His initiation into thieves in law took place in early 1992 at the Izmailovskaya hotel in Moscow. They say that he gave the go-ahead for this - one of the most influential thieves in the law of the entire post-Soviet space.

Yaponchik appreciated not only the actions of Shishkan, but also his Slavic origin: the criminal patriarch wanted a balance between the Caucasian and Slavic thieves' clans, for which the latter needed a good replenishment. Yaponchik made the right decision: Shishkan quickly gained authority among criminals, both outside and behind bars. The thief in law was helped in this by his non-conflict nature and diplomatic abilities - he did not enter into quarrels, trying to solve any problems peacefully.

However, before receiving the title of thieves, Shishkan still had to spoil relations with some of the representatives of the organized criminal group (OCG), who were categorically against his coronation and threatened him with a complete boycott. Someone Vitaly Chertov (Damn) was especially active - according to some sources, one of those who, thanks to Shishkanov, escaped punishment for murder and rape. But Shishkanov did not succumb to his provocations and nevertheless became a thief. And the devil disappeared without a trace after that.

It is worth noting that Shishkan belonged to a new formation of the thieves' world. In the courtyard were the dashing 90s - the era of merchants and revelry of organized crime groups, and the authority advocated the symbiosis of thieves' traditions with the realities of the time. Therefore, shortly after receiving the title, Shishkan became the curator, first of the Lyubertsy bandits, and then of the Ramensky organized criminal group - a small but ambitious and cruel group.

Before Shishkan's intervention, Lyubertsy and Ramen's brothers were in conflict with each other: each side tried to grab more of the disputed territory and establish control over commercial enterprises and market points. However, the new curator managed to unite the opponents. At the same time, the members of each organized criminal group received their functions. The Ramensk gangsters were nominally subordinate to the Lyubertsy, all the power support fell on their shoulders, beating out money from intractable businessmen and a showdown with other organized crime groups who dared to encroach on their common territory with the Lyubertsy group.

Storm in the area

At first, the tandem acted super efficiently, which could not but rejoice the representatives of the thieves' world. Significant sums "earned" by Shishkan's wards were regularly transferred to the common fund. The thief established control over a number of firms and enterprises near Moscow and took one of the Russian football clubs under his wing. However, the fragile balance, as it turned out, lasted only a couple of years, until one of the Lyubertsy - Vyacheslav Shestakov (Plum) - received the title of thieves.

After that, Sliva began to claim the leadership of the Lyubertsy organized criminal group and refused to obey Shishkan. Khurtsilava fell victim to a thieves' conflict in October 1994: Shishkan did not forget him after his release from prison and made him one of his closest assistants. The killers ambushed the authority during a business visit to the village of Malakhovka and shot him point-blank, leaving him barely alive in a vacant lot. The ambulance doctors tried to save Khurtsilava's life, but to no avail: he died on the way to the hospital.

In 1996, a new conflict broke out between the Ramenskaya and Lyubertsy organized crime groups, which fueled Shishkan's protege, an authority from Solntsevo named Chava. He was the head of the Lyubertsy lads, but they perceived him as a stranger: Chava was not a native of their area. Then the newly-minted leader eliminated two particularly zealous opponents among the "Lyuber". After such an attack by Chavy, the Lyubertsy people did not want to know Shishkan himself, who was partially responsible for what had happened. Probably, it was this conflict that in the end almost cost Shishkan his life: in the fall of 1999, an attempt was made on his life.

Boss bomb

One of the October days, Shishkan arrived in his Mercedes-500 at the dispensary located on the territory. Not far from the parking lot, a killer was already waiting for him, whose role for the first and last time was tried on by the 48-year-old engineer-physicist Vitaly Fadeev. The once promising scientist, whose career at a defense enterprise was ruined by the "killing" science of the 90s, decided to take part in criminal showdown after once again losing his job.

His task was simple: to make and plant an explosive device under the bottom of Shishkan's car. And if Fadeev successfully coped with the first task, the second part of the task ended in death for him: trying to remain unnoticed, the would-be liquidator hurried to attach the bomb, and it exploded right in his hands. Upon learning of what had happened, Shishkan chose not to wait for the arrival of the guards and fled.

But this was not the end of his troubles: after a while, unknown persons set fire to his mansion in the village of Pervomaika, Ramensky District, Moscow Region. It is unclear whether the attackers hoped that the authority itself would die in the fire, or the arson was just an act of intimidation: in any case, no one was hurt - on the fateful day the house was empty. By the way, a few months before the fire, a search was carried out in Shishkan's house, which was initiated by detectives investigating the crimes of members of the Ramenskoy organized criminal group.

True, Shishkan was not at home at that time - he left for Spain on time, where he resolved issues related to financial transactions together with Shakro Molodoy, who lives there. But the absence of the owner did not affect the result of the "operation" in any way - the operatives' catch was decent: in one of the rooms they found a warehouse of weapons and ammunition; the other contained a box with the words "Bank of Brooklyn" inside, inside of which were cash - $ 1.2 million and three million rubles. It was part of the thieves' common fund, which was entrusted to keep Shishkan. However, nothing is known about the consequences of these findings for the crime boss.

Photo: Dmitry Korotaev / Kommersant


Meanwhile, the thieves' world did not always have such confidence in Shishkan. Several years before the search, he almost fell into disgrace among thieves because of the authority of Vyacheslav Chuvarzin (Slava Zeleny), a native of Orekhov-Zuev, a Moscow region. Zeleny received the title of thieves with the participation of Shishkan and Shakro in 1995, when he was barely 23 years old. It soon became clear that Zeleny was crowned in vain: he went too far and began to conflict with seasoned authorities, which cast a shadow on Shishkan, who was responsible for the coronation.

It is not known how things would have ended for the "godfather" if it had not been for the attack on Zeleny in 1997. On June 23, the killers lay in wait for the young thief when he and his wife got into their "nine", parked on Kuzmin Street in Pavlovsky Posad. The liquidators opened heavy fire on the Zhiguli, Zeleny died on the spot, and his wife was hospitalized with multiple wounds. After that, the thieves 'world abandoned its claims to Shishkan, and at the end of the year he took part in a scandalous thieves' meeting, which took place in one of the bars in Moscow.

On the agenda was the question of the unworthy behavior of the thief in law Pyotr Gylka (Miku), who allegedly concealed money that was supposed to go to the thieves' common fund. However, the trial ended before it could begin: while Miku was trying to justify himself before the authorities, Lasha Shushanashvili (Rustavsky) approached him and slapped him in the face, which in the thieves' world is equivalent to deprivation of the title. Miku was not going to put up with this and rushed into a fight. It is curious that most of the participants in the gathering (including Shishkan) supported him: everyone rushed with their fists at Rustavsky. The meeting was disrupted.

By the way, the second authority, crowned by Shishkan, turned out to be much more successful than the Glory of the Green. Alexey Zabavin (Zabava), a native of the city of Elektrougli, Noginsky District, Moscow Region, received the title of thieves at the age of 33, and, like Shishkan, was known as a good diplomat. Such a strategy bore fruit: Zabava easily established control over his native Elektrougly, neighboring Noginsk, and after Zeleny's death extended his influence to Orekhovo-Zuevo.

After the unsuccessful coronation of Zeleny and a scuffle at a gathering in Moscow, Shishkan began to adhere to the maximum neutrality in terms of showdowns in the thieves' world. He stayed away from the war between the clans and. Even the fact that his patron Yaponchik sided with Hasan did not change Shishkan's decision. All parties to the conflict were unhappy with this: Yaponchik, who was counting on help, and the Taro clan, who considered Shishkan's position too cunning. Even Zabava, crowned by him, did not stand aside and supported Hasan.

Very dark deeds

Once again, Shishkan was in the center of attention of police officers in connection with loud history the disappearance of the deputy of the Ramenskoye District Council and the director of the Ramenskoye breeding farm, a 52-year-old woman who disappeared with her family on February 21, 2012. On the morning of the fateful day, her driver arrived at Sidorova's house in the village of Malakhovo, as usual. He waited for the deputy for about an hour, vainly calling her on mobile phone, after which he entered the house, the doors of which were open.

Frame: Ramenskoe television

What the driver saw inside threw him into shock: judging by the scattered things, they were obviously looking for something in the house, and the whole floor was covered in bloody tracks: it looked like they were dragging bodies. At the same time, neither Tatyana herself, nor her household members - her 73-year-old husband, 29-year-old son and 65-year-old sister - were nowhere to be found. All the cars that belonged to the deputy and her relatives were in place.

The search for the missing yielded nothing. According to one version, the official staged her abduction - business with recent times went very badly (the amount of loans raised by the director of the breeding plant was prohibitive - 300 million euros), and the local residents had a lot of complaints against the deputy. At the same time, the investigators did not rule out contract killing. The first suspect in him was Shishkan, Sidorova's business partner: according to some reports, shortly before the disappearance of the deputy, their relationship deteriorated greatly.

Detective fiasco

However, the detectives did not have evidence of Shishkan's guilt, which did not prevent them from raiding the authority’s property on Furmanov Street in Ramenskoye. The operation did not work out from the very beginning: the guards missed the plots and broke into the neighboring house where Shishkanov's daughter lived. For some reason, the operatives did not understand this and, of course, did not find anything suspicious. The case stalled for three years until new circumstances were revealed.

In 2015, employees of the enterprise, which was previously managed by Sidorova, suddenly remembered that on the eve of the disappearance, Shishkan's man had come to the director. They had an unpleasant conversation that almost turned into a scandal. The inhabitants of Malakhovo also revived: they suddenly informed the guards that they had seen Shishkan on the evening of February 20, 2012, near the mansion of Sidorova. After that, the detectives immediately examined the local cemetery for illegal burials and even dismantled the stone oven of the church next to the house of the disappeared Sidorova, suggesting that the bodies could have been burned there. Everything turned out to be ineffectual, but they decided to detain Shishkan.

This time they did not miss the address, and although, according to operational data, the authority was supposed to be at home, the SOBR fighters did not find him. Soon Shishkan was announced in federal wanted list... However, he did not hide, but simply changed his passport data and lay low. This was enough for the search to end in nothing. However, direct evidence proving Shishkan's involvement in the disappearance of the Sidorova family was still not found.

The new "king"?

Recently, the name of Shishkan again spread throughout the media. August 19, that a large meeting of thieves in law took place in Moscow, at which the main thief of Russia was elected. The event was allegedly organized by the authority (Mikhail Luzhnetsky) and took place in one of the elite restaurants under his control on the territory of Luzhniki. It was attended by more than a dozen of the most influential mafiosi, and Shishkan was elected the new thief in law number one. This place was vacated after Shakro Molodoy sat down for almost ten years for extortion.

Meanwhile, the credibility of the version of the new status of Shishkan raises serious doubts, about which "" is detailed in a separate article.

Shishkan is a very famous, influential and self-sufficient figure, but since 1999 he has not taken part in civil strife and has not shown himself in this field at all, ”explains Victoria Gefter, editor of the Prime Crime portal. - Around 2014, he literally floated out of oblivion, breaking his usual neutrality, and began to support Eduard Asatryan (Edik Osetrina). Evil tongues associate this with his [Shishkana] shaken material well-being. Of course, if he wants, he will have a chance to fight, but no one will just give him power. Also, there can be no question of any continuity with Shakro. These are people from different worlds.

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