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How to write a commercial proposal? Technical and commercial proposal. Automation Technical and commercial proposal for work

  1. 1. Proposal date: 01/29/20__ NAME OF SYSTEM / PROJECT NAME OF CUSTOMER Proposal for project implementation *This proposal is valid for 3 months from the specified date Confidential document<Наименование организации-исполнителя>. Any information presented in this document and related to the cooperation of the parties, economic and commercial activities or technical capabilities <Наименование организации-исполнителя>, as well as products, services, factual and analytical data, conclusions and materials, except for information that, in accordance with current legislation and other legal acts Russian Federation cannot be classified as confidential information and is confidential. Copying and distribution of information without written permission is not permitted.<Наименование организации-исполнителя>.
  2. 2. Proposal for the implementation of the project Name of the system/project for Name of the Customer ANNOTATION This document provides a description of the proposal for the development/implementation and/or implementation of the system Name of the system/project prepared by the company “***” for Name of the Customer. The document contains a brief overview of the general architecture and functionality of the system, a list of hardware used, ready-made software solutions and development technologies, a preliminary estimate of the cost of the project based on the planned time spent, and an indicative work schedule. Developer: Full name Version: XX.XX Date: History of changes Version Date Who made the changes Comment XX.XX Full name Brief description changes Confidential Page 2 of 11
  4. 4. Proposal for project implementation Name of the system/project for Name of the Customer SUMMARY FOR MANAGERS The purpose of this section is to give a brief, 1-2 page overview of the document, including: 1) History of the relationship with the Customer (to the extent that there is experience in working together /contacts is seen as a competitive advantage). 2) The duration of the project broken down by main stages; the stages must be tied to calendar dates. 3) The total cost of the project by stages, indicating separately the estimated cost of the hardware. Example text: This project proposal has been prepared based on an analysis of the results of meetings and interviews conducted by leading specialists and analysts of the company "<НАИМЕНОВАНИЕ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ-ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЯ>» with senior and middle managers, technical specialists, heads of marketing and sales departments of the company Name of the Customer. The document reflects the company's general understanding<НАИМЕНОВАНИЕ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ-ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЯ>goals, objectives and desired results of system development. Experience gained<НАИМЕНОВАНИЕ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ- ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЯ>in the field of development of such systems, high level technical specialists and proven project management techniques provide a reliable foundation that best meets all the requirements for participation in the project. The essence of the project is to show the Customer that<НАИМЕНОВАНИЕ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ- ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЯ>understands the project well. The section should include: o an overview of the Customer’s business goals and objectives, its positioning in the market; ο an overview of the problems facing the Customer - those in which they need our help in solving (the more dramatic, the better); ο proposed solution - how<НАИМЕНОВАНИЕ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ- ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЯ>can solve their problems. Why<НАИМЕНОВАНИЕ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ-ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЯ>is the most suitable partner for the Customer: o a brief summary of information about<НАИМЕНОВАНИЕ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ- ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЯ>e; o experience in solving similar(!) problems; ο the advantages of our process of development and project management - The customer has the opportunity to control the process at any stage. Brief overview of the document: o what aspects of the proposed solution are presented in the document; Confidential Page 4 out of 11
  5. 5. Proposal for project implementation Name of the system/project for Name of the Customer ο if not a complete solution is presented, further plans to solve the Customer’s problems, future projects, etc. Conclusions Important! This section is intended for the Customer's top managers - who, at best, have time to review this section, as well as the project cost section. Accordingly, this section should cover all the main points of the project and not require the reader to have a deep understanding of the technical details. Duration of the project Planned start date of the project: “__” _______ 20__ The following table in brackets shows the name of the stage in accordance with GOST 34.601-90. The choice is at the discretion of the project manager. * Starting from the start of the project. Total cost of the project Expense item Cost, $ Cost of development and implementation Cost of software, hardware and licenses Total: Confidential Page. 5 of 11 Stage Number of working days* Number of calendar days* Dates Formation of requirements Development project documentation(Technical specifications) System layout (Technical design) Alpha release (Detailed documentation) Commissioning
  6. 6. Proposal for project implementation Name of system/project for Name of Customer 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1. Statement of the problem<Дается краткое описание бизнеса Заказчика. Выделяются бизнес-требования либо самого Заказчика, либо соответствующего сегмента рынка. Формулировка проблем, требующих разрешения>1.2. Purpose and goals of creating the system<Дается краткое описание предлагаемого решения в целом и указывается, каким образом разрешаются перечисленные выше проблемы. >1.3. Project goals<Указываются конкретные сведения о проекте, рассматриваемые в настоящем документе: этапы создания, временные ограничения, направления разработки, состав разрабатываемых компонент и т.п. >Confidential Page 6 out of 11
  7. 7. Proposal for the implementation of the project Name of the system/project for Name of the Customer 2 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED SOLUTION 2.1. Decisions on the structure and composition of the system 2.2. Decisions on system functions 2.3. Solutions for hardware and software types 2.4. Solutions for scalability, performance and other non-functional characteristics of the system Confidential Page. 7 out of 11
  8. 8. Proposal for project implementation Name of system/project for Name of Customer 3 PROPOSAL FOR COST AND RESOURCES 3.1. Project cost 3.1.1. Cost of work In this section you can use a project plan developed in MS Project. Attention! Columns Quantity and Price should only be indicated for time-based projects. For other projects, indicate only the total cost of work. No. Description Type Per territorial of the customer (yes/no) Number of people*days Price $/person*days Cost, $ 1 Project management no 2 Analysis of the Customer’s business requirements no 3 Clarification of the Customer’s business requirements no 4 Development of technical requirements no 5 Design 5.1 Development no design solutions 5.2 Development of design documentation no 6 Bench deployment and testing 6.1 Bench deployment no 6.2 Testing no 6.3 Error correction no 7 Industrial deployment 7.1 On-site deployment yes 7.2 PIM testing no 8 Development working documentation 8.1 Document title no 8.2 no 8.3 no 8.4 no 9 Technical support no Amount Discount Total: Confidential Page. 8 out of 11
  9. 9. Proposal for project implementation Name of system/project for Name of Customer 3.1.2. Cost of software and hardware No. Product name Product code Quantity Price, $ Cost, $ Cost with VAT, $ Delivery time (if known) 1 Software 1.1 1.2 2 Hardware 2.1 3 Licenses Total: 3.2. Planned resources Fill in the Cost column only for time-based projects; for other projects, indicate only the amount of required resources. Resource Quantity Cost, $ person/day System architect System engineer Engineer for specialized products Project manager Project administrator Confidential Page. 9 out of 11
  10. 10. Proposal for project implementation Name of system/project for Name of Customer 4 PROJECT RISK ANALYSIS 4.1. General risks No. Description Priority (High/Medium/Low) Relationship Impact Actions to reduce risk Р1.1 4.2. Project-Specific Risks No. Description Priority (High/Medium/Low) Relationship Impact Risk Mitigation Actions P2.1 Confidential Page 10 out of 11
  11. 11. Proposal for project implementation Name of the system/project for Name of the Customer LIST OF CONVENTIONS, ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS AS - automated system Confidential Page. 11 of 11
  • How commercial offer differs from technical-commercial.
  • What structure of the technical and commercial proposal should be followed.
  • How not to draw up a technical and commercial proposal.
  • What techniques enhance the effect of the document.
  • How to distribute a technical-commercial document.

Ability to correctly compose technical and commercial proposal- the most important skill for head companies. The likelihood of successfully concluding a transaction with suppliers and clients depends on how correctly the document in question is formed. We tell you how to create an impeccable technical and commercial proposal.

Definition of technical and commercial proposal

A technical and commercial proposal is a sought-after tool for interacting with current and potential partners or clients. This is a document in which the author describes the product or service being offered and shows the recipient the possibilities and benefits of purchasing the product. A characteristic feature is a description of the functionality, characteristics, and cost of the offered product.

Differences between commercial and technical and commercial proposals

The technical and commercial proposal is a subtype of the standard commercial offer. There are differences between them, which is why the technical and commercial proposal (TCP) was separated into a separate subcategory.

One of the main differences between technical and commercial proposals and commercial ones is that they are not “cold”. TCP is sent to a specific customer only after preliminary negotiations and defining the problem to be solved. Basic distribution of such documents will not give any result, since it is almost impossible to guess in advance what decision the recipient needs.

Types of commercial offer

Commercial offers that companies send to partners in order to persuade them to cooperate can be divided into 2 categories:

  • Basic CP. A standard version of a document that is used for mass mailing to potential partners. A standard form is used so that the readers’ attention is instantly drawn to the content of the sentence. Pros: large audience coverage, saving time on creating a proposal. Cons: no individuality, insufficient conversion.
  • Individual CP. These are personal documents that are generated for a specific partner. Such offers are sent to persons who are waiting for a document. For example, after a cold call. Individual technical and commercial proposals are drawn up as specifically as possible, without general information, with a focus on the implementation of a specific project.

How not to draw up a technical and commercial proposal

  • Template. Despite the fact that there are samples of TCP, it is recommended to take them only as a basis. It is advisable to eliminate template phrases, clichés, remove water and leave only specific information.
  • Variegation. The technical and commercial proposal is serious documentation. You should not use a variety of logos, signs, symbols and other elements.
  • Disrespectful attitude. The addressee must be indicated as part of the document in question. An individual and respectful approach to the client/partner has great value in a business environment.
  • Self-centeredness. Do not describe your own company and advantages, but indicate the benefits for a partner or client, ways to solve their problem.

Do not ignore the little things, because their total will spoil the entire effect of the proposal. Use enhancers in the text of the document that will increase the chance that the proposal will be accepted.

8 ways to enhance the effect of a technical and commercial proposal

Partners and clients who receive a technical and commercial proposal are often predisposed to cooperate with the sender. But this does not mean that the deal will be concluded with 100% probability.

In order to be on the safe side and increase the likelihood that the proposal will be received properly, it is worth working on its content. We are talking about introducing amplifiers:

  • Results of scientific or other research. Such information enjoys authority among the vast majority of people, as it represents a guarantee of the veracity of the information.
  • Specific facts, preferably with confirmation. The effect of facts is similar to the effect of introducing research results into a technical and commercial proposal.
  • Information presented in numerical form. The same data, expressed in words and numbers, is perceived differently. Numerical information looks more convincing and visual than words.
  • Specific calculations. This is an integral part of TCH. It is desirable that detailed calculations be provided for each of the customer’s questions and tasks that need to be solved.
  • Images, diagrams and graphs. Visual perception plays important role in understanding information, especially if we're talking about about the provision of dry data, technical projects in question.
  • Tables and graphics. These are excellent tools that should be used in cases where it is necessary to visually display the growth dynamics of certain indicators mentioned in the TCP.
  • List of company clients. If well-known companies whose names are well-known in your field have already collaborated with the company, you should definitely devote some space to this information in the document.
  • Positive feedback from famous clients, if any. Such information will eliminate the doubts of the TCH recipient that your proposal can be completely trusted.

Try to use as many different amplifiers as possible, but in a way that is appropriate.

How to distribute technical and commercial proposals

Most often, the direct marketing method is used to distribute technical and commercial proposals. The document is sent by email to a potential partner. Before this, it is necessary to conduct preliminary negotiations, during which the customer’s problem is determined, on the basis of which the composition of the technical proposal, a description of the technical solution, a project estimate and much more are formed.

A less popular, but more serious method of sending a technical and commercial proposal is in paper form. Some experts strongly advise filling out the document by hand, thereby showing an individual approach to a potential partner.


A technical and commercial proposal is a popular and effective tool for interacting with partners and clients. Competent preparation of this document significantly increases the chance that the client will choose exactly your option for implementing the technical project, and the company will receive profit for implementation. That's why it's worth paying attention great attention the described rules and recommendations for the formation of TCH.

ACS for signaling, centralization, blocking of the haulage horizon - 440 meters,
Severny mine of JSC Kola MMC
First stage

(ACS SCB – 440, first stage)

Structure of the technical and commercial proposal

1. General information. 2

2. Information about the applicant. 2

3. Description of the technical solution. 3

4. Project organization. 3

5. Project implementation schedule. 3

6. Description ready-made solution. 3

7. Justification of the project cost. 3

1. General information

The document is a template in accordance with which the Applicant for participation in the auction must draw up and provide the Customer with a technical and commercial proposal.

After receiving the TCP, specialists from Kola MMC JSC will analyze the received documents. If necessary, additional requests will be sent to potential bidders to clarify any issues raised. And, perhaps, certain parts of the TCP will need to be clarified.

Venue of the auction- JSC Kola MMC, Zapolyarny.

Subject of the auction- Implementation of automated control system SCB-400 on a turnkey basis in accordance with technical specifications, including:

1. development of working documentation and obtaining a positive decision on the possibility of using working documentation in Rostechnadzor

3. installation, commissioning and launch of the System into commercial operation.

Scope and conditions of work- in accordance with technical specifications.

2. Information about the applicant



Detailed Explanation

Name of the applicant company

Manufacturer of railway control equipment. d. rollback

Availability of a certificate of compliance of the GOST R system with requirements industrial safety

Copy of the document

Availability of an SRO certificate of admission to work carried out within the framework of the project that affects the safety of capital construction projects

Copy of the document

Experience in developing design and working documentation for the implementation of automated signaling systems by the Applicant

List of projects, companies

Experience in implementing automated signaling systems using the efforts of the Applicant

List of projects, companies

Confirmation of the Applicant’s partner status in a company that produces equipment and software for organizing an automated signaling system.

Copy of the document

Confirmation that the Applicant has specialists on staff who have certificates of completion of training to obtain skills in working with equipment and software for organizing an automated signaling system

Copies of certificates

Confirmation of readiness to perform work within the scope of specifications.

Confirmation of readiness to conclude an agreement (agreements) for the implementation of the project on the Customer’s terms.

The information will be used to determine whether bidders can participate in the bidding. As part of the bidding, the list of documents may be supplemented.

3. Description of the technical solution

1. Technical description individual elements and organization of control subsystems for centralization and interlocking alarms, power supplies, system components, and equipment.

a. Signaling subsystem

b. Data transmission network from the connection point to the backbone data transmission network to the equipment installed by the Contractor as part of the project.

c. The power supply network from the points of connection to the power supply network in the horizon to the equipment installed by the Contractor as part of the project.

2. Technical documentation to system elements

3. Functional diagram organization of the signaling subsystem, physical channels, interfaces and logical data transfer protocols, servers,

4. Functional diagram of the organization of physical data transmission channels, interfaces and logical data transmission protocols, equipment for centralized system management;

5. Layout plan for signaling equipment, cable routes and data transmission equipment in an Autocad file

4. Project organization

Information about the principles and resources of project management, the organizational structure of the project, the matrix of distribution of responsibilities between the Contractor and the Customer

5. Project implementation schedule

Approximate project implementation schedule, including all stages of work

6. Description of the finished solution

Description of a ready-made technical solution for organizing an automated signaling system (if any)

7. Project cost justification

1. Estimate for the development of working documentation in accordance with the technical specifications

in thousand rubles excluding VAT


Stage name


Deadline: month


Development of working documentation, obtaining permits

Section “signaling subsystem”

section "Data Network"

RD, estimate, specifications for equipment, materials and software

section "Power supply network"

RD, estimate, specifications for equipment, materials and software

PB examination

Positive conclusion of the industrial safety certificate, inclusion of the conclusion of the industrial safety certificate in the FSETAN register of industrial safety certificates

Total for stage 1

*An estimate for the development of working and budget documentation must be submitted

2. Calculation of the cost of full implementation

2.1. Indicative specification for equipment and materials

2.1.1. Signaling subsystem (manufacturer and brand of each item, quantity)

2.1.2. Data transmission networks from the connection point to the backbone data transmission network to the equipment installed by the Contractor as part of the project (manufacturer and brand of each product item, quantity)

2.1.3. Power supply networks from the point of connection to the power supply network in the mine to the equipment installed by the Contractor as part of the project (manufacturer and brand of each product item, quantity)

2.2. Indicative specification and description of the software:

2.2.1. own developments;

2.2.2. licenses purchased from third parties (licenses for operating systems, databases, etc.);

2.3. Implementation works and services

The calculation must be presented in accordance with the table.

in thousand rubles excluding VAT


Stage name

Stage results

Deadline: month


Supply of materials and equipment, software

Section “Signaling subsystem”

Field level of the system (turnouts, traffic lights, markers, position sensors installed on controlled objects, local controllers).

Middle system level (Master controller)

Upper level of the system (workstation signaling, network equipment).

Licenses for third party software provided under a sublicense agreement


Licenses for software of the Applicant or third parties supplied under a license or sublicense agreement

Section "Data Networks"

materials, passive equipment, cables, trays, etc., Switching and data transmission cabinets

Section "Power networks"

materials, passive equipment, cables, trays, etc.

Works, services

Section “Signaling subsystem”

Installation, installation of equipment, supervision, configuration of licensed software, development of application software, commissioning.

Section “Data and power networks”

Installation of boxes, trays, cable laying and other construction and installation work

Total for stages 2 and 3

*Indicative specifications for equipment and materials must be provided in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications.

4. Estimated total cost of the system

in thousand rubles excluding VAT

An official document in letter format - a commercial proposal for cooperation - creates motivation for the addressee, motivates the audience, interests it and reveals the potential benefits of the agreement. It contains signs of public advertising - if you agree to interact, the terms of the commercial agreement remain unchanged. According to Federal Law No. 153 and No. 38, all benefits, special prices, discounts and bonuses for the client specified in the letter remain unchanged. IN otherwise, according to standards antimonopoly legislation Russian Federation the author is brought to administrative responsibility.

Business proposal template: required components

In modern sales practice, there are 2 types of letters, i.e. The commercial proposal template is at the discretion of the drafter. Personalized documents provide personal appeal to a specific addressee. Non-personalized or “cold” letters are aimed at a wide audience and are used as mailing lists.

A ready-made sample commercial proposal for the supply of goods or other services can be exported from CRM platforms and programs. The compiler should indicate the following points of the CP:

  1. "Cap". The TIN, logo and contact details of the organization are registered.
  2. Destination. A specific company or person is indicated.
  3. Document title. It is explained that the letter is a commercial offer for the supply of goods.
  4. Date and registration number KP.
  5. Number according to the internal document of the enterprise.
  6. A brief description of the goods with a number assigned to each of them.
  7. Conditions and possibilities of acquisition, delivery times.
  8. Data on the cost and amount of each offer item (indicated in Russian rubles).
  9. Photos, schematic drawings, technical specifications.
  10. Details of the company that compiled the CP - seal, signature of the responsible employee.
  11. The period of relevance of the offer and the possibility of reserve of goods.

The sample commercial proposal form must include the contact details of the account manager or head of the sales department.

How to write a commercial proposal correctly?

How to make a commercial offer correctly and interest the recipient? Sales and PR specialists note that all attention should be focused only on the client. Its problems are updated and can only be solved with the help of the company’s services.

The text of the commercial proposal should not be replete with the pronouns “we”; priority is given to the words “you” and “your”. Each part of the letter should carry a semantic emphasis:

  • title. Recipients scan the emails and, if the headline is intriguing, they move on to in-depth reading. Headings should motivate people to study the first paragraph.
  • problematic. Representatives of the copywriting industry note the importance of the expert opinion of the author of the letter and understanding of the difficulties faced by potential clients.
  • solution method. Here it is important to correctly formulate a commercial proposal - an example of a way out of the situation, comfort and benefits of interaction.
  • price range. The cost of a product or service is the primary interest of the buyer. After reviewing the price, he decides whether the budget fits the costs. The price range of services must be justified.
  • call to action. Clarity is important here - what the buyer will receive by contacting the company, and how he will achieve this. The end of the block is a slogan-call.
  • contact details. The recipient needs a choice - so they register a phone number, a group on social networks, Skype, e-mail and a website.

In the classic case, a technical and commercial proposal is drawn up in agreement with the interlocutor of the key points. The format of the letter is chosen by the addressee, the sender fills out the fields of the form.

How to write a commercial proposal: about text enhancers

How to write a commercial proposal - the sample depends on the characteristics of the client’s activities, the scale of product supplies or the need for advertising campaign. There is no single example of a document, so it is recommended to use intensifying accents:

  • facts. Such data is trusted, but it can be double-checked. They resort to reliable information.
  • information about testing, product research. Allows you to make decision making natural.
  • figures and numbers. Statistical and numerical data are specifics that clearly reflect the situation.
  • calculations of the sending company. An ideal example of a commercial proposal for the supply of goods is charts and graphs showing the client's profit.
  • photos and real images, tables, graphs demonstrating appearance product, the growth trend in demand is not for it.
  • a list of customers who liked the product. The presence of well-known brands on the list will indicate the authority and reputation of the sender in its segment.

Practicing marketers and sales copywriting specialists emphasize the use of reviews with a similar meaning or success story.

Commercial offer: sample for services

The potential target audience will tell you how to write a commercial proposal. The author of the communication defines the needs of a specific addressee so that the letter attracts attention, arouses interest, stimulates the desire to receive the product/service and stimulates the purchase.

The provider company chooses a sample commercial proposal for services. It is advisable to focus on the following:

  1. Text. It contains an appeal to a specific person, short information about the company, advantages, an attached price list and methods of contacting the sender.
  2. Corporate template. The main emphasis is the company logo and its type of activity. The reader must remember the brand and distinguish it from others.
  3. Colorful form. Accent elements are images reflecting the company’s occupation, its advantages (deferred payments, delivery time, and several free services). For example, a sample commercial proposal for construction and repair contains numbers - number of objects, staff, practical experience, number of regular customers.

The audience should also be attracted by the text of the commercial proposal, a sample of which contains catchy phrases (heading, conclusions), structure (lists, highlights). A good CP is unique, exclusive, and exists in a single version. It is concise, reflects the essence of the product, long mailings simply do not get read.

How to write a commercial proposal correctly: basic mistakes

When drawing up a commercial proposal for a sample sale of goods or services, it is important to avoid mistakes. Sales experts among them note:

  • disrespectful attitude towards the recipient. The full name must be indicated, without which the letter looks template or is regarded as spam;
  • egocentricity. The author should not talk about himself - it is enough for him to introduce himself and tell how “your” problems are solved;
  • variegation. The design is relevant for a commercial booklet; only the logo is allowed in the letter;
  • stereotyped. The finished form needs to be adapted - eliminate cliched phrases and cliché words.

To understand how to write a commercial proposal correctly, you need to make it competitive. Taken into account visual perception, benefits, audience needs. The letter should not tell, its purpose is to unobtrusively offer.

How to make a commercial offer: sample preparation stage

At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to collect as much information as possible about the potential recipient of goods or services. Correct sample commercial proposal for cooperation is focused on:

  • the basic motivation of the addressee and his needs. When developing a letter, a list of rational and emotional motives is compiled, and maximum information about the client is collected;
  • urgency of receiving services. At the communication stage, the procurement plan and its scale are established;
  • coordinator of the decision to purchase a product/service. The seller must know the hierarchy of the buying company and the factors influencing the decision of the responsible employee. Convincing those close to you of the need for the service is the main guideline of the CP;
  • segment competitors. It is difficult to get acquainted with the text of competitors' letters, but you can get access to some data. Psychologists advise using questions in which the subtext is hidden (“you need a profitable supplier”, “there will be favorable conditions for you”).

The buyer will request a commercial proposal only if it satisfies his priority and wins in comparison with the services of competitors.

Technical and commercial proposal: sample without errors

The example of how to make a commercial proposal differs depending on the company’s field of activity. Ideally, several documents are drawn up and the main stylistic and marketing errors and design flaws are analyzed.

A CP in which the total amount was placed correctly will be effective. The numbers at the beginning of the table increase the chances of studying the product, while at the end of the table they are a way of distraction.

Information is compiled according to the principle of similarity and logic, and a separate cell in the table is allocated for each unit of measurement. It is better to avoid complex graphs and diagrams - the client will not want to waste time studying them.

The cover letter for a commercial proposal must be neat: the font, paragraph indents, and alignment must be respected. The text is checked for grammatical and spelling errors.

The executor of the contract must agree on its terms with the head of the department, lawyers, accountants of the enterprise and the supervisor of the structural unit.